124|Republic of China writing (2)

Ji Changze not only pretends to outsiders, but also pretends to be true to Qiao Yuanhuan, no matter how weak or weak, he can still maintain the illusion that he is weak and weak to walk around and asks his wife to support him, while his feet are steady. Qiao Yuan's ring was not pressured.

His acting skills are too realistic, and Qiao Yuan is convinced, with a worried face: "Brother Ze, is your kneeling body weak in the past two days? Or I will take you to the front medical clinic?"

"do not."

Ji Changze's face was pale, and his gaze wandered around among the crowd watching, showing a bit of strength on his face, pursing his lips, his voice was weak, but his volume was raised to the point where people around him could hear:

"Don't let people see the joke, let's go straight back."

"Even if Dad is sick now, there is still a man like me at home, no matter what happens, we have to straighten up."

This would be fine if he didn't have the following remarks. With the addition of the latter remarks, how could the people who had been watching the excitement in front of Mr. Qiao follow all the way and then watched them not know which "person" Ji Changze was talking about? .

It's not his uncle who disregards brotherhood, in order to be upright and hopeless, he does not hesitate to pour dirty water on his former son's nephew.

Ji Changze was born well and young, and the character of the times is still very much valued. He showed his "arrogance" on the street, and the people also watched the excitement, but the scholars all praised from the bottom of their hearts.

In the past, although the Ji family eldest master didn't show up, he even heard that his temperament was a little arrogant. Now look at him, the family regards him as the eldest master, his temper is naturally spoiled, but if something goes wrong in the family, he will stand up in no time. ?

But after all he was still young, or else he couldn't be splashed with the dirty water over there for two days in vain.

Ji Changze coughed a few "weak" coughs, and saw that the brightly dressed people around him had sympathy and appreciation. If it was about the same, he would accept it as soon as he saw it. He didn't stay any longer, and Qiao Yuanhuan supported him. Go home together.

However, it is precisely because of his short stay that some people admire him even more.

Being able to endure such humiliation without saying anything bad about Master Qiao shows his integrity.

But think about it, the second master Qiao was very good at first. It was only after the separation of the family that he became involved in the business, but even if he was doing business under his hands, even if the students who had taught him did not have any amazing achievements, They all got out of their heads, and how could Ji Changze, who had been taught by him to grow up, be worse off.

Ji Changze made such a fuss. It was a short time to wash himself. Ji's father and Ji's mother were even easier to handle. Both of them can't go out at the moment. Only Qiao Yuanhuan is waiting and taking care of her. I felt that my husband went to the uncle's house to want to go back, and was afraid that the two elders were sad and kept hiding from them, so they didn't know about it these two days.

He didn't hide it directly, and knelt on the head of Ji's bed after returning.

Then he said with red eyes that his son was not filial. In the past two days, he was expecting to save our family. So he ran to find his uncle. Unexpectedly, he knelt for two days and didn't even see his uncle, let alone loaned you money. Buying medicine, on the contrary, made people look at jokes. Although my son is eighteen, he can always just study hard and play with classmates, never touch business affairs, and now I really don't know what to do.

Qiao Yuanhuan didn't expect her husband to be so sincere, so she told them about the affairs of the past two days. She was worried that her father-in-law was angry, so she quickly looked over, but after a glance, the face of Ji's father on the hospital bed did not have any anger, but instead returned. A bit distressed.

In addition to distress, there are some guilt hidden in the bottom of my heart.

In the past two days, he has been lingering on the bed. He has never seen his son come to see him. He has a little guesswork in his heart, but he has never asked about it. In addition, the uncomfortable expression on the face of his daughter-in-law when he pretends to mention it occasionally is the same as the one he used to say. As the son longed for his uncle's worship, Ji's father became more affirmed of his own thoughts.

Father Ji knows what kind of son he is when he is a child raised by himself, especially the attitude of his son towards Master Ji, Father Ji knows more clearly.

It's just that he used to think about the child's youth, he was spoiled since he was a child, and didn't know what happened. After that, he saw clearly what his biological son looked like over there, and when he knew it, he wouldn't be treated at all. He should be clear about the matter, but he didn't expect to suffer from this disaster all of a sudden.

