|How are you passing through (end)

Ji Changze had known before that this traverser had no brains, but he didn't expect him to be so brainless.

He just picked up a shovel and dug a shovel of soil, and the traverser couldn't wait to dig the pit by himself, and then lay down afterwards.

If the Emperor Yuanchen and the Queen Mother were just guessing before, then after the traveler proposed to go to Wutai Mountain to eliminate the "enchanting" in his body, it was completely determined that the talent who occupied their body for six years in Changze was an enchanting.

But I don't know what the evildoer did to occupy Changze's body for six years. Emperor Yuan Chen did not act rashly, but agreed with a smile.

The traveler breathed a sigh of relief.

Although that person said it was chosen at random, as long as he stood still as King Hao, he would not believe that the people on Wutai Mountain would dare to get him out.

As for the person hiding in his body.

A newcomer who has just arrived, maybe he hasn't figured out what is going on in this dynasty, and he wants to rob him of his body?

The trip to Mount Wutai was arranged quite quickly.

The traveler never thought that Emperor Yuanchen and the Queen Mother had become suspicious of themselves, and followed them to Wutai Mountain with full confidence.

The master of Mount Wutai indeed has two brushes.

Seeing that there were two souls in His Royal Highness King Hao's body, he looked at Emperor Yuan Chen with a little hesitation.

"Your Majesty, there are indeed two souls in His Highness's body, but Lao Na has never seen His Highness. In the end, Lao Na can't tell which one is the evil spirit robbing His Highness's body."

"Where is it to distinguish."

Since the voice in his body told him that he only appeared when he fell asleep, the traverser has been holding on and staying asleep. Even if he reaches Wutai Mountain at the fastest speed, one day and one night have passed. When he was too sleepy, he became irritable when he spoke.

"This king is standing in front of you, don't you see that this king is the real King Hao? The one hidden in this king's body is just a remnant ghost and delusional to occupy this king's body, it is ridiculous ."

He didn't care about his attitude at all. King Hao is open-minded, arrogant, and likes to lose his temper. The more this is, he can prove that he is the real King Hao.

However, he didn't notice that Emperor Yuan Chen on the side looked at him terribly cold.

Translating what the person who had just traveled through just now fell in the ears of Emperor Yuan Chen, that this guy not only occupied the magpie's nest, but also chased away his younger brother, the real master of this body.

Listening to this, still want to kill them all?

Emperor Yuan Chen asked directly: "Master, since you can see that there are two souls in King Hao's body, can't you really tell which one is the real King Hao?"


The master hesitated for a few seconds before slowly speaking under the confident sight of the traverser: "Lao Na didn't dare to assert, but at present, it seems that it is the one in His Highness's body, as if it fits His Highness's body more closely."

The self-confident expression of the traveler immediately changed.

"What do you mean?! What makes him fit better than me? I am King Zhenhao. He is a lonely wild ghost who has only been here for a few days. Why is he fit better than me?"

He has a hideous face and no royal demeanor.

Emperor Yuan Chen stared at the traveler coldly, really couldn't figure out how he thought of such a person as Changze in the first place.

The old monk was not angry, but hesitated slightly.

"Your Majesty, Lao Na really can't tell, you can only make a decision by your Majesty."

Emperor Yuan Chen only looked at him, and guessed that the old monk must have also identified that the real King Hao in his body, but that the King Hao matter is very involved. If the wrong choice is made, it will kill the real King Hao, Lao. The monk didn't dare to choose by himself.

"Brother emperor, you are naturally going to choose me, brother emperor, I am your brother, is the emperor brother you can tell?"

The traverser was also a little panicked at the moment.

The reason why he proposed to come to Mount Wutai was not because he came to this body first. For six years, he has completely regarded King Hao's body as his own.

That latecomer, how long has it been here, how come to this old monk's mouth, he becomes that person who is more suitable than him.

He looked at Emperor Yuan Chen diligently, trying to make Emperor Yuan Chen choose to stay by himself.

Emperor Yuan Chen quietly looked at the face of his own brother in front of him, and suddenly asked, "Changze, do you still remember when you were eight years old when the border chaos had just subsided. At that time, the emperor said, The emperor's brother will definitely protect you and your mother's life in peace."

"Remember, I remember."

