|My lord, times have changed (10)

Everyone was stunned.

No one can react to this turning around.

Everyone stubbornly accepted the next world to invade us, then went home stubbornly to hide, and then stubbornly turned on the TV to watch the live broadcast.

At this time, most people's ideas are the same.

Is it dreaming?

Today is April Fool's Day?

I must have not woken up yet.

How good is this? I went to the Ultraman crew next door.

Even if there was no way to accept it, in the end, when seeing the CCTV live broadcast, when the familiar host said those words in a heavy tone, everyone still accepted the reality.

That's right, our world suddenly became illusory.

Now the country is fighting against the demons in the cultivation world next door. This is not a small fight between countries and countries, nor is it a grievance between some countries.

They bluntly came up and invaded.

Who is playing with you? resentment? We don't need grudges, we just simply didn't treat you as the same kind, so we invaded if we wanted to invade.

Older people don't know about magic repair, but most young people know it.

They can't imagine what their world would be like if this magic repair is really like in the film and television works, and the country cannot hold it.

When the host said that "mountains and rivers are still there, Guotai and the people are safe", many people cried.

They thought that this might be the catastrophe.

It's okay if you win, but if you lose, all mankind won't get it.

They can only hold the kitchen knife, stay with their families, and try hard to fight with the country to the end.

They are sad, they are angry, they gritted their teeth, their eyes fixed on the screen, as if waiting for the final judgment.

Then, the picture suddenly became happy.

When Ji Changze made the cannon, everyone hadn't reacted yet.

When the nuclear popped out of the field, everyone was dumbfounded.

These weapons, which even the country would not use easily, seemed to be just useful weapons in Ji Changze's hands. If one was thrown out, he also threw out a bunch of them.

After the last ten nuclear bombs rushed towards the cultivation world, they heard a huge explosion.

The picture is also fluctuating.

But the magical thing is that it is obviously a powerful weapon such as a nuclear bomb, and it should be used in one's own city to injure the enemy eight hundred and one thousand, but the explosion did not affect their world at all.

The soldiers standing underneath, the leader of the different protection team flying above, all stood there firmly.

Only the world on the opposite side where you can vaguely see the sea of ​​corpses is already a black sea.

The demons couldn't get up again, including the demon venerable who was very pretending.

In the past, they could still use clean faces for high status and dirty faces for low status, but now they don't need to forget, everyone is gray.

This joking and terrible war ended hastily.

On the Internet, netizens who were talking comforting and encouraging words to strangers: "..."


"Nuclear bomb?????!!!"

"Tell me, isn't it a dream?! Otherwise, why would my fragile little heart go through such an exciting day."

"Fuck, fuck!!!!"

"I can't speak anymore, oh oh oh I really want to cry, don't we have to fight anymore?!!!"

"Mom!! Come out and see God!!"

The old man standing in front of the TV with a nervous fist released his hand and asked his children, "Did we win the battle?"

The children who tried to find all the knives at home distributed to their families put down the knives with red eyes: "We won, we won."

Seeing that the atmosphere became clear, the little child who knew nothing but knew that the atmosphere at home was suddenly very dignified, so he didn't dare to say anything. He also laughed and applauded, and said: "We won! We won! We won!"

Their world really did it.

The mountains and rivers are still there, and the country is peaceful.

And Ji Changze, who had saved the entire world, hadn't come down yet, he couldn't worry about imagining a protective cover for himself, and then he went to the world over there to take a look.

After staying on the edge of the barrier and looking for a long time, he was sure that the demonic cultivators were all dead.

The camera focused on their hero.

At this time, countless people who were watching the live broadcast realized that the one person fighting against War Moxiu turned out to be a teenager who looked only fourteen or five years old.

He is long and delicate. Although he has just thrown out a bunch of nuclear bombs and blasted the magicians into the sky, his face is white and not stained with dust, and he looks extraordinarily well-behaved and sensible.

The hearts of everyone softened.

Their world was actually carried by such a child who should go to school.

Even the cameramen who risked their lives to broadcast live couldn't help but shoot the camera on their little hero.