Father Ji guessed that Ji Changze went to look for his elder brother, and he was still feeling cold. He knew that as a son and daughter, it is normal to have Confucian admiration for his biological parents, but now the Ji family is the most rare time when he is still in bed. The wife has just given birth and has raised Changze for eighteen years. Couldn't he let him take care of them and comfort them at this time?

Father Ji had been alone in his heart for two days, and the illness that could have been controlled became a bit more serious, and he was depressed and couldn't even get out of bed.

As a result, the son came back and told him that he had gone to find his uncle, but instead of asking for confession, he went to ask the uncle for help.

The air that had been blocked in his heart for the past two days disappeared all at once.

Especially when he saw Ji Changze look down, his eyes disappointed, and he whispered to him that he had previously heard that his uncle was a man of grace, or a serious government official serving the country. He didn't know how much he admired his uncle, but he didn't expect it. This time, when something happened at home, it was discovered that the uncle even refused to help his brother.

Help a ghost, this time eight achievements are done by the eldest brother.

Still bright and windy, don't others know that Ji's father still doesn't? Although the two are brothers from the same father and mother, Master Ji's brother is not used to be brotherly, but to divide the family property with him.

Looking back, the two are still in their teens. The teenaged master Ji Da has long been accustomed to having only one young master in the house, and he took it for granted that the love of the family's parents belongs to him, and Ji's father was born. .

It's not the kind of concubine that can be sent casually, but the son of a serious son who can divide the family property and the love of the parents.

No one knows when Grandpa Ji became crooked, anyway, when he was a child, Father Ji liked to be close to this brother, hoping that his brother would take him to play with him, and worship his brother who was more capable than himself, and waited until he suffered a few losses before he became cold.

He is different from Master Ji. Master Ji never worry about whether his parents will be sad when he starts with his younger brother, but Father Ji is afraid that his parents will not be able to bear the brother's fratricides when they are old. In addition, he is not as ruthless as Master Ji. Jin, so he developed towards literature, and only started to enter business after the separation of families.

As a result, the current family property was created with great difficulty, and a catastrophe fell from the sky, and it went bankrupt all at once.

Father Ji has a clear heart, and this look is specifically aimed at him. Although his previous property is attractive, but Master Ji, who has this reason to start?

It's not that he is eager to make money.

No matter how good the temper is, he will be irritated by tossing like this, but now he is still very happy.

Although it's mostly bad news, isn't it also good news?

Look, the child raised by himself can finally see the ugly face of Master Ji, and he will no longer have the same Confucian admiration as before.

and! ! Nagasawa knelt at the door and said something like that before. In addition, he also said that there were many people who watched the excitement around that time. I guess it won't be before today. Master Ji watched his brother die and his nephew knelt down. The news that he was unwilling to help for two days before the door could spread throughout the city.

He has never beaten his eldest brother before, but he did not expect that Changze, who had been raised by himself, let the other party into the pit today.

Cool! !

Cool! ! !

Father Ji glanced at his son who was kneeling in front of his bed with a face of disappointment and self-blame, and coughed. Because of the good news, his spirits improved a little, and he actually let him sit up half-supported.

He sat down and reached out to help Ji Changze.

"Good boy, get up quickly. Now that we have troubles in our family, you also want to help. I can't blame you."

Seeing Ji Changze's face still full of uncomfortable and angry, he sighed again: "Actually, my father didn't explain many things to you clearly before, your uncle...hey."

He had a bit of sadness on his face, but he didn't show any mercy on his lips. He shook his arms out of all the things that Master Ji had done. Of course, he used a more tactful way.

For example, when your uncle just got married and your father and I were still a child, maybe it was because your grandparents thought I was a little bit younger, and he felt uncomfortable with your father, so I was not friendly to your father. I used to push it on a rainy day. I took it and almost broke my picture, and then went to your grandparents to bite me back. At that time, I didn't know how to defend myself when I was young. Afterwards, I'm afraid that since then, your uncle has not taken me. Brother watched.

After finishing speaking, I will add one more sentence, but it may be that your uncle was young and didn't know the importance and time passed. I don't want to blame him for waiting and so on.

