27|My giant baby, the country raises me (10)

Qin Xinlian left the house early in the morning just after the dawn.

Last night, her son didn't rest at home. She took a list to clean the employer's house. She kept cleaning until 11:30 in the evening and did not come back until after 12 o'clock in the evening. She got up so early and was sleepy. Must keep yawning.

But even so, she has to work hard to stay awake.

After all, today's task is to cook at an employer's house. If the employer sees her yawning, what if she gives her a bad review.

Qin Xinlian took out her mobile phone and struggling to see clearly the food and prices that the employer wanted to eat today. Just after reading it, her mobile phone was powered off and turned off. Fortunately, she already remembered what to buy, so she went with the basket. Vegetable market.

The nanny that counts by the hour, they all take orders on the app. For example, for the cooking list received by Qin Xinlian, the employer will send the menu in advance, and the app will automatically determine how much money is needed to complete the meal. Give the money, and Qin Xinlian will take the money to buy vegetables.

She chose the nearby vegetable market with good quality and low price. She was carefully choosing the food, and she heard someone calling her from behind:

"Sister Qin, come to buy groceries."

Qin Xinlian turned her head and saw that several neighbors who lived near the rental house were all holding a vegetable basket at the moment, apparently they came out together to buy vegetables.

She was busy every day on weekdays, and she didn't have time to chat with her neighbors. It had been so long since she moved here, and she only knew them well and knew each other's names.

Everyone met, just say hello to each other.

"Yes, you guys are here to buy groceries too."

Qin Xinlian answered with a smile.

The neighbors all smiled and nodded, and they all went to the other side together.

Gossip to each other in a low voice.

"Is her son the same guy last time? The tall and handsome one."

"It's her son, eh, you said that Sister Qin has such a good temper, and she is easy to talk, why the son who gave birth to such a hard tempered son, the last time I saw our face, she didn't even call aunty, she just passed away with a cold face. ."

"Let me tell you, my daughter and Sister Qin's son are in the same school. Last time I came back and told me that Sister Qin's son is a giant baby. Do you know what a giant baby is? Just don't do anything and get your clothes to eat. Open your mouth."

When she said this, several aunts laughed: "What's this, not all young people are like this nowadays, my girl, I let her sweep the floor and drag her around. Every day she knows that she is holding her mobile phone and playing with her. Two sentences are not happy."

"That's right, the kid in my family is too, if I want to say, they are all used to it, depending on how much hardship we endured when we were young."

The aunt who said Ji Changze was the giant infant waved her hand, and her voice was lowered a little further: "My daughter said that the giant infant is much more serious than what you said, that is, they have no ability to take care of themselves. Those juniors are lazy if they don't work. If she doesn't like to work, sister Qin and her son can't do it, even the quilt can't be folded."

"My daughter said everything on the forums. Sister Qin and her son were admitted to college. Sister Qin came here to take care of him. You see how hard she worked every day. She went out early and returned late. I have never seen her son. Helped me once, tusk, this is a debt collection for the birth of a son."

"Huh? I'm all such a big kid, so I have to follow me when I go to university? I thought Sister Qin was looking for a job."

"What kind of job are you looking for? The price of goods in the capital is so high, and the rent is equivalent to Qin's salary. Otherwise, you say why she has been so desperately. Her son is still asking her for money. Mom suffers, I think Sister Qin will not be able to enjoy her son's blessing in the future."

Several people nodded their heads and said with certainty: "This kid is useless. It's a bigger person, and he won't even be able to fold a quilt."

"Yeah, I don't know what to do if Sister Qin gets old and can't work. This kid is like this now, so he won't chew on the old in the future."

Qin Xinlian just walked over from there, just hearing these two words, her face was stunned, and she clenched the vegetable basket in her hand.

"Sister Qin?"

The person who had said this saw her as soon as he turned around after sighing, and came down for a while.

Qin Xinlian managed to squeeze out a smile: "My parents, Ze, does not stack the quilt, but wants to study. I don't have time to make these. I feel sorry for him, so I help him."

"Yes, yes, so is my girl, she never folds quilts."

"My boy is the same, the young people nowadays are all the same."

Several people hurriedly followed to answer the conversation, but no matter how hard they tried to answer the conversation, the atmosphere was still embarrassing.

Qin Xinlian didn't smile like before to make ends meet.

She has a soft temper, but her son is regarded as her unyielding scale. Qin Xinlian was still a little unhappy when they talked about Changze in that degrading tone.

