17|The best young son in the early 1980s (end)

Ji Changze's married life is the same as he had previously imagined.

Ji's mother worked hard to be a good mother-in-law to prove that she was not the kind of person who treated her daughter-in-law harshly.

Huifen Liu also enthusiastically pulled An Xiaolu to chat.

Of course, because of An Xiaolu's dumb problems, Liu Huifen usually said that she listened quietly, shaking her head and nodding from time to time.

Ji Changze took An Xiaolu to play everywhere every day, eating and drinking, and in the afternoon he pulled Zhang Lao San with all kinds of soulful chicken soup.

Zhang Laosan went to school, but he just mixed up in elementary school and didn't continue. Those words that I learned before are almost forgotten. Now I can only honestly continue to learn to read under the command of Ji Changze. Take notes.

Ji Changze: "Remember, we go to the demons to make money. You have to make money, and of course you have to give them a smile. So when the time comes, to the customers, you will show your flattering skills and show your attitude. point."

Zhang Laosan nodded hurriedly, carefully taking notes with his own ugly words.

Ji Changze continued: "Also, we are going to get the goods, and we should be better at other suppliers. After all, we have to get them next time. If we want to make money, we have to be grandsons, don't you know."

Zhang Laosan imagined himself as a grandson, his expression was a little unacceptably distorted; "Brother Changze, do I have to be a grandson to make money?"

Ji Changze touched his chin: "Not necessarily, some people don't need it, such as me."

Zhang Laosan's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, "Then teach me and I won't use it anymore!"

"Your kid is very clever." Ji Changze patted him on the shoulder, laughing scornfully: "That way, I will teach you."

Zhang Laosan quickly made a posture of listening respectfully.

Then I heard Ji Changze say: "The reason why I don't have to be a grandson..."

"It's because you are doing it for me."

Zhang Laosan: "..."

The two were talking, when Mother Ji opened the curtain and came out. Seeing Zhang Laosan's face was distorted and uncomfortable, she asked curiously: "Lao San, are you sick?"

"No no."

Zhang Laosan shook his head bitterly.

Brother Ji Changze put their hands on his shoulders and looked at his mother with a smile: "Mom, he's okay, I just told a joke, he may be smirking."

Zhang Laosan: "...Yes, yes."

He is now able to perfectly support his face without changing his color, output a variety of rainbow farts, and achieve the professionalism that a braverer should have in 24 hours.

"Brother Changze."

Thinking of this, Zhang Laosan carefully pulled Ji Changze's clothes, and said with a little twist: "I feel that I have almost learned it. When will we go to the magic city?"

He can't wait to use what he has learned to show off his skills.

"Is it almost done?"

Ji Changze looked at him up and down, and shook his head: "I think you still can't even reach half of me."

Zhang Laosan: "..."


He is very cheeky now.

When I went out this morning, I could still brag with my nephew and niece and wait until he made a lot of money to take them to Magic City.

Mother Ji was anxious when they said to go to the magic city.

Before getting married, Ji Changze mentioned to Ji's family that he wanted to take An Xiaolu to the doctor, but after three days of marriage, there was still nothing.

"Changze, didn't you say to take Xiaolu to the doctor? Why don't you go?"

Ji Changze is asking Laosan Zhang to exercise various voices in front of him, and when he hears his mother's words, he raises his head innocently:

"I'm not thinking about just getting married and wanting Xiaolu to stay with me and honor you for a period of time before going there? Otherwise, it's not good to take her daughter-in-law to see a doctor as soon as we get married."

When he said this, his tone was deliberately disapproving, and Ji's mother became anxious when he heard it:

"You kid, pay attention to what these empty heads are doing!"

"Your father and I are too old to lie in bed and can't move, and you have to wait on them. Of course, Xiaolu is more important."

Didn't Ji's mother think that this disease was not good enough, so who asked Ji Changze to tell her that he troubled Liu's father's nephew to see the doctor?

It was originally owed to people's family, but now that they have been agreed, they can't go away, and there is more to say.

Ji's mother was angry that her eldest son lived in Liu's family, and even the in-laws who were angry with Liu's family did not want to contact.

But it's different now.

Liu Huifen is so filial to her mother-in-law, and it's so good to Xiaolu's wife.

