|Ancient Demon Eliminator (6)

Lin Qing was really a little dazed.

She stepped back vigilantly, looking at the demon in front who were crying and begging her to beat them.

"What are you doing?!"


It must be a trap.

The demon likes to play with people's hearts most, maybe this is a new method they came up with to lie to her.

The male fox has already turned into a prototype. At this moment, his tail swayed wildly and flattered: "Grandma, my three demon thought carefully after you left yesterday. This is not true. Grandma, you are also trying to prevent me from waiting for life. If we kill people, wouldn't we have to lose our evil strength, and when the time comes, we will not be able to survive the tragedy of the sky."

"So you clearly do it for us!!"

"I waited yesterday, but not only did not appreciate the kindness of grandma, but also disrespect grandma. It is really not a good demon. Therefore, today, after thinking about it, we feel that grandma will let you beat us out of breath, so that you can calm your grandma. I'm waiting, but I'm so guilty of waiting for the revenge!"

Lin Qing: ""

Is she kind to these three demons? She just simply didn't want those young little ladies who were inexplicably moldy and then inexplicably became the dead ghosts.

Does this fox really think so?


It has been cultivated for more than a thousand years, so it won't be silly and sweet.

Even if it is stupid and sweet, Lin Qing always feels that their faces have changed a little too quickly, cautiously walked to the door in small steps, and clenched the magic weapon in his hand, intending to follow the fox's words to say something, anyway. Just let the fox see that she has spotted it.

"Cultivation is not easy"

As soon as she raised her head here, the male fox over there took the conversation:

"Yes, it's not easy to practice, how can I destroy the great realm that I have worked so hard to cultivate in the past for a moment of happiness!"

Lin Qing: ""

She changed the words: "For the demon."

"Yes, that's right. Those who have been cultivating for more than a hundred years can become demons. We should act frankly and openly. We can clearly practice well. Why do we have to harm others? Don't worry, grandma. I know, we don't. Harm, we are good monsters."

Lin Qing: ""

Why did this male fox speak these official words more proficiently than her demon master.

He had almost said everything, and she could only think of another sentence in her mind: "It's good if you know this, as long as you"

The male fox immediately raised his claws: "Understood! I will definitely be a demon in the future, practice hard, do good deeds, accumulate merits, and become an out-and-out good demon!"

Lin Qing's eyes are subtle.

"How do you understand this?"

"Hey, I have lived for a long time. I haven't met any demon masters. I have always said that. I can recite them back and forth and they will not change their words. You demon masters, that's it. I don't know how to work around, it's not like our demon.

Listening to a series of idioms popping out of the male fox's mouth, Lin Qing: ""

These seem to be derogatory terms, right? ?

As the male fox was talking, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have told Lin Qing too. A fox's face immediately showed a flattering smile:

"Of course, you are different. Look at you, like the bright moon, the stars in the sky, just look at your beautiful face, I almost suspect that you are the Chang'e in the sky, and you are so beautiful that you can't stand it!"

The two rabbits still keeping their fart poses also raised their ears, and then responded with their rough brawny voice: "It is exactly, you are afraid that you are the Fairy Chang'e that day, if you are willing, My brothers are willing to be your jade rabbits and guard your beautiful face at all times."

Lin Qing: "How do you see what I look like when I wear a hat?"

The three demons who were preaching frantically and slapped her ass desperately choked.

The male fox has the most experience, and he immediately said: "That's naturally because of your grandmother's beautiful appearance and temperament. The hat can't cover your beauty and taste. I believe that the appearance under your hat must be overwhelming. Allure, stunning!"

He really felt that way.

After all, if it's not a big beauty, why would a guy with terrifying power be so precious to her.

Naturally, Lin Qing didn't know these inner details. She realized that these monsters seemed to have no conspiracy, and asked hesitantly, "Then you won't spread the mold to the women here in the future, right?"

"No! Of course not!!"