That kind of power, one person against everyone, he must be tired.

Will he say the last sentence: "Don't be afraid, everyone, we are all safe." Then he fell down again.

The camera focused on Ji Changze, the quiet and well-behaved teenager:

"I'm! I can't help playing with such a silly thing, and I'm so high-profile that I'm so useless. I knew that this guy was savage, so I should fly up and blow them up right there from the beginning! "

"Junk stuff, I'm pooh!"

When he opened his mouth, Ji Changze, who was facing the white and pure face, looked like a good teacher and a good student, and the face of his parents was good, and he came down to curse.

Cameraman: "..."

People from all over the country watching the live broadcast: "???"

The team members who reacted rushed up and handed over the slippers he had forgotten underneath before flying up: "Head, toe, shoes."

Ji Changze put on his shoes cursingly, and from time to time he looked back at the sky behind him. If the magic repair bubbling again, he would directly rush to fill the posture of nuclear bombs frantically.

"His uncle, I always feel unsafe, or I will throw a nuclear bomb in it again and don't let them pop up again for a while."

Seeing Ji Changze talking and saying he was going to fly up, the team hurriedly stopped him: "Boss, enough is enough, people are blown to dust, don't pass, it's dangerous."

Ji Changze thought about it too.

Ten nuclear bombs passed, not to mention the Mahayana period, even if the catastrophe period passed, he had to weigh it.

He wasn't afraid of nuclear pollution. He aimed at the one when he first threw it over, and immediately dropped the transparent protection over the barrier after the throw was over. The thing was made by it, and he naturally controlled this measure very well.

Squinting his eyes and looking at the big hole in the sky, he made sure that there was no magic repair and climbed out again. Then he took off the backpack and threw it into the hands of the team members:

"Okay, call it a day."

"Notify the electronic group to work overtime, tell them that this is a holographic game testing, um...As for texting, it is said that the game company has hacked the operator and intends to engage in wave marketing. No, this reason seems a bit nonsense."

He thought for a while, closed his eyes and stretched out his hands, slowly adding a large piece of cloth the same color as the sky in his hands.

"Where is the flying ability?"

As soon as he heard the call to himself, the full-faced flying ability player with the other powers ran out and raised his hand: "Boss, I, I, I, I am here."

"Well, all right, take this cloth, go up and paste it in the hole for me."

Flying ability person: "...Boss, it's all this way?"

Ji Changze came up with a brain collapse:

"Are you so stupid! Are you stupid! If you lose, it doesn't matter if you lose! Isn't it special if you win! What's so special! The job of our foreign protection team is to clean up the mess! Are you so special! Do you really think that you are not in the volunteer period right now! Go up to me quickly, don't force me to kick you up directly!"

The person with the flying ability was so scared that he held the cloth and went up, and he didn't know how to paste it up.

The sky is not made of paper or cloth. It can be stitched and patched. This is a vain thing. How can he be muddled.

But he didn't dare to go down and say, "I can't do the job of the boss." In case the other party gets angry and throws a nuclear bomb at him, so he can only fly around in aggrieved situation, but he doesn't dare to come down.

Ji Changze took out a small book from his backpack and began to make a record of the mission:

"What's the date today? Or just say it's April Fool's Day, it doesn't seem to work, let's not be happy about this, damn this silly demon repair, such a fragile batch of blood is so thin and engaged in such a big battle, is it so special? So many people have seen it, how can we be round! Stupid things, I will make me work overtime if I die."

"Okay, let's just say it's holographic technology plus April Fool's Day."

The team members were cautious: "...Boss, this is not April Fool's Day."

"April Fools' Day in China, can't it? We have April Fools' Day in China from today. Is there something wrong? Think about it, the country deliberately made such a show in order to introduce holographic technology and April Fools' Day, eh! I think This sounds pretty good, reasonable and okay! Okay! Report it, just follow this and notify the electronic group to work overtime."

Team members: "..."

Seeing that Ji Changze began to take off the battle uniform that was covered when he first arrived, he changed his normal uniform, stretched his waist, and waved at them: "Go, get off work, go to hot pot."

