The master who is greedy for money and stingy (7)

Senior Brother Five stood stiff at the door, obviously shocked.

This is quite normal. After all, all the brothers, no, even among all the disciples of Chi Xianzong, the second brother is the most powerful, masculine and most masculine one.

When everyone was reluctant to grow a beard, even if it was just a little stubble, the second brother had already grown a beard with a full face, and matched his short and thick hair that was completely different from the long hair of others. The black lion king.

And because of his strong muscles, he doesn't look good in Chi Xianzong's disciple's clothes, and it seems very unconventional to wear the elder's clothes. He simply doesn't wear these clothes, and I don't know where I bought the clothes from the Refining Device Sect.

Said it is clothes, because the refining sect needs ironing, so in fact the upper body is actually a piece of animal skin draped obliquely on one shoulder, and along with it, his strong pectoral muscles and biceps are exposed.

And now, under the sturdy pectoral muscles, there is one hand holding the embroidery needle, and the other hand, there is even an embroidered lotus flower.

Brother Five: ""

He started to suffocate.

He feels like he can't breathe anymore.

Ji Changze had an expression of "This is not quite normal". He leaned forward to take a look, and said, "It looks good, the embroidery is the same as it really is. Brother Er, you are really clever."


The second brother with a big beard and wheat-colored skin and bulging muscles was praised happy, laughed freely, and patted the younger brother on the shoulder: "If you like it, wait for me to embroider it and send it to you."

Brother Five: ""

Although he was still suffocating, he had already foreseen what the younger brother would say.

Sure enough, Ji Changze's eyes brightened when he heard this, and he couldn't wait to get up and asked: "Really send me? This looks like it was embroidered with ice silkworm cloth. It's worth a lot of spiritual stones."

"You are my little brother, I can give you a piece of cloth or something." The second brother said heartily: "If you like it, there is a box in my room, and I will give it to you."

"Thank you, Brother Second, you are so kind."

After Ji Changze thanked him, he was very welcome, and Le Diandian began to probe his head in the room: "Second brother, are you embroidering the embroidery on your bedding? It looks so beautiful, and it feels comfortable when you look at it."

"That's natural, not only the bedding, pillows, cushions under the bed, but also the tiger stripes on my clothes. Do you see them? I embroidered them. Is it true?"

The second brother proudly showed off, obviously being praised made him very contented.

Ji Changze really cheered "Wow": "It's amazing! Second brother, can you help me embroider something on my clothes? I have always wanted to embroider dragons on my clothes, but what did the mortal tailor tell me? Only the emperor can wear dragon patterns. They dare not embroider, otherwise they will have to beheaded, and I have never been able to successfully buy clothes with dragon patterns."

"No problem, the mortal world is in trouble. What else do you like, brother will embroider it for you."

"Thank you brother, brother two, you better love me the most. Come here, I will give you the clothes I want to embroider the dragon pattern on."

It's not surprising to watch Ji Changze from the side, and he even blends into it naturally, and the fifth senior brother who has friendly exchanges with the second senior brother in embroidering craftsmanship: ""

Should know.

How does Changze care about this? As long as he takes possession of things cheaply, let alone embroidering the second brother, even if the second brother becomes a mermaid, he probably won't care too much.

But, he cares.

Formidable and domineering, Kong Wu is powerful, his body is full of muscles, the second senior brother who can be called the first fierce man of Chi Xianzong, how can he embroider! ! !

The embroidery is so beautiful! !

Brother Wu started the theory of "being lost" again.

He straightened his eyes, followed the two of them into the room ignorantly, and watched ignorantly as the second brother really threaded the needles and began to embroider dragon patterns on the clothes of the younger brother.

Don't tell me, the second brother's hands are thick and thick, but they are very clever, and they are very careful in starting their hands. After a while, the beautiful dragon pattern appears on the clothes.

Such exquisite craftsmanship, even the most powerful tailor in the mortal world may not be able to achieve it.

Senior Brother Wu just thought about it in his heart, but Ji Changze said it directly.

"Second brother, you are so amazing. I used to go to the mortal world to buy clothes. Their embroidery used to be beautiful. Compared with yours now, you are like a cloud and they are mud."

