54|Ancient unfilial children (13)

It is too simple to tell General Hou. Putting the losses that a few princes had caused him in front of him, General Hou has already sharpened his sword to Zhao Guo.

He wanted to earn back his losses from Zhao Guo, and after confirming with Ji Changze and the military division, he began to focus on training.

In this regard, General Hou has always been very close.

Others do the things that use your brain.

He came to do the war.

Ji Changze and the military division made a good plan.

To be honest, the fact that the prince did this time is enough to shock them both.

At any rate, he is also the prince of Xingguo. No matter how many stupid things he did before, he can actually hook up with Zhao Guo to expand his own strength.

Is he a fool?

The military division felt that maybe things weren't like this.

After careful consideration, he thought that the eldest prince might be acting stupid deliberately. After all, if he were Zhao Guo, he would definitely not help the enemy prince.

But if this is a fool, that's not necessarily true.

A fool sits on the throne of an enemy country, and then they will not be able to do what Zhao Guo wants.

Therefore, the eldest prince may not be doing the opposite.

Use dull illusions to blind the enemy's line of sight, let them put their vigilance on him and then try their best to help.

But maybe Zhao Guo thinks so too.

But perhaps the eldest prince also thought of what Zhao Guo thought.

This is the so-called I predicted your prediction.

The military division's thinking began to fall into an infinite loop.

Ji Changze...

He didn't know whether the eldest prince was really stupid or a fake stupid. Anyway, he only knew that the eldest prince and the second prince never regarded the people below as human beings.

Before the rebels rioted, the second prince colluded with the rebels, taking advantage of the chaos to sell the people of Xingguo, and let the people who had been well destroyed and become slaves to others.

In order to hook up with Zhao Kingdom, the eldest prince sent someone to rob the royal court of the military salary transported to the northwest city.

At that time, there was a lively fight. If these military pay were gone, the military division would not be so good at managing money and would not know how many military personnel would die.

The eldest prince and the second prince can do this kind of thing, no matter what they think, they can't let him sit in this position anymore.

Northwest City is just a place for them to rest temporarily. When they stayed here, they said they wanted to chase the rebels.

Of course, it is actually to make a good fortune.

After all, the army entered the city and looked at the prestige, as long as they were sitting in the mansion, naturally there would be people from all walks of life coming to send money.

This was originally General Hou's favorite project, but now that he has the righteousness of the country in his heart, he has no intention of sitting at home and collecting money.

After Ji Changze and the military division made plans, they went back to their homes.

In fact, it is also simple. They wanted to trip the second prince before, just because of many considerations, mainly because they were afraid that the second prince would fall under the eldest prince and dominate the family.

It's all right now, and there is no need to think about it. After a lot of investigation, it was found that the eldest prince was able to get on the line with the country of Zhao, or the second prince arranged someone behind it.

The second prince was smarter. Although he had been with Zhao Guo early, he had never committed treason.

Only occasionally cheated his family and enriched his own pockets through Zhao Guo, even if he colluded with the rebels, he always hid behind the scenes.

This time, I am afraid that I want to give the eldest prince a charge of colluding with an enemy country.

After receiving the news, the military division fell into a deep round of contemplation.

He is unbelievable.

The two princes were also chosen by the ministers of the Central Government. Since childhood, there is no shortage of capable people and strangers around them. Don't they even have a gentleman who can plan strategies for them?

They are stupid, and the gentleman beside him is stupid? ?

Ji Changze sent someone to send back the trance-faced military division.

In fact, he knew it clearly.

These two princes are really stupid, but they are not that stupid either.

They did these stupid things that hurt the foundation in the opinion of the military commander, but in their own eyes, the people are regarded as a shit.

The frontier generals died when they died. Can they still be recruited after death?

Their death can pave the way for themselves, that is their great glory.

After Ji Changze sent away the military division, he sat in the study and set up a game of chess.

He didn't go on.

Instead, he just sat in front of the chess game with a pensive look and fell into thinking.

In the past, people occasionally had the courage to take a quiet look inside the house, and they didn't dare to say anything when they saw this scene, all of them lightened their hands and feet.

After thinking for a long time, Ji Changze came to a conclusion.

