The master who is greedy for money and stingy (2)

They waited until Ji Changze left, and the two disciples didn't react until they discovered that the wounds of the senior brother were really healing fast. The terrifying wounds were fast closing together, and the blood no longer flowed. The chest that had collapsed because of the broken ribs. Also returned to normal.

The eyelashes of the big disciple, who had been unconscious, began to tremble, as if he was about to wake up.

"Big Brother"

The youngest Third Junior Sister's tears of surprise fell all at once.

The big disciple really opened his eyes slowly, looked at the junior and junior sisters a little dazedly, then glanced at the top of the cave where they lived: "We went back to the sect? Did I kill the snake? Did you change the reward? ?"

When he heard that the younger brother and younger sister severely injured him with red eye circles, they couldn't help but bring people back to tell the experience of begging Master for medicine, the big disciple's face was a little bit embarrassed.

Since he woke up, he naturally ate Huiyuan Pill.

Master Ke

"He is willing to give medicine?"

The big disciples are not like two innocent juniors and juniors who are guarded by him. He has long seen that the respected master loves money like fate. See that the master gave them a spiritual stone.

Master is willing to give him medicine? Does this prove that in the heart of Master, there are disciples like them?

A little warmth gradually rose in the heart of the big disciple.

Then the second junior brother gave them one medicine by Balabalah, and it was calculated according to the weight of five medicines. This was not enough. He also calculated according to the high interest rate of one yuan-returning pill a month.

Big disciple; ""

The feeling in my heart calmed down instantly.

"Forget it, Master is like that, it would be nice to be willing to lend it to me. His temperament has always been the only way to get in. I never thought of counting on him before I fell into a coma."

The younger brother and younger sister are still too young.

If it was one of the two of them who was injured this time, the big disciple would definitely not bring the person under the Master's Peak. He would directly go to the uncles, whichever is the closest.

The uncles will never stand by, and they will return it to the uncle in the future.

It can be replaced by a master, that's hard to say.

Thinking about it this way, Master can still be considered an improvement.

Even if the interest is added, it will probably take a long time for the three of them to save enough money to pay back a yuan pill. As far as the master is, it will not suffer. If it suffers temporarily, it will also suffer from a bad temper. In the past, it would definitely not be given.

The big disciple was right.

How can people who are greedy for money be willing to suffer a temporary loss?

After he left, he didn't go back to himself, and ran directly to the head of the senior brother.

The head brother is more than 400 years old this year. Although he is an out-and-out old guy, because his appearance has remained in his twenties, he is also a handsome and beautiful man in the wind.

When Ji Changze arrived, the handsome handsome man was closing his eyes and resting, and his apprentices standing underneath were also practicing cross-legged. Obviously, he had just pointed out these disciples.

I just finished pointing the disciple, but when I closed my eyes and rested my mind, I was thinking about all kinds of things in the sect, which is quite a social animal.

Hearing the footsteps, before he could subconsciously judge who the footsteps belonged to, he heard a miserable cry like a dead master: "Master! You must help me!"

Handsome head: ""

With a jump on his temple, a blue vein popped out of his forehead.

The head disciples who were already practicing quietly also quietly opened their eyes, making eye contact with each other.

The little uncle is here again.

It must have come to the respected master for something.

Why is this little uncle like this? I have found Master how many times this month.

Is there any way to let him be the little uncle, but fortunately, the things that the respected master gives to the little uncle every month are quantified, and he has already given it this month, and he will definitely not give it again.

Not paying attention to the eye contact of the disciples, the handsome head opened his eyes and looked at Ji Changze with patience: "Changze, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do, senior brother, why are you doing this? I came to you for help. If you didn't help me, you still asked me in this questioning tone. When the master was there, you were not like this, you still treated me. Laugh, and gave me a gift. I knew that as soon as Master left, I became a child without parents, and even you don't care about me."

Handsome head: ""

He smiled at this little junior and offered him a gift only once.

It was the boy's three-year-old birthday, and it was the first time he saw his junior brother. Seeing the boy's white, fat, and delicately carved jade, softly and sweetly shouted at him, his heart felt weak.

How did he know that the cute little fat man at the time has grown into such a hob meat.

