39|Highly educated soft rice man (5)

In the next few days, nothing happened at the Zhang family's side.

However, Jin Yan told Zhou Ranran that Zhang Mazi seemed to be looking for the black material of their Zhou family everywhere.

Zhou Ranran asked Ji Changze, and Ji Changze was still not worried: "It's okay, just let her go."

During this period of time, he still maintained his frequency of painting one picture a month, and then put it on the Internet after painting. In fact, all kinds of seemingly decent judgments were all nonsense.

The sunspots were convinced.

It is really nothing to meet such a thick-skinned person.

No matter how they scolded, Ji Changze looked like he didn't hear or see it. Instead, because of the fierce battle, he attracted new traffic.

Some red envelope parties discovered Ji Changze, the treasured blogger who "as long as you praise me, I will give you a big red envelope", and immediately joined them happily.

Scolding for a long time, not only did not cause Ji Changze to cause any losses, but also caused him more traffic and fans.

It can kill popularity.

Zhou Ranran has been in frequent contact with Jin Yan recently, mainly because Jin Cheng's condition has improved.

And everything started when the painting was taken home.

Jin Cheng used to sit in his room every day, either playing with blocks in silence, or in a daze, never communicating with others.

But since Ji Changze gave him this painting, he gradually changed.

The painting was hung on the wall by Jin Yan. Jin Cheng quietly sat on the chair and looked at the painting. He took the paper and pen and began to paint by himself.

When Jin Yan called Zhou Ranran about this situation, her tone was choked: "I have never seen him so happy. He was very happy when he painted. After he finished painting, he ran to tell me that he wanted to make I also hung this picture on the wall. Really, Ran Ran, he never asked us after he was five years old. I was so happy."

"My dad, too, immediately bought him the best drawing paper and paintbrushes, and gave him a special room for painting. Since my mom left, I have never seen my dad so happy."

And all this is because of the painting given by Ji Changze.

Jin Yan always felt that Ji Changze must know the effect of the painting, but she was very curious as to why a painting could have such an effect.

She had a bad attitude towards Ji Changze before. Although she apologized, she still felt embarrassed, so she asked Zhou Ranran to help.

"Actually, there is nothing, but I have recently made a breakthrough in my artistic conception, and I tried to work hard in this direction."

Ji Changze's answer was very positive: "Let Xiao Chengduo come into contact with the painting. If he wants to paint, let him paint. Then let his family talk to him more, and he will gradually get better."

Zhou Ranran didn't understand this, and only looked at her husband with reverence: "Changze, you are really amazing."

Ji Changze smiled softly at her.

"I already said I'm great."

Speaking of this, Zhou Ranran still felt sad.

In fact, she has never doubted her husband's talent, but sometimes when she sees the paintings in the studio, she does have a sense of suspicion of "isn't this painting very simple?"

But every time she has doubts, Nagasawa gets very angry.

At that time, Zhou Ranran thought it was Changze's self-esteem, but now she knew that it was not self-esteem, but Changze really had this ability.

When a very capable person is questioned, it is strange not to be angry.

Feeling proud and a little guilty in her heart, she quickly called to tell Jin Yan the news.

When she said these words, her tone was proud.

After all, her husband said before that the reason why the painting was given to Jin Cheng is because Yanzi is her good girlfriend.

She was warm in her heart and proud of her.

Her husband is really good.

Jin Yan didn't know how to paint either.

But it does not prevent her from seeing the effect.

She quickly thanked: "Ran Ran, you thank Ji Changze for me. Thank you so much. My brother has this disease. Since he was five years old, my father has been thinking of ways to cure him, but for so long. It is useless, and it is getting more and more serious. Changze can have this heart, our Jin family remembers!"

"Swallow, don't say that. I am friends with you. Xiaocheng is my brother and Changze. This is what Changze told me. Xiaocheng is ill and he is happier than anyone else."

Jin Yan was moved by this.

She hadn't noticed before that Ji Changze was such a loyal person.

Such a painting can definitely sell for a lot of money as long as he publishes it.

But when he knew the effectiveness of this painting, he directly gave it to their family.

What kind of spirit is this.