Sure enough, this can be very forceful.

Very good, use this trick when you get to the capital.

After waiting some time, General Hou sent a letter back to the capital.

The general meaning is as follows:

Your Majesty, I killed all the rebels in Northwest City. The city is now very safe. I have nothing to do. Your order is to let me go back to the frontier or let me do something else. I will listen to you.

Following this letter to the capital, there were also spies picked out by Ji Changze and the military division.

They originally had spies in the capital, but General Hou had been chasing and fighting the rebels before, and no one paid attention to him.

Now that he has taken the Northwest City, he has glory in him, and there are many people staring at him all the way back to Beijing. If you don't have a few spies to let them stare, I'm afraid it will not be peaceful.

When this letter arrived in the capital, your majesty's reaction was as expected.

Let General Hou go against Zhao Guo.

Ji Changze didn't go with him.

General Hou recommended him, and he was considered a court civil service.

The eldest prince wants to get Zhao to support himself through the war between the two countries, and the second prince wants to pull the prince off the horse through this matter.

If this is their own victory, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, the two princes will definitely not let General Hou win.

The military division accompanied General Hou to the front, while Ji Changze went to the capital to level the way forward for them.

He is about to leave Northwest City in advance, and needs to send his wife to his hometown in Hu County, and go to Beijing to become an official.

Jiang Wanqing has adapted to life in Northwest City.

She has always been strong in temperament and good in body. She was caught by the rebels and had no pain all the way. Now she returned to her home with her husband by her side and a girl waiting on her side. The kitchen sent some warm and nourishing things to the sky. .

There is also a doctor who is raised in the house and gives her pulse from time to time. Her body is now healthier than before she was married.

In addition, her husband respected her and handed over all the affairs of the mansion to her. Having a career is very different from not having a career. Jiang Wanqing doesn't feel much about it, but Ji Changze can see the cowardice between her eyebrows. I have gone a lot, and people are more cheerful.

In ancient times, being able to hold the authority in the mansion was the confidence of most women, plus the love of husbands and the need to have children under their knees.

Every time she went out, no matter what the weather, Ji Changze would come to pick her back to the mansion. No one in the entire Northwest City would not envy.

The child in the abdomen is also very healthy, just waiting for the melon to ripen.

In such a good mood for the tripartite parties, Jiang Wanqing's confidence is getting stronger and stronger, and she is in a good mood every day.

In a good mood, this body will naturally go smoothly.

She was not just waiting for her husband to help her. After realizing that Ji Changze loves reading, Jiang Wanqing also read it, practiced Chinese calligraphy at night, and gestured to her husband.

Ji Changze followed her. She loves to read books, so she collected some orphans. She wanted to practice calligraphy, so she wrote a copybook for her to follow her practice. Now it is winter, and occasionally the couple will go to snow and find plums again.

The Zheng family had never said much about her, except that Mrs. Ji and Mrs. Zheng Shao were good friends, which would protect Jiang Wanqing's reputation to death.

Although even if they passed it out, Ji Changze still had a way, but if they were so kind, he would naturally bear their love.

Thus, the Zheng family got a fat fruit.

They were grateful for Dade, and even brought Mrs. Zheng Shao's position in the residence much higher.

She was grateful for this because Ji Changze was getting better with Jiang Wanqing.

The two of them are good now, but they are inseparable from their sisters.

Now that he was about to leave Northwest City, Jiang Wanqing was naturally reluctant. It happened that Mrs. Wang's wife in Northwest City hosted a chrysanthemum banquet and invited all the ladies and ladies to enjoy the chrysanthemum. During the excitement, Jiang Wanqing took Mrs. Zheng Shao. Sat in the pavilion with his hand.

I told her about my family leaving Northwest City.

Madam Zheng Shao moved her hand holding the stove, her face showed reluctance.

She put down the stove and sighed with Jiang Wanqing's hand; "In the past, I didn't like to go out to socialize, and I couldn't talk to other ladies and ladies. Now it's hard to come to you, but you are leaving again. Up."

"Don't be sad. When I return to Huxian, I will write to you. Our sisters will still be able to contact me at that time."

