|The lazy man in the chronology (2)

Standing on the steps, Ji Changze stretched his waist, watching Aunt Ji San while busy working in the kitchen, while taking the time to look back at him, his eyes were full of incredible and unbelievable.

He was not surprised.

If the second aunt Ji at home is the kind of honesty, no matter how hard she is, she can't accept a type of complaint, then Aunt Ji is a little more active and dare to make small movements.

But she would definitely not dare to do anything bad, otherwise she wouldn't let the original owner be arrogant for so long.

It takes some time to prepare the meal. After he stretched his waist, he walked openly towards the door. Aunt Ji San's neck was almost stretched to grow a giraffe. When he went out, he could only take it back unwillingly. .

It's a coincidence that Ji Changze stood at the door and just walked up to him to cheer up the original owner's "friends" who went out to "play two".

This man is called Wang Daqiang. He has an ordinary name and an ordinary person. He is about the same age as Ji Changze. He may want to lean on the side of the tiger, but it is a pity that he does not look like a tiger. The leg was injured.

"Changze, I happened to meet you, how is it? Did you get the money?"

Wang Daqiang leaned over very familiarly, with his hand on Ji Changze's shoulder, and he said to himself: "You brave brat, I asked you to think of a way to not work, you actually jumped directly from the mountain, but Yes, in this whole village, you are bold enough."

"Your grandma feels bad, isn't it? People who came here told you that asking for money is the most appropriate at this time. It is especially easy to get the money, let alone."

Ji Changze listened to him silently, and a smile appeared on his face: "Brother Qiang, what about you? You said you want to take me to the city to play, how much money did you prepare? It should be easier for you to ask for money than me. Right?"

Wang Daqiang's face became stiff, and he didn't know how to answer the conversation.

This person is full of bad water, but there is a reason why he specifically picked Ji Changze Keng.

He and Ji Changze were born in the same year, his parents and grandfathers died early, and they were also brought up by their parents and grandfathers.

The same thing is still Wang Daqiang's uncle, second uncle and third uncle, who also gave birth to a bunch of golden flowers without sons.

The only difference from Ji Changze is that they don't have a son in their family, so they regard Ji Changze's nephew as a treasure. When he arrives at the Wang's house, he will not give birth to a son, and Wang Daqiang's three uncles will not give him any advantage.

They are not fools. What kind of stuff is Wang Daqiang, can they still be unclear when they grew up with him?

The grandma of the Wang family is a good temper, it is impossible to be like Grandma Ji, crushing the two sons and the daughter-in-law to help raise the nephew. The three uncles of the Wang family really regarded Wang Daqiang as a real person.

Even if he did give him money, he was afraid that he would not get a return in the future.

I really have money in my hands, so I might as well leave it to my own daughter, who at any rate is the flesh and blood of her own, and can help more or less.

Besides, they are not very old anymore, and they may have another one when they are not yet fifty.

Yang Wang Daqiang, this one who is unworthy? Come on, hope he might as well bring a baby back.

Therefore, Wang Daqiang had the heart to be a young master for nothing, but his three uncles were not easy to fool, and no one was used to him.

If so, Wang Daqiang would gradually accept his fate.

But there is also Ji Changze in the village.

Ji Changze and his two uncles, who are real fools, are actually willing to help their brothers raise children, and it takes more effort than the biological ones.

The two were obviously in exactly the same situation, but the treatment they encountered was very different.

Ji Changze didn't work, that's right.

Wang Daqiang does not work, it is lazy bones.

Every day Ji Changze hides and exposes his delicate skin and tender flesh. The handsome man who is praised by the Ji family is very comfortable when he looks at it.

Wang Daqiang can't get down to the ground, that is to take advantage of the opportunity to be lazy and to be taught.

Ji Changze wanted to eat something, howls, and his sisters gave him food.

Whatever Wang Daqiang wants to eat, even if it is called Potian, his cousins ​​will not be able to kill him. If they are quarreled, they might even file a lawsuit against his uncle.

