The master who is greedy for money and stingy (9)

Xiaolongze honestly went to do the task.

To be honest, the water that the handsome head gave him is not just a little bit. When counted down, they are all watering and giving things. Not to mention the foundation construction period. Even an ordinary mortal would probably do it. Come.

It is estimated that this handsome master brother still wants to put on himself a layer of "I am not forgotten for my own sake, I am just generously and conscientiously assigning tasks to the younger brothers and sisters". The last task is more difficult. .

Of course, as a handsome head of Ji Changze who is more open and magnanimous on the surface than anyone else, his difficulty is quite intriguing.

To describe it more simply, it is: being a good person and doing good deeds.

If you want to translate it in modern words, it's roughly as follows: help grandma cross the road and help grandpa carry vegetables.

It's incredibly simple.

It can only be said that it is a little harder than watering flowers.

Ji Changze himself is a person who can't stay idle, and since he merged into the blood of Xiaolong, he couldn't stay even more.

Not to mention, humans grow their bodies just because their bones hurt when they sleep at night. As the strongest dragons in the world of full cultivation, it was really itchy all over the body without doing anything when they were young.

Can't blame the dragon bloodline year by year.

In this case, if it is still like the ancient times, there are small dragons born every year, I am afraid that the small dragons who can stand at the top with a strong body have long turned the cultivation world into trouble.

Physically eager to try, plus Ji Changze himself is not a kind of honesty and honesty. When he did the last task, he immediately called his three apprentices to the sect. Gate.

The big disciple Fu Ling, who was still working hard to maintain the high-cold personality, didn't ask much. Ji Changze asked him to follow the next sect. He briefly agreed, and followed quietly and coldly all the way.

Fuxue, a happier person, had no such scruples. When Fuyu followed the big brother behind him, he didn't forget to ask Master why he wanted to take them down the mountain.

Is it because the master finally remembered that as a master, he should take the disciples to do it personally when they do the task for the first time?

But they are all task-savvy now, is it a bit too late to take them to the task now?

Faced with his disciple's question, Ji Changze answered very confidently: "I have to do a task as a teacher, thinking that I am also an elder of the Xianzong, the shot is too low grade, so I will take the three of you, and then you will directly follow and become the teacher The commander will do it."

Fuyu Fuxue: ""

Because Fu Ling remembered her high-cold personality, even the time to express her speechlessness was slightly shorter than that of her younger brother and younger sister: ""

All three were helpless.

Although the master said it sounds nice, but in their opinion, the translation will become a sentence: It's a bit panic to do tasks for the teacher's cultivation base is not high, the three of you are better than the teacher, so you are called to be bodyguards. .

Really, even if the three of them have long since no longer rejected Master, they still can't help but feel dumbfounded in their hearts.

Generally speaking, the master's cultivation level is higher than that of the disciple.

I just say that Master, this righteous and strong, seems to be very natural.

Shouldn't you be ashamed of your cultivation level lower than that of your disciple?

But how come to their master, the cultivation level is not as good as that of a disciple, it seems that it is an honor to become a disciple.

What the hell is the attitude of "I want you to be bodyguards because my teacher values ​​you so much".

Master, you should be a little ashamed anyway! Even if it's down! !

Ji Changze said that shame cannot be ashamed.

There is no such word as "shame" in his dictionary.

Only quite naturally led the three disciples to the bottom of the mountain, found a stone, and tried to find that it seemed a bit hard to climb up, so he called Fu Yu to help, and finally stood on it.

"This is the first time I have done a task for the teacher, and it may not be as experienced as you. So if you do something bad for the teacher this time, you can just mention it with me."

Fuxue and Fuyu hurriedly saluted respectfully: "The disciple will obey the teacher's orders."

Just as Fu Ling was about to follow along, she suddenly remembered her character set, and quickly turned temporarily: "Yes."

