145|The last cultivator in the world (end)

Not to mention a few fake fairies, even responsible for instigating rebellion? Their staff are a little confused.

They were very curious about how these people did it. There were six people in a group, but except for the monk Ze, everyone else thought they were the only human in the group.

But this is not the point now.

It is Huaguo fairies that can make Huaguo their own people, not to mention that these people have now confirmed their human identity.

After a lot of speculation, everyone even guessed what happened.

Ji Changze was raised on the mountain since he was a child. He has never gone to school and has little contact with people. His master is likely to be a comprehensionist. After the death of his master, Ji Changze began to buy mobile computers.

And the people in the group also said that Ji Changze did say that the fairies hadn't appeared in three thousand years, so he found a few of them in the group. Although he disliked them and was lazy and greedy to cultivate well, he still resisted. Disgusted and took them to the younger brother.

Everyone in the group is still in a trance, but the country seems to have discovered a new world.

If these people are ordinary human beings, doesn't it mean that everyone can cultivate? !

Not to mention Feifei Fei, nor to be able to use talisman paper skillfully, just because it can live long and delay aging, most people can't resist this temptation.

But everyone in the group talked about cultivation, but they couldn't tell why.

Every practice is a video connection. Ji Changze guides on the spot. Anything wrong can be corrected immediately. They only regard this as a fairy training method, and they don't pay much attention to it. Naturally, they can't remember the actions clearly.

Although consciously unable to help the country, the mood of the few people is still very happy.

After hitting so many celestial spirits under such a great pressure, it is finally possible to take off this layer of skin today.

Hahahahahahaha happy.

Before being happy for a while, the country sent someone to say it.

We still want to communicate with Mr. Ji Changze, but he has been reluctant to contact people. We are very worried that he will resist human beings. How about you continue to sneak into the group, observe carefully, and subtly?

Several people:""

So does this mean to be a spy yourself?

"No, no, it's my own, how can I be called a spy."

Just continue to chat in the group wearing the vest of the fairy.

Several people:""

The vest that was just taken off was put on again.

They are miserable here, and Ji Changze is here to prepare teaching materials.

The textbooks were almost ready, and the few in the group came out to reply in a swarm.

I have nothing wrong with it. I have a good reaction and it has not become a prototype.

me too.

Brother, I have a question, why are we going to help humans?

Ji Changze stopped laughing on the computer screen and typed: Are you stupid? Everyone is dead. Who makes instant noodles and potato chips Coke, no one pulls the network cable.

The government officials who were observing the news of the group hurriedly wrote down the instant noodles and potato chips in preference with a serious face and went online.

"This cultivator is kind of advancing with the times."

After they finished speaking, they carefully reminded the group of friends who were looking "so": "Try your best to see if the monk Zeyuan is willing to teach other ordinary people to practice. If he doesn't want to teach, try to guide him."

As soon as these words came out, the group of friends were all bitter.

"It's too difficult. How can he teach people to cultivate because he avoids people like this?"

"Yeah, he is very homely. He either plays games or meditates every day. He doesn't want to see people at all except for shopping, and I was beaten by him to call the police. He thought it was me who revealed his identity and almost didn't give me. Killed, if it weren't for me to hold my big leg and recognize my eldest brother, now you all can't see me, which shows how much he doesn't want people to know his identity."

People in the group said that the difficulty was too great, and the government officials could only appease: "Everyone overcome it, it is for the country, please."

But this is too difficult.

While they sighed, Ji Changze continued to talk to himself; well, the first step is completed, and now we start the second step.

Let all Chinese people practice.

People in the group: "???"

governmental agents:"!!!!"

Brother Ze: Before the earth had too little spiritual power, it was not suitable for cultivation, but the meteorite that landed that day obviously had huge spiritual power. I can also feel that the spiritual power in the air is increasing now, even reaching a kind of spiritual power. In a saturated state, recent plants and animals have passively absorbed spiritual power, and it will not be long before they can return to the level of the dinosaur era. Ordinary people should also be able to enter the cultivation period. As the only abnormal human beings in China, we must persist in implementing it. The principle of protecting the earth and guarding China is to eliminate any existence that may lead to the extinction of mankind.

"This monk Ze still seems to love humans very much."

"This is a good comrade!!!"

Having been with Ji Changze, the group of friends who know this eldest brother's urination very well: "Are you sure?"

High school students slap. slap typing; eldest brother, draw an important point.

