71| My mother was trafficked (5)

Luo Cangli was pushed down heavily. Although the stage was not high, because Ji Changze stretched out his hand too suddenly, he was turned his back to the stage again, and he fell to the ground with a cry of pain.

Everyone present was stunned.

The audience stood up one after another, whispering to look over here, the security guard standing under the stage hurried to help Luo Cangli.

The platform was not high. Although Luo Cangli suffered from a fall, he didn't suffer much serious injury. He stood up without waiting for the security guard to help him up.

How could he be happy after being pushed down from the stage, not to mention that before being pushed down, Ji Changze used such a contemptuous tone to completely deny him.

So when he stood up, the management of the expression on his face failed.

The hideousness and viciousness were all shown on his face.

Backstage, the staff asked the director: "Is this a live broadcast accident? Would you like to cut it off? Or add an advertisement."

The director made a decision after only three seconds of consideration: "No, let the camera shoot Luo Cangli's face, take a closer look, cut another big shot, and continue the live broadcast."

How well-intentioned will people who can hit it off with Luo Cangli and use disadvantaged groups who have no voice to create hot spots and make money for themselves?

Just a moderator.

Luo Cangli was scolded by Ji Changze just now, and was broadcast live again. His reputation is already stinking, so what's the point of stopping the broadcast now.

It's better to broadcast it directly to create a higher hot spot and line of sight, or Luo Cang will fight back with all its strength, but it will be able to fight a turnaround instead.

Even if he fails, for them, as long as the program group expresses the condemnation, it will be fine for another person.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage blows out all of a sudden.

Every second, many new viewers enter the live broadcast room after knowing this.

Weibo topics were immediately posted, and the comment area was even more lively.

[Good scolding! A disgusting person like Luo Cangli should have been scolded long ago! ]

[I always felt that this program was not good before, and I felt that Luo Cangli was too aggressive every time. Sometimes it was clearly not the fault of the other girl. He had to press the head of the girl to tell the other party to admit his mistake. I saw my grandma today. I was watching a live TV broadcast. The kid cursed like this and immediately entered the live broadcast room. As expected, everyone was the same as I thought. ]

[This Luo Cangli is to reunite the family, and what else is for the sake of children. It is too malicious to women. You can see his previous shows. If a girl needs to be a housewife and be a housewife, she should be thrifty and diligent. You must take good care of your husband and let your husband vent the pressure on the outside. If you have a child to take care of and have jobs on both sides, it must be a woman who returns to the family, because women are inherently better than men. Take care of the family, what is this all about? ]

[There is even more disgusting. I remember a program in which the female guest's parents bought her a house before her marriage. After the marriage, her brother was seriously ill and lacked money. She wanted to sell the house that her parents bought to her younger brother for treatment. In the end, Luo Cangli said that she was Voldemort. She also said that since she was married, she could no longer take the family money and assets to supplement her natal family. It was the house that the female guest's parents bought for her. Now her brother is about to die. Why not let her save people? Why sell the house that my parents bought to save my brother is Voldemort. At that time, my grandma liked to watch it. She came to my room to watch it only if there was a computer in my room, and I was forced to finish it. Disgusting me.

The most important thing is that after reading it, my grandma felt that Luo Cangli was right. Originally, she and my mother had a harmonious relationship. Later, it was because my mother would occasionally go back to see my grandma and buy things for my grandma, my little uncle. Before the business went bankrupt, my mother always bought some stationery for my little cousin, but my grandma said something about Voldemort, saying that my mother was married and subsidized her family. She also said that other programs do not approve of women doing this. My god, my mother has a job by herself. She takes her salary to watch her parents and buy things for her little niece. According to what she said, my father still took her over and bought this for her every month. Why should my father be filial to his parents and my mother is Voldemort? ? ]

[Upstairs, my family's situation is similar. In fact, the older generation thinks that when a woman gets married, she has to look at her husband's house. It's a luxury to go back to her family's house. But the problem is that there were such thoughts because women at that time They don't work. When they are married, they rely on their husbands to support them. At that time, women had no right to speak, nor could they read or study, but when is it now? In modern society, how many years have we been liberated, people have girls, the same nine-year compulsory education, the same high school, university, graduate work, earn money and spend it on their own, why do they get married, do housework and have women come and take children? It is also a female belt. Every time I say that returning to the family is a return of women, it is only natural for women to return to be housewives. Men will be looked down upon when they return. There are also people who think that they must have sons and give birth to girls The woman needs to be knocked out, my God, does his family have a throne to inherit? I had a cousin who met someone like this and met this kind of person. At that time, the child was born. She was disgusted and divorced while holding her daughter. When I heard about it, I thought it was fake. This kind of thing. ]