Seeing that they all agreed, Ji Changze looked at the three disciples condescendingly, and cleared his throat before speaking: "Your masters and uncles mean to let the teacher do something good to help others."

"When I looked through the records of the sect for my teacher, I found that there are often demonic cultivators here, because here is my Chi Xianzong shelter, they dare not kill people, but snatching still happens from time to time."

"So." He made a very serious decision: "Decided for the teacher, take the three of you and squat here, wait until the magic repair appears, we will fuck him!"

Fuxue hesitated, thinking about what Master said just now, she still said: "Ahem, Master, you are the elder of Xianzong, don't speak so straightforwardly, but there are many mortals living here, just say that you want to fix it. Demon Lord might be better."

At any rate, I've saved enough face.

Ji Changze nodded in agreement: "Well, Fu Xue was right. When going out, we represent the face of Chi Xianzong. Naturally, we should pay more attention to the image."

"Being a teacher is not the kind of person who knowsly commits crimes, okay! I'll say it again!"

"Decided for the teacher, I will take the three of you here to fix the magic repair. After the repair is completed, I will fuck him!"

Three people: ""

Seeing that the master had finished speaking, he was still satisfied, as if he was very proud that he could correct his mistakes, and all three of them were silent.

Ji Changze asked: "Well, do you have any questions?"

Fu Xue: "No, no more."

As a result, they squatted very smoothly on the necessary path.

Ji Changze turned the three disciples commanded round and round: "Be careful to shoot the grass and startle the snake, find a hidden place to hide, help Ling, you go up the tree, help the snow, you get some branches on your body, hide in the bushes, help the rain, you hide in In the grass."

"For my teacher, you need to be cautious when you go out. You must not expose yourself first without knowing the details of the other party. If you can hide in the dark, you can hide in the dark. If you can sneak attack, it's best to hide until night. , While the other party was asleep, he went directly to kill him with a hidden weapon to ensure that he would not touch your finger until he died."

Fuling: ""

Fuxue: ""

Fu Yu: "Master said, this disciple will write it down."

Seeing that the little junior sister really took out a familiar notebook and immersed her head in earnestly writing down what the master said, the two senior brothers who had planned to silence and pretend to be dead could not hold back.

"Master" Fu Ling reminded euphemistically: "We are decent people."

Fuxue followed: "Yes, Master, if people know that we, as disciples of Chi Xianzong, behave like this, they will definitely laugh at us."

"Why are you so stupid?!"

Ji Changze looked at the two disciples with surprise, and his eyes were filled with "I'm shocked that my disciple Ji Changze is not smart at all":

"Anyway, the target of the mission to be able to go to the mission hall are people who have committed unforgivable crimes. When that time comes, you can't keep alive. Everyone is dead. Who can spread the incident of the sneak attack?"

Fu Ling Fu Xue; ""

It makes sense.


"But our Chi Xianzong is a famous sect, so acting like this is still not right in the end."

"Whether it's proper, you can deal with good people. You two, it's too pedantic to learn from the brothers and sisters, why? Do you really think that demonic cultivators are like disciples? Before the fight with you? First meet each other and say some kind words?

Who is Moxiu? Those who can go to the mission hall will kill people without blinking, and they will be merciless. Sneak attacks are commonplace for them.

The two of you are observing etiquette and shame not to sneak attack. People turned around and attacked you. At that time, it will not be over when the disciples in the sect learn from each other and lose. It will be fatal. Either you die or they die. Is it possible that when you are killed in a sneak attack, can you still save your lives with courtesy and integrity? "

The original firm expressions of the two gradually moved with Ji Changze's words, and in the end, both of them became tangled.

What Master said was right, but they always felt that if it was a sneak attack, even if the opponent was a magic repairer, it was still not fair enough.

Fu Yu didn't care about these.

