98|The prepared race in the last days (16)

The Guo family, Guo father and Guo mother stood in the yard looking at the drone in the sky just like watching a god, and then listened to Ji Changze's explanation from the microphone above.

"It turns out that it's not perfect."

After listening to Ji Changze explain clearly, Guo's father can be regarded as a heavy sigh of relief. If Changze becomes a drone, what will their family Junyuan do? This head is unworthy.

Although Guo's mother doesn't pay much attention to these, she loves to watch TV and can chase idol dramas, and it is not uncommon for the male protagonist in it to drive a private jet or something to pick up the protagonist/to confess to the protagonist/to take the protagonist to travel.

Although she has never seen a drone, she consciously knows more than her husband, so she immediately pretended that the person who almost didn't fall after hearing what Guo's father said was not herself. She stretched out her hand and patted angrily. Father Guo.

"Look at you, it's a fuss, isn't this just an airplane? How can you still think about Changze's becoming a fine? Even if Changze is really fine, he can't become an airplane."

"Changze, how is Junyuan? How about Xiaobao? Are you all together?"

Ji Changze gave up her position and let Guo Junyuan talk to them. Hearing her daughter's voice, and then listening to her that she was safe and sound, the two elders were relieved.

"It's okay, it's okay, Junyuan, let Chang Ze take care of you, even if you are refined, you are his wife."

Ji Changze was a little helpless on that end, anyway, in the eyes of these two old men, Ji Changze is very likely to become refined in this world.

He took the position of Guo Junyuan, but didn't grasp the topic and said, instead, he cut directly into the topic and asked about the wild boar in the village.

"Wow wild boars, ah, it's incredible. I don't know where so many wild boars come from. The teeth are so long and the body is so big. When they saw people, they rushed up and wandered in the village for many days. None of us Don't dare to go out."

Father Guo said as he stretched out his hand and gestured: "Such an old tooth, we have never seen a wild boar before. Someone in the village wanted to raise a wild boar to make money, but the piglets he brought back died. I remember him. I also said that we are not suitable for a wild boar life. It seems that he has been deceived. This is not suitable. This is simply too suitable."

Although Guo's father had a very strong topical derivation ability, Ji Changze still controlled the field perfectly, and finally figured it out.

On the day of the meteorite rain, everyone in the village was frightened. Everyone stood at the entrance of the village and found a meteorite hitting a mountain. They didn't know how it caused the fire. They were frightened and wanted to call. I found that the phone has no signal at all, so I want to go out, and I am afraid of being hit by a meteorite.

So everyone finally scattered in various houses, praying for the hope of the Buddha and God to protect themselves from being hit.

The day after the meteorite rain passed, the vegetation in the village skyrocketed, everyone was shocked again, and no one dared to go out.

On the third day, when they had the courage to go out to inquire about the situation, the wild boar had already occupied this side, and came to their village from time to time to wander around. If they saw someone appearing, they would immediately be able to rush over.

Father Guo was still a little scared when he talked about this.

Who is not afraid of death, trapped in this boundary, watching the food at home become less and less every day.

Ji Changze calmed down a few words, saying that they would definitely find a way to drive away the wild boars and rescue the two.

The drone flew away, and it had to probe the surrounding terrain to figure out why wild boars suddenly appeared in the village.

Guo's father and Guo's mother felt better than before.

They were trapped at home, unable to work in the ground, or playing mahjong, unable to make calls, and only neighbors wanted to talk, but the neighbors had a bad relationship with them.

I hold back every day, worrying about my daughter and son-in-law, and worry about myself.

I'm all right now, my daughter and son-in-law are back, and they also brought back an airplane spirit (Guo's father insisted on calling it that way).

Even if the wild boar can't be driven out, knowing that the two are taking their little grandson with them are safe and sound, they are already very relieved.

The two were in a good mood, and they didn't do anything to deal with it like before when they were eating. Mother Guo took out the bacon, hummed a song and started cooking.

While doing it, he said to Father Guo next to him: "If the plane comes again, we will take a plastic bag and tie up the prepared bacon. Junyuan likes to eat bacon the most."