Xiu Shize: I need to protect my instant noodles, potato chips, mala tang, cola, yellow braised chicken rice, understand?

governmental agents:""

No, it doesn't matter.

It's better to have something you like than something you don't like.

Since both sides decided in the same direction, let's arrange contact.

Just as Huaguo prepared a lot of delicious food to try to talk with Ji Changze, because the country did not stand up and give directions, everyone was still in heated discussions.

Ordinary people who saw this scene with their own eyes naturally wanted to practice and want to fly.

Certain "Daomen authentic inheritance", "19th generation of Daomen disciples", and "grand masters who are still young at the age of 150" have also sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

But except for some older people who don't use the Internet very much, young people have expressed disbelief towards these people.

You said that you belong to the Taoist school and you can take me to practice. Okay, you can fly one and show me, don't fly in the video, just fly on the spot.

what? Can't fly if the cultivation base is insufficient?

You still come to accept disciples if your cultivation base is insufficient? Is it still such a high price? It's a lie.

In less than two days, there are a lot more people wearing Hanfu on Huaguo Street than before.

Although it seems that wearing Hanfu has nothing to do with cultivation.

When a large number of foreigners came to China, as soon as they arrived at the railway station, they greeted countless small advertisements.

A group was fooled to go to apprenticeship.

Some people didn't believe it easily and went to the hotel to rest first.

On the way to the hotel, they saw some people traveling in Hanfu, with their eyes bright.

At a very early stage, foreigners thought that Chinese people were very good at fighting.

And now, they once again thought that the Chinese would all fly.

Some foreigners even stepped forward to ask if the person wearing Hanfu could apprentice a teacher. After some dumbfounding explanations, the other party reluctantly left.

A lady named Yilan is one of them.

She is only twenty-five years old this year. She looks normal and looks normal, but in fact she has been ill for more than half a year. There is no cure for the disease. Every doctor told her that she could only eat and drink well and have a healthy mentality.

Yilan doesn't want to die. She likes to travel. There are still many places in the world that she hasn't visited or seen, but there is not so much time for her to use in the countdown of her life.

This time there is a Chinese who can fly and can penetrate a meteorite, and Yilan's country is naturally blown up.

There was a lot of discussion, but Yilan came to China at the fastest speed.

She once met a Chinese man when she was traveling. She was a very enthusiastic lady. This lady liked to read Chinese fairy tale novels. She also told Yilan when the two chatted, so Yilan knew. Cultivators in China generally fly with swords and swords. After practicing, they will be completely relieved of illness and can extend their life and stay youthful.

At that time, I just felt that this was too exaggerated.

But after seeing someone flying through the sky with a sword in the video, Yilan didn't feel exaggerated at all.

She only hopes that she can find a real immortal cultivator and get rid of her illness after practicing.

In her country, there are many people who want to come but haven't bought a ticket. They expressed great envy to Yilan and enthusiastically told her the guide "How to successfully apprentice in China" they found.

The Chinese practice is very particular about whether you can endure hardships. Usually they ask you to climb a long and long staircase. They call it the ladder. When you climb up, things will continue to harass you, but you have tenacity. Only those with a xinxing can reach the end.

Kneel down three times and knock down nine times. The Chinese saying is that you will be a teacher for one day and be your father for life, which means that if you become a teacher, you have to respect your master as a father.

The Chinese cultivators must be hiding in the deep mountains and old forests. You should go to remote places. Of course, pay attention to safety.

They use a mahogany sword. You'd better buy a mahogany sword and put it on you.

Yilan took it seriously and really took it to heart.

She is ready to climb the ladder, go to the deep mountains and old forests, three kneelings and nine knocks, she even wears Hanfu, although it looks a bit uncoordinated, but wearing it always makes Yilan have a kind of inexplicable I can also apprentice a teacher. confidence.

But what she never expected was that after a few days of silence, the Chinese government suddenly announced that cultivation would be included in the nine-year compulsory education.

There is an additional practice course in the school, and the community has begun to arrange for people living in the community to learn the practice methods during a certain period of time.

Even the huge open space that has always been occupied by the aunts, there are standing upright soldiers waiting there.

Every morning and evening at 8 o'clock, the whole country will arrange study and practice in various places during this time period.

Even, they are still mandatory.

As soon as the young and not very sensible children heard about it, physical education classes became meditation classes, and they complained all the time.

After all, cultivation is not a very easy task. For children, it is quite difficult to meditate motionlessly for so long. In addition, their worldview has not been completely finalized, even if the parents coaxed to talk about cultivation. They can fly in the sky to deceive them with spiritual power. The country clearly says that minors can't fly. They were happy at the time, and they began to frown again when they started class.

