87|The prepared race in the last days (5)

When he followed Ji Changze into the house, Fu Hao was in a trance for a moment. He looked at the decorations in the house, the playing cards on the table, and a bucket of instant noodles that he remembered to throw before he finished eating, and a bag of sweet potatoes that had fallen apart. Dry, almost thought I was back before the meteor shower.

There are no beasts that burst out suddenly, no plants that treat humans as zombies, no crows flying around, and no sour smell caused by people gathering together for a long time without taking a bath.

The room is refreshing and refreshing, how normal it looks.

His eye circles were slightly red, and he quickly forced himself to calm down, and sat on the sofa under the sign of Ji Changze.

Ji Changze poured him a glass of mineral water: "Drink some water. I have nothing to entertain you. I still have some peanuts at home. I'll bring it to you."

"Enough, these are enough."

Fu Hao took a sip of mineral water and his eye circles turned redder.

Some of them have found mineral water, but he may be out of luck and never found it. Drinking water is water drawn directly by the river. When he comes back to boil, he drinks it again, because it is not filtered. You can also feel a strange smell.

No way, this kind of unfiltered water smells like this, and they can only bear it.

Obviously, he hadn't drank mineral water for a few days, but he felt as if he hadn't drunk it for several months or years, sipping it with cherished sips.

Ji Changze sat across from him, taking off the cloth wrapped around his spear, while saying, "I didn't ask you in detail on the road. Is the gathering place you are now far away from here? Is there a way to drive?"

"There is a road to drive, but it's too difficult to walk, and the grass grows too fast. If you drive, you don't have a vision and you can't see the front. It's easy to get an accident."

Fu Hao carefully put down the cup and recalled: "It is also the first time I came to this piece. I walked here while looking for something. I walked for almost three and a half hours. I kept walking because I haven't found anything useful. I was planning to go back when I met you, otherwise it would be more difficult to walk on the dark road."

Ji Changze nodded, found a pen and paper, and handed it to him, asking him to draw a road map according to his memory.

In the past, who would have thought that it was only a three-and-a-half-hour walk, and he couldn't get there after seven days.

Fu Hao had a short mouth and saw Ji Changze and Li Hechuan's fishing law enforcement against mutant plants before, so he immersed himself in painting very obediently.

When I drew the picture, I saw Ji Changze stand up, opened the door directly, and knocked on the opposite side.

He could hear Ji Changze talking with the young guy named Li Hechuan.

"I am going to leave here, do you want to be together?"

Li Hechuan was startled, and he shook his words: "Leave, leave? Didn't we take the aunt?"

Ji Changze analyzed in a steady tone: "Now the city is occupied by mutant plants and animals, and it is not suitable for human living. If we want to live for a long time, we must go to the countryside, and Junyuan and I are still in the village. To them."

Li Hechuan thinks what he said makes sense.

"But uncle, we need to have a car if we want to go to the village. Your car is not suitable, and my car will not work either. It will disappear after entering the grass. We have to find a car."

Ji Changze: "I found two suitable cars yesterday, and they were parked in the garage of our community. If you are willing to go together, pack your own things, and come and help me move them later."

Li Hechuan: "..."

You deserve it.

Although still unsure whether to leave or stay, Li Hechuan nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will discuss it with my parents."

The result of the discussion naturally followed Ji Changze.

Although Li Hechuan has learned a lot in the past few days, if Ji Changze is gone, it is impossible for him to live in a lonely city with his parents.

He is very good at computers, and his hands-on skills are also very good, but in a place where there is no electricity and no signal, it is as useless as giving a baby chopsticks to let him pick food.

Ji Changze is the thigh, hug! !

Must hug! !

So, after knocking on the door and running to tell Ji Changze their choice of home, Li Hechuan followed Ji Changze to the garage and looked at the two cars in front of him.

A large RV that is very expensive at first glance.

One is very suitable for off-road driving in the wild.

The owner abandoned the car or was not in the car when the accident happened. Finding these two cars was a waste of Ji Changze's great effort.

Li Hechuan was surprised. The RV has a high field of view and is convenient for driving. The off-road vehicle is suitable for driving in the wild.

It's perfect.

After being happy for a while, he began to worry again.

"It's useless to have a car, we don't have gas..."

Ten minutes later, Li Hechuan looked like "this is also OK" and struggling to carry a barrel of gasoline downstairs and put it in the car.