Father Guo was in a good mood to find wood from the wood shed and began to make rattles. Although he was a farmer, he learned to do handicraft from his master when he was young, but later modern crafts invaded the handmade market, and everyone likes to buy plastic. Basins, tables and chairs don't like to be made by hand anymore, so he put it down and didn't continue.

But although I haven't done it for a long time, it is quite simple for Guo father to make a few toys for children. Guo Junyuan made all the toys when he was a child.

The husband and wife were busy here, and the neighbor stepped on a ladder to emerge from the wall.

"Are you planning to have a good meal for the last meal?"

She said this not indiscriminately. The houses in the village here are basically lined up, and the neighbor of Guo's father and his neighbor's neighbor is an old man who has gone without a wife without children.

Yesterday, the old man's neighbor discovered that the old man died. It was not a natural death, but that he had drunk pesticides. It appeared to be because the life outside was difficult, and his family didn't have a lot of food. He thought that he would die sooner or later and it would be better to end it himself.

The old man's neighbor told another neighbor about the incident, and this neighbor told his neighbor, and finally it was passed on to the neighbors of Guo's father and Guo's mother.

She might not know whether Guo's father and Guo's mother had enough food to commit suicide at this time, but she just wanted to choke them.

Mother Guo glared at her: "You only have the last meal. My daughter and son-in-law came back and said that they would take us to their village. Can we be happy to have a good meal?!"

Mother Guo said these remarks with a bit of flaunting thoughts. After all, the next door has always been proud of her having two sons and the Guo family only has one daughter, so she usually stabbed her.

The Guo family has always been upset.

The country says that giving birth to children is the same. They love their daughters and care about those people.

However, the village atmosphere is like this. You don't have a son, and it's just that you are not blessed. You have worked hard for half your life to raise children for others. When your daughter is married, you don't even have a pension.

Isn't that right, it's not right.

That's not right, the average girl does rarely come back to her natal family after getting married.

Now she can be regarded as exasperated.

Yes, your family has two sons, so what?

My daughter-in-law can get a plane to pick us up, can you two sons?

Mother Guo was quite proud, but the neighbors couldn't get it at all.

She just looked weird and looked at Guo's mother, wondering if the family was trapped in the yard and stupid.

"Are you poisoned? Now the village is full of wild boars. Is it possible for your daughter and son-in-law to enter the village even if they come back?"

Mother Guo was even more proud: "I knew you didn't know. My son-in-law got the plane. You know, the plane is so expensive. He flew the plane specially to tell us that he would pick us up."

She is proud, she is proud, she feels her waist is super hard.


aircraft? ?

aircraft? ? ?

"You are afraid that you are silly watching idol dramas."

My neighbor once heard from my relatives that there is hallucination after eating a kind of mushroom. She now seriously suspects that Guo's father and mother Guo had eaten this kind of mushroom.

She said that people at such an old age still watch some idol dramas.

Although she doesn't know what idol drama is, her two sons said it, but this does not prevent neighbors from using it to learn and use.

"Just know you don't believe it, that aircraft is called a drone, and it..."

Mother Guo also wanted to talk more about the appearance of the drone and how surprised she was when the drone came, and how firmly Nagasawa Junyuan said that she would take them out of the village.

However, the neighbor did not want to listen.

The ghost knows whether stupidity can be contagious, and anything can happen these days. Her two sons are still at home. She doesn't want to just die from a neighbor's contagion.

The neighbor climbed down the ladder and moved the cooking pot away from the wall shared by the two houses.

When I entered the house, I still didn't forget to laugh at the family members. The next door was probably the silly father and mother Guo who began to fall into fantasy.

"I haven't seen their son-in-law before. Sven Wen is weak when he looks at him. He used to sit in an office. He could fight with a piece of grass in this world. Can he come and pick them up?"

She let out a sneer of disdain.

The next day, Ji Changze and his party drove the car, with torches lit on the car, crackling with firecrackers hung on the car, and everyone with bows and arrows in their hands, they drove directly into the village.

