29|My giant baby, the country raises me (12)

Ji Changze's request to see Qi Yishu was easily met.

But the problem is that Qi Yishu is just a student who has not graduated, and his major is not suitable for working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After all, it's like Qin Xinlian. Although she doesn't have much education, she has everything to do. With her son by her side, she doesn't have to work hard, and she can chat with the family members of the family home. This kind of life is already a happy life for Qin Xinlian. Paradise.

But Qi Yishu is different.

At a young age, relying on his own efforts to enter this university, although the future will certainly not be as open as Ji Changze, but it is also not much different.

If she came to the Ministry of State X, it would be okay to live in the short-term, but it is absolutely unrealistic in the long-term.

After Zhang Xing clarified the situation, he immediately combined with reality, and said to Ji Changze with all his heart.

Ji Changze raised his eyes and nodded: "Then I can go back to school."

Zhang Xing: "..."

"Um... Comrade Changze, it is a bit unrealistic for you to go back to school now."

He once again took pains to explain the current situation to Ji Changze in detail.

The general meaning is as follows;

You are a big baby!

The 301 you developed is also a big treasure! !

Now your security level is definitely the highest. Even if you are in the Ministry of State X, we will protect you from the inside and the outside to ensure that you will never receive even a little from External harm.

And didn't you say that you still want to develop ¥ and ¥? Although your school is very good in all aspects, there is no good from our country X department.

Is it right? Just say it!

If you go out, what else will happen, it will not only be you, but the whole country as well!

What Zhang Xing said was patient and serious. After he finished speaking, he looked at Ji Changze, who was still calm and calm, and didn't know if this baby understood him.

Ji Changze: "So you mean that I can only stay here because I'm afraid that something will happen to me outside?"

Zhang Xing: "..."

It sounds like a jail sentence.

Do not! !

It must be an illusion.

He nodded, saying that the whole country knew about the previous 301 video directly, and the tree was very popular. No one knew if anyone or some kind of force would do anything to Ji Changze and the others.

Zhang Xing finished speaking, and was prepared to respond to Ji Changze's questions or inquiries. As a result, he continued to look down and read.

And also told him that if this is the case, then it doesn't need to be called Qi Yishu for the time being.

Zhang Xing: "..."

A genius is a genius, and a relationship is so different.

Zhang Xing was very frightened because of "Babydan made the request and the result could not be achieved", and worried that Ji Changze would have any negative emotions.

After all, it was the responsibility of Ji Changze to hand the people over to him, and the brothers who were fully armed at the back.

This baby's degree and special degree (giant baby) made Zhang Xing ready to care about each other in all aspects from the beginning.

Whether it is physical or mental, as long as it is a treasure, it must be put first.

Therefore, in the next few days, Zhang Xing has been paying attention to Ji Changze very nervously.

However, Ji Changze did not show any abnormality at all.

He still gets up on time every day, eats, reads a book, and then goes out with Wan Lao and the others to perfect the weapon that they named [Sui Mie] (?).

It is said that the name Suimie was proposed by Ji Changze's roommate Zheng Qinghui, meaning that even years of age can be annihilated.

Well, it's a pretty name.

According to him, he just said it casually.

As a result, after Ji Changze listened, he felt good, and the right to name it rested on him.

As a result, such a tall and coaxing weapon has the name of such an immortal cultivation system.

Even after everyone's research, they found that Suimie couldn't be used for military research at all, because the damage range was somewhat small.

Even Ji Changze couldn't improve himself.

He originally made Suimie for the auxiliary function of 301. Regarding the range, Ji Changze said:

301 has long legs.

It can run after the target.

Therefore, he never considered range.

But even so, it is enough for them to be a treasure.

The emergence of annihilation is equivalent to turning the impossible into possible.

After the research of these big bosses, Ji Changze's safety level has been improved.

Zhang Xing followed Ji Changze almost 24 hours a day. Even at night, he slept in the room next to Ji Changze. Outside, there was definitely a dedicated person with weapons and fully armed to stand guard 24 hours a day.

The state's prudence is more than just talking.

Even in the Ministry of State X, which is protected layer by layer, you must be extremely cautious.

Zheng Qinghui also stayed in the Ministry of State X.

