64|I hold my idol (9)

Ji's father said that it was really cool.

To describe it, it's probably the hot and sweaty back in the summer when someone suddenly gave him a can of iced Coke. After opening it, the cold Coke came down the dry throat.

That kind of feeling, don't mention it.

At this moment, he completely lost the light and windy feeling that he had just been outside, and looked at Yuan Sicheng outside through the crack of the door.

The heavier the annoyance and regret on her face, and the more ugly her face, the happier he is.

Deserve it!


Yuan Sicheng's heart is really painful. She probably never thought that the worst decision she had ever made in her life turned out to be the unhesitating kick of Ji's father.

I thought I threw a broken stone, but it turned out to be a big diamond.

Moreover, the relationship between her boyfriend and girlfriend that she had always thought of as Father Ji directly rose to the relationship of preparing for marriage proposal.

If you have been so confused in this life, forget it, Yuan Sicheng can still be as complacent as he always did, immersed in his current status through "effort".

However, someone suddenly appeared to tell her.

In fact, you don't have to work hard at all, and you don't have to wander around to make money and bother to pimp.

Everything you want has been placed in front of you ten times, thousand times, or even ten thousand times long ago.

Just reach out and you can get it.

But unfortunately, you didn't reach out at the beginning.

Not only did he not stretch out his hand, but he did not hesitate to fart the other person and squat his ass, which made people stay away.

Hahahahahahaha, you silly woman.

Yuan Sicheng: "..."

She felt like she was going crazy.

She subconsciously wanted to knock on the door, to explain, to say something to Ji's father.

But soon, she remembered Ji's attitude just now.

Yes, she treated him that way, and she didn't hide why she approached him.

If Ji's father really still had feelings for her, why didn't he just use his true identity to find her?

He hasn't reappeared for so many years, and I want to know that he hasn't had her anymore in his heart.

After all, Yuan Sicheng had stayed in the circle for so long, so he wouldn't be so lack of eyesight.

She knows exactly what those things she did mean to Ji's father. It would be nice if this person didn't hate herself. How could she still want to marry her like before.

After thinking it over, Yuan Sicheng went back in despair.

Even the purpose of coming here is to forget everything.

Inside the house, leaning on the edge of the door and watching Yuan Sicheng go further and further away, his back looked like a ten-year-old Ji's father who was ten years old for an instant, and his mouth was grinning.

Ji Changze stood next to him, looking at Ji's father, who was rarely as happy as a child. Perhaps it was because the crew had been looking for a dubbing teacher these days. He watched several times and was affected, and his heart directly gave the face of Ji's father.了音. The sound.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Fully expressed what is meant by gloating and overjoying.

After waiting for Yuan Sicheng's back to be missing, Ji Changze looked at the vigorous father Ji who was looking up at his waist and stood up contentedly.

The fundus of his eyes still doesn't match the pride of his usual steady image.

Ji's father stood up straight, the smile on his face had not fallen off, and he looked up and saw the assistant bodyguard and son who stood behind him before and now face his own face.

Father Ji who is still smiling: "..."

"Cough cough cough."

After embarrassing for a second, he immediately made a natural look, coughed a few times, and had a serious face: "I always don't like to care about women. This time, if he didn't provoke Changze to you, you begged me to help. I won't come when you play."

Hearing what he said to himself, Ji Changze also nodded and saved his old father's face: "Yes, it's better for my dad to treat me well."

"Well, just know it."

Obviously, his heart is about to fly, and Ji's father, who has to work hard to maintain a heavy and calm expression on his face, nodded and walked forward first.

"Changze, you come in with me."

Ji Changze followed him obediently.

After the father and son entered the house, Xiao Lin said to the two bodyguards with a serious face: "I remember that you both signed a non-disclosure agreement. Today's matter is not allowed to be shared, you know?"


"Well, just know it."

While nodding, Xiao Lin took out the calendar and smeared the words on it that recorded today's Father Ji's itinerary.

As a qualified assistant, he not only has to consider the schedule for the boss, discuss family affairs, deal with the parent-child relationship of the boss, but also maintain the image of the boss.

As soon as the boss smirked for two minutes and three seconds, it completely disappeared from his mind.

Inside the room, he couldn't help but laughed at Father Ji, who finally didn't have to carry a shelf with his son.

"You did not see her just like that, eh yo ha ha ha ha killing me, how long I did not expect this move."

