112|Corrupt officials and counties (12)

Weeping Willow's first free college finally announced its enrollment thanks to the efforts of the county officials.

On the first day of the opening of the academy, Ji Changze came to the gate of the academy with a red face, and said something very encouraging to the people who had heard the news.

And beside him, standing by his subordinates.

These subordinates all have a common feature. They have sparse hair, a little chill on the top of their heads, and dark circles under the eyes have become popular among them.

But no one looked wilted. Instead, they were full of spirits and smiles. Standing next to their adults, standing tall and looking up, although they did not speak, their expressions and movements showed full of pride and pride.

Can you not be proud?

They all became the first generation gentlemen of the academy.

This is not only to teach people, but it also means that they have become teachers to hundreds of people. Even if they retire in the future, there will still be hundreds of students who will bow to their disciples after seeing them. Attach gold.

Everyone is very excited, Wang Catchou is the most excited one of them.

He is a rough man. Although he has studied, he is not much literate compared to other people in the county. He used to think that he would be the top of the sky when he sat in the position of catching the head, and he was no longer qualified to go up. well.

But today, he actually became a husband.

Even if he only teaches the students the art of horse riding, archery and Cuju martial arts, Master Ji has said that he can help these students no less than other gentlemen.

Literati don't like to walk around and are always bored in the room to study. Most of them are weak scholars who suffer from imperial examinations. Many scholars may not be able to answer questions. Can regret to quit the examination room.

The adults said that the Guozijian in Beijing had special courses to teach students to exercise. But the gentlemen of the Guozijian also thought it was good for the students.

Wang Catchou had little knowledge. He was so happy to hear that the Imperial College, which only officials can enter, actually had a gentleman like himself.

How can he be able to get such an opportunity.

At this moment, he was extremely grateful that he had listened to the adult's words, and honestly trained the subordinates according to the method given by the adult, and even obediently exercised when the adult asked him to exercise more.

In fact, at that time, on the one hand, I admired the adults, on the other hand, I also went for the benefits the adults gave.

The adult said that he hoped that he could exercise his physique, strengthen his bones, and have more abilities in his hands. After he responded, the adult bought a lot of eggs and chicken to be sent to his home on the same day, telling him to eat more and more. Eat well to grow strong.

The children in his family are still young, and the wife is pregnant with one in her belly. It is precisely when they need to eat these good things. In order to keep having them, he gritted his teeth and trained himself according to the training methods given by the adults.

The first few days are naturally very bitter, but when I get used to it, I feel more and more powerful. Looking at the family with rosy faces and happy eyes because of eating well, Wang Catch's head becomes more admired and yearning for Ji Changze. Up.

So Ji Changze likes to use Wang to catch his head most.

He has a lot of confidants in the county government. If you are serious about it, almost the entire county government is his confidant, but because most of them are clerical workers, literati, they always have to be more flexible, although they are also very good deceives. , It's easy to get along with, but occasionally I will wake up for a moment and question or something in my heart.

Wang catching his head is totally different.

What do you do, rain or shine, the mantra has become "said the adult", "I listen to the adult", never questioned whether Ji Changze's decision will be missed, and now Ji Changze has no doubt that if there is a sudden danger at this moment, Wang Head-catching must be better than death to keep him.

Therefore, the Weeping Willow Man is really kind. He just gave Wang Catch a double-day paid leave. After knowing that the child in his wife's belly is not very safe, he wrote a post and invited a famous doctor in the next county. Came to help stabilize the fetus, and later found that many family members of the county government had gone to the textile factory, and their children were left unattended, and a small kindergarten had been established in the county government.

It didn't cost much. Buying a girl-in-law and letting them cook with children can cost a few dollars. The kindergarten is located in the county government, not far from the internal government. The subordinates in the county government are tired from work anytime. You can go and see the children.

Of course, everyone wants face, and it won't take too long. They just go back to work with peace of mind after just a few glances.

Ji Changze's deed to sell the girl is in the hands of Ji Changze. The fathers of these children are the county government. Even if they give them the courage, they dare not neglect these children. The children eat in the county government. Ji Changze Generous. Recently, I have been conducting various experiments on breeding chickens, ducks, fish and pigs. They are not sold after they are raised. They are directly supplied to the county government, and the rest is distributed to the people below.

It's really not much money. For Ji Changze today, it's just a drizzle. These things are treated in modern times, which is the treatment that a better unit can have, but in Anguo, they have never enjoyed this kind of welfare. We are all moved.

