42|Ancient unfilial children (1)

Ji Changze has been lying on the ground patiently, waiting for his strength to return, only when one of them walked by his side, he did it abruptly.

The little soldier who was whispering in his mouth about how kind words he was, was startled, and he was just screaming and jumping back.

Seeing Ji Changze looking at him with blood on his face, he screamed again and knelt on the ground as his knees softened.

"Grandpa Ghost, you adults have a lot and don't care about the little ones. We just want to help you collect the corpses. We don't want to do anything else. Please let me go. I have some old and young people, and I was arrested. I haven't killed anyone in the war for so long, and I haven't seen my old parents in the family for three years. My wife is still eight months pregnant..."

Ji Changze has been patiently listening to him, before asking: "You haven't been home for three years, and your daughter-in-law is eight months pregnant?"

Little soldier: "..."

He choked fiercely, and didn't dare to lift his head, crying, "Woo woo woo is a small one, the small one lied to you, the small daughter-in-law is not pregnant."

Ji Changze looked at the little soldier who was standing next to him again. When the little soldier saw him looking at him with blood on his face, his legs trembled in fright, and he quickly knelt down: "My lord, my lord, we are just greedy for money. We are not the one who killed you." ."

Seeing the two crying hard, Ji Changze got up slowly and patted the dirt on his body: "It's all right, you can rest assured, I know it was not you who killed people."

The little soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. Before the end of their breath, they listened to the bloody dead man who crawled out of the underworld and said again; "You are just touching us, disrespectful Only the dead."

Two pawns: "..."

They are almost scared to pee.

"We, we, we just want to bury you. By the way, see if there are any wounds on your body. It really doesn't mean that, Grandpa Ghost."


Several copper plates fell with their kneeling motion, just falling on the stone, making a crisp sound of money.

Ji Changze looked at the copper plates.

Little soldiers: "...Yes, it can be explained. We picked up these copper plates."

"If it's not yours, can you give it to me?"

"Yes, it's all for you, mine also for you."

Like an amnesty, the two hurriedly took out the money from their arms, and all placed them on the ground carefully in front of them.

Ji Changze stepped forward, stretched out his hands and picked them up all in his arms, and asked, "Let's say, whose soldier are you?"

"We, we are under General Hou."

General Hou.

Before checking the memory, Ji Changze didn't know what this General Hou was doing, but he didn't catch blindness at all, but followed what the two of them had just said.

"Do you know where the rebels went?"

The two of them thought he was going to seek revenge from the rebels, and they were overjoyed and quickly explained what they knew.

"The rebels killed people, so they went to the northwest. It seems that they also brought a group of slaves. They should be sold to the northwest. Grandpa Ghost, do you remember that the rebels killed you?"

Ji Changze didn't speak, only looking at his clothes.

He stood up and looked at the small village right next to the river. He opened his sleeves. Underneath were his dirty arms that hadn't taken a bath for a long time. The clothes on his body were the opposite. Remove the blood stains and the dust on the ground, even if it was. The crevices in the corners of the clothes were washed clean.

If the body is dirty, the original owner certainly doesn't like to be clean.

If the clothes are clean, it means that someone has helped him wash them.

This body had lived with people not long ago, but he hadn't checked the memory yet, and he couldn't be sure whether his relatives were in these corpses or how.

Ji Changze stretched out his hand and knocked on the heads of the two kneeling men.

"You guys wait for me here, I'll go in and have a look, and I'll come out in a while."

The two were overjoyed, seeing the blood-stained shoes leave, and they were extremely happy.

They are not stupid, who is still waiting.

Waiting for the ghost to leave, they immediately turned and ran.

At that time, I went to the barracks. There were soldiers and generals, so this ghost should not dare to come over.

He looked at each other and was about to start running, and behind him came the blood-stained, chilly voice: "If you run, I will chase."

Two people: "..."

Ohh Ohh ohh.

Ji Changze chose this house because he saw the same fabric as the dress on his body on the rope in the yard. He speculated that this house should be the house where the original owner lived.

Sure enough, after I went in, I checked my memory and confirmed this.

This is the residence of the original owner.

It's just that it doesn't belong to his house strictly speaking, but his wife's.

The original owner's home is not here either.

He was originally the eldest son in a small village in Huxian County. There was no contraceptive measures in this era. After him, he didn't know why his parents had no children. Later, when he was fourteen years old, his mother suddenly became pregnant. He gave birth to younger siblings.

If you have a baby in your belly, you can't get rid of it, you can only give birth.

The original owner has no opinion on the parents giving birth to sisters. The girl film can still be sold for money. Whether it is sold to a brothel or sold to some people as child brides-in-laws, it is all money, but they are very opinionated with those younger brothers.

He has three younger brothers and two younger sisters.