He just wondered if dealing with a woman for the sake of affection is too low limit, how could he never expect that using other things can still stimulate Yuan Sicheng to get revenge.

Today is so refreshing.

After laughing enough, Ji's father coughed a few times and began to talk about business: "I will stare at her. You can make your movie with peace of mind. Even if there is any problem, I will give you a bag."

A little smile appeared on Ji Changze's face: "Then thank you Dad."

"Oh, what are you talking about between father and son." On the surface, I was very repulsive, but in fact, at the bottom of my heart, he was very happy that his son finally looked a little sensible, Ji's father, didn't know how happy it was.

He thought about it.

He had misunderstood Changze in the past.

Nagasawa has no business talent, but it is definitely not without merit.

Isn't he good at making movies?

Nagasawa's skill point is on the director.

Haven't you seen this movie made by his son in the past few days? This is the evidence! !

Thinking of going out these few days, when I meet acquaintances, I will listen to them boasting about their son. Although most of them are commercial boasting, Jifu didn't even have a chance to listen to their commercial boasting.

He praised other people's sons for being able to boast of good grades, sensible and motivated, hardworking and practical, he knew that he had joined the company so early to help his father and mother..... .. ..........mo,working hard............... an....of............ e.........-......&......&.&.&.& for for for for? for for for? for for. for for for. for for for for for for for?

If others praise his son, you have to look for words.

Ji's father himself must admit that Changze has nothing but his face.

If you really boast according to the truth, it is to praise his prodigal, cheating, rebellion and causing trouble.

Therefore, this time, my son has finally achieved an achievement that is known to the whole country. Don't tell me how proud Jifu is. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Walking is all floating.

Today his son helped him out again, and he couldn't wait to go to heaven.

Happy, Ji's father spoke a little casually, boasting: "What you have done during this period is really good, even your brother Cheng said that you are a ghost in the talent of directors, but he specializes in researching. In this regard, there is..."

As Father Ji was talking, he suddenly realized that Ji Changze's face, who had just listened to him with a smile, sank instantly.

I didn't laugh anymore, I didn't feel happy anymore, and even felt a little overcast.

Father Ji: "..."

What's wrong? Isn't it good just now? How can it turn from sunny to cloudy with just one sentence?

Ji Changze's face was deep: "We father and son are talking, what do you mention him for? My own son is doing a good job, and he is still judged by an outsider?"

Ji's father subconsciously explained:

"No, I mean that Cheng Li is also kindly complimenting you, he..."

"Forget it."

Father Ji looked at his son's eyes as if there was a mockery passing by, then took the clothes and opened the door, leaving a sentence: "I'm going to the crew first, you can go back to the company and run the company with your family Cheng Li."

Let's go after speaking.

There is no delay for a second.

Father Ji: "???"

Outside Xiaolin was waiting, thinking that the boss and the boss's son would seem to get along well this time, and when they had to talk for a little half an hour, they saw Ji Changze open the door.

This face is quite ugly.

He didn't say hello to them like he had just entered the house, and went out with a calm face.


He also slammed the door.

Kobayashi looked at Father Ji with a question mark on his face.

Seeing that Ji's father looked like he didn't know what was going on, he wanted to write the two big characters "stunned" on his face, he hurried forward.

"Ji Dong, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. I said Cheng Li praised him for doing a good job. That's it for him."

Father Ji still couldn't figure out what was going on, but Xiao Lin reacted and clapped his hands: "You don't know that Changze has always been very disagreeable with Mr. Cheng. Before him, Mr. Cheng... …"

As he was talking, he suddenly realized that the person in front of him was not his mother, nor his wife, nor was he an opportunity to show himself in front of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, so he quickly changed his mind.

"Zhangze is still young after all. I don't know Ji Dong's kindness, eh, Ji Dong, don't take it to heart. He should be sensible."

Although he felt that this young master would not be sensible anymore in this life.

But even if the youngest master is 89 this year, facing the youngest father and his immediate boss, Xiao Lin will have to respond with an attitude of "this is still a child".

Ji's father was still depressed.

"Changze, this kid, didn't get along with Cheng Li very much. Why didn't he have such a problem with him. When I leave in the future, he will cooperate with Cheng Li. What can I do when the time comes."