Where did the traveler know that he was eight years old or younger, and he couldn't wait to admit it, and looked at Emperor Yuan Chen eagerly: "Brother Emperor, you must protect me, and you must drive the evildoer out of my body."

Emperor Yuan Chen looked indifferent and didn't mean to reply at all.

With this attitude, no matter how stupid it is, the traverser feels something wrong.

The expression on his face slowly hesitated, and he shouted with a guilty conscience: "Brother Emperor"

Emperor Yuan Chen: "I have never said such a thing to you. Tell me, how do you remember?"

Traverser: ""

Emperor Yuanchen: "In the past, I only felt that Changze was not as good as he was when he was old, and his temper changed a lot because of an illness. Now it seems that you, the evildoer, took possession of my brother's body and used his It's just a matter of occupying the magpie's nest with his identity and his looks. You still want to drive away the real Changze. His heart is shameful."

He turned his head and looked at the old monk: "Master, drive him away, the real Hao Wang Ji Changze is in his body."

"Brother Huang?! It's not what you said, I don't. This one in my body is really not King Hao, Brother Huang?!"

The traverser is really dazed.

From the time he crossed over, he consciously stood at the top of modernity, looking at all the natives of this era with critical and despised eyes.

What do the indigenous people know?

They didn't know that the earth was round, that there were no dragons in the world at all, and where he was a modern traverser who knew much about it.

Speaking of it, the status of King Hao gave him convenience, and if he was reborn as ordinary people, he would still be taught to be a man if he could not live for half a month.

The meaning of going smoothly for six years means that he hasn't learned anything in these six years. He wants to rebel, just like playing a house. There is another soul in his body, and he doesn't want to quietly kill him. Actually asked the emperor for help.

He was afraid that he had become accustomed to using King Hao's body, and he had forgotten that he was also a fake.

In the past, Emperor Yuan Chen only showed his warmth to his family in front of the traverser. This also made the traverser look down on him for a time. He felt that he had no emperor's prestige at all. It was only because of the sudden death of the first emperor that he could rise to the top.

But now, after confirming that the person in front of him is not his own younger brother at all, the Yuan Chen Diguang who really showed his aura is those who are overwhelmed by his aura and can't speak at all.

He didn't know how to defend, so he could only stammer and shout to the emperor brother.

"You don't have to pretend."

Emperor Yuan Chen is really tired of this evildoer begging him for mercy with his brother's face. If the real Changze knows that he does not believe that he is his brother, he would not beg for mercy in such a humble manner. Instead, he would first ask him why he admits. No brothers.

He directly explained the things that he tried out yesterday.

"Let's talk about it, you demon, what method did you use to get into King Hao's body and seize his body."

After that, Emperor Yuan Chen stared at the traveler suspiciously: "Why has Changze been suppressed by you? What demon technique did you use?"

Traverser: ""

He doesn't know any demon technique, he is just a traverser, and what other demon technique can he have.

He opened his mouth to explain, Emperor Yuan Chen had already waved.

In the garden that seemed to be empty just now, the secret guards jumped out almost immediately.

"Watch him well."

With a word from Emperor Yuan Chen, the traveler didn't even have the opportunity to explain, and he was completely controlled.

No hesitation, no free time, or even a chance to speak.

This is the real imperial power of the feudal dynasty.

He used to be aloof, just relying on the identity of King Hao.

Because this is King Hao's body, even if Emperor Yuan Chen hated this evildoer who had snatched his brother's body, he couldn't do anything to him. He just locked him in the dungeon, even in order to prevent him from getting sick. The decoration is also very gorgeous.

It was just a momentary matter, and the traveler never expected that he would have his identity revealed one day.

That's not how it is written in the crossing novel.

Even if he is found out that he is not King Hao, he is a modern man, he has modern technology, and he can bring changes to the world.

Isn't he better than the arrogant King Hao? !

In the dungeon, the traverser tried to explain loudly that he was King Hao at first. When he heard from the guards that Master Wutaishan was already preparing equipment, he wanted to drive him out of King Hao's body and let the real Hao After the king came back, he started to panic completely.

He traveled in a daze, he didn't know anything, and naturally he didn't know what would happen to his body if he was touched.

Will it disappear completely, will it return to the modern age, or will it have a body again.

The unknown is the most terrible.

If he is an adult and he still has some endurance, then in the past six years, he has been used to being a superior king of Hao, he can't imagine how miserable he will end after losing all of this.

