90|The prepared race in the last days (8)

Chen's Lu was stunned here, and over there, Guo Junyuan hesitated to stand for a while, and walked to Ji Changze from where she was hiding.

She had always been sure that Ji Changze had derailed. After all, how this person stayed out at night and became a little bit impatient during that time, and finally came to the end, full of lies and concealed her from buying a bunch of messy things with family money. , These things are still vivid.

If it weren't for the end of the world, Guo Junyuan should have divorced him at this moment, living alone with Xiaobao.

She never expected that things would develop like this.

The end of the world is coming like a science fiction story. Ji Changze Yizheng, who once believed to be a scumbag, refused to send the young beautiful girl home. He came to suture her wounds when she was most helpless.

She was lying on the side just now, watching Ji Changze hug Xiaobao and coax her, no matter how she looked like a good father.

All this overturned Guo Junyuan's cognition, she was serious, and since the things she had always thought seemed to be reversed, she must ask more clearly.

Ji Changze sent the young girl away, turning around and continuing to search in the car.

Guo Junyuan came over at this moment. Looking at the familiar figure in front of her, she took a breath and asked, "Didn't we have negotiated a divorce?"

The person in front of him was holding a hand warmer in each hand, turning around and looking at her blankly.

"Divorce? What divorce?"

Rao is that Guo Junyuan had imagined countless kinds of answers that Ji Changze might give in her mind before asking, but she never thought that the reaction he gave was actually this.

She was a little dazed for a while.

It took a while to get back the original thinking: "Didn't we have negotiated a divorce before the end of the world? You also agreed, on the day the meteorite rain fell."

Ji Changze's expression looked very dazed.

He blinked slowly, he was completely at a loss without knowing anything, and even his tone was ten percent innocent: "When did we negotiate a divorce? I was in the reserve room all day that day. I spoke to you."

Guo Junyuan: "...I told you inside in the living room, didn't you acquiesce in it?"

At this moment, she realized what had happened, looked at her husband with a little doubt and temptation, and asked: "Did you not hear?"

Ji Changze shook his head, and then he suddenly realized: "I was listening to music with headphones while packing my storage that day. When a meteorite fell outside, the building began to vibrate. When I opened the door and went out, you were no longer there. I thought you were just right. Going out with Xiaobao."

Guo Junyuan: "..."

She asked again: "You didn't hear what I said. You didn't pay attention to the clothes I packed away and Little Treasure's baby bottle toy clothes?"

Ji Changze: "Attention, I still want to call to ask you what's going on, but the signal has been cut off at the time, I can only put it down first."

"Wait, you mean you want to divorce me? Why? What are we doing to divorce?"

Guo Junyuan: "..."

She looked at Ji Changze, who was full of question marks in front of her, and she only felt that a grassy horse ran past in her heart.

They quacked while running.

In the past seven days, she was busy looking for food and supplies to take care of the child during the day, and coaxing the child to sleep at night, closing her eyes and thinking about her and Ji Changze's past over and over again.

The two met, fell in love, got married, had children, and finally divorced.

What I remember most is the suffocating silence when she hopes to file for divorce with despair and hope that Ji Changze can refuse the divorce and explain it well.

When she still hoped that this marriage could be saved, Ji Changze's silence hit her hard.

She uncontrollably recalled the scene over and over again.

Guo Junyuan participated in the renovation of this house, so she knew very well how the soundproofing of the room was, and she made sure that her voice could be transmitted to the room through the closed door.

But she didn't expect the voice to pass in.

But Ji Changze actually wore headphones...

If Ji Changze didn't hear those words, then she suffered from the other's unretained and unresponsiveness to this marriage these days, and she fell into the replay scene again and again. In fact, she was...self-grief? ?

Guo Junyuan: ...This is really sad.

Ji Changze was still asking innocently, "What happened? Why did you divorce me? What did I do badly? Or do you think I haven't been with you at home these days? I'm not with you. Said I have a plan for training? And I really have nothing to do with the women outside. When those women come to me, my eyelashes will not tremble, Jun Yuan? Jun Yuan? Don't ignore me, what can we say? To be clear, this is the time when the family should spend time together, Jun Yuan?"

"Wait, wait..."

The series of Guo Junyuan that Ji Changze said was clear, but the amount of information was too large and she couldn't digest it temporarily. She took out her hand and did a ban on speaking, and waited for Ji Changze to calm down before taking a deep breath.

"You mean, you didn't hear what I said?"

Ji Changze nodded.

"Then you won't go home for a few days?"

"I'm doing training for the Youbei Clan. The first thing that the Youbei Clan attaches to is not the materials, but the body consciousness and skills you know. These are all for yourself to train."

"There is a girl in your team who goes to college. I heard Chen's Lu said that you like her? How many times did you go to their college to pick her up?"