Thinking that this month's things were all given, the handsome head closed his eyes, and he didn't hear the little brother's broken thoughts. Anyway, he has long been used to listening, and this time he will definitely not give this kid a look.

"Big brother, are you asleep? You are not me. Why are you still sleeping when you have such a high level of cultivation? Oh, I know. I heard that there is a technique called Sleeping Immortal, which is usually between Taoist couples. Using it, even if they are far apart, Dao couples can meet in dreams by falling asleep."

The handsome head's temple jumped again.

The head disciples underneath all followed their hearts.

Little Master Shu really dare to say that he is not afraid of being beaten by the master?

Ji Changze is really not afraid. His image in the minds of these seniors is not only hob meat, but also a fragile foundation stage that can be slapped to death with a single palm.

In order to avoid slaying the younger brother, they will never do it.

Ji Changze began to babble: "Big brother, you actually practice sleeping in the fairy! Do you have a Taoist companion?! Who is it?! Didn't you say that you just want the Taoist not to want a Taoist companion? Big brother, you still ignore it. Me? Then I'll ask the second senior brother if he knows who you practiced with Sleeping Immortal."

Handsome head: "Stop!"


If he ignores this kid, this kid will be able to spread the false news that he has a Taoist companion to the entire Chi Xianzong.

The handsome head is very helpless: "What on earth do you want to do, make it clear, if you don't say it clearly, I will just throw you out."

"Don't lose it, big brother, I'm here to ask you to be the master, you don't know, I'm so miserable, my cultivation base is low, I still stand in the position of the peak master, the juniors below look down on me, Called me to the real Changze in person, and I was not sure what to say about me secretly, so I accepted three apprentices, and as a result, these three apprentices are only now in the foundation stage of cultivation."

The handsome head who heard the blue veins popping out of his forehead interrupted him: "You have only built the foundation stage cultivation base yourself."

"Yes! It's because of me that I built the foundation period! So my disciples can't and only build the foundation period. I'm stupid and can't practice, but if my apprentices are also stupid, it's not a dumb family. ?!"

The disciples in their twenties who are still in charge of the foundation building period: ""

Handsome head: "They have already built their foundation before they reach twenty, and they can be regarded as geniuses in the realm of cultivation, so they are stupid."

"I'm still five years old to build a foundation, but I'm still building a foundation now."

Handsome head: ""

Are you lazy? !

If you don't practice if you don't practice, who is the blame now?

Ji Changze Balabala was sold out, and he hid his face in crying, his voice was as weak as weak: "Brother, you know, today Ah Ling's child came back with a serious injury."

The handsome head frowned.

Although the foundation-building period is only the foundation for cultivators, the disciples of Chi Xianzong have always been respected when they go out. It's a good idea, how can the disciples of the younger junior disciples come back from serious injuries.

Reminiscent of what the younger brother said just now that the people underneath look down on him, the handsome head has an angry expression in his eyes, he abruptly stands up, and asks in a cold voice, "But there are disciples who insult him?"

Even if the younger brother's cultivation base is not a person, it is hard to say a word, but as long as he still stands on the position of the main peak for a day, he will be the elder of Chi Xianzong.

Elders, direct relatives and elders, where can others be insulted.

The head disciples who were listening quietly below were also a little angry.

Because the three disciples of the junior uncle will follow their master and other uncles in cultivating, they have been familiar with each other a long time ago. On the one hand, they sympathized with the three of them when they met the junior master, and on the other hand, they admired their talents. Gao is also diligent.

No matter how little Shishu has no prestige in the sect, he is also the lord of the peak. As an elder disciple, Ayan wants to be brothers with their head disciples. Who is not long-eyed, and dares to insult him.

Ji Changze: "Oh, this is not the case. I sent him out to do the task. He was seriously injured while doing the task."

The handsome head who just accumulated anger: ""

He was also full of anger, just wishing to rush out and slaughter the head disciples who bullied their brothers: ""

The masters and apprentices were in a tacit understanding at this moment, and they all tried to take a deep breath.

At this moment of handsome head, the anger was very long and long.

Calm, calm, the younger brother's cultivation base is low, but he can't beat him, if he is beaten to death, how can he explain to the master when he rises up.

"Then you" he gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Why are you crying with me?!"

