The master who is greedy for money and stingy (12)

The demon still wanted to beep, Ji Changze had already flicked the dragon's tail, and slammed the person eight feet away abruptly. Before he could get up, he swept the person back to his original position with another tail.

This goes back and forth, back and forth.

From the perspective of the dragon clan, this is a cute little dragon playing the game of "dropping the ball". If it weren't for the dragon clan's collective relocation to the upper realm, I'm afraid there are now a lot of terrifying dragons piled up in the sky. Above, a pair of double dragon eyes looked at the little black dragon "playing" lovingly.

Unfortunately, Ji Changze is the only dragon in the cultivation world today.

As a human being, it is also the "ball" in the ball game. The Demon Lord can't get how fun this "game" is. He just feels that he is about to be played to death.

He couldn't believe it.

There is a dragon hidden in Chi Xianzong! !

The goddamn right way! !

You know that these people are all good-looking bastards! !

On the surface, what was said to be upright and what to behave was magnanimous, but in fact one was more insidious, and the dragon had never revealed the slightest sound.

Obviously knowing their plans, maybe they are not poisoned, but they still have to pretend to look like "Ah, I don't know anything", "Oh, I'm poisoned", "I'm so angry and angry, but I can't do anything."

Shameless! ! ! !

His gray-headed face was covered with holes, and his whole body was trembling with anger! !

Ji Changze always maintained the young dragon's attacking method to shoot the ball. He couldn't get up even if he could not climb up. He could only be slaughtered by people before he stopped.

The young dragon's long and long Dragon Yin spread far away, slowly landing, affectionately entwining the entire Chi Xianzong with a huge dragon tail.

"Big brother, do I count as contributing to the sect? You have to praise me."

The handsome head has no idea what to say.

The other senior brothers and sisters behind him also looked confused.

This little junior, who has been watched by them since he was a child, grows up. How can he say that he has become a dragon?

Long who doesn't know.

Born to be strong, the darling of heaven.

While the cultivators are still working hard to increase their cultivation base and try their best to ascend, the dragon clan moves to the upper realm when they want to move to the upper realm.

Such a powerful, charming, and frustrating creature.

It was their junior brother? ?

Being lazy, greedy, counseling, greedy for money, cheeky, not to say, can a thief demonstrate what it means to say that the little brother is a dragon? ?

How can it be so dreamy.

Not only do they feel like dreaming, but other people in the cultivation world, demonic cultivators, all feel like dreaming.

The other sects didn't expect that the demonic cultivators would actually get pollen that could make them temporarily lose their cultivation base. After being caught off guard, no matter how good the previous arrangement was, they could only be slaughtered without spiritual power.

"Tsk, old fellow, are you a buddhist practitioner? You even brought a whisk. It looks good, it belongs to me."

The Mo Xiu who said this snatched the whisk in the hands of an elder Xianzong, and when he saw that he wanted to come forward to take it back, he smiled triumphantly: "You don't want to give it to me? Don't look at how embarrassed you are now. Even if you don't kneel down and beg for mercy, you still dare to resist."

With that said, he overthrew this elder who had a weak cultivation base.

Without spiritual power, the elder was just an ordinary person, and he fell directly to the ground by this push.


"Dare Zhuzier!!!"

When the surrounding disciples saw their own sect elder being insulted, they were naturally angry, but there was no other way except shouting in anger.

Without the cultivation base, they were like mortals, and they were arrested by the demonic cultivators without any resistance. When blood was about to splash on the spot, they flew past the escaping demonic cultivators in the sky.

The magic cultivator, who was still flaunting his might on the ground, discovered that the flying in the sky was actually a companion, so he flew up to inquire about the situation.

"What are you running? Didn't you go to Chi Xianzong with the lord before? Could it be that so many of you can't beat Chi Xianzong's sword repair group with the lord?"

"Fight! Hit!!!"