Xiaolin also feels that it will be a feast, but he certainly can't say that. He can only comfort: "Don't think too much about it, and it's fine now. I think Changze is very sensible now. Now, you can't help watching how good the movie he made, you can't help but watch it several times."

Father Ji sighed and said nothing.

But he did watch the movie made by his son several times.

When I first watched it, he watched it with the mentality that I wanted to see what my son took.

Then I was fascinated by the plot. Such a big man just made tears at the feelings of family and country inside.

Then there are two brushes and three brushes, the more you brush, the higher your head.

First: Ah, this movie is so beautiful.

Then proud: such a beautiful movie was directed by my son!

After watching it, it is: My son must have worked so hard to make such a good-looking movie, and I must watch it several times to support my son.

Not only did he see it for himself, he also bought tickets as a raffle bonus to the employees below.

Although these employees have all been issued movie tickets and most of them have seen them, it is of course impossible for them to get the movie tickets delivered to the door.

Even those who are not interested in the second brush can make a small profit by selling movie tickets to others.

Therefore, Ji's father won the title of the most arrogant chairman.

He didn't know about it, he didn't play Weibo very much. He was just worried. Recently, Changze Mingming has become a lot more sensible, and he is not as rebellious as before. Why is he still repelling Cheng Li as before?

Hey, worry.

This matter is not only worrying about Father Ji, but also worrying about Cheng Li himself.

He is still very satisfied with his current job. Ji's father has always delegated power to him. It can be said that now he has both face and lizi.

Cheng Li itself is not the kind of personality that is very high-end, as long as he has enough money and a good life, he is quite satisfied, and his life is like this now.

Focus on it; it's like this in life with Ji Dong as his immediate boss.

Ji Dong will leave sooner or later, and Ji Changze will take over.

And Ji Changze has always rejected him, even hostile.

Before, Cheng Li hadn't paid much attention to it, but recently, after watching Ji Changze's movie, he started to worry when he realized that this young master, who he had always thought to be a sloppy master, had this ability.

Ji Changze's ability to direct such a movie shows that his thinking and IQ are definitely not low.

If let him continue to maintain such hostility, it would be difficult for Cheng Li to relax his vigilance.

He is accustomed to seeing people getting along with people. You stabbed me and I stabbed you. Ji Dong has the kindness to know him, so naturally he can't deal with Ji Dong's son.

But what about Ji Changze?

This is really hard to say.

Cheng Li felt that this matter had reached the point where it had to be resolved.

Otherwise he really can't feel at ease.

So if you want to solve it, you can only start from the source.

For example, why Ji Changze, who has rarely been in contact with him, is so hostile to him.

Cheng Li set out to investigate.

Ji Changze didn't care about what Ji's father and Cheng Li were thinking.

He devoted himself to the filming of the crew.

This time I was shooting Xianxia, ​​and there were a lot of location scenes. Those who were able to take a car were chartered, and those who could not take a car were taken by plane.

A group of people went here in a noisy moment, and went there for a while.

Feng Yang was horrified watching the crew spend a lot of money every day like they don't need money.

Asked Ji Changze, Ji Changze said that he would definitely earn it back.

After repeated several times, he could only comfort himself constantly, this is not his own money, not his own money, not his own money.

Repeat three times, refreshing.

Run around, hang Wia, and make all kinds of moves. You have to make all kinds of moves according to the teaching of the martial arts instructor. If one shot is not good, the previous efforts will be wasted, and you have to take another shot. , Some young actors who have not suffered much have become bitter faces one by one.

Zhang Gang, the one who played the most drama, never said anything. Instead, he consulted his martial arts teacher when Ji Changze was resting. Of course, he put a red envelope for the martial arts teacher, and he was entitled to pay for overtime.

Looking at it, Ji Changze mentioned it to Qin Lanqi several times: "This Zhang Gang is pretty good, with good acting skills, and he is hardworking and able to endure hardships. It's such a good actor who is willing to improve himself and be the best with his perfection. "

Qin Lanqi glanced at Zhang Gang, her eyes moved slightly, and she looked at Ji Changze next to her.

I took a look, as if I was afraid that Ji Changze would notice that he was looking at him, and quickly withdrew his gaze, looking at Zhang Gang, his head was sweating, and he was still practicing the moves he wanted to shoot in the afternoon. I was fascinated when I saw it, I just felt as if I had seen myself.

At that time, she also worked extremely hard for any small shot, striving to be the best, not afraid of hard work, and not afraid of tiredness, as long as she can show her face.