"Second brother, not only do you have a high level of cultivation, but you can also play, but you are actually so good at embroidery. I really admire you."

Being so bluntly praised, the second senior brother was not embarrassed, and laughed again, patted Ji Changze on the shoulder: "It's nothing, it has been embroidered for hundreds of years. If it is even a mortal with a lifespan of only a hundred years, it can't be compared. Then I should be ashamed."

Brother Five: ""

His mind was filled with this line of words.

Embroidered for hundreds of years

Hundreds of years

The second brother, the macho man, secretly hid in the house embroidering for hundreds of years.

"When did I secretly?"

When the second brother's mighty and rough voice sounded, the fifth brother realized that he had accidentally said it.

Then he quickly lost sight of these.

Because the second brother looked at him inexplicably, and said: "I always embroider generously, and there is nothing shameful about it, so why secretly do it."

Senior Brother Five: "Well, is this good to see people?"

"What does Brother Five mean?"

Ji Changze disapproved and asked him: "Is embroidery wrong? Can it harm others? This is a serious hobby. The second brother can embroider so well. We should be proud of him. How do we listen? Between your words, there seems to be a little feeling that the second brother shouldn't learn embroidery."

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that, but the second brother is a sword repairman, this, this embroidery, shouldn't it be a tailor's job?"

"Senior Brother Five's words are so unreasonable."

Ji Changze's face is full of "You are not authentic": "Who stipulates that a person can only do one thing, and he can't embroider after he has done sword repair? Why can't he learn embroidery while doing sword repair? Wouldn't it be better to have the best of both worlds?"

Brother Five: ""

"You have some truth in what you said, but embroidering it is not suitable for a man in the end, this"

"It's only suitable for gardeners to plant peach trees. Senior brothers and sisters, and I have to persuade the fifth brother not to plant peach trees?"

The fifth brother was taken aback.


Although he planted trees for food, it can be regarded as a personal hobby.

Second brother embroidery is also a personal hobby.

The second brother has never interfered with his hobbies. What position does he use to interfere with the second brother?

Seeing him lost in thought, Ji Changze said again: "Fifth Brother, you know, why do you disagree with Second Brother Embroidery?"

Senior Brother Five answered naturally: "Of course it is because embroidery should be done by women. How can men learn it?"

Ji Changze: "That's the argument of the mortal world. What embroidery is not suitable for men. Only women can learn embroidery. It is just a mere mere mere mere framing of mortals. We practitioners are fighting against the fate of heaven, and all we do must break through the shackles of heaven. Brother Five, you can't even jump out of the rules of a mortal, so how can you break through the limits of heaven?"

The fifth brother who wanted to persuade him was shocked.


Only women can learn embroidery. This is just a rule set by mortals.

It's just that the real world of comprehension at the beginning was composed of mortals who enlightened the Tao. Although they transcended the mortal world, most of the rules also followed the rules of the mortal world.

Cultivation is a step-by-step struggle against the sky.

They have broken the sky, how can they still be afraid of some small rules.

Ji Changze said in a passionate voice: "Five brothers! Do you know what you are?! You are like the spirit beasts of the spirit beast garden!!! Like the egg-born spirit beasts, most of them were sent to the spirit beast garden when they were in the egg. , The first person Broken opened his eyes and saw was also a disciple of the Spirit Beast Garden.

They have been trained in the Spirit Beast Garden since they were young. What they have learned and the rules they understand are all taught by the Spirit Beast Garden. Generally, there are only one or two to arrive, but the pigeons in the Spirit Beast Garden are different. They have been instilled in the concept of not being punctual since they were young, so even if they are pigeons by nature, they can still arrive on time to deliver the letter.

Brother Wu, you stole the pigeon that you ate last time. Don't look at me like that. I know that the pigeon with red hair on top of your head was eaten by you. Didn't you just retaliate against it and pulled five on your head in three days. Shit? Although it doesn't talk about hygiene, it is the most punctual pigeon in the spirit beast garden. But think about it, if it was born in the wild, can it be as punctual as in the spirit beast garden? "

Senior Brother Five: "It should not be possible."