Mo Xiu, who was dragged for questioning, was angry that this person was actually blocking his escape, and he collapsed and shouted: "Chi Xianzong has a dragon!! This is a fart, you can get out of Laozi quickly, I have to move quickly!! "

"Dragon??" The demon repairer who asked the question was confused: "Did the dragon clan move the whole clan? How can there be dragons in the realm of comprehension??"

"You ask me, who should I ask? Anyway, the dragon is offended. The dragon is a disciple of the Chi Xianzong. Now he is holding the devil to vent his anger. The dragons are notoriously careful to keep their grudges and wait until the devil is killed by him. It's hard to guarantee that when he thinks of it, he wants us, especially the great sects of Xianxiu. You kill the people of these sects is the same as killing the people who are covered by the dragon. If you don't want to die, you should run away! !"

Magic repair: ""

He watched as his companion who had finished saying this quickly threw off his hand and turned and ran, flying as fast as he could. The appearance of fleeing in a hurry, even if he didn't want to believe it, he had to believe it.


How could Chi Xianzong have dragons.

Not only was he shocked, but the disciples of the Xianzong who were sitting limply on the ground also showed surprises on their faces.

Most of them knew about the relocation of the dragon's clan at the beginning, but the dragon king himself ordered the whole clan to go together. If the dragon does not leave, it will be treated as a traitor.

Dragons are gregarious creatures, all dragons naturally responded one after another, and the whole family of dragons ascended to the sky in one day.

So, how could there be a dragon in the cultivation world, or a disciple of Chi Xianzong?

Their faces were full of suspicion, wondering if the Demon Cultivators had any plots.

Where does the magic cultivators have the mind to engage in conspiracies?

Are they going to be scared to pee?

As the demon cultivator who fleeing for his life said, the dragon clan's careful eyes are definitely notorious. If it offends a person, there is still a glimmer of life, but if it offends the dragon, it will definitely be dead.

Not only do they have high-intensity combat power and a small amount of needle-eye, but they also have a uniform set of protection for the whole family.

Before the dragons left the realm of cultivation, it was not the adult dragons that made people most afraid to provoke them, but the young dragons, which were also very large compared to humans.

Yes, the lethality of young dragons is indeed not as strong as that of adult dragons.

But the blood of the dragons is thin, and the birth rate of young dragons is too low. Therefore, every little dragon will be the reverse scale of all adult dragons.

If you provoke an adult dragon, then you will only face the hatred of the adult dragon.

But if you provoke a young dragon, what you have to accept is the chase of the entire dragon clan.

The dragon of Chi Xianzong is a young dragon.

The ghost knows how he got down.

If he provokes him, his uncles and aunts Long Bolong will follow along with him.

Don't run now, but when will you stay?

When the immortal cultivators were full of vigilance and worried about what the demon cultivators would have in their conspiracy, the demon cultivators who had figured out their situation had already begun to abandon the immortal prisoners in their hands and began to run away.

The magic repair who snatched the elder's whisk and gave him a hand shake was even more shaken, his face pale as if he had been brushed with powder.

He shivered and shoved the whisk back into the elder's hand, trembling again, helped the person to sit up, and then tremblingly said: "I, I, I didn't beat you, and your whisk Don't pay you back, don't find me, don't find me, you find me and I will surrender, you immortal cultivators are the right way, you can't kill soldiers, goodbye, goodbye, never see you again."

He slipped.

Not only was he alone, the rest of the demons were also scared and ran away.

If the immortals can pay attention to their news, they will know that they haven't been delayed for a quarter of an hour after returning, and they have seized the time to pack their things.

The demon cultivator ran away overnight, and many demon cultivators did not even bring many precious artifacts in a panic when they ran.

But they have no time to take care of this.

Is life important or magic weapon important?

If you don't run, what if the dragon comes over.

The large gathering place of magic repairs became an empty nest overnight, which is enough to prove the powerful deterrence of the dragon clan.

Of course, this is a story.

At this point in time, the disciples of the Xianzong were just sitting on the ground with dumbfounded faces, watching the demon cultivators who were still flaunting their might just ran faster one by one. Soon, only them were left in the entire Xianzong. Own people.