Wang Daqiang stopped doing it.


In the same situation, at the same age, the same older sisters are all males. Why would Ji Changze be pampered by his family for eating and drinking, he would not get this kind of treatment.

Of course, his grievances were directed at his three uncles at first, and after measuring the uncles' sturdy muscles and tall blocks, he immediately regained his grievances consciously.

It just depends on the boy Ji Changze who is not pleasing to the eye. Of course he is not pleasing to the eye because he is bullying, it is because he is too arrogant.

Really get started, Wang Daqiang still dare not.

He happened to be a left-handed gangster. He had heard of so-and-so gambling, and even lost his family. He still owed a large debt. After thinking about it, he came to Ji Changze Tao and wanted to hook him to gamble.

The original owner couldn't help being tempted. As soon as he heard it, he immediately said that he could not work, and when he was done, he would take the money and go out with him.

But, now it's Ji Changze.

"Brother Qiang, talk, how much did your family give you? You show me that I have a bottom line in my heart."

There is no money in Wang Daqiang's hands. Even if his grandmother spoils him, he is sloshing here and there every day. It's weird that he can keep the money.

Ji Changze looked at him suddenly suspiciously; "Brother Qiang, don't you say to take me to play? You can't take half of the money yourself, right? Even if you don't bring money, you can bring some food stamps. If you don't bring anything, let me bring the money, right?"

Wang Daqiang: ""

He is interested in this.

But naturally I can't say that on the face. Wang Daqiang smiled dryly: "Well, I don't want to see if you are ready? I have all the money at home."

"Oh" Ji Changze nodded suddenly: "The money is at home, then you can get it, and we will leave if you take the money."

Wang Daqiang's smile became even more rigid.

Where does he go to get money, he.

"Changze, how much did you ask for your milk? Is it enough for fun? If you don't have enough money, we won't go."

Ji Changze made a gesture: "Five yuan, and a few more food stamps, is that enough, Brother Qiang?"

Wang Daqiang almost didn't stare out his eyes.

five yuan? ? ! !

I knew before that Ji's family favored Ji Changze, but I didn't expect to be so spoiled. When he asked for money, he could actually ask for so much.

If these five dollars were given to him, it would be enough for him to spend a long time.

Wang Daqiang now regrets the idea of ​​taking Ji Changze to the gambling shop before. It is cheaper than others. It would be better if the money could be in his hands.

He has learned a few tricks and tricks, although he can't fool people who play often, can Ji Changze, who has never gambled before, still can't fool you?

After he thought of this, he couldn't hold it down anymore, swallowed, his smile became a little sincere, and said to Ji Changze: "Changze, otherwise we won't go to town to play. It will take a lot of effort to come back. It's better for our brothers to play alone. Both belong to the same village. You can play whenever you want, don't you think?"

Ji Changze smiled and nodded, looking very good at talking: "Okay, Brother Qiang, then listen to you, and our two brothers will play alone."

This Ji Changze really hadn't seen the world before, so he was so foolish.

Moreover, after making money, if Ji Changze regrets and wants to get the money back, he can completely deny pretending that there is no such thing.

After all, he used to look down on Ji Changze and never interacted with each other. In the eyes of the villagers, the two of them had no friendship.

Every time he seeks Ji Changze, it is a period of time when no one has been specially selected. At that time, a person like Ji Changze who "has never had a relationship with him" suddenly "slanders" him for betting money to win himself. He can stand innocently Show it out.

what? I'm not familiar with Ji Changze, what's the money? I don't know, I've never seen it, I've never heard of it.

When he thought that he would have an income of five yuan, Ji Changze would still be vomiting blood from him, Wang Daqiang almost didn't laugh.

Ji Changze: "But Brother Qiang, do you have five dollars? If you don't have any money, I won't play with you."

"Yes, yes, I left it at home, I will go back and take it now."