[Digressing sisters, the main point now is how disgusting the host is. When watching the live broadcast, there were some female guests on the barrage. It was too cruel. I knew who the man was and left the child and ran away. At that time I saw that there were too many bullet screens, and I gradually felt that she was really cruel, but the child named Ji Changze reacted as soon as he said it.

It is the male guest who beats people, and it is also the male guest who does not care for their own children. It is also the male guest who forcibly forced the unwilling female guest to have children. Why should we blame the female guest who did nothing but just escaped? She was abducted and trafficked. Is it a mistake to be abducted and forced to stay? Is it a mistake for her to leave? What did she do wrong? She is a victim, why should we blame her? ? ]

[It's right upstairs. Actually, when I watched the live broadcast just now, when Luo Cangli said that, I also felt that the female guest was wrong. It was too cruel, and she left her three children just like that. But when the kid said just now, I became sober. Why is it weird the female guest? She was not the one who beat people. What Luo Cangli said was not equivalent to that one person killed another. He did not say that the murderer was wrong, but that the person standing next to him was wrong, because she was a mother. She didn't protect her children. What is the reason? ? ]

[Some people are really deformed in their thinking and maternal love is great. I don't deny this. Some mothers are willing to give their lives for their children. I don't deny this. But everyone, I think you should know one thing. No one was born. It is to sacrifice for others. Some mothers can sacrifice everything for their children, and they can rather feed tigers for their children because they can't bear it. They are great, we can praise them, but they are like female guests. In this case, do you think she will have expectations of this child when she is pregnant? A rapist left children in her belly, just like what the child said. It would be good if she didn't hate them. Why should she force others to practice maternal love and sacrifice her life under such circumstances?

Girls, no matter what happens, you can make any choice, but please remember that you are a person first, you are yourself, and then your mother.

Don't be kidnapped by morals. Don't choose to sacrifice your own rights and everything just because of others' eyes and arguments, just to prevent others from saying: Look at her, you don't deserve to be a mother, do they say we don't deserve to be unworthy? Does a qualified mother have to sacrifice everything she has to be a qualified mother? Why does everyone take it for granted that the mother should sacrifice everything for the child, and the father is also the child's immediate family member.

We only have this life. Before we become an embryo, we have the opportunity to compete with hundreds of millions of sperm. We were born in such an equal age. We can study, receive education, work, make money for ourselves, and decide what we want to buy. What to wear and what to eat, don't look at the shackles on your body, like that kind of woman should do what, what mother should do, just pick what you like to listen to, don't change yourself to cater to such words , Don't feel inferior because you are a girl, don't be ashamed because you have a daughter, don't think that I am a woman, and men should let me and the like, we are equal to them, men, women, before that we are all We are a natural person, we don't need privileges, but we don't want any shackles that men don't have. Equality is equality. Don't say anything. This is the responsibility of the mother. This is the common child of both parents. It is the common responsibility of both parents. Who did it wrong? It's who's fault, not blaming men or women because of gender. The founding father once said that our country is equal to men and women, and I hope that China can truly achieve equality one day. I have said these words for a long time. , I know this passage is very long. Some girls may not have the patience to read it, but I hope that the girls who have read it can listen to them and respect themselves and others. The most feared thing is to be born because of each I have wronged myself for external reasons, be kind to myself, and make my life truly my own. ]

This passage was directly praised as popular.

Ji Changze didn't know, if he knew, he would also like it.

In fact, many people of the older generation feel that women are inherently weaker than men. Men are the heads of the household at home. Women have to wash the floor and drag their children to cook and wash dishes to serve the elderly. Some even make money, otherwise That is to rely on his own son to raise.

Ji Changze knows that this kind of thinking is wrong, but he will not say anything critical. After all, the older generation is no better than the young. In ancient times, there were no farming tools, and the farmers were indeed men who contributed more. Their thoughts are all set, as long as they don't do it. Just talk about what happened.