They never dreamed that the boss could be so considerate and tolerant. Not only did they give them bonuses and distribute all kinds of supplies, but even the children could take care of them, and they also looked after them so well, so the little boys looked so good. Bai Li was red, and when I returned home, I knew that I had to wash my hands while eating. I didn't like crying like I used to.

What Ji Changze did easily was a great kindness to these subordinates.

Therefore, even if Master Ji likes to do this and that every day, he slips up and down when he touches the plan, and leaves the rest to them, and they still enjoy it.

Can you not enjoy it? It is natural for subordinates to do things. If they are in other county offices, even if they do more work, Shangguan will praise them a few verbally, and there is no place like Master Ji who can take care of all aspects.

Of course, the most important thing is that although Master Ji left all the tedious things to them, he was only responsible for walking around his vegetable garden every day, eating melon seeds, listening to cross talks and shopping for women, and giving prenatal education to unborn children. .

but! He is not alone in taking credit!

Just like the previous lantern festival, although the general structure was developed by Master Ji, the subordinates in the county government were responsible for the improvement and implementation.

When their county government started an official announcement that "one night there will be a lantern festival, everyone who is doing what they are doing will come to attend", except for shouting all over the street, it was to post notices.

And the notice clearly stated that who participated in the lantern festival layout plan, the lantern festival security plan, where the lantern festival was planned, and the lantern festival expenditure plan were written and planned by who.

When standing in front of the notice, looking at the plan that I wrote so hard, I signed myself, and when I returned home, the family said in a proud tone, "Today, the family next door told me that the expenditure plan of the lantern festival was made by you, your husband. When you say you did a great job, even Master Ji praised you", the pride in my heart cannot be described in words.

Therefore, they are so willing to work hard and earnestly to sacrifice their lives for Ji Changze.

Even if they knew clearly that they couldn't always follow Master Ji, they still hoped that they could always be Master Ji's subordinates uncontrollably.

Without him, this respect and considerateness cannot be given by other Shangguans.

It seems that now, Lord Glory Ji, who opened the academy, did not join him, but told everyone generously that who had contributed to the establishment of the academy and made efforts.

Ji Changze's long-time workers (crossed out) stood behind them, just like Wang's head, they all looked forward with admiration and admiration in their eyes, Ji Changze who was speaking in an uplifting tone.

Ah, Lord Ji, a beacon for the way.

Because the child in his stomach was older, he did not stand in a crowded place but chose to stand on the second floor of the library of the academy. Wei Juncan, who was looking down at him, did not miss the eyes of his husband's subordinates.

She touched her belly, her eyes full of admiration for her husband.

The girl standing next to her also noticed this, and Suisheng said to Wei Juncan: "Madam, you see, everyone looks up to the master, the master is really amazing."

Wei Juncan said happily: "A gentleman like a husband should be so."

"No, weeping willow is everywhere now saying that our master is a good person, and we have done so much for weeping willow out of our own pockets, but we have built such a college that can read for free. I heard that there are many books in the library, and they are all free. Let the students see, the servants heard that not only the weeping willows, but even the capital is talking about our master."

The girl also knows that Wei Juncan and Ji Changze are in a good relationship, so she specially picked out some words that praised Ji Changze from outside to make her happy.

Wei Juncan admired her husband more and more in his heart, and looked at the person who was talking underneath with bright eyes: "Only a husband can have the courage to accept students without paying any money."

She knew her husband was a good man before, but she didn't expect that he was such a good man.

"This time I am building a college, I am afraid that I will not have enough money, so I propose to use my dowry to fill it, but my husband insists on not agreeing. I still have some money for him here, and I don't know if he has enough money."

The girl said: "It should always be enough. Don't worry, girls. Although the master is kind, he is not the kind of disregarding temper. Since he has established the college, he knows in his heart. The master is also distressed by his wife. Please inquire, Putianzhi Next, any man who loves his wife, who is willing to use his wife's dowry to fill his home."

Wei Juncan was said to be more happy in his heart.

Now she is in charge of family affairs. In Weeping Liu County, her magistrate is respected wherever she goes, and occasionally she can go to the orphanage to teach the orphans to read and read. The children in her belly are growing up safely, and her husband is always gentle with her. Never changed attitude.

Now she actually can't recall how anxious she was when she first learned about this marriage, and how worried and scared she was.

She touched her belly again, her eyes filled with tenderness:

"No matter what, I will support my husband."

