128|Republic of China writing (6)

Not only does the old doctor think so, but many people who have read "Memoirs of Cultivating Immortals" think so. In the past, they saw serialized manuscripts in the most exciting places. It's like this now. After putting down the newspaper, I want to read it.

The key is that you can't see it if you want to read it. Rou'an Daily has always been so urinary. Moreover, even if the newspaper is willing to let go, there are so many manuscripts in the newspaper.

There are those who are relatively calm, and the big deal is to read the newspaper a few more times, especially where you look cool, you must carefully aftertaste.

After all, Ji Changze is aiming to make money, and if he wants to enter the market quickly, he naturally has to write as cool as possible. People have three chapters with a small cool point and twenty chapters with a big cool point. Ji Changze is great. He has three cool points in one chapter, and one big cool point at the end.

Nowadays, there are not many novels that are specifically directed at Shuanglai. Even if it is cool, the protagonist develops and then cools later. Most of the others are somewhat realistic, and occasionally they criticize some through the novel. The author of something.

Ji Changze admires these authors very much. In the past few days, when he studied the novel system of the Republic of China, he held them in his hands every day. Most of the authors actually wrote things not only for making money, but really sentimental, or using pen to satirize. Some things, or hope to use articles written by myself to pierce the illusion of peace today.

However, it is impossible for the newspapers to be too blatant about what is published in the newspapers. Otherwise, the newspapers cannot bear the responsibility and are absolutely unwilling to publish them, so they can only write implicitly.

The sad thing is that people who usually buy newspapers can't see the implicit expressions of the author. After all, most people nowadays are illiterate, and most of the people who are literate only know a single word, so 90% of them are literate. People who can't see it, 10% of those who can see are silent and silent.

Ji Changze had noticed it, so he admired the authors' willingness to stand up in this situation even more. After all, the article was directly published in the newspaper for the public. If it was discovered, it would definitely be a 100% target.

He took out his own vest backup record and picked a vest in it, planning to use this vest if he publishes similar articles in the future.

When submitting articles, I specifically looked for the kind of newspaper with someone behind him. As long as he was allowed to get in, even if something went wrong, the newspaper would not be involved. If something happened and the vest was lost, who knew who he was.

When he has made enough money and stabilized the situation at home, he can do a good job with peace of mind.

The more he thought about the more beautiful, Ji Changze put away his 100 or so vests, and continued to write.

He is relatively lazy, planning to finish a one-month manuscript in one go, and then do something else this month.

Liu Qingru had no idea that his junior was a tentacle monster. Even though he was excited to hear that Rou'an Daily was going crazy, many people couldn't wait for the newsboy to come to the newspaper to buy a newspaper, and they didn't even think about urging Ji Changze to change it.

Someone at the bottom said: "A lot of people have come to our newspaper and asked if "Memoirs of Xiu Xian" can be put in more, but it's not enough to watch. They also said that if we are willing to put more, they must buy our Rou'an Daily every day."

Liu Qingru was very stable: "Since they said something like this, even if we don't release it, they will definitely buy our newspaper."

"But I think they are rushing in a hurry, and they say they are willing to add more money to buy, but the bottom is blocked."

"I can't be rushed. If I feed them all at once, will they still buy newspapers in the future?" Liu Qingru was there, and continued: "Besides, there is something in Shenze's home, where can I vacate a handwritten manuscript? As usual, put it a little bit."

"Then what if these people come upstairs? They heard that Shenze directly contributed articles to you, but they have been clamoring to find you."

Liu Qingru lay back leisurely and drank a sip of tea: "Just say that I'm not here or not. If they still remind me, I'll say I went to Shenze's house to remind me."

Once the words were released, although the big guys were half-believing, they were a bit calmer than before.

It's ashamed to say that they are not children anymore, and now they are making trouble for a novel, but this novel also looks really strange. Isn't it just a novel? No matter how they watched, their blood boiled over.

Someone went out of the newspaper and met an acquaintance. The acquaintance was a person who didn't read novels. They were very puzzled by the noise. Nowadays, when I see people I know, I am a little bit ridiculed when I am puzzled.

"What are you making noise? How old are you, how can you look like children, and you are not afraid that others will see it and laugh."

That person: "..."

He took the newspaper in his hand, rolled his eyes, and thought about it. He smiled and leaned forward and passed the newspaper in his hand to an acquaintance: "You can see it."

"Let me see? What am I watching?"

The acquaintance didn't care about it, but it's not easy to brush the face, so he took it and said, "I've never liked to see these things. If you show it to me, I can't see anything. ."