Ji Changze looked up at him and saw that he didn't look like he was about to hit someone. He immediately showed a flattering smile on his face, and ran to the top: "Brother, Ah Ling is badly injured and needs a pill, his younger brother and younger sister. Kneeling in front of me and begging me to give me medicine, but as soon as I established the foundation, I was still the least valued elder in the sect, with a return to the original pill, and went to most of my family."

The handsome head almost didn't laugh at him.

"At the beginning, Master left 80% of the treasure house to you before his ascension. In the past few years, you and other senior brothers and sisters have paid no less. Are you poor? We are the richest person in Chi Xianzong."

"Brother, if you say this, you will punish your heart. As soon as I build the foundation, I will not be able to ascend like you in the future, and I will not be able to go out on my own to earn the pill. Although I have something in my hand, this is just for the sake of In the future, how about you, brother? Even if you don't have a poor spiritual stone, with this cultivation base in hand, you can still earn 10,000 spiritual stones in three days."

"Where is it like me, the master is gone, no one is watching, only three apprentices, still in the foundation period, I don't save a little family, you and other senior brothers and sisters have soared, what should I do? Count on my three apprentices A disciple in the base period? You have gone to enjoy your blessing with a slap on your ass. Why don't you think about what will happen to your poor little brother staying in the realm of comprehension?"

The handsome head wanted to refute, and found that Ji Changze was right.

He didn't have a cultivation base, and when he lost his backing, wouldn't he need more family background to live well?

But I still can't see that it's clear that Chi Xianzong is the richest one, and the crying poor junior brothers are selling miserably here. He said: "Even if we fly up, you will still be an elder. After the next generation inherits the sect, according to the usual practice, you If you can be promoted to the Supreme Elder, which disciple would dare to be disrespectful to you by then?"

He pointed to the disciples underground: "They all call you a little uncle, and I will ascend in the future, and I will naturally tell them to take care of you."

Disciples: ""

Suddenly, there was a miserable future in their minds that the Master soared after many years, and the little Master Uncle came all day long to find them for things.

Ji Changze smiled miserably, how pitiful and pitiful: "The Master told me the same way before his ascension, saying that my senior brothers and sisters were all there, and he would definitely treat me well and take care of me like he took care of me, but now? I just felt wronged in my heart. I came to my senior to say a few words, and you are annoying me. You have been like this since I grew up, let alone those junior disciples."

Handsome head: ""

According to Ji Changze, he was a little vacant.

Before the master left, he did guarantee to the master that he would be good to the younger brother, and he absolutely took good care of the younger brother from grievances.

As a result, Master has only soared for less than 20 years, and he has started to bother the younger Junior Brother.

His brother-in-law is like this, and his disciples have no feelings for this little uncle.

Ji Changze turned his head, his wide and gorgeous sleeves wiped his eyes, his voice choked:

"I know that you all dislike me and feel that I always come to trouble you with trivial things, and wish I would never come."

The handsome head who was said to be more guilty: "It's not that serious."

Ji Changze choked with exaggeration again. Fortunately, his age is not too young for the handsome head. In addition, he has seen too much that he acts like a child to the master, but he does not think that his junior is 30 years old. So crying and crying is like a child, only a guilty conscience soothes: "Little brother, this is good, why are you still crying, don't cry, you are all the respected master, let the juniors read the jokes."

"Let's just joke, when Master was there, where did I worry about these belongings? What do I want? Tell Master, he would be willing to give it to me, that's the East Sea Pearl. I begged Master, he I was willing to fly to the East China Sea to retrieve the orbs for me. Now Master is soaring. I am a person who knows nothing in the foundation construction period. What else can I do besides relying on senior brothers and sisters? At the beginning, you all promised to master that you would be fine. Protect me. Now his old man has been away for less than 20 years. As the elder of the sect, I can't even cry in my own elder brother's place."

"No, brother did not mean that."

Ji Changze turned his back to him, and started twitching his body while wiping his face: "You all look down on my love for money, but you don't want to think that I will be looked down on if I have a family background. How can I live without you taking care of it."

"Today, Ah Ling was injured. I can barely find one Huiyuan Pill from my few medicine pills. One, I'm just one. I saved Ah Ling today. If I change to help next time, Are Xue and Fuyu injured? As their master, how can I save them."