In fact, their own knowledge is not enough to stay here, but taking into account Ji Changze's age, and the past incident of wanting a mother, in order to give him perfect care, after soliciting the opinions of the three of them, the three of them officially became People from Ministry of State X.

These three joys are crazy.

Ministry of State X! ! !

This is the Ministry of State X! !

But for all their majors, whoever is not dreaming of wanting to come in.

Of course, because the Ministry of State X is notoriously demanding, they can only dream.

But now, suddenly a heavenly pie smashed on them, and for some reason, he rubbed his roommate's light into the Ministry of State X.

And because I still work with Ji Changze, there is nothing unaccustomed to entering a job, just like when I was in school before, while working with Ji Changze and studying at the same time.

The three were extremely excited.

But when the gangster was present, they all held their breath one by one, not daring to speak.

After the big guys had finished discussing with Ji Changze, they all got out of the laboratory with a look of excitement, and then they breathed a sigh of relief and started discussing happily.

"If I tell my parents about this, they must think I'm joking, no, I'm so happy, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we can we can contact the outside world?"

The order was given. Before Sui Miao has been studied clearly, no one in the base can contact the outside world.

Although it was only a few days according to Ji Changze's inference, the three people still couldn't wait to share their joy with the family.

Zheng Qinghui is the most floating one.

After all, there were four people in a dormitory, and he was the only one who got in through the test of life and death.

And now! !

he! Zheng Qinghui! ! Entered the country x department! !

hahahahahahahahahaha! !

Cheng Yueyang and Zhang Zejun were also very excited. The three of them laughed and laughed for a few seconds, and Zheng Qinghui found that Ji Changze was not happy at all.

Although he knew that he was always expressionless, he always felt that Ji Changze was a little bit distressed.

"Changze, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Changze didn't hide it, and said directly: "My girlfriend can't come in."

"Oh... this matter, then you can just go out? I remember someone here also applied to work at home, right."

The welfare benefits of the Ministry of State X are absolutely leveraged!

Ji Changze: "Zhang Xing said that I might encounter danger when I go out."

Cheng Yueyang was surprised: "What can be dangerous, our country is notoriously safe, and you are such a house."

Zheng Qinghui understood it in seconds. He patted Ji Changze on the shoulder and said, "You don't know about it, right?": "We in Changze are almost like giant pandas. Have you ever seen giant pandas running all over the street? Even wild. The panda is also protected. Changze's brain is even better than a panda. The country must protect him."

"Furthermore, based on my years of experience in watching TV series and movies, someone like him is such a good one, in case some foreign forces don't want him to develop good things for our country, and then send a killer, bang—"

Zhang Zejun: "...too exaggerated, right?"

"It's not exaggeration or exaggeration. It's always right to be careful about this kind of thing." Zhang Qinghui patted Ji Changze on the shoulder again, and sighed: "It's a pity that we are in Changze. We have a relationship and we can't meet each other."

Speaking of it, I am really sympathetic.

Too good is not a good thing.

Look at them, wait until the end of these days, when they want to go home, just ask for a leave.

How cool!

Ji Changze: "You can meet frequently."

Zheng Qinghui: "Huh???"

He moved out Zhang Xing's words: "Yishu can apply to see me at any time, and I can also report out at any time."

As long as there are people around, there is no problem.

Zheng Qinghui doesn't understand this.

"Why are you upset about seeing you? Isn't that good?"

Then he heard Ji Changze say: "I want to meet every day."

Zheng Qinghui; "..."

Fortunately, he actually sympathized with Ji Changze just now.

His single dog actually felt the sour smell of love.

Bah baah baah.

Knowing that it was not Zheng Qinghui who withdrew his sympathy all at once.

Even from the standpoint of a single dog, he gloated for a while.

"Then there is no way. Who made you a giant panda, Changze, it's okay. You see, our brothers are all single, but we are not fine."

He was quite gloating and added: "In this way, you work hard, you have to work hard, study hard with Wan Lao and the others, wait until the protective cover in the interstellar film is developed, and look at it, hey! So safe, say I may agree with you to go out."

Ji Changze: "Protective cover?"

"Yeah, haven't you watched an interstellar movie? It's the kind of transparent protective cover that pops up as soon as it encounters an attack, which automatically resists the attack. Lightsaber, laser, nothing."