Several people also knew that she was upset, and they were not embarrassed to agree.

After all, they are all mothers, and they all know that no matter how bad their children are, they must be in a bad mood when they hear outsiders belittle them.

It's also a coincidence that they still went out together when they went out.

Carrying the basket, Qin Xinlian was thinking about waiting for a while to send a text message to her son, asking him if he would come back for dinner in the evening.

Nagasawa seems to be very busy lately, and occasionally comes back and hurries away after dinner, but last time, the child was obviously very happy, but he still had to hold a cold face with a slight complacency. , Tell her that what he is doing recently is about to succeed.

Mom looks at her son, and that's all good.

Chang Ze's pride seemed to Qin Xinlian so cute.

In particular, Changze looks cold to others, but at home, he always needs to be taken care of like a child.

And this child said that when he succeeds, he will have money to support her.

Qin Xinlian didn't think that her son could really make money. After all, he was still a student, so how much could he make even if he made money.

But this does not prevent her from encouraging her son with a look of trust.

Nagasawa has this heart, and she is already very happy.

Thinking of her son, Qin Xinlian's heart softened.

She was thinking about what soup should be simmered in the evening if her son came back to make him healthy, when she suddenly heard a small discussion from a few neighbors next to her.

"It looks like a military vehicle, right?"

"Yeah, look at the soldiers standing next to them. There are so many soldiers, why are there such a big battle?"

"They seem to be waiting for someone, are they still carrying a gun???? I take a picture for my girl, and she likes to see it."

"Let's not be in a hurry anyway, or it will be lively, what happened to such a big battle?"

Others pulled Qin Xinlian's arm: "Look, sister Qin, there are many soldiers in front of our alley."

Maybe it's because work is too busy. Qin Xinlian has always been not interested in these gossips, so she glanced up at will.

It is indeed a big battle.

Three military vehicles, with a row of soldiers carrying guns standing beside them, looked straight ahead with solemn faces.

There are still many curious onlookers.

It is a peaceful age. When people see this kind of scene, they can only think of one thing: silver/transit banknotes.

Qin Xinlian took a look and became disinterested. He was about to leave here with a basket. As a result, a man in military uniform just came out of their alley and was making a call with a mobile phone. He suddenly saw this side. His eyes lit up and he strode straight. Came towards her.

"Hello, is it Ms. Qin Xinlian?"

Qin Xinlian originally saw him walking towards her, thinking it was just a coincidence, but the man in the military uniform actually stood still in front of her and paid a military salute to her.

Qin Xinlian was dumbfounded.

She stunned her face and nodded subconsciously, with a cowardly expression: "Yes, I am, that...Is there anything you can do with me?"

Seeing her say yes, Chen Xingdong breathed a sigh of relief.

He just knocked on the door of Ji Changze's house and no one responded, and the phone couldn't get through. He was still a little worried that he wouldn't be able to bring people back quickly. He didn't expect to see Qin Xinlian as soon as he came out.

"Ms. Qin, your son wants to see you, can he trouble you to go with us?"

"my son??"

Qin Xinlian is even more dazed, such a big battle, her son? ?

Look at the soldier in front of you, still carrying a gun...

This scene really made Qin Xinlian couldn't help but think about it.

She panicked all of a sudden: "Comrade Police, what's wrong with my son? What's wrong with him? What's wrong with him?"

The neighbors were originally looking curiously, but now they saw Qin Xinlian's face full of anxiety and panic, and quickly stepped forward to help speak.

"Comrade, Sister Qin, her son is only in his early twenties, and he is still a young man. Did you find the wrong person?"

"Yes, this kid is going to school and staying in school every day. You must have found the wrong thing."

Chen Xingdong was a little bit dumbfounded. Seeing Qin Xinlian's tears were already rolling in his eyes, he quickly explained:

"No, Ms. Qin, you have misunderstood, Ji Changze is now working in our Ministry of State X."

Although he has not yet agreed, he thought that after the big guys knew that this technology actually existed, they directly ordered the death, and they must stay in the Ministry of State X. It doesn't matter if you say it in advance.

Chen Xingdong continued: "Student Ji Changze is still young, and he is somewhat dependent on his mother. He asked us to let you stay in the Ministry of State X. Considering that he is indeed young, he approved it. This time, we, I'm here to pick you up."