The fat sheep in hand can't run away, right? Wang Daqiang hurriedly responded, and while walking back, he didn't forget to tell Ji Changze: "You wait, I will come to you with money soon. Let's have a lot of fun with our brothers."

Ji Changze smiled and stood there watching him go away.

As soon as he left, he rested on the spot for almost ten minutes before moving on to the other road.

Wang Daqiang must have no money in his hands.

But if he wants to earn Ji Changze's money, he also has the capital, so it's easy to think of where the money comes from.

It was not time for work, the men were resting in twos and threes under the tree, and Ji Changze saw Wang Daqiang's three uncles sitting together chatting at a glance.

"Uncle, I seemed to have seen someone climb into your courtyard just now. My injury is still not healed and I dare not go over it. I'm afraid that if the thief can't beat them, you go back and have a look."

The three of them stood up as soon as they heard, "Did you really see it?"

"I saw it. When I passed by, I happened to see the person turning in. I don't know if it was one person or two people."

"His grandma, dare to steal over us."

The three of them directly picked up their hoes and headed towards their home angrily.

When the other people who were resting on the side heard that a thief had entered the village, they all followed after watching the excitement.

Rare, they can still be patronized by thieves in this poor place.

The three quickly arrived at the gate of the courtyard.

Yes, the three of them live in the same courtyard. Granny Wang and Wang Daqiang live next door. The three people are willing to serve as elderly people, but no one is willing to raise their nephews. This is how they separate their lives. The old man's share was given.

Ji Changze followed behind, watching the three people unlock the door and enter.

As soon as Wang Daqiang who sneaked in found the money, he directly exposed the money to his three uncles.

"Uncle, uncle and uncle, listen to my explanation. I don't want to steal this money from you. I want to borrow it and use it. After it's used up, I will return it to you. I promise to return it in the afternoon and afternoon. Really!! Uncle, don't fight, don't fight, I know it's wrong."

After a while, Wang Daqiang was kicked out crying and crying. His three uncles were not so temperamental, and they didn't have any soft hands. He was trembling when he walked because of pain.

"Are you borrowing money?!!! To borrow money is to borrow from us, and we only give it to you when we agree. You are stealing! How can you raise a gadget like you, steal money from your family, and pay it back? If it weren't for Ji Changze to see someone come in over the wall, would you pay it back??! I'll kill you little beast!!!"

The beaten Wang Daqiang accurately captured the three characters of Ji Changze.

Ji Changze informs? ?

He was shocked and full of anger and looked at Ji Changze who was standing in the crowd watching the excitement: "Ji Changze!!! You betrayed me!!!"

Ji Changze's face was also completely blank: "What did you say, Brother Qiang? Why did I betray you?"

"You know I'm going home to get the money, you deliberately told my uncle them!!!"

"How could I know that you are going to steal money, no one in the village knows that we didn't know each other at all before."

As Ji Changze was talking, his face slowly showed anger; "Obviously you are stealing money by yourself, and you blame me. If I know it is you, I will not go to Uncle Wang and the others. You are all a family. People, it's my ass for you to step over the wall and enter the yard."

What this says is the same as it really is.

Anyway, others believe it.

Who didn't know that the two young men in their village who behaved badly didn't know each other before, and they didn't know each other since they were young.

Now it seems that Wang Daqiang has been arrested for a while, his face can't get through, and he is starting to drag people into the water indiscriminately.

Wang Daqiang was stunned.

This is exactly the same as he had expected before, inverting black and white, and doing everything cleanly, without any difference in one step.

But the question is, shouldn't it be him who is acting stupid upside down? ?

He could only watch Ji Changze bang and bang there, "Forget it, you're just jumping over the wall, I don't care about you, but it's not that I said, Wang Daqiang what you are doing, the village knows what you are doing. I, Ji Changze, is the most incompetent. I always say that I am a bad person, but no matter how bad I am, then I am not stealing a dog, let alone someone who stole my own house, tusk tusk."