The male fox was serious, and he forced a righteous expression on the fox's face: "Don't worry, grandma, we are also good demon cultivators, but not those bad demon who just want to take shortcuts without proper practice. Yesterday they just followed Grandma was joking. Actually, we planned to move out some time later and change to a new place to disperse the mildew. When the time is almost up, we will change to another place."

"Grandma, don't worry, I will do everything properly, and I will definitely not stay in the same place for a long time!!"

Even if I wanted to stop selling moldy sachets and play here for a while because I liked the folk customs here, I don't want to do it anymore.

There lived such a terrifying evil god, they didn't dare to wait too much.

The evil spirit looked cold and indifferent on the surface, but when he shot his hand, his momentum was almost as if they were ants. They offended his wife. It is hard to guarantee that this evil spirit will not be held accountable now, and will someday think of it. Will catch up to the door to deal with them.

The thousands of years of male foxes are not in vain.

At the beginning, most of the demon masters weren't as useless as they are now, one by one, arrogant, over-thousand-year-old demon, they said that they would eliminate it, and it would not even be necessary to send out older disciples.

In such an environment that is not conducive to the Yaozu, why can he bring his two rabbit brothers alive peacefully to the present? !

Isn't that just relying on being able to bend and stretch! !

When they ran into the Demon Eliminator who was following the evil spirit, the three of them immediately knelt down and cried out, begging to let them go.

Even if the opponent's cultivation base is actually inferior to them, it doesn't prevent you from holding your big legs and crying for your innocence.

After all, they have been conscientious and conscientious on the road. They have witnessed many monsters seeing the other side's cultivation base is low and presumptuous. As a result, the young disciple was beaten and turned around and called his master.

It can be said that a small one comes to an old one, and if the old one can't be beaten, then there can be another older one.

During that time, the three demon saw who kneeled and hugged the big leg. It was a good one.

Later, with the passage of time, the demon masters with different abilities in those days did not resist life span, and died one after another.

The younger generation is not as powerful as the previous generation.

It's also a coincidence, the less powerful they are, the more they will intrigue.

Obviously, it is the demon master and the people, and it is their duty to fight for the people. However, most of the high-status demon masters in these years are indulging in fighting for power and gain, framed and framed.

As a result, the demon-killing master who had already declined was even more in decline.

Young disciples who have better talents and higher cultivation bases, unless they are their fathers and mothers who are highly respected demon masters, they will definitely be framed and abolished.

The elders who have the mind but are pure and kind but can't play with their peers, left the school in a rage and wandered around. Naturally, most of the rest are those who love power.

Watching the demon eradication master decline, the most powerful and the highest demon eradication master can't beat them, and the three hiding demon began to wander among the human beings in a fair manner.

After they came out, they discovered that not only the demon master's side had fallen, but even the demon side was not working.

When they were little fairies at the beginning, the great demon that had been used for thousands of years walked everywhere, but now, those great demons who were eliminated in those days were eliminated, soaring soaring, now they can only see who they call dad. The little goblin had also gotten into the top of the demon world.

Of course, no matter how hideous their status is now, the counsel of the year will remain in their hearts forever.

Otherwise, if he were to be a great demon with a lofty status from the very beginning, even if Ji Changze beat him a dozen times, he would stubbornly refuse to bow his head.

Just like a male fox who almost called his father over all the way, he could kneel so quickly.

"Grandma, don't worry, we will leave tomorrow without delay! And when we move to other places in the future, we will never disperse the mildew arbitrarily, so don't worry!"

The demon cooperated so much that Lin Qing, who had prepared himself to be seriously injured and sacrificed in the first place, didn't react until now.

She was dumbfounded for a few seconds before she said: "I hope you can count on your words."

"Naturally, don't worry! We will definitely not lie to you. If we lie to you, we will be overwhelmed by the catastrophe and become dead foxes and rabbits!"

The demon's oath is very strong. Once he takes an oath, the heavenly way will feel, and a thunder flashes by, which means that I will be the master and give you a testimony.

Lin Qing really didn't expect a male fox to achieve this level. She raised her eyes again and saw that the fox had an open and open face and an appearance of "I have a clear conscience."