"By the way Ranran, can Changze still draw such a picture? Can it treat other things, like depression."

Zhou Ranran looked back at Ji Changze who was drawing slowly.

Before she drove the speakerphone, Ji Changze could hear clearly. He nodded and said warmly: "You can paint according to the effect, but this kind of painting is very energy-consuming, and it takes too long to paint."

Jin Yan's voice instantly became excited: "It's okay, it's okay, it's fine if you can draw it, Changze, can you draw another one? My dad's partner has a depressed son at home, and he is willing to do it. Buy at a high price!!"

Ji Changze shook his head.

Although the face is still gentle, there is a firmness in his eyes that "don't bend the waist for money".

"Painting pays attention to heart. I don't want to sell paintings."

Jin Yan was disappointed, but did not express any surprise.

After all, her father had opened a gallery, and she also had contact with some painters, knowing that most of them are for art rather than making money.

Before, there weren't those painters who couldn't eat enough but refused to sell their beloved paintings.

Ji Changze said so, but Jin Yan admired him more in her heart.

She used to think that Ji Changze was with Ran Ran for money, but now it seems that he is really a noble temper.

That's good, knowing that Ji Changze is not for money, she feels more at ease.

Zhou Ranran also looked at her husband longing for admiration, and only felt that he was really noble in his heart.

Although everyone loves money, I have to say that a man who sells his paintings purely for art and not because his paintings can be sold at a high price is very attractive.

Of course, the premise is that he has to have a handsome and gentle face.

And he can't be short of money at the moment.

Both of them admired Ji Changze for his arrogance.

At this moment, they all forgot a little.

Ji Changze, he is still eating soft rice! !

Jin Yan's father, Jin Dong, has recently been proud of the spring breeze.

He has two regrets in his life. One is that his wife, who worked hard with him, passed away early and did not enjoy much blessing.

The other is his youngest son, who was diagnosed with autism when he was five years old. No matter how he seeks medical advice and asks for medicine, he tries to lay down his work and stay with him, the child will not get better at all.

After discovering the youngest son's illness, Jin Dong went to the hospital for ligation simply and neatly.

He knows himself and loves this female sex. When his wife was still there, he could still insist not to look at other women. When his wife passed away, he waited two or three years before getting married.

Jin Dong thought very carefully. What he is most concerned about is fairness. The love for Yanzi and Xiaocheng are the same.

Now that Xiaocheng is ill, Yanzi has a bluffing temperament, and he is not suitable for managing the company. In the future, the company may find a general manager to come back to take care of it.

But if he re-marries and has another one, the situation will be very different. The palms and backs of the hands are all fleshy. What if the child is smarter than Yanzi and smarter than Xiaocheng, what should he do if he is eccentric?

Yanzi and Xiaocheng have lost their mothers, but they can't buy dad again.

So he ran to do the ligation.

Even if Yanzi is not grown up in his life, Xiaocheng's autism will never get better, then he will only have these two children in his life and can only love them.

Jin Dong had been prepared for this, but suddenly, Xiao Cheng was about to get better.

During this period of time, he cooperated with the doctor and made various efforts carefully. After more than a month of hard work, although Xiao Cheng still had few words, at least he could communicate normally.

And he still likes reading books, the doctor said, if this situation continues, Xiaocheng can go to school normally next year.

He couldn't be proud of it. Ordinary people thought he was just newly married, so it was inevitable to be sweeter.

He was well-informed, so he came to inquire about it.

"Lao Jin, I heard that Xiaocheng is fine? Congratulations."

Jin Dongyi looked at the person who was happy with him, his face smiled, and he waved his hand with a smile: "It's not yet, the doctor said that he should take care of it slowly. It is estimated that it will be better next year."

"It's also a great thing to be good next year. Look at my daughter. I have been tossing for so long, and now it is getting more and more serious. Her mother and I are just a daughter like her. I really don't know what to do."

This person first shook his head with a painful face and told about the tragedy at home, and then suddenly changed the subject: "I heard that Xiaocheng is good, it's because of a painting, right?"