"Just look at it." The man instigated, while looking at the hand of an acquaintance grabbing the newspaper, painfully said; "Be careful when you take the newspaper. I have to take it back and store it well."

"But a newspaper, look at you like this, if it breaks, I will pay you a share."

After the acquaintance laughed at him, he lowered his head and continued to look at the newspaper, watching and watching, the disapproving attitude on his face gradually disappeared, and gradually sank in.

After reading it, Shuang's whole body feels very energetic, and he can't wait to see it again.

The person waiting next to him saw him standing for a long time without saying a word, and asked: "You haven't finished reading yet?"

"I'll watch it again."

This person immediately refused to follow him and grabbed the newspaper to protect it: "You want to see you buy it, but I'm not optimistic yet."

That person thinks, too. There is a newspaper in front. Isn't it easy to buy a newspaper?

He squeezed in, and finally squeezed to the front and said he wanted to buy a newspaper, and he said, "Sorry sir, today's newspapers are sold out."

Sold out? ! !

How can I sell it and it's sold out? !

How long has passed since then! In the past, even if you came to buy a newspaper in the evening, it was definitely a lot of weight.

It's not just this person who has such doubts.

Nowadays, reading novels is not accepted by the elders. Except for those famous authors, other novels are considered by the elders to study hard.

Therefore, when this kind of elder scolds the younger to read this kind of thing and wastes time, the younger is not convinced to give the newspaper to the elder or read it to the elders.

And if they were outdoors when they were reading, then more people would hear it.

Coupled with the word of mouth, you Amway, I am Amway, yours, the newspaper was directly squeezed through.

Some people were disappointed when they heard that the newspaper was sold out and left. Before the people from the newspaper were relieved, another group of people who wanted to buy newspapers also arrived. They almost became repeaters.

"Sorry sir, the newspaper is sold out."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry sir, there are no newspapers."

The people who received them were tired to death, but all the newspapers were happily going to heaven.

Everyone knows that these people who cannot buy newspapers today will become the main buying force tomorrow. Now they are increasing the number of newspapers tomorrow. You can imagine how much money the newspaper society makes.

Everyone looked at Liu Qingru with admiration: "Where did you dig this Shenze? Our newspaper hasn't been so lively in a long time."

Liu Qingru was happier than them, but he didn't forget to take the opportunity to benefit his juniors: "Don't worry about where I dig it out. Now, Shenze alone lets our newspaper sell in short supply, so does the manuscript fee for him also need to be in short supply? More than before? It would be inappropriate if it was the same as others."

The boss of Rou'an Daily is looking for money. His newspaper is run by the father of some forces behind him. It is also because his father is too good, the boss always wants to run the newspaper well, so that his father is admired. Let others know that the tiger father has no dogs.

The newspapers used to be tepid, not making money, but not too popular. He was dissatisfied. Now a Shenze made their newspapers in short supply. He was happy in his heart and spoke to Liu Qingru:" You and Shenze can talk about the conditions and be more generous."

Liu Qingru understands their boss, he said generous, that is really generous.

He was overjoyed. Nothing knows more about how profitable writing manuscripts is than he knows. The boss is generous again. I'm afraid the teacher's family will no longer be afraid of lack of money.

When the novel is finished well, I will print it as a whole book and sell it. I am afraid I will make more money.

He happily prepared to go to the teacher's house and tell them the good news. As a result, looking down from the window, the bottom was still densely packed with people. There was no way, but he had to wait until the dark people were gone.

While Liu Qingru was waiting to find Ji Changze, the discussion about "Memoirs of Xiu Xian" continued in the city.

In one school, a student bought a newspaper. After he finished reading it, he generously let everyone circulate it. At this moment, the teacher hadn't come, so everyone was chatting enthusiastically.

"You said, is this the true memory of Mr. Shenze?"

"No, let's just write the first line. The content is purely fabricated. Let's not take it seriously?"

"But this is too true, you see, it says that he had encountered a fire when he was a child, and the burning sky was red, but the local newspaper did not report at all, as if this incident did not exist. Many people don't even know about this. He said that my second uncle was doing business there at the time. I remember that he told me that there was a big fire there, but many people didn't know it, unless Shen Ze is a local, otherwise how could I know this."

Someone put forward different opinions: "If you say that, isn't Shenze also writing clearly in the original county hail?"

Someone suddenly asked, "Will it...this is really a memoir of cultivating immortals? Shenze has experienced all these things. He is really a cultivator of immortals. Otherwise, how could he know so much? , Consecration, Fusion, Heartbeat, Golden Core, Nascent Soul...There are many more behind. If you are not a cultivator of immortality, can these be made up by Shenze himself?"