He is now 100% convinced that Ji Changze is a prepared clan.

He even had so old gasoline.

After Fu Hao drew the road map, he joined the ranks of moving things. Ji Changze has a lot of things in his house. Fortunately, this RV has a large storage space. If he can't put it in the cabinet, he just put it on the bed.

He is now in a mood similar to Li Hechuan, carrying all kinds of magical tools, instruments, and a lot of strange things that can't be recognized at all.

What is this brother Ji doing?

Special forces? ? ?

On the seventh day of the apocalypse, Ji Changze almost emptied the house, carefully placed the family's photo album in the co-pilot's position, and left the community.

The RV drove the road, the off-road vehicle followed, Li Hechuan drove the RV, Fu Hao drove the off-road vehicle, Ji Changze sat on the roof of the RV, holding a telescope in one hand to see if there was any danger in front and whether it could go ahead. Animals, he picked up the crossbow arrow on the side and shot it directly.

Then the car stopped and asked him to pick up the crossbow arrow.

This year, unless he finds an arsenal, he should use one or less crossbow arrows, or cherish it.

As a result, two cars stopped and went on the road, and Ji Changze went to collect some weird plant liquids and edible animal carcasses from time to time.

Nothing is wasted anyway.

Because they had to drive a road, plus various parking along the way, even though they were driving, they walked more slowly than Fu Hao's walk. They walked for three and a half hours, and they walked for nearly five hours.

It was getting dark, Ji Changze pulled down the iron basin he had placed on both sides of the car and lit a fire on it. The surrounding animals were afraid of the fire and did not dare to provoke it.

At the same time, on the first floor of the office building where Fu Hao and the others gathered, his wife patted the child who was sleeping peacefully with the adult's clothes, and got up anxiously and looked outside.

Guo Junyuan carefully feeds the child in her arms while drinking the rice soup. Seeing him frowning, she is obviously not very satisfied with what she has drunk, but because she is hungry, she can only slurp and sip it, showing her face. Distressed.

She only hated why she was weaned so early, and now she drank all the milk powder she brought out before, and Xiaobao couldn't be hungry, so Guo Junyuan could only feed him rice soup.

He was accustomed to drinking milk powder, and he was not too comfortable with the taste of rice soup, so he refused to drink it, and he was hungry and couldn't stand it.

The child suffers, can my mother feel bad?

Waiting for Xiaobao to finish eating, Guo Junyuan cautiously coaxed him or frowned his brows and looked uncomfortable. He fell asleep, carefully placed on the thick "bed" cushioned with clothes, and covered him with clothes, which made him limp. Get up with a turn.

To Fu Hao's wife, Zhang Shengsheng comforted: "Don't worry, Fu Hao has always been cautious and well-measured. There will be no accident. He may be on his way back now."

Zhang Shengsheng nodded uncomfortably: "Yes, when Fu Hao went out this morning, he told me that the neighborhood had been searched. He wanted to go far today. Maybe he accidentally went too far."

Although the two of them said so, they actually have the heaviest answer in their hearts.

From the time the group of them gathered together until now, if someone doesn't come back after dark, then this person will never come back.

After all, people don't have night vision, and they are short of resources. It would be nice to have a lighter, let alone a flashlight. Now it's like a forest and grassland, where there are dangerous plants and animals everywhere, and people can hide in the daytime. Hidden, but at night, people can't see and can't tell their directions. In the end, they will either get lost or become a dish of these terrifying animals and plants.

Fu Hao hasn't come back at this time, and there is a high probability that he won't come back again.

Zhang Sheng knew this, but she didn't want to believe it. She didn't know how she could accept her husband's bad news, and she didn't know whether she could take care of their children without her husband. She could only look forward to it with meager hope. So Fu Hao can take it back.

She forced herself to withdraw her gaze to look outside, looked at Guo Junyuan next to her under the firelight, and asked concerned: "Are your legs okay?"

Guo Junyuan looked down at the hideous wound on her right leg and shook her head silently.

She was injured when she went out to find food today. It was a vine. It learned square dance without a teacher. When Guo Junyuan passed by, she suddenly jumped up from the ground and danced wildly. This wound was abruptly drawn out.

When Guo Junyuan limped and came back to pick up her child, what she thought in her heart was not how painful it was, but that she is injured now and even walking is difficult, then how can she go out to find food to raise Xiaobao and support herself .