Is it really just that she thinks too much?

Or is it that the monsters of the past few years are so weird?

Although his heart was full of misgivings, the fox finally made a vow of heaven. Lin Qing let go of his heart and bowed his fist to the three demon: "So, I was the one who disturbed me, thank you everyone."

After speaking, she turned to leave.

As soon as he turned around to open the door, he heard the male fox say: "Wait!"

Lin Qing's body was tight for an instant, and he squeezed the magic weapon in his hand calmly, turned around slowly, and secretly guarded, "What else?"

The male fox crouched on the ground, and the fox fart at her, turning his head hard: "Grandma, haven't you beaten us yet?"

"Yes, yeah, grandma, hit us, you're welcome."

The two rabbits replied and twisted their fat rabbit fart.

Seeing a fox and two rabbits on the opposite side are all farts. He lifted up to face her, as if letting her beat and scold, Lin Qing's eyes twitched: "No need."

"Since you have no intention of harming people, why should I hit you?"

"What you want, what you want."

Seeing that she was unwilling to fight, the male fox suddenly became anxious.

How could they not fight? The ancestor said that he wanted them to be beaten by his wife to vent their anger.

"Yesterday, my brothers and three demon were not polite to grandma, and beat grandma out. Today, we have to apologize, grandma, come on! You beat us, just as we apologize."

Looking at the three fat toots, Lin Qing really couldn't help.

"Forget it, I rushed to the door yesterday in Japan. I was not as skilled as the demon, and there is nothing to apologize."

"I, I'm leaving now."

After that, she really didn't want to see those three fat toots again, and quickly opened the door and went out.

Seeing her like this, the Three Demon suddenly became anxious, and hurried to chase after her.

"Grandma, don't go, and discuss it again. You don't like to hit farts. If you do, you can hit your tail and claws. It really doesn't work. We can also let you hit the head!"

Although the three monsters were anxious, they did not lose their sense. They all changed into human form when they went out. They followed Lin Qing and tried to persuade her: "Really, grandma, our farts are very good. When we were young, those big guys The demon always likes to catch us back, and hit us when he is upset, and he will be happy after he is done."

"The pheasant, tortoise, bird demon who were caught with us at that time were uncomfortable to beat them up. They were all eaten by the big demon. In the end, only the three of us were not eaten."

As he said, he straightened his chest proudly: "Later, we set ourselves on our own. Sometimes the big demon would fly to the top of the hill where we live and beat us for three days and three nights in a bad mood!"

Lin Qing: ""

Why can you think of being beaten as something very glorious.

Seeing that he had moved out of such an excellent "anti-beating experience", Lin Qing was still indifferent, and even seeing his eyes with a touch of sympathy, the male fox was anxious.

The gorgeously dressed "woman" followed Lin Qing with two little girls anxiously, and kept trying to persuade her:

"If grandma you don't like beating demons, how about I apologize in other ways? I teach you to dance? Or, let me give you gold and clothes? Grandma, look at you in black. Yes, I know there is a new set of peach-pink clothes in the town's ready-to-wear store. It's a pretty one. Although it's expensive, I'm not short of money. I'll buy it for you."

Finally got rid of the peach-pink Lin Qing: ""

"I don't need to apologize, you can go back."

"Well, you don't need clothes, jewelry, jewelry is the head office."

The male fox was lobbying hard, but he heard a familiar devil's voice in front of him: "Lady."

He shook his body, changing from a chattering fox to a stiff fox, standing still and dare not move.

The same is true for the two rabbits behind him. If it weren't for the ancestor's saying that he didn't want them to reveal his identity, I'm afraid they would immediately kneel down.


Lin Qing looked at the weak man who was holding the umbrella in front of him in surprise, hurriedly trot a few steps forward: "Why are you here?"

"I saw it raining at home, and found that you didn't bring an umbrella, so I went to town to look for it. I didn't expect it to happen, you really are in town."

