37|Highly educated soft rice male (3)

Zhou Ranran felt very strange, why she went to the second building, and when she came down, her mother, who was still angry, was so affectionate to Changze.

"It's OK, don't send it anymore, just go back, Nagasawa, tomorrow you don't want to go to work and you won't go to work, go back, go back, the company has me."


She remembered something again, and turned back to her daughter-in-law and said, "There is a party tomorrow, do you want to attend it?"

Ji Changze asked: "Is there anyone at that party?"

Mother Zhou thought for a while: "It's nothing, it's just that Jinhui's old Dong gets married. Everyone is going. Didn't you say that you want to open a gallery before in Changze? I don't really understand this aspect. There are quite a few galleries under Jinhui's. You can find the opportunity to ask at that time."

Ji Changze understands, this is a network.

Zhou's mother is also a good personality. After Ji Changze said that she really likes painting, she was grateful to him, so she started thinking about helping him.

He nodded: "Okay, thank you mom, Ran Ran and I will definitely go there."

Mother Zhou is gone.

Zhou Ranran waited until she got in the car, and kept watching the car ass leaving strangely, and waited until she was gone, then she took her husband's hand and asked curiously:

"Nagaze, why is your mother so good to you all of a sudden?"

"Look at what you said."

Ji Changze smiled and stroked her head: "Mom has treated me badly before?"

"No, it's just..."

Zhou Ranran didn't know what to say. His parents were pretty good to Changze before, but because Changze stayed at home and didn't go to work, there were still criticisms.

Especially since my father's accident, my mother has recently been able to take the lead alone, and she has to deal with the pressure inside and outside the company, and her temper has become a little bigger.

To Nagasawa is not as tolerant as before.

She didn't know what to do, so she could only persuade from both sides.

Zhou Ranran thought for a long time before saying something appropriate: "That is, my mother has a bad temper these days, and I suddenly become so in a good mood. I'm a little strange."

"She is in a good mood because she sees that we are in a good relationship."

Ji Changze looked natural: "You are not in good health. Mom has been worried about you. I am in a good mood when I came here today and saw that I took care of you so well."

"Actually, it's normal for her to be under pressure. Ran Ran, you can pay more attention to her when she is resting. Now that Dad is not awake, Mom is too tired to hold on by herself."

Zhou Ranran nodded; "I understand."

When Zhou Ranran went upstairs to see the flowers she raised, Ji Changze went to the studio.

Yes, the original owner has a studio.

And it's huge.

At the time of the renovation, he asked quite a lot, one for this, another for that, and another without abcd.

But who asked him to call the decorators? With the money, even those people couldn't get angry no matter how angry they were, and they could only endure work.

It's just that the original protagonist has the desire to become a great painter, but he doesn't have the talent and perseverance of a great painter.

The paintings hanging on the wall can be hung by any art student.

But he felt that he was gifted, but he was covered by this world, and even the ordinary people couldn't understand his amazing talent.

The original owner has always been so persistent. In reality, he told Zhou Ranran that Zhou Ranran, who didn't know how to paint, could still encourage him.

But on the Internet...

Ji Changze poked Weibo and saw that every Weibo was mocking.

This is not to blame for the ridicule.

In fact, the original owner is still worried about the image in reality, but he has no such scruples on the Internet.

The Internet is an umbrella, and no one can know who he is hiding underneath.

So he signed up for a Weibo and boasted about his paintings.

If the average person is satisfied with the painting, they should be humble and ask for advice.

And the original owner is satisfied with the painting. Once he took a picture, he posted it on Weibo. First, he brag about himself and stated what concept and mood his painting should indicate, what kind of light he was in when he was painting.

After a long period of time, there is one last sentence, and those who understand will naturally understand.

Of course, he didn't know what he knew.

He just pretended to be forced.

However, his ability to pretend to be compelling is not enough. The discerning person sees it at first glance and is open-minded. This kid talks a lot.

Look at the second look, tusk, this kid is pretending to be forced.

So what is there to say, the big guy pretends to be compelling, it should be, you are a little rookie, and no one can paint well, so you dare to pretend to be compelling?

Spray you! !

Spray hard! !

If you are spraying, you doubt life, and if you are spraying, you can see the essence of your own rookie.

However, the original owner was not affected at all.

