|Ancient Demon Eliminator (9)

The Peach Blossom Fairy was carried to the town so vigorously.

Along the way, the dark-eyed ladies heard the movement and came to them, and saw their father-in-law chasing after the woman who was carrying them. Not only did they all have their faces full of the anxiety of their fathers, they also shouted something. :

"Peach Blossom Girl, where are you going to get Peach Blossom Girl? Why do you say Peach Blossom Girl is a demon?"

"Don't be afraid of peach blossom girl, I will definitely save you, you let go peach blossom girl!!!"

All of these young ladies only had blue veins appearing on their foreheads, and the expressions on their faces had changed from the fear of conflict between their husbands and people from outside the village to gritted teeth.

"What kind of peach blossom is that again!"

"It seems to say that she is a demon? I knew that this Hu Meizi seduced my husband as soon as he came. Without saying a few words, he cried and cried as if I had bullied her. It was a person who lived in the deep mountains and old forests. If it were not for a demon, how could she dare to live in alone."

"I can only hate that stinky man in my family for yelling at me for a demon, and he still wants to do something against me."

"Looking at his ugliness, I really don't want to live with him anymore. Anyway, we don't have any children. If he is not in this form, the demon has used a demon to confuse him, I will immediately reconcile with him. The girl does not worry about marrying."

So, after this group of black eyes followed Ji Changze and the others, they followed the group of young ladies who gritted their teeth and scolded and stared angrily at their husbands in their eyes.

There are already a lot of them, and with the addition of more and more people watching the excitement along the way, the large army will not be able to attract attention.

When we arrived in the town, some people who watched the excitement came and told the Taoist priest that someone had caught the monster and sent him to deal with it.

Taoist priests who actually don't know how to catch demons: ""

He did learn something from a demon master at the beginning, but the demon master himself didn't have much ability. He only told him some common sense of the demon master and was killed by the monster in the demon eradication operation together.

The Taoist priest himself did not have the ability to take revenge, and knew that he was stupid and stupid, even if he could not succeed in studying so hard every day, he simply found a place with beautiful scenery and clear waters to live.

Although he can't get rid of demons, he can beep and flicker.

The demon master who taught him naturally told him that the more ravines, the poorer the place, the less likely it is to have monsters. Even if a monster cultivates into a human form in this place, it will not stay in this place for a long time. It will go directly to the more lively big city.

Therefore, not only are there no demons in this poor place, but there are basically no demon masters.

In other words, the Taoist priests can do whatever they want here, and no one can break him.

He just wanted to eat a lot of food, so naturally he wouldn't talk nonsense about the money. Although basically everything he said was made up, he was cautious and never caused trouble.

Moreover, the Taoist priests consciously are still very principled.

Although he can be regarded as a half-liar, he is not harmful.

People usually say, "Ah, I can't eat well, I can't sleep well, I'm sad, you can help me see if I hit the evil".

He said: "That's it. You did bump into something, but it doesn't matter. The problem is not big. I have talisman paper here. As long as three dollars, you stick it on the head of the bed. After two hours have passed, the evil spirits will be removed. Go to the medical hall to see, why did you go to the medical hall? Of course, it's because of evil that made you sick. I can only get rid of evil, but I can't cure the disease."

"Of course, you don't have to buy a talisman. You can go out in the sun for about three days and cooperate with the medical center.

Naturally, people cannot die from the sun, and even according to his accidental discovery, the sun can also help some people who are physically weak to keep fit, and there is absolutely no problem in cooperating with the medical clinic to see a doctor.

Of course, most people have heard of evil, so they don't even want to buy talisman paper directly.

After all, the three coins are not expensive, and the Taoist leader will not ask people to buy his own products when he meets relatively poor people. Those who are basically seeking a comforting three-no products.

As a result, the Taoist leader went so smoothly to the present, relying on some fairy rumors and eloquent eloquence heard before, he just became a very famous Taoist leader in the town.

And now, a group of people are carrying a real monster and come to him to get rid of the monster.

Oh humiliation.

Ji Changze stood there, watching the older males from the village come out, and saluting the Taoist leader with great respect: "Daoist Zhen, this monster is charming and fascinated by some men. We suspect that the monster is in the village. Some of the lives in vain were also caused by her, so I asked the Taoist chief to investigate."

In fact, Mr. Zhen is a fake leader: ""

His small eyes looked at the Peach Blossom Fairy with the veil on her face, and saw that she was still struggling violently, so that her legs almost didn't weaken in fright.

Monsters, monsters.

The last time I saw the demon, I was with the demon master. As soon as I saw the demon master, the demon master was given a second by the monster.

And because he didn't cultivate the Qi of Eliminating Demon Master, he escaped a catastrophe instead.