"That's different. The Zheng family is based in Northwest City. I'm afraid I will live here for the rest of my life. We, maybe we won't see each other again in this life."

As she spoke, Mrs. Zheng Shao's eyes were red.

Although she left Jiang Wanqing because of the signature, the hearts of the people are always fleshy, and when she is everywhere, she has true sisterhood.

Now that the sisters are leaving, how can they not be sad.

Jiang Wanqing looked at her like this, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart, and took her hand to persuade him; "My husband said, "When he is forty-five years old, he will resign from office and take me around. Then I will How about coming to Northwest City to find you?"

Mrs. Zheng Shao was a little surprised: "I resigned at the age of forty-five? But at such an age, it is the age when she has done a lot in the DPRK."

"Husband, he doesn't care about this."

When talking about Ji Changze, Jiang Wanqing's eyes were a little sweet: "He said that in the whole life of a person, men must study hard when they are young, and women must learn needlework. A little older, they become husband and wife, men have to work abroad, and women. I have to take care of it in the house, and when the child is born, I have to make various plans for the child. I have lived for a little bit of my life, but I didn't live for myself."

She dropped her hand on her abdomen and touched it gently: "The husband said, by the time he is forty-five years old, our child is already a child, and we can be alone. When that happens, we will play around. When I live, I'm tired of living and then change places. It's always better if I want to."

Mrs. Zheng Shao was very longing for it.

Although the circles under her eyes were still red, she smiled joyfully for Jiang Wanqing: "It's okay for you. Our women are basically trapped in the mansion all their lives. If you can travel around in the future, do you want to Write to me the scenery, and when I look at it, it's as if I've traveled by myself."

Jiang Wanqing nodded: "Definitely."

The two had a conversation again and affectionately. Mrs. Zheng Shao suddenly remembered something. She straightened up and asked carefully: "Your husband is going to be an official in the capital, so don't you want to go back to your hometown in Hu County alone?"

"The husband said he wants to send me back. When I am settled, he will go to the capital again."

Jiang Wanqing was not so sad that Ji Changze did not bring herself.

After she became a family, she realized that traveling was not easy. If she had never been pregnant, she would go there. Since she was pregnant, she had better not go out without going out.

If it were not good to leave her alone in Northwest City, her husband would not decide to send her back to Hu County.

"Then do you know what relatives your husband has in his hometown?"

Jiang Wanqing had done his homework a long time ago, and Dang even said: "The two elders are there, there is no grandma, there are three younger brothers, and two younger sisters."

Mrs. Zheng Shao quickly asked again: "Master Ji said that you want to raise your younger sister?"

"As I said, my husband said that my sister has a female husband, but in the end, my husband is no better than my own family. It is better to have my sister-in-law take me with you and teach me."

Madam Zheng Shao breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Jiang Wanqing's answer.

The smile on his face also relaxed: "That's it, your husband really respects you, I tell you, I know a few ladies, after marrying, the husband's family never let them get close to the younger brothers and sisters, that is I'm afraid that they will be wronged on purpose. Oh, who would dare to have such a bad idea, but her husband's behavior broke their hearts."

"I'd like to say a few words to you. Don't look at me doing well in the mansion. When I first married, it was very difficult. The mother-in-law refused to hand over the affairs of the mansion to me. My face, my husband and he is busy, and I can't bother him with these things, let alone my father-in-law. After that, I still treat my mother-in-law well. After two years, she is considered to be delegating power."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Zheng can hardly hide her envy; "Just the ladies and young ladies I know, not all of them have been under the hands of the mother-in-law for a few years before they can manage the affairs of the Fuzhong. Even so, the mother-in-law is watching from the top. Sometimes I have to act according to the wishes of my mother-in-law. No one is like you, but my husband loves me and can manage the family affairs by himself."

Jiang Wanqing didn't know what the other people's wives were like before. It was also because of the many banquets attended during this time that she knew that her husband had given her such a decent amount.

At this moment, I saw Madam Zheng Shao said, she smiled and gently pushed the other person: "What you said, it seems that your husband doesn't care for you. How do I hear that you are the most envious person in Northwest City. I envy your husband's unwillingness to accept concubines, and you are in charge of the family, and your mother-in-law is also kind. You don't tell me these things."