The pupils are okay, but the kindergarten children are really miserable.

Before foreigners stepped out from the operation of the "national cultivation" in Huaguo, some people filmed a section of cute-looking Chinese children crying and pulling the door frame, crying and crying no Cultivating, in the end, he couldn't help being laughed at. Soldiers in Huaguo military uniforms picked him up and sent them to the classroom with ease.

Translate for everyone, this kid shouted "I don't want to practice, I don't want to practice".

As soon as this was said, foreigners were admired.

She doesn't want to practice, I think! !

Hua Guo is also amazing, it is so easy and simple to teach the people of the whole country.

I have here a video that teaches people to practice in China, but it seems that at the beginning of cultivation, people who already have spiritual power are needed to guide, it is best to be taught in person.

Tickets to Hua Guo are too difficult to buy now, and even if you go, you can only study in their square every morning and evening if you want to learn immortality. Only children can study in the classroom.

Not to mention the square, even if I study in the toilet, I would like to do what our country is doing. Since the cultivation in China can extend the life of the people, they can also fly to the sky. There are so many benefits, why don't they hurry up China negotiates so that China can also teach our country to practice.

Their country thinks so too!

After understanding the benefits of cultivation, and it is indeed genuine and not based on falsehoods, which country does not want to get involved.

The essence of human beings is to constantly pursue progress.

But now, you can jump from the age of science and technology to the age of immortality, immortality, and still have huge energy. Who can resist such temptation.

What is reassuring is that Hua Guo did not close the country for the first time and refused to give practice methods.

Instead, he put on the appearance of a serious negotiation.

The biggest advantage of Huaguo now is that the practice methods given by Ji Changze later are only suitable for on-site teaching. Even if you learn 100% of the video from the video, you still can't touch the trick.

In addition, they only taught how to practice when they taught everyone, and they didn't teach how to teach people how to practice. Everyone who would teach people how to practice was Chinese soldiers, and they would immediately return after they taught people at 8 o'clock in the morning and 8 o'clock in the evening. In the army, do not touch any electronic products that can communicate.

Even if there are people studying immortal cultivation everywhere in China, they can guarantee that the heart of immortal cultivation will not be passed on in a short time.

The Chinese government did not intend to practice in its own country. After all, Ji Changze also said that now is the era of great purge, not only in China, but also all over the world.

Judging from the majestic spiritual power that has been scattered due to the arrival of meteorites, the greatest possibility is that animals and plants will mutate or become the appearance of their ancestors.

When they are too powerful, even if technology can be suppressed, it will take too much effort. They can't build a city of Eden to protect all the people in China.

Then, we can only make the Chinese themselves stronger.

In the same way, it is not good for China to be wiped out by these animals and plants in other countries. Once these animals and plants occupy a quantitative advantage, no matter how powerful China is, it will be of no use.

Whether it is for humanitarian reasons or other considerations, this mentality must be taught to the whole world.

However, there is a big difference between self-teaching and the other person holding good things to ask for advice.

Hua Guo did not close the country, nor did it prevent people from spreading the content of cultivation to foreign countries, and only presented what we taught us. Look at your leisurely attitude.

As a result, the foreign people saw groups of Chinese people repeatedly practicing their spiritual powers in their bodies, as if they were making movies, and a stone cracked when they slapped it down.

An artificial lake was specially opened in the school. During the training class, rows of small carrots surrounded the artificial lake and pressed hard against the surface of the lake.

They blushed and gritted their teeth and patted the water.

--Snapped! !

Huge waves were shot on the water, because everyone was standing on the shore, and they were all wet.

But it doesn't matter. They just need to stand calmly and close their eyes for a while, and the clothes on their bodies will start to emit steaming steam at a speed visible to the naked eye. It didn't take two minutes, and the clothes that had just been drenched were completely dry.

Children are chasing and playing, a child may be anxious to be chased, and jumped directly onto a big tree.

It seemed that he was doing this for the first time. He didn't dare to come down holding the trunk, so he cried with fear.

Upon seeing them, a Chinese soldier who was watching them hurriedly said a few words to comfort him, and then with a light pressure on his feet, he rose into the air and stood on the tree trunk beside the child.

He picked up the child in one hand and spread out with the other. At such a high distance, he jumped down without hesitation.