While Ji Changze was speaking indifferently, he held his umbrella and looked at the three demon who was standing stiff in place, emotionally wanted to run rationally and told them that they could not run.

"Who are these?"

Lin Qing just focused on her husband, and only when he was reminded did he remember that these three monsters saw her husband.

She was already wary of them, but now they saw her husband's true face again, how could she not worry in her heart.

Almost immediately, Lin Qing stood in front of Ji Changze, seemingly ordinary, but in fact he looked at the three monsters on the opposite side with vigilance.

"It's just the people from Xiangpu, I just went to the Xiangpu to take a look. They came to see me off."

"is it?"

Ji Changze's tone has always been weak, even if it is a question, it doesn't sound like a fluctuation in his tone.

"I just watched, they seem to be pestering you?"

"No no!!!!"

Gong Hulimin sensed the dangerous meaning of this sentence, and quickly straightened out his waist: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. Didn't we offend this lady yesterday? We apologized and apologized today. I just wanted the lady to forgive us and let us compensate."

"It was so."

Ji Changze nodded and looked at the male fox. There was a cold light flashing under his eyes that only the three monsters on the opposite side could notice; Buy and sell in general."

Seeing him speaking so unceremoniously, Lin Qing's heart tensed, for fear that he would annoy the Three Demons. If she really did start her hands, she would be able to support it alone, and if she was an ordinary husband, she would not be able to protect her. Live him.

"Three, I'm sorry, my husband always speaks like this, and it doesn't mean you are aimed at you."

Ji Changze stood behind her, looking menacingly at the Three Demons.

Three demon: "Yes, yes, we understand."

"Thank you three for your understanding. My husband has always been weak and can't stay outside on rainy days for too long. My husband and I will go back first."

Weak body

The three demons who were beaten up yesterday took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on their foreheads: "Yes, yes, then, that Lord is not, then does this gentleman need any tonic? We have a lot of treasures here. If you can give it to me, we can give it to you. For you, but also to make friends"

"No need."

Ji Changze cast a glance at the Three Demons, and after a cold refusal, he asked Lin Qing: "Since they are the owners of Xiangpu, they will continue to open shops here in the future?"

Lin Qing replied: "They plan to move away, just in these two days."

"is it?"

Ji Changze said without any fluctuations in his tone: "I still think that there are too few incense shops in the town. If they can open here for a long time, it will be convenient to buy incense in the future."

The four words for a long time, plus the accent that only the three demons can understand.

Three demon: ""

They looked tremblingly at Ji Changze, who was standing behind Lin Qing, and saw the terrifying man holding an umbrella, his white jade-like face, eyebrows raised at them.

Everything goes without saying.

Three demon: ""

Lin Qing couldn't see the expression of her husband behind him, and just said, "That's a pity, they plan to move out, maybe tomorrow."

"I, I, we suddenly changed our minds!!" The stammering voice of the male fox suddenly appeared, interrupting Lin Qing.

Lin Qing frowned suddenly, and looked at the Three Demons who had just said verbally about moving away in disbelief.

"You just didn't say you want to move out?"

Male fox: ""

They want it too.

If it weren't for this ancestor's threat, they wouldn't dare stay here for a moment.

But who can't be as skilled as people.

If they want them not to move, they naturally can only stay here.

"Just, just, you know, people's ideas always change in a moment."

That can't become so fast.

Lin Qing originally suspected that their sudden face change was a conspiracy, but now that they saw Ji Changze suddenly changed their words, more doubts arose in his heart.

They just said it well at Xiangpu.

It is said that he will move out soon and start over in a new place. The amount of mold will definitely be controlled by that time.

When I came out to see her husband, I changed my mind?

Lin Qing frowned, always feeling that something had been ignored by her.

With a pensive look on her face, she stood there thinking about what was going on.

Opposite, seeing her face full of suspicion, the male fox only felt his neck tighten.

It's over.

The grandma was suspicious.

It must be that he was just a doggie. It was so obvious that she discovered the suspicion.

This is so neat.

