25|My giant baby, the country raises me (8)

The playing field, whether on or off the stage, was shocked and speechless.

In the silence, the sky was full of dust—under the corpse of the small house, only Ji Changze was still trying hard to introduce the other functions of 301.

"301 not only has the main protection function, it also has the aftermath function."

With that said, Ji Changze calmly took out the mask he had prepared and put it on his face. When the mask was put on, he stretched out his hand, grabbed it casually, and grabbed the dust in his palm, and showed it to him. Look at the audience below.

The voice is faint, very calm:

"The pollution is serious nowadays, even our robot competitions held indoors will have so much dust pollution."

Audience below: "..."

Are you selective amnesia? ? ?

Isn't the dust all because that room was bombarded by your robot? ! !

Ji Changze didn't even go to the audience's look of question marks in the audience, and continued to popularize science:

"A lot of dust can affect the human body. Inhaling a large amount of free silica dust can easily cause nodular fibrosis of the lungs, but if you have a 301, the situation is very different.

As he said, he said to the robot next to him; "301, turn on the filtering function."

The robot nodded, stepped forward, and opened his mouth wide as the audience watched in horror.

Its appearance looks like an ordinary human male. To show the identity of the robot, Ann was not given any hair, so the iron skull was exposed.

In addition, it is completely human.

But an open mouth...

The audience in the audience watched his big mouth, which was as big as half of his head after opening, and they were all dumbfounded.

There was even the sound of scared and crying children who were brought by their parents to watch the game.

Then, in full view, 301's mouth produced a sound similar to a vacuum cleaner.

Everyone: "..."

They stared blankly at the robot with its open mouth, raising its head, making the sound of a vacuum cleaner in its mouth, sucking the air in the air, walking around, changing its posture.

Ji Changze also explained to the side very intimately: "The design of 301 is not rigid. He can perfectly purify the air around the owner."

In order to suck up the dust in 360 degrees without dead ends, 301 has various postures.

Squatting-mouth wide open.

Stand up straight and raise your head-open your mouth.

Lean forward-open your mouth.

Lie on the ground-mouth wide open.

Etc., etc.

Think about it, a group of people standing silently sitting under the stage, watching a robot with a mouth as big as half of its brain, using a pose that you can't think of, you can't, and use your own mouth to go. Suction air dust.

A group of people: "..."

Cheng Yueyang: "...Qinghui, this is what you asked Changze to do?"

Zheng Qinghui is also in a daze.

It took him a long time to find the ability to make a sound: "I, I just asked Changze to add a little home function to 301, so that it can sweep the floor and mop the floor or something."

Zhang Zejun: "...Did you say anything else?"

Zheng Qinghui covered his face: "I have said that it would be great if the air can be purified by the way, but I really said casually, you believe me, really!!!"

The 301 on the stage is really capable of purifying. In less than five minutes, after its various postures, the dust on the stage that was originally caused by the bombing of the small house into ashes is completely gone.

Ji Changze then took off the mask, smiled, stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air again, and then spread it out for everyone to see:

"Look, no more."

Very convincing-a ghost!

Isn't the point that this guy came to the game, but his robot blasted a room? ! !

The host has no idea what to do.

And Ji Changze continues: "At the same time, the home function of 301 is also very powerful, and the same as it can purify the surrounding air, 301 can also be used as a vacuum cleaner, and it will independently plan the route to ensure that no corners are missed. ."

Zheng Qinghui breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly wrote to the roommates and Qi Yi around him: "I asked him to do this. Those before were really not me."

Qi Yishu clung to the light stick in a daze; "You...you let Changze do this??"

Zheng Qinghui: "???"

Isn't it just a vacuum cleaner? ?

He turned his head, then looked at the scene on the stage dumbfounded.

On the stage, 301 lay on the ground, twisting forward like a bug, with his mouth wide open, and steadily twisting and sucking the ground.

He wasn't a human being, his crawling speed was not slow, and he had already been on the stage for two laps in such a short time.

If you want to describe it.

It's probably a bulldozer.


Zheng Qinghui: "..."

He met the weird eyes of the three of them.

"No, no, I didn't mean that when I mentioned it to Nagasawa. I just wanted to get an ordinary vacuum cleaner! Really!!! Really!!!"

The host has already reacted a little bit. Although they don't know if they want to continue in this situation, as a professional host, he still chooses to save the scene.

Of course, before the rescue, he calmly stepped away a little while moving his body on the ground to bulldoze...No, 301 who was vacuuming.

"Wow... That's really amazing, that is, this classmate, robot, no, isn't the 301 force value a bit high? This seems a bit incomplete."

Ji Changze nodded:

"I have also considered this issue. Indeed, the 301 weapon may have some lethality, but there is no need to worry about it, because we have also done other protection functions for him."

The host breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good to have a protective function, and it's good to have it.

He just said.

At any rate, it is also a student from a well-known university, how could he not know how to protect it.

Zheng Qinghui below also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look, Nagasawa still has a sense of measure."

The host put on a smile on his face, and he was not so evasive to Bulldozer 301 that was next to him:

"Then what protection function is it?"

Is it a protection mechanism that does not harm humans?

This is the high probability.

Otherwise, the function of protecting the owner's property is basically a threat to public order.

He is confident.

Ji Changze showed him the spatula in his hand:

"A mechanism to protect the owner's property from damage."

The host's smile froze. He watched the spatula in front of him, and Ji Changze's faint voice was in his ear: "301 destroyed the entire house, but the owner's property, that is, the spatula, is still intact."