As the only female disciple who was the most obedient and obedient in the past, she had a stronger Confucian admiration for Master than the other two brothers. Upon hearing this, she said immediately: "Master said that when dealing with the righteous way, we should naturally treat each other with courtesy. But when it comes to the evil cultivator, why bother to be polite with him."

"Fuck him!!"

The two brothers who heard the last four words: ""

I always feel that the gentle little junior sister from the past will never return.

The unreliable master clapped his hands happily: "Yes! That's right!!! Fuck him!!!"

"Okay, you are going to hide quickly. Don't underestimate the concealment method taught to you by your teacher. It is precisely because he does not use his powers that it is more difficult to be discovered when concealed. As long as you do not use spiritual power and hold your breath, even the golden core period I can't find you."

"By the way, are you past the Golden Core period?"

Fuling Fuxue: ""

Fuxue: "Master, the three of us are only in the foundation period, and we definitely cannot beat the golden core."

"Well, you are right."

Ji Changze looked lost in thought.

Fuling and Fuxue were relieved to see him doing this.

Fortunately, fortunately, it seems that Master is not so frantic yet, he can still listen to the words.

From this point of view, Master is definitely going to give up the unreliable idea of ​​"playing the golden core period".

Ji Changze: "Since I can't fight it, the sneak attack is not very reliable. What do you think of the idea of ​​drugging the water source?"

"Even if he is in the Mahayana period, he still needs to drink water, and there is only such a well here. We only need to look at the way. If there is a magic repair, we will drop the medicine in the well. When he is poisoned, that is not a matter. Let us do whatever we want, when the time comes, hum."

Two disciples: ""

No, Master, what are you humming.

Why do we have to struggle with the demonic cultivation of the Golden Core Stage cultivation base.

Let alone medicine

"There are still mortals living nearby, Master, if a mortal drank it"

"It's okay. It's good for us to disperse spiritual power, and mortals don't have spiritual power. Okay, since you don't object, then you agree. I will look for it. Where is my medicine."

Seeing that the Master really started to go to the ring while chattering, the two said: ""

They really don't know what to say.

Fuxue suddenly thought of something, her eyes lit up, and she quickly said: "Master, medicine is not a safe move. Most magic cultivation methods are weird. Even if you really lose your cultivation level, you may still have a way to save your life. Still not comprehensive enough, not as good as us"

"Why don't we just administer the medicine and dig another trap!"

Ji Changze was obviously interested, and his voice became more energetic: "When I was a teacher, I used to dig traps on the Spirit Beast Mountain for the tooth sacrifice. Every time I got a trick, you can dig for the teacher's guidance. After all, Fu Yu is a girl, so please note down the key points of digging traps by the side. When you go back, review them together."

Fuling Fuxue: ""

Fu Yu's style of painting will always be different from that of the two seniors, and he nodded in full spirit: "Yes! Master! Fu Yu will definitely write it down carefully, and will never disappoint Master's trust!"

Fuling Fuxue: ""

It's over, the little junior sister really can't save it.

Rao ran through countless alpacas from the bottom of his heart, and faced the master with confident eyes. As a disciple, he still had to act according to his instructions.

The two of them first distorted their expressions with toothache and spilled the medicine in the well that can make the practitioner lose their spiritual power. So Master, why did you collect these things, and then dug a deep pit on the way you must pass. , The bottom of the pit also got a bunch of magic weapons to get in.

When everything was set up, Ji Changze took out a wooden sign and pen from the ring space, which said there was a trap here, please detour.

Then, the card was inserted in front of the trap.

The two disciples who worked so hard to make the trap so secret that nothing can be seen with the naked eye: ""

"Master, what are you?"

"Oh, I'm afraid that a mortal stepped in. The mortal would be fine after drinking the well water. If you step on this trap, you will definitely die."

After the explanation, he did not forget to praise himself: "Being a teacher is really a good person."

Two people: ""

"But Master, if you have written this word, Mo Xiu will certainly not fail to recognize it."

If he saw it, wouldn't he also take a detour?