"That's not right, Brother Five, you are a dove. You are obviously a cultivator, but you are bound by the rules of the world. Men embroider. It is just a hobby. It seems to you that it is something shocking and terrifying. Brother Five. , Junior Brother's words are unacceptable. It's your consciousness that will be struck by lightning in the future, oh, I mean when you cross the catastrophe period, you must be struck by lightning and you can't get past it."

Brother Five: ""

His expression began to be in a trance, and his eyes slowly calmed down, apparently falling into thinking.

The second elder brother with a baffling face listening in the side: "Uh, I actually think so much, I just like embroidery."

"I got it!!!"

The fifth senior yelled, and the second senior sturdy body was shocked.

He looked at the strange and weird Junior Brother with a little horror: "Fifth Junior Brother, what have you realized?"

"I understand."

Senior Brother Five's eyes were bright and scary, and he was muttering to himself: "Embroidery is not embroidering, it is fighting against the rules."

"There is nothing wrong with men embroidering, what is wrong is the rules."

"In life, there is only one fate, so we should live as we please."

"Second brother embroidered not flowers!!"

The second brother holding the embroidery needle in his hand: ""

He looked down at the embroidery needle in his hand, and then at the pile of embroidered handkerchiefs.

With a dumbfounded look: Isn't this just a flower? !

"Then, what do I embroider?"

The fifth brother's tone was inexplicably heavy and full of vagueness: "It's destiny! It's resistance! It's the rules!"

Brother Second: ""

He scratched his head: "Fifth Junior Brother, are you crazy?"

"I finally know why you are only less than fifty years old between me and the second brother, but your cultivation base is so much more than mine."

"It turns out that you have realized the truth of the Great Dao a long time ago, and you understand how to touch the edge of the law, no wonder, no wonder! I figured it out, thank you brother, I will go back to embroider!!"

"Er. Fifth Junior Brother? Fifth Junior Brother? You, why don't you wait first, explain to me what you are talking about before leaving, Fifth Junior Brother?"

Senior Brother Five was already standing on the flying sword and flew far away.

The second brother who simply likes embroidery turned his head to look at Ji Changze dumbfounded: "Little brother, do you understand what the fifth brother is saying?"

"I don't understand, don't worry, Brother Five has always been so surprised, but Brother II, since you have embroidered for hundreds of years, why do we juniors and sisters never know?"

The second brother was stunned: "You didn't ask either."

Ji Changze: These words are familiar.

Generally, he would use this sentence when pretending to be stupid, but looking at the expression on the second brother, it was not pretending.

He tentatively asked: "Then before today, who else knows that you like embroidery?"


The second elder brother laughed and said without taking it seriously: "My mother is an embroidery girl in the mortal world. I watched her grow up embroidering since I was a child. When my mother died, I wanted to inherit her embroidery shop. Zun insists on pulling me to practice."

Ji Changze had guessed that it was 80%: "Then what?"

"Then I said that I don't want to practice, but I just want to study embroidery. Master told me that as long as I practice well, I can live longer and longer. Then I will study for as long as I want to study, and then I will follow Master to the sect. ."

"He also told me to let me practice in the house. There are few practitioners who can embroider in the real world, so that people will not see me embroidering well and ask me to help embroider. When there are too many people, it will be difficult to refuse, but the younger brother Don't worry, I don't care about others, you are my little brother, I will definitely help you embroider."

Ji Changze: Sure enough.

Although he had never met this cheap master, he had a hunch that if he met with the cheap master, he would definitely have a very common topic.

After the second brother finished talking about the past, he was still not in the state and asked: "The fifth brother is so strange today, what did he do in a hurry?"

Ji Changze pondered for a few seconds: "Maybe the embroidery went."

A few days later, the handsome head of the master who ran to the East China Sea to fish the pearls for the younger brother came back.

He was in a good mood. Once he found the East Sea Orb that was bigger than the face that the younger brother wanted, and secondly, he gained a lot from going out this time, and the originally stagnant realm has entered a period of gentle ascent.

When he returned, he did not fly with the sword, but walked while checking the gifts he brought in the ring.

As a competent elder brother, although he went out this time to find precious orbs for the younger brother, he did not forget to bring gifts to the other younger brothers and sisters.