Ji Changze watched all this happen, watched the traverser panicked, watched the traverser want to explain but couldn't say anything, so he yawned calmly.

It looks like you are about to be driven away. It's really gratifying. Don't worry, although I am not King Hao, in this body, I can definitely do better than you.

"What nonsense are you talking about! I'm not King Hao, are you right? They can't tolerate me as a counterfeit, can they still tolerate you! Look at it, I've lived here for six years, I know How did you fool them, you? You know nothing, who can you fool!"

Don't say anything, no matter how much you say, you won't be able to change the fact that you have robbed King Hao. What use is it for you to tell me? Might as well speak to the emperor and the old monk.

The traverser feels extremely innocent.

"Is that I grabbed it? Crossing is not my volition. I went into his body as soon as I died. Do you think I am willing to be in such a backward feudal place?"

Oh, you are kind of wronged.

Ji Changze Haha: Well, you didn't come voluntarily. If you want to rebel, it's always you, right? King Hao and his emperor brother have a deep brotherhood, how about you? Using his body to rebel, you are not afraid that the ghost of King Hao will ask you to ask for a dream.

The traverser stopped talking.

Ji Changze continued to struggle: I have been observing you for several days. What do you think about every day? Isn't it how many women will be wanted in the future, just want to be famous and famous? Do you have that ability? You can't even write. If you didn't use the identity of King Hao, how good do you think you can hide in the past six years? You don't have to work hard to approve memorials, supervise military officials, and pay attention to major events in the world. Just what you eat and sleep every day, the emperor gets up at 4 o'clock every morning, can you? He can read memorials all day, can you? What can't you do? Dreaming of being number one, you really think that you have the ability to have a good-looking and capable body? But let it fall, no matter who you are, you are you, and you will never learn the advantages of King Hao.

He said so many words in a calm breath, he didn't feel tired, but he almost didn't anger the traverser to death.

Ji Changze knew how the traversers would react, and he did it on purpose.

Three thousand big worlds, three thousand small worlds, so many worlds are naturally indispensable for traversers, but if you travel back to travel, you have to get the consent of the original owner of the body.

If someone is dead and you come in, that's okay, but at any rate the other relatives and friends treat you sincerely. If you don't think of yourself as the original owner, you will treat his relatives and friends as if they are your own relatives and friends, so don't harm others anyway.

Ji Changze had heard of a kind of person before.

They are called predators, and they are not plundering finances or status, but plundering bodies.

Traveling through various worlds, looking for the kind of good seedlings that are good in all aspects, and if you find something that suits your heart, you will squeeze into the person's body directly and grab control of the body from the body owner.

Generally, this kind of people have strong thoughts. In order not to miss their hands, they are always looking for young children. The children are ignorant and weak in spirit. These predators can naturally take away the physical control of these children easily. right.

In order to replace the other person in living in this world and not be excluded from the world consciousness, the predators will personally wipe out the souls of these children.

When they disappear, a suitable soul vacancy will be vacant in this world, and the predators will naturally be able to top it.

Ji Changze met several times when he was just on the mission. Most of these predators have no affection for the family of the original owner. In order to obtain the rights of the world, they will rebel, civil strife, and win, sit in a high position and be happy. Leave this shell behind and find another suitable body.

As for whether the original owner's family was involved by himself? What matters to them.

This traverser is not a predator, but he is more shameless and hateful than a predator.

Ji Changze continued to scare him: Do you know what will happen if you are kicked out? Without your body, you can only become a ray of remnant soul. When the wind blows, you will be blown away. Wild dogs can see you and will chase and bite you. And most importantly, you will slowly , Disappear slowly, do you know why it disappeared? Because there is no body in this world, the world consciousness does not recognize you and will not send you where the dead are.

So, what are you tossing about, if you can be like the real King Hao, the emperor will not believe you?

Following what Ji Changze said, the traverser gradually turned pale.

"No, no, I can't leave this body, I came through, I am the protagonist! How could the protagonist be driven away!"

Chi, it's the protagonist, how can you have such a protagonist who has bad views.

When it comes to the protagonist, Ji Changze feels like the protagonist. Looking at him, he has a clever mind and a sincere person, and he is also very kind.

Thinking about it, it's pretty beautiful.