Naturally, he patted his shoulders at the military brother on the side: "Brother, we will withdraw first. You and the electronic group will handover the rest, just ask them to be in charge of sister Cai."

Brother Jun: "..."

As a military brother who only listened to the national father's training and knew nothing about the unnatural energies of supernatural powers, he didn't even know what to say for a while.

What Ji Changze said was too natural, as if he didn't know that he shouldn't.

It was really a little dazed, and he could only say dryly: "I don't know that sister Cai."


Ji Changze looked at him up and down, and then suddenly, with hindsight, he looked at the back carrying a weapon with a bewildered face. "We were ready to sacrifice ourselves to defend the country, but it turned out to be an escort, and then faced the unexpected difference in the world. Those who are able, so now should I express the "surprise" a lot of soldiers.


The expression on his face suddenly became difficult to express, and he pondered for a few seconds, then turned his head and whispered to the team members: "Why are there people who don't know, so many people, how can I make them shut up?"

The team members were also dry: "Head, boss, they were all alive and dead before, so who cares about this?"

"And I think these people are okay. You have been angry before and we didn't dare to tell you that the above decision was made to show the live broadcast of this battle to the people of the whole country. Everyone coexisted and died. As a result... No one thought of this. You can still make it. Nuclear bomb."

The head of the Yibao group with a young face seemed to be blank for a while, and after a long pause, he said with difficulty; "So...?"

The team members clapped their hands: "It's really not round this time."

The people of the whole country who have witnessed everything:...Just, should we laugh now?

They just watched each other trying to lie to them.

For a while, I didn't know whether it should shock the country that there are such departments, or should I laugh at the current situation.

Ji Changze was silent.

He began to look left and right blankly, as if looking for something.

The team members knew it was going to be bad when he saw his expression. In the next second, Ji Changze locked the camera, put his hand on his waist and started to draw a gun to kill it.

"Boss, calm down, calm down!!! It's live broadcast, the people of the whole country!!!"

"Hug, hug, hug!"

"It's okay boss, the world next door is the world next door, our world is our world, they are fantasy theirs, we are still scientific, hurry up, take away!"

"Let go! I have added so many classes, so many times in the middle of the night I was called up to wipe the butt of the supernatural person. The story must be reasonable and convincing. What's more, my hairline has moved up. Working diligently every day to clean up those little bunnies and make a mess. It is hard to maintain this situation until now. Everyone believes that there is no supernatural power anymore. As a result, you can't hide it from me?? Let me go!!! Lao Tzu It's going to blow up the fantasy world of the ghost day next door!!!"

"Boss, calm down, calm down, let's have hot pot."

"It's not the boss, just keep your voice down. It's live broadcast. Go and go."

Ji Changze was coaxed out of the live broadcast by the players.

The soldiers and policemen who are ready to sacrifice and win without doing anything: "..."

The leaders who gritted their teeth and ordered that the nation must not be reduced to magic repair materials: "..."

The heroes who have witnessed saving the world are serious about trying to lie to them and say that these are all fake people across the country: "..."

It stands to reason that it is time to commend heroes.

As a result, the hero came down and began to think about how to make up to fool them in front of everyone.

This is not embarrassing.

The situation of "We are just an ordinary technological world" that the Yibao Group has painstakingly maintained, is not going to look back in the end.

After discovering that the world crisis had been lifted, the masses returned to their old style of eating melons.

[I found something wrong a long time ago. Do you still remember the incident about the Bulb Man and the Birdman Man? Did you find out? Come on, look at the screenshot. During the live broadcast today, the flying man who was called to fly to the sky, look at his face. , This is the birdman man. ]

[Fuck it really is! ! ! So National Dad really set up a special department to hide these things from us ordinary people! If it hadn't been for the next world to show up directly this time, maybe no one would know after they finished the fight. ]

[I also found the lightbulb man in the video screen, here, standing in this position, he is obviously also a supernatural person. ]