Even if it is to give a dowry, she believes that her husband treats her heart.

Ji Changze doesn't need a lady to give a dowry.

He hired a large number of people for the construction of the college, because it was built quickly, but not much money was spent.

When he finished speaking, he walked to the stone monument standing at the entrance of the college, cleared his throat, coughed a few times, and began to speak.

The general idea is to say that the establishment of this college is not only the credit of our county government, but also the sponsorship of good folks. In order to commemorate their singular sponsorship and the spirit of not being the father of the funder, the official specially sent someone to build this stone monument. Write their names.

The academy is there and the stone monument is there. Even if it is another hundred years, as long as the academy does not fall, the stone monument will stand here forever to record these kind people and deeds.

The expressions of the wealthy businessmen who had long been waiting in the crowd immediately became excited.

Ji Changze lifted the red cloth and stood in front of the stone tablet himself, reciting the names on it one by one and what they all helped to do.

Some donate furniture, some donate pens and ink, some donate books, and some donate directly.

The few people who were named are now standing up like the subordinates behind Ji Changze, feeling the admiration of the people around them, and they are so happy to heaven.

Yes, this is Ji Changze's revenue and expenditure reduction.

The money-making work is still doing, and naturally some people voluntarily pay for the money.

After the academy was established, after deducting some messy expenses, and counting the money donated by everyone, there was still a lot of money left.

Ji Changze put the money in the "scholarship" to motivate the students to work hard.

Of course, he has never been greedy for credit. Whoever donates how much money and how many things is written on the stone tablet.

As for everyone who just wanted to donate a little casually, and found that this thing would actually be written out clearly and start a person who is more generous than a person who wants to fight for the most donations, then it is not his pot.

It was impossible for Ji Changze to let them pay for nothing, otherwise it seemed that he was so stingy, so he directly assigned a position to these merchants in his big shopping street.

The location is still free for life. As long as Ji Changze is not dead, Dashang Street will never charge them money.

The merchants are very satisfied. They originally wanted to spend money to buy fame, but they did not expect to have such a surprise. Although the money for renting a location in a large shopping street is not a big deal to them, they can spend no money for life. Is it taking advantage? This is glory!

It is the medal of kindness given to them by Master Ji!

As expected to be Master Ji, doing things is open and bright. Before one or two of them thought it would be Master Ji's routine to donate money this time. Once the Dashang Street incident came out, no one thought that way at all. .

If it's a routine, why would Master Ji pay for it himself?

If the location of this big shopping street is rented out, there will be a lot of money for a day.

Then, the college enrollment was over today, and Ji Changze found Cheng in Wuxian County the next day.

Before Ji Changze went, Cheng Wuxian was in his office. The academy's work was over, and the previous travel report and schedule were already finished. Ji Changze asked Wuxian Cheng to check where the fish is fatter and tender. After checking, he was greatly relieved now sitting at his table.

But now it can be relaxed and relaxed.

He first took a book from the bookshelf, planning to use this book to pass the painful but enjoyable afternoon.

After turning over a few pages, I always feel that it is not pretty. It is not practical to say what these mountains and rivers do is not practical at all. It is not as interesting as the "Thirteen Foods That Weeping Willow Fish Love" written by Master Ji.

He put down the book and returned to the desk, intending to draw a picture to appreciate it.

What to paint, just paint the scenery outside the window.

With a stroke, I didn't know it, and I drew a big fat fish out, and the very intimate small words marked that this fish needs to cut off the tail and head of the fish when it is eaten to make it more delicious. Most of them live in xxx places and like to eat. xxx.

and many more.

Wuxian Cheng, who was about to write about when these fish were sexually mature, when they were born, and when their larvae could be eaten, suddenly became sober.

He opened his eyes slightly, picked up the rice paper and looked at the big fat fish that came alive on it.

What is he doing!

Fish is in the past tense. Now he should take a leisurely rest, drink tea, walk the birds and bask in the sun.

Thinking, Wuxian Cheng hurriedly put down the rice paper, patted his face, stood by the window, and took a deep breath.

Ah, this is free air, no-work air, air that makes people want to take a nap.

After breathing, he opened his eyes, intending to admire the bluegrass he had grown outside.

Hey, blue grass has grown weeds.

Move to your own house in a while and try to weed the weeds in a different way. Mr. Ji has said that fertilization alone is not enough. The weeds in the field will snatch the nutrients of the crops. If you want your crops to grow well, you still have to look for it. There is a way that does not hurt the crops and is not too tired.