This world is really not difficult. He tossed so much. On the one hand, he did not want to take away King Hao's body. On the other hand, he also wondered how the traverser had tossed so many things in the original timeline. Point compensation.

He continued to babble: By the way, do you remember how you died when you died? Tsk tusk tusk, I heard that those lonely ghosts will repeat their own death process over and over again. If you die in a painful way, then you will be miserable. If you want to repeat it every day, it will be painful again. Repeat it ten times, it will hurt ten times.

And there is no one to enshrine the lonely wild ghosts, they will be hungry, very, very hungry, how does it feel to be hungry? Have you ever felt it? I have felt it before, it feels uncomfortable, anyway, it is quite exciting, I still want to see what you look like when you are hungry.

The face of the traverser can no longer be described as pale, and now it is completely green.

"You, are you scaring me?"

Frightening, not frightening, don't you know when you are kicked out of this body? Anyway, now you can't come up with proof that you are King Hao at all. Emperor Yuan Chen has determined that I am the real King Hao, and treats you as an evildoer. I, don't worry about everything, just wait to come out and occupy this body.

At that time, I will be filial to my mother, be a good man, and treat the emperor as a good brother. I will do well.

Traverser: ""

His mind was not good at first, but now that sudden big changes have caused Ji Changze to flicker like this, his expression really hesitated.

In the evening, Emperor Yuan Chen received news that King Hao was arguing to see him, and that he had something very important to tell him.

After all, this evildoer still occupies his brother's body, after thinking about it, he still went.

The traverser knew that he couldn't argue no matter how much he argued, so he happily explained his origins clearly.

Emperor Yuan Chen's expression is quite difficult to say: "You mean you are from 700 years later?"

The traverser nodded.

Emperor Yuan Chen: "My brother is dead. Did you enter the body after he died?"

The traveler hurriedly nodded: "It really wasn't him who I killed. I didn't have that ability. I came here by accident after he died."

Emperor Yuan Chen: "Changze is dead, who is the other person in the body?"

"I'm a traverser like me, he is also a modern person. He came here to snatch this body, Brother Emperor, although I am not the real King Hao, but I called you Brother Emperor for six years, how many more are we? Shao is also a bit affectionate, what about him? A stranger, do you really want to drive me away for him?"

Emperor Yuan Chen: Ha ha.

"Do you still want to deceive me? The other person in your body is clearly my imperial brother. Now that we are, you still want to deceive me and let me kill the imperial brother and leave you behind?"

Traverser; ""

"Really not!!!"

"He is really a traverser too!! He is the same as me!!"

However, no matter what he said, Emperor Yuan Chen looked like he didn't believe it.

The traversers are almost desperate.

He had already told the truth, why the emperor just refused to believe it.

This guy in the body is clearly the same as him, so why should I drive him away and leave him behind?

Ji Changze said leisurely: Don't think about it. Compared with you, everyone will not think I'm fake. I would also like to thank you for speaking of it. If it weren't for your righteousness, it took six years to be a bad example. , I can't just sit back and enjoy it.


Now it seems that trying to persuade the emperor to keep him is impossible.

But he must not be a lonely ghost.

"Do you think I will just disappear? I have a lot of modern technology in my mind, even if I don't remember it very clearly, just take it out and ensure that the feudal emperor abandons you. This is something that can change time."

Ji Changze: Oh, why didn't you take it out before.

Traverser: ""

It's not that he wants to keep these as his own political achievements. He wants to pull Yuanchen down. If he really hands those skills to Yuanchen Emperor, wouldn't it be to strengthen the enemy's power?

The traverser is full of confidence.

The things he can take out are enough to change a country.

Emperor Yuan Chen was the emperor, so he didn't believe that he could resist such temptations.

He was full of confidence, and only felt that his solid position was just around the corner.

Three days later, the soul was sent to a farmer who had just died of illness, and the traveler opened his eyes with a sad face.

The gangster is still the gangster, but this time, without the gorgeous treatment, only the wall of torture instruments.

Ji Changze stood behind Emperor Yuan Chen gleefully looking at him, saw him looking towards him, winking at him triumphantly.

Emperor Yuan Chen really couldn't resist the temptation and temptation brought out by the traveler, but why did he have to choose one of the two?

"Brother emperor! Brother emperor, look at the person standing behind you, look at him! He is also a fake!!!"