Ji Changze clapped his hands: "People are so much younger than me, and she has someone she likes, that is, the president of my club. I went to school because the club is at school and has nothing to do with her, and I even cheated. How old she is, I shouldn't be fond of such a yellow-haired girl, you believe Chen's Lu, how did he slander me when we were in college, you forgot? He was a crime against my Five Elements, he was an enemy in his life, he said How can my bad words be true."

Thanks to Chen's Lu's brilliant history.

When Guo Junyuan, who had been half-believing before, heard the last sentence, 50% of the original letter suddenly reached 80%.

No way, Chen's Lu has a criminal record.

She didn't believe it before, and always believed that seeing is believing, but when she really saw that seeing was believing, and felt Ji Changze's perfunctory and impatience with her, she would believe it if she didn't believe it.

As a result, what Ji Changze said was justified and well-founded, and because he had indeed rejected a young and beautiful girl a few minutes ago, Guo Junyuan's expression gradually eased.

"You really didn't lie to me?"

"What I lied to you, Jun Yuan, we have never known what kind of person I am now? If I really cheat and really want to divorce you, I will run out to find you and Xiaobao."

Ji Changze wrote all over his face, "I was wronged in the face of the cliff."

"If you don't believe me, ask Chuanchuan, their family knows that I have been looking for you."

Guo Junyuan hesitated for a few seconds.


Ji Changze is right.

If he was really that kind of person, what would he come out to find them for.

Now the law is gone, the supplies are gone, and there are mutated plants and mutated animals everywhere. A man's physical strength is better than a woman. He doesn't need to lie to her even if it's for the child, just take the child away.

Moreover, Ji Changze's appearance is indeed not a good picture of Guo Junyuan.

Although she looks good, but in this world, how many girls like the young girl before are willing to recommend themselves for pillow seats, if Ji Changze really wants it, there is absolutely no shortage of rushing.

She didn't have the physical strength, and the knowledge she had learned before the end of the world was not used at all. Ji Changze knew exactly what was going on in her parents' home with her family background.

He came out to find her, and was willing to treat her in the same way as his wife, which in itself is a kind of evidence.

The sharp edge in Guo Junyuan's eyes gradually faded.

Seeing that Ji Changze was still looking at herself without blinking, as if waiting for her to answer, she nodded in embarrassment:

"I misunderstood you. I thought you were silent because you wanted to agree to a divorce..."

I knew this was an oolong game and the other party hadn't heard it at all. Why should she run away from home and suffer such a crime.

Guo Junyuan originally thought that Ji Changze, who was misunderstood and wronged by her, would be more or less emotional even if she was not angry. Unexpectedly, when she heard her words, Ji Changze obviously relaxed and smiled on her face.

"It's okay, it's okay to figure out the misunderstanding. I blame Chen Lu for speaking. If he weren't talking nonsense, you wouldn't think I was that kind of person."

Guo Junyuan's guilt deepened.

Chen's Lu had a criminal record before, so why did she still believe him?

This person is too awkward, just to fight Nagasawa by all means.


Chen's Lu sat by the fire and sneezed heavily, wiped his nose and said to the people around him with a little bragging: "It must be some girl who is thinking about me again, eh, the end of the world, even if they want I guess there is no chance of chasing me, it's the buddies who missed these beautiful girls."

That person: "Don't talk, you just have a cold."

"How come, I am in good health, this is definitely someone who misses me."

Chen's Lu Zheng brags to himself, glanced in his eyes, and suddenly saw Ji Changze and Guo Junyuan, who were talking and laughing, arm in arm.

Chen's Lu; "..."

Wasn't Guo Junyuan still angry before? Have you been coaxed by the humanoid liar machine Ji Changze so soon?

The Flash is not so fast, right.

He felt sorry for Guo Junyuan who had been fooled so easily again in the bottom of his heart, and at the same time he wished to stretch his neck to grow a giraffe, watching the movement over there eagerly.

This evening, no matter what Chen's Lu thought, Ji Changze and Guo Junyuan just maintained a situation of mutual peace and even mutual dependence.

Chen's Lu: "..."

No way.

It shouldn't.

Guo Junyuan is not stupid. Ji Changze didn't just show the evidence he sent before. This person must have revealed himself at home. How could Guo Junyuan be such a smart person to be deceived.

He knew best how insidious Ji Changze was.

He will never forget when he was in elementary school when he saw that Ji Changze ran to the next class to scatter melon seeds on the clean floor in order to get his class to get a mobile red flag.

There is quite a feeling that I used to think you were annoying, but I didn't expect you to be a scheming dog.

And since entering university, Ji Changze's rank has been higher. Later, he started to work. This guy spent a lot of time outside and was met several times by him. As a result, Guo Junyuan could still think that this was just normal social entertainment. How high.

Even Guo Junyuan, a student bully, can be fooled into this way.

Hey, the scumbag is terrible.