Wang Daqiang just got stuck in his heart with a single breath.

You Ji Changze is the darling of the entire Ji family. Of course you don't need to steal money if you want money.

He wanted to refute it, but Ji Changze didn't give him this opportunity at all.

"There are so many people in the village that you don't steal. Why do you steal your uncle's house? Oh, I know, you just rely on them as your uncle. Even if you find that you have less money, you can't do anything to you. Now, it's impossible to send you to the police station, tusk tusk, I didn't expect you to be such an insidious person."

Wang Daqiang; ""


All nonsense! ! !

But it was useless to argue, the three uncles standing behind him were already looking at him with gloomy eyes.

Ji Changze: "Everyone, don't get me and Wang Daqiang together in the future. I am not the same as him. No matter how jerk I am, I won't be scheming. Look at me today, but I'm still a hero, or I'm afraid they will be lost. I don't know who stole the money."

Few people boast so righteously these days. Ji Changze praised himself so much. Someone beside him was allowed to enter and praised: "You are doing the right thing. It is not easy for every household to earn money and food. If this really makes Wang Daqiang steal it. Now, life will be sad."

"Hey, I really don't have to praise me. I'm all in the same village. Can I still treat it as if I haven't seen it? Even if it's not Uncle Wang's family, I'll change it to any family in the village. I don't care about it."

Ji Changze himself has a good skin look, and now he stands so righteously and straightforwardly to say such a thing, it is really very convincing.

Especially since he just did a good thing, the big guy looked at him suddenly and kindly.

Wang Daqiang simply watched Ji Changze step on him to gain a good reputation, and his angry face was blue.

"You all let him cheat, it was he who lied to me to go home to get money, saying that he wanted to gamble with me"

Ji Changze touched his injured head and sneered: "Wang Laoqi, my brain fell or your brain fell? Why did my brain break? I gamble with you? Gambling is all done by people with no conscience. Who's from the village next door, Zhao's family, his family's is not because of gambling money, he is a good family, he is tossed and can't eat, I'm crazy, I'm going to gamble, I don't know about you."

"By the way, why would you use gambling money to provoke me? You won't be gambling anymore?!"

"Are you going to gamble for money?!!! Didn't the captain say that gambling is not allowed in the village?! You actually despised the captain!"

This exaggeration, surprise, and with a tone of shock, successfully focused everyone's attention on Wang Daqiang.

"No wonder he always runs to town, it turned out to be gambling money."

"I said the last time I heard his aunt said that he still spends money ruthlessly when he doesn't work. At that time, I was thinking about eating and living in the village. Where can the money be spent? I dare to throw it all into the big hole of gambling money. ."

"The Wang family committed evil, just such a single seedling, actually gambled."

Ji Changze also shook his head, with a look of hatred that iron can't make steel: "Creating evil, committing evil, such a young man, what a bad thing to do, humiliate the family's money."

Wang Daqiang; ""

How can this guy be so capable.

Ji Changze finished dumping the pot and slapped his fart. The stock left: "Okay, my family is still waiting for me to eat, you can toss it yourself, I don't care, anyway, you gamble on money or not, and don't care about me. "

Wang Daqiang: "Don't go, you speak clearly, Ji Changze, Ji Changze, did you hear that, Ji Changze!! You give me back! Uncle, I was wrong, I was wrong, don't fight, don't fight"

After leaving a piece of chicken feathers for Wang Daqiang, Ji Changze strolled back home.

The food and everything were done, and the second uncle Ji and the third uncle Ji sat at the table in a daze, wondering how the meat still had their share.

Aunt Ji was also a little flattered. When she was busy in the kitchen, she sighed to Aunt Ji San: "This kid in Changze is so sensible, he is willing to share the meat with us."

Aunt Ji San: ""

"Second sister-in-law, you can figure out that the meat was given by the big girl, and you and the second brother are the big girls' parents. He should have given it to you a long time ago."