The disciples helped each other to stand up, their faces confused and confused, they were dumbfounded, and naturally they wanted to see the teacher.

Teachers: ""

They are also confused about this.

However, since there is no danger, try to recover your strength first, and then go to Chi Xianzong to inquire about it yourself.

The magic repair on Chi Xianzong's side had already run away.

Mozun wanted to run too, but unfortunately now he has been tortured by the "bounce ball" game completely out of strength.

It can only be spread out on the ground like a salted fish, and it has been slaughtered. He has not forgotten to stare at the handsome head in front of him and say cruelly: "Chenze, don't you think I will bow my head and give up, I will tell You, who I lose to, I won't lose to you!"

The little black dragon was so upset by his quarrel that he swung his tail, and the Demon Lord almost didn't come up after being beaten.

"Big brother, I want to take a safe look, I'll leave it to you here."

Heilong's mouth opened and closed: "But I think this is a tolerance, and the sect should compensate me. Look, big brother, or give me the hilt with gems in your treasury."

Handsome head: "Here you are."

Seeing the little junior happily flying away with the long tail of the dragon, the handsome head is still a little out of condition.

He always felt that the development of all kinds of things throughout the day was like a wild horse running out of steam, which was completely unexpected.

Especially when Mozun discovered that his disposal power had been traded to the handsome head, he immediately looked sad and angry, and slapped his Tianling Gai with his hand, vomiting blood, and staring resentfully at him:

"If I commit suicide, I will not die under your hands. I tell you, although I lost, I didn't lose to you, I just lost to this dragon!! In front of Chu Chu, I am still better than you!! "

With this slap, he used a lot of strength, and soon his breath was weak, his eyes were dizzy, and he fell to the ground while vomiting blood.

Perhaps it was because he was conscious of the dignity of his death, he didn't lose face in front of his rivals, and he didn't forget to show a smile of relief with blood.

Handsome head: ""

He is still in a daze.

For a while, "Little Junior Brother is actually a dragon", "Didn't all the dragons move?" "Master knows that Junior Brother is a dragon?" "Master, what's the matter with you, how the apprentices are all weird except me." After a while, it became "What the hell is this Demon Venerable talking about?" "I don't really know anything chuchu", "I care if you are strong or not, you force my ass."

Seeing that the Demon Sovereign was venting and not taking in, he had the miserable appearance of this life and not the next life. After all, the kindness of the cultivator prevailed, so he squatted down very kindly.

"I am obsessed with the Tao, not in the mood. The woman I have been in close contact with in this life is my third younger sister except my mother. I really have never seen a woman named Chu Chu."

Seeing that Demon Lord was still full of anger and disbelief at all, he sighed: "You are going to die, why should I lie to you."

"It's not easy to get to the Dao Dadao. I am the head of Chi Xianzong. The five junior brothers and sisters underneath want me to take care of me. On weekdays, I don't have much time to spare. Where can I find love? Besides, I just support. Five younger siblings are tired enough, how can they still have the idea of ​​finding someone to take care of them."

After he finished speaking, he praised himself from the bottom of his heart.

Ah, I'm such a good person.

This Demon Venerable will indiscriminately wronged me and killed me. I also helped him resolve regrets and misunderstandings, so that he could die at ease.

It really deserves to be me.

However, as soon as he lowered his head, he saw Mozun's expression stiff, and the eyes staring at him instantly changed from resentment to anger and anger.

Handsome head: "???"

Shouldn't it be grateful?

This demon is too rude, his parents have not taught him to thank others for helping him?

However, he is also a little more tolerant of Demon Venerable because of the death of man.

"It's okay, although you wronged me, but since you are about to die, go with peace of mind. I will forgive you."

Mozun: ""

His eyes were big.

"Forgive and forgive your uncle!"

"You said this earlier, now I am dead in vain"

After he finished speaking, another mouthful of blood spurted out, his head tilted.

The handsome head poked at him, but didn't get a response.

The demon lord died in anger, did not close his eyes before he died, and physically performed what is meant by death.

The handsome head forgave him for his impolite behavior of staring with big eyes even when he was dead.

