122|Modern Spiritual World (End)

Ji Changze grabbed the pigeon that had been cooing and cursing him out of the yard: "It's all like this, don't you cooperate?"

The pigeon was super loud and super angry: "Cocococococo!!"

Although the language is unclear, Ji Changze has reason to suspect that it is cursing himself.

"it is good."

"You are scolding me, right? It doesn't matter, I have a good temper and don't care about you. Han Qiao Wang Zhengjiao, go out and buy barbecue stuff and come back. We will eat roast pigeons tonight."


The struggling pigeon froze.

Seeing the two students actually obeyed, he was so frightened, he didn't struggle, and he didn't swear.

Seeing this, Ji Changze asked: "Can we talk now?"

The pigeon nodded reluctantly.

Ji Changze then let go and threw it into the house, another burst of smoke appeared, the pigeon disappeared, and the middle-aged male ghost appeared again.

He really wanted to turn around and run, but the old lair was here. This Kong Jing (Ji Changze) didn't look so foolish. He died once. Is he going to die a second time?

Zuo Siyou thought that it was still a matter of life, and finally greeted the three of them again with a stinking face.

This time, it is no longer the dusty, messy, or even spider-web-like look inside, but spotlessly clean, tidy and bright everywhere, and there are all kinds of food and drink on the table, and all kinds of electrical appliances.

Because they followed Ji Changze, the two students became bolder and asked carefully: "Teacher, there is electricity in another dimension? It looks really good here."

Without waiting for Ji Changze to answer, the middle-aged male ghost had no anger to reply: "How can it be possible that there is electricity? It is so squeezed that it can't touch the ground, and there are no resources. Where can I get electricity."

He died young (I think). I thought that the worst thing after death is to disappear. I didn't expect that there was no worst and worse. After death, he went to a place where there was nothing, like a modern day. Is it uncomfortable for people to wear it in ancient times?

Therefore, seeing people in the world speak in such a curious and yearning tone, the anger will not strike a single place.

"You kids just don't know how to cherish life. You will die everywhere when you are alive. When you die, you will know how precious life is. You come to challenge the haunted house and don't see if your little arms and legs can withstand the toss."

The middle-aged male ghost became more angry as he talked about it.

Because of its ghost status, neither of the two students dared to talk back, and could only hide behind Teacher Ji and only promised carefully.

Ji Changze sat on the sofa and listened patiently to the middle-aged male ghost teaching the two children there. He waited for it to finish talking about the topic, only to realize that he was holding it in the palm of his hand and took a look. Ji Changze's expression turned indignant again, and "take the initiative" to report to his family.

The information previously checked is correct. He was a novelist, and he was almost forty-five when he died. When he was young, he didn't like to go out and didn't like to socialize, and he didn't make many friends. Naturally, there is no girlfriend anymore. .

He wrote from the age of twenty-five to forty-five, and he wrote that he has reached the level of a great god since he was a little transparent. Although there are countless readers in the novel circle, he still has no friends because he is accustomed to a person. I just stayed in my own room to write novels, read novels, play games, watch anime, and order takeaways when I was hungry. The room needed to be cleaned to find an aunt. Although he was lonely in the eyes of others, in fact he always felt that he was living well. .

Originally, he had already planned for the future, and stopped writing when he couldn't write anything. Over the years, he also saved a lot of savings. When that time comes, he will find a good nursing home to live in, and he will still have food and drink to take care of.

As a result, one time he stayed up late, it may be that his body was overloaded, his heart was not held up, and he quit. He didn't even have time to ache, so he belched.

Speaking of this, the middle-aged male ghost feels quite regretful.

He has always known that staying up late is not good. He knows that staying up late is prone to sudden death. He also knows that his work and rest are unhealthy. Eating food and food is not a good way of life, but he always feels that he will not be so unlucky. He is only forty-five years old and he is still in the prime of life. It may be said that death is death.

Who knows, you really die if you die.

And because there were no relatives or friends in his lifetime, no one noticed it even after he died for so long. The novels he wrote are countless readers. It stands to reason that he hasn't updated for so long and readers should have discovered it a long time ago. However, he is a pit king.

I don't want to write a book and I don't want to write it and it disappears for a few months. It's also common. When it comes to the next book, I will come back brazenly if there is nothing wrong with it. If a reader asks, he will pretend to be dead. I can't rush out to beat him either.

Those who pretended to be dead before were very happy, but when they were really dead, it was a tragedy.

Old readers have long been accustomed to his disappearance, and they comforted new readers as someone who came over: It's okay, this rubbish is just thinking about pigeons again. When he has a new book he wants to write, he will naturally come back.

Then his body lay silently in this house until it rotted, only to be discovered because it was too smelly.

And it himself, no, this ghost was unable to bear the daily life of another dimension during this time, so he found it very hard. When he came back, he saw that his home was occupied by a group of homeless people. He was angry. They directly dragged them into the illusion he made up, the ones that Ji Changze and the others had seen before.

The homeless people didn't bother to pick the wrong one, they were so scared that they were on the spot, and they were dragged into the world of its novels and became the protagonists in it.