He firmly believes that he is a big master at the master level. These people spray him because these people are all rookies and they don't understand at all.

As for what you know.

The original owner does not know either.

Anyway, they must be right if they don't understand.

He still insisted on being himself.

I took my wife's money to buy fans, and occasionally dumped a picture that others didn't know what I painted.

He didn't delete or spray back the people who sprayed himself underneath, but watched them spray underneath with a sarcasm.

Spray it, spray it.

People with strength are always jealous.

Anyway, he is rich, no matter how powerful these people are, his fan base looks particularly beautiful.

And because of his red envelopes from time to time, many people buckle for money, and some of them still pay attention to him if they don't know how to paint, just to praise his paintings crazy when he posts on Weibo.

After all, based on experience, the more you exaggerate, the larger the amount of red envelopes you get.

People who are powerful artists either rely on their works to increase their fans, or rely on new ideas to increase their fans.

As for the original owner, he relied on local tyrants to increase fans.

People always boast for the good paintings, and when they come to him, they boast for his money.

The original owner was such a sect, and soon his name became a special kind of clear stream in the circle.

The kind with a bad reputation.

Some people regard him as a malignant tumor in the painting circle, thinking that he is going on a crooked way, and the painting is not very good, and he is still boasting and boasting, "I have a realm, you are all rubbish" appearance.

While eating oranges, Ji Changze opened the private messages one by one to see.

Well, this scolding is pretty good.

Well, he doesn't even know this curse vocabulary. Write it down, maybe one day you can use it.

As I was watching, a new private message came.

Ji Changze clicked it, and at the beginning it was a line of words.

[I know your name, Ji Changze. ]

[If you don't want me to expose your real name photos, give me a million, don't fool me, I know you have money. ]

Understand the threat.

Ji Changze pulled a bit in his memory, and he really pulled out this memory.

At that time, someone threatened the original owner to expose him, and the original owner was afraid, so he beat him with a million.

After that, the person did not repeatedly blackmail, but never appeared again.

However, it does not rule out that before he appeared again, the original owner had been stabbed to death by Zhou Ranran.

Ji Changze put his hand directly on the keyboard and followed this message all the way to the black.

It's not hostile to enemies, and there is no conspiracy.

It is someone who makes money by threatening Internet celebrities.

The original owner is almost two people in reality and on the Internet. I want to know that the reason why he is so wanton on the Internet is that no one will know his real name behind this Weibo.

Under normal circumstances, if his name and photo are exposed, everyone's eyes are waiting for him.

The original owner is arrogant and not stupid. If he is really stupid, he won't be able to coax Zhou Ranran down. Of course, he can only be private.

But let's switch to Ji Changze...

He directly took a screenshot of this private message and posted it neatly on Weibo.

[I haven't done anything shameful. It's just a Weibo account for posting my work. Why don't I dare to expose my true identity in reality? This friend who extorted one million dollars, I have already called the police. Good luck. ]

This Weibo account can be considered black and red. After the Weibo was posted, the fans who were bent over for money had not arrived, and the sunspots had arrived all year round.

[Laughing so hard to me, but also used to put your own works, can your paintings be called works? It is simply the biggest joke of the year. ]

[I didn't do shameful things, just did shameful things. Now which painter is like you, doesn't rely on the painting to rely on money. ]

[Curious if anyone knows the blogger, the blogger is so boastful in reality, can't see himself at all? ]

[Blogger, my sister in elementary school draws better than you. Really, I advise you to delete this Weibo as soon as possible, and be careful when people in reality laugh at you. ]

Less than three minutes later, the army for the red envelopes also arrived.

Started all kinds of fancy flattery.

[Those sunspots upstairs don't blackmail us, okay? You don't move at all in his artistic conception. If you don't reach that level, you will say that my house is not well painted. Where is your conscience? ]

[This kind of person is really hateful. They use their real identities to blackmail them online. They must be caught and punished severely. ]

[Yes, it's just a Weibo for posting works, we are not afraid of shadows, what's so scary! ]

The two sides quickly started to "fight", and it was very lively when you came and went.

Ji Changze started painting while fishing.

This time he painted sunflowers. The bright sun shines on the top, but underneath is thick ice. Half of the sunflower is frozen.

The whole picture looks chilly.