Even Ji Changfu and Ji Changze disgusted him, and also disliked him and wanted him to be punished, but in terms of the degree of nausea, he was even more disgusting.

Because Luo Cangli knows everything.

He knew that these girls were right, he knew who was really wrong in this matter, he knew that abduction was illegal, and he knew that Lin Zhishu was being forced.

But he is so right and confident.

He is aloof and criticizes those women who have done nothing wrong like a bug. Under the skin of family harmony, he asks girls not to resist exploitation, domestic violence, and takes care of their children. He asks the women to go by themselves. To hell.

Because of doing this, he will gain enthusiasm and gain benefits.

Doesn't he know what he did wrong? not necessarily.

It's like a man and a woman are walking on the street, and a man is robbed of sex, he will say abnormal.

If a woman is robbed of sex, he will say that he is not careful when he goes out. Isn't it just waiting for someone to rob him when dressed like this?

A man stands in a high position through hard work, he will say that this is by virtue of ability.

If a woman tries her best to stand in a high position, don't look good, or he will directly assume that the other person is in high position by coloring.

He asked women to be knowledgeable, good-looking, gentle-tempered, filial to their parents-in-laws, married to a husband, washing, cleaning, cooking, and washing dishes. They must also take care of their children and help them with homework. It is necessary to transfer all the family pressure to the husband.

If you are wronged outside, you can't sneer at your husband, because your husband is already very tired.

Husband's anger at you, you have to bear it, because he is close to you before venting at you.

You have to feel honored to give birth to a boy. It is a great achievement. You have to feel ashamed to give birth to a girl and waste your time and energy.

Even if Ji Changze is a man, he has to say something.

Why not go to heaven.

This is when a woman is a three-headed six-armed robot or an all-purpose robot, and the double-labeled one is simply nauseous.

Judging a person is not based on the other person's character, behavior and ability, but based on a person's gender.

That is to say, he also wears the skin of the hope that the family will love and protect the children, and some elderly middle-aged and elderly people like to watch this kind of show, otherwise he would have been scolded to death.

What Ji Changze is doing now is to remove his skin directly in front of so many people.

Revealing the disgusting real face inside.

"you you!"

Luo Cangli stood under the stage, looking at Ji Changze with a grim face. Looking at this picture, if it weren't for a trace of reason, he would have liked to come on stage to kill Ji Changze.

"What's wrong with me? Am I wrong? Didn't what I did to you what you did to my mother?"

Ji Changze knew that Luo Cangli was relying on his lips, and he didn't mind giving Luo Cangli some time for him to argue.

Luo Cang's strength has never been based on logical ability.

If someone watched all Luo Cangli's programs together, he would find that the guests he chose and those criticized by him were Lin Zhishu. They were weak, not good at words, and because they were in a disadvantaged position, they would only be caught. Suppress emotions a little and you will collapse.

Even if the most important thing is a, Luo Cangli chooses to suppress the guests from b, and the guests chosen by him often do not have the ability to turn the topic back to b.

It was like what he said to Lin Zhishu just now.

He avoided abduction and did not ask Lin Zhishu how much hardship he had to choose to escape. He asked Lin Zhishu why he did not run away in the first place but did not answer to Lin Zhishu, "How did he be imprisoned and beaten in all directions in the beginning? Hungry" time.

To sum up, it is his so-called strong logical ability and outstanding eloquence. In fact, he relies on the opponent's weakness.

This is like a quarrel between an adult and a seven-year-old child. The adult must suppress the child in an all-round way. It seems that the adult has a strong logic and a high IQ to respond quickly.

In the rank of Luo Cangli, he was replaced by a strong guest. As long as he insisted on topic A, he couldn't help it.

Ji Changze couldn't say a word directly, so he couldn't say a word.

But he didn't do it.

He wanted Luo Cangli to confront him, and then smashed Luo Cangli a little bit to give his own personality.

Isn't he doing these for fame and fortune?

Then destroy his fame and fortune.

Destroying the name Luo Cangli is still very simple.

Ji Changze asked directly: "Uncle, you said that the purpose of this show is to clear up the misunderstanding, so why did you not directly ask her about the abduction situation after my mother said that she was abducted, but why she wanted to run away? ?"