After all, not everyone can face "My girlfriend ran away. I worked so hard and sleeplessly and practiced hard to get to a high position to seek revenge from my love rival, but I couldn't fight it and didn't want to die in the hands of my love rival, so I committed suicide and died. , Before he died, he learned that the wrong person was found."

Out of breath.


Putting himself in the position for a while, the handsome head even reached out his hand with a little pity and tried to close his eyes.

"Dust Return"

"Wait big brother, I'll come."

The fourth brother supported his weak body and stood up firmly. Although he was weak at this moment, he still tried to maintain his personality, and every step he took was full of immortal demeanor.

He glanced at the handsome head, his eyes full of confidence that "I am proficient in this business".

Handsome head: ""

He stepped aside silently, watching the professional fourth junior brother step forward with a gentle face, squatting down, reaching out his hand to caress the eyes of the devil's deadly eyes:

"The dust returns to the dust, the soil returns to the earth. Although you made a big mistake, you paid the price of your life. I wait for Xianxiu to be broad-minded. Naturally, I won't blame you. You can go with peace of mind."

After speaking, his hand moved away from Xianxiu's eyes.

Those eyes were still wide open, and they didn't mean to close them at all.

Brother Four: ""

There was no wave on his face, as if this was just a normal thing, and he stretched out his hand to stroke the Demon Lord's eyes again.

――Still not closed.

"It seems that you are very grieving."

The fourth brother reluctantly held the place, turned his back to the junior behind him, and under the dumbfounded expression of the handsome head, he stretched out his two hands and squeezed the Mozun's eyelids and lower eyelids together abruptly.

Handsome head: ""

After the squeeze, Senior Brother Four stood up with a satisfied expression: "You are not too hopeless, you can still listen to it and persuade you to dispel your grievances."

When a disciple noticed this scene, the sight of the fourth brother was suddenly filled with admiration.

"It's worthy of being the Fourth Master Uncle, who can actually influence the undead, so powerful."

"The Fourth Master has always been good-hearted, and the demon must know how horrible what he did after death, coupled with the sincere influence of the Fourth Master, this closed his eyes."

They talked a lot, and after the death threat was removed, they wanted to speak very much.

The handsome head who has witnessed everything: ""

Junior brother, how did you grow into the temperament you are now?

Apart from Changze, isn't there any one that makes people worry about it?

Sighing and sighing, his expression suddenly stiffened.

Ah, forgot.

Changze is the most abnormal one among the juniors.

His temperament has not changed.

But his special race has changed! !

Ji Changze, who had changed his race, flew in the air recklessly, and screamed twice when he was happy. The demonic cultivators who had fled for their lives were already nervous. They were flying and suddenly heard the Dragon Yin, and he almost fell directly from the sky.

When he arrived safely, Ji Changze was unable to pick him up.

Because the magic repairs had already sent all those doll fairy repairs to the sect.

Long can never come to us, but we are kind people who "picked up" the doll and sent it back to their home.

Although the hero could not save the baby, the place where his huge body flies will be blocked from the sun, and it looks dull and very imposing.

The immortals who originally believed in the existence of the dragon naturally also saw such a scene: ""

"How is it possible?!!! It's really a dragon?!!!"

"Black!! How can it be black!!"

Seeing an elder look terrified, the surrounding disciples hurriedly supported him: "Elder, what's wrong with the dragon being black?"

The elder was shocked: "The black is the respect in the dragon clan. Only the royal clan of pure blood can be black. How can this little dragon be of the royal blood of the dragon clan? The dragon clan has always had a difficult offspring. The higher the status, the more difficult it is to give birth to a dragon.

I have read records that only the Dragon King is left in the royal family. At the beginning, he had a dragon egg, but he died in the egg without breaking the shell. It is precisely because of this that the dragon king found that the realm of cultivation is no longer suitable for the life of the dragon clan. , Ordered the whole family to relocate. "

He couldn't understand: "If the Dragon King had left offspring, he wouldn't leave the cultivation world so resolutely, so it is impossible for a black young dragon to appear in the cultivation world!"