Jin Dong smiled: "No, I don't know what's going on in that painting. I don't see anything special when I look at it, but Xiao Cheng said that he felt warm and comfortable when he saw it. He hung it in the room every day before going to bed. It will take a long time. The doctor said that since he likes it, he will hang it all the time and follow him without taking it off."

His remarks blocked this person's plan to borrow the painting.

Although life is better now, more and more young people are suffering from mental illness.

Although the probability is not high, there are always well-informed inquiries about Jin Cheng because of a painting.

And the painter refused to sell another painting.

It was all for my family members, even if they were not familiar with Jin Dong, they all approached him and tried to use money or resources to exchange for the painting.

Dong Jin smiled on his face and refused to sell sackcloth in his heart.

He is not stupid.

Now Ji Changze refuses to sell, this painting is Xiaocheng's only life-saving straw.

Even if he offends people, he will never let go.

For the sake of my son, what is it to offend a few people.

Even if Xiao Cheng is ready, since this painting has such an effect, of course it must always be hung in his son's room.

Money is not as important as a son.

Naturally, the person understood what Jin Dong said, and could only move away from the subject in a slanderous manner.

It's just that I still think about it in my heart.

Just as Jin Dong thought, since these people are willing to inquire about their children, they must care about their children.

Compared to children, such a small amount of money is nothing.

But the most distressing thing is that they have money, but the person who painted this painting refuses to sell it.

Is there anything more distressing than this in this world?

Moreover, Jin Dong refused to reveal the name of the painter, saying that it was his family not for money, but only because of a good relationship with his family.

At first, only a few people knew about this. As Jincheng gets better and better, he has even started to enter school. Apart from talking less, he doesn't look very active, and looks almost like ordinary children.

Before, Jin Dong tried to find a way for his youngest son, and everyone in the circle knows that now his son has finished a painting.

This news spreads more and more, and more and more people want to find the painter who painted this picture.

And Ji Changze, who was guessed by them, is still living his "net celebrity" life.

Now, including Zhou's mother, he feels that he is truly hidden.

Obviously he has the ability to manage a company, but in order to avoid suspicion, he pretends to be mediocre.

The daughter was begging for the painting, but he refused to let it go.

If Zhou's mother had suspected that when Ji Changze married her daughter, Zhou Ranran was married for money and Zhou's family property.

So now, all these doubts have been dispelled.

She has no doubt that as long as Ji Changze thinks about it, he can sit firmly in the Zhou clan at any time and seize power again.

And Ji Changze wants to make money, there is more than this one way. As long as he paints a picture, there are a lot of people outside crying and wanting to buy.

But he didn't mean to be tempted at all.

Such a son-in-law who regards money as dung, can he do it for money? !

Certainly not!

Not only Zhou's mother thought so, but Zhou Ranran also thought so.

A man who is incapable of eating soft food is shameless in the eyes of others.

But a man who has the ability to make money as long as he reaches out to eat soft food is very different in nature.

What shameless? !

This clearly means that you don't care about the worldly perspective, and you can't do it without true love.

Therefore, at a party, when Ms. Zhang tactfully mentioned to Zhou's mother about "Ji Changze, a big man who stays at home and doesn't make money every day, he wants to raise Zhou Ranran", Zhou's mother was very determined.

My son-in-law was not raised by my daughter, it was just that he himself did not want to make money.

He is very capable, if he wants to make money, he will definitely do it in minutes.

They have a good relationship, two young couples, your money is my money, and my money is also your money. It is so clear where to divide.

Miss Zhang: "..."

She was so angry that she almost fainted last time, but after finally getting over it, she realized that someone had put the words Ji Changze said in the crowd.

What's so special is that she is anonymous, and she can't even find someone to give up her anger.

When those people sang and made peace, they just said that she was really jealous of Zhou Ranran to find the fault.

Even if she made a strong clarification, Ms. Zhang knew from the bottom of her heart that most people in the group did not believe it.

After all, those words barely put her disadvantage in front of everyone.

And Ji Changze's words are damn reasonable.

After that time, even if Miss Zhang was itching with hatred in her heart, in order not to make people feel that "Look, she really is jealous of Zhou Ranran", she could only hold back the trouble of not going to Zhou Ranran.

