102|Corrupt government officials (2)

It seemed peaceful and peaceful in Weeping Liu County, but when the three wealthy households were already hurriedly clearing their bills and sorting out how much taxes should be paid, Ji Changze had already sat in the county office and had roughly learned about Weeping Liu County.

Weeping Liu County, Linhai, is a big place with a lot of people, but because of its remoteness and the special soil quality, the people can't get enough food no matter how hard they are.

In Anguo, the cities near the sea are generally poor. Weeping Liu County is a special case. Although it is near the sea, pirates are rampant in this area. Ordinary people dare not go out to sea to fish, and even merchants do not dare to transport goods. Take the waterway.

People who can't go fishing at sea can only catch some seafood or farm for a living near the sea, but this side is next to the sea. There is no shortage of seafood, and they can't sell at a good price. Farming is even worse. I don't know. Why, the land in Weeping Willow County does not grow well no matter how carefully the crops are served.

Weeping Liu County is remote, there are no famous people, there is no background and things that you can't tell, and it is so poor, most of the prestigious counties in the past have no background or poor families and money to operate before they were assigned to Weeping Liu County.

Without money, there can be no financial support, and without background, one cannot ask the court for money, food, or soldiers. The prestigious counties have the will and powerlessness. When the term expires and leaves, most of Weeping Liu County will be what they used to be.

There is also the bad-hearted person who will not let it go when facing such a poor place, searching for the people and asking for money from the local rich.

Of course, although it is quite common for officials to ask for money, most people still save a bit of face and will not force the people to live. If you are greedy for money, you will not destroy your own future.

The original owner was different. They used the royal flag to fill his purse, and he used his father-in-law's reputation to grab it directly.

This is also due to the fact that Weeping Liu County is a poor place. Ordinary people can't afford to study if they don't have enough to eat. Merchants are rich but either have not passed three generations, or have passed three generations but the children in the family have no big ambitions, just thirty years. As long as there is no talent, otherwise the original owner in the original timeline would not be domineering for so long, and he would just make people ruined and forced ordinary people to go to Beijing to file a lawsuit before stepping down.

Although it seems that Weeping Liu County is indeed a difficult mode from top to bottom, Ji Changze still found several benefits from it smoothly.

First, there are not many scholars in Weeping Liu County. The people are not familiar with writing and are used to listening to the imperial court. Basically, the county government is what it says. It will not be like other places. The county officials, xx officials retired and returned to their hometowns. Ah, or there are a lot of children of xxxx officials. Once the magistrate decides to do something that is not in harmony with their ideas, there will be a lot of trouble.

2. Although the wealthy households in Weeping Liu County are rich, they are all merchants. The living environment in Weeping Liu County is not good. The hot summer is dying, and the winter is cold and wet. Even if it is burning coal, it is not very effective. The merchants in the background all looked for opportunities to move out of Weeping Liu County, and those who were left were wealthy but powerless.

Merchants have low status, and those who can have relations with officials are either relatives to the officials themselves or the officials are also from merchants. A slightly larger official is not willing to have friendship with merchants. If they can receive gifts, they are all worthy of the other party.

These merchants who stayed behind are those who don't necessarily want to give money to others, and they don't necessarily help with the list. Otherwise, they won't use the main money, even if they are unwilling to do so.

For these remaining merchants, the biggest backer they can climb is Ji Changze, the magistrate.

No one has a background in Weeping Liu County. Everyone is suffering or poor.

But it is a good thing for Ji Changze.

No background, he is the boss of this magistrate, and for the moment, Weeping Liu County is his best.

After changing the difficulty mode from the bottom of his heart to a simple mode, Ji Changze put back the county annals he had read, and began to recall the Shangguan above.

Very well, the Shangguans are very old, and they can reach the age of returning home. The mentality of the old officials at this age is generally very stable. The sooner they retire, the more they don't care about it.

Anyway, your love underneath can do whatever you want, don't get involved with me, I want to wait for retirement in peace.

But these elders never expected that there would be such a silly critic of the original owner underneath, and they were all wandering around a group of sheep, one sheep plucked some hair, and the other sheep plucked some hair.