"If you are replaced by you and other senior brothers and sisters, if you want to return to the original pill, you can just collect the medicinal materials. Those monsters guarding the medicinal materials are not your opponents. When you go to the Danzong and exchange the medicinal materials for the pill, the Danxiu will also I will let you join the team for the sake of your cultivation base."

"What about me? I'm going to gather medicinal materials. The monsters can eat me. I go to the Danzong, and I can't support the flying sword for so long. Even if it's the Danzong, when I am in the foundation building period, will they put me in their eyes? ?"

The handsome head has nothing to say.

What Ji Changze said was right. The reason why the master gave the younger brother 80 percent of the family background was because he did not have the cultivation base. These brothers and sisters can rely on the cultivation level to fight for the family, but the younger brothers can't.

Just like returning to the original pill, use one, one less.

To make an analogy, they are renewable resources, while juniors are non-renewable resources.

And before, he always felt that the younger brother was too greedy, wanting this and that, and thinking about how to collect money all day long.

But now think about it, not long after the master left, they were impatient with the younger brother, and the hearts of people are all flesh-grown, how can he not notice it.

The more impatient they are, the more he wants to save more money.

A cultivator should be open-minded. He only saw that the younger brother loves money like fate, not like a cultivator. But from another perspective, from the standpoint of the younger brother, everyone else has the ability to cultivate, but he can only Relying on money.

Cultivation is the foundation of his life. He regards cultivation as a treasure, and does not want to improve his cultivation all the time.

Isn't it true that the younger brother, it's just that the cultivation base has been turned into money.

With such an empathy, the handsome head felt that his stagnant realm had begun to loosen.

In his heart, he was glad that he realized it first, and then he was ashamed.

I am ashamed that he always used his own stance to look at the younger brother with colored glasses. From the perspective of the younger brother, why not feel wronged.

"Junior brother, don't be sad. I was negligent in trivial matters before and failed to take good care of you. I won't be able to take care of you."

Ji Changze turned his back to him, slowly shook his head, and lost his tone: "Brother don't have to guarantee anything, what's the matter. I've been here for more than ten years. Are you afraid of the future? It's just unavoidable. I wanted the East Sea Orb. The master can fly the sword for ten days to fetch it for me. Now his old man is soaring. I am lonely and without a father or mother. Now even if I want another East Sea gem, no one will fetch it for me."

The handsome head was full of guilt at this moment, and after hearing this, he felt that he had been too much before.

He had forgotten the words of Master before his ascension.

The younger brother was handed over to him by the master. Now that the younger brother is so wronged, when he rises in the next day, how can he have the face to see the master.

"Junior Brother, I was wrong before, just the East Sea Orb. I will fly the Royal Sword to fetch it for you. You can rest assured, even if the Master is soaring, the senior brother will still be yours to rely on."

Ji Changze still concealed his face and wept, weak and weak: "Brother, no need, my cultivation base is worthy of the East Sea Orb. If the brother really loves me, please give me some pills. I'm afraid that my three pitiful three will be pitiful in the future. What happens to my apprentice, I won't even be able to take out the pill at that time."

Having said this, he seemed to think of something suddenly, and quickly added: "I didn't take it for nothing. I still have some spirit stones in my place. I will exchange it with my senior."

The more he is like this, the more guilty the handsome head is.

In the past, when there was a master, the little brother was so reckless, and the treasure house of the master was all for him to use, but now, he has become so shared with them because of the neglect of their senior brothers and sisters.

In the final analysis, he still did not do a good job as a big brother.

He sighed, and touched his head with affection, just like the first time he saw him, "Changze, you don't have to be so careful when you ask for something with the brother."

After speaking, he turned around and said to the long apprentice underneath: "Fu Chen, go to open the treasure house, and all the ten Huiyuan Pills in the teacher treasure house will be sent to your little teacher Shufeng."

The disciples below: ""

No, while talking, Master, why are you starting to give things again?

Didn't you say that you won't send it again this month?

And what's the matter with your face full of self-blame and guilt? The little uncle is lazy and doesn't practice. You blame yourself for being a wool.

Ji Changze quickly refused: "No need, brother, I just happened to use Huiyuan Pill today, you give me these, maybe next time they get injured, they will use another pill, and the brother's kindness will be wasted."