It's also because Ji Changze didn't know what they were thinking, if he knew he could laugh out loud.

Didn't he just write in the direction of "Although I said this is false, you will think it is true when you look at it"?

Regardless of the age, most people long for immortality.

Even if Ji Changze only wrote eighth of good-looking, after they made up "This is a memoir written by a cultivator", the eighth would become ten.

One pass ten to ten pass one hundred.

It's strange that this novel is not popular.

In case someone directly finds Ji Changze here, he can also put on an innocent face and say, "Eh, you take it seriously? How could it be? Didn't I just write that this is fictional or fake?"

It's perfect!

When it was dark, Liu Qingru came knocking on the door.

It was Ji Changze who came to open the door. Liu Qingru now looked at Ji Changze almost as if looking at a golden egg.

Before speaking, the affectionate smile on his face hung up.

"Changze, did you go out today? Don't you know, your novel is on fire!"

Ji Changze nodded calmly. He didn't want to be happy that his novel was popular, but thanked Liu Qingru first: "I also want to thank you brother, if it weren't for brother, it would be difficult for me to write it out."

Liu Qingru sighed a bit when he saw his appearance of "I had expected everything under my control".

In the past, I still underestimated this junior, think about it, these students who are taught by the teacher don't say that every one of them is a dragon and a phoenix, they all have a successful career anyway, and where can the teacher's son be worse.

Because of Ji Changze's calmness, Liu Qingru didn't want his junior to feel that he was bluffing. He worked hard to calm his mood and said with a smile: "The big boss of our newspaper knew about this and asked me to talk to you about the price. The meaning is to keep you in our newspaper."

With that said, Liu Qingru patted his bag, looked around and saw that there was no one outside, then said mysteriously: "I have brought all the real money."

"Don't worry, I'm your senior. Just tell me if you have any requirements. I'll go to the big boss again. Senior boss tells you that as long as the request is not excessive, the big boss will definitely agree."

Ji Changze smiled: "In the past, I only cared about jokes. How can I understand this? I contributed. It is also because I know in my heart that brother takes care of our family. I regard him as my brother, knowing that you will not let me suffer. So, if I communicate with the newspaper, I don't know what to do, or should I talk to my father, brother?"

Liu Qingru said this with enthusiasm in his heart.

Although he didn't think about any remuneration for helping the teacher's family, he was happy to hear the affirmation and gratitude from the junior brother in person!

Doing good deeds is based on willingness and caring for the teacher, but this does not mean that he does not want to hear people praise him for respecting the teacher, taking care of his juniors, and doing good deeds in obscurity. Okay, then I would be more happy.

Liu Qingru felt that he was floating, and Le Diandian said, "That's OK, I'll talk to the teacher."

The teacher is a veteran, so Changze can't lose out.

He hasn't forgotten Ji Changze's indifferent appearance before. It can be imagined that the teacher who has seen more of the world will certainly be like this, and as a student of the teacher, how can he show the appearance of having never seen the world.

So when he entered, Liu Qingru specially controlled the expression on his face to make himself look indifferent, to make sure that the teacher would not feel that he was impetuous and small things would drift before he walked in.

Father Ji was still sitting on the bed, but this time he was reading, and he was surprised to see the students coming.

Haven't you just been here? Why are you here again?

The expression on his face was quite ordinary, not as if something major happened. By the way, he must have used his eldest son to write a manuscript and wanted to give them money.

Ji's father guessed that this was the case. While he was pleased that the students were filial, he thought about rejecting it for a while. It's okay for others to know Changze, don't he know?

What's more, the situation at home is not that serious, it's just that his illness is a bit more troublesome, and he is no longer seven and eighty. When he gets better, he can still do a lot of work.

Father Ji sat quietly, waiting for the student to refuse after speaking.

Liu Qingru sat down on the bed and said, "Teacher, Changze's manuscript has been sent out. It is very popular."

Hey, you can't make up nonsense. How could it be popular at the level of Nagasawa.

Liu Qingru: "Our big boss specially asked me to stay in Changze. No, he gave me a lot of money, just to let me win Changze, and only let him post articles in our newspaper."

Take a look, take a look, what he said, he brought the money, and made a big boss out, this kid really thought he was sick and confused.

Although Liu Qingru had long known that the teacher was calm and expected everything, he didn't expect him to even tell the two great news that the teacher would not be moved, and there was even a little "I knew it" in his eyes.