It's just that no matter how she begged and cried and acted like a baby with her dad, her dad killed him and refused to terminate the contract, saying that it was the best thing for Zhang to be so procrastinated.

And now that something happened to the Zhou family, if he came into contact with the contract at this time, his reputation would definitely be damaged.

This is not okay, that is not okay, Miss Zhang almost fainted again.

When she saw Mother Zhou coming at this banquet, she thought, if she doesn't get close to Zhou Ranran, she won't be close. Zhou Ranran's mother wants to hurt this daughter.

Now that Ji Changze, who is useless except for her face, is pulling her daughter to eat soft rice like a vampire, she doesn't believe that Zhou's mother will not be angry.

Let them fight inwardly, it is the trick.

Just think about it.

Then, Miss Zhang really didn't expect it, she can only think about it.

During the banquet, there were still a lot of people in this area. She was holding a glass of wine and listened stiffly to Zhou's mother.

"When Ran Ran brought Changze this child to our eyes, I said he was a good man. He was good at the first look at his character, and he was still in the same school as Ran Ran. It really is."

"Sometimes I also think that I must have saved lives in my last life, otherwise, how could I be so lucky in this life? First, I had a good daughter like Ran Ran, and an excellent son-in-law like Chang Ze, eh, now I'm so lucky. With a grandson or granddaughter, my life is complete."

Miss Zhang: "..."

She smiled dryly, barely got her thoughts back, and squeezed out: "But Ji Changze seems to have not gone to work, right?"

"Yes, he is a painter, he can paint well, you know the painter, he is freelance, he doesn't need to work, I think, Changze has such a clear temperament, which is nurtured by painting, and you are interested in it. You can also go and learn."

Miss Zhang: ...Who wants to learn this stuff?

Doesn't money fragrant? !

She chuckled and went straight to the subject: "He paints, doesn't he seem to make money?"

Speaking of this, Zhou's mother is even more proud.

"Many people wanted to buy Changze's paintings, but he refused. He paints because he likes it, not for money!"

Ms. Zhang believes that there is a ghost.

This year, who doesn't want to make money yet.

Fortunately, many people want to buy Ji Changze's paintings. I am afraid that they are all requested by Ji Changze.

Just to fool the Zhou family.

It's not that Miss Zhang looks down on people, but he knows what major Ji Changze was when he was in school.

This man was not in this major before. After graduation, he suddenly changed to study painting, and he didn't reveal a little painting after he finished.

If it's not to find an excuse to eat his wife's food, who would believe it?

She didn't believe it anyway.

Mother Zhou still praised her son-in-law in Balabala for how excellent and understanding her son-in-law was. During this time, she had worked so hard on her own, thanks to his help.

Miss Zhang can't listen anymore.

It's too much to blow.

She felt that her ears were about to be contaminated.

With a stiff face and hurriedly said that she would take a step first, Miss Zhang went to the corner, thought about it, and sent a message to a number.

"Help me check the details of a person, the more black the better."

Zhou Ranran can be regarded as growing up with her, and Miss Zhang herself has been jealous...Bah! It is because she is not pleasing to the eye, she has always been paying attention.

Naturally, I know that Zhou Ranran has no black material.

But Ji Changze is different.

Since this guy can eat soft rice, maybe...


Not waiting for Miss Zhang to think proudly about how she would make the fellow who dare to say that she was neurotic be disgusted by Zhou's family, and the mobile phone text message sounded again.

When you open it, the beginning is [finished].

So fast? ?

The Flash? ? !

Of course she didn't know that Ji Changze's black material was too easy to find.

He is black and red on Weibo.

Just put the name on Weibo and searched it, and a bunch of them would come out immediately.

Miss Zhang looked at the introduction first, and then when she looked at the primary school student's painting below, she almost didn't laugh.

She thought that the Zhou family regarded Ji Changze as a treasure, and this guy was really capable.

As a result, this is the legendary excellence? ?

I'm afraid it will laugh off people's teeth when you say it.

She felt comfortable all over for a moment.

The sky is blue, the clouds are white, and the head is green... Bah!