Who told you to catch a sheep?

As a result, the original owner's sin was deserved, and these bosses did not do well.

Of course, changing to Ji Changze is different.

He called the yamen from outside to come in and asked the other party to find a field where crops were being planted, and put some soil back to the inner ya. The yaya was summoned by an adult and thought it was a good thing. Hearing such a request, he looked at Ji Changze. The look in his eyes suddenly became very confused and complicated.

But he didn't dare to say, "My lord, if you want a lot of soil in our yard, you can just dig it out. Why do you have to do this?"

It is now a new official taking office. Everyone wants to perform well in front of the magistrate who has married the daughter of a big official in the capital. Not to mention digging, even digging indescribable.

Waiting for the servant to leave, Ji Changze flicked his sleeves and stood up and walked out.

The servant outside hurriedly saluted: "My lord."

"Well, you don't need to follow it, this official returns to the inner ya."

The inner government is the inner court of the county government. Anguo did not stipulate that the prefects must live in the county government. Everyone has money to buy a house to live in. If there is no money, they live in the county government. However, most prefects choose to live in the county government.

After all, they usually leave here at the end of the three-year period. If you buy a house and wait until you move out, it is not easy to deal with it. If you rent a house, three years is too long. If the host family makes some changes, it will be embarrassing if someone wants to recycle the house.

The original owner didn't want to live in the county office. After all, Weeping Liu County was so broken. The rich people in the past dynasties went to live directly, and those who didn't have the money didn't have the money to repair the county office.

So up to now, the back office leaked water, broken tiles, broken doors, windows dropped, beds collapsed, and all sorts of things.

The original owner couldn't bear this grievance, so he wanted to live in another place wholeheartedly, but the problem was that he had spent a lot of money in the capital before, and he didn't have much money. How could he afford to buy a house.

Ms. Wei is rich, but it is the wife's dowry. At this time, the original owner still has a face, and can't say that he wants his wife to use the dowry to supplement the household, although he does think so.

What he thought was that Miss Wei was a daughter of everybody, and she was spoiled since childhood. She definitely couldn't bear the pain. Even if he didn't mention it, Miss Wei would mention it by then.

At that time, he assumed the appearance of "a woman is squeamish", followed Miss Wei's wishes, and successfully changed houses.

What the original owner did not expect was that although Miss Wei had been raised from a young age, she was not that kind of squeamish person.

She knew that when her husband's family was only a merchant with a little more money than the farmers, she was already prepared to endure hardships with them. He had no financial resources. As an official, he always had to communicate with his colleagues, give gifts to the superiors, and give gifts to relatives and friends, every year. It's a big expense.

The royal court pays just that. Although Ms. Wei has a dowry, it is not endless. Her parents love her, so she has a lot of dowry, and it is impossible to ask her parents for help. All she has to do is to increase income and reduce expenditure. The shop is making money, so how can I ask for a change of house because I am not used to living in the county office?

It is a pity that Miss Wei is satisfied with her husband, but she has to be treated indifferently by him.

When Ji Changze returned to the internal office, Miss Wei was sitting in the sun, carefully sewing her hands.

She is the eldest daughter of the family, and there is a younger brother underneath, who is the same as the younger brother, whose name is Wei Juncan, because there are no other sisters in the family, and the people underneath are always called girls.

At this moment, a girl who followed her dowry carried the quilt out to dry. Seeing that she was doing needlework, he quickly put the quilt in the prepared place, and said, "Did the girl not sleep last night? Still don't do needlework. Now, rest your eyes, and let the servants and maidservants do anything."

"There's nothing else to do. I'm just idle anyway, and it's okay to do needlework."

Wei Juncan smiled, his hands kept on.

The girl looked at it and saw that it was a man's clothes. She realized that it was a man's clothes. She smiled and said, "It turned out to be made for my uncle, but it was made by the girl."

An old mother with a basin walked into the yard, and she heard this stern reprimand: "Tuier, why don't you always change your mouth, you have said it so many times, you want to be called Madam."

The young girl stuck out her tongue embarrassedly, and saluted: "Tweet, remember, thank you Mama Zhang for the point."