[At the beginning I remember that there was a mental hospital that claimed the birdman man, and offered a reward for looking for a fugitive mental patient, 50,000 per person. At that time, we were still hahahaha. Now think about it, think carefully. ]

[Yes, yes, yes, look at the announcement at that time, it said that those people who claim to have all kinds of strange abilities are mental patients who escaped from their hospital. ]

[The psychiatric hospital has changed its profile and copied it for you to see: This number is a tool number, and it will be updated today. ]

[Hahahahahaha, the vests are all undermined, of course they stopped. ]

[So there really are supernatural beings in our world? ! ]

[Of course it's true. When we played against each other in the daytime today, didn't we use abilities to fight back? Everyone has seen that the nuclear bomb appeared out of thin air. ]

Everyone started to discuss it, and the official must not let them guess. That night, the official announcement came out.

The general meaning is:

Regarding the powers discussed by everyone, some people have turned into powers in recent years, but because most of the powers are young, they can't control their powers well, plus the number of these powers. Rarely, in order to avoid unnecessary panic and confusion, we did not expose the existence of supernatural beings to the public.

As for the ability to fight against magic repair, he is Ji Changze, the leader of the national department's alien protection team. The ability is to create any object through his own fantasy. In this battle, he won the victory by creating thermal weapons. It proves that our technology can still compete with these legendary cultivation methods, so please don't panic because of these unnatural abilities, and we won't be afraid of similar things happening again.

And, about what everyone said about Comrade Ji Changze after the fight, they are only performing his duties as the leader of the alien protection team. This is what their department does, so please don't panic, and don't talk nonsense. We will use a flashlight to take pictures. You have a moment and then you collectively lose your memory. Although we have a nuclear bomb, we still can't make this kind of technology at present.

Balabala, Balabala.

After reading it, the netizens regained the essence of sand sculptures and started to hahahahaha.

[I used to think that the anger of the salvation brother was very familiar, but now I saw the official announcement and suddenly realized it, isn't this the incompetent rage of the social animals? ]

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, my previous job was to conceal the public, but as a result, he worked hard here, and the group of magic cultivators suddenly bubbled up in front of everyone. His hard work was not enough. Is it in vain? Hahahahahaha is so pitiful. ]

[So distressed hahahahahaha. ]

[I said, can you talk about your distress while hahahaha, it seems that you are not sincere at all hahahahaha, wait, why do I have to hahaha. ]

[Little brother, don't be angry, they don't believe that there are no supernatural beings in the world, I believe it! There are no supernatural beings in our world, and I don't believe in those feudal superstitions, come here to hug my sister. ]

[I really can't forget this little brother who saved the world after coming down from the sky, facing such a picture of Zuan cursing with a well-behaved and harmless face, I can't help but laugh once when I think of it, hahahaha. ]

[Don't laugh at others! They are obviously very good! With one person! ! Annihilating the enemy forces, this is a situation that can't be played in a game, so super powerful, okay?! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ! ]

This is true. Although many people smiled and expressed their distress for this social animal salvation brother, everyone saw his destructive power.

Such a great character is actually just the captain of the alien protection team, responsible for the aftermath of the aliens.

Country father must have never known that he has such a high level of force. If he knew it earlier, where would it be necessary to prepare so tragically for the whole country to face it together. According to the country's father's familiar "We fight big things, you don't need to know, just live a good life." "Just fine" urine sex, Mimi will definitely send this big killer to solve it. Maybe they have all penetrated the world next door. The ordinary people here don't know what happened.

So the question is, why is this 25-year-old captain of the foreign protection team with a fifteen-year-old face not known by the national father of the correct force value before.

Country dad also wants to know.

The leader of the alien protection group was almost slumped this day.

He was first comfortable and ready to enjoy a good day, but the magic repair called.

He had just picked up a good mood, bid farewell to his family with heavy emotions, took up Mucang, put his hat on himself as he did when he was young, and went out to fight. When he arrived, he discovered that these magic repairs were real cowhide. Coming down, there was such a big fire pit on the ground.

He had just prepared for the sacrifice that he would rather die than surrender. He planned to kill one or the other even if he died together, but he hadn't played yet, and Mo Xiu hadn't waited for five minutes before being flew up by Ji Changze.