It was just that at that time, her hard work and hard work were nothing but behaviors in the eyes of others.

"Anyway, it's just a little maid who plays a few lines. What's the use of doing this."

"Isn't it just a woman who gave birth? Just yell a few times, and all the veins that are going to be acted will be exposed. Maybe the scenes will be cut when the TV series is broadcast, and it will be a vain toss."

"I really don't know what to mess around, and I'm not too tired."

Even Sister Huang, who has always supported her, feels that she is useless in doing this.

If you have a good character in your hand, it is understandable to work hard, but the kind of character that may be subtracted at any time, even if it is not subtracted, it may only show up for a second or two when it is played.

No matter how good she is, what good is it.

It's not useless.

At that time, Qin Lanqi didn't say anything on the surface, but in fact, it was painful.

She didn't know how she would be the best to act like this when she got a good role, but she couldn't get a good role at all.

Those roles that can only show her face for one second or two seconds, and will even be cut off are the only opportunities she can win.

She can only work hard, work hard, want to do well and do better, looking forward to the director to see her own efforts, and ask her again when filming next time, or give her a small role in the crew.

It's no use.

No matter how hard you try, how you can perform as well as you can, it's still useless.

But what else can Qin Lanqi do?

She has only one way.

If she doesn't do this, she will never see a chance to get ahead.

Although hard work may only have the dawn of 0.1%, it is better than even the last zero.

At that time, the mentality collapsed, and I couldn't stand it at that time. Looking back on it now when I was in my early days, there was no negative emotions.


She couldn't help but looked at Ji Changze who was looking at Zhang Gang next to her.

Ji Changze admired her clearly.

Director Ji, he is the kind of person who can see the efforts of others.

A warmth quietly rose from the bottom of her heart, and her heart beat a little faster.

Such a guide, really makes people can't help but take a few more glances.

Do not!

No way!

Qin Lanqi suddenly woke up, and quickly reached out and patted his slightly hot face.

Director Ji is a fan of her, how could she have such thoughts about her fans.

People treat her as an idol, but she... really shouldn't.

Moreover, Director Ji is admiring Zhang Gang's efforts, she is thinking about what is messed up next to her at this time.

Just thinking about it, Ji Changze turned his head and said to Qin Lan Qi: "Zhang Gang really worked hard. Look at his swollen tendons."

Qin Lanqi didn't look at Zhang Gang at all just now. Now that she heard it, she quickly glanced at Zhang Gang with a vain, and nodded in panic, "Yes, it's bulging..."

"It's very powerful at the first glance."

"Yeah, just look at it."

"I don't know if he can carry any heavy objects. I don't think he has a physique that is a hundred catties."

"Yeah, it's nothing."

Ji Changze said abruptly: "It just happened to be a batch of props. The crew just flew over and it was difficult to hire people. You said he worked so hard and so powerful. I asked him for help. He shouldn't refuse to agree?"

"Yeah, won't it...Huh???"

Qin Lanqi, who was responding with a guilty conscience, suddenly reacted halfway through her words and looked at Ji Changze next to her with a dumbfounded look.

"Director Ji, you just saw Teacher Zhang Gang for a long time, just want him to move things??"

"Yes, otherwise?" Ji Changze was very confident, and even glanced at Qin Lanqi with a little doubt, as if the question she asked was strange.

Qin Lanqi: "...but I think you seem to admire him?"

Ji Changze nodded happily: "Yes, I admire him..."

As soon as Qin Lanqi breathed out, he listened to the person in front of him and said, "The tendons of this body."

Qin Lanqi: "..."

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh she was she been just been made up for? !

Ji Changze got up quite happily: "I'll look for him and see if I can ask him to help. There are still too few people in our crew who can move heavy objects."

Maybe it's because I found someone who can help move the props. Even if I ran around with the team, flying here, taking a car there, drilling a deep mountain and old forest here, and going to a snowy mountain there, the face of Ji Changze is still bright and handsome. It was full of smiles.

Very pure, good-looking, happy smile that finds strong labor.

Because of that very good face value, there was a smell of sunshine when he laughed.

Qin Lanqi stared at him with a smile for a moment.

Obviously, Ji Dao smiled so happily not because he appreciates hard work, but because he appreciates the tendon.



Qin Lan Qiyi knocked her head on the table with a terrible expression, and wailed in her heart, covering her face.