Although these wild boars are bigger, they are not as fierce as lions and tigers. They were used to avoiding humans before the end of the world. Now they are frightened by the sound. Ji Changze and their bows and arrows hit their companions and their companions can sway and fall down. Very scared.

They subconsciously ran in the direction of returning to the mountain. As a result, on the other end, Li Hechuan and the others also used firecrackers to expel the wild boars from Ji Changze's village.

The wild boars on both sides were not from the same ethnic group, and they were frightened again, and they all wanted to run to the opposite side. When they were frightened by such a collision, they started fighting with each other.

For a time it was bloody.

Ji Changze sat on the roof of the RV, put down his bow and arrow and sighed: "It seems that it is quite easy to deal with these beasts, just use the trick to deal with people."

After speaking, he looked at Chen's Lu next to him: "You think so?"

Except for Ji Changze, who has never dealt with other people's Chen Lu: "..."

He looked at Ji Changze as if he was looking at a devil.

Ji Changze: "What are you doing when you look at me like this? Actually, when I came back this time, my mother also told me that we are neighbors. We must help each other and love each other. Don't be like children and dislike each other for such a small thing. Now everyone is a grasshopper on the same boat, fighting in the nest is boring."

Chen's Lu looked back at the height of the RV, and quietly sat in the middle of the car.

He would not believe Ji Changze.

Oh, this rubbish, he must have deliberately said something pretending to be peaceful, letting himself relax his vigilance before harming him.

Now the wild boars are in a mess. Falling at this time will definitely be trampled on by the wild boars.

Ji Changze couldn't fool him.

Even if Ji Changze talked about breaking the sky today, he would never agree to shake hands and make peace.

Seeing Chen's Lu looking at him with an expression of "you trash, I would surrender", Ji Changze could only use his big move.

"Okay, I admit that I put the frog in your drawer in the first grade. When doing break exercises in the sixth grade, I also put a paper on your back. After the first grade in the first grade, the second year's nickname is also me. I took it for you, and you handed a love letter to a girl in the second grade. I made her think that it was written by me, but I can't blame me. Who asked you to write a love letter without signing it? She came to ask me. , I just confessed."

Chen's Lu: "...hehe."

Scum! !

In the more than 20 years of school, he has been living in the shadow of Ji Changze almost all the time.

Elementary school, middle school, high school and university, every time it is like this, the key is that every time he tells others, they will tell him with a face of affirmation.

how could be? Ji Changze is not such a person, you just have an opinion on him.

That aggrieved.

Today, I can finally see the moonlight.

He admitted this scumbag hahahahaha! !

Chen's Lu Yi swept away all day's depression, and looked at Ji Changze with a somewhat raised eyebrow: "So you want to be reconciled now? Dream, those things you did before, you think I will forgive you if you admit it. ?"

Ji Changze: "I really didn't mean it. The teacher asked us to raise tadpoles to observe the frogs. I raised two tadpoles and they both grew into frogs. You raised ten of them and died. I gave you the frog with kindness. "

Although Chen's Lu is afraid of frogs.

"The sticker is even more kind. At that time, the person in front of you was also stuck with paper. He and you have never dealt with it. The long, tall and strong always likes to trouble you. You think he found that he was stickered and he hadn't done it before. When I find out, I think who posted it to myself?"

Chen's Lu: "...It should be me, right?"

"Yeah, I posted all the papers to you. Both of you have been posted. He definitely has no reason to trouble you anymore."

Although the paper behind the person in front was also posted by the original owner, and afterwards he went to the person to force him to say that his paper was posted by Chen Delu, and Chen Delu's paper was posted by Chen Delu himself, just to get rid of Suspect.

But that person went abroad later, and I am afraid that he will never come back in this life, and he is fearless.

"There is also a love letter. I really can't blame me for this. You write a love letter and don't write the signature. The girl came to ask me if I wrote it. She also handed me the love letter and rejected me, saying that she didn't want to include a punctuation mark. The person with the right mark talks about the object, should I tell her that the person with the wrong punctuation mark is you and not me?"