It's time to fly up...

Give me seconds...


So his previous tragic, heroic and heroic are all wasting his expressions! !

The leader is really dumbfounded.

The leadership of the leadership is also very daunting.

If it were not for banning dolls, he would have to think that the leadership of my leadership must also be very daunting.

What do you say?

Suddenly a fox popped out of a good rabbit den and was about to kill all the rabbits. The rabbits were nervously preparing to go to war. As a result, a little rabbit in the den still opened the white cloth on its body, exposing its fangs and rushed up. Killed the fox and protected all the rabbits.

Then said: I didn't expect it! ! I'm a wolf! Want to kill my bunny brothers and sisters? Have your dreams!

The rabbits are stunned to death, okay? !

You are a wolf. Why have you been honestly eating grass with us rabbits?

We especially asked a wolf to wipe the bunny's ass.

Oh my god.

Rao is the father of the country, so he didn't react.

So, the leader was sent to ask.

What's the situation? Why didn't you say you are so good before?

Ji Changze replied very confidently: "Then those people couldn't use this trick before."

This sentence is clichéd but useful.

He was naughty, he was a bit disgusted in his words: "I don't need to use the abilities that came up to make troubles. I just need to tear it with my hands. It's done in twos or twos. There is also that magical thing. Xiu, I didn't work hard, so I punched it twice with my fist, and he was abandoned. It's all like this. It's not worth my ability to use it."

The leader thought about it, too, but thinking about the big oolong that broke out this time, he couldn't help but ask: "Why didn't you tell me before that you still have this trick?"

Ji Changze: "I didn't know how to do it before. Didn't this see the group of people coming to fight and go to school now?"


"Can this thing be learned now?"

"Yeah, isn't there a nuclear bomb manufacturing method on the Internet? I just learned it."


Good, so magical.

He looked at the teammate next to him. The team member who was borrowed by Ji Changze quickly took his computer out. When he looked at the chat log, his jaw dropped: "Really?!"

"This is not a top secret, many students know the manufacturing principle." Ji Changze shrugged.

Team members: "..."


A team member squeezed out a dry sentence: "But knowing that the principle of nuclear bomb manufacturing is not the same as the one that actually made nuclear bombs..."

"Really? Isn't it the same? I feel that what I created seems to be the same as the online pictures, and the lethality seems to be quite good."

The person concerned seemed completely unaware of how big a thing he had done.

He even asked the leader: "Are we really unable to get round? I just thought about a good reason, boss, listen, just give up the treatment? Our different protection group has so much effort up and down. I was quarrelled at least ten times in my sleep at night. It's really the boss, I think we can save it again..."

Leader: "...Then what? I'm finished asking, and I have to submit the information. You have been tired these days. Take a few days off, take a good rest, bye bye bye."

"Boss, wait, don't go, let's discuss it again, what do you think this is actually an alien invasion? Anyway, aliens sound more scientific than their fantasy world, eh! Boss! Boss!"

The leader ran away without looking back.

Seeing that their boss failed to succeed, the team members turned to the side with a grumpy face, hurriedly pleased with a smile and comforted: "Boss, this is actually nothing, or let's go play these days and have a few days off. Well, you can play a lot of projects."

"I don't want to go."

"Then let's go eat hot pot, eat hot pot to celebrate our work?"

"I do not want to eat."

"What about fishing? I remember the boss, you like fishing very much, hahahahaha I still remember the last time we went into the water together, but we all showed a head. You were all submerged in the water. It's a wonderful memory to think of it hahaha Haha..."

His hahahaha laughter gradually weakened to the point when he found that the boss was staring at him coldly with his icy eyes.

"Head, boss, I didn't mean to say that you are short, you are not short, you are considered very tall at the age of fifteen, the real boss, you believe me, I just heard that I was too happy to be on holiday."