Choosing gifts along the way also wastes some effort, but it is not a big deal for the long life of the practitioner. As a senior brother, the respected master has soared, and he has the obligation to take care of the juniors and sisters.

It is necessary to pay attention to the progress of the cultivation of the younger brothers and sisters, but also to pay attention to their physical and mental health.

So far it seems that he is doing pretty well.

Although the younger brother is as unreliable as always, lazy and greedy as if giving up treatment, but he was spoiled and grown up, understandably, the teacher loved the younger brother the most before, and now the teacher is soaring, he is naturally Take care of it.

Fortunately, the other brothers and sisters are normal.

Each one has three views, morality, intelligence, physical beauty, and all-round development, and the cultivation base is also very good.

In a while, bring gifts to visit the younger brothers and sisters one by one. First, go to see the younger brother. He is the most delicate-tempered. If you don't send the orb to him first, I'm afraid he will be angry.

Thinking about this, the handsome head happily headed towards the peak of the junior brother.

When I arrived at the bottom of the mountain, I saw the three high-ranking and diligent apprentices of Junior Brother, who were now practicing diligently.

Well, that's good, it's worthy of being the apprentice he chose for the junior apprentice.

In the future, if they had ascended before the younger brother was sensible, these three disciples would be able to take over the responsibility of taking care of the younger brother smoothly.

The handsome head who consciously arranged everything in place came forward, and the three young disciples stopped immediately when they saw him, and came forward to see him.

"Fu Ling and Fu Xue and Fu Yu have met the master."

"Well, good deed, where's your master."

As a major disciple Fu Ling said: "Master and other uncles are discussing the Tao."

Handsome head: "?"

Nagasawa? On the Road?

After a moment of confusion, his inspiration flashed and he suddenly realized.

What kind of theory, I am afraid that the juniors and sisters can't understand Changze's salted fish, and come together to supervise his cultivation.

Very good, very good, the younger brothers and sisters were very sensible even when he was away.

The handsome head was relieved.


Looking up and down Fuling, he was a little strange.

Did it look so cold before Fu Ling?

Look at Fuxue again.

Fuxue looked at her as if she had lost a lot of joy.

There is also Fuyu.

He glanced at it, if it wasn't for the wrong gender, he almost thought it was the Fourth Junior Brother. This gentle smile and clear eyes were almost the same as the Fourth Junior Brother.

I always feel that something is not right.

But after another thought, he went out for a total of ten days, ten days of work, what important things could happen.

It may be that he is busy with too many things, and he hasn't paid attention to these three nephews for too long.

No longer thinking about other things, the handsome leader said a word or two to encourage his nephews, and he went up the mountain happily.

It just so happened that they all got together to prevent him from running around.

As soon as the gift is sent, I will reward the younger brothers and sisters who were sensible when he was away.

The handsome head of Le Diandian ascended the mountain and saw the shining bright door inlaid with gems from the little junior brother.

There was also the gentle and gentle voice of the Fourth Junior Brother, as if there was also the voice of the Third Junior Brother.

It seems that the younger brothers and younger sisters get along very well.

As the senior brother nodded with relief, at the same time he felt a little sad.

Since he was fifty years old, the younger brothers and sisters underneath have gradually grown up, and gradually have things to do. They clearly live in a sect, but only occasionally can see them once or twice. This is still so long, except Outside the sect must have a meeting, the younger brothers and sisters gathered together.

The younger brothers and younger sisters have a harmonious relationship and get along well. If the master knew about it, he would definitely be very happy.

He opened the door and went in. Before he had time to open his mouth, he saw the always cold Third Junior Sister holding a piece of clothing in her hand, and whispered in her trademark indifferent tone: "Feather, beautiful."

"Use, gold thread."

"Re-set, emerald green, spiritual stone."

Ok? When did Junior Sister San get interested in good-looking clothes?

Didn't she change in black and gray since she was a child?

Still wondering, the handsome head turned his eyes and saw the second younger brother who was holding the clothes while threading the needles on the other end.

Threading the second younger brother? ?

Before that, the head of Shuai had never thought that these two words could be pronounced together by him.