"Ah, poor Dao come and have a look."

Dao Zhen tried his best not to let his hands tremble, and lifted the veil of the opponent's face as calmly as possible.

The bark-like face of the other party immediately appeared in front of everyone.


Especially ugly.

The kind that is ugly to the world.

The villagers who had seen this face before couldn't help but frown, tried to resist the vomiting, and turned their faces away.

Obviously the figure looks very slender and graceful, how come it gets to the face, it's so, so hard to say

But Dao Zhen Zhen, who had never seen the other party before, had to face the real demon as soon as he accepted a fake that he knew nothing, and faced such an impact.

Excited, he almost didn't come up in a sigh of relief and directly followed the demon master.

"This, this"

Zhen Daochang considered the language and coughed again and again.

All right, with such an impactful face, he really couldn't say the rest.


Ji Changze asked indifferently: "What kind of monster do you think this demon is?"

Zhen Daochang looked at those who were stopped outside and were still struggling to squeeze this way, shouting that Girl Peach Blossom is not a demon, that is the stunning face of you jealous of Girl Peach Blossom, and you want to slander Peach Blossom Girl, don't be afraid of Peach Blossom Girl, I'll wait for sure The men who will guard you like things:

"Look, like a demon who specializes in seducing men."

The face is so ugly that it can make so many men head overwhelmed, this demon is really nauseous, really capable.


The peach blossom demon immediately showed an anger on her face when she heard this, she hadn't realized that her true face had been revealed in front of others.

After all, she is a peach blossom demon, where she is, where the real body is, the fragrance will naturally spread everywhere, the people present are ordinary people, how can they not inhale the fragrance.

Although Ji Changze said she was ugly before, she didn't think it was her own problem at all.

Just like the great confidence in hiding his demon power, Peach Blossom Fairy is also very confident in his own "face value".

"Where did I seduce it? It is clear that these men coveted my beauty, so they rushed to pursue me. You said I was a demon, is there any evidence?!"

Everyone looked at the bark-like face of the confident and confident Peach Blossom Fairy, "You absolutely can't see that I am a demon." "If I just bite to death, I am not a demon. You can't help me." The expression: ""

No, does this still use evidence?

Just look at your face and you won't know.

Who will grow up like this? Even if we take a step back and say that someone really grows up like this, there won't be so many men who are crazy infatuated.

Peach Blossom Fairy is still confidently retorting: "The slave knows that the slave is jealous, and he only hopes that the Daoist will investigate carefully, and the slave is really not a monster."

The demon masters all rely on the power of investigating demons.

As long as the Taoist master couldn't find out the demon power on her no matter how to investigate, he would naturally let her go.

She is quite convinced of this.

Looking at the "I'm just waiting for you to judge me not a demon" expression on her face, Ji Changze raised his eyebrows slightly, took the initiative to take a few steps, and pushed Zhen Daochang a step forward.

"Since she is so swearing, she has to take a closer look."

Zhen Daochang, who doesn't know how to detect evil spirits at all, was suddenly pushed to the front of Peach Blossom Fairy, his eyes fell on her unsatisfactory face, with peach fat on her skin, and swallowed his saliva.

Does this still need to be seen?

It's simply whether the sub-question is good or not.

"I can tell at a glance that you are not human!"

Peach Blossom Fairy: "???"

With an unbelievable expression on her face, she suddenly raised her head to look at Taoist Chief Zhen.

How can it be? ! !

The level of her demon qi hiding is not as good as those of the big demon. She didn't even practice attacking techniques in order to hide herself deeper, and only specialized in training her fragrance and demon qi hiding.

The Taoist chief in this small place looks unremarkable, so why can he see through her at a glance?

This place is barren, how can there be a demon elimination master with such a high cultivation base here? ! !

She reluctantly pulled out a smile, and tried to save her with a strong smile: "Dao Master, take a closer look. I am really not a demon. Look at me, where is it like a demon? I'm just a demon. Ordinary girl."

Zhen Daochang really watched the opponent up and down.

The ugly face, the bark-like skin, the muddy nails between the nails, and the graceful figure that is completely inconsistent with the appearance.

"Don't want to be fooled, you look like a demon everywhere."

Peach Blossom Demon's heart tightened.

She didn't realize that the other party was totally judged by her face, but thought that Zhen Dao Changguo was really powerful, and she could see the demon spirit so deep. Not only could she see it, but she could also see clearly all over her body. You can see it all.

This, this is how high a cultivation base can be achieved.

Moreover, she tried hard to see the other's cultivation base, but she couldn't see anything.

Could it be that Dao Zhen Zhen had already cultivated to the point where he could not see the level of cultivation?

No way!

She can't just retreat.

You have to find a way to escape.