If she had guessed the identity of the ancestor, he wouldn't kill the three of them.

Should, probably not

Although Ji Changze looked a little bit cruel, he didn't show any mercy, he spoke a little colder, and his eyes were full of fierce light, but he shouldn't kill the demon just because his lady found out that he was wrong.

Male fox: ""

Today, this is not supposed to kill demons, this is bound to kill demons.

He tremblingly wiped his sweat with a handkerchief, and said tremblingly, "Well, this lady, don't you, don't think too much, we don't mean anything else, just like the local demon here. No, yes. Favor"

However, the more he said this, the more suspicious Lin Qing looked at them.

Finally, she clapped her hands, as if she had finally figured out something.

The eyes are clearer a lot.

Male fox: ""

It's over, my life is over!

Lin Qing turned to Ji Changze and said, "I have something to say to the boss, husband, wait for me."

Ji Changze nodded: "Hurry up."

The words were spoken to his wife, but his eyes fell on the three monsters with cold eyes.

Translating the words of this look, it probably means: If you dare to be disrespectful to my lady, I will give you a chance to reincarnate as a human being.

Three demon: ""

Lin Qing walked over to find that the three monsters were actually trembling.

"Why are you shaking?"

Male fox: "Yes, it's a bit cold."

Gillian Rabbit: "The hair is too short."

Rabbit Alan: "It's time to hibernate."

Does the demon still need to hibernate? And it's not winter yet.

They were so abnormal, Lin Qing looked back at her husband who was standing quietly waiting for her, confirming the guess in her heart even more.

Walking with the three demons to the door of Xiangpu, making sure that Ji Changze could not hear them, Lin Qing spoke:

"Don't pretend, I can see it all."

The three demons all shocked.

"Who, who pretended, we didn't, we didn't pretend!"

"That's it, do you look at us, do you seem to pretend?"

Lin Qing looked at the three hairy monsters in front of him and nodded honestly: "Like."

"I have seen through your tricks."

Three demon: "No, can't it"

Ji Changze only yesterday told them not to show their feet in front of this grandma.

Today they lost the grandfather because of their poor acting skills.

It will die.

It will definitely die.

Lin Qing's face is serious: "Okay, we are considered to know each other, I will open the skylight to speak up."

Male fox: "Grandma, listen to our explanation, things are really not what you imagined"

Lin Qing: "Just put it straight, don't you just see that my husband is just a weak ordinary person and feel that I have weaknesses, so that you can dispel the idea of ​​moving out?"

Male fox: "???"

Two rabbits: "???"

Lin Qing: "By the way, what did you just say?"

The male fox's tail stood up when he rubbed it, and his ears were pointed: "I, I, I, I said yes! That's right! The thing is what you think!"

"Yes, Gillian Alan."

The muscular rabbits hurriedly nodded desperately: "Yes, grandma, you are really icy and smart. I have never seen such a clever and witty eliminator like you."

Lin Qing: ""

She looked at the three demon suspiciously.

It's weird.

Obviously what they said was complimenting her, why did it sound like cursing.

Putting away these strange and weird thoughts, she solemnly said: "I don't care what you think, but don't forget, you made the oath of heaven before that you will not harm people. My husband is also a human being. Including it, even if you see it, you can't shoot him."

Male fox: ""

It's hard to tell whether that grandpa is a human.

But the face still looks like a dogleg: "Yes, yes, grandma is right, don't worry, God's oath is that you watched me make it, and even if I stay, I will never sell it again. The fragrant pill."

Their attitudes are so cooperative, but she seems to be a little caressed.

Lin Qing was a little uncomfortable, but thinking of her husband, she still held up the solemn expression on her face and said to them: "Nevertheless, I still have to make it clear that I am the one who is enmity with you. What is it? If you think I offend you, or feel unhappy, just come at me."

"My husband is just an ordinary person."

Three demon: "Yes, it's an ordinary person."

That's right, it's just an ordinary person who can beat the three of them effortlessly.


