19|My giant baby, the country raises me (2)

Ji Changze went to school but didn't go anywhere else, so he went directly to the study room.

There are basically no people at this point. The original owner just turned his face so unscrupulously because of no one.

He found the book from the bag and put it on the table, then took out the cup, peeled walnuts, and clean apples, and a banana, and put them on the table seriously.

These were all prepared by Qin Xinlian. Qin Xinlian had not studied much, but when she was young, she heard her husband say a lot about what is nutritious, and felt that her son had worked hard to study, so she tried various ways to supplement nutrition.

Every time the original owner saw fruit stuffed in his schoolbag, he would throw it into the trash can with disgust.

He feels that eating these loses face.

After all, they are quite ordinary fruits.

But Ji Changze doesn't think so.

Look at the watery apples, look at the yellow-orange bananas, and the peeled walnuts.

Although he wanted to eat, he held back and did not eat. After sorting them by size, he immersed himself in reading.


The phone on the table rang, Ji Changze picked it up and saw that it was his girlfriend Qi Yishu.

Qi Yishu: [Where are you? ]

Although Qi Yishu has a carefree temper and likes handsome images, he still likes to act like a baby after falling in love. Now this tone is obviously angry.

Ji Changze directly told her that he was in the Dong study room.

Sure enough, a pretty girl with a petite figure and short hair pushed in the door aggressively.

Seeing that there was only her boyfriend in the classroom, she no longer had to hide the anger on her face, and shouted angrily:

"Ji Changze!"

Sitting by the window, the young man who was reading quietly raised his eyes slightly and looked over, seeing the angry expression on his girlfriend's face, and some doubts appeared in his eyes.

Qi Yishu became even more angry when he saw him still doing this.

She strode forward angrily, no! Run forward.

He reached Ji Changze's side in one breath, took out his mobile phone and threw it on the table: "Say!!! What's the matter with you and Wang Sixuan!"

"If you don't explain it to me today, we are not finished!"

Ji Changze still had no expression on his face, but some doubts appeared in his eyes. He reached out his hand and picked up the phone, looked at it, and twisted his eyebrows slightly.

If it really didn't matter, he would definitely have to explain his first reaction.

Now I keep silent, and say it's not a guilty conscience.

Seeing this, Qi Yishu was so angry that he couldn't wait to beat him.

But because I felt that I couldn't beat him, I could only clasp my arms angrily, and stood condescendingly looking at the young man sitting on the spot: "Nothing to say, you scumbag."

She never expected it!

she was! Qi Yishu was actually wearing a green hat.

It's still such a big one.

It's almost a green grassland on top of his head.

Seeing the young man twisting his good-looking eyebrows, staring at the phone with a pensive look, and slowly turning his head to look at her, his lips just opened, as if he was about to speak, Qi Yishu immediately interrupted him:

"Don't tell me, you scumbag, I won't believe you what you say, you have never laughed at me like that!"

"Bah!!! Bah baah baah!!!"

Ji Changze: "The phone has a black screen."

Qi Yishu, who is scolding a scumbag passionately: "..."

The momentum on her body disappeared, her expression froze, she subconsciously looked over, and she saw that the screen of Ji Changze's mobile phone held between his slender fingers was black.

Qi Yishu: "..."

Seeing the photo was so angry, I forgot to unlock it before giving it to my boyfriend.

She hurriedly grabbed the phone in embarrassment. After unlocking, she confirmed that the photo came out. Then she threw it in front of Ji Changze, and her momentum returned:

"Bah! Scumbag!"

Ji Changze picked up the phone and looked at a photo on it.

The content is that he is standing next to a red car, and a beautiful girl with long hair stands opposite. The girl's face is full of smiles, and he also slightly curls his mouth, looking very happy.

From this side angle, it seemed as if they were hugging each other.

It's difficult.

Ji Changze recalled.

Fortunately, although the original owner wanted to tease his sister, he didn't beep much.

I just happened to see a beautiful girl in front of me falling down, so I tried to pretend to be forced, and after he helped him up, he said to take her to the hospital in that convertible.

The original owner also wants his own reputation very much.

He knew that the car belonged to a roommate, and he also knew where the roommate would put the keys. What he said was using this car to take the girl to the hospital, but he didn't say that the car was his own.

At that time, even if someone says something, he can say that he didn't mean it.

It's just that he didn't expect that as soon as things got into trouble, they would be out of control, and even if he wanted to explain, no one would listen.

But this incident is not a coincidence, otherwise it would be too coincidental.

First, this photo was taken ambiguously, and then someone posted the photo with people on the Internet, all kinds of beautiful pictures touting the rich second generation and beautiful women.