"Trafficking is illegal. Uncle, didn't you graduate from a prestigious school? Don't you know? What you said just now is like saying that my father is going to kill my mother. My mother must stand still and let him kill or she is unworthy. Being a human being, uncle, what do you think?"

Luo Cangli's brain was blank. He opened his mouth and realized that his voice was not as sharp as he looked like: "You are nonsense, I don't think that way, I'm saying that you are a family after all, for the sake of children..."

Ji Changze nodded: "For the sake of the child, shouldn't you suggest that my mother and my father compete for custody? It is difficult for you to think of this?"

Luo Cangli's thoughts have been completely interrupted.

Especially after Ji Changze did not avoid the question he wanted to avoid, but asked directly.

He was in a guilty conscience and was in a state of confusion. He suffocated, and only suffocated one sentence: "...Family and everything are prosperous, and I would rather break the Shizhuang Temple rather than tear down a marriage."

Ji Changze: "My parents didn't get a marriage certificate, and she was abducted, not in free love or free childbirth. Do you think they are getting married?"

He saw that Luo Cangli's expression and eyes already looked like he could not wait to rush up to eat him, his face was blue and he looked at him, open his mouth to say something, but he couldn't make a sound.

A sneer sneered at the corner of the boy's mouth, who could still be called a child: "Why didn't you continue?"

"Didn't you just say it very smoothly? Didn't you think that what you said makes sense and that my mother is unworthy?"

Luo Cang squeezed his fist tightly: "You are a kid, I don't care about you. This episode is for your parents to adjust. I want to talk to your parents."

"Then what do you invite me to do?"

Ji Changze's eyes were still cold: "What did you want to see when you called me? A 14-year-old child who lost his mother since childhood was instilled by his father to leave us behind. I saw what my biological mother would say about you. Can you imagine it?"

He turned around and looked at his mother who was standing with his two daughters, pale and crying, but blamed himself because of the pain that his words disappeared from his sight.

The crisp teenage voice is so calm that it makes people frightening: "You called me, it is impossible for me to be a mascot. You want to see me questioning my mother and want me to cry to her. After a child without a mother sees her What will I do? I will beg her to go back and continue to be my mother."

"If she doesn't agree to you, the mother who still refuses to promise under the begging of a child like me will have an offensive point for you. If she agrees, then you've brought another family together." It's a good thing. As for my dad's domestic violence, whether my mother was abducted and what she will face when she goes back, it has nothing to do with you. Anyway, once the show is over, you will never give it to them again. It's a chance to be on the show."

Luo Cangli's lips were shaking, and even his body was shaking slightly, his face full of disbelief, and he looked at Ji Changze with a little fear.

This is still a child.

Only fourteen years old.

But what he said, word by word, seemed to penetrate all the thoughts he hid in his heart.

He was scared.

But Ji Changze did not let him go.

It's as if the guests who were once broke down by him, he didn't let them go.

"I'm very curious, since you treat my mother like this, what about the previous guests? Should your program team be the pre-interview guests to let the audience see that after your'adjustment', those who have been relived What is the life of the guests together?"

Ji Changze directly looked at the pale Luo Cangli: "Do you dare?"

"Do you dare to interview the guests who were persuaded by you to go home? Do you dare to ask them if they are happy when they go back? Will they appreciate you or hate you, can you guess?"

Backstage, the director completely ignored Luo Cangli, who was frantically suspending the live broadcast signal, and continued to arrange the shots.

The camera cut to Ji Changze's face.

The skin of the fourteen-year-old boy is of course very good. Even if the whole shot hits his face, it is still delicate and smooth, and the beautiful appearance is clearly transmitted to all audiences.

Including the calm look on his face and the faint sarcasm in his eyes.