Mrs. Zheng Shao couldn't afford to laugh at her deliberately narrowing, "Hey, hey, you can see that you have a backer. You still come to make fun of me. When I see you, Mrs. Ji, I have to ask him. How can I raise my wife like a child."

The two laughed together.

When the ladies outside saw it, they were full of envy in their hearts.

Although some people think that they are a little rude smiling outside, how can they be so relaxed if they are not held in the palm of their hands by their own princes.

Where they look like them, you have to be careful in your words and deeds.

Mrs. Zheng Shao is okay, they have always known her, it is a good fate.

And this Mrs. Ji is even better off.

Husband is a powerful person under General Hou, and now he is recommended by General Hou to be officials of the capital. Master Ji, they have met several times. They are born with talents and have a white face like jade. They always smile gently and look towards Jiang Wan. Qing's wife's eyes are also very gentle.

It's no secret that Jiang Wanqing's family has no one. Although Master Ji was born in a peasant family, his status is different now. He never accepts concubines, and he refuses to touch outside women when socializing.

Master Ji was also going to the barracks, but whenever Jiang Wanqing came out, he would always come and pick him up.

This kind of guardian of his wife, it is really impossible for people to not want to be envied.

As soon as the banquet was over, the ladies and girls went out one after another and sat on their own sedan chairs. When they went out, the ladies were still stable. Some young girls couldn't help but secretly looked at the sitting horses curiously. The Master Ji who waited quietly outside the house.

I am embarrassed to say to others, but it is very interesting to be with my sister.

"Second sister, look, that is Master Ji. Every time Mrs. Ji comes out, Master Ji takes him home."

The elder sister among the sisters took a careful look, and suddenly said in surprise: "This is a good look in Ji Da's life."

"No, otherwise why do I have to pull you with me this time."

Not only were the two sisters looking at Ji Changze quietly, the other girls also looked at them more or less.

It's not that there is any crooked mind, but it is rare to have such a handsome, official, and very considerate Langjun, and they can't help but want to watch more.

Ji Changze wore a sky-blue shirt with blue lines embroidered on the cuffs and hem. The clothes were slim. The lining he wore on his body was a bit more powerful. The clothes were made by Jiang Wanqing, and he wore them specially to show off.

He specifically came to pick him up, in addition to worrying about Jiang Wanqing, he also wanted to give her this decent.

She lost her parents when she was young, and was later captured by the rebels in Northwest City.

What Ji Changze did was to expel her inferiority complex away.

What he wants is for her to be the envy of everyone.

After waiting quietly, Jiang Wanqing talked and laughed with Mrs. Zheng Jiashao after a while.

Madam Zheng Shao saw Ji Changze outside at a glance, and smiled and joked: "Look, your guy is here, I'll just say, he is definitely coming to pick you up."

Jiang Wanqing also guessed that Ji Changze would come to pick her up.

But when I looked up and saw that the horseman smiled at him, I was still surprised.

She smiled a little with joy, and said to her friend: "Then I will leave first. Don't worry about it. My husband said that my in-laws are farmers, and my younger siblings are still young. When I get to Huxian, I still come. Taking care of the mansion, I thought, to be able to raise such a good temperament as a husband, the in-laws must also be good people, and it won't be difficult for me."

"It's good if you have a bottom in your heart. Go ahead and remember to write to me."

Mrs. Zheng Shao reluctantly said goodbye to her.

Jiang Wanqing lifted the skirt under the eyes of many ladies and girls and went down the steps, all the way to Ji Changze.

Ji Changze rolled over and got off the horse, opened the sedan curtain behind him under the eyes of everyone, and kept watching his wife enter before sitting on the horse again.

The bearer carried the sedan chair and began to walk forward, while Ji Changze sat on the horse, walking slowly in a guarding posture on the sedan chair.

Jiang Wanqing opened the curtain and looked behind.

She wanted to see Madam Zheng Shao, but she didn't miss the enviable sight of those ladies and girls.

At the bottom of my heart, I was filled with great pride and happiness in an instant.