Yeah, you know, did it ruin a house.

Ji Changze finally showed a touch of satisfaction on his cold face.

He took out a wet tissue from his pocket and wiped it with the dusty spatula:

"Look, after wiping it clean, it is still as bright as before. Looking at the spatula handle, there are no small cracks. 301 will go through various calculations and choose the angle before shooting. The owner's property will be It can be returned to Zhao."

He touched the spatula and smiled slightly:

"The reason why 301's weapon function is to blast the opponent to dust is to protect the owner's property to the greatest extent. After all, in most cases, even the dust will not cause any loss to the owner's property."

"With 301, when you encounter a robbery situation, you can order it to take action. In this way, not only will your belongings be returned intact, the robbers can also be captured without any damage."


Audience below: "..."

Is that a catch? ! !

That is the ashes of the sky, OK! !

Oh wrong.

The ashes may not be able to stay.

After all, 301 also has a function of [purifying the air].

It can be described as a one-stop service for killing and destroying corpses, ensuring that people can't find any loopholes.

After Ji Changze finished the introduction, he bowed to the audience in a serious manner according to what his roommates taught before:

"Our 301 has been introduced. It is a common work of my roommates and I. This robot will be displayed in the public area later. We will explain it online. Finally, thank Qinghui who proposed various functional designs. If it weren't for him, our Robots will not be so perfect."

Zheng Qinghui: "..."

He met the weird eyes of the three again.

Zheng Qinghui covered his face.

Why is it that he is always the backer! !

Cheng Yueyang also covered his face, and leaned in to Zheng Qinghui's ear and asked in a low voice, "How did you tell Changze to do this function?"


Zheng Qinghui thought of what he had said before.

Attack power... the higher the better.

He covered his face again.

Well, he really has to remember this pot.

Zhang Zejun is rather optimistic:

"It's okay, although there is a slight mistake, isn't our 301 also amazing? The big deal is that we don't make weapons in the future."

After he finished speaking, he saw Qi Yishu still looking at the stage with a dazed expression, thinking that the girl was scared of being timid, and quickly comforted:

"Yishu, are you okay? Don't be afraid, Changze said this function can only be used once."

Qi Yishu was awakened by his words, and when he recovered, his eyes were bright and he started to wave the light stick in his hand:

"Ahhhh, Nagasawa, you are so amazing!!!"

Most of the students are not afraid of tigers. Most of the boys are very interested in weapons. Before, 301 was too lethal and bluffed them. Now Qi Yishu shouted, 301 also stood up quietly and didn't move anymore. Don't be afraid, one by one whistles and cheers.

"Brother is awesome!!"


Even in the middle of the demo 301 there is a small episode.

But after watching this demo, everyone felt that the first place was none other than 301.

Let alone a competition between students.

Even if you put it all over the country, 301 can also come out on top.

According to the rules of the competition, the jury voted for the top three in these three days, and the students returned to school with their robots.

As soon as Zheng Qinghui went back, he took out his mobile phone and saw that there was already a hot post in the school forum.

[Students of our school participated in the robot making contest, which shocked the audience! ! ]

"Hahahahahaha! We are hot in the school forum! Fire!!"

He was so happy, Cheng Yueyang took out his cell phone: "Fuck! Don't just watch the forums, you watch Weibo, we are all on hot searches."

Zhang Zejun also turned on his phone to see: "The comments are all about our robot cow, hehehe."

The three of them were still students. How could they be unhappy when they saw others praise their robots so much, they all sat at their desks and watched the comments.

Ji Changze sat in his chair silently and sent messages to Qi Yishu.

Zheng Qinghui looked good, and Le Dian looked up: "Our robot is so popular, someone will definitely buy it."

Zhang Zejun nodded: "Yes, the price will still be high."

Cheng Yueyang was so excited: "Then are we waiting for the buyer to come?"

Zheng Qinghui is full of confidence:

"Wait, it will definitely be there. Looking at the whole world, we are also particularly prominent. Maybe someone else wants to steal it. Isn't it all performed in TV series?"

Zhang Zejun helplessly: "You watch less TV shows. We haven't asked you yet, what is the function of killing and destroying corpses? Why did you let Chang Ze add this? Do you know how dangerous it is."

"I just said it casually. How did I know that Changze really has this ability? Oh, let's not worry about such a small thing. Anyway, if someone buys it in the future, we can just remove this function. I see the air purifier. The function is pretty good, now the smog is so big."

Cheng Yueyang and Zhang Zejun didn't believe him much anymore.

They looked at Zheng Qinghui suspiciously: "We were with Changze during the renovation. Don't talk nonsense to him. You see how big the trouble is this time.

Zheng Qinghui waved his hand and said dismissively: "Isn't this good? If it weren't for a big trouble, we wouldn't be angry. Besides, it didn't make much trouble. The police/inspector did not come.

-Bang Bang.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Zheng Qinghui smiled and stood up: "I'll drive, I'll drive."

He opened the door and his expression froze.

Zheng Qinghui looked at a row outside wearing explosion-proof suits, behind them, there was a row holding... Is that a gun? ? Is it a gun? ?

Seeing him open the door, he took out his ID for the first-meng Yanshishi, and gave him a glance.

"Hello, Ministry of State X, please cooperate."

Zheng Qinghui: "..."

Seeing that he opened the door, Cheng Yueyang didn't move. He looked up strangely: "Qinghui, who?"

Zheng Qinghui: "Probably... it's the police, police/inspector... right..."