I'm idle, so I might as well experiment first.

Thinking about it, Wuxian Cheng took the pot of bluegrass into his room, sat on a chair, stared at the weeds for a while, and suddenly sighed.

Those who obviously don't want to work overtime, even gritted their teeth and complained that they don't have to work overtime in their dreams. Why is it that I'm idle now, but it's still a little uncomfortable.

Ji Changze pushed the door in from the outside and smiled: "Wuxian Cheng, here is a manuscript that you need to write."

He was ready, Wuxian Cheng sighed, and then he persuaded him...and then the other party was willing to write the manuscript.


As soon as Wuxian Cheng, who was watching the weeds, heard the Shangguan's words, he immediately sat upright, reaching out to take a paper in one hand and a pen in one hand, soaked in ink, he was ready in less than half a minute.

"My lord, you say, just write when you are in office."

Ji Changze who is ready to start beeping: "..."

He silently closed his mouth and looked at Wuxian Cheng, who was sitting on the opposite side with an expression of "I'm ready". He paused for several seconds before saying: "Just write that the Weeping Willow County can't stand the Weeping Willow. The students are poor and hurt. Since I started the academy, I decided to open a free academy for the benefit of weeping willow students. The local wealthy households were touched and they gave money and assistance. Finally, with the efforts of the government and the people, an academy was built."

After speaking briefly, he began to talk about the main point; "You must write down the fact that the official promised that these rich donations and materials can use the Dashang Street for life, and also write down the link in the Dashang Street. The location used by these wealthy households was automatically named Shanren Street by the weeping willow people. There are still rumors in the market. If you walk on Shanren Street, you can still feel the blessings that the wealthy households get from doing good deeds. People are refreshed and refreshed. If the literati go, the probability of being awarded in the scientific examination will be greatly increased."

Wuxian Cheng, who was listening to Ji Changze's words about him, heard the start and looked up at Ji Changze: "My lord, there is such a thing? Did the people really say that? Then if the official went there. What?"

Ji Changze; "The people haven't said that yet, but after you finish writing and disperse, they will naturally say that, just like that girl Yuan'er."

"Well... the official can also add it, and it cannot be ruled out that there is the possibility that the official returning to our hometown will come to our weeping willow. Then if the official walks on the street of the good people, he can also protect his children and grandchildren. Reward."

Wuxian Cheng: "..."

Your lord, you are so serious.

Although, it was fortunate that he had long been used to the fact that "my boss is a dog than", and he wrote it down very skillfully.

After finishing the memorization, reflexively, Wuxian Cheng wanted to slap his boss.

"Adults are so witty. Before you gave out the location of the shops in the big shopping street, the small ones are also distressed for you. Now if this story goes out, it will definitely attract many people to the big shopping street. How can you make up for this loss." "

Ji Changze waved his hand: "You are polite, it's not witty, at best, it can only be said that it is well arranged."

Wuxian Cheng: "...well arranged?"

Suddenly he had a guess in his heart. Isn't it that Master Ji thought about the story to make up for after he sent the store in the big shopping street, but the story he thought about first, and then sent the store in the big shopping street, and finally he could make this happen?

Seeing Wuxian Cheng trying to open his small eyes wide and looking at him, Ji Changze nodded his head with a trembling moustache, "Yes, that's what you think."

Wuxian Cheng: "..."

He retracted his previous thoughts, and Goubi could no longer describe his own grown-up.

After Ji Changze finished speaking, he waited for Wuxian Cheng to start, "My lord, how can you do this?" "My lord, these manuscripts are too cumbersome. Let's discuss it, okay." As a result, Wuxian Cheng was so calm after hearing his confession. Accepted.

Not only did he accept it, but he lowered his head naturally, and while dipping the ink with a brush, he asked: "Would you like to give some examples and find some consignments to the big shopping street?"

Ji Changze nodded: "The official has already looked for it. Once the manuscript is in place, they can start immediately."

Wuxian Cheng: Ha ha, I knew it.

He just picked up the pen to write, because he had written the story of a girl in Yuan'er before, and he was already very skilled in this kind of fabricated plot.

Ji Changze waited patiently for a full minute, but he never saw Wuxian Cheng complaining to him about the hard work.

He went out quite lonely, eh, how did he feel that he was deprived of the pleasure of persuading his subordinates.

Life is really lonely as snow.