Then, the familiar brain collapse and the violent rage full of anger:

"Are you! Are you stupid?! Holidays! Holidays!!! Fart a fake!!! What does our alien protection team do?!!! Our task is to hide everyone from everyone and make these unnatural phenomena look natural Now what?! Everyone knows that this is an unnatural phenomenon, so our department is still! Can it still be there?!!!"

"Holiday! What a special holiday! This is so special called a laid-off!!! I let you take a holiday! A holiday! A holiday!!!"

After taking a sigh of relief (maybe the retaliatory team member said that he was short), the leader of the alien protection team was obviously in a better mood, and went to sleep as soon as the door closed.

All that was left was the team member who had just been stunned for a while, clutching his head and stunned.

what? ?

Are they going to be laid off? ?

Laid-off is impossible.

Others don't say that the country's father will not leave Ji Changze in the state department when he is crazy.

Thus, a new department appeared.

Unlike the previous low-key actions and rubbing their ass around, this time because the supernaturalists have known the whole world, they can be as fair as they are.

Ji Changze was also promoted.

He himself didn't feel much about this high and scary position, but after learning that his new mission was to train supernaturalists and take them through various exercises, he became enthusiastic about his work.

According to the crying complaints of the supernaturalists, they have reason to suspect that this is the grievance of the discipline team who helped them clean up the mess before venting their private revenge.

The people also accepted such a terrifying thunder.

I don't know if it's because the world barrier is completely broken, or because the existence of supernaturalists has been announced to the world, and more and more supernaturalists have registered. The younger ones are arranged to special schools. The older ones are based on personal wishes. arrangement.

Some people with abilities are willing to be ordinary people, and some people with abilities have a heroic dream to join the national department.

Gradually, China returned to its former calm.

At the same time, some supernaturalists put on equipment and radiation protection suits, and cautiously entered the big hole in the sky.

The demon cultivator caught last time said that there are still righteous cultivators in that world. Since this hole can't be filled, they naturally have to take the initiative and contact them first.

They changed into the costumes of the world over there and stepped in under the gaze of their colleagues.

Ji Changze didn't go. His lethality was too strong and his temper was too explosive. Everyone agreed that he should stay with the country's father to be safe.

The supernaturalists entered the world quietly, trying to figure out what the situation was, whether the righteous cultivators would affect them, and how they used the cultivation techniques over there, the righteous cultivators were also here. Open the meeting.

The main content of the conference is: Why haven't you seen those demons make trouble recently?

The demon cultivators used to do relatively small things ten times a month, and three months of doing so. When they did this, the righteous cultivators hated them and wished they died in place, but now suddenly the demon cultivators are quiet. , I didn't go to bully men and women, slaughter mortal cities, and harass the righteous monks. Instead, the major sects felt uneasy.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Maybe the demons are suffocating their energy to make waves.

The last news of the magic cultivator they knew was that the magic cultivator left the gate and ordered all the magic cultivators to go to the magic cave, but before he left the gate, he would not call all the magic cultivators to the magic cave.

This posture is not like just screaming, but like a war.

There are only two groups of forces in the realm of cultivation, and the magic cultivator is about to go to war. Who else can he fight besides Xianzong?

They immediately heightened their vigilance, beware of it, and repeatedly placed protective shields outside several mortal cities that were closer to the demon cultivator, and prevented the disciples from going out, and were always ready to meet the demon cultivator's attack.

As a result, one day, two days, one month, three months, nothing happened.

No, they will have another meeting.

The temperament Sect Master Huoyun directly slapped the table: "Can't wait any longer!! The ghost knows what tricks they are playing!! Anyway, my righteous way is not at odds with the demonic cultivator, they don't call! Let's fight!! "

"Why be so radical, maybe things have changed."

"What else can change, so many demonic cultivators suddenly stopped appearing, isn't there some conspiracy and tricks hidden, can it be that they all bombed together?!"

He was impulsive, and ignoring obstacles, he flew directly to the devil's cave, concealed his figure, and planned to be a probe.

These demon cultivators may be doing something, he has to be careful, or he will be sent by these demon cultivators... Ga? ?

After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, Sect Master Huoyun was stunned.

Demons, really...exploded, exploded? ? ?