In fact, it is better for Ji Changze to pick up people by himself, but because this technology is too bad, the previous online video has been posted again, and there are still some concerns about Ji Changze's appearance in the outside world at this time. of.

As the saying goes, the layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Looking at the video that I didn't understand, I thought it was so awesome, it's absolutely against the sky.

And those who know it, ninety-nine percent will say: absolutely false.

After all, this is simply not against the sky, it is simply impossible to do.

Blasting into ashes is no longer what the current technology can do, and it is necessary to blow into ashes without harming the objects below.

This can't be explained by the knowledge they have learned.

Even in TV dramas, I dare not act like this.

However, Ji Changze really did it.

Don't think that when Chen Xingdong and the others went to the dormitory of the school, they were in a big fight, because they thought that 99% of them were fake and didn't pay much attention to it.

It is now confirmed that this is true.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it directly caused a sensation in the whole country and even the biggest leader.

Now Ji Changze's teachers and classmates, friends and parents, have been quickly investigated in various ways, his family situation, from childhood to college grades, everyone's evaluation, have also been put on the upper desktop.

While Chen Xingdong and the others came to pick up Qin Xinlian, some soldiers had already rushed to Ji's hometown to protect his grandparents.


Not an exaggeration.

After all, this technology is too bad.

And Ji Changze, after those big bosses who are enamored in research communicated with him, directly came to a conclusion.

This little classmate doesn't know how his brain grows. He is obviously young, but he is better than all of them combined.

Chen Xingdong, who likes to read novels in his spare time, can't help but think of the super high IQ talents he once thought would only appear in novels.

Unexpectedly, there are also in reality.

Everyone was excited and excited, and felt that Ji Changze had unearthed such a wicked genius.

But here comes the problem.

Ji Changze, who hasn't slept all day and night, refuses to sleep.

He just sat on the bed and read and ignored others. His three roommates were tired and fell asleep. He was clearly sleepy on his face, and his eyes were so bewildered that they couldn't open them, but they still fell asleep. Refused to sleep.

Everyone was afraid of something wrong with this baby egg, so they took turns to persuade them.

But Ji Changze just said: "I want my mother."

Chen Xingdong came out without stopping and leading people.

Although the big guys judged that even if other countries saw the video, they would not take it as real.

But he honestly took someone with him, took a gun, and got on the bulletproof car.

Such a baby egg, and baby egg's family, must be cautious.

Chen Xingdong: "We also called you on the way here, but your mobile phone shows that it is turned off, so we can only come directly to your house."

Qin Xinlian looked in a daze, nodded in confusion, and replied like sleepwalking: "Yes, yes, my phone was turned off in the morning."

She was still confused.

Nagasawa, entered the country x department?

Although she doesn't know what department this is, there is a country ahead.

This is the state department!

She felt that she should be excited, but the bottom of her heart was empty.

Even Qin Xinlian really had the idea of ​​"This is not a dream, right".

Otherwise, if Changze hasn't graduated yet, why has he already entered the country X department?

Is it a liar?

But the liar wouldn't be so bold in driving a military vehicle wearing a military uniform and carrying a gun.

But, but how is this possible...

The neighbors have helped Qin Xinlian ask questions.

"No? That kid is still in school?"

Chen Xingdong looked serious: "Yes, Ji Changze developed a robot, so he made an exception and entered the Ministry of State X."

Qin Xinlian's eyes lit up: "Yes, right, right, Changze seems to be talking about some robots in the past two months and wants to participate in the competition."

"Yes, it's this robot."

"Well, if you don't believe me, I will call classmate Ji Changze and let him talk to you."

After he finished speaking, Ma Liu called on the phone, and when he answered it there was a sentence: "Captain, no, he still refuses to sleep."

"I know, you give him the phone and tell him we have already come to pick up his mother."

After Chen Xingdong finished speaking, he handed the phone to Qin Xinlian.

Over there, Ji Changze was sitting on the bed and reading.

Turning the book at a rate of ten seconds per page, a few people were crowded in the window outside, watching him carefully.

"You said, why is this kid not sleepy?"

"The children who came with him have fallen asleep long ago. They were all snoring when I went, and I was tired when I heard them."

"It's weird. It stands to reason that what they did together, this kid should be sleepy too."

"Who said he's not sleepy anymore, you can't open his eyes anymore. Poor, his flipping movements are two seconds slower than before. This child is obviously sleepy, why doesn't he sleep."