"By the way, you never watch a movie. Come and I will show it to you. It's fun. Can you make me a kind of lightsaber in this one? It doesn't need to be effective, it can be stretched, it looks handsome, it's bluff People are fine, I will take it back to coax my little nephew."

Seeing what Zheng Qinghui said, Zhang Zejun couldn't help but hold his forehead: "Qinghui, don't tell Changze about this, he will take it seriously. Did you forget that wing before?"

Zheng Qinghui didn't care about it. He took out his mobile phone to find his favorite interstellar film, pulled to the section of the protective cover to show Ji Changze, and waved his hand at Zhang Zejun:

"It's okay, unless Changze opens up, otherwise he won't be able to do something like this in two hundred years. It's completely surreal, don't you know."

Ji Changze has read this paragraph seriously.

Then he nodded and agreed to make a lightsaber for Zheng Qinghui to study (pretend to be).

Zheng Qinghui didn't take it seriously.

Although Zhang Zejun and Cheng Yueyang felt that he was abandoning a child (giant baby), they didn't take it seriously.

One month later

Ji Changze handed the finished lightsaber to Zheng Qinghui.

"What's this?"

Holding a bare sword hilt, Zheng Qinghui looked dumbfounded, and looked at it over and over again.

Ji Changze: "The lightsaber you want."

Zheng Qinghui: "...oh, oh, yes, no, Changze, you are hiding in your laboratory this month, Wan Lao and they are looking for you, are you doing this stuff?"

What to do if he has a guilty conscience.

Nagasawa actually delayed business for the toy he wanted...

Fortunately, Wan Lao they don't know.

He quietly glanced at Zhang Xing, who was following Ji Changze, and smirked, "Changze...I actually just said it casually."

"By the way, how do you play with this thing?"

The youth stepped forward, held the hilt of the sword and swung it out, and a short luminous stick was swung out.

Ji Changze held it in his hand and explained: "This is fingerprint unlocking."


Zheng Qinghui laughed unceremoniously.

"Nagaze, your lightsaber... is it shorter?"

Where is the lightsaber? The dagger is almost the same.

Ji Changze twisted his eyebrows slightly, looked down at the lightsaber in his hand, his voice was faint; "I tried many methods, but I can only extend it to this length."

He was so serious that Zheng Qinghui was a little embarrassed. He took the lightsaber and coughed dryly: "I just said casually, you don't need to be like this. By the way, his material is strong, will it break? It looks very good. It's crispy, did you put a lamp in it?"

"It won't break."

Ji Changze knocked on the table: "Try it."

"Really not? This is something you made, but I want to take it back and give it up."

Zheng Qinghui said as he touched the table lightly.

When I touched it, I was still thinking about it, but don't touch it.


A large piece of the sturdy steel table was cut off and smashed firmly to the ground.

Zheng Qinghui: "..."

Is this really true? ? ?

Zhang Xing reacted quickly and immediately drew his gun, guarding him in front of Ji Changze vigilantly.

The soldiers outside also rushed in, surrounded them and guarded Ji Changze with a human wall vigilantly.

Zheng Qinghui: "..."

Ji Changze directly pushed aside the human wall, walked out, and took the "light saber" under Zhang Xing's nervous sight.

He smiled lightly at Zheng Qinghui: "Although it is short, it works well."

Zheng Qinghui: "..."

Why does it always feel like Nagasawa is laughing at him.

No no no! !

How could Nagasawa laugh at him.

Maybe Changze didn't even have the word joke in his head.

Zhang Xing looked at the "light saber", still very vigilant, and stepped forward carefully: "Changze, let me hold it, don't hurt yourself."

"It's okay."

Ji Changze took it and poked his stomach under the horrified eyes of everyone.


--boom! !

Everyone only heard a sound in their ears.

Looking up, only one...the ball was standing in the position where Ji Changze had just been.

Big round ball with round sides.

The youth stood inside and smiled at them.

"This is a protective cover made into clothes. It looks no different from ordinary clothes, but once it encounters damage, it will immediately bounce up and wrap the human body. The current test results can block any gun."

Everyone: "..."

Zhang Xing was almost scared to pee: "Changze, I am by your side every day, why didn't I know that you had a test???"