Thinking of the husband who actually ran to play with the woman yesterday, the expression on Miss Zhang's face became gloomy again, and when she looked down at the information on the mobile phone, a viciousness appeared in her eyes.

The anger in his heart was simply sent to Ji Changze.

She quickly sent a message, instructing that no matter how much money she spent, she would mess with Ji Changze!

As for the Zhou family, Ji Changze, who was slowly drawing, received the message on his mobile phone.

He clicked to see that it was a message from the marketing company.

Tell him that if he wants his reputation to go higher, he has to make a big deal, and he must spend more money than before to invite the navy to ask him if he wants to buy it.

The corners of Ji Changze's lips curled up slightly, and he hummed a song and typed it over.

[No, someone will buy it for us. ]

[? ? ? ]

That night, someone really started to expose a big V painter with millions of fans.

The exposure is very detailed.

His name is Ji Changze. How old is this year, where is the person, and what university he attended. After graduating from university, he always ate soft food at his wife's house and almost never went out to work.

The paintings are a pile of rubbish, and they boast all kinds of boasting. In order to hear other people's praise, they will give out red envelopes, causing a group of red envelope parties to close their eyes and brag about the money.

Even the most exaggerated thing is that, according to his information, he has no way and no ability to make money. It is conceivable that the money he used to give out red envelopes is definitely his wife's.

The man who eats soft rice is always contemptuous. Ji Changze's Weibo on the Internet still looks like "I painted well, but you don't understand it because you don't understand." This caused a group of people to call this person. Peerless and wonderful.

As a result, the Weibo that had just calmed down was torn into a ball.

The marketing company was completely convinced.

But there is one thing they are curious about.

[Tear it like this now, if you don't wash it well, be careful to overturn the car. ]

Ji Changze replied: [Don't worry, no problem. ]

It was expected that Miss Zhang would do such a thing, but he didn't expect her to react after so long.

But it doesn't matter. Her father is so cunning and her daughter has offended people so bluntly. He still goes directly to the navy. The Zhang family was originally just watching, at best, it can only be regarded as not helping.

Now that Miss Zhang has taken action, the Zhou family and the Zhang family are completely enmity. If the Zhou family had been okay before, Zhang's father might still be embarrassed to ask for peace.

But now...

He slowly painted in the studio quietly, and the phone rang after a while.

There was Zhou's mother's voice: "Changze, the Zhang family has broken the contract."

Ji Changze's tone was quite calm: "Mom, don't worry, first get the money he lost. If he dares to do this, he must know the accurate news. You just took the opportunity to clean up the company."

After these days, Zhou's mother had completely trusted Ji Changze. After hanging up the phone, she went to deal with Zhang's compensation.

As for Ji Changze, he opened Weibo and he got a card as soon as he entered.

Enough topic this time.

I went in and saw that he himself was already on the hot search. As for whether the hot search was bought by Miss Zhang or the masses themselves pushed him up, it is still open for discussion.

The marketing company is afraid of overturning, and has sent a lot of news in a short period of time.

[Is it really okay? Now you are almost hacked by the entire network. ]

[If there is no hole card that can be hit with one hit, it is better to hire someone to control the situation now. ]

[Be careful of overturning. ]

Ji Changze: [Let the topic ferment again, I still have something to deal with in reality. ]

marketing company:"..."

When is this, still dealing with real things! !

But Ji Changze is a client, he is not in a hurry, and they will not cry so much that they really feel so anxious.

So he can only let him go.

Ji Changze is not a lie, he is really something in reality.

Onlookers watched Zhou's being targeted.

As I said before, Father Zhang is an old fox, and he will not do things he is not sure about.

This time the contract was suddenly broken, because Miss Zhang had hacked Zhou's son-in-law on the Internet, and he didn't need to pretend if the two were feuding.

Secondly, he received accurate news that Zhou's was about to be messed up.

This is what Ji Changze has been waiting for.

After all, the thorn has been there, even if it is buried in the flesh now, it doesn't hurt, but as long as it is there one day, there will always be a day of pain.

Even if it really doesn't hurt for the rest of your life, and you watched a thorn grow in your flesh, it should be okay.

