139|Writing in the Republic of China (17)

The recruitment of Ji Changze's pharmaceutical factory went smoothly. In addition to medical students, there were even a few more well-known doctors who came to apply. Of course, they obviously came for Mr. Yuanwang.

In the novel, Mr. Yuanwang does not shy away from sharing medical knowledge with others, as well as the almost comprehensive knowledge that many doctors do not know. These all make some doctors think that Mr. Yuanwang must have a family background, if they can do something for him. , Maybe I can learn a lot.

Ji Changze naturally knew what they were thinking about, and he didn't mind it either.

Stay here when you come, for his use, no need to go.

He secretly began to improve the treatment of these doctors in all aspects. The pharmaceutical factory did not clearly say "you are all talents and we need you", but everything he did makes these doctors not able to see Mr. Yuanwang. The doctor who was planning to retreat hesitated.

This is how Doctor Li lives in West Street.

His family has been practicing medicine since his grandfather's generation. After so many years, although the family is not rich and wealthy, it also left him a small clinic.

With the recent shock of Western medicine, doctors of Chinese medicine are not as popular as they used to be, but after all these years of reputation, Dr. Li is not going to be hungry, relying on the medical skills left at home to live fairly well.

He is not the kind of self-contained temperament. Since reading Mr. Yuanwang's novel and learning a lot of knowledge that his own father and grandfather don't know, he has the idea of ​​apprenticeship to learn art.

Since Mr. Yuanwang is willing to write this knowledge in the novel for the public to watch, he is naturally an open-minded person. If he is sincere, he might accept him.

This is what Dr. Li thought before applying for the job.

I didn't expect to find out after entering the pharmaceutical factory that Mr. Yuanwang was cooperating with the newspaper's shareholders to open this pharmaceutical factory. All the matters were arranged by the Ji family, and the husband himself did not show up at all.

The next day, he regretted getting up and joined the newspaper, and told his wife that he wanted to leave.

His wife persuaded him to leave as long as he wanted, what's the matter.

Doctor Li said: "When I first went, the pharmaceutical factory signed a one-month short-term contract, saying that even if I had to leave, I would have to wait until a month later, otherwise I would lose money."

"Where there is such a thing, do not do things based on your wishes, how can you bring people behind forcibly." Doctor Li's wife is very upset for her husband.

Doctor Li is still in a good state of mind: "It's just a month, and I will leave after one month."

The next day, he went to work according to the working hours of the pharmaceutical factory.

Under the careful guidance of the instructor, begin to become familiar with the equipment and processes.

At lunch, these technicians were alone in the small canteen. Everyone had standard three dishes and one soup, two meats and one soup, and one of them even gave out a large chicken drumstick.

They are treated so well even in their own homes, let alone two meats and one vegetarian, it's not bad to have two vegetarian dishes. Everyone who ate this meal was so greasy that they thought it was only the first day to work. The food was better. In the afternoon, the meat buns and fried dough sticks were served again, and one person was given two eggs.

The eggs are easy to collect. Dr. Li didn't eat them. He put both eggs in his pocket. The staff in the cafeteria saw them. No one scolded them, and no one stopped them. "Dispose of it as you love" appeared.

When he returned home at night, Doctor Li's wife saw her husband come back and greeted him immediately, asking whether it was hard work. Doctor Li shook his head, took out these two eggs from her pocket and handed them to her: "These two eggs are you and your child alone. One, warm it up and eat it."

The wife looked at the egg in surprise: "Where did this come from?"

"From the pharmaceutical factory."

Doctor Li told his wife about today's food, and his wife was very surprised: "I have never heard of a factory that has such good food, and there are still chicken legs for you to eat. They are really rich and powerful. Everyone eats like this. If you fail to make it, I'm afraid you will eat a lot of money."

"It's not that everyone in the factory eats like this. It is said that only doctors who have passed the exam and are sure to have medical skills eat it in the small cafeteria."

He showed his wife the emblem pinned on his chest: "Look, this color is blue. Hearing from the people in the pharmaceutical factory, this means that I am a technician in the pharmaceutical factory, capable, and others have white. It's in the big canteen, and there must be no such treatment as us."