But what should I do if I still have a good heart.

Restrain, restrain Qin Lanqi.

This is your fan, your director, you can't!

Zhang Gang, who was practicing his moves over there, saw the director walking towards him, and quickly stopped his movements. After hearing Ji Changze's words, he nodded without hesitation.

As a result, people from the crew saw him, and Zhang Gang, who can barely be called the male number five, moved many props from the crew and got off the car under the command of Director Ji.

In other words, he is also an actor.

How could he be allowed to do things like moving things, Ji Dao is not too particular about it.

Ji Changze didn't see these lines of sight, and kept observing Zhang Gang.

This person really didn't show any upset or aggrieved expression from beginning to end.

In fact, he wanted Zhang Gang to do the job for what job and what job, and for Zhang Gang, his rejection was justified.

But Zhang Gang didn't show any complaints at all, working hard without complaining, and Ji Changze called whatever he wanted.

Ji Changze immediately stamped this man with gratitude.

No one wants to do work that shouldn't be done by oneself.

Now that I did it, and there were no complaints at all, and no credit for it, there was only one reason.

Zhang Gang is grateful to Ji Changze.

After all, for their husband and wife, Ji Changze not only gave him a hand, but also his wife.

He was grateful to Ji Changze, and then he had no complaints about Ji Changze's various requirements.

Ji Changze had a bottom in his heart. In the next filming time, every time the crew changed places and moved things, they called Zhang Gang together.

Some people in the crew think that Director Ji is too much, and more often see Zhang Gang, who was unknown before, suddenly got such an eye-catching and fan-sucking role uncomfortable, thinking that he obediently moved things every time. Is to please the director.

It's common sense for the crew to be the director, especially since the biggest investor in the crew is Ji Changze himself. In addition, he has won a group of artists who have never been famous before. No one in the crew dared to offend him.

I didn't dare to beep behind my back.

So then you can only beep Zhang Gang.

Anyway, Zhang Gang has no background. This time he was lucky enough to take a role. Based on his image positioning, even if this role attracts fans, he will still not be able to pick up the show in the future.

Although his daughter-in-law is the second female, but the same is true. An artist who has been hidden by the company, even if this opportunity arises, what will happen.

Not everyone can be as lucky as Qin Lanqi, to have a guide to pay her liquidated damages.

Therefore, Zhang Gang inevitably always hears some sour words.

"What's the use of cursing with the director now, do you remember who you are when you are out of this crew?"

"Looking at the appearance of his follower, Director Ji asked to do whatever he wanted, and he was not afraid of being ashamed."

"I really thought that Director Ji valued him, just because he was so big and easy to move things."

Zhang Gang listened in his ears, but he didn't go up and say anything once.

He can't cause trouble, it would be too bad if he messed up this character.

As for some people who like to say sour things, let them go.

Anyway, he was willing to listen to Director Ji because he was grateful to Director Ji. I would like to thank Director Ji for being able to pull their husband and wife together, not for anything else. He was just ashamed.

As long as the crew has been filming, Zhang Gang has almost listened to the sour words.

Anyway, he thought he hadn't heard it. Afterwards, others thought it was meaningless to say that the client didn't respond, and gradually stopped talking.

As a result, it waited until the night when the whole crew announced its finalization.

When everyone was sitting at the dinner table and started toasting, in full view, Ji Changze stood up, took a glass of water first, and said:

"Thank you all these days, I don't drink alcohol, so I use water instead of wine and toast everyone a glass."

The crew hurriedly picked up their glasses and drank them.

Thinking that it was ready to eat, Ji Changze suddenly turned to Zhang Gang again: "The crew is busy during this time. Teacher Zhang Gang, you are obviously an actor. As a result, you have done a lot of field work. I am also very embarrassed. Regards. A cup."

Zhang Gang was a little flattered, and quickly stood up to toast: "I should be the one who respects you. You have been teaching me my acting skills during this period of time. It's really hard for you."

Ji Changze drank the water and suddenly said, "I don't know if Teacher Zhang Gang and your wife are willing to join my company? I can see the potential of you two clearly, and the benefits for you are absolutely not bad."

Zhang Gang shook his hand, and some of the wine that had just been filled spilled out and fell into his hand.

He accidentally made a cut in his hand, and the wine fell on it for a while, but Zhang Gang didn't seem to feel it. He looked at Ji Changze in shock and surprise.