"He doesn't have the power to bind a chicken, he can't even hold a bucket for fetching water, and he is not a man to do it."

Three demon: ""

Yes, he didn't do it.

Even standing there, knocking the umbrella on the ground, they all stopped cooking.

Lin Qing is still saying: "He has nothing to do with the demon master or the demon, and you all know these."

The three demons who were abused by Ji Changze only wiped their sweat yesterday: "Yes, what grandma said."

"I have said so much just to show that he is not threatening."

The three monsters took a deep breath and barely squeezed a smile on their faces: "Yes, yes, it is not threatening."

"He will not threaten you, nor will he affect you anything."

The three monsters who were threatened just now: "Yes, we found it too."

"If you really feel that you can't sell the mold and feel uncomfortable, just look for me. I just hope you don't anger my husband, thank you."

Listening to her, the smiles of the Three Demons who were pierced with a stab and stab at her heart were a little reluctant, and she could only stand wobbly, and tried to keep her tone not trembling: "Grandma, rest assured, we can make an oath to heaven. In this life, I will never take the initiative to provoke your husband."

Even if there is no oath of heaven, they absolutely dare not.

Isn't the old birthday star looking for death because of a long life? !


Heavenly Dao may also feel that this oath is completely unnecessary, even the Lei given to him is very perfunctory.

Lin Qing, who didn't know the inside story, really didn't expect the three monsters to cooperate so well that they would take an oath when they said they had taken an oath.

Is she really thinking too much?

She felt a little relaxed for a while, and she was a little ashamed for a while that she guessed the three monsters who didn't have any bad thoughts.

Once again, he held his fist solemnly and thanked him: "Thank you three people, I have saved the abdomen of a gentleman with a villain."

Seeing her bowing slightly to the three of them, Ji Changze in the distance looked over.

The three monsters who felt that they were being swept by the ancestor's sight: "No, no, no need to be such a big gift!"

They hurriedly followed, bending down lower than Lin Qing.

Seeing them cooperate so politely, Lin Qing felt even more embarrassed: "You three are like this, but it makes me even more ashamed. Please be respected by me."

With that said, her waist was lower than the Three Demon.

The three monsters were so frightened that they quickly continued to bend down.

Lin Qing was even more ashamed, and went to the next corner.

The three demon also followed down.

Lin Qing went down again.

They can't go down anymore.

――Puff! !

Lin Qingzheng was ashamed that a demon master hadn't acted generously yet, so she heard a noise in front of her. As soon as she lowered her head, she saw three monsters kneeling on the ground neatly, performing a standard worship service.

Lin Qing: "???"

She knew these three monsters were polite, but they were too polite.

Also, why do you want to kneel down?

Is this the etiquette of the Yaozu?

Seeing that Lin Qing was hesitant to kneel down, the male vixen trembled, and he was shaking with fright: "Milk, grandma, you are so handsome, so that the villagers who have nothing to do with him can actually be here. Even if we know that we can't beat us, we still have to persuade us to stop. Although I am a demon, I also have emotions and desires. I was moved by what my grandma did. This worship was for Grandma Xie to teach us the truth of the demon."

"Although we will not move anymore, don't worry, my three brothers will definitely treat grandma, grandpa, and your husband as friends and friends. As long as you don't dislike them, if you have something to do, please call me. As long as my three brothers can do it. Don't make a knock on the matter!"

"So, this worship is what we should."

Lin Qing was greatly moved by this.

In the monster world, there are such kind of benevolence and righteousness, even overly righteous monsters.

She solemnly put her magic weapon on the ground, and took off the hat, revealing her true expression: "You three, I really admire it. Even so, I don't have to hide it."

"In the future, we will be friends. If you encounter any difficulties, just tell me, as long as I don't violate the precepts of the demon master, I will definitely cut my sword."

"Ha, ha ha, right, we also admire ourselves."

The three demon saw that the misunderstanding had passed, and was about to get up, when they saw Ji Changze who was waiting in the distance walking slowly towards this side, and they were so scared that they knelt on the ground again with a thud.