Putting down the curtain, outside is the husband's voice asking her gently: "Tomorrow is about to leave, don't be afraid, my father and mother are both very temperamental, you will definitely get along well."

Jiang Wanqing smiled in the sedan chair.

Replied: "I'm not afraid."

With a husband, what else is she afraid of.

Nowadays, although she still can't fully recognize the words, she can read the account book clearly, and she has also learned how to manage the affairs of the palace, and she has also learned all the etiquettes during this period.

Husband loves her and is willing to protect her.

She really couldn't think of what else she could be afraid of.

It is impossible to rely on her husband to help him all the time. He also has his own affairs to be busy. She will never show timidity and make him worry about home even when he goes to the capital.

Filial piety to her in-laws, taking care of younger siblings, and managing the house's internal affairs, she is sure to be able to do well.

The husband helped her straighten her waist, and she would never bend down again.

After handling the affairs of Northwest City, the house was temporarily sealed, leaving a gatekeeper, and the rest of the people who had a contract to sell their bodies, they all took a road to the waterway.

Ji Changze had a guard by his side, and there was no water bandit with eyesight bumping into the big boat along the way.

It went smoothly to Hu County.

Seeing that they were about to arrive in Huxian County, Ji Changze first sent a person to get on a small boat to their home in Huxian County to inform them that they were coming back soon.

Ji's father and Ji's mother are now getting younger and younger.

Even if Ji Changze went to Northwest City, he kept writing to them. They were illiterate, but the children below could read it to them.

They knew that the son had picked up the daughter-in-law from the daughter-in-law's friends, and they also knew that the daughter-in-law was pregnant, and they also knew that the son was recommended for office.

One by one is actually a good thing.

The children underneath are also obedient and sensible. Those who go to school go to school, and learn from their husband in the house.

I also met friends.

Seeing them wearing brand-new clothes, their faces are ruddy, and they have some flesh on their bodies. They are no longer as skinny as before, and their faces have long been gone from the previous sorrows, but they are happy every day. .

As soon as you open your eyes every day, the husband and wife must always think, this is probably the life of the gods.

But now, their eldest son is coming with his eldest daughter-in-law.

There is also a grandson or granddaughter in her belly.

The couple went to the door with excitement. The three boys were in the school, and the two girls were all there, so they came together.

Ji Changze sat on the horse, Jiang Wanqing in the sedan chair.

This time they are not marching and fighting, and there is no need to think about repairs. The Northwest City is still close to Huxian County, and they are walking by water. It only took more than half a month to arrive.

Fortunately, Jiang Wanqing was not seasick, and the children in her stomach felt good and bored on the boat, so Ji Changze taught her to read and write.

Then I will figure out what to do when I go to the capital.

Just like that, when he arrived in Hu County, Ji Changze immediately got on his horse and escorted him to the sedan chair.

Their group is still very obvious.

Huxian is poor. Although many merchants will come because they are close to the water, they are civilians and they will not bring any guards.

Look at this nobleman who has just entered the city, Huo, with twenty guards wearing armors around him, who look like strong soldiers and horses. Behind him are five carriages, and they are also dressed better than these people. A lot of girls in clothes are small servants.

Look at this rule, these girls stepped in the same direction every time.

Whose nobleman is this?

The people were curious, because the guards did not dare to step forward, so they could only look at them quietly from a distance.

They waited until the convoy stopped in front of Ji's house before they suddenly realized.

It turned out to belong to the Ji family.

This Ji family had heard that the eldest son was working in the army, and when he became rich, he brought his parents and siblings to the county to raise them well.

Unexpectedly, it was so promising.

Ji's father and Ji's mother didn't expect Ji Changze to return such a big battle.

They looked at the guards and the little girls who were following the carriage, and they were a little surprised.

Ji Changze got off his horse and helped Jiang Wanqing in the sedan chair out.

The couple stepped forward and met their parents.

"Father, mother, the child is not filial, I have been out for a long time, and I have not been able to be filial in front of your second elder."

"Get up quickly."

How could the elders blame their eldest son.

If it hadn't been for when he came back, the family would have separated long ago.

Father Ji looked at Ji Changze, but Mother Ji's eyes fell on Jiang Wanqing.