His wife next to him also looks similar.

The husband and wife were already surprised and stupid.

The artists at the same table were also shocked, looking at Ji Changze with disbelief.

Director Ji invited Zhang Gang and his wife to his company? ?

Now, no one in the whole circle knows that the company under the name of Ji Changze is backed by Dashan. It has benefits, sufficient resources, and has always been generous to artists. Although there are not many artists who have signed contracts, as long as they are signed. , Even if he was a little newcomer before, he can quickly show up.

Isn't Qin Lanqi just a ready-made example?

How downright she was before she went to the lead crew. At that time, it was said that she had to work hard to get a role as a superhero, and there was a high probability that she could not win.

Look at her now.

The number of fans has risen by many times. Many well-known brands have asked her to do advertising endorsements. During filming, she asked for leave several times to go out to shoot commercials.

From the lowest to the highest all at once.

How can I make people not jealous.

During the filming of the crew, many people cursed Zhang Gang secretly and knew to please the director. In fact, it was better to please the director in front of Ji Changze.

Isn't it just to make Ji Dao look at him, then sign into his company and embark on the pinnacle of life?

As a result, now, Director Ji actually took a fancy to Zhang Gang and his wife.

For a while, a lot of envy and jealousy fell on the two of them.

Zhang Gang and the others were trembling with excitement, seeing Ji Changze still waiting for their answer, and ignoring anything else, they nodded quickly: "Yes, we are willing..."

Just after speaking, Zhang Gang thought of something and hesitantly took his wife's hand: "Guide Ji, my wife still has a company contract..."

"It's okay. I believe in the potential of the two of you. Now that I have paid the penalty, you will surely help me earn it back hundreds of times and thousands of times in the future."

Ji Changze's words are more effective than any compliment for the artist. Zhang Gang's wife's face flushed with excitement, and the couple looked at Ji Changze with great gratitude.

They did not expect that Director Ji was willing to let them join the company.

They must cooperate well with the company in the future.

This is simply great kindness! !

After harvesting two talents with good acting skills and high potential, Ji Changze was in a good mood. After sitting down, Qin Lanqi next to him looked at him with complicated eyes. Seeing him sitting down, he turned slightly and asked:

"Have you already thought about recruiting them?"

Ji Changze raised an eyebrow at her: "I said it a long time ago, I admire him."

Qin Lanqi's thoughts became more complicated.

In the middle of the meal, Feng Yang had a big drink and toasted everywhere with wine glasses. Naturally, he would not let Ji Changze go.

"Guide Ji, come, drink!"

"I do not drink."

Ji Changze was a little disgusted and pushed Feng Yang, who had fallen on him after he had drunk too much, and let him stand by himself.

"How can a man not drink! If you want to drink, come to the guide, take a sip, just a small sip."

The drunk Feng Yang was unexpectedly bold, and he leaned forward to drink Ji Changze.

Qin Lanqi heard the movement and looked over subconsciously, just in time to hear Ji Changze say; "I really don't drink. I have met with drinking before and vowed never to drink again."

Feng Yang was reluctant and unforgiving, with a big tongue: "Sen, Sen, what happened, let us Ji Dao hurt Pia so much."

Ji Changze frowned, his face a little ugly, as if he was recalling something bad.

Qin Lanqi was shocked. She had known Ji Changze for so long. Apart from the previous incident about Liu Lan, Ji Changze had never looked so ugly.

No, his face is much uglier than Liu Lan's previous time.

Presumably that matter must be serious, and it all left a psychological shadow on Ji Dao.

She stepped forward to relieve the siege and pulled Feng Yang by the arm to get him up: "Okay, Director Feng, Director Ji doesn't drink, you should take a good rest after drinking so much."

Feng Yang smiled silly, and held the wine glass to Qin Lanqi again: "Qiqi, drinking, you look so good-looking and amazing, how can you still be single? After you drank this wine, I will introduce you to you. Boyfriend."

Qin Lanqi was a little bit dumbfounded, and was about to coax people aside. From the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Ji Changze standing up suddenly, walking directly in front of them with a deep expression, and grabbing Feng Yang, then dragged the person to him.

Feng Yang dizzy: "?? I'm going to heaven?!"

Ji Changze sneered and asked him: "You still introduce your boyfriend to others, do you have a girlfriend?"