Even so, it's enough for his wife to be surprised.

"That's the way it is. You can only eat well if you have the ability, otherwise everyone will eat the same thing. You still learn what you can do."

Doctor Li didn't say anything, but he was actually a little proud of it in his heart.

He has studied medicine for many years. Although he is definitely not as good as Mr. Yuanwang, he still has some abilities. It cannot be said that he has no arrogance in his heart. What the medicine factory does now is exactly what he wants.

When I went to the pharmaceutical factory the next day, Dr. Li felt much more relaxed when he went there, and he was more serious in doing things than yesterday.

Unexpectedly, at noon, the food is actually two meats, one vegetarian and one soup, and the rice is full.

Yesterday was taken for granted, but today I am surprised.

Isn't this kind of food only for one day?

Everyone was very surprised. Someone even asked the aunt who was cooking in the cafeteria. She smiled honestly and answered honestly: "As Mr. Ji said, we will eat like this every day in the cafeteria. He said that you are all capable people. , He can't treat you badly."

This remark caused everyone in the small canteen to discuss it.

Looking at the entire Rou'an City, there is no place where food is so good, even in the entire country of China, there is no factory that can find such a food.

And giving them such a good meal is because they have the ability, which inevitably makes the big guy feel very comfortable to be photographed in his heart.

At night, Dr. Li took two more eggs home.

When the wife took the egg, her expression was even more surprised than yesterday: "More?"

"Yeah." Doctor Li nodded, and washed his hands in the basin: "Every day, I will bring oily paper tomorrow, and see if I can bring that chicken leg back for the two of you to eat."

After being surprised, the wife hesitated: "This is what your pharmaceutical factory gave you to eat. Wouldn't you be angry when you bring it back there?"

"It's okay." Doctor Li said: "I've inquired about it. The cafeteria only sends out things, regardless of whether we eat these things or not."

On the second day, when it was time for lunch, Dr. Li carefully wrapped the chicken drumsticks in the greased paper he brought. He was not the only one in the small cafeteria to do this. After knowing that he could eat this way every day, many people today All brought greased paper.

At this age, most of them have family members, wives, children, and parents. If they have delicious food, they don't want to eat it, but they will save it for them. Especially good things like chicken thighs are eaten on weekdays. Last time, some people with bad family backgrounds couldn't eat them during the New Year holidays. Now that they have the opportunity, they naturally want to take them back to their families.

That night, Dr. Li's wife and son ate the fragrant chicken drumsticks. The drumsticks were cooled and brought back to be warmed up by him. The taste was naturally not as good as when they were just made, but his son Still eating without looking up.

Doctor Li smiled lovingly while watching his son eat, and then persuaded his wife who had not eaten after two bites to continue to eat.

The wife said, "No, let the kids eat the rest. I'm not hungry."

Doctor Li knew that she didn't want to eat it, but just wanted to give it to her child, and persuaded: "Eat it, this chicken drumstick is not only available today. I will bring it back every day from now on. You and your child can eat it every day, so you don't have to let it. One bite."

The wife was surprised and asked: "Don't you just quit your job after only one month?"

"I changed my mind." Dr. Li replied, "Working in a pharmaceutical factory is pretty easy, and my monthly salary can catch up with my own pharmacy. The food I eat every day is still so good. If I open a pharmacy, I might not be able to do this every day. Good food. Since the pharmaceutical factory is a good place to go, I won't leave. I'll do my best and bring chicken thighs back for you to eat every day."

For example, Dr. Li came to Mr. Yuanwang, and found that there were many people who planned to leave before the end of the month, but after a month, everyone was conquered by the pride of the pharmaceutical factory.

After eating like this for a month, even if they save the chicken thighs and bring them to the family, they still have a ruddy complexion and good spirits. People are more energetic.

In addition, they have gradually discovered that even if Mr. Yuanwang is not there, they can still learn some knowledge that they can't normally learn in the pharmaceutical factory. There is actually a small bookstore in the factory, and all the books in it are medical books, as long as they are Those who work in our factory can borrow them home for free after signing.

Today's books are expensive, and these are all valuables, not to mention the medical books that are quite needed for them.