He was immediately in awe.

The teacher is worthy of being a teacher.

He, a student, can't be too impetuous, so that the teacher thinks he is not stable at all.

Thinking about it, Liu Qingru coughed dryly, and began to pour the silver dollars from the bag. The silver dollars fell on the bed with a clatter, almost blinding Ji's eyes.

Ji's father thought that the students would definitely pay for them out of their own pockets, but he didn't expect that Qingru would actually get so many silver dollars.

Where did he get so much money? !

Ji's father was not the kind of person who sucked the blood of students, so he frowned and straightened his waist and waved his hand: "No, I don't want it."

Liu Qingru immediately gave Father Ji an "I understand" look: "Teacher, I understand what you mean. Changze's ability to buy these silver dollars is indeed too little. Don't worry, our big boss has a lot of money. These silver dollars are just Those who bought those manuscripts, I told him, when Changze's next book is still written like this, it will be calculated according to the split, and then the money will be more."

Father Ji: "???"

Why do you listen to this, this money is really not given by Liu Qingru? ?

Nagasawa earned it? ? Can't it, that kid has this ability?

Liu Qingru continued: "Teacher, you don't know. Today, there were a bunch of people in our newspaper, trying to read the content behind Changze's novels. I said before that Changze doesn't like reading books, so he likes to play around. You No matter what, it turns out that you knew he had this ability a long time ago, but when you think about it, Changze was so young before that he didn't need to bear the family business. Naturally, you didn't want to restrain him. Now that you are sick, Changze doesn't do it. Did it stand up all at once?"

Jifu:...Is that so? ?

He paused for a while before saying, "You show me Changze's manuscript."

"Teacher, how did you know that I brought the newspaper, ah, you are really, I don't think I will be able to learn what you are like for the rest of my life."

Father Ji: "..."

He asked Liu Qingru to bring the manuscript handwritten by Ji Changze...

Liu Qingru took out the newspaper that he had planned to go home and memorized several times from his arms and handed it to Father Ji. He glanced at the student and took the newspaper and read it.

This look is incredible.

Knowing that Changze was writing a manuscript before, he didn't think from the bottom of his heart that this son could write a good manuscript, but he was very happy that Changze was motivated, so he didn't say anything.

As a result, he was dumbfounded when he read the manuscript.

Is this written by my son? ?

My eldest son who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, don't care about anything, do nothing, and gnaw on the number one old son? ?

He never wrote an article before, but as soon as he did, he wrote it so beautifully? ?

Ji's father was dumbfounded for a few seconds before reacting.

My son is a genius! !

It's also thanks to him that he is used to emotions and anger, but he hasn't broken the character of Prudent Teacher. Next to him, Liu Qingru is a real rainbow fart: "I said, teacher, why don't you still play bricks in a hurry? It turns out that you know Changze's abilities. Even if you are ill, Changze will be there."

Father Ji: "..."

No, he played bricks because he was anxious to exercise and got up early to support the family.

And that's not just playing bricks. The foreign book that Nagasawa read reads, so he can quickly regain his strength.

Liu Qingru continued to have a good meal.

When I said that when I praised Changze, I thought you would be very happy, but I didn't expect you to be so indifferent. At that time, I guessed it, Zhizi Moruofu, you must have planned long ago.

I am afraid that even the sensation caused by this manuscript after going out, and the fanatical liking of the teacher, you have also expected, otherwise you can't be so calm when I say it.

You also expected the big boss to value you, yes, I still remember the calm look on your face when you listened to me just now.

I just determined that this is the student's father Ji who lied to himself so as to help his family: "..."

He turned his head and saw that the admiration and admiration in the students' eyes was about to rush out.

Look down at the newspaper in your hand.

How come it feels like a dream.

Father Ji has taught students. It is natural to see that although Ji Changze's manuscripts are not gorgeous, and even have a bit of vernacular meaning, they must be shortcomings when placed in the article, but they are definitely advantages when placed in the novel.

Could it be that he used to underestimate his eldest son?

Could it be that Changze used to be really just because he had his father at home, so he could play around with confidence, but now that something happened at home, people stood up immediately?

Is it true that Changze's talent is in writing novels? I didn't write it before because my family didn't lack money, but now when he is shining, his talents and skills will appear?

It seems nonsense, but if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Liu Qingru next to him was still a teacher who was worthy of being a teacher. Ji's father was really embarrassed to say that he actually wanted to go wrong before, so he coughed and returned the newspaper.

Sit upright, with a calm face, a hermit style in his tone:

"Just know, you, you still have to learn more from me."