Ji Changze sighed a long sigh: "I thought, you were very sad when you were rejected, and you have to face yourself as a scum who can't even mark the punctuation. You must be in a bad mood, so! I, heroic Just righteous, I helped you block this black pot, but if you don't appreciate it, it didn't give me a good face for a semester."

Chen's Lu: "...That's the punctuation that I created to express my heart and soul to her... What about the second child in ten thousand years? You don't have to say this? This is a derogatory term."

Ji Changze: "Aren't you the second in ten thousand years? Isn't it true that every time I get the first one, you get the second one?"

Chen's Lu; "..."

"You are the second child of ten thousand years. Even if I don't give you this nickname, others will still think of you like that, and you don't give me the nickname. Don't say you didn't take it, I know you take it. Up."

Chen's Lu: "..."

He was speechless.

But, how is this possible? ?

He had the impression that Ji Changze had been targeting him all the time. Why did this guy say this now, as if he was narrow-minded and misunderstood people?

Impossible, his memory can't be wrong.

"The memory can't be wrong, but it's up to you to decide whether this memory is good or bad. It's like that frog. You only remember that I put a frog in your desk hole, and you were scared when you were in class. Cry, why don't you remember that you have a nature class in the afternoon, and the teacher praised you that you have the best frogs."

Chen's Lu was dumbfounded: "What's the matter??"

Ji Changze nodded affirmatively: "If you don't believe it, go back and ask your parents about your flaunting temperament. The teacher praises you and you will definitely tell them that they definitely have an impression."

When he said this, Chen's Lu also vaguely felt that there was something like this, and he was quite happy when he was praised at the time.

"Then...I really misunderstood you?"

Ji Changze nodded heavily and sighed: "Everyone grew up together, and there is no deep hatred. I don't need to target you."

It seems to make sense.


Chen's Lu: "You never gave me a good face. Isn't this called targeting?"

Ji Changze: "You look at me every day with the eyes of my enemies. I'm not cheap. Should I still play with you face-to-face when I'm like this? But now I'm an adult, so just let it go."

Chen's Lu; "It's not right. Since you have not been going home for training, why didn't you ask for a long life for Xiaobao at the full moon? This is the tradition of our village."

"Did you not plan to attend the Xiaobao Full Moon Banquet at the time? Did you decide to come after knowing that I didn't ask for a long life lock?"

Chen's Lu: "...Yes."

Ji Changze spread his hands: "That's all right."

Chen's Lu: "...You mean that you deliberately didn't ask for the longevity lock because you wanted me to attend the full moon banquet? Then you can just tell me no?"

Ji Changze: "You were facing me with eyes, not eyes, nose, or nose. How could I pull my face to look for you? Of course I have to be tactful, otherwise others would think I have no temper."

Chen's Lu: ...The logic seems to be okay.

Is this really the case? ?

Ji Changze stretched out his hand to him, showing a friendly smile: "Come on, shake hands and make peace, I can't care about the previous things."

Chen's Lu hesitantly stretched out his hand to shake Ji Changze.

"Wait, I will ask my parents when I go back, if the frog thing is true, I, I will forgive you on the face of Junyuan and Xiaobao."

Seeing that there were no wild boars around the car, he rolled over and got out of the car and ran to the off-road vehicle behind to doubt life.

Could it be that he really misunderstood? ?

Ji Changze has never targeted him, but he thinks too much? ?

Can't it? ?

But Ji Changze seems to make a lot of sense.

Forget it, just go back and ask your parents.

Ji Changze sat steadily on the roof of the RV, looking at the wild boars who had been completely broken up like bereavement dogs.

It seems that there is pork to eat today.

He can use drones to deliver pork to the teacher's village where he is in the elementary school.

Thank you to this teacher who attaches great importance to children's self-confidence for quietly boasting all children, and the praises are the same:

xx You are really good. In our class, your frog is the best and most energetic. The teacher will give you a little red flower, but you should not tell other children that you are the best, otherwise the children know that they are not the best and most energetic. It's going to be sad, come, give you a little red flower, it's awesome!