It would be cool to pull out this thorn while keeping Zhou's house.

For the opponent, the best way to bring down a company is to let the company default on its debts and go bankrupt.

As for Zhou's current external and internal troubles, it is quite simple to operate.

Ji Changze has been waiting.

Sure enough, the next day, Zhou's mother called with a panic.

Zhou's family had been dealt with before, and now their opponents suddenly made a move, and their funds could not be turned around at all. Now they can't get a loan even if they find a bank loan.

I could only watch as I was dragged down because I couldn't make up the money.

Ji Changze comforted her first, and when she hung up the phone, she turned on the computer and checked the target. After locking the target, she called Jin Yan.

"Oh, rare, you actually call me too, what's the matter? Is Ran Ran's cell phone dead?"

Jin Yan was at home and was playing a game. She answered the phone when she saw the phone. She was straightforward. After hearing the voice of Ji Changze, her expression gradually became serious.

"Okay, no problem, I will tell my dad."

Jin Dong, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, heard his daughter calling him, raised his eyes and waited until Jin Yan hung up the phone, then patted his belly and asked, "What? What are you going to tell me?"

Jin Yan went straight to the subject: "Ran Ran's company is short of money. Ji Changze wants to sell his healing paintings to make up for the shortfall."

Jin Dong's original smile suddenly appeared happy: "What are you selling!! If you want to do it, let me do it! Let me do it. I am familiar with this. Don't worry. Ran Ran is a good friend of you. I will definitely not cheat them. Family, only a two-pointer of money!"

Jin Yan: "...Dad, this is money for emergency rescue. Ji Changze said before that he would not sell anything, but now that he offered to sell it, I am very anxious. You are embarrassed to collect the money."

"Business is business, friendship is friendship, how can we give up our own profits just because others are anxious, you girl is really stupid."

Jin Yan looked at her dad disgustingly: "Did you forget how good Xiaocheng is? Ji Changze confiscated a penny of our money and gave Xiaocheng that painting. Regardless of friendship or business, our family owes them all. Home."

Jin Dongyi thinks so too.

Hehe smiled: "That's OK, I don't need money, you tell Ji Changze, let him rest assured, I will do this thing steadily, knowing that they are eager to spend money, the sooner the better."

So many people asked him before, and now he wants to find someone willing to buy the painting is simply too easy.

Jin Yan nodded: "Okay, yes, do you want Ji Changze to paint more, lest you don't have enough money."

"Don't worry, it must be enough, just one picture is enough, you don't know, this painting, the more you paint, the less valuable it is. This is all in this line..."

Jin Dong, who was talking to his daughter about popular science, had a sudden conversation.

Eh? wrong.

The reason why the more paintings are less valuable, is because the rarity has declined.

But Ji Changze's paintings have other functions, how can they be compared with those paintings.

Regardless, he can be sure that the absolute price of this auction will shock many people.

Just when Jin Dong was intensively engaged in the auction.

Ji Changze has already scolded even more severely under his Weibo.

[Eating soft rice is so unaware that the primary school student paintings I drew are better than yours, and those who understand it will naturally understand. I think the people who blow you indiscriminately are the navy. ]

[I really laughed at me. I was so embarrassed to show my ugliness like this painting, and I was so embarrassed to praise myself a lot. Really, I turned around one by one, but I couldn't find one to look at. ]

[People are progressing, but you are regressing, and you are still a master. Are you going to laugh at me and inherit my credit card bill? ]

The Red Envelope Party faces such a vast army, think about the red envelope that has a very gratifying weight.

Gritting your teeth and fucking! !

He Xijing is such a red envelope party.

Her family financial situation is not very good. When she was in college, she kept on working part-time while gritting her teeth while going to school. She never asked for a penny at home.

After work, the rent, water and electricity, travel expenses to and from get off work, three meals a day and food expenses all weighed on her.

Every month the salary is paid, after deducting a bunch of things, only a little bit is left.

In order to survive, she began to look around for ways to make money.

Ji Changze, a painting blogger, had accidentally discovered this before.