Afraid of being scolded again, she hurried into the room with an excuse that there was still bedding in the room.

This girl is only fourteen years old, cute and cute. Wei Juncan likes it so much. When she saw her running away, she smiled and said to Mama Zhang: "Mom, don't blame Tweet, I'm so bored these days. Thanks to her amusement and make me happy, she called me a girl and also wanted to make me happy."

Although she said this with a smile, Mother Zhang sighed distressedly, and put down the tub in her hand: "Madam, don't worry, the old man and the new official will always be busy when he takes office. You don't think Master Wei is the same. Do you have to do anything before you are finished, wait until you are finished, then go back to the yard, and when the master is finished, you will definitely come back to accompany your wife."

Listening to what she said, Wei Juncan put down his needle and thread in a daze:

"But these days my husband seldom talks to me, even if I share the same bed, I also heard that he invited some merchants out for dinner. According to the rules, the husband and wife should be present together. But the husband did not say a word to me. Having said this, it was only when I sent someone to ask my husband to come back for a meal to find out that he was going to entertain the merchant."

Wei Juncan has been holding back for a long time for some words that are inappropriate to say.

No matter how gentle her temper is, and her husband has been cold, she will be uneasy.

These words can't be said to those little girls who don't know the world, they can only be said to Mama Zhang.

Mother Zhang saw Wei Juncan's fear of losing her husband's favor and the confusion about the future. She is Wei Juncan's nanny and has been watching Wei Juncan grow up. From the bottom of her heart, she loved her as a daughter. The gentle, gentle and peaceful girl began to feel anxious and anxious for her.

"Perhaps the hometown of the master is different from the capital city. The rules of the south are in the south and the rules of the north are in the north. Don't think too much about your madam. "

Although she also felt that Ji Changze ignored her own girl, facing Wei Juncan, who was extremely insecure, she could only appease.

"Think about it, madam, how kind the master was to you before, but now it's only because of busy business affairs that there is no gap, and it will be fine when the master is finished."

Although she said so, Mother Zhang didn't think so in her heart.

She watched, although this uncle was born with a talent, he was not as good as it seemed.

When I was in Beijing before, my uncle was indeed gentle and considerate to the girl. The young couple was very affectionate and affectionate for a while, but after coming to Weeping Liu County, his attitude became cold to the naked eye.

Mother Zhang didn't want to think in her arms about the Lang Jun married to the girl she looked big enough, but the uncle's behavior was too obvious.

It is good for the girl when he is in the capital, that is because the master is in the capital and close. If he is not good for the girl, the complaint will be accurate.

When we came to Weeping Liu County, the sky was high and the emperor was far away, so the master couldn't support the girl, so naturally there was no need to pretend.

Mother Zhang already had an ominous premonition in her heart.

Especially after Ji Changze invited the merchants.

Shouldn't ordinary officials come to the county government to deal with the affairs left before? Their uncle was the first to entertain the merchants.

What can merchants have for a banquet? What do they have besides money?

My uncle banqueted the merchant, I'm afraid it's just for money...

And a person who asks for money from a local merchant right after taking office, can he be a good official?

Zhang's mother didn't want to say this to make Wei Juncan think about it, but she was brought up in Wei's family. She served Madam Wei from a young age and married the second only son in the mansion. Later, Wei Juncan was born. Asked if she wanted to be a nanny, she agreed without hesitation.

In the mansion for so long, Mama Zhang also knew a lot of things, so if the aunt was really not a good official, he would not only be affected by the girl, but even the lord Wei in the mansion would have been affected.

She hesitated for a while, gritted her teeth, and told Wei Juncan of her guess.

Wei Juncan looked up at her in shock: "Is it true?"

Mother Zhang quickly said: "This is all guessed by the old slave. I only know that the master banqueted the merchants. Don't worry, the madam. It may be for other things. When the master comes back tonight, you can ask. If there is nothing wrong, naturally. it is good."

If something happens, I'm afraid it will be in trouble.

Wei Juncan nodded solemnly, and no longer thought about her husband's indifference to her.