An old man thought for a while, and said with certainty: "Isn't he saying that he has a particularly high IQ? He has a good memory, he is a genius, maybe a genius is so different."

"Have you ever seen any genius country soliciting mothers to accompany you."

"He is still young and a child, so why can't he want a mother? Besides, is there any conflict between genius and wanting a mother?"

"What the hell is he staying up and down because his mother is not there?"

An old man made a decent analysis: "I think his brain activity is much higher than ours. He doesn't sleep. It must be because he is still absorbing knowledge."

"Maybe it's because of nervousness."

"I think it's because he is simulating various experiments in his mind. I heard that a genius kid from abroad often does this. It's not impossible."

The windows are soundproof and bulletproof, so Ji Changze in the room could not hear what they said.

He quickly finished reading the book in his hand and put it aside with expressionless expression. A soldier standing next to him immediately took another book and handed it to him.

Then I tried to soften my voice, and persuaded: "Classmate, you should go to bed, do you want to sleep? When you wake up, you can read as many books as you want."

Ji Changze looked back at the bed.

Slightly frowned, turned his head and stretched out his hand, his cold voice was faint: "I want my mother."


He followed and looked at the bed.

The welfare treatment of their Ministry of State X has always been very good, and Ji Changze, the baby egg, was directly arranged in the best room.

Soft and soft beds, hard pillows and soft pillows, even if they like pillows made of bamboo, they can get Ji Changze right away with just one word.

The four-piece futon set for the bed is also the best.

The quilt is neatly folded, a typical tofu block.

Such a good sleeping environment.

This little student is obviously so sleepy, why didn't he sleep.

He worried that Ji Changze, who was just defined as a baby egg, would have something to do if he stayed up so hard, and tried hard to persuade:

"These quilts and the bottom padding are all brand new, and the four-piece suits are also new. They were specially baked before they were delivered. They are warm and comfortable to sleep."

Ji Changze: "I want my mother."


This baby egg is too difficult to deal with.

It just so happened that the call came at this time, his eyes lit up, he quickly picked up, and after answering, he gave the phone to Ji Changze.

Ji Changze answered the phone, and Qin Xinlian's voice came from over there: "Changze, there is a policeman here...No, right? There is a comrade in the military who said that you are in the Ministry of State X now. Let me pass, is it true? What?"

Ji Changze; "Really."

"Mom, when are you coming over?"

Qin Xinlian looked at Chen Xingdong, and Chen Xingdong quickly said, "It's less than half an hour."

Qin Xinlian: "This comrade said, less than half an hour."


Ji Changze nodded: "I'm sleepy, you guys hurry up."

He hung up the phone, and the soldier standing next to him hurriedly answered: "Classmate, go to sleep when you are sleepy? You can't help yourself without sleeping like this."

Ji Changze ignored him.

Lower your head and continue reading.


Don't be angry. Don't be angry.

This is a baby egg.

Qin Xinlian made sure that her son was indeed safe and sound, so she was relieved.

Also nodded and agreed to the past.

She followed this soldier and got into the car almost protected by Tuantuan. When she got on the car, Qin Xinlian always felt that everyone was looking at her.

If it had been before, Qin Xinlian would definitely feel uncomfortable all over, wondering if there was something wrong with her body, or if her clothes were worn upside down and damaged.

But now, thinking about what Chen Xingdong said just now, she was full of pride in her heart.

Her parents are promising!

Also bring her to the Ministry of State X together.

Who said that her parent Ze is a giant baby.

Her parents, Ze, are very promising! !

With so many people outside just now, Chen Xingdong couldn't elaborate too much. When he got into the car, he told Ji Changze's refusal to go to bed as long as his mother was involved.

Qin Xinlian felt distressed when she heard that her son hadn't slept for such a long time.

"Then, then he said why didn't he sleep? How can he not sleep?"

Although she herself often stayed up all night for work and went to work the next day as if nothing had happened, it didn't matter if some things were left to her. When she arrived at her own children, she felt distressed.

Chen Xingdong shook his head: "He only needs books, and he wants you. No matter how we ask about the others, he won't speak."

Qin Xinlian nodded: "Yes, Changze is like this. He is very uncomfortable. Sometimes even if I talk to him, he ignores me."

She had even thought about whether her son disliked her and ignored her if he didn't want to talk to her.

Chen Xingdong; "His roommate said this is normal, saying that Ji Changze has his own set of criteria in his mind. If he judges that communicating with others is a waste of time, he will not communicate with others unless others say what he thinks is important. , Will take the initiative to communicate."