The younger sisters can exchange money, so I won't mention it for the time being, but when the younger brothers grow up, they will marry a daughter-in-law. If you marry a daughter-in-law, you must pay the family money, and the family money represents the integrity of the share that originally belonged to him. Now his money will be divided among three younger brothers.

The original owner was definitely not happy, thinking about it, he thought of a good way.

That is to study by yourself.

Now everyone is still unmarried, and the younger brothers are still young. He wants to go to school. His parents will definitely agree that he will need a lot of money in addition to Shuxiu. He will go to the county and ask for money from his family. Did you get it to yourself just a little bit?

The original owner got his wish and went to study. Every time he went home, he tried every means to get money from his parents.

Every time the rhetoric was "I took the money and handed it to my husband. After I have completed my studies, I can become the accountant, and I can make a lot of money." He is the eldest son, and his parents have high hopes for him. So he gave him the money at home time and time again.

The original owner originally wanted to keep the money, and later he married his wife and spent it on his own. As a result, he didn't study hard in the county seat, but learned to gamble.

All the money his parents gave was spent clean, so he can only continue to ask for it.

In order to make money for him, the two old people who were still physically strong dragged down their bodies abruptly.

First, the father fell, and then the mother followed. The doctor said that he could only take the medicine and raise it well.

For ordinary farmers, the younger brothers and sisters are still young, which means that the main one is to raise two elderly people, plus the younger brothers and sisters.

His selfishness was of course unhappy, so he asked the doctor if he could cure it directly. The doctor said that if he wanted to completely cut the roots, he could only see if there was a famous doctor, but the doctor's consultation fee was not low.

The original owner originally wanted him to say this, but he didn't care about the latter, he directly coaxed his parents to ask for a famous doctor, and then Ma Liu took all the money from the family and left his parents, younger brothers and sisters directly.

The parents cannot get up when they are sick and need medicine to prolong their lives.

The younger siblings were still young, and the oldest was seven when the original owner left.

At that time, there was war again. Money was hard to earn and food was hard to buy. It is conceivable to see how the original owner, the only healthy eldest son of an adult, left the house and took away all the silver couples. How would these younger brothers and sisters live?

The original owner knew clearly, but he ignored it directly and decided to live in another place with the money.

Nowadays, there are people fleeing famine everywhere. He only needs to mix in and choose a city to enter. Anyway, the household registration is messed up, and it is not easy to change the name.

In the end, who knew how unlucky, the robbers came halfway up the road.

He took all the money from him directly.

Now, his fake victim suddenly became a real victim.

The hungry half-dead fainted on the side of the road and was rescued by a girl. The original owner opened his eyes and saw that the girl was good-looking and Shui Lingling was of the right age, so he immediately thought about it.

In addition, the girl is a native of the village. He has no money now. If he wants to settle down in the village, the best way is to find a girl in the village to get married.

After his inquiries, the girl's parents were all gone, and she was the only one left. Although she was somewhat disgusted with her, she seemed to be very restrained, but she couldn't take care of them if she was not full of food.

So the original owner tried hard to put on the appearance of the scholar he had learned when he was in the county seat, polite and gentle.

Concocted a set of rhetoric.

He said he was a native of Huxian, and he was reading the book well, but his parents suddenly fell ill. He could only come out to find a famous doctor. As a result, all the money from the robbers was gone. The parents lost the opportunity to treat the disease. I'm afraid now It's already difficult.

He felt wronged and pitiful for what he said, filial piety, and at the same time full of scholarly gentleness.

The girl's heart sprouts, and the original owner is very active, the marriage between the two is complete.

The original owner thought very well.

This girl has no other relatives at home, so after he married the girl, even if he turned his face or beat her and scolded her, no one would support her.

Husband teaches his wife, who will be nosy.

Because it's messed up everywhere now, and the parents of both sides are not there, the marriage is simplified.

Who knew that the two had just married for three days, and a wave of rebels rushed into the village in a panic under the chase of the court.

The rebels have always acted fiercely. In order to prevent the villagers here from telling where they were going, they directly killed all the men and old people in the village, leaving the women and children to the northwest with the intention of selling them as slaves in exchange for food.

The way they lead people is to tie them up and throw them in the car. As for the difficult journey, the cold and the lack of food and clothing along the way, they don't care whether these people will die or not.

If you die, you will die, just throw it away and continue walking.

The original owner has always been greedy for life and fear of death. When the rebels came, he was hiding under a tree and was lazy. Seeing that he was going to kill him, he watched one of the rebels pull his wife forward.

When most men see his wife being robbed, he will definitely rush up immediately, desperately protecting the other person.

However, the original owner was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he quickly found a corpse, wiped the blood on his body and face, and then leaned on the corpse to pretend to be dead.