She also studied since she was a child, knowing that although the county magistrate is a young official, she is also an official of her parents. If her husband is serious about this, how she has to persuade her.

When Ji Changze came back, he knew that Wei Juncan had something to say to him.

This girl is too good at concealing. A good-looking face is almost full of "I have something to worry about." He pretended to be unaware, and went straight forward. When Wei Juncan saluted him, he glanced at the clothes next to him and held it in his hand. A smile appeared on his face.

"Is this made for me? Madam is interested."

The original owner has stopped talking about smiling faces these days, and he rarely talks to Wei Juncan. Now that he smiles like this and his tone is so gentle and relaxed, Wei Juncan's originally a little nervous mood relaxes a little bit.

She quietly went to see Ji Changze's face: "My husband seems to be in a good mood today."

"Yes, I have been worrying about official duties for the past few days, and today's official duties have been removed. Naturally, my mood is much better."

Ji Changze put down his clothes and looked at Wei Juncan with a guilty gaze: "I have been busy dealing with official duties for my husband these few days, and I haven't talked to my wife properly. Since we just have time, why don't we go out for a while? Just take a look. This weeping willow style."

Wei Juncan was a little surprised, and he was relieved in his heart. It seemed that she was thinking too much, and actually thought that her husband was neglecting herself. Sure enough, she should ask Mother Zhang for such things.

In the end, when he is older, he can see people and things accurately, and he can guess the reasons why the husband has been cold these few days.

In fact, it was really just making up some random words to appease Wei Juncan's Zhang's mother: "..."

She was talking nonsense, it was really like this.

Mother Zhang was happy for Wei Juncan, but at the same time she felt that she was really serving the abdomen of a gentleman like a villain.

Sure enough, I heard a lot of gossip in each house when I was chatting with the servants in the house of Wei.

Knowing that my uncle was not such a person who would abuse their girl from a distance, Mama Zhang was relieved.

Ji Changze went out for a stroll with Wei Juncan.

Weeping Liu County is too poor. Although there are stalls on the street, most of them sell seafood, fish and shrimp, so the two moved to another street.

"Gold and Silver Tower."

Ji Changze looked up at the gold shop in front of him, smiled and stretched out his hand to Wei Juncan next to him: "Since my wife married me, I haven't bought jewelry for my wife. Let's go in and have a look."

Putting his hand in her husband's palm, Wei Juncan was a little embarrassed, blushing and nodded, and the two entered the gold and silver building together.

As a result, as soon as he stepped in, the guy nodded and bowed over: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we don't sell anything today, you two will go to another house."

Ji Changze asked: "Don't buy things? Why don't you sell the good ones?"

The boss in the Jinyin Building was holding a handkerchief to wipe his sweat inside, and asked the accountant to quickly settle the accounts. When he heard this familiar voice, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Ji Changze at the door incredulously.

"Big, sir????"

There was panic in the voice.

Ji Changze heard someone call that he also looked over, and saw the owner of the Jinyinlou, smiled: "Master Zheng, yes, you opened this Jinyinlou."

Master Zheng: "..."

He just received a letter saying that the new county magistrate was not a corrupt official as they thought it was. He made a special banquet and asked for money. In fact, he wanted to pretend to be greedy for money, so that they could relax their vigilance.

In fact, he is investigating their tax evasion.

In the past, the prefects and counties had a high school, some who were greedy for money, and there were others who were not high and not greedy for money, but there was no such thing as Ji Changze.

It's so insidious.

Fortunately, it was a blunder, but let them know the plan of the magistrate, otherwise it would really be dead.

Because Ji Changze left him too deep (Dogecoin's insidious belly loves to dig pits), Master Zheng saw the two coming, the first time he was:

He's here. He's here, and this sinister new magistrate came to investigate them.

He strained his face nervously, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute the two of them. After the salute, he straightened up and smiled dryly at Ji Changze: "My lord, the lord is here for?"

Ji Changze smiled and calmly said, "I came to the Jinyinlou to buy jewelry."

Master Zheng: Ha ha.

I believe you are evil.

How could he just want to buy jewellery when he came to the gold and silver building he opened at such a juncture.