The original owner was touted, so he didn't clarify it face-to-face.

Then after the roommate clarified in anger, someone suddenly started picking him up, and there were more things going on next.

He didn't think that someone deliberately set up a situation to deal with the original owner.

It's like someone deliberately made this in order to save Qi Yishu's face.

And that person is naturally Wang Sixuan.

The original owner originally wanted to make a routine.

The result was a routine.

Recalling it again, after confirming that the original owner and Wang Sixuan were indeed talking ambiguously, he looked at Qi Yishu on the side.

The tone was flat: "This is a borrowing."

After Qi Yishu's appearance just now, his aura was gone.

If Ji Changze explained to her seriously, or quarreled with her, she would still be able to rekindle the war, but the problem now is.

After Ji Changze said these words, as if the matter had been resolved, he gently put the phone in Qi Yi's book pocket, and then continued to read the book with his eyes down.

Qi Yishu: "..."

She was almost furious.

But Ji Changze didn't quarrel with her. If she yelled angrily, it would appear as if she was making trouble unreasonably.

"Ji Changze, did you say that it was a loan? The ghost knows if you lie to me, you haven't laughed at me that way. Who believes that you have nothing to do with her, and this photo has been circulated all over the Internet before. Why didn't I come out to clarify at that time."

Qi Yishu became more and more angry when he thought about it, and then thought that she was full of liking for the person in front of her, trying her best to cope with him, and acting like a baby with him, but he never smiled at himself.

She thought he was cold-tempered and not intentional, after all, Ji Changze did the same with others.

result! !

He actually smiled at Wang Sixuan! !

Smile laugh, laugh fart!

Seeing the boyfriend in front of him seemed to turn his head to look at him helplessly, the look in his eyes, as if she was the one who disturbed him unreasonably, Qi Yishu became even more angry.

"Don't pretend that nothing happened to me, you must make it clear today!"

The young man's expressionless handsome face showed a bit of helplessness, gently put down the book in his hand, and naturally took out the phone from Qi Yishu's pocket.


Qi Yishu didn't know what he was going to do, so he untied it angrily: "What are you doing, do you still want to quibble!"

Ji Changze directly zoomed in on that photo.

Then put it on the table.

"When you look at something, don't just look at its surface, but also pay more attention to the surroundings. For example, in this photo, the light and shadow on the ground, and the shadow on the car, the degree of contact with the clothes is obvious. "

Qi Yishu: "???"

She was brought to the rhythm unconsciously, staring at the photo, she was about to see the flowers, or she didn't see anything.

"Aren't you fooling me?"

Ji Changze looked at her for a few seconds.

She also looked at Ji Changze.

With an expression of "giving up", the young man took out the computer from his schoolbag and found a hug picture similar to this one:

"Now, do you see the difference?"

Qi Yishu: "...nothing."

After saying this, she felt helpless when her boyfriend looked at her.

Qi Yishu felt guilty inexplicably, but he felt guilty for a second before reacting again.

its not right!

This is what Ji Changze did wrong, so why is she guilty!

Qi Yishu quickly stated his position: "What kind of evidence are you, I don't care, you can explain the matter clearly to me, or we will go to Wang Sixuan to face the confrontation."

Certainly not to find Wang Sixuan.

Wang Sixuan wished the whole world knew that Qi Yishu's boyfriend was chasing her.

Thinking about it, Ji Changze quietly looked at Qi Yishu for a few seconds.

Afterwards, the cold voice seemed to have surrendered: "Okay."

Qi Yishu: What is it?

Then, she watched her boyfriend open a page directly, tapping quickly on the keyboard with her slender hands.

Although he knew the occasion was wrong, Qi Yishu couldn't help being curious: "What are you doing?"

The young man stared at the computer, his hands were beating, but he answered with ease:

"Invade the school's surveillance system."

Qi Yishu: "???"

She watched Ji Changze actually found a scene, and then pointed the laptop directly at her.

On the screen, that section of content is clearly displayed.

Ji Changze helped Wang Sixuan walk over, and then both of them stood by the car and said something.

Until Wang Sixuan and Ji Changze waved their hands, the two separated, and neither of them had any physical contact.

Qi Yishu was a little confused when his boyfriend had such a skill. He was confused and happy at the same time, but also a little frustrated.

I am glad that my boyfriend really didn't have anything with Wang Sixuan.

A guilty conscience she just angered her boyfriend fiercely.

Seeing that she had finished reading, Ji Changze took the computer back, and after putting it away, he continued to read the book.