The handsome head thinks about it too.

"Fu Chen, when you go to get the Yuan Dan back, by the way, take out 50% of the other pills in the treasure house and send them there."

Fuchen; ""

Other disciples: ""

Before they were relieved from the stunned state, they saw their little uncle choked up and thanked him: "Thank you, big brother, this gem is really unnecessary. I just went down to eat the noodles and listened to a casual repair. There is a rare treasure buried under the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, which is bigger than a human face. I just wanted to take a look. If it's the master, I would take it. But now that the master is not there, I don't want to see it that much."

The handsome head sighed from the bottom of his heart.

The younger brother has always loved collecting orbs since he was a child, so he didn't want to look at it, but he knew that he could make demands of the master arbitrarily, but he didn't dare to bother him.

"Since you want to see it, brother will go to the East China Sea."

"But I heard that dragons love orbs. That rare orb must be a dragon ball treasure. Brother, if you go to get the orb, will you be injured by the detention center there?"

The handsome head laughed: "Don't go around eating, drinking, and having fun every day, but also look at other things. The dragon race is unique, and it can be compared to the golden immortal only by relying on the dragon body, more than ten thousand years ago. The clan has moved to the upper realm, and mortals don't know that there are dragons in the East China Sea. In fact, there are no dragons living there long ago."

Ji Changze immediately said: "The orb may have been taken away by them, brother, don't go, I don't want to trouble you."

"It's okay, I may not go out for a long time to experience, it just happens to be the meeting, I will go to the East China Sea."

Ji Changze choked with exaggeration again: "Brother, you are so kind to me. I think of Master. Master used to be like this, Master."

Seeing that Junior Brother still turned his back to him, as if he was so moved, the handsome leader thought that he was only now in the foundation stage, and I was afraid that he would not be able to fly to the upper realm to see the master in his life, and his heart softened.

He touched his brother's head again: "Don't be afraid, just treat the brother as your master. I'm going out this time, and if you have anything you want, you can ask Fuchen to open the treasure house. If you are wronged, go and look for it. Your two brothers."

Seeing that the younger brother was afraid that he would see him crying, he just refused to turn his head and turned around. The handsome head stood up, his soft complexion returned to hard and solemn, and said to the disciples underneath: "Go to the East China Sea for the teacher, this For a while, take care of your little uncle, have you heard?"

Disciples: "Yes."

The handsome head took his sword with him, and immediately flew with his sword when he left the house, heading towards the East China Sea.

He was gone, and the disciples looked at each other.

Carefully tried to comfort the crying little uncle: "Little uncle, don't be sad, Master has gone to get the orb."

"Yes, little uncle, Master, he will be back soon."

Ji Changze turned around directly, his face was clean, there were no tears in his eyes, and his eyes were not even red.

Disciples: ""

They watched the little uncle sit comfortably on the master's chair, and patted the armrest of the chair with joy: "I know that the big brother will be back soon, eh? Is the big brother this chair decorated? Feng Feather? So beautiful. He has always been serious and serious. He definitely doesn't like such gorgeous decorations. I will help him to buckle it down."

Disciples: ""

Fuchen looked completely ruined: "Little Shishu, Xiao Shishu, didn't you cry?"

"Crying? I'm crying."

Fuchen: "But there are no tears on your face"

Ji Changze touched his face and waved his hand indifferently: "This is nothing, some people, sadness is limited to the surface, and some people, sadness will be stuffy in my heart, although you look at me very happy now, but my heart! I was devastated long ago. I walked two steps, one pit, two steps, one pit, and tears almost drowned my whole heart. This phoenix feather is very difficult to pry, and whoever will use it to help me fix it. It's so hard to get it down."

Disciples: ""

It was the big disciple Fuchen trying hard to resist the twitching of the corners of his mouth. He respectfully stepped forward, bowed first, and then said: "Little Master, this phoenix feather originally took the entire set in the chair. If you don't split the chair, just take it. If you don't come out, besides the phoenix feathers, this chair also used three hundred and five profound stones, five thousand profound crystals, and ten pairs of orbs. Uncle Master, you surely wouldn't be so violent, right?"