So when the one-month short-term contract expired, no one left, even if he was not conquered by food, he was conquered by the room full of medical books that could be borrowed for free.

After Ji Changze successfully retained such a bunch of talents, he began to select more outstanding candidates from among them, to be precise, those with stronger learning and research abilities.

Doctor Li was selected.

He is considered relatively young among doctors. Although he is a Chinese medicine doctor, he also knows some knowledge of western medicine. According to the records in the bookstore, from the time he was able to borrow it to the present, Dr. Li has read a total of four books. All are well preserved without damage.

Calculating time, he basically has been using his free time to study.

So that day, Dr. Li went to work as usual, but was taken to a deeper place in the factory by the staff.

And inside, the smiling and innocent young Master Ji was waiting for him in front of a bunch of weird pharmaceutical instruments.

After digging out talents, the pharmaceutical industry goes much smoother.

Ji Changze hung up and opened it very happily. He said from time to time, "Maybe this is possible?" "Why don't you try this?" "I have read a medical book that says this is OK", and the development of new drugs is gradually smoothing out.

Of course, in order to prevent others from thinking that he was too enchanting, he still invited a foreign expert as a guide.

This foreign expert originally came for the money, but when he saw the tentative finished product, he himself was shocked.

How to guide and guide, actually made such a powerful drug?

Isn't he the most professional here? Why doesn't he know?

After he was confused, he didn't care about anything else, so he hurried to talk to Ji Changze and asked Ji's pharmaceutical factory to sell it to his country if it was to be supplied in the future.

Ji Changze looked very hesitant: "But these medicines are made for my country. Soldiers in our country have not used them yet, and I cannot guarantee that they can be supplied to other countries."

"Mr. Ji, I also know that you are very embarrassed. We are also friends. I don't hide from you. The reason why I came to China is not only to find a job, but also to asylum. My country is fighting other countries. , There is a mess everywhere, if these medicines are available, maybe my country can slow down a little bit."

Ji Changze was surprised; "What? Is your country also at war?"

The other party nodded with a pained look; "Mr. Ji, you don't know in China. It's already completely messed up outside. Every country is where you beat me and I beat you. My country is not small, but ordinary people who are beaten can't eat it. Many soldiers died after being wounded. My wife's brother was a soldier. He died on the battlefield. So I know the cruelty of war, Mr. Ji, please. Please look at our friendship and help me. s country."

Ji Changze was "very embarrassed" in contemplation. After a while, he sighed under his nervous eyes: "You let me think about it. I intend to supply this batch of medicine to our country's army. If you still want to supply you, I need to discuss it with my family."

Waiting for the other party to leave reluctantly, Ji Changze wiped his face, and immediately sent him to find Ji's father.

Ji's father was happily calculating how much their Ji family's merchant ship could earn through the military's shipping, and his son came over and told him the news of the explosion.

"What?! Have you found a buyer?"

Hasn't this pharmaceutical factory been opened for a long time? How come there are buyers all at once.

Ji Changze nodded and said briefly about the incident.

Father Ji knew about the fact that foreign countries were also fighting at war. Today is a troubled world, but it is not only their China, but all countries are fighting in full swing.

"Which country is the foreigner? You didn't agree? But don't fight against our country. If you fight against our country, don't say he pays for it. We can't sell it for gold!"

"Father, don't worry, his country is too busy to take care of itself, how could he even vacate his hand to beat our country."

Ji Changze answered fairly quickly.

Can it be fast? At the beginning, a group of foreigners chose such a foreigner who was honest, not lying, fudge, did not have national hatred, had real ability, and had a good temper and talkative, but he took a lot of effort.

"Father, although their country cannot keep up with the war, the financial resources are pretty good. At that time, we will sell drugs to our own army at low prices and sell them to their countries at high prices. We have earned money and our country has supported you. How about this idea?"

Father Ji looked at his happier son as he talked, and felt that his eldest son was really silly and sweet.

How can you only see the benefits of your hands? The long-term benefits are here, my silly son.

"You child, you have good luck in doing business, but you still have to experience your true ability. You only see this foreign country, why can't you see other countries?"