Seeing that he didn't seem to blame herself for misunderstanding him, Qi Yishu became even more guilty. She carefully pulled the clothes on her boyfriend's shoulder and softened her voice:


Ji Changze raised his eyes, still the same expression, but there was no anger in his eyes, but calmly asked, "What's the matter?"

"Then people didn't deliberately misunderstood you, it was the Internet saying that you and her are a couple, I am angry and jealous, I just thought, why don't you clarify..."

Ji Changze: "I don't have time to go online."

If before, Qi Yishu must have felt that he was perfunctory, how could no one be online in this era.

But thinking of the video footage she saw just now, she slumped her mouth and continued to pull Ji Changze's clothes aggrieved: "Then I don't know, I was wrong and wrong, can you forgive me?"

The youth's expression remained calm: "I didn't blame you."



Ji Changze put her phone back again: "It's normal that you will be angry when you see this photo, and it's the same if you change it to me."


These remarks seem to be an explanation, but in fact they also imply that her boyfriend cares about her.

Qi Yishu was happy, and then thought about the content of the photo again, and smiled again: "But you all smiled at her."

Ji Changze looked serious: "She said that she grew up with you, and I smiled when I thought of you."

"It turned out to be like this, but you never smiled at me."

He looked at Qi Yishu, who deliberately pouted and acted like a baby, and slowly curled his lips, showing a slight smile.

Ji Changze's face was already pretty. At this moment, his eyes were serious and pure, and his face was full of tranquility. When he smiled like this, Qi Yishu was a little dumbfounded.

She came back to her senses and didn't care about anything else.

At present, who cares about those things! !

"Zhangze Changze, smile again!"

Ji Changze took her to sit next to him, and pulled out a book from his schoolbag to her: "I will laugh at you after reading the book."

"Your grades have dropped again, and you will have to drop your course if you don't read books."

Qi Yishu wailed: "Don't be like this, one more laugh, one more."

The young man's face showed helplessness again, and there was no expression on his face, but the helplessness in his eyes made Qi Yishu very relieved.

She looked at her boyfriend and smiled at her with a smile that was righteous, only that she was going to be drunk.

Talking about someone acting like a baby: "One more one, the last one."

"This is really the last one, I promise."

When it was time to go back, Ji Changze specifically said to Qi Yishu: "You are a little frivolous, it is best not to walk too close to her."

Qi Yishu: ...the ghost is small.

That's rubbish.

But in front of her boyfriend, she still smiled sweetly; "Well, I will."

"Laugh again before leaving."

Ji Changze smiled at her again.

Although his face was expressionless, his eyes were clear and pure.

Qi Yishu's heart is full of satisfaction.

She said, her boyfriend, that would never do such a thing.

But how did this rumor come about? ?

When I went back, I happened to see Wang Sixuan. Qi Yi wanted to make a detour in his book, but it turned out that her boyfriend had said frivolous things about Wang Sixuan before her boyfriend.

She thought for a while and stepped forward to ask.

Wang Sixuan: "Yes, all the things uploaded on the Internet are true. Your boyfriend is chasing me and holding me, eh, sorry, Qi Yishu, I don't know that is your boyfriend."

Of course this is false.

She knew that Ji Changze was Qi Yishu's boyfriend, so she deliberately routined each other.

Unexpectedly, Ji Changze was so hooked.

One hangs one standard.

It's all right now, Qi Yishu is definitely going to blow up.

As a result, Wang Sixuan met Qi Yishu's weird and angry look.

Wang Sixuan: "You really don't have a bad vision, you actually like this one..."

Qi Yishu exploded:

"I'll just say why those photos on the Internet are posted so quickly. It turns out that you want to seduce my boyfriend! Use this method to force us to break up so that you can be in power!"

Wang Sixuan: "???"

"Me?? I am fond of your boyfriend??"

Qi Yishu: "Is it possible that I fell in love with your boyfriend?! Wang Sixuan, do you want to point your face? Fortunately, my parents are under the control of Ze, knowing that you are not a good person, and you like to look for someone who is handsome and outstanding. Why do you want to seduce my family."

Wang Sixuan: "..."

She knew that Ji Changze was handsome.

Is Ji Changze excellent? ?

She had already noticed that people around looked over, and they all looked at her with weird eyes.

She quickly opened her mouth: "Qi Yishu, don't talk nonsense, I don't have one."

"Bah! I have seen you lie after monitoring."

Qi Yishu snorted coldly:

"Don't be delusional, even if you use means to separate us, Changze won't fall for you!"

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand and left angrily.

Only Wang Sixuan stood on the spot, accepting all kinds of eyes from the people around him.

Wang Sixuan: "..."

Is there anything wrong with Qi Yishu? ?

Are you crazy? ?