Human survival instinct is powerful.

After lying in the corpse for so long, and also listening to the horrible howling of people and the crying of women and children for a long time, the iron cavalry passed by with the car, and the surroundings became quiet.

When the original owner was about to get up, the court's army also chased him.

The barracks were camped nearby, but the surrounding people were tragically killed by the rebels. General Nahou was furious and immediately chased them with people. The rest of the soldiers returned to the barracks. Only these two small soldiers saw So many people died here, thinking that the rebels rushed to kill people and kill them too late to touch their possessions, so they sneaked over and planned to make a fortune.

Originally, the original owner got up when they touched themselves and saw that the two men were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy. The two men immediately became courageous again when they saw that he was a living person. After scolding him, they planned to return to the barracks.

The original owner was shocked because of this incident.

He was so lazy, and suddenly a bunch of people descended from the sky and slaughtered the entire village. Even if he was lucky today and survived pretending to be a corpse, in the future, if he finds another village, he will be slaughtered by the rebels afterwards.

It's more friendly to hold a thigh after thinking about it.

So he begged these two people hard, begging them to take him to the barracks together.

The two soldiers are not hard-tempered people. Otherwise, they would not actually help these people collect their corpses after touching their belongings. Seeing the original owner's request, and thinking that the gentleman in the barracks who was in charge of settling accounts accidentally died, he tried. He took the original owner back.

There was a lack of one to settle the accounts above, and when the original owner said that he was a scholar, he agreed to let him take care of the accounts.

Anyway, if you don't obey, just kill it.

The original owner successfully mixed into the barracks, and since then started a step-by-step road.

He first had a good relationship with the two small soldiers, and then used the two to have a good relationship to produce evidence that the two were spies for the rebels, and then reported the two of them "righteously destroying relatives."

After the two were beheaded, he was rewarded as a man of merit, and his position was further improved.

The original owner became more and more proud, and from then on, he started his path of "making meritorious service". He gradually learned to be exquisite and exquisite, and successfully embraced the golden thigh of the second prince sent by the court to supervise the army.

General Hou was the emperor's person, but his sister was the biological mother of the third prince. The second prince wanted to fight for the throne. General Hou, a general who had made a lot of credit, was his resistance.

So the original owner, under the prompt of the second prince, slandered General Hou's collaborating with the enemy.

He is a small person, of course it is impossible to trip General Hou, but he has two princes.

After Hou Jiangjun was dealt with for treason.

The original owner smoothly entered the second prince's command.

Because the flattering was very superb and the position was quite good. After the rebels lost the battle, the Northwest was taken down. At that time, there were already a lot of concubine's original masters who were ordered to act.

As a result, I ran into the girl from the beginning.

The girl who was snatched three days after marrying him, she was sold to a large family in the northwest to work as a slave, but she found out that she was pregnant when she entered the mansion.

The girl thought that her husband had passed away, and that this child was the only blood of her husband in this world. She could have knocked out this child, and she might be able to remarry when she worked hard in the house.

But in the end she was still reluctant, but chose to keep the child.

Because she was pregnant, she naturally couldn't be assigned to the young lady to do light work as before, but was assigned to wash clothes.

Whether it is summer or autumn, washing clothes is not an easy job.

The girl endured and gave birth to a child. It happened that the grandma in the mansion was also looking for the nanny at the time. She was right, and she was a slave and maid in the mansion, and because there was no husband, the grandma pity her, so she chose her as the nanny.

After that, she stayed with her grandmother as a grandmother, and the child also became a book boy to the grandson of the house.

The original owner, everything is fine.

Although she is still a slave and maid, the youngest grandmother is very kind to her. Maybe she promised to wait for two years to release both of them. Her son is very smart, and he might be able to get a fame in the future.

But at this moment, the original owner came.

The original owner was the person next to the second prince, and it was the girl's slave family who came to receive him, and the two met so coincidental.

The girl was surprised at first, and then she was overjoyed.

But the original Lord looked at the past few years, because after going through the wind and frost, he no longer looks like the innocent and beautiful wife in his memory, but there is no joy in his heart.

He now has a wealth of wealth, backed by the second prince, and a bunch of concubines in the mansion. The second prince also promised to find him a daughter of a small official to be his wife.

Everything went well, if a wife and a son were suddenly added at this time, wouldn't it be ruined.

Besides, the two got married three days before they separated.

His wife looks very iconic. Who can guarantee that the rebels didn't do anything to her at the beginning, and it is not certain whether this child belongs to him or not.

His heart was full of rejection, but the girl was full of joy.

After thinking about it, the original owner pretended to be very happy. He comforted her first, and asked her to go back and let no one talk about it, and waited for him to quietly pick her up after he arranged it.

After all, he is also the second prince's doorman now, and it would not sound good if his wife was a slave to someone else's house.