Looking at it this way, she nodded with satisfaction.

Jiang Wanqing still has a child in her abdomen, so she is not easy to be a fan, but she is already young. Since being picked up by Ji Changze, she has never suffered. Her face is rosy, her complexion is fair, and her eyebrows are stretched out after a good life. Standing there, he was very generous.

Ji's mother had thought that Jiang Wanqing would be a woman similar to her village. She made up her mind to be a good mother-in-law. After all, Changze's life was saved by this daughter-in-law.

But now, looking at Jiang Wanqing's temperament, it is actually no worse than the wives of big families she has seen during this time.

"Daughter-in-law Jiang, met father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Jiang Wanqing stepped forward to salute.

Mother Ji hurriedly helped her up: "Get up and get up quickly, good boy, but it's hard for you. I ran with Chang Zedong, still pregnant with a child."

It was the first time I saw her in-laws, Jiang Wanqing was a little bit nervous at first.

Unexpectedly, Ji's mother was so kind.

Ji's mother was originally from the village. Even if she became a wife during this time, she still had some inability to change the habits of the villagers. Jiang Wanqing herself grew up in the village. Seeing her like this, her heart became closer.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law got along well, and Ji Changze touched both eyes and looked at his sister's head.

Wen said: "I want to go to the capital. Your sister-in-law has a big belly and it is difficult to follow along. In the future, you will stay in the house and go to meet your sister-in-law. She knows a lot and can teach you."

Wuya Liuya obediently stepped forward and gave Jiang Wanqing a courtesy.

They are still young and small. When they look at people, Wuya is curious and Liuya is ignorant. Their looks have been developed during this time, and they are somewhat similar to Ji Changze.

Jiang Wanqing liked girls at first, and seeing them look similar to her eldest brother, she immediately loved Wu and Wu, and she showed her liking in her eyes.

The family met in victory, and things moved into the mansion one after another.

Mother Ji remembered and asked her son: "Changze, these people, are these people our family?"

"Mother, these are all signed deeds. I didn't choose too many servants when I placed them. I was afraid that the slaves would bully the Lord and you would not be able to suppress them.

Ji's mother looked at Jiang Wanqing, who was standing there with her big belly talking.

Although the speech is gentle and the speech is harmonious, but it is very orderly.

"First bring the things in, take out the books in the box and dry them in the sun. The clothes must be washed again. Tell the woman who washes the clothes that I will work hard for them in the past few days. The monthly money will be doubled. These little girls set up the house. Where is the housekeeper? Are you still dizzy? Let Doctor Liu go and have a look. When the housekeeper rests, let him give me the list of the servants in the house. By the way, there is..."

Ji Changze smiled and stood beside his mother Ji, helping her and asked, "Mother, what do you think of my daughter-in-law? When I was in Northwest City, many wives of large families praised her. Now I am going to the capital. My lady can take care of you in the mansion, and she can rest assured."

Mother Ji was still stunned, hearing what her son said, she also thought this daughter-in-law was good.

Although it is not the same as the gentle and gentle she imagined.

But it's good to be able to help her son.

Jiang Wanqing was put in place, and she specially invited Wen's wife, and told the three younger brothers one by one, asking them to remember to take care of the home when they were away, and let the two younger sisters learn to manage with Jiang Wanqing's sister-in-law. Home affairs.

After everything is done, Ji Changze can go to the capital with peace of mind.

Just before leaving, I felt a bit sorry for Jiang Wanqing.

"When you were pregnant, I was not by your side. Now you have a big belly and you will have a baby in a few months, but I am not by your side."

Jiang Wanqing thought clearly: "I know that you have me in your heart, and there is no hindrance to being around. My parents-in-law loves me, my brothers are behaved, and my two younger sisters are now learning to take care of housework with me. The master is also in the house. When I give birth, I don't worry about everything."

She shook her husband's hand: "It's you, be careful in all things in the capital. I will take good care of this home for you and wait for you to come back."

Ji Changze looked at her and nodded seriously.

"I will come back as soon as possible, at least when you give birth, I will be by your side."

Jiang Wanqing didn't take this sentence to heart.