If she hadn't been to please her mother-in-law, how could she be so affectionate to her wife.

Of course the pleased mother Ji was happy in her heart.

He doesn't even have that big opinion on the Liu family anymore.

What's more, every time Liu Huifen and Ji Changguang came back, they brought ample gifts. Whether they were held on the face, they were also affordable, and it was convenient for her to brag and show off with others.

Mother Liu's face was lifted, and she naturally reciprocated her. Now at least every time the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get along, they seem to be as affectionate as their mother and daughter.

Naturally, she didn't know that Liu Huifen was so enthusiastic because Ji Changguang would carry gifts every time he went to the city.

In fact, she is also reciprocating.

Mother Ji doesn't know.

She only knows that her daughter-in-law is filial, and that her relatives give face to her youngest son. Knowing that her youngest daughter-in-law is going to see a doctor, she specifically asked her relatives to take care of her.

Where can I find such a good in-law?

And Xiaolu is indeed a nice girl, quiet, well-behaved, and filial. According to Chang Ze, Xiaolu has been secretly admiring her mother-in-law in her heart.

Such a good daughter-in-law!

Of course I have to see her doctor! !

After Ji's mother finished speaking, she raised her foot and walked into the room where she hid things. As she walked, she said:

"I'll get you something, you bring some to your sister-in-law's house, and the rest will be given to your sister-in-law's relatives. We are on your behalf. This time you have done enough with this attitude. I will definitely be sure next time. I'll still help. That's still a doctor. Let's move around more, and we will definitely benefit from it in the future, you know."

Ji Changze looked taught, and came up with a series of compliments:

"Mom, you know so much. Mom, I listen to you. I'm sure I've done enough gifts. It's easier to find someone if I have something to do next time."

"Eh, I'm good, you're good." Mother Ji suddenly showed a kind smile on her face, trying to teach her all her skills:

"You have to do things like this when you go to the Devil City, don't you know? We have people who ask for help, so take a good attitude. Even if you don't speak well, don't offend people, otherwise you will want to ask for help next time. Well, if you offend him, who shall we go to?"

Ji Changze nodded and applauded in cooperation, with a look of admiration: "Mom, what you said is so good, why I didn't expect it, you are so amazing, you deserve to be!"

Ji's mother was proud of her expression.

Zhang Laosan: "..."

Isn't this what Changze taught him just now? ? ?


He still hasn't reached the realm of Brother Changze.

Mother Ji: "His father, look for the key, where did I put it?"

Father Ji still sits under the doorway, and smokes:

"On the stove."

Mother Ji: "What do you think we should give? There seems to be nothing good at home."

Father Ji clicked: "Send money."


Mother Ji glanced at him and cursed in her mouth: "If you smoke, you know smoking all day long. How did the parents tell you that you don't smoke. People who smoke are black!"

Ji Changze quickly raised his hand: "Mom, I'm talking about lungs."

"it's the same!"

Mother Ji didn't listen, heart, lung, heart, lung, isn't that all the same!

She said: "You smoke! If you smoke, kick your legs early, and then I will enjoy the blessings of Changguang Changze, and then I will find an old man to live with me. I won't even burn you a piece of paper money."

Ji's father calmly lifted the pipe in his hand to show Ji's mother:


Zhengxun's vigorous mother Ji: "..."

Ji Changze chuckled: "Mom, I found a picture of a smoker's black lungs and showed him. He said that he quit smoking, but he was not comfortable with this cigarette bag every day, so he took two empty mouthfuls. Enjoyable."

Mother Ji: "...Do you think your father was afraid of death to quit? He was afraid that I would beat him."

Father Ji clicked: "Your mother is right."

Mother Ji was satisfied: "You count as acquaintance."

She snorted and went to get the key.

Onlookers watched the daily Zhang Laosan of the Ji family; "..."

He is no match for Brother Changze.

Actually, even Changze's parents can't compare.

Oh, when will he go to the magic city

Demon is still very fast.

An Xiaolu's illness really didn't look good at the hospital here.