A disciple said carefully: "But he did appear."

"Yes, he shouldn't have appeared, but he has appeared and left. Since the cultivation base is almost restored, let's go to Chi Xianzong."

There were many sects planning to go to Chi Xianzong to solve the puzzles, so when Ji Changze stretched out the dragon body in a comfortable manner and swayed back, he found that his senior brother was surrounded by many people.

These immortal cultivators, who were quite reserved in their usual manners and demeanor, had put aside those reservations at the moment, surrounded the handsome head of the "insiders", and said after a while:

"I can't blame you for putting Ji Changze in a safe place, you knew he was young!"

"What the hell is going on?! Why does your Chi Xianzong have a young dragon, or a black royal bloodline? You let such a small young dragon cultivate in your sect. Does the Dragon King have no objection?"

"Chenze, you also call me uncle anyway, I just ask you, this young dragon was not stolen by you, right? The Dragon King really won't hit the door?"

Handsome head: ""

"Everyone, I really don't know that Nagasawa is a dragon"

"It's alright, what else are you pretending to be with us, if you don't know, why do you say he is young?"

Yixianxiu said with a smile: "When you said that the younger brother was young, I still laughed at you. I think your younger brother is nearly forty, how can he be called a young boy? Now it seems that he is indeed young. It's even too young. I can't blame your senior brothers and sisters for taking care of the children so hard. Isn't he just a child?"

I just wanted to find an excuse to say that Changze's young handsome head: ""

"Really, you believe me, I don't know."

"Hahahahaha Chenze, this is not yours anymore, this time you Chi Xianzong saved the entire cultivation world, can we still blame you?"

"In the past, I thought in my heart that your younger brother was too spoiled, and tomorrow is extremely high but so lazy. Now I understand that dragons are inherently lazy, not to mention that they can fight against it by relying on dragons alone. During the Mahayana period, playing against Jinxian as an adult is nothing to say.

With such reliance, naturally I will cultivate whenever I want, and I will definitely no longer be as hard as I am now. "

"Yes, I have heard that he is very greedy for money. He always asks you who are brothers and sisters to ask for this and that, and you have to give it back. At that time, I thought you were not sure about it. Now it seems that , You must also know that the dragon love treasures, this is nature, and you can't change it. This is what you want to give."

"Yeah, there are also things that he has no sense of responsibility for his disciples. Isn't this normal? He is still a child himself. If the dragon is in his thirties, he is only one or two years old. How can a child who is learning to speak at an age can ask him too much."

"I can't blame you for being indulged. It turns out that it's not that you are partial to the younger brother, but that you know the truth."

Five really partial brothers and sisters: ""

They really don't know! ! !

They are simply eccentric! ! !

"Brother, brother, I'm back, brother, where is my sword hilt, have you prepared it for me?"

Ji Changze walked straight in in such a strange atmosphere.

And the other sect members who had known that he acted dismissively towards him, the sight of him looking at him at this moment was incredibly affectionate.

For a little dragon less than forty years old.

Ji Changze is already an outrageous type.

He neither demolished the house, nor clamored to fill the sea, nor did he wander around the dragon body all day long on the Xianzong Mountain to scratch it, and finally the itch did not itch, and the mountains of Xianzong were also rubbed. bald.

Compared to the above situation, he was just a little bit greedy, lazy, not making progress, and greedy for money. This is a perfect dragon.

It's not a problem to be lazy or not to be motivated. As a blessed dragon, isn't it all the same as if not motivated?

Greedy of money is even more natural for dragons. Which dragon in this world is not greedy for money and doesn't like shining and shining? At the beginning, the Dragon King moved a diamond mountain directly into the sea, just to appreciate its shining beauty.

The most raised in the Dragon Palace is not the shrimp soldiers and crabs, but all kinds of large clam shells.

Naturally, there is at least one beautiful pearl in every mussel shell.

This shows how much dragons really like these shining treasures.

So, is that Ji Changze greedy for money?


It just happens that all the things he likes are very valuable.