After the painting was finished, Ji Changze took photos again like the original owner, and then posted on Weibo with the words:

[The starting point of this painting is to draw warmth and guidance. After the painting, I can feel that this painting has the power to make people feel at ease, and I feel that I have improved again. ]

Don't forget to add the iconic words of the original owner afterwards; [If you understand, you will understand naturally. ]

After the Weibo display was sent, the sunspots and the red envelope parties were all stunned for a second.

How do you say this picture?

It is very different from before.

It's not that the paintings are too good, but the paintings are too... how to say it.

Let's make an analogy.

If we say that the blogger's previous paintings, in their opinion, are at the level of junior high school students.

So now, it's straight back to the elementary school level.

It's still the first and second grade.

A sunflower, the painting is crooked, and the sun's rays are particularly wrong, let alone the ice underneath.

This kind of painting method can be seen to be very crude even by people who do not know how to draw.

The sunspots reacted first and began to laugh wildly:

[Hahahahaha, did you paint with your feet? My goodness, any elementary school student can paint better than you. ]

[It's still warm, amusing me to death, where do you see the warmth? Use your mind hahahahaha. ]

Red envelope parties:...

How can I praise this painting like this?

But think about the red envelope...

Forget it, bite the bullet, bullshit.

[Some people know what, this painting is perfectly perfect, okay? Even elementary school students can paint better than this. If you find an elementary school student to paint, look at this curve, look at this color, and then look at the visual effects. It's so awesome. ]

After racking his brains and typing out this paragraph, the red envelope party let out a sigh of relief.

It is not easy to make money these days, not only to torture your own aesthetics, but also to torture your own hands.

Other red envelope parties are also unwilling to show weakness.

[Yes, I also feel the warmth, and it's really improved a lot from before. Up to now, I think only the painting painted by Da March can compare with it. ]

This is a serious nonsense.

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu I was moved and cried, the painting is so good, after seeing this painting, my body feels warm, it is so perfect and awesome! ! ! ]

This is nonsense to prove it by itself.

[Oh my God! ! ! That's great, Da Da is really improving day by day. As a small fan who has been with Da Da from the very beginning, I really feel very happy, and I hope Da Da will get better and better. ]

This is pulling out his veteran status and trying to get a bigger red envelope.

So, for a time, Ji Changze's Weibo was divided into two distinct styles.

One is to wish to blow Ji Changze into a magical brush, Ma Liang, the world's most powerful painter.

One is to taunt the fans for the sake of red packets to pollute their eyesight and then taunt the painting, which is too rubbish.

When they were arguing, Ji Changze turned on the computer and found a navy company.

After placing an order for them to brag about themselves, they turned around to find another company and placed an order for them to be crazy about themselves.

As a result, the noise under Weibo became more and more severe.

Even because of the high heat, passers-by who didn't know the truth strayed in, looking at the noise underneath with a dumbfounded face.

But it was actually for a painting that looked like a painting by a primary school student.

They were confused for a while, and first turned over the comments, and found that there were a lot of toasts, and some who knew how to paint naturally didn't believe it.

But for those who don't know how to paint, even a world-famous painting is just a painting in their eyes, and they simply cannot understand why a painting can be sold at such a high price.

As a result, they couldn't understand why this painting like a primary school student was so genuinely complimented by others, which is understandable.

Ji Changze watched them quarreling, and from time to time saw which party was weak, and then went to add more money.

This noise was one night.

The red envelope party was originally just blowing rainbow farts for red envelopes, but they were really scolded and angry.

For a while, everyone felt very sincere.

The next morning, Ji Changze, the culprit, went on Weibo and posted a Weibo.

[Don't make a noise, everyone, especially my loyal fans, some people can't feel what I paint, but the mood is different. ]

The sunspots who had been arguing all night and were about to rest:...

Damn, this is too pretending!

Can't bear it, come brothers! !

The red envelope parties also received Ji Changze's red envelopes, and immediately they were full of fighting power, and they all yelled and rushed up.

However, Ji Changze had changed his clothes and brought that pair of paintings, ready to attend the wedding of Old Dong Jinhui with Zhou Ranran.

In fact, it is not a wedding, because there is no ceremony after all. It just invites a group of people to have a banquet at his house.

Zhou Ranran is not surprised: "This is the eighth time that Dong Jin has been married. It is normal for him to not want to do something big."