Feng Yang, who was happy, suddenly became unhappy.

He was forcibly dragged back to the world of single dogs from the drunken joy, with a bitter face, he staggered and ran away holding the wine glass.

Ji Changze clapped his hands with satisfaction.

Qin Lan, who was next to him, blushed.

Just now, Director Ji was angry because Feng Yang said he wanted to introduce her boyfriend.

Can she be understood that Director Ji does not want her to find a boyfriend...

Then she...

That's not right! !

Qin Lanqi patted her forehead quickly, letting the courage that had risen because of Jiujin down.

Tell yourself countless times.

This is a fan, this is a fan, this is a fan! !

Don't think too much.

That night, the entire crew didn't sleep well. According to everyone the next day, it was because Director Feng didn't know why, so he was howling in the corridor all night.

After the shooting, Ji Changze started looking for a special effects artist.

Find expensive!

It's expensive!

What a lot of money! In the profession of special effects artists, the most expensive is the best! ! Can't save money! !

And while he was working intensively, Cheng Li finally "investigated" it clearly.

If he guessed correctly.

I'm afraid Ji Changze just wanted the position of president, but he did it again. That's why he didn't look pleasing to his eyes.

He felt bitter in his heart.

Isn't it right that the boss's son wants the boss's company?

Finding out this reason, he couldn't crack it either.

He was a little desolate in his heart.

At the same time, there were some complaints about Ji Changze.

He is just the president. When the time comes, the chairman of the company will still be Ji Changze. To put it bluntly, he is a part-time worker. Why should Ji Changze have trouble with him.

Although he thought so in my heart, he still had to report Ji Dong's kindness.

You can only take one step and look one step at a time.

Because of this in his heart, Cheng Li has always been full of miserable heart these days.

On this day, he was going to discuss a project with Ji's father, and as soon as he walked to the door, he heard Ji's father talking earnestly;

"Zhangze, what do you think of Cheng Li? Tell me about these. Let's adjust. He is the president. You will still work together in the future. You can't just be so rigid."

Cheng Li stiffened, standing still involuntarily, trying to stretch his ears to listen.

Inside, Ji Changze sneered.

"What's my opinion on him? Why didn't you ask me for my opinion when you made me such a half-brother outside? Now you are asking me, I tell you old man, I will never accept you Acknowledge him, you are sorry for me, sorry for my mother!!"

The father of an illegitimate child was inexplicably named: "???"

Cheng Li, who was inexplicably illegitimate: "???"

He was stunned.

These days, he thought of countless reasons.

But no matter how unexpectedly, Ji Changze rejected him because of this.

Ji Changze, think he Cheng Li is Ji Dong's... illegitimate son? ? ?

It shocked his family.

Therefore, Ji Changze has always had a deadly attitude towards him, which means that he is a half-brother? ?

It is normal to speak coldly to him, who would have a good face for his father's illegitimate child.

It is also normal to exclude him from being the president. Any legitimate child is not wary of an illegitimate child entering his father's company.

Several attempts to squeeze him down to the top of his own also have a reasonable explanation, but Ming Mingde is not worthy of the position but still insists on it, obviously it is uncomfortable that an illegitimate child sits in a high position.

In an instant, it seemed that the previous confusion had been explained clearly.

The thought that Ji Changze, who had always thought it was for the position of president, to target him was as angry as a kid whose father was snatched from him, and couldn't help but laugh.

Even the complaints in my heart became dumbfounding.

After all, I was spoiled by Ji Dong, who is still like a child when he is so old.

This kid dares to think about anything.

How did Ji Dong raise the child in the first place?

He listened to Ji Dongzheng's explanation inside, and left dumbfoundingly.

The next day, Ji Changze came to his father for money.

I ran into Cheng Li head-on.

I saw Cheng Li took out a photo from his pocket and handed it straight to him.

Ji Changze knowingly asked: "What are you doing?"

Cheng Li faced him in front of the photo, stretched out his hand, and clicked on the middle-aged woman: "This is my mother."

I clicked next to myself again: "This is me."

I clicked on the little girl she was holding in the photo: "This is my sister."

Seeing the young master in front of him, he curled his eyebrows with an expression of "What are you telling me if I took the wrong medicine?"

Cheng Li took a deep breath and clicked on the middle-aged man in the photo: "This is my dad."

"Changze, I must tell you solemnly."

"I have a dad, dear."