After he landed steadily, he put the kid who was holding him and choking in fright on the ground, and said softly, "Okay, don't be afraid, you already have spiritual power in your body, so you don't need to jump when you play. Is very high, you know?"

The child wiped his tears and nodded obediently.

The soldier patted him on the head and told him to continue playing.

This scene is so cute and very yearning.

Even if so many days have passed, I still thought I was dreaming, why all of a sudden, our country has entered the era of national cultivation.

The child is so cute and talented. He can jump directly on the tree, but I can't even jump on it.

Brother Bing is so handsome! ! Is it my illusion? Why do we feel that every soldier who teaches us to practice training is handsome and beautiful? Does the country choose soldiers as instructors because of their appearance?

Cultivation Customer Service 0009: It's not about looking at the value of the instructor when choosing an instructor, but after practicing, because of the exhausted qi from the body, people will become very energetic, and the blemishes on the face will disappear with the deepening of the cultivation level, so it is their cultivation level Become more outstanding after high school.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, so does the practice also add beauty function! ! I must practice hard! ! !

Will the appearance be improved? real or fake? Why do I still have so many pimples on my face after practicing for so long.

While everyone was talking about it, countries that worked overtime to increase the value of their nationals looked at everything on the right track, and finally began to explain the matter in detail.

Therefore, in the news channel that day, Guo Zi carefully explained the matter up and down.

In the world, there are indeed immortal cultivators all the time.

Why hasn't it appeared before? That's because the earth has very little spiritual power before. It doesn't mean that anyone can do it if you want to step into the threshold of cultivating immortals. Moreover, at that time, you will prolong your life by cultivating at that time.

The person who prevented the meteorite from falling at the time was indeed a cultivator.

This man is called Ji Changze, who followed his master to cultivate immortals since he was a child. After the meteorite descended, he first prevented the meteorite from hitting humans, and then noticed that the spiritual power content in the air as the meteorite arrived was thousands of times higher than before.

Let's make an analogy.

If it is said that cultivation is equal to eating.

Cultivation used to be a meal and a grain of rice, and there was nothing to do if you didn't have enough.

So when you practice cultivation now, it means that a meal is full of delicacies from the sea and the mountains, and it is placed on a table full of them.

Of course, this meal is not only for humans, but also for all creatures on the earth. The instinct of living creatures is to absorb substances that are good for them. This is true for humans, as are other animals and plants.

So even if animals and plants do not deliberately and consciously practice like humans, they will still involuntarily absorb spiritual power, because the spiritual power content is different from before, and their body shape and appearance will be greatly improved.

Everyone can see if the flowers and plants are bigger than before.

At that time, if human beings remain the same, they will definitely be unable to defeat these animals and plants. Therefore, the monk Ji Changze stepped up and taught everyone the mentality passed down by his master's ancestors. I hope everyone will not just treat cultivation as a fresh and fun extension. You need to be diligent about lifespan. After all, you have to rely on cultivation to save your life.

Especially for children, parents shouldn't just give in to the children blindly. They feel that it's okay not to practice at a young age. It's better to start with practice as young as possible. And even though the Chinese government will still protect everyone, the prospects are not clear. It's better to be self-protective.

For example, children, if they learn how to fly with a sword, at least they will be able to go to the sky if they encounter some beasts.

Then, they released a picture of Ji Changze, expressing that all the people of China would like to express their gratitude to him.

People who were absorbing what the national mother said were shocked when they saw Ji Changze's photo.

"Fuck, so handsome!!"

"Sure enough, practice can improve your appearance!"

"How can my mother be so handsome and still young? I remember teaching our sister Bing that if the realm of Xiuxian is high, she can be immortal. This handsome guy won't be eighty years old this year."

Everyone in China is cultivating vigorously, and the most vigorous are the girls who want to be beautiful. One by one, they just dance with the smell of chickens, and can't wait to turn themselves into stunning beauties right away.

People from other countries are envious of the attitude of the Chinese government, which is like a chicken mother and a cub, and they don't want it.

We have to practice too!

Now the air tickets to China are simply not available. If we can't go, can't the government negotiate with China?

Didn't Hua Guo also say that this is a major event for all mankind? Obviously they don't care that people from other countries learn to cultivate immortality. Why hasn't our country started to act? They are all learning, and we!

We want to cultivate immortals! To cultivate immortals! ! !

Many Chinese who can climb the wall look at them almost asking for their own country to carry out immortal cultivation activities, don't mention how proud they are.

A lot of things are fear of comparison.