Father Ji's analytical head said: "They are at war. What they are fighting is a joy. It's not just the foreigners who need medicine for the war. If the medicine is really as godlike as you said, we can go everywhere. Sell, as long as you don't sell it to the country that is hitting our country. We will continue to produce medicine for the money we make. Don't you like to donate canned food? You can donate whatever you want."

Ji Changze said, "Father, you are so awesome, so awesome", "It suddenly dawned on me" and said: "Yes, it can be like this, why didn't I expect it."

Ji's father suddenly looked proud: "You are still young, I don't know that these are normal, but you still need to learn more from your father."

Ji Changze nodded immediately: "Yes, Dad is right. I still need to learn from Dad. But Dad, I only open a factory. I can't talk about business, let alone talk to foreigners. I am stage fright. ."

Father Ji pondered for a while: "I'll help you talk about it. You just need to produce the medicine properly. Also, remember not to leak the formula. This is a good thing. We are afraid that we will allocate some profits to the military so that The military is our backer, so I will talk to Mr. Hong in the afternoon."

"And the foreigner in your pharmaceutical factory, let him dry for a few days, wait for him to be anxious, and then tell him to sell it, the price can't be low, let him return to the country to discuss with his country, and wait for him to take it with him. When the price comes back, you just post that you don't understand it and ask him to talk to me."

Father Ji kept talking, after finishing the arrangement, he immediately took out a notepad and quickly wrote down what to do, adding and deleting while writing.

It was written and found that Ji Changze was still next to him, and his tone softened: "Well, you don't have to be afraid, with Daddy here, Daddy won't let you suffer."

Ji Changze nodded trustingly: "I believe in Dad, then Dad, I will go back first, and I will leave it to you."

"Let's go back."

As a result, Ji Changze managed to relax again.

He lay down lazily on the recliner, intending to take a good rest this time.

Unlike Ji Changze, who likes to be lazy and looking for people to help him with matters, Ji's father is very fighting spirit from the beginning. Whenever there is such a need to get busy, he is in good spirits, his complexion is much better, and he walks in and out. wind.

What Ji Changze needs is to be lazy, rest, sleep, and bask in the sun.

Ji's father liked the sense of being needed.

The reason why he recovered so quickly in the beginning was that he felt that his son had been bullied and needed his own protection?

This time he was actually going to negotiate with other countries. He was twelve percent in spirit, and he was so excited every day that he was beaten with blood.

After the military had tried the drugs, they knew that the Ji family was willing to supply the frontline at a cost price, and that they had to allocate profits to the military, and quickly agreed to asylum the Ji family.

This is also the cleverness of Ji's father.

The pharmaceutical factory is now a big piece of fat. Under normal circumstances, since their family bit the fat in their mouths, they must be reluctant to vomit it out, but the meat is so attractive that others will definitely want to eat it when they see it. A bite.

At this time, if you don't let go of life and death, the Ji family will suffer.

Since they are all coveted, it is better to choose the strongest from those who want to eat meat, take the initiative to give him some meat, and become an ally. The strongest camp will change from the one who wants to eat meat. It became necessary to protect the meat with Ji's family.

Speaking of this, I would also like to thank Master Ji. Back then, Father Ji had a great and honorable life. He never bothered to find a backer to secure his position, and his contacts were not frequent. Only the students he taught were in the same camp.

I was shamed by Master Ji once, and watched his beloved son who grew up being insulted and bullied by this guy. Master Ji: He even slapped his nose to the door of their house to run against his bad-spoken Nagasawa Ji. Master: He will never forget how miserable he was bullied by this old yin after Changze lost his father's asylum.

Since then, Ji's father has been obedient.

Okay, yin, I am.

If you are yin, I am more yin than you.

I'm looking for a bunch of allies, but you can't afford to offend them all, I see how you are.

After talking with the military, Father Ji only felt refreshed, and he happened to know that Master Ji seemed to be in a better condition, so he immediately decided to take Changze to visit annoying people.

Ji Changze wanted to go, of course, he had to show that he was very unwilling to go.