"Hey, we all have old bones. What kind of meat are we eating? Changze just got hurt and needs to make up for it."

Aunt Ji San: ""

I never saw him let out when I didn't need to make up my body before.

She still felt that something was wrong. Ji Changze had always been a master who could only get in and could not get out, so suddenly he was so diligent, who would believe it if there is no ghost.

She carefully pulled the second aunt Ji: "Second sister-in-law, don't you think something is wrong? Changze's temperament, how could he let the meat out."

Second Aunt Ji: "So he is sensible, it's like this when children grow up."

Come on, it doesn't make sense.

Anyway, in this family, she is the only one with bright eyes and bright hearts, so she should stay alert.

So when Ji Changze came back, he faced the second aunt's vigilant little eyes.

He sat down calmly, and while eating, he told the Ji family vividly about the various behaviors of Wang Daqiang just now.

Of course, he didn't say that Wang Daqiang had a history of gambling before, but if the Ji family wanted to think so, he couldn't help it.

Grandma Ji slapped her on the table and slapped her on the table: "Okay, he is a Wang Daqiang. She steals money by herself and wants to spill dirty water on you. Changze, wait, wait until the meal is over, then she will go to his house and scold him. For an hour, he didn't let his curses go stunned, and my old lady followed his surname."

"No, I think he was beaten badly, I guess he is dizzy now."

Ji Changze is still the same as the original owner, eating is like grabbing things, and delicious meat and vegetables are put in his bowl, and he eats wildly.

After that, he put down the bowl and began to justly criticize Wang Daqiang: "As far as I can see, this Wang Daqiang is not clear in his mind. Can gambling be contaminated? Who doesn't know that once gambling, you will never get out again. , Anyway, I don't look down on him. I used to think we were alike, but now it seems that he is really unscrupulous."

"I don't want to see work, and I'm not happy to do things, but I don't want to dip this kind of thing to hurt my family, second uncles, second aunts, third uncles and third aunts, and milk. You are so kind to me, Xin I've worked hard to raise me. If I go to gamble with my family's money, am I still a human? Even if it's for you, I can't gamble! Then Wang Daqiang is a conscience, even if he really wins the gamble. , I certainly won't let his uncles take advantage of it. I'm different. If I make money, my uncles, aunts, and sisters, I'm sure to repay you, second uncle, can you still eat this piece of meat? Yes? It's been a long time since I put it in the bowl and I haven't seen you move. If you don't eat it, I will eat it."

Second Uncle Ji was moved just now. Hearing this, he hurriedly took the meat from his bowl and said, "Second Uncle does not eat, you eat."

Ji Changze immediately thanked him: "Thank you second uncle, I will earn money in the future and I will buy you meat every day."

If a person who is a good person says he is good to you, that is a normal thing for other people.

But a person who was extremely bad before suddenly turned his head back. This is simply a great event worth setting off firecrackers to celebrate.

Plus, people are afraid of comparison.

With Wang Daqiang's negative contrast, and with his just working hard to exaggerate how bad Wang Daqiang is, Ji Changze is just lazy and greedy, and doesn't like to work. He really doesn't have any shortcomings.

Grandma Ji was happy that there were a few more wrinkles on her face: "Milk knows that our parent Ze is sensible. Come and eat more vegetables, eh, milk is so happy."

Aunt Ji San: ""

No, why are you so excited? Isn't it just not gambling? Isn't that what a normal person should do?

She twitched the corners of her mouth and looked to the second aunt Ji: "Second sister-in-law"

The second sister-in-law Ji is also very happy, her eyes are even a little red, and she wipes the corners of her eyes lightly, and sighs at Aunt Ji San: "Look at this child, how sensible. Fortunately, we didn't have a nephew like Wang Daqiang, otherwise. But it's really restless for a lifetime."

Aunt Ji San: ""

I am crazy, or the world is crazy.