The young doctor who came to their hospital for treatment after a rare relative was willing to take care of him was very embarrassed:

"Our hospital is probably not looking good. I heard from the teacher before in her case. If you want to cure it, you have to find a professional doctor who specializes in this area. You still have to go to the big province to see it. "

"It's okay, it's okay to see it well."

Ji Changze was not disappointed at all.

Even with a surprised smile, she looked at An Xiaolu next to her: "Xiaolu, have you heard? Your illness can be cured, and you can continue to go to school when it is cured."

An Xiaolu really didn't expect her mute to be cured.

When Ji Changze wanted to take her to see her, she hesitated. She felt that the doctor had said that it could not be cured and that it was a waste of money to come to the hospital.

But I couldn't stand Ji's mother's persistent persuasion and told her not to give up, and Ji Changze has been comforting and encouraging her.

When I came to the hospital, it must be false to say that there is no hope in my heart.

But when the doctor really said that there was hope for a cure, the moment of surprise almost filled her heart.

An Xiaolu didn't know how she went back, and fortunately, although she hadn't recovered, Ji Changze had been protecting her along the way, and didn't let her fall and trip.

When returning home, Ji Changze took her directly to her family's home intimately.

Mother Liu is now ready to go to the ground and is walking slowly in the yard.

But her son-in-law said that the person who has been lying on the bed for a long time has no strength, and he still has to walk more to recover quickly.

As she was walking, she saw An Xiaolu and Ji Changze coming together.

When she reached the door, An Xiaolu still took small steps, but her steps were getting faster and faster, and finally she ran to her mother and hugged her with a smile on her face but tears in her eyes. It fell on Liu's shoulder.

"Xiaolu, what's wrong?"

Mother Liu subconsciously hugged her daughter for comfort, while comforting, she looked at Ji Changze who was also coming: "Changze, what's wrong with Xiaolu?"

She did not think that her daughter was bullied by Ji Changze.

After all, Mother Liu especially believed in Ji Changze.

She feels that her son-in-law is really the best son-in-law in the world. To his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Ji Changze has taken over the task of buying medicines since he got married. Every time he went there in person and didn't need their money, sometimes he would buy them. Meat is an extra meal for their family.

For Xiaolu, this wife, he is also very good.

Since I got married, I took Xiaolu to the town to play in the city every day, bought her new clothes, and took her everywhere to eat and drink. Sometimes Mother Liu could still hear Father Liu tell her that he happened to meet the two when he went out. The young couple were picking the chrysanthemums hand in hand, saying that they would be kept in a bottle, and he complained about these two people at leisure, but they smiled happily with wrinkles on their faces.

After all, if it weren't for a good relationship, I wouldn't be able to do this.

Since getting married, Xiaolu's smiles have also increased. She used to have a calm temper and was very calm in what she does. Even if she smiles, she always smiles slightly. After she is dumb, she smiles very little.

But when she was with Ji Changze, the smile on her face was so big and dazzling.

Seeing her in her eyes, Mother Liu couldn't be upset in her heart.

Even when Ji Changze went to town, he would think about bringing Xiaolu food. It can be seen how good he was to her daughter, how could he bully her.

With a smile on his face, Ji Changze said relaxedly: "Mom, Xiaolu is happy. We went to the doctor just now and said that her disease can be cured."

He took away the words "maybe".

Mother Liu was taken aback for a moment, and then she was full of incredulous ecstasy:

"Really?? That's great, great! Oh my dear daughter, you can be considered a good one, be good, don't cry, let's treat the disease well, after the cure, we are still the same as before ,what."

An Xiaolu got up from her arms, her eyes were red from crying, and she nodded with a smile.

She thought, even if the disease is not cured, she will be happy if Changze is there.

Ji Changze took An Xiaolu and Zhang Laosan to the magic city.

After placing An Xiaolu in place, he took Zhang Laosan to work with a serious face.

"The third child, training for thousands of days, using a soldier for a while, and finally it's time for you to shine, are you ready!"

Zhang Laosan nodded solemnly, and wished to swear by heaven.

"Brother Changze, I'm ready!"

"No matter how difficult the ordeal is, I can do it!"

"it is good!!"

Ji Changze patted his shoulder encouragingly: "You can!"