"I really didn't give them any terrible plot. You said I'm a ghost now, and I can't watch TV or play on my mobile phone. I can't even read the book. I really don't know what to do when I stay in the house every day. , Just when they came to the door, I tried to let them act out the plot to show me, who knows that because they were playing the book that I had pitted on, they were stuck in the last chapter when they finally left. I repeated the last sentence of the last action I wrote. Although I was angry, I didn't even want to kill. I killed people and turned them into ghosts until I came to ask if I killed them. It's embarrassing after a long time. I really couldn't figure out how to solve this problem, so I got them out, hoping that the hospital would cure them."

"I was really wronged, they broke into my house, I am a passive defense, OK?"

"There are also these two children. I was asleep at night. They came in like a thief. I abruptly resisted not coming out and scared them to death. They are already very kind. Who knew they would get in trouble. s things."

He then began to babble again, saying that later he discovered that he could use his imagination to transform his house. For example, he could imagine an apple to be eaten. Of course, there would be no real apples, but it didn't matter, as long as he imagined it. Just taste the apple.

Ji Changze could hear it, this guy must be suffocated, how can he beep like this, he only asked two sentences, and it was almost finished talking about his life.

"Okay, don't beep, you close the door on them, and I will teach you how to get those homeless people back to normal."

The middle-aged male ghost was stunned for a moment: "Return to normal? They are abnormally having a relationship with me. You are too insincere to use this in exchange. How can I do something in my favor."

Ji Changze took out his mobile phone, looked for it for a few seconds, and handed it to its eyes.

"Give me a cell phone? But I have a different dimension from yours, and I can't play with me..."

He looked at the picture of roast pigeon on the phone, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Ji Changze: "Do you really want to help now?"

The middle-aged male ghost nodded bitterly.

When it was finished and went out, it stood at the door and waved at the three of them; "Goodbye, goodbye."

Don't come here anymore. What's the matter, death won't make people live.

No, they won't kill the carbine again. It's still a safety point. Only by standing here and watching them really go far can they be at ease.

Ji Changze looked back at it, and said earnestly to the two students around him: "Did you see it? Even if we were not happy with each other, it would not let us go. It still said goodbye to it and hoped that we would come again next time. This is the dead. The world of boring, boring, endless darkness, you must cherish life, you know?"

The two students turned their heads and glanced at the middle-aged male ghost who was still standing at the door waving at them even though they had walked so far, and the bright light on the edge of his house, abruptly noticed a bit of loneliness.

Seeing them nodded obediently, Ji Changze took out his mobile phone and found a rooster crowing sound effect for them to listen to.

After listening, the two students lost their eyes for a moment, and then when they looked at the originally bright and magnificent house, it had become the old and overgrown appearance of the weeds again. Naturally, the middle-aged male ghost would no longer be seen.

From then on, they no longer have to worry about a kid coming out of nowhere to toss themselves. Unsurprisingly, they will never come into contact with such things again in this life. They will wait until death to become a member of the black light.

Each of the four parents praised Ji Changze for ten minutes, and even recorded it with a mobile phone and sent it over, and even sent a golden banner to his home.

And it's just such a coincidence that when they were madly thanking Ji Changze's home, Ji Changze's psychiatrist was rushing over.

He felt that his patient's condition was serious, and he actually told him that humans and ghosts are in two dimensions in the same world. In fact, few people can be alone, because even if they hide in a place where no one is there, there is still another dimension. A Piao is looking at him.

Ji Changze also said that he feels that his privacy has been infringed/violated, so he is currently studying a way to scare A Piao from another dimension from appearing at his location.


I'm unclear. This is.

Ji Changze refused to come to the clinic again. He was also responsible. He was worried about what went wrong, so he hurried over. As a result, he ran into the scene of sending the pennant.

The four parents were also taken aback when they saw him, but Ji Changze was still calm; "It's okay, he is also an insider."

Oh! It turns out that he is also someone who knows things about another dimension!

The parents immediately felt relieved and continued to crazily thank Teacher Ji who saved their children from the fire.

The psychologist who listened to a ghost, exorcism, and dimension: "..."

He waited until the four parents were thankful and thankful to leave, he hurriedly followed out, and looked up and down first.

It doesn't look like there is a mental problem.

"Well, may I ask, did Mr. Ji tell you about another dimension, and also said that people will go to that dimension after death?"

The parents nodded cheerfully: "No, Teacher Ji is really capable. If it weren't for him, how could our children be so good."

Psychologist; "...you believe it??"

Everyone in front of him looked at him with surprise: "Why don't you believe it?"

"No, don't you think these words are a bit too... beyond ordinary people's thinking?"

He actually wanted to say that you don't think Mr. Ji's spirit is a problem? But the psychiatrist's professional ethics prevented him from telling Ji Changze's mental illness without special circumstances, so he could only ask such a vaguely and implicitly.

"I feel, of course I feel."

The four parents looked around and looked at no one. Then they carefully waved to the psychiatrist and said to him in a low voice, "Actually...We suspect that Teacher Ji is the kind of hermit, you know, the sweeping monk, that's him. "


Seeing him choked and speechless, the parents expressed their understanding and patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, it's normal that you can't accept it right now. After all, you're just an ordinary person, so you just get better. ."


As soon as he turned around, Ji Changze smiled gently at him: "The doctor is here, let's have a chat, it just happens that my experiment has yielded results."

Inexplicably, the psychiatrist had a hunch that he might never be able to cure Mr. Ji's illness.