After hearing what he said, Ji Changze immediately withdrew his plucking hand.

"You are right, you really shouldn't destroy the entire chair for Feng Feather, it's a waste!!"

Fuchen breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, I saved the phoenix feather on the master's chair.

Ji Changze: "If this is the case, then I don't just need this hair, come, Fuchen, you call a few juniors, and lift this chair to my peak."

Fuchen: ""

Disciples: ""

Ji Changze urged from above: "What are you still doing? Hurry up, by the way, Fuchen, why are you still standing here? Didn't you ask you to fetch the medicine for me, brother? Hurry up and get it with this chair. Mine."

Fuchen bit his scalp and said, "Little Master, this chair Master is very fond of. He is not here now, why don't you wait for Master to return from the East China Sea and ask him for this chair?"

"What else." Ji Changze: "Your master even gave me the East Sea Orb. Can you stingy with a chair? Then you must give it to me directly, maybe you will give me something else to make up a whole ."

He turned around with a look of "I'm very helpless" and spread his hands: "Hey, tell me, I said no, brother still has to give it to me, really, there is no way, I am a person, I have no other skills, it is natural to ask People like it, Master is like this, so are senior brothers, you guys, when you move the chair, move lightly and don't break my chair."

Disciples: ""

So, is this your chair now?

At this moment, they deeply felt that they were really naive before.

He actually felt that the little uncle was just a cheeky, how is he cheeky, this whole city wall face.

Before, they couldn't figure out why a person who was so wise and martial with Shizu, why among so many capable disciples was the one who was the most partial and the least capable.

Witnessing the fall of Master today, they can be regarded as understanding.

Several people looked gloomy. They looked at the little uncle who was walking in front of him with an arrogant expression. They recalled his weak, pitiful and innocent appearance in front of the master, and silently swallowed a mouthful of blood in their hearts.

Ji Changze walked in front, followed by a few disciples of the head, the one who lifted the chair, and the one who took the medicine pills, along the way, with his brilliant expression, he saw that he had just knocked on some treasures from the head.

The disciples evaded salutes one after another, and they were extremely envious in their hearts.

Some masters may not give so many things to disciples, but the head is so good to Changze as a senior, and even other elders occasionally give Changze rare treasures, even if he asks to come. , But he can also be able to come.

Instead, they would ask for something from the senior brother and sister, and it would be impossible without being beaten and cursing two sentences, "Did you wake up?"

And the three disciples over there also learned about it from the same generation who visited the older disciple.

"Little Master said that to save Ah Ling, you used the last Huiyuan Pill. Master Master listened, and then he distributed his medicine to Little Master. Later it was said that Little Master wanted a rare gem. , The master went to the East China Sea to find the orb."

This disciple said enviously: "The uncle master is really good to the younger uncle, even if it is good for you, I heard from my third senior brother that the uncle master is called you Ayan, he treats his own No disciple called it so close."

Fu Ling: "Uncle Master called me A Ling because my name is Fu Ling."

Since this disciple heard that they were called Fu Ling A Ling, he also followed A Ling A Ling's call, but he never thought about how their generation's prefix fell in front of Ling.

Now that I heard it, I was immediately a little confused: "You, how do you call this name?"

Fu Ling: "Master got it. At the beginning, he wanted to call Axue Ayu to help the gold and silver. The master listened to something wrong, so he changed it. It's just that my name, Master said, didn't want to change anything, so I just changed it. Always called Fu Ling."


He dryly comforted: "It's okay, although the name is not very good, but at any rate your damask is not an effective spirit."

If this is the case, it is really called Fuling.

Fu Ling: "In the beginning, it was the spirit that the teacher raised up, but in the eyes of the teacher, it was not the spirit of Fu Ling, but the spirit of Lingshi. Later, the master asked him to change his name, but he really didn't want to change it. This is the only one who took a step back and changed the spirit to Aya."


He really didn't know what to say, so he could only rack his brains and squeeze out one sentence: "Then this must be a good wish from the young master, I hope you have a lot of spirit stones."

Fu Ling didn't answer the conversation.

They all know that Ji Changze's name is purely fond of Lingshi, gold and silver.