What's wrong with a child who is less than one or two years old when converted to humans, likes to ask for toys? It's normal not to like to practice well.

Teach disciples?

Let a one or two year old baby teach his apprentice? Pervert or mental illness? Choose one yourself.

When everything was right, they used to make them wonder how there is such a weird cultivator in the world, and they can't figure out how such a weird one is protected by seniors and sisters. For me, I have beaten people for several times, and even a little envious. I was jealous of having a talented and diligent disciple that I didn't have the ability to do, and how could I not envy my jealousy, all disappeared.

The eyes of everyone looking at Ji Changze were very affectionate, of course, not so much affection, as love.

After all, this is a little dragon baby.

The cubs that are cherished by the dragon clan have actually fallen into their immortal sect and become a member of the sect.

Ji Changze quickly received a lot of warmth.

When these people left, he touched the back of his head and looked at the handsome head inexplicably: "Big brother, what's the matter with these people, didn't you always look at me when you saw me? Did you take the wrong medicine today? So close to me."

"Besides, they understand the rules. I scared Moxiu away anyway. Do they not bring any gifts to show me?"

When the handsome head saw the innocent face of Junior Brother, his temples couldn't help but jump.

The brain that had just calmed down a little bit was about to crash again.

"Changze, are you really a dragon?"

Ji Changze nodded happily: "Yeah, didn't I change back to the prototype for you to see?"

Handsome head: ""

What the hell is the "isn't this normal" on your special face.

You are dragon! !

Long eh! ! !

Since it is a dragon, why not tell them earlier? ! !

They had to know if this was really a baby, and how could they secretly resent it in their hearts.

The handsome head suddenly remembered that he had arranged for Ji Changze to go down the mountain to do a task before, and he had also met Mo Xiu, his expression on his face became even more rigid.

He, unexpectedly, let, baby, go, do! Ren! Service! !

Moreover, let a baby dragon who was only more than 30 years old face Fuling Fuxue Fuyu alone:? ? ? Vicious and vicious demonic repair.

OMG! ! !

Drop a sky thunder to kill him! !

It feels a bit like buying a lottery ticket and winning the jackpot. As a result, he told him, "Sorry, my lottery ticket is collected within a limited time. You can only get it because you are late.

The sourness is refreshing, and the Rayde people are burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

The handsome head who was falling into infinite thoughts raised his eyes and saw Ji Changze standing there blankly, and the white face that they looked up to was full of "I don't know what happened."

The end is a look of innocent bewilderment.

Handsome head: ""

little baby.

This is just a little baby.

It's normal for a baby to be confused about the importance of things. Can you expect a one or two-year-old baby to understand what racial differences are?

Brainwashing myself, the handsome head gradually came over.

Yes, that's right, Changze was picked up by the master as an abandoned baby at the beginning, and he went to watch it back then. At that time, it was indeed a baby who knew nothing.

He was raised as a human since he was a child, and he certainly didn't know his identity as a dragon.

If you don't know, isn't it normal if you don't tell them?

Perhaps, he only occasionally knew about it during this period of time.

Thinking about it, the handsome head asked out.

"No, I know it as soon as I have a memory, but our dragon clan has inherited memory, how could I forget my race."

Handsome head: ""

He looked in front of the younger brother who was naturally speaking with a beating, his fist was itching.

Do not! !

You must not want to play Nagasawa! !

He is a kid! !

Since Nagasawa knew his identity from a young age but never said it, there must be a reason.

Thinking about it, the handsome head showed a gentle smile full of guidance: "Zhangze, then you tell brother, why have you never said your identity or revealed your true body?"

Ji Changze gave him a surprised look, as if surprised why he would ask such a stupid question.

"Isn't it obvious?"

He confidently said: "The black scales on my body are not shiny enough, so ugly, how can I tell others?"

"If it hadn't been for this time to see you all can't beat me, I wouldn't show my real body."

"By the way, brother, this time so many people saw my ugly scales. I think I was hurt. Can you compensate me on behalf of the sect? I don't want much, three thousand spirit stones are enough."