He became a prisoner, but the other party replaced him as a noble prince. The mentality of the traveler collapsed and he grabbed the railing and roared.

Then, he watched Ji Changze, who was still full of complacency just now, grabbed the sleeve of Emperor Yuanchen and frowned: "Brother Emperor, who is this person, why does he call you Brother Emperor?"

Traverser: ""

"What are you pretending to be!!! You counterfeit!!!"

Seeing the crazy traverser, Emperor Yuan Chen stretched out his sleeves in disgust to block his brother in front of him; "Changze, this is a lunatic, just show you him."

This attitude of caring for a weak brother made the traveler even more crazy.

"He is also a traverser!! He is also a traverser!!!"

It's a pity that there are too many lies, but no one believes the truth, at least Emperor Yuan Chen doesn't believe it.

He said to the guards: "Let him come up with a way to make our country stronger and prosperous. At least one way a month must be devised, and it must be useful. If he refuses, he will be severely tortured and left a sigh of relief."

After finishing talking, the tone towards Ji Changze became gentle again: "Okay, Changze, the emperor will take you back. Didn't you say that you want to send Ru'er to marry? You should look for a good candidate."

The brothers walked away together, and they could still hear the heart-piercing voice of the traveler.

"He is really a traverser!!! He is not King Hao!!!"

Since Yuanchen ten years ago, this country has undergone unprecedented changes.

One by one, novel objects that can benefit the people and vigorously develop the economy have appeared, letting the court earn a lot, and there is still room to build an army.

The happiness of the people soared, and the salary of court officials also soared. In the eyes of everyone, Emperor Yuanchen was no longer his majesty, but their faith.

Compared with Emperor Yuanchen, his brother Hao Wang looked much more ordinary.

King Hao has never married his wife and only has a bunch of cats. His life span is shorter than that of his brother, but he is still dead. After his death, Emperor Yuanchen, who has guarded his brother for his entire life, ordered the craftsman to be in the tomb of King Hao. Create many cat statues.

Later generations were surprised to find such a record when investigating history. It is said that King Hao was possessed by an evil spirit when he was nine years old, and he had occupied the identity of King Hao for six full years without being noticed. However, King Hao loved cats, and this evil spirit did not Did not like cats, this was discovered by Emperor Yuan Chen.

It was precisely because of this incident that Emperor Yuanchen ordered a cat statue to be built in the tomb of King Hao.

But this period of history always makes people wonder whether it is true or false.

The public is still more inclined to have a traverser in that dynasty, but no matter how to verify it, they can't find who this traverser is and where he lives.

One time, a farmer reclaimed wasteland, but found a dungeon underneath.

There is a human skeleton in the dungeon that has been dead for a long time. Judging from the chains on the ground, he was locked in the chains until he died, but I don't know what he committed. Such a big dungeon actually only holds him.

The archaeologists came here and found nothing. They can only be regarded as the private prison of a powerful man hundreds of years ago.

This incident was carried lightly in the news. No one paid attention to who was dead and what he had experienced before in life. Naturally, no one knew. This is the traverser that many people are looking for.

Ji Changze slipped very fast this time. He really didn't want to pretend to be the real Xiaohao King. After sending away the queen mother, seeing that his age was almost the same, he came and died peacefully in his sleep.

As usual is to continue the task.

When I opened my eyes this time, there were a lot of people in front of my eyes.

The first one was an old lady with wrinkles. Seeing him waking up, her face immediately burst into a surprise smile: "Nagaze, you are awake, eh, but you can worry about grandma, hurry up. Hold on, hurry up and bring the meat to me Changze."

"Dear darling, you really suffer from old sins. You don't want to work and don't work. Our family doesn't lack that point of work. How can someone say that you can't work if you are injured, so you just go down the mountain. Jump, but the milk is so distressed, the second child, what are you doing in a daze, serve the meat!"

Roaring impatiently at a middle-aged woman behind, the old lady turned around again and looked at Ji Changze tenderly and kindly: "I have eaten this meat well and raised my body. The milk went to the captain and said to me. If he insists on letting you work, I'll be stuck in front of his house. I'm his third aunt and second uncle's daughter who grew up with his brother. If we have relatives, he has to call me aunt. I don't believe he dares. Don't listen to me."

This relationship is not so, the old lady is afraid that it is not his own milk.