The girl believed, and when she went back, she sat in the house happily holding her son and told him that his father and her husband had come to them.

The next day, the youngest grandma received the news that the two had committed suicide.

The original owner quietly left here after finishing the work, no matter how the grandmother checked it, he could not be found out.

This matter has been hidden for more than ten years before being uncovered.

At that time, the emperor was still alive and the princes were still struggling. A young man was admitted to the champion, and then the original owner's act of disfiling his parents and killing his parents and children was exposed in court.

He was the youngest brother of the original owner. After the original owner left, the second brother in the family always supported him and he forced his parents to stay for five years. After that, the second brother went to the mountain to gather medicine and fell to death because he had to save some medicine money. Twelve years old.

After the second brother left, the three supported the family. When his parents died, he raised his younger brothers and sisters by himself, but he became a hunter at a young age, and finally allowed his youngest brother to be admitted as a scholar.

He was bitten to death by a tiger.

The remaining two younger sisters were still around at their age, but one of them was taken away by the original master's men. Afterwards, the younger sister was knocked to death, and the original owner's aftermath.

At that time, he was already a juror and hated the original owner for this. He took refuge in the eldest prince and started investigating. After the investigation, he discovered that the man who killed his sister turned out to be the one who left their family and took everything. Money let them die the eldest brother.

And his elder brother has done those harmful things in his entire life.

He was admitted to the champion, fighting for his fame, but also to expose a crime of the original owner.

After the original owner was given to death, the younger brother was beaten twenty times because he told his brother. The second prince hated him for cutting off his claws, so he directly bought the doctor and let him "die in the cold."

Ji Changze had only one thought after reading it.

The original owner also felt that his wife was overpowering.

He himself is called a great one.

There is only one youngest sister left for his parents, younger siblings, and his wife and son, who let him kill himself. Even the master, the second prince, was finally rejected by the emperor because of him.

He also has a face.

Ji Changze wandered around the house for a while before leaving.

The two soldiers outside were so frightened that they didn't move, for fear of moving, Grandpa Ghost came and chased them.

Originally, it was the original owner who knelt on the ground and begged them for a long time, and they reluctantly agreed to take the original owner to the barracks.

Ji Changze calculated the few days he could walk at the moment.

Sure enough, it was the fastest to go to the barracks.

He stepped forward and said to the two of them: "Get up, I am not a ghost, I am a human."

Neither of them dared to move.

Ji Changze: "Do you want me to kill you and turn you into ghosts and then see if I am a human?"

The two motionless two jumped up: "We believe it, we believe it!!"

After they got up, they took a closer look and saw that the people in front of them did indeed have clear eyes, not like a dead person, and the pale complexion on their faces slowly improved.

its not right!

They are soldiers, he is the people, so he should be afraid of them!

The two of them were reacting to show off their power, and they listened to the person in front of him with blood on his face and invisible face asking them: "You are also following Hou Jiangjun's soldiers anyway. Why are you so shabby that you still want to pick up people's money? Is there no military merit in joining the army?"

"Military merit is also about killing talents. After we joined the army, we haven't been on the battlefield yet. Even if we go up, we are still in the front, the first to die."

One of the soldiers looked at Ji Changze hesitantly, and asked again: "Are you really a human?"

"Well, I am a human."

Ji Changze stretched out his hand to hold his hand: "Look, it's hot, right?"


The soldier breathed a sigh of relief, and then became angry: "Then why didn't you say it?!!!"

"You didn't ask me either."

Ji Changze smiled, with a good attitude: "You saved me, don't worry, I will repay you."

The soldier didn't believe it: "Just you?"

"I'm also a scholar anyway, and I can help you get some military merits if I help you out. Then naturally you don't have to stand in the front and die the fastest. You just don't believe it."

The little soldiers hesitated for a while, after all they still held the idea of ​​not taking advantage of it, and asked: "What can be done, you say."

After a minute, they looked at each other: "Which one is lacking in the barracks, let's find someone? There is a lack of accountant in the barracks, but in this barren land, where can I find a book to read..."

His words gradually faded away, and he looked at Ji Changze fixedly.

"You just said you are a scholar, right?"

Ji Changze watched the sky: "I don't want to go to the barracks."

"Hey, the barracks are fine, there is food and clothing, and it is safe to follow."

"It's okay, I'm a scholar, don't go to such a place."

"Let you be the accountant is not going to be a soldier."

"Then how did your accountant die?"

"Go and go, brother, let's talk as we go."

"Hey, what are you doing, I don't want to go, don't hold me."

As a result, Ji Changze was so "reluctant" that he was coaxed while begging and was dragged to the barracks.

Hey, it's not that he wants to be the accountant.

These two are really thirsty for talents.