"And where did you get the gun?"

He looked at the other soldiers suspiciously.

Ji Changze: "I did it myself."

"It was done with laboratory materials, and it was removed after the experiment was over."

Zhang Xing: "...You shot, why didn't I hear a sound?!!!"

Ji Changze stretched out his hand to the top of the ball, while pressing something, he answered naturally: "I did it..."

Zhang Xing: "..."

Zheng Qinghui: "Changze, what are you doing?"

"I'm opening the thin layer."

Ji Changze opened the first floor of the ball and explained: "I designed a mouth for this protective cover, which is just the size of a lunch box."

"In addition to delivering food, you can also deliver water. I also designed a compartment for storing oxygen here to ensure that people will not suffocate in the long-term expectation."

Zhang Xing felt that he was about to suffocate.

So, their baby egg means that when encountering danger, such as a gunfight, Ji Changze can stand in the ball and watch the gunfight, and can also receive the lunch box sent outside, and watch while eating? ?

This is too weird... No, we can't say it is weird!

This is the treasure of the country! !

Zhang Xing forced himself a smile of encouragement and admiration on his face, clapping applauded: "Okay!! This ball...No, this protective cover is really a good invention, safe!!!"

Other people reacted, and they all followed suit.

Ji Changze showed a light smile, closed the thin layer again, and continued to introduce: "In addition, it is also very resistant. As long as it pops out, even if the tank is pressed down, it will be intact."

Zhang Xing nodded and smiled:

"It's awesome!"

But I would like to ask, why does the tank press a ball?

Zhang Xing suddenly recovered from "Why do I want to boast a ball".

its not right! !

This ball is indeed a good thing!

Think about it, there was a car accident, the person was in the ball, and the car had an accident, and the person was safe and sound.

Falling into the water, the person is in the ball, the ball will float in the water!

Falling from a high altitude, people in the ball... Wait, there is no way to fall from a high altitude, it will still die.

He asked this question subconsciously.

Ji Changze nodded: "So I also equipped this protective cover with high-altitude protection. When it falls high-altitude, it will upgrade its protection."

Zhang Xing was excited: "Is it okay to fall from high altitude?!!!"

Ji Changze: "At most hemiplegia, the brain will be protected."

Zhang Xing: "..."

It's okay, it's okay, it's already good.

Anyway, under normal circumstances, the probability of falling from a height is still relatively low.

Ji Changze: "Its production price is also very low, I think it can be mass-produced."

Zhang Xing: Damn it! !

Such a good thing, the price is still so low? ?

Ji Changze: "But."

but? ?

but what? ?

Zhang Xing couldn't help getting nervous, and looked at Ji Changze inside the ball with a worried look.

Ji Changze: "I have to give me a commission for the money sold."

Zhang Xing: "..."

He wanted to cover his face.

Baby, you haven't figured it out yet, are you the baby of the country?

The country can't wait to put you in the palm of your life and serve you devoutly!

Money is definitely indispensable! !

Zheng Qinghui patted the ball curiously: "Changze, this ball... Does this protective cover really have no shortcomings?"


Seeing everyone looked at him curiously.

Ji Changze poked the ball calmly.

"I forgot how the settings came out."

Zheng Qinghui: "..."

Zhang Xing: "..."

other people:"..."

Zheng Qinghui: "So... you mean, your ball won't be splashed with water, it's so hard that it can't be opened by any means outside, but you forgot the way you designed it???"

The young man nodded, calmly as always, and opened the thin layer:

"It doesn't matter, isn't there a lunch box opening here? I won't starve to death."

Zheng Qinghui: "..."

Is this a question of starvation or not? ?

Is this? ? ?

The problem now is, Ji Changze!

Country's baby egg! !

He made an invention and then trapped himself in it!

The key is because he is the most impressive.

In high probability, no one can let him out except himself.

Zhang Xing is going crazy.

He quickly took out the knife he was carrying to cut.

Sure enough, you can't cut it no matter how you cut it.

"Changze, you said you are fine, what are you doing with this thing? Hurry, go to Captain Chen."

Ji Changze stood calmly in the ball and silently looked at Zheng Qinghui.

Zheng Qinghui: "..."

He covered his face and let out a sigh of shame:

"I really don't say anything casually anymore!!"