Therefore, in front of a certain store in the magic city, Ji Changze beat gongs and drums again, and after attracting enough attention, did he show the rows of goods behind to the people passing by:

"New store opening, three kinds of discounts, the first kind of similar items buy one get one free, the second kind of spending more than 20 yuan off three yuan, more than 50 yuan off 10 yuan, more than 100 yuan off 22, spending more There are more concessions. The third kind can be randomly drawn with a purchase of five yuan, and the prize can be up to one hundred coupons, which can be used for one hundred and five. Let's take a look."

People who passed by were immediately attracted by this event that sounded like a great discount.

At this time, the magic city has just opened up free business, and there are not so many routines. Ji Changze's appearance is very fresh.

But when I look at the price, I am a little hesitant.

"It seems very expensive."

"Yes, the price is much higher than other stores."

"What kind of material is this material?"

Zhang Laosan was in the crowd.

Sometimes her voice was as sharp as a middle-aged woman, and she ecstatically said, "Isn't this Yucheng material? I heard that it's very expensive. Why is it so cheap? It only costs more than 30 for such a beautiful piece of clothing."

Sometimes the voice resembles an elderly man: "This watch looks good in quality. Buy one and get one free. Is it so cost-effective?"

Sometimes the tone is calm: "Sister, look at this dress. Buy one get one free. The cheap material is good. Why don't I buy it for you and my second sister. You will also have face when you wear it out during the Chinese New Year."

After speaking, he took another dress and went to the front.

"Boss, check out."

Ji Changze: "Hey, your clothes cost exactly five yuan. Would you like to draw a lottery? You can get a coupon of up to one hundred yuan."

Zhang Laosan tried hard to put on his face hesitant and entangled, and made a mentality of wanting to take a small advantage, and reluctantly put the buy one get one free dress back: "That's OK, let's try the lottery."

Ji Changze took the box to him: "Put in your hand and take a note out."

For a while, everyone in the shop was watching this scene.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhang Laosan reached in with his hand and handed the note to Ji Changze: "I don't read, what is written on it?"

Ji Changze looked shocked: "First prize!!!"

"Congratulations! A one hundred yuan coupon can be used after spending one hundred and five dollars. Of course, you can also choose to discount it into fifty yuan in cash, either."

"I, I am hit?!!!"

Zhang Laosan was full of ecstasy, and said quickly: "I want fifty yuan!!"

Ji Changze took fifty yuan to him.

For an instant, the people in the store looked at Zhang Laosan with envy, jealousy and hatred.

By the time Zhang Laosan left the store, everyone was already frantically buying and buying with enthusiastic and excited expressions.

He exhaled and rubbed his face.

A few people happened to pass by together. Seeing that the store was so popular, they curiously asked, "What is there for sale? Why are there so many people?"

Zhang Laosan immediately put on a joyful expression on his face and swiped with fifty yuan: "It's a new store. You can draw a lottery for five yuan. Look, I just drew out the money, fifty yuan. !!!"

At this time, the prices are not high. Even if the average person earns 30 yuan a month, even if it is too much, the lottery can actually be 50 yuan. These people are immediately excited and walk in one after another.

When Ji Changze bought the goods, he deliberately calculated the price. At the end of the day, the things were sold for seven or eighty-eight. He was counting the money. Zhang Laosan came in, and Ai Ai said:

"Brother Changze, how do I feel that you don't seem to be working in a factory, you are speculating?"

Ji Changze's action of counting money did not stop, without raising his eyelids: "What kind of speculation, this is to respond to the country's call and contribute to the country."

Zhang Laosan: "...but aren't you doing something privately? It's just speculation..."

Ji Changze: "You don't have to pay me back the fifty yuan I gave you during the day."

Zhang Laosan: "!!!"

Ji Changze; "Come on, third child, tell me, what are we doing now?"

Zhang Laosan lifted his chest and raised his head with a loud voice:

"Respond to the call of the country!! Contribute to the country!!!"

Zhang Laosan always felt that he was thin-skinned and straightforward.

Later, he was called Mr. Zhang. When he was making money while lying down for a month, some people ridiculed him for his thick-skinned face, and he waved his hands seriously, saying that he was not thick-skinned.

Yes, compared with Brother Chang Ze...no, Ji Dong, his face was broken with a thin jab.