No matter how young you can go, you were married at that time, and a brother who became a relative actually pushed his brother who was a child on purpose. This is evident in his character.

This remark of Ji's father not only uttered Master Ji's trash mind, but also created a glorious and great image for himself that he didn't care about with his brother.

How else can the literati talk? When he said so loudly, his previous inability to play with the eldest brother became he was scrupulous about starting family affection, and he was unwilling to attack him.

Anyway, it's how pitiful and pitiful to say that I am.

This said, Ji Changze felt a little bit more indignant on his face. He said in anger, "Fortunately, I secretly admire him. It turns out that the uncle is such a person. Why didn't you tell your son earlier, if you knew he had been like that? Treating you, I will definitely not give him a good face."

Ji's father is cool.

He had wanted to get eye drops a long time ago, but the other party was Changze's biological father. His adoptive father said such things as if he was jealous of other relatives' father and son and spoke bad words behind his back.

And it's not a gentleman to put eye drops on the back, but this time a serious illness, many things are not the same in Ji's heart, and now that he looks at his son's grievances and loss, it's okay if he doesn't strike while the iron is hot. Too stupid.

Ze has witnessed what kind of person his eldest brother is like, shouldn't he seize the opportunity to take eye drops all over again? Otherwise, such a good opportunity would be wasted.

Opportunity is fleeting, and of course you can catch it if you can.

He said very "helplessly": "In the end, it is your biological father. Although he had sent you away because of a monk's endorsement, you admire him so much. How can you bear to say it for your father?"

Yes, that's right, that's it, you want to tell the story of the big brother who didn't want Changze in such a traceless way.

Sure enough, Ji Changze's expression was greatly shaken, and he asked incredulously: "Uncle once wanted to send his son away?"

This reaction was in the heart of Father Ji.

He was struggling, and tried to show some regrets on his face, with an expression of "Oh yeah, why did I say this, I shouldn't tell you this".

Ji Changze was really anxious, and kept asking what was going on.

Ji's father "can't get rid of it", only then "extremely helpless" to tell the original matter.

Of course, it has undergone some polishing and processing.

For example, at the time, Grandpa Ji started to think about what he said about his concubine in the Fuzhong. In the words of Father Ji, he was worried about Ji Changzeke himself for the first time. At that time, he planned to throw Ji Changze into the Zhuangzi and then be caught. The old lady stopped, and when I went to Ji's father, it became "Your mother and I heard about this, thinking that it is so messy now, your little child was thrown outside where he could survive, so I went to look for it." Your grandma".

He also emphatically described how Ji Changze was cold-blooded and ruthless when Ji Changze was taken away by them. He didn't even look at him, and how Ji Changze was still a baby, howling and crying, crying, but to the end. , Master Ji did not come to send off the son who would become a nephew in the future.

Father Ji still has morals. Although there is such a little artistic processing, most of them are true. It is just that through his own description, he has portrayed Master Ji's heart cruelly and vividly.

Ji Changze cooperated with a more disappointed expression.

Then he said the phrase that Father Ji wanted to hear most: "Unexpectedly, my uncle was such a person. I knew that my son would not beg him. Father, you are very kind, so you won't look for him anymore. worth it."

Oh, mother, this is just like Da Xia Xia's sip of ice water, so Ji's father feels relieved all over.

Although the family has fallen, but now the family is one mind, it is better than anything else.

I feel more comfortable in my heart, and my body feels much more comfortable than before. Especially Ji Changze went to open the window to let the air vent into the house, and he did not have the arrogance that he was used to before. Instead, he said calmly about his home in the future. With him, if he let his father take care of his illness and don't worry about it, Ji's father would be even better.

When he watched Ji Changze go out, he was still thinking, although Changze has been a little naive since he was a child, it is not bad.

Look, he brought his son back in a few words.

Hey, he is still young.

But Nagasawa was too good to coax.

As soon as Ji Changze left, Qiao Yuanhuan greeted him and asked nervously, "Brother Ze, how is Dad?"

I won't be turned away by the uncle and don't recognize the popularity.

"Father is very good, I accompanied him to talk, and now I see that my spirit is much better than before."

Ji Changze had never expected that the old man would be said to him in a few words.

This old man is quite coaxing.