Ji's father persuaded him: "Although he doesn't have any affection for you, now he seems to see you have the ability and wants to recognize you. It is really shameless and incorrigible, but in the end he is your biological father. Everyone knows that if he is sick, you don't want to visit, and others will say that you have no conscience. Of course, dad knows that he is a skinless, disgusting and disgusting person. But the world likes to spread rumors, we still don't give it to others. The handle is left."

In the end, Ji Changze could only nod his head "reluctantly".

Before going to Ji's house, he was carrying a big bag.

Father Ji asked him: "What are you holding?"

Ji Changze: "My friend asked me to buy it from abroad, and I will give it to him after reading the uncle."

The two of them arrived outside Master Ji's house. The gatekeeper now knows that their master is gone. Now Ji Fu and Ji Changze are rich and powerful. After seeing them come in and report with joy, how happy they were when they went in, How cautiously when I came out: "Two, our master doesn't see guests."

Father Ji held the shelf: "Aren't my brothers and nephews coming to see me?"

"I'm sorry, my master is very ill, it's really hard to meet guests."

Ji's father almost didn't laugh out loud.

I'm still very sick, I'm afraid it's a heart disease.

Last time this guy came to the door with a cheeky face. He wanted to win over Changze, but Changze was a silly and sweet person, and he almost didn't kill his popularity every word.

If you hand over such a good son to others, he is also sick.

It's a pity that if the other party doesn't see him, he won't have a chance to irritate. It's a pity.

Ji's father was very sorry, but he couldn't help but turned around and said to Ji Changze: "Forget it, since we can't see it, let's go back."

Ji Changze shook his head with a serious face: "Father, didn't you tell me? If I don't condone my uncle, others will say that I have no conscience, even if I can't get in, I will also condone."

Jifu: "?"

He was puzzled, and watched Ji Changze take out a loudspeaker from the big bag he was carrying.

Then I turned on the switch and began to "consolute" towards the courtyard: "Uncle, I am Changze, and my father and I have come to see you, how is your body okay!!"

This sound was really scary, let alone the yard, the people living around heard it, and they opened the doors to see what was going on.

Ji Changze continued: "Uncle, you can rest assured that everything is well with my father. The cannery opened by my family has received an order again. The new pharmaceutical factory has also signed a contract with the military. There are also foreigners who want to buy my home. He's medicine, take the gold to exchange it, you can rest assured, my father is in good health, he eats three bowls for meals, and he goes to a banquet every once in a while, and the government is always inviting him. Uncle, take good care of your illness. It's not convenient for you now. Seeing me, it's okay to see us when I get better in the future. If my nephew has any happy events in the future, he will use the loudspeaker to inform you, so that you will also be happy and happy. Maybe if you are happy, your illness will be cured."

Master Ji, who thought that as long as he didn't see each other, he wouldn't be irritated when he heard these words, he immediately thought that such a prosperous son was his own. If it hadn't been given away at the beginning, now these are all his. He suddenly said:" "

Master Ji clutched his chest and began to gasp again.

Outside, Ji's father looked at his innocent son with a bewildered look and said in a sincere tone of anger to Master Ji.

Waiting for Ji Changze to finish speaking, he smiled at Father Ji inviting credit: "Father, what do you think of this? The loudspeaker is loud enough, and many people have heard it. Even if we don't enter the house, others can't tell our mouths. ."

As he said, he added bitterly: "It's a pity that we have to be a snake with the uncle for the sake of fame. He still cares about him when he listens to us being locked out. He doesn't know how proud he is."

Father Ji looked in a trance.

proud? I'm afraid I'm going to die of anger.

What was said by Changze just now, which sentence did not poke the heart of Master Xiang Ji.

Poke and sprinkle salt.

Jumping and swaying left and right, while swaying, he said in an irritating tone, "I have the ability, my father has the power and I am now powerful and powerful, but you can rest assured, although these are not the same as you It's half a dime, but I will definitely tell you all of this."

Father Ji felt that if Changze really came here every day, he might not wait long before he would receive news of Master Ji's death.

And it must be pissed off.

The more he thought about the more beautiful he became, Ji Changze saw him staring at him motionless, his face was puzzled: "Father, what's the matter?"

Father Ji smiled: "No, nothing."

He found out that even though Changze was silly and sweet, he was also naturally black at the same time.