Especially when the country of China is happy for the whole people to cultivate immortals, but when they can only watch, the goodness of China is directly shown thousands of times.

I want to be a Chinese. Their country has always treated their people very well. I still remember one time when I went on a trip. It happened suddenly there. At that time, a group of people who came to travel were thinking of a way to go home. The two Chinese people called their embassy directly, and before half a day, China actually arranged a plane to send them back home.

This time I found immortal cultivators, Hua Guo's response was to arrange for the people of the whole country to cultivate immortals, and their country is not at all busy. With such an orderly arrangement, with such a large population in their country, in just a few days. What a powerful and terrifying execution power is that people all over the country are cultivating.

Free teaching is already surprising. They even directly included cultivation in the nine-year compulsory education. Do you understand what this means? This means that as long as they are Chinese citizens, they can be taught and practiced by the most formal master for free from the time they go to school.

Hua Guo is more than just showing off this time, it is simply the top spot.

The more foreigners want to cultivate but fail to cultivate, the more proud the Chinese people will be, and the more attentive they will be in cultivation.

In the entertainment videos, more of the progress of everyone's cultivation, various cultivation skills, and their own discoveries began to appear.

Work is naturally still running. After all, even if it is going to heaven, don't you still have to eat, drink and have fun?

Ji Changze opened several live broadcast rooms to teach his experience, and each time the number of people was full and it was too crowded, so he could only record the video and post it online.

Everyone knows that he is a cultivator who takes out his mind.

All over China, no, the whole world has known this cultivator named Ji Changze.

Other countries have successively offered prices that satisfy China.

This time Hua Guo is indeed the first big winner.

China has the most cultivators and the highest cultivation level, and at the same time the country has won a lot of benefits.

Even if China is obsessed with basic training and infrastructure, trying to build high-altitude flight channels and other equipment that is convenient for repairers, it does not have to pose as a big brother internationally. After all, the era of great purge has come, and the enemies of mankind are not of the same kind. It is the animals and plants that are slowly growing, but everyone knows that China today is indeed the world leader.

Ji Changze has only arrived in this world for less than half a year, and has given it a complete and earth-shaking change.

What effect will be achieved when technology and practice are combined?

In short, both sides are developing rapidly.

Chen Caoye is a hiker.

He likes to take risks and also likes to meditate.

Because the family is not short of money, and he does not need to bear any pressure, Chen Caoye can fully devote himself to the things he likes.

Before the meteorite descended, Chen Caoye prepared enough food for several months, chose a place where there were no people and not many creatures, and prepared to meditate for several months.

He walked there on foot, and the idea was to wait until after leaving the customs and then walk back on foot.

At the beginning, a person will feel a little sad in a quiet place, but after getting acquainted with the silence, everything seems to become lighter, and even feel that you can stand high in the sky and see the world. .

This was something Chen Caoye had never felt before. He was able to sense that he had touched a bit of a strange state. He was very happy for this, and even wanted to go home early to share with his friends for the first time.

Chen Caoye naturally didn't know that this was because the spiritual power in the air had changed, and his calmness allowed him to absorb more spiritual power.

He resisted the urge to go home and continued to meditate hard.

This time the meditation got results, so the time stretched a lot, until the last food was also eaten, Chen Caoye reluctantly left, ready to go home on foot.

The place he chose to meditate was an old forest deep in the mountains. Before there were not many plants for mining, he lived in a small wooden house and ate what he brought. When he was thirsty or needed water, there was a spring near him.

Originally, he only had to go down the mountain. Chen Caoye was still thinking about whether he should stay with the simple villagers for one night and wash himself up before going home.

As a result, as soon as he went down the mountain to the middle of the mountain, he was dumbfounded to find that there were a few half-human rabbits in front of him who were immersed in the grass.

When the rabbits saw him, they didn't hide, so they rushed over.

Chen Caoye was so scared that he almost didn't scream. When his body instinctively retreated, a person suddenly fell from the sky, and his sword turned out to be a rabbit.

Before Chen Caoye could react, he saw the other side's face.

"Liu Erye?"

"Hey, Mr. Chen, you just came down the mountain? I said, how come someone saw a rabbit and didn't know how to fight it."

Liu Erye was the real master. In Chen Caoye's impression, he was full of wrinkles and gray hair. He was a very kind grandfather. Every time Chen Caoye came to the mountain to meditate, he lived in their home when he went down the mountain.

But now, the wrinkles on Liu Erye's face have been reduced by more than half. Not to mention, his gray hair has actually started to turn black, and even his rickety waist has been straightened, and his spirit is much better than before.