As long as you exaggerate your good looks and blow the rainbow fart, you will get a red envelope.

Sometimes the amount of this red envelope can be very large.

In fact, He Xijing can also paint. I can see that Ji Changze's paintings are not very good, but for the sake of money, she regards herself as a blind man and flatly praises Ji Changze every day.

He Xijing stepped forward with a particularly sincere feeling when the sunspots who cursed began to curse.

Because according to her experience, there are more torn red envelopes than simply complimenting red envelopes.

Of course, if you are torturing and complimenting people, the number will be more objective.

During the lunch break, some colleagues were sleeping, He Xijing seized the opportunity and quickly took out his mobile phone and started cursing sunspots.

She didn't dare to use the keyboard for fear of disturbing colleagues, so she could only hold her hands and scold intently.

[What do you group of sunspots know, these paintings are clearly painted very well, you don't even see the artistic conception in them, you are embarrassed to spray, and there are these beautiful lines, which ordinary people can draw! ]

As for the artistic conception?

She doesn't know either, but just care about him, just play as Ji Changze said.

[You actually attacked yourself personally. I don't understand the painting, but I blame others for not doing it well. What's so cold? The heart of the person who sees the sunflower is warm, and the blogger's style has always been such a warm style. As a long-time fan, I said that I became a blogger because of this. ]

Well, it's actually because of the red envelopes, and she also thinks the sunflower painting is cold.

While debating silently and passionately, a colleague asked suddenly from behind He Xijing: "Do you really think this sunflower looks warm?"

He Xijing stiffened with fright and quickly turned around. As expected, a colleague was standing behind and looking at her. The expression on her face was a bit indescribable, but in short, it did not seem to be contemptuous.

She subconsciously wanted to say that she was boasting because of the red envelope, but she had strong self-esteem, so she could only bite the bullet and nod her head.

"Yeah, you also know this blogger. I think his paintings are very warm. I don't know why so many blacks scold him."

Compared to being told that she was a fan on the Internet for a little money.

Let others misunderstand her aesthetics...

As he was thinking, He Xijing suddenly found that the colleague in front of him had a little sympathy on his face: "Ajing, it turns out that you have a tendency to be depressed. I didn't really see it before. I always thought you were very happy every day. Take a look at this painting. From now on, I will take my car to and from get off work, and I will take you back on the way. It will also give you more time to rest."

He Xijing: "...Huh?"

No, why is she depressed? ?

Colleagues are still chattering: "I just saw the news. It turns out that this blogger's paintings are not for normal people. Only people with depression and autism can understand them. No wonder I went to see his Weibo before. At that time, so many people were complimenting him, one by one, he was very serious. I thought it was because of you for the money, but I didn't expect it to be for this reason."

He Xijing: "..."

Isn't it just for the money? ? ?

"That...what news?"

"En? Are you not a fan of him? Don't you know that there was a problem with his wife's company's capital chain. This blogger auctioned his own paintings, but a group of people rushed to shoot them, and the prices were so high. Then the reporter found out that he was interviewed. The paintings actually have healing functions."

Then, she glanced at He Xijing sympathetically: "Ajing, I'm so sorry, I knew you were a fan of him before, and I still thought in my heart that you were doing it for money, but I didn't expect this to be the reason."

He Xijing who is for money in itself.

She is acknowledging that she expressed that she is such a layman for the red envelope, and that she has a tendency to be depressed and that she has the opportunity to ride for free.

In the end, she lowered her eyes slightly, showing a little loss on her face, and spoke softly:

"Actually, my illness has long since healed."

It's impossible to be sick anyway, otherwise it would be bad if it is revealed one day.

"However, I really praised these paintings before, and it is indeed my sincere."

She was "surprised" again and said: "But I didn't expect that the people who scolded me looked at it from a different angle."

He Xijing really said this.

She thought that the people who brag about Ji Changze and all kinds of rainbow farts with her are all the same people who are struggling for red envelopes.


People's home is really true feelings.

Sure enough, this world cannot be taken for granted.

At the same time, the red envelope parties all sighed in their hearts as if they were Xijing.

——Unexpectedly, it turned out that only myself was for the red envelope.