The Peach Blossom Fairy was thinking about escaping here, outside, at the door of Zhen Daochang's house, there were already a lot of people surrounded.

"Give a concession, give a concession in trouble."

Lin Qing squeezed out of the crowd, followed by a male fox behind him.

The two originally agreed to let the male fox try Lin Qing's skills today, but just after the practice, they heard that someone had caught a demon and sent it to Master Zhen, and it was caught by people from Ji Changze's village.

I heard that a young man named Ji in their village was entangled by the monster. The officials under the monster's skirt were not happy. They went to the man's village to find trouble, but they were noticed by the people in their village. It's a demon.

He was directly tied to a stick and carried all the way to town.

Lin Qing became anxious as soon as she heard it.

Isn't that the only family named Ji in the village?

Isn't the entangled young man her husband?

She hurried over to see what was going on and whether her husband was injured.

And the male fox.

He came here purely to watch how his compatriots were devastated and ravaged by Ji Changze.

Although he said he was miserable before, if he saw someone worse than himself, his mouth would surely show a sad smile.

Seeing Lin Qing trying to squeeze inside, the male fox helped her squeeze while asking the sisters and sisters who were joining in the fun: "Do you know what demon it is? That demon is harmful?"

The title of the male fox's friend of women is not for nothing. When she asked with the face of a big beautiful woman, she immediately got a reply from a little lady full of excitement:

"Zhen Daochang hasn't said what kind of demon this is, but according to the man and woman who was bewildered by her, this is a fox and should be a vixen. I heard that many people have been killed."

Male fox: Gee.

Vixen, what do you think, a breath of energy can actually suck people to death, how uncontrollable this is.

As a fox, he has no self-discipline and deserves to be caught.

He doesn't have the same feeling of being caught in his lips and teeth.

A vixen who doesn't know the rules will die when he dies. If he hadn't been caught by humans, he would still want to go up and make a knife.

It can suck people to death, which is really a trick for them.

But thinking about her being caught, if the evidence to kill someone is conclusive, it is estimated that it will be a death after all. Thinking about it this way, the fox will die, and it will not be so owed.

When I was about to join in the fun, I heard the little lady say another sentence: "She, she is so ugly, I took a look and almost didn't vomit, but I don't know how, she clearly has such an ugly face. , But he just fascinated a group of men."

"This may be the skill of the vixen, but I didn't expect that the vixen has always been famous. Everyone says that they are very beautiful, and all of them are more beautiful than Huajiao. Now it seems that they are all spreading falsehoods, where are there any stunning looks? It's not even ordinary, it's so ugly that it's hard to look directly at it. I'm afraid these vixen rely on spells to make people think they look good."

The male fox who cares very much about his handsome appearance: "Maybe this vixen is an example, don't you always say that the vixen looks very good? Maybe it's just that she is special."

"What, don't you know if you didn't see it, the crooked face on her face, I don't know what it is, I know it is a demon at a glance, or there are so many men who are blind and think she is stunning, I think Now, all the foxes are probably like this, they are ugly born, and they use the demon method to make themselves look extremely beautiful."

"It makes sense, isn't it?"

"After that, can you scold vixen if you are ugly? After all, vixen are ugly."

The male fox who was said to be ugly: ""

Day! !

Where did this fox come from? It's his own sin to kill people if he doesn't understand the rules, so why does he bother other foxes?

If you want to die, die yourself.

Guan Laozi's shit.

Lao Tzu has a beautiful appearance, ah, ah, looks better than Panan, how can you be made an ugly fox pretending to be beautiful by such a fox you have never heard of.

The little lady didn't see how ups and downs in his heart, she was still pulling her sleeves and asked closely: "Sister Xiang, you said I guessed it, right?"

Only then did the male fox try to squeeze a dry smile on his face, but how does the smile look like a ridiculous smile: "What I said to you is quite right."

"Yes, but Sister Xiang, how do you tremble when you speak? Are you cold?"

"No, it's not cold, I just want to fight the demon."

There are so many people who come to join in the fun. They are so crowded that they can't even talk about walking forward. Even if they stand, they have to support the people around them in order to stand firm. In his anger, he used the evil spirit, relying on the evil spirit to make a way out, and squeezed directly to the front.

Lin Qing, who had no demon spirit to use, squeezed to the forefront, and the two happened to step into the room at once.

In the small house inside, the Peach Blossom Fairy looked at the people around him, a vicious air appeared in the bottom of his eyes, and his nails stretched suddenly, staring at Ji Changze, who was closest to him.

This guy is the most hateful, saying she is ugly, and forcing the stinky Taoist priest to investigate her.

And looking so weak, she must have insufficient Yang Qi, she only needs to suck the other person's Yang Qi, and turn around and run out when he falls and other people are in a hurry.