"Huh? Yeah."

Ji Changze is still the indifferent appearance that is very awkward no matter what happens, and he just waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, maybe Mo Xiu really doesn't recognize words."

Two people: ""

They exhale deeply and then exhale.

I tried to adjust my breathing repeatedly to prevent myself from being fainted by Master's show operation.

"That's it, you guys squat up quickly, remember, don't use spiritual power, just treat yourself as a mortal."

Two people: ""

Fu Yu obediently got into the grass immediately. It doesn't matter if he got in by himself, he didn't forget to greet the two seniors in a low voice: "Big Brother and 2 Senior Brothers, you hurry up and hide."

Fuling Fuxue: ""

They hid silently, and then watched the master, who had been silent, walked directly behind a stone, leaned comfortably, closed his eyes, as if planning to take a nap.


The two of them who had expected it long ago tried to take a deep breath again.

They know.

Forget it.

Considering that the masters have such a high level of cultivation, so many disciples under them, and so respected in the sect, wouldn't they still spoil him in front of the master?

They are still Master's disciples, so naturally they should focus on Master's words.

Before going down the mountain, I almost took turns to line up to talk to them one by one. The conversation center was over and over again, "You have a young master, and your cultivation level is not high. Those who are disciples should take care of more."

Even the fifth uncle came out awkwardly: "I found a jade bed before. You put it away. If the younger brother can't sleep in the bed outside, take this bed out for him to use."

Junior sister Fu Yu, who had already turned his head, didn't mention it.

The two disciples who had been on their own since they were young, went out to do tasks at a young age, took a rest on the ground, and drank water and ate cakes when they were hungry. They really couldn't go on a mission. They were so stunned.

They knew that the master was spoiled before, but they only thought that they were more self-willed than the uncles. Unexpectedly, the scope of this spoiled pampering also included eating and drinking and sleeping well when going out.

Because of this, the two can better understand what Master had done before.

Just looking at this time when a few uncles were talking to them in turn asking them to take care of Master, it can be seen that Master must be the same before, and don't worry about everything, anyway, there are senior brothers and sisters on it.

What he wants can be obtained by opening his mouth.

That being the case, how could it bother to think that these treasures were not easy to come by.

Fu Ling was even more affirmed of her own thoughts, and Fu Xue understood those things the senior brother said before.

As for Fu Yu

She has completely joined the ranks of the uncles, let alone judging what the uncles have done before, she now just wants to write down every word the master said as a famous saying.

But it's not to blame her for turning too fast.

Fu Yu was easy to talk and was easy to be moved. Before, he had a Confucian heart for him when he didn't know him, and he admired a few uncles even more. Now he knows that he actually has them in his heart. Disciple, I also see that the uncles love Master so much.

She naturally followed suit.

Even if the master decides to attack the magic repair.

Even if the master actually thought of applying medicine in the water.

Even if the Master asked them to dig a trap, he put up a sign in front to remind them that there was a trap ahead.

Fu Yu still felt that everything Master was right was right.

That won't work.

Although Master is headstrong and naive, he has naive capital. Five uncles, even those who seem to dislike Master, are all used to spoiling him like a child. It is said that before the ascension, Shizu still treats Shizun as a little son.

In addition, the status of the teacher is high, and there are disciples like them below who come to respect and take care of him. Not to mention that he is just a little willful. Even if he is really a child all his life, he can still live comfortably.

Fuyu can't do it.

She only has them two senior brothers, not to mention that they now regard the respected master as their own responsibility, and then another junior sister will have to take care of them like this, and they will be crazy sooner or later.

The two looked at each other.

Rather than having to take care of two younger sisters, it is easier for three people to take care of the master together.

Therefore, the question now is how to calmly let the little sister understand that the respected master must be respected, but it is better to listen to some of his words, but don't take it seriously.

Especially if you set up a trap and then stated that it was a trap in the front, I hope that there will be demon cultivators stepping into this behavior.