Chen Caoye was dumbfounded: "You, why did you become like this?"

"Hey, it's not a problem recently. My daughter is staring at me every day to practice. Not to mention, the teacher who teaches the practice has said, don't look at my age, my talent is better than the whole family, look, I'll be able to build the foundation soon."

Chen Caoye; ""

"Cultivation? Building and foundation building?"

Is his way down the mountain wrong?

"Oh, look at my memory, Mr. Chen, you stayed on the mountain for a few months, don't you know, our country of China is now cultivating by the whole people, you have lost the progress of your cultivation for a few months, so you should make up for it quickly. , Or if you run into these rabbits or pheasants, you will definitely not be able to beat them."

After being popularized by Liu Erye, Chen Caoye went down the mountain in a daze after half an hour.

It was okay when I was in the village. The villagers still should do what they did, but the old aunts who used to chat with the east and the west at the entrance of the village changed to chat about whose children have high talents, whose children are diligent, and where and where foreigners run again. Come to China and want to apprentice.

Walking all the way to the town, the lively market just gave Chen Caoye a sense of chaos in time and space.

"Sold flying swords, flying swords, Mr. Ji has the same flying sword, you deserve it, sir, look at this flying sword, it's well-made, and even a 200-jin fat man can fly on it, as long as the repair is enough. It flies faster than an eagle, and this rune paper, the cleaning spell, can quickly clean the dirty places in the house with a little spiritual power. This is what I drew based on Mr. Ji's tutorial, which is very useful."

"Come on, everyone, take a look. The genuine Ji Changze teaches you the right way to practice. It's better than elementary school textbooks. It's very cheap. Buy one, get one free."

"Eh, who do you sell this pig tooth to? Such a boss, even the tooth can be as high as someone, and there is no place to put it as a decoration."

"You think I think, this wild boar grows up to be fierce. I was asleep in my room well. It suddenly broke in. Of course I was going to make a move. He just smashed my wall. If I don't sell it, where can I get the money to make up for the loss."

A carriage flew past the sky, and a few flying swords were dragged under the car. Someone pulled the window of the car and shouted, "Is there anyone going to Yuancheng? Is there anyone going to Yuancheng?"

Chen Caoye was dumbfounded.

Gravity was eaten? ?

No one around was surprised by this. Two people even raised their hands and shouted: "I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm going, wait for me."

Almost three meters high in the sky, the two people jumped up lightly with the next jump, and sat in the car skillfully and naturally.

Chen Caoye: ""

Carriages and carriages can fly

Only then did he discover that there were more straight lines in the sky, just like a road, and looking forward, there were people wearing traffic police clothes standing on flying swords and directing traffic.

Looking further afield, there are carriages in the sky, people, and even a person riding a giant parrot. The parrot's eyes fly by and curse: "Fatty, fatty."

The person sitting on the parrot took the phone and called: "Boss, what's the matter with your parrot, why do you curse people? I'm only one hundred and fifty catties. Where am I getting fat? Can you fly and ride the animal? Cultivate the quality education of these flying horses. This means that I have a good temper, otherwise I will definitely report you on flying horses defending rights."

The parrot heard: "Fly by yourself! Fly!"

"You still talk back to me, if I can fly by myself what I hired you to do, boss, listen to me, it talks back to me"

One person, one parrot, you and I flew away noisily.

Chen Caoye: "The parrot can speak"

The person next to him gave him a surprised look: "Doesn't parrots talk? Especially after the era of the Great Purge, IQ seems to be a teenager now, don't you watch the news?"


Chen Caoye chose a restaurant for dinner in a daze, and there was a TV in the restaurant.

On tv Central Channel, the host is still the same, and the smile is still cordial and friendly. Official: "Recently, my country's flying sword training has begun to bear fruit."

In the video, soldiers in military uniforms stepped on flying swords and flew out of order.

"While residents have begun to choose flying swords to travel, they must also pay attention to road rules and safety. There was such a flying sword collision incident on the 12th."

Chen Caoye: ""

Everything was natural and normal. The people who ate in the store were watching the news while discussing who actually flew after drinking. In the end, he was directly detained for six months of flying sword certification. During these six months, he wanted to go to the sky and could only take a car. And can't fly by himself and so on.

Chen Caoye: ""

I just spent a few months in the deep mountains and old forests! ! !

Why does it seem that the entire era has changed immediately after it came out! ! !