Sometimes when Laosan, who has become a winner in life, recalls the past, he also remembers when he was just a little rookie, and he was directed by Ji Dong to run around.

At that time, he was satisfied with fifty yuan a day, and even thought, if he could have fifty yuan a day in his life, it would be great.

Who could have imagined that Ji Dong took him step by step, from a small vendor, a small shop, a small boss, and a small company to the position of the richest man.

Of course, Ji Dong is the richest man.

And he is the most loyal subordinate under Ji Dong.

After the group became bigger, it was not that no one wanted to pull him, but he refused.

Not only because I am grateful to Ji Changze, but also because Zhang Laosan, who followed Ji Changze step by step, knows that no one can play with him.

On this day, someone came to interview him. To be precise, he came to interview Ji Changze, but because he is currently working abroad (traveling), he can only try to understand the richest man who made his life from scratch from Zhang Laosan.

The reporter asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Zhang, I heard that you only had a primary school degree at the beginning, and then you learned by yourself and passed the exam step by step. Until now you have a doctorate degree. What keeps you studying?"

Zhang Laosan smiled with memories:

"I was encouraged by Ji Dong. At the beginning, my sister-in-law, Ji Dong's wife An Xiaolu An Dong, was hesitant to return to school after recovering from illness. Ji Dong strongly supported him and said that knowledge is the most useful. He also encouraged me to go to a nearby evening school."

"By the way" protect An Xiaolu, he didn't want to go at the time, and then almost never saw the sun the next day.

The reporter laughed: "That's it, I heard that you were very serious when you were studying."

Zhang Laosan: "Yes, I was studying desperately."

Can I not learn? Brother Changze intends to let him go to Africa if he fails to learn well. Of course he has to study hard.

Reporter: "I really admire it. By the way, speaking of Ji Dong, I heard that he trusts you very much, right?"

Zhang Laosan: "Yes, Ji Dong trusts me very much. After all, I walked with him step by step. I can guarantee that among his employees, I am the most loyal one."

——Watching step by step how he killed the people who wanted to pit him, and how he strategized.

He betrayed Ji Changze when he was crazy.

The reporter asked about the family situation of Ji Changze, who didn't like to appear in front of the public very much.

Zhang Laosan: "Ji Dong's family is very happy. His sister-in-law is an educational institution. They are committed to helping poor children. They have also built many elementary schools. They have three children in total. They are all well-behaved and sensible. Now Ji Dong doesn't appear in front of others. Because he feels that he is getting older and ready to retire and travel the world with his sister-in-law."

Retire at forty-five, well, it's older.

After the reporter finished interviewing him, he went to Ji Changze's hometown, which is the small mountain village.

Villagers, no matter how old or young, have surprisingly consistent answers.

"He's a good person, he has been sensible since he was a child, and he knew how to help his mother when he was young, and he was very diligent."

"Yes, I have a good heart, and I especially remember the kindness. There is an old man in our village. Changze's name is Uncle Qi. He always gave him mountain products before. But later, Changze took the person to enjoy the blessing and said that he was going to give it to him. He cares for the elderly, this child knows how to be grateful."

Older people still remember some jerk things that Ji Changze did at the beginning, but they are not stupid. After Changze developed at these ages, they built elementary schools and roads in the village, and arranged for the village to engage in breeding and planting. He is responsible for the acquisition, and it can be said that he has done his best to his fathers and villagers.

At this time, he still said bad things about Ji Changze? He is not crazy!

He swears: "Changze has been a good boy since he was a child. I have already said that he must have something to do! And this child is particularly not grudges. His daughter-in-law is Xiaolu. Xiaolu's grandmother is a strange temper. To Changze and Xiao Lu is not good, but Changze always takes things to see her every time he comes back, which is filial."

This is the truth.

It is Ji Changze who used to eat everything in the past.

He usually showed up when Grandma An said bad things about An Xiaolu, with a bunch of things that Grandma An couldn't eat. After all, she lost her tooth, and then in front of her, he smelt the fragrance.

Ji Changze always suspected that Grandma An died so early that he was "filial piety" by him.