Isn't this just like fishing without hooks and bait, just throw a rope in, and then expect the fish to bite the rope stupidly and get to the shore?

There was no such silly fish at the end of the day, ah, no, start over.

There was no such silly magic repair at the end of that day!

Even though the master was present, even if the two of them wanted to hold back the little junior sister who was hiding and not forgetting to record, they told her heartily, "Why are you so stupid, you can believe it", and they can only be as quiet as a chicken. Hiding.

Silently watched Master lean against the stone and fell asleep.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

They met again, comforting themselves silently in the bottom of their hearts.

Although I can't talk about it now, but the problem is not big.

As long as the little sister has witnessed these medicines and traps, it's useless at all. With

It's useless to see it all, so she can't believe it.

Thinking of this, the two of them were instantly energetic, and even a little anticipating that Mo Xiu came quickly.

Their eyes widened and they were full of energy.

An hour passed.

Two hours passed.

It's getting dark.

Ji Changze got up from behind the stone and stretched openly, with a regretful tone: "It's a pity that I didn't take my bed down. It's not comfortable enough without sleeping."

Two people: ""


The Fuling on the tree couldn't hold back anymore, and while trying to hold up the persona, he asked Ji Changze: "Dare to ask Master, is the news of the frequent occurrences of demons here accurate?"

"Of course it is accurate, but I saw it in the sect records, but it clearly states that this place was a place where demons were rampant a hundred years ago.

Fuling: ""

Fu Xue: "A hundred years ago??"

A hundred years have passed. Master, how big are you to feel that the magic cultivators will come here in a hundred years.


They were strange before.

This is the territory of Chi Xianzong. Mortals are protected by Chi Xianzong. Normally, demonic cultivators would not come here.

But if Chi Xianzong hadn't started sheltering the villagers here a hundred years ago, then everything would make sense.

Ji Changze: "What are you doing so surprised, wait a minute, I still have to do this good man and good deed today."

Fuling: ""

Fuxue: "Master, I think we should change the place."

"Why? Isn't this place very good? We have all taken the medicine, and the traps have been dug. Isn't it a pity to change the place now?"

The key is that these medicines and traps are useless if you don't change places! !

Fu Ling was about to kneel for his master: "Master, a hundred years have passed. How could there be magic cultivators here? Today's magic cultivators are more refined than each, and they can't be in our Chi Xianzong's territory. Evildoer."

"Nothing is absolute, in case we run into it."

Fuling Fuxue almost didn't get amused.

They can see that, Master, this is basically because he wants to do the task, and he doesn't want to run too far.

Fu Xue persuaded: "Master, otherwise we will go back today? It's so late, even if there is a demon cultivator doing evil here, it's dark, he shouldn't come."

How witty Ji Changze is, he naturally said: "Have you never read the script? The evil people all come out at night. The so-called night black winds kill people and set fires, this is more than just talking."

"So, don't just focus on cultivating on weekdays, but also study other useful things, you know?"

Two people: ""

Fuxue: "It's really impossible to come to the magic repair"

Before his words fell, Ji Changze suddenly listened to the side and made a "don't make a sound" gesture: "Hush, here it is."

coming? What's coming?

It can't really be a magic repair.

The two people who were still in a hidden state subconsciously looked towards the sound, and saw that in the night, a magic correction really came slowly towards this side.

Why can you tell that he is a magic cultivator without using spiritual power?

Naturally, it was because he held the iconic magic weapon in his hand, a staff inlaid with a skull.

The tastes of these magic repairs are all very wonderful, you say that if you cultivate the magic, you will cultivate the magic, anyway, it also has a long lifespan, and there is also a cultivation level, not to mention that all the white-clothed instruments are not only easy to use, but also beautiful, anyway. Don't make it so ugly.

But Moxiu just doesn't.