He was stunned as he watched the Second Junior Brother gently waving his sturdy arms. In his thick fingers, he pinched an embroidery needle that looked especially small in the Second Junior Brother's hand. The embroidery needle was inserted between the clothes and quickly embroidered. A beautiful silver feather came out.

Seeing that the embroidery was finished, his bearded face showed a satisfied smile: "How? Does it look good?"

The third junior sister actually boasted as usual: "It looks good."

The Fourth Junior Brother sat back together, his long hair flowing straight down, making him even more unattainable like an immortal.

The unattainable Fourth Junior Brother gave his opinions gently and gently: "I think this dress should be equipped with some feather clips on the sideburns. The feather clips do not need to be decorated too much. A white or silver pearl is enough. The clothes should be matched with bows and arrows.

I happen to have one here. Not only is it small and beautiful, it is also made of Oshan wood. I have treasured it for a long time, and Changze will definitely like it. "

Handsome head: ""

Fourth Junior Brother, what's wrong with you Fourth Junior Brother.

The third junior sister doesn't like to be nosy on weekdays. You are the most stable and gentle one of the junior brothers and sisters. How can you look at the second junior brother embroidering and be accustomed to it! !

Where's the fifth junior brother.

The fifth junior brother said bluntly, didn't he say anything?

The handsome head subconsciously looked for the traces of the fifth junior brother, and then the three views burst and discovered that the fifth junior brother, who had never washed his clothes in Dalian, was sitting next to Changze, clumsily holding an embroidery needle and embroidering a flower. Ugly flowers that people can't bear to look straight at.

Handsome head: ""

Are you taking drugs together? ? ?

He looked around for a week, and found sadly that the most normal person present was actually the unreliable little junior.

At this moment, the younger brother was leaning on the fifth younger brother, sleeping comfortably, no wonder the voices of the younger brother and sisters were so low when they were talking.

He said he was reliable because he used to be like this. He can sit and never stand, and he can lie down and never sit.

After discovering that it seemed that all the juniors and sisters had collapsed, and only the younger juniors insisted on themselves and were still lazy, the handsome head even breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is another normal one.

He tried his best not to appear very awkward, and walked to the fifth junior brother, who was the second smallest from the bottom, looking at the embroidered picture in his hand with a distorted expression if the crooked and ugly thing that made the eyes sore was a flower.

"You, Junior Brother, you, a man, how did you embroider flowers? And Second Junior Brother, did you take the wrong medicine?"

After he finished speaking, he saw the fifth younger brother raising his head with a "you don't understand" expression on his face.

"Big brother, don't you see it?"

Handsome head: "?? What should I see?"

"This is not embroidery, this is me fighting against the rules! I am touching the mystery of the heavens, and I am immersed in this state of mind that breaks the rules."

As he said, he stood up, touched his excited and jumping heart, and said excitedly: "I have realized the big brother!! No wonder my cultivation is so slow, it turns out that I don't have embroidery!!!"

Handsome head: "Yes, is it?"

"Big brother!! Come, you come to embroider, I believe you can also break through."

On the side, the second junior, who was sturdy and two meters tall, stood up and heard the movement. He turned around and greeted him with a smile: "Brother, come and help me see what else is suitable for embroidering on this dress."

The little embroidery needle flickered in his hand.

Handsome head: ""

He looked at the second younger brother who was muscular all over his face and beard but holding the embroidery needle to embroider.

Look at the cold three sisters who study clothes and accessories seriously.

Wang Wang and softly said that although bows and arrows are not high in lethality, they are the most upright and elegant four junior brothers.

Finally, I took a look at the lively fifth younger brother who was struggling with embroidery needles with a sad face.

The only little brother who hasn't changed, he's never been normal.

At this moment, he just wanted to say a word:

Tell me, I am crazy, or the world is crazy.

Just ten days! ! !

He went out for ten days! ! !

Just went to the East China Sea to get a gem of kung fu! !

How come back one by one has become like this.

The handsome head sat on the ground slowly and slowly under the surprised eyes of the juniors and sisters, and then took a trip back, just maintaining the position of lying on the ground and pinching himself.

Master! ! !

The disciple is guilty! ! !

My disciple can't help but the Yin Yin entrusted you before your ascension! ! !