[Ah, ah, ah, is this kid really only fourteen years old! ! a exploded! ! ! ! ]

[Oh my God, I just wanted to come and watch the first stupid warrior who beat Luo Cangli on the show. I didn't expect to face such a prosperous beauty as soon as I came in. Did I go to the wrong theater? ]

[I said you guys don't digress, okay, people said it's quite right, what look you look at, I'm also very curious what happened to the female guest who was persuaded by Luocang to go back before. It's over, I never told us]

[I know one, it's my neighbor's cousin. It's been two years ago. Her family is quite rich, the only child, her parents have gone by accident, now she's quite old, infertile, and when she got married. Just clarified with her husband. Her husband also said that he could wait until he was old to adopt a child, and then one day her husband brought back a child, saying that the children of relatives in the country had too many children to support. (This practice is illegal. This happened more than 20 years ago. At that time, this kind of child delivery happened. Don't follow the example.) My cousin believed it. The child was taken care of as his own child, but when the child was more than 20 years old, my cousin sold the house her parents left to her and sent the child abroad, only to find out that the child was her husband's biological son, and the child's relatives The mother has always been in contact with the child. The child knew since she was a child that she was not the real mother, and that the one outside was the real mother. She asked, the child scolded her not to say that she was a real mother.

She collapsed all of a sudden, because the man didn't have much money, and the family expenses of marrying her were basically spent on her. Sending the children abroad also sold the house her parents left for her. As a result, the children raised by herself are facing each other. My mother is even closer. My husband lied to her for so many years. She wanted to divorce and was accused by Luo Cangli, saying that her husband did not divorce her because of her infertility, but chose to have a child with a woman outside. She was very worthy of her. Anyway, he was drunk with the Three Views, but he didn't say it directly, but made a round of accusations. In the end, my neighbor's cousin did not divorce. It was two years ago when I was on the show. Two days ago, I heard my neighbor say that his cousin was suffering from depression, and it was better to die every day, because the man felt that since this matter was over, he let the woman come to the house. That child has been asking for money from his cousin. She is now divorced because she is sorry for the man who never abandons her. She suffers every day. Before this happened, I met his cousin. It was really a very charming one. They are also gentle elders, and even when they are older, they can see how beautiful they were when they were young. As a result, such a person is not so haggard. He walks around every day. That's why I hate Luo Cangli. I black him. lifetime. ]

Someone gave an example, and others who knew the status quo of the previous guests also talked about it.

[I know that the husband was persuaded to go back due to domestic violence. Her man is still beating her. My mother is in the same community with her. At night, I can hear her crying from being beaten. ]

[In order for the child to forgive the husband who cheated, her husband still has contact with the woman, and also spent money to buy a car for the woman, how did I know? That woman is a colleague of mine, and she flaunted this incident to us, but it made us disgusting. ]

[What did Luo Cang force him do? Even a bowl has been broken, he has to take glue to stick it back, he has to make a perfect appearance.

But can a bowl made with glue work?

He doesn't care about these things, just like what the kid said, as long as the show is over, these people will no longer have a chance to appear on the camera after the end, and of course no one will know what he did. ]

[Too disgusting, my mother actually likes such a person, no, I have to hurry up and take my mother to watch. ]

[My grandfather just watched Luo Cangli's show and made trouble at home and felt that he was for peace at home. Was there not peace at home before he made trouble? I also want to take my grandfather to watch, no, I want to show him the recording directly, and he will know everything after watching it. ]

On the barrage, there are lively and barely clear images on the screen. Viewers who want to watch the live broadcast can only turn off the barrage or part of the barrage to see what is happening on the screen.

Ji Changze was squatting down, condescendingly looking at Luo Cangli below the stage.

"Since you have come to me and don't want to communicate with me, why don't you guess why you are doing this?"

"Because you know that my mother is sick, that she is emotionally broken, and that she has been receiving treatment in the hospital since she escaped. You know that she has maternal love for my sisters and me, and that you can take advantage of this."

"You accuse her, scold her, influence her, and you define her actions to fight for her rights and freedom as making mistakes. You know she will collapse. This is exactly what you want, because only when she collapses can you be better. Control the overall situation, and I, an accident, you have no way to refute my words, so you don't want to communicate with me, you choose the weak, because you can better bully the weak, and you can find confidence in the weak."

Looking at the fierce eyes of Ji Changze, he couldn't wait to rush up to hit his Luo Cangli, stood up, and pointed to the camera.

"Do you think what I said is wrong? Come, refute me, don't use family harmony, or use your children as a shield, but use your logic and your golden mouth to refute it. The camera is here. It's still live streaming now, just say it here, say it!"