Their magical weapons have been ugly and can't bear to look directly at this avenue, galloping horses.

There is a skull at the top of the cane. This shape is pretty good. Some artifacts are crooked and covered with bugs, and some are in the shape of a snake. The look of the snake is still a little cold and handsome, but they have made it. What kind of?

The body is fat like a fish, not to mention, the cold snake eye that should have been most terrifying has also been trimmed with a cross-eyed eye.

Scary? It's good not to laugh at death.

The key magic repairs may also have their own popular fashions, or they may all be aesthetically novel. Anyway, every time an ugly magic repair tool that makes Xianxiu complain about for a long time appears, most of the magic repairs will be able to follow the trend and replace it soon. The same paragraph.

It fully demonstrates what is called "a ugly nest".

When Fu Ling saw Moxiu's magical artifact for the first time, she complained in her heart for a long time.

He even wondered for a time whether Moxiu deliberately made the artifacts so ugly so that the immortals with normal aesthetics were distracted by the ugliness.

As a result, he couldn't help blinking a few more times when he saw that Mo Xiu with an ugly magic weapon came to him.

Spicy eyes, spicy eyes.

Fortunately, because he didn't use his spiritual power, even if he walked in front of him, Mo Xiu did not find anyone hiding in the tree.

He just went to the well and sat down first, got some water and drank it himself, then with a cold typical villain smile, he sprinkled medicine into the well.

Fuling Fuxue who just did a similar move: ""

Although they couldn't see what kind of medicine the magic cultivator had given, they could definitely tell from the other person's face that said "I have no good intentions" that what he threw in it was definitely not a good thing.

The magic repair is really vicious.

The people living here are all mortals, somehow they are also cultivators, and they use such a despicable method as medicine.

Huh, that's not right.

The two who had just taken the medicine suddenly realized that they seemed to have scolded themselves, and they quickly changed the description of condemnation in their hearts.

Damn it, even using this method on ordinary people!

They all only administer drugs for the practitioners.



Despise your magic repair.

After despising them, they figured out when they would take the shot. Since Mo Xiu drank the water, I'm afraid he won't be able to use it right away. It's just a pity that the trap with a sign is standing. If he can step into it, it can be less. A lot of unnecessary risks.

Just thinking about it, they saw that the enchantment repaired to the trap.

He stopped, obviously looking at what was written on the sign.


The two sighed together in their hearts.


This magic repair is indeed a word-knowledge.

It seems that the trap has been dug in vain.

Then, after they saw Mo Xiu clearly see what was written on it, a mocking and disdainful smile hung from the corner of his mouth.

Fu Ling; "???"

Fu Xue: "???"

Fu Yu: Master is really amazing!


Mo Xiu lived up to expectations and fell into the trap.

He was a little confused, because after seeing the words on the sign, his first reaction was "How can mortal things hurt me".

Knowing that this kind of trap with a reminder sign must be used for catching, and he, a cultivator, can't even get past a trap used by a mortal to catch it?

With this kind of self-confidence idea, he walked aggressively and confidently. Of course, he also used his skill to ensure that he could walk flat on the trap that mortals would fall into.

Then he fell in.

The moment he fell in, he was surrounded by countless array magic weapons, the formation trapped him, and the magic weapons beat him violently.

Mo Xiu screamed when he was beaten, and it took him a long time to react.

Isn't this trap specially made by mortals? ? ! !

What kind of words do you write on it? ?

Isn't this superfluous? ? ! !

People have no silver three hundred taels here! ! What's special about you is that you have buried the silver and you have to write "I have silver and silver" on it.

What route? ? ! !


Ji Changze, who had been sitting silently behind the stone and didn't hide at all, jumped out and shouted with excitement: "Disciples, come and see, we have caught the magic repair."

Witnessing Moxiu's operation as fierce as a tiger, he took a closer look at Fuling Fuxue who acted in 250: ""

It's very dumbfounded.