Although Guo Junyuan didn't say anything major, Zhang Shengsheng was not blind.

She sighed: "You have stitches in your wound, you've been bleeding for so long."

She looked painful, and she didn't know how Guo Junyuan held back her pain since she came back.

But even if Guo Junyuan didn't cry out for pain, her pale face had already betrayed her.

The two were talking, and Chen's Lu suddenly appeared behind him.

He glanced at Guo Junyuan's wound and pretended to sigh: "Junyuan, I said before, Ji Changze is unreliable. Look, now you are the only one to take care of the child. If you are injured, no one can take care of you. Look at Fu Hao again. This is a good man. At the beginning I said you chose the wrong one. Over the years, I have been very careful to tell you who Ji Changze is. If you listened to me before, now you are married. Husband helps, and he won't get hurt."

Guo Junyuan ignored Chen's Lu, but Zhang Shengsheng. She glanced at Chen's Lu with some dissatisfaction: "What are you talking about? What is the matter with the husband and wife? It is a matter of others. Xiaobao's mother is injured. You have to come over and add your jealousy. ."

"Furthermore, when the meteorite rain fell so suddenly, who can Xiaobao's mother and her husband be to blame for not being together?"

Guo Junyuan has an advantage in that he never speaks ill of others, especially this person is her son's father. Zhang Shengsheng, who just met her, naturally didn't know that Guo Junyuan was planning to divorce Ji Changze.

She only learned some things from the population who was walking with Chen's Lu, who was also Chen's Lu Guo Junyuan's co-classmate. For example, Chen's Lu was not allowed to madly discredit Ji Changze because of his courtship.

Because Guo Junyuan never denied it, Zhang Shengsheng also knew that he probably didn't lie.

But now that Guo Junyuan was just injured just when he was uncomfortable, he even ran over to say cool words, which was simply unbearable.

Chen's Lu was told, and his expression was somewhat slanderous to defend himself: "Who said that I was talking coldly, this is a normal conversation between classmates, and I'm not here to talk specifically, I'm here to deliver things."

He handed the roll of gauze he held to Guo Junyuan directly, and threw it directly into her hand under her surprised eyes: "I found this when I was out looking for food. I have no use for this thing, you. The blood in the wound looked at people seeping. Take this gauze and bandage it to stop the bleeding and don't infect it again."

Guo Junyuan looked at him with a complicated expression. It was not moved, but Lu, who had never thought that Chen Lu, who had always been screaming at him, would be willing to help at this time.

She did not refuse, held the gauze, and whispered: "Thank you."

"No thanks, after all, you were also deceived by Ji Changze. If you listened to me, you wouldn't have made such a fuss."

Chen's Lu saw Zhang Shengsheng looking at himself speechlessly, and sneered: "What you just said is a bit reasonable, but I'm not afraid to tell you. Based on my understanding of Ji Changze, even today he is with his wife and children. Together, his temperament would definitely not be like your husband who would like to go out looking for food alone, and now Junyuan happened to be outside with her husband when the accident happened, but Ji Changze would never come out to look for her. "

He asserted: "He is as timid as a mouse. If he is at home and still alive, he will definitely hide in the house and dare not go out. He would rather not go out without going out alone for a lifetime, let alone. I'm looking for Junyuan."

After finishing speaking, Chen's Lu did not forget to add the sentence that almost became his own mantra: "I said it a long time ago, Ji Changze can't rely on it."

Less than three seconds after I finished speaking this sentence, there was a bright light outside, and there was the sound of a car driving here.

This was the first time a group of people heard the sound of a car after living in this place. Sleeping, eating, and chatting. Almost everyone was attracted by the sound of the car and got up and looked outside.

"Is there a car coming?"

"Is it the army? The army came to save us, right?"

Almost everyone was attracted, and the three of them naturally took a look.

Then I saw two cars coming in one after the other, the off-road vehicle door opened first, Fu Hao ran off the car, and saw his wife who had already burst into tears when he first saw him, and hurried away. Come here.

"Wait in a hurry, there is something unexpected, I will be back late."

He comforted his wife, and smiled at Guo Junyuan and said: "Xiaobao's mother, your husband is also here, he has been looking for you, and he came with me when he met me."

Chen's Lu: "???"

What the hell?

Can't it?