"In fact, it's okay. Although the little uncle is not very reliable, he is still willing to take out the pill to save you at the critical moment. The Huiyuan Pill is so precious that he can be willing to take out the only one. It means that the bottom of my heart still loves you disciples."

Fu Ling: Forget it, don't tell him Master asks them for interest.

Come to think about it, Master originally only had one Pill of Return to Origin.

In the end, he calculated it as if he had borrowed five yuan-returning pills, and gave this one to him, asking them to pay back five pills plus one month's interest, not counting, and ran to Master Berna crying poorly.

I heard that Uncle Master gave ten Huiyuan Pills and some other medicines.

Excluding interest and other pills, Master directly turned one Yuan Yuan Pill into fifteen pills.

If it weren't for the hapless apprentice who was given the medicine by his own master, and even had to pay back the profit, Fu Ling could not help but applaud his master for doing business.

Forget it.

Master, this urinary sex, it's not bad if you are willing to borrow it.

He sighed and pulled back the quilt to see how his wound was healed.

You have to hurry up and pay back the five Yuan Pills quickly, otherwise, according to Master's temperament, you may have to add some strange interest to them.

Over there, Ji Changze sat comfortably in the chair of his senior brother.

Not to mention, this chair is really comfortable, it is indeed the chair of the master.

Outside, someone went up to Fengtou: "Disciple Fuqing, pay homage to the little uncle."

Ji Changze didn't know how to pass the sound into secrets, so he had to get out of the chair by himself and opened the door: "Don't pay me a visit, did the third sister ask you to urge me to practice?"

Fuqing had a thin face and urged his elders to practice this kind of thing, which made him blush with embarrassment: "Little Master, Master is also for your own good."

"Come on, you go back and tell you Master, cultivation is impossible to cultivate, such a good sun, how comfortable it is to sun, I don't sleep to practice? That would be a waste of such a good sun."

Fuqing squeezed out the words of admonition dryly: "Little Master, the plan for a day lies in the morning, and the disciple just calculated that it will rain soon, not like Master."

"It's better to sleep on a rainy day. I feel comfortable enough to fall asleep listening to the sound of rain. So, Fu Qing, go back and tell your master, I saw the Xuanjing walking stick she brought back last time. , Next time I go to her to ask, ah, go back soon, I want to sleep."

Fuqing: "But Shishu and Xiaoshushu"


The door closed.

Inside the house, Ji Changze lay comfortably on a chair, looking like he was enjoying his life on vacation.

The system couldn't help but pop up: Host, don't forget that there are still magic repairs in this world. If you don't cultivate, you will have no strength at that time. Even if you can say no more, you can still say that the magic repairs will not retreat?

Ji Changze: It's not that I haven't done anything about telling people to retreat by mouth.


Well, he really did it.

Ji Changze: But this is too time-consuming. I think it's more convenient to turn yourself into a dragon.

system:! ! !

How does it see how this body is a person, and immediately becomes excited: Does the host want to exchange for the dragon's blood? ! ! The mall has it, it's very cheap! Only three thousand points! Three thousand three thousand, you can't buy and suffer, you can't be fooled, only three thousand!

Ji Changze: Oh, no, I plan to pick up a dragon's blood and press on myself.


As mentioned in the important event strategy, the reason why the dragon clan moved ten thousand years ago was because the cultivation world was not suitable for the survival of the dragon clan. The dragon eggs that were born were stillborn. After the dragon king's dragon eggs were found to be stillborn, his mentality collapsed and he simply took As the whole clan ascends to the upper realm, the dead egg cannot reach the upper realm, and the dragon king is unwilling to break the egg shell, so he simply left the dragon egg in the palace. As long as I fuse with the dragon egg, I can live on its behalf. No, I figured it out by myself. At that time, you wanted to sell it to me with 500 points, but I figured it out myself.

Right now, Dragon King is my father. Are you happy or surprised?


Every time it really thinks that its host is enough for dogs, the next time, Ji Changze can always refresh its lower limit.

It doesn't matter, you can face it, all dogs are like this, and he doesn't believe that the host can have more dogs.

Ji Changze said that he can really do it.

Do you say that the blood of the dragon will sell for three thousand? Great, then when I leave, take my bloodline off and hang it in the mall to sell it, okay? I don't want too much.

Half, one thousand and five will do.