"It's also very good to his wife. In our village, he loves his daughter-in-law the most. His daughter-in-law was ill before, and he took good care of him. Yes, his mother is good to his daughter-in-law, he looks the same as his daughter-in-law. The person is also very kind, a very nice person."

When the reporter came out of the village, he looked at the words of "great man", "good kind", "world's most benevolent and righteous man" and "good temper" recorded on the full screen, and he looked full of yearning.

"Don't say, in this world, there really are such good people who are perfect."

There are many versions of Ji Changze's legend of the richest man.

In that golden age, people dug up gold, but he created a golden mountain.

And when he passed away with his wife An Xiaolu, everyone knew how many donations the couple had made, how many good deeds, and how many poor children they had helped over the years.

He, Ji Changze, is a very good person, without a doubt.

[Ding! The mission is complete, please choose vacation or continue the mission. ]

Ji Changze: [Continue the mission. ]


Uncle Ji Qi has always been lonely.

When he was young, he joined the army, not for anything else, just thinking that he also wants to guard their country and protect it.

It's a pity that he was injured and could only come back.

Married a daughter-in-law and gave birth to a son, which is also considered a hot-kang wife and child.

At that time, Uncle Ji Qi felt that he was the happiest person in the world. He had to protect his daughter-in-law and his son. If his son was willing, he would send him to join the army when he grew up and continue to protect their country.

However, his son died of illness.

His daughter-in-law was not in good health at first, but she followed her soon after she was sad.

Uncle Ji Qiqi doesn't want to marry again.

But he still likes children. He still remembers when he joined the army, their monitor said that children are the hope of the country, and whoever suffers can't suffer the baby.

Coupled with thinking about his own children, Uncle Ji Qi is very good to the children in the village. He has a little ability, and he can go up the mountain to get wild products, and sometimes he will get some bird eggs or something.

Generally, he would not bear to eat, and they would share it with those tender babies. When they ate, Uncle Ji Qi looked kind and smiled and watched.

At this time, he just simply liked these little children and didn't expect them to repay him when they grow up.

Until Changze pestered him to eat.

Changze was young, he was born white and white, and his mouth was sweet. He called him one bite by one uncle, and when he got food from him, he told him very happily;

"Uncle, you are so kind. I will grow up and be successful in the future. I must be filial to Uncle and provide you with old age."

Uncle Ji Qi didn't take it seriously at first.

But slowly, Changze talked more and he got older, and his heart felt relieved.

He started to go up the mountain frequently, braving the cold, just to get Changze the mountain products he likes to eat.

He didn't think about what he wanted from Changze in the future.

Just thinking that when he gets old and can't go up the mountain, Changze can come to see him and let him know that he is still worried about.

Day by day, Changze grew older, and his body became dysfunctional, so he didn't go up the mountain much.

Uncle Ji Qi could clearly feel that Changze seemed to be less enthusiastic to him than before.

He felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't want to believe that this child who looked up to him was such a person.

Uncle Ji Qi went up the mountain again, got down the mountain products, and wanted to give it to Changze.

Changze gave the money this time. Uncle Ji Qiqi was a little nervous and a little happy.

Not for money.

It was for Changze's respect for him.

Later, Changze went to the city, went to the magic capital, and married a wife.

I heard that he made a lot of money, and people are often in the magic city.

While Uncle Ji Qi was happy for him, he was also a little lonely.

He thought, this child might not come back very much.

One day, someone knocked on the door outside.

Uncle Ji Qi went out, only to find this child who he had grown up watching was standing outside the door, his smile was still the familiar scorn:

"Uncle, I'm here to pick you up!"

"I've said it a long time ago, I'm going to provide you with a pension."

Ji Changze opened his eyes and found that he was holding a book in his hand.

Turning her head again, a middle-aged woman was looking at him lovingly. Seeing him looking over, she quickly passed the spoon in her hand, speaking softly as if she was speaking to a child:

"Come on, Changze, have some soup."

Ji Changze: "..."

He is quite sure that he is now an adult.

I quickly checked the memory and found out.

This time, his identity is a student who knows nothing but studying.

The grades are good, but I have to take my parents to school, do not know how to wash and cook, and I have to be fed every meal. I have no life experience at all, and I don't want to have life experience.

In layman's terms, just two words:

Giant baby.