He felt that he still had the responsibility and obligation to help Guo Junyuan, a lamb who was lost.

Of course, the most important thing is to expose the true face of Ji Changze.

Then laughed at him wantonly.

Early the next morning, when Guo Junyuan and Ji Changze discussed going home together, taking advantage of Ji Changze's unpreparedness, Chen's Lu was like a rat underground joint, and Mimi came to Guo Junyuan quietly.

"Jun Yuan, are you and Ji Changze reconciled?"

"It's not that I said. You don't know what he did before. The hard evidence is so conclusive that you can't change it. Besides the physical evidence, there is evidence of me. Don't believe his rhetoric, even if you are forced by the situation. With him, you have to be careful, or he might be able to sell you sometime."

Guo Junyuan dreamed last night because she was guilty of misunderstanding her husband. Now she heard Chen Lu's words early in the morning and her brain jumped.

She rubbed her temples and tried to slow down her voice: "Chen's Lu, I thought about why I filed for divorce with Changze last night, and finally found the most important reason."

Chen's Lu thought she was reining in the precipice, and his expression immediately became excited.

"What is it?"

It is because of Ji Changze's indifference, ruthlessness, coldness and violence.

It's because he spends time and drinks around showing mercy.

Or, because he ran out of money at home?

No matter what it is, Chen's Lu is very happy to see it happen.

After all, these reasons can help Guo Junyuan recall a hundred reasons for breaking up with Ji Changze.

He still has many more to add, and the 180th reason for breaking up with Ji Changze sounds very pleasant.

Just when Chen's Lu Gao was happy to have various brain supplements, Guo Junyuan continued to speak.

"It's because of you."

Chen's Lu: "..."

He started to feel a little bad.

Sure enough, Guo Junyuan said: "I didn't doubt Changze originally, but you sent me pictures of him walking with other women. Later, you kept telling me what he was like outside, and then he became The prepared clan, you have been telling me that you grew up with him and he cannot become a prepared clan."

Chen's Lu: ...but these are all true.

Chen's Lu: "But he really did it. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw it with both eyes."

Guo Junyuan: "Okay, let's imagine, if you are Ji Changze, you have done those things, cheated, and spent money for divorce, then after the end of the world, you will come to me specifically and take all your supplies Do you share them with me?"

That's definitely not possible.

I want to get a divorce, of course, how far I can hide.

As soon as this idea came out, Chen Lulu's expression froze.

It's not right, how could he be taken over.

He is the first person in the Kuroshiki Changze!

"Jun Yuan, I really saw it. Although I only saw them walking together, what I saw with both eyes was that Ji Changze put his hands on the girl's waist. You wouldn't think I made up for him. Huh? Do you really think this is my fault??"

Guo Junyuan shook her head: "How can this be your fault."

Chen's Lu breathed a sigh of relief.

Right, it was Ji Changze who was wrong. He said that Guo Junyuan was a high school student and had a clever mind. He would definitely not be fooled by Ji Changze.

Guo Junyuan: "It's me who is wrong."

Chen's Lu: "...???"

"You and Nagasawa have always had a bad relationship. It's normal for you to look at him with tinted glasses, but I am different. I am Nagasawa's wife. We have been in love for so long, and there is Xiaobao. How can I be like you? Go wrong and blame Changze."

Chen's Lu: "..."

"Actually, you are also very nice. I took your affection with the gauze before, but I am already married. The person I like is Changze. He and I have children. You really don't need to target Changze like this. The words are said so clearly, I hope you don't do this kind of thing again next time."

Chen's Lu; "...No, you misunderstood. I didn't target him because I liked you. I really saw it. I saw it with both eyes. Really!!!"

Guo Junyuan sighed, shook her head without saying a word, hugged the child and got up and left.

"Needless to say, I know it. Anyway, I'm married, and I only like Changze. We have our baby. I hope you will go out soon, and I hope you don't do this kind of thing anymore. No matter what you say in the future, I won't believe it."

Chen's Lu: "..."

Go out and be a ghost.

He's gone out a long time ago, okay!

At the beginning, he was against Ji Changze, and Guo Junyuan was good-looking before he began to pursue his thoughts. After that, Guo Junyuan chose Ji Changze, but he immediately replaced Guo Junyuan's good-looking advantages with bad eyesight in the bottom of his heart. Disadvantages.

It's been so long, who is still thinking about this.

Could it be that in order to fight with Ji Changze, the heart-shaped roses were placed downstairs in your downstairs? Wherever you go, I will follow wherever you go, and I will say that I like you and you want to confess to you knowing that you like a celebrity who flew over with the money from a part-time job to ask for signature Is it because you have deep-rooted affection for you? ?

After looking back, Chen's Lu suddenly fell into thought.

Such a memory, it seems to be really alike...

Is he really still reluctant to leave Guo Junyuan's old love?

But why doesn't he know? ?