Qin Xinlian suddenly realized.

"So this is ah."

She misunderstood Changze again.

Chen Xingdong also thought it was amazing, but when he thought that Ji Changze was a super genius, he felt that he could not be measured by ordinary people.


They are all weird, bah, they are all special.

He said: "In short, I hope you can comfort him after you arrive and let him fall asleep as soon as possible. It is not good for the human body if he hasn't slept for such a long time."

And that baby's head, don't let it go bad.

Qin Xinlian nodded quickly and agreed.

But at the same time, I was also very surprised. Why didn't he sleep in Nagasawa?

The elderly Pippi who watched Ji Changze carefully outside the glass were also very surprised by this problem.

"Why is he still up?"

"Such a smart head, don't endure it."

"I see that the young man next to him is almost crying, this child just doesn't sleep, what's the situation?"

Several people thought about it, and put forward several answers that they thought were very likely.

"He must be performing various deductions in his mind."

"Maybe it's been a long time and I can't sleep."

"Maybe this is his way of life. He only sleeps for two days or something. Isn't there an example abroad before?"

"I think there are so many things in his mind that he can't rest at all. Did he yawn a few times without seeing it?"

As several people were talking, Chen Xingdong came with Qin Xinlian.

They opened the door and went in. Qin Xinlian had a worried expression on her face. When she saw the scene in the house, she immediately relaxed.

Seeing her coming, Ji Changze showed a slight smile on his expressionless face and shouted:

"Mom, I want to sleep."

Chen Xingdong: "..."


It's like they don't let him sleep!

Chen Xingdong quickly explained: "Ms. Qin, it's really not that we didn't let him sleep. You have seen it. This person has been brought to the bed. He just doesn't sleep. Look, do you have any idea?"

Qin Xinlian showed a relaxed smile on her face: "I know what's going on, Captain Chen, don't worry."

She stepped forward and directly laid down the stack of boxy bedding.

Put the pillow up again.

Turning his head to smile at his son: "Changze, come to sleep."

Chen Xingdong watched Ji Changze, who had been stubborn and refused to sleep, actually took off his shoes, got into the bed and lay on the pillow and closed his eyes.

Qin Xinlian helped him tuck the four corners of the quilt.

After just a few seconds of effort, Ji Changze's expression has calmed down, his breathing has eased, and he is clearly asleep.

Chen Xingdong: "..."

Responsible for protecting the soldier who urged Ji Changze to sleep: "..."

What's the situation? ? ?

They thought so many ways to no avail, how come this guy fell asleep when Ji Changze's mother came?

Ji Changze was asleep, and the three of them did not dare to disturb him, so they all went out lightly.

As soon as they left, the old men greeted them with curiosity on their faces.

"What's the matter? Why on earth does this little student refuse to sleep?"

Mom fell asleep as soon as she came.

Is it too dependent on mother?

By the way, it is possible.

He had always asked his mother to come, and he refused to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if he did not give it to his mother.

Several pairs of eyes were staring at Qin Xinlian, waiting for an answer.

It's because the brain is too smart to fall asleep.

I'm still nervous when I get to a strange place and I have to be coaxed by my mother.

Or maybe it is too eager for knowledge and want to read books.

Qin Xinlian was a little embarrassed to be looked at by them.

She gave a dry cough, and was not too embarrassed to directly tell her son's shortcomings, and said dryly and vaguely:

"Before at home, he slept only after I laid the quilt for him before going to bed. He never folded the quilt in school, so it was good to sleep all the time, but the quilt you gave him was folded. , He is like that."

Several people:"...???"

What is the logic? ?

Because of a quilt? ?

If you fold it up, you don't need to put it down again.

Seeing that they were all black question mark faces, Qin Xinlian felt even more embarrassed.

She was a little embarrassed, but still said:

"Changze, he doesn't know how to fold or spread quilts."

"So you give him a folded quilt, and he can't sleep even if he wants to sleep."

Everyone: "..."

Chen Xingdong looked in a daze, and felt that there was something in it for granted.

There is such a miracle in this world.

This genius who shocked the entire Ministry of State X, if this matter is announced, it will definitely make a sensation for the entire international elite.

He is sleepy, but does not sleep.

Actually because... can't cover it? ? ?

The heavens gave him the IQ that can really go to heaven, but he also gave him the general hands-on ability.

Maybe, this is a genius.