Are the current magic repairs so confident?

Know that there are traps and go? ?

We arrived at the trap with the little sister, the magic repair inside was still screaming while yelling angrily:

"Insidious and poisonous villain!! I actually wrote a reminder in front of the trap, which made me mistakenly think it was a mortal trap, so that I could step on it without defense!! Shameless!! You are bold enough to let me out, we Have a good meal in the open lobby!!!"

Ji Changze looked inside with excitement, saw him beep, and replied: "How could we have been able to beat you when you were in the primordial infant stage, and let you go out. You are afraid that you are mad."

The magic repair inside choked, only to realize that these shamelessly setting traps were only in the foundation stage, and his flustered heart was immediately settled, and he smiled coldly:

"It turns out that it was just a few base-building periods, heh, do you think you can leapfrog by digging a trap? I will go out in minutes to kill you."

Knowing that it was just a few base-building periods, his confidence in his heart greatly increased, and he was about to break away from his shackles with a sudden effort.

One hard!

Two hard! !

Three hard! !

The formation and magical tools that trapped him remained motionless.

Magic repair; ""

Ji Changze probed his brain on it: "By the way, did you put the medicine in the well just now? What a coincidence, we also put the medicine in the well, before you."

"Do you feel weak, blood rushing, and falling down in minutes?"

Magic repair: ""

He was stunned.

Are these people decent?

Don't they always look down on these crooked ways?

Why can I still prescribe the medicine before him? ! !

He was acting secretly this time, how did these people know? ?

Mo Xiu didn't have time to think about it anymore, and hurriedly ignored the magic weapon that was beating him violently, and sat down cross-legged to try to refine the medicinal energy.


When he finishes refining the medicinal energy, during these foundation building phases, he will definitely want them to die!

"Master, he is refining!"

With sharp eyes, Fu Yu saw that Mo Xiu was refining, so he hurried to make a small report.

"It's okay, a good boy."

Ji Changze said slowly without any anxiety: "If this medicine does not use spiritual power after entering the body, it will only temporarily lose spiritual power, but if it tries to refine it with spiritual power, tsk tsk, the scattered spiritual power will no longer be used. Can't come back."

Underneath is trying to sit cross-legged, the magic repair of refining medicine power: ""

He looked up incredulously.

I saw the shameless cultivator above who was dressed like a dog and had a pretty good length. He said, "That's right. Also, if the body moves a little bit during the process of refining the chemical medicine, then he moves. That part will be affected by the power of the medicine and can no longer move. This seems to be paralyzed by mortals."

Magic repair: ""

He tentatively moved his neck, and he realized that no matter how hard he tried, his neck could only maintain the look it looks upwards.

There is such a vicious medicine in the world.

He is in the prime of life! !

There are these people.

Are they not authentic? What kind of medicine is coming! !

"Shameless!!! Shameless people!!! Actually resorted to such despicable means of drugging!!! Despicable villain!!!"

Ji Changze pulled out his ears and looked down: "Look at what you are saying."

"The drug is a despicable method, so what were you doing just now? We all saw it."

The magic repair that just got the medicine: ""


He subconsciously raised his finger and pointed at Ji Changze about to yell at him.

Ji Changze kindly reminded: "I can't move my hands, it's so pitiful."

Magic repair: ""

In the end, he just maintained the posture of raising his head and raising his hands, and was lifted out by Fuling Fuxue with great difficulty.

The unchangeable action on the ground made him look particularly miserable.

Magic repair: ""

Ji Changze was still beeping next to him: "Hahahahaha, how funny he looks, by the way, you guys said why he should prescribe medicine."

Mo Xiu said firmly: "I will never say that, if you kill me, neither will I"

Ji Changze: "Forget it, I don't want to know anyway, help Ling and kill him."

Magic repair: "???"

Magic repair: ""

He has only been out of activity for 300 years.

Has the authentic sect of today become like this? ?