Ji Changze nodded: "Yes, but although Jin Dong has been married many times, he has always only had two children."

Speaking of this, Zhou Ranran was a little embarrassed: "Changze, today Jin Dong gets married. Swallow must be there. I told her the last time was a misunderstanding. She was also for my good. Don't blame her."

"It's okay, she is your best friend, and that kind of reaction is normal." Ji Changze smiled, looking indifferent.

Jin Yan is the eldest daughter of Old Dong Jin Hui and a good friend of Zhou Ranran. The original owner had a conflict with her before.

Probably it was because the original owner wanted to go to the bar for an affair, and finally ran into Jin Yan who was hi there. When Jin Yan saw a good friend's husband chatting and laughing with the beauties in the bar, and even got started, he was immediately angry.

He went straight up to scold him and called Zhou Ranran to complain.

It's just that the original master has a high rank and knows that there is nothing impervious to the world. Before coming to the bar, he told Zhou Ranran that he was going to the bar to find inspiration. Zhou Ranran only thought it was a misunderstanding because he reported it.

The bar was dark, Jin Yan was angry at the time and didn't expect to take pictures and videos. She couldn't produce evidence at all, so she had to give up.

It was only since then that she had an opinion on the original owner, and it was precisely because of her nosy stare that the original owner had never found a chance to cheat and play with women.

These two people are definitely annoying.

Sure enough, as soon as she arrived at the place, Jin Yan was already waiting at the door. Seeing Zhou Ranran smiled and greeted her, affectionately took her hand: "Ran Ran, you are here, I've been waiting for a long time."

When I saw Ji Changze next to him, the smile on his face faded a bit, but people came and went, and he could only maintain the surface polite: "Changze is here too."


Zhou Ranran gently shook her hand and motioned her not to show Ji Changze's face, Jin Yan was angry.

She has always had a good impression of Ji Changze, because Ran Ran has been telling her that Ji Changze is so good, but she is a female, and she is used to all kinds of things in the circle, so she consciously tries not to meet Ji Changze's sister husband as much as possible. , So as to avoid suspicion.

It turned out to let her see that scene.

Jin Yan was furious at the thought that Ran Ran believed this scumbag so much, but she couldn't produce evidence.

She glanced at the box in Ji Changze's hand: "You also brought two gifts?"

Generally couples bring a copy by default.

Zhou Ranran shook his head and smiled: "This is a painting painted by Chang Ze, and I said I want to give it to Xiao Cheng."

Jin Yan smiled at Ji Changze, "Thank you, then, but my brother is only eight years old this year. He can't understand painting."

Ji Changze smiled: "I painted this painting specially for him. He must like it."

Jin Yan became more angry.

What does Ji Changze mean?

Who doesn't know that her brother Jin Cheng is autistic, so don't say what he likes or even say a word.

He is an adult, is it interesting to run a kid like this!

She was about to go back when a little boy ran over without expression, hugged her leg, and cast his eyes down without saying a word.

"Xiaocheng, why did you run out alone?"

Jin Yan, who was still showing a fierce look just now, immediately softened her expression, picked up her younger brother, and coaxed in a low voice, "Is there too many people to be afraid?"

Jin Cheng still had no expression on his face, and his big eyes that should have been beautiful were very apathetic.

Jin Yan was about to continue coaxing, Ji Changze had already stepped forward, took out the painting, unfolded it to Jin Cheng's eyes, and said warmly: "Xiao Cheng, this is the painting that my brother gave you. Do you like it?"

Jin Yan glared at him, and it turned out to be a weird sunflower. The ugly couldn't bear to look straight, making him even more angry.

"Ji Changze, you!"

"It's so warm."

The immature childish voice suddenly sounded.

Jin Yan looked at her younger brother in her arms in disbelief.

The boy was looking at the painting without blinking, tilted his head slightly, stretched out his hand, and took the initiative.

Jin Yan: "!!!"

She was already incoherent with excitement, and even her eyes were slightly red.

"Xiaocheng, Xiaocheng, have you spoken??!!!"

"Xiaocheng, please say one more sentence, Xiaocheng, did you really speak?"

Jin Cheng spoke again:

"It's so warm."

He held the painting and looked up at Jin Yan:

"Sister, I like this painting."