The most tax evasion under his name is the Jinyinlou. After all, the thing about gold and silver is too tricky.

This new magistrate came to the Jinyinlou, definitely for this!

what? The magistrate is here too?

Otherwise, how do you say that the county is insidious, and even bring a bunker.

He must have known that his gold and silver building was closed and not open for business, so he came to investigate it personally. After all, the magistrates came in person, and they could never drive people out.

Master Zheng thought, trying to squeeze a pleasing smile on his face: "Yes, yes, what the lord said is, what are you doing in a daze, don't hurry up to welcome the lord in."

He talked to Ji Changze and the others with a pleasing face, and waved his hand to the account room with the back of his hand.

The accountant understood it, and quickly put away the account book.

Ji Changze is especially close to the people: "If you can't open the door here for something, it doesn't matter, the officer and his wife go to another house to see."

"It's okay! How could something happen?" Master Zheng replied in a vigilant second.

"It's just that there has been a lot of dust recently. I asked the people in the shop to clean up the dust. I was afraid that the dust would stain the clothes of the guests. Then I closed the door temporarily. Come and see, my lord, these are the best jewelry in our gold and silver building."

Ji Changze looked at the jewelry: "Not bad, not bad."

"By the way, Master Zheng, this official inadvertently got a formula that can make items that can be washed by hands like pancreas, and it is smoother and more effective than pancreas. Plus Yuanhua from Weeping County, after using it There will also be a faint fragrance of Yuanhua. The official wants to set aside a place to make this thing. The silver earned is used to improve the weeping willow. What do you think?"

Something like pancreas is smoother and more effective than pancreas. Can it still have the fragrance of Yuanhua? ?

Why is he so unbelieving.

There is no such thing in the world. If there were, the capital would have been popular for a long time, and they were still in the loop.

Master Zheng didn't believe it, but when faced with his parents, he had to believe it: "Yes, yes, adults love the people like their children, and they are devoted to weeping willows, and the people admire the adults."

Ji Changze nodded: "You are a native of the county, and you actually feel good about it. The officer is relieved, but now there is something difficult, and I also ask Master Zheng to give an idea. The county is at a loss, but if you want to cover this to make a fragrant pancreas. Factory..."

He spoke eloquently, and it was just two words: no money.

You see, I don't have any money. Your gold and silver building is so well opened. You can teach me how to do business so that I can make money to build a factory.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Master Zheng with a look.

His eyes were sincere, his tone was sincere, and he was really asking for advice.

Master Zheng thought of somewhere else.

No money? ! That's great, he lacks everything, but he doesn't lack money.

Now he is worrying about the magistrate's attempt to settle their affairs. Now the magistrate is short of money, if he sends warmth at this moment...

And he wasn't a bribe, didn't he hear the prefect say it? This is to improve the weeping willow, for the people.

He gave money, it was a righteous act, for the people!

Even if this thing doesn't make money, let the magistrate accept his love, he will always be embarrassed to deal with him in the future.

Master Zheng's eyes were about to shine, and he hurriedly said: "The adults are so hard for the people. Although the grass people are weak, but they also want to do something for me, it is better to pay the money."

The magistrate's eyebrows were frowning, and he looked disapproving.

Yes, of course he should disagree. After all, he was planning to kill them all at once. If he helped, the county magistrate would not be able to start.

Master Zheng consciously saw it through, came to his mind, and hurriedly promoted himself.

Why is it patriotic, born in a weeping willow and willing to give money for the weeping willow, and I have to learn from any adult who loves the people.

The rainbow fart blew in waves, which made Ji Changze's eyebrows loose.

"Since Master Zheng recommends himself like this, this official won't let you suffer. The fragrant pancreas made will give priority to Master Zheng first."

Yes, yes, yes.

This is not to give money, this is to spend money to buy a gold medal for innocence.

Master Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

This magistrate is not so terrible and unpredictable.

Look, it's still very good.

Didn't this successfully send the money out?

He was relieved to wipe his sweat with a handkerchief, while Ji Changze over there looked at Wei Juncan who was trying on the bracelet, and showed a harmless smile.

Look, the start-up funds are available.