The last two words were as cold as Luo Cangli's heart.

He knew he couldn't tell.

When he lost his advantage and was stripped of his most filthy and filthy thoughts, he couldn't find anything to refute.

From the very beginning, when he chose to stand by Ji Changfu to oppress Lin Zhishu, it was clear who was really wrong in this matter.

So he can't tell.

He knew that what he said was wrong, and he couldn't refute Su Ji Changze.

Shut up at this time, anyway, I can still maintain a face.

It's a pity that in the next second of thinking like this, he caught a glimmer of expectation in the sharp eyes of Ji Changze from above.

Luo Cangli was uneasy all over.

He watched Ji Changze smile. It was a scornful smile, a smile at a loser who had been completely defeated and could never stand up.

Luo Cangli's goose bumps all over his body rose up.

Where is the mistake? !

It shouldn't be. At this time, it is the best choice for him not to speak.

Ji Changze smiled under his hurried gaze, his eyes still cold.

"You don't refute, because you know that you are wrong and that everything you say is based on deliberately acting stupid, deliberately showing that you are for the good of my mother."

Luo Cangli knew what Ji Changze meant. After thinking about it, he looked at Ji Changze incredulously, and his blood fell.

Sure enough, Ji Changze continued: "Since you know that you are wrong, why do you still insist on that view? If you don't know, then you will now refute me righteously, insist that you are right, insist that you are for me Mom said that when it's good, but you dare not refute it because you have no confidence and you know everything."

His eyes were blue like the deepest sea. Under the gaze of such a pair of eyes, Luo Cangli almost stopped his heartbeat.

can not say! ! !

Can't let this person speak out! ! !

There was only one thought left in his mind.

He jumped on stage frantically, struggling and embarrassed.

But it was too late.

The second after he took the stage, Ji Changze had already spoken out the truth that he was trying to hide.

"You know, in so many previous episodes, are you like this? You know they are right, you know who the real sinners are, and you know what choices they should make, but You pretend to be stupid, you pretend that you are for their good, high above, condescending, and morally kidnapped. Do you think you're just talking about it? You ruined their lives. Are you worthy of being a host? Are you worthy of being a person? Are you worthy to stand here and you deserve to breathe? You ask the audience in the audience, and the audience who is watching the live broadcast, do they think you are worthy?"

Ji Changze's height is shorter than Luo Cangli. After he came up, he would raise his head and talk to Luo Cangli, but even so, his momentum still suppressed Luo Cangli firmly.

Obviously Luo Cangli was standing, but at this moment he felt that he seemed to be kneeling on the ground.

He was shaking his body, almost wishing to find a place to sew in.

In the barrage, at this moment, the same barrage was uniformly brushed up:

[He is not worthy]

[He is not worthy! ]

[He is not worthy! ! ! ]

Luo Cangli couldn't see these barrages, but he could guess it too.

His body was trembling, and he wanted to take a step forward, but he sat on the ground normally.

He knew that his career was completely finished.

Fame, money, rights, all these will leave him after today.

Ji Changze squatted down and looked at him.

He looked at Luo Cangli: "I did something wrong just now. I said you shouldn't criticize other people's life, but what I did just now was to criticize your life."

"I apologize to you, but I do not regret doing this. From your attitude to my mother just now, did you treat other guests in the same way? Aggressive, tearing apart their most vulnerable side to others, and now I am too I did it."

Ji Changze stretched out his hand and pressed it to Luo Cangli's heart.

"Feel the way you are now, they feel the same as you."

After speaking, he slid down very smoothly and took away the phone from Luo Cangli's pocket.

The mobile phone requires a password, but Ji Changze does not need to enter it at all.

He dialed the emergency number directly.

On this day, for many people who watched this live broadcast, there are only two words for them to judge this live broadcast: excitement!

Ji Changze did what many guests could not.

Moreover, this is the first time someone has called the police during the live broadcast.

In full view, he said directly to the phone: "Uncle police, I call the police, my father has domestic violence, and he is buying and selling people."

After calling the police, he put his phone back.

He walked straight to Lin Zhishu's side.

Although the height of this child is much higher than that of his peers, the thin child hugged his mother in a guarding posture.

The voice was firmly spread everywhere:

"Mom, don't cry."

"you are right."