She has only a few months left to give birth, and she has to travel from Huxian County to the capital. If she rushes forward, she can get there in less than ten days, but Ji Changze is going to be an official, and he will come back wherever he can.

Jiang Wanqing is not afraid that there will be no one to accompany her during childbirth, as long as her husband is safe.

Ji Changze set foot on the trip again.

Only this time, he no longer did it for the family, but went to fight.

Ji Changze took root in the court very quickly.

He was the person who was remembered by the emperor in his heart, and he was helped by military advisers. In the past two months, although he seemed to be tepid, in fact there were a lot of conspiracy behind him.

General Hou smoothly slapped Zhao Guo back, not counting, but also snatched the other three cities.

He can be very majestic.

It is rare to be allowed to drink by the military commander. General Hou ate meat and drank alcohol at the same time, and said excitedly: "Now I beat Zhao Guo like this, waiting for your majesty to call me into Beijing, the two princes are really bullying!! I didn't dare to face him before, but now that you are here, I'm still afraid of a ghost!!"

"Wait and see, I will definitely go to Beijing to make a plan to make all the disgusting things he did before go out in broad daylight!"

The military division drank in silence without saying much.

When the news of the victory came, His Majesty was really overjoyed and sent someone to tell General Hou to come back to award the reward.

General Hou didn't have any time to spare on this journey.

He was training his sturdy physique, and also working hard to endure the desire to doze off and read military books, trying to cultivate a bit of IQ that can fight the second prince.

From time to time, I still have to talk to myself, practicing how to refute if I encounter an enemy who likes to beep.

When he reached the heels of the imperial city, he felt that his magical power had been accomplished.

You can go to face the eldest prince.

For this guy, forget the things that he did in the past, and forget about stumbling against him, he was bold enough to extend his hand to the army's salary.

If he hadn't paid for it out of his own pocket and made up for it, he wouldn't know how many soldiers would die by then.

Pooh! !

He must fight this evil force to the end! !

General Hou entered the capital, first went to his general mansion to wash up, put on clothes, and waited for his majesty to call him into the city.

His hair was still wet, and when he pushed the door out, he saw Ji Changze, who hadn't seen him for several months, sitting opposite the military division.

When they saw him coming out, they both motioned for him to sit over.

General Hou arrogantly stepped forward. After kneeling and sitting down, he said with a serious face: "I have already figured it out clearly. Anyway, now that I have won the battle, the prince also regards me as a thorn in my eyes. If you don't get rid of him, you must be sure. Help me."

The military strategist smiled and picked up the teacup to drink tea, and said nothing.

General Hou: "We advanced to the court and reported that the prince had collided with the enemy."

Ji Changze: "Three days ago, your Majesty knew about this. Not only this, but also what the prince and the first man in the palace were doing. He was so angry that he was secretly imprisoned in the house."

General Hou, who is trying to show off his ambitions: "..."

"Ah...that's the case, but it doesn't matter. There are also the second princes who have hatred with me. Mr. Ji, you don't know that the Kucheng plague was deliberately put on by the second prince. He went to call a famous doctor again and prayed for God to worship Buddha. He also donated rice and food for the sake of a good reputation, which caused many people to die in vain, and he also hoarded soldiers and horses, and he clearly has the heart of disobedience."

Ji Changze: "Yesterday, the second prince learned that the news about his relationship with Zhao Guo has been delivered to the imperial front, and he is already arranging soldiers and horses. He will rebel and break into the palace tonight."

General Hou: "..."

The strategist smiled and patted his cousin on the shoulder: "Well, the general just waits for the rescue."

"But... how could..."

Ji Changze: "Why does he know? Naturally I sent someone to tell him."

The military instructor asked: "Did you really pass the message?"

"No, but the second prince thought I would pass it."

He poured a cup of tea for General Hou, who looked bewildered.

General Hou: "...Then I will do nothing?"

"Naturally not, the general just keep it straight."

When the little prince succeeded to the throne, the more frank General Hou was, the more peace of mind the ministers of the DPRK and the central government would be, and the more stable the country would be.

General Hou: "..."

He translated it.

This means to keep him stupid.