Lin Qing was looking at them suspiciously, and Ji Changze walked up to her.

The tone was faint, as if he was just asking casually: "I was standing there just now. Why did it seem to have heard a knife, why? You didn't talk well with them, did you have a conflict?"

The three monsters were all startled when they heard this, and quickly straightened up and waved their hands: "No, no, it's not a knife, it's a knife, we and milk"

When Ji Changze returned with a cold look, they hurriedly changed their words: "We and the lady hit it off right away, and we have become sisters."


Knowing that the three monsters are not bad-hearted, the main thing is that there is a vow of heaven, she is completely relieved, with a smile on her face, and explains to Ji Changze; "I am very close to the boss and these two little sisters. "

It was the first time that she saw such a polite demon, which was really amazing.

When Ji Changze looked at his wife, his eyes were not sharp at the Three Demons, and he said mildly: "You are busy on weekdays and don't have time to make friends. If you like them, then come to town to chat and laugh with them. "

As he said, he lowered his eyes and looked at the three demon indifferently: "You will accompany my lady more in the future."

"Husband, your tone is too hard." Those who don't know thought he was ordering others.

Lin Qing pulled Laji Changze's sleeve and apologized to the three demons: "I'm really sorry, my husband has always been this temperament, he didn't mean it."

After finishing speaking, he said gently to Changze: "They are my friends, husband, be kind to them."


Ji Changze glanced at the three demons: "I just don't know if they like others to be polite."

The three demon shook their bodies and hurriedly said, "I don't like it or not!!!"

"Yes, yes!! We just like others being rude to us!!"

"Yes, yes, you don't have to be polite, Lady Lin, the more you are polite, the happier we will be, friends, how polite is like!"

Lin Qing: "?"

She was still a little puzzled, but then she thought about the way the three of them were going to fart today, and suddenly she understood.

Perhaps these three monsters have such strange temperaments.

Ji Changze: "Lady, you see, they want me to be polite."

"By the way, do they still want to sell incense if they stay here?"

That's for sure!

Why don't you sell incense?

The vixen only has the craft of selling incense.

The male fox opened his mouth and was about to speak: "That is naturally selling incense"

Ji Changze: "I don't think it's good to sell incense, some of the smell is a bit smelly."

Remembering that they could smell their own odorous male fox: "I suddenly don't want to sell incense!!"

Lin Qing was surprised: "Don't sell incense? Then what do you sell?"

The male fox laughed and said, "There are so many."

Anyway, you can't sell things that the boss doesn't want him to sell.

Lin Qing didn't think too much, just thinking that the monsters had many technological developments, after all, they had lived for so long.

"Then we will leave first."

Can be regarded as leaving! !

The Three Demon Clubs all breathed a sigh of relief, full of smiles on their faces, and sent the plague god, no, sent friends to the street entrance: "Come again next time."

Seeing the two of them walking away, the three demons turned around and wiped their sweat neatly.

Don't come again next time.

It's so scary.

As soon as he came over, Lin Qing's voice suddenly appeared in his ear: "That's right."


The three monsters were so frightened, they turned around with their tails tucked in horror, and saw Lin Qing come back under an umbrella.

She came over mysteriously: "I have something to ask you."

Seeing her doing this, the three demon's hearts also rose with curiosity. The same god mysteriously leaned in and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Lin Qing: "It's my husband. His bones are too weak. He gets sick from time to time. He can't carry him on his shoulders. I can't stay by his side all the time. If he comes to town, can he please you? Take one or two."

The three monsters who were beaten up by Ji Changze who "cannot carry on one's shoulders and cannot carry" only yesterday: "Good, good."

"Thank you, your cultivation is advanced, and with you, I can rest assured that he will come to town alone, eh, my husband is okay, but after all, he is an ordinary person, too weak, and needs careful attention. Every time he goes out alone, I can't help but worry."

The three monsters kept plastic smiles and watched Lin Qing walk away with a sigh.

Ordinary people after all

Too weak

Humans are terrible.