She felt it, there were many people outside.

As long as she went all the way and the smelly Taoist dared to chase, she would dare to keep sucking.

Thinking about it, the Peach Blossom Fairy faded away the "Chuchu pitiful" disguised on his face, with a vicious look, vaguely looked at the imperceptible weak scholar in front.

Ji Changze was picking up a book on Daochang Zhen's desk and flipping through it. His tone was as light as he was chatting at home, and he said, "Dao Chang Zhen still likes to read Feng Shui books?"

In fact, he just doesn't understand anything, so he should be optimistic about everything. When you encounter problems and turn the book in time, Chen Daochang is a little guilty: "Slightly involved, slightly involved."

"This book is good."

He opened the book and looked at the pages inside. He only glanced slightly, and the words on the paper slowly appeared above.

Chief Zhen Dao didn't notice it at all, and was still worrying about how this monster would be rectified.

He can't get rid of demons at all.

And since there can be one demon here, does it mean that there will be a second one in this small place?

Don't the monsters dislike such a barren place at all?

It's weird.

By the way, do monsters want to eat too? It's better to eat human spirits. How much energy can they breathe in to suck people to death.

Speaking of food, what are you going to eat tonight.

He diverged his thinking here, and from the eyes of the peach blossoms over there, it was Zhen Daochang looking unpredictable, looking at himself ill-intentionally, thinking about how to kill her.

She gritted her teeth and suddenly gathered all her demon power and exerted her strength.

--boom! !

There was a violent sound, and the chair fell to the ground under the sight of everyone who did not react.

In an instant, the Peach Blossom Fairy stretched out its sharp claws and clasped it on the neck of Ji Changze, who was closest to her.

"Don't come here!! If anyone dares to come, I will suck this person out immediately!!!"

The people around were shocked, but Ji Changze's face remained calm and the books in his hands were open.

"Are you sure you want to do it to me?"

His voice was extremely indifferent, as if he didn't put the hand on his neck in his eyes at all, and even his tone was slightly impatient.

Peach Blossom Fairy admitted that she was touched by this tone.

It was her carelessness before, plus the belief that her evil spirit would not be noticed before being caught by these people.

But except for the demon master, she can't beat him, an ordinary and indifferent guy, can she still use her?

"Boy, I think you still have a hard mouth when you die, or, today, your grandmother Taohua will let you know what blood is seen!!"


She lifted her nails, and the tips of the nails grew a bit longer, and they were about to grab Ji Changze's heart.

The male fox saw such a scene as soon as he came in.

There was no body odor at all on that one. The demon who was obviously not their vixen stretched out his nails to show off his power, but Ji Changze looked motionless, his expression was even slightly cold, and he was actually holding the book. , The word is going to penetrate into each other's limbs with a killing intent.

It can be imagined how painful the demon whose meridian energy is directly cut off after these words are pierced.

It's miserable.

The male fox tweeted in his heart.

You said that you provoke someone bad, you provoke this ancestor.

He was ruthless and merciless when he started, and today this little demon is probably dead.


The picture Lin Qing saw was similar to that of the male fox, except that her attention was drawn away by the hand that was about to be inserted into her husband's chest immediately, and she didn't see other directions.

"you dare!!!"

She yelled, pulled the hairpin on her head and threw it directly at the opponent's hand.


Peach Blossom Fairy was wondering why this person's chest nails couldn't go through, so she was hit by a hairpin. She was obviously only a human hairpin, but her hand hurts when hitting her.

She screamed subconsciously, and didn't notice that the words that should have been pierced into her own blood and limbs suddenly returned to the book at the moment the human woman made a sound.

Falling on the book, it is still normal and plain.

"Nagaze, are you okay?!!!"

After Lin Qing screamed at the demon, he hurried to her husband in two steps, checking up and down to see if he was injured.


Ji Changze closed the book with no expression on his face and no fluctuation in his voice: "Fortunately, you came in time."

The male fox who had witnessed everything automatically translated his sentence.

Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise the demon would have blood on the spot to survive.

Lin Qing thinks exactly the opposite of the male fox.

She was very guilty at the moment.

I regret that I left Changze alone in the village all day for the purpose of practicing.

She should have thought that since there will be fox demon and rabbit demon here, it is absolutely wrong that the demon master always thinks that there will be no demon in the barrens.

If vixen appears, pheasant essence and ginseng essence will appear again.

The barrens are no longer safe.

The demon attacked fiercely, and heard that she had killed many people along the way.

Nagasawa was weak at first, unable to beat even an ordinary person, not to mention having no backhanding power against this kind of murderous demon.

If she hadn't just arrived, she would definitely see blood.

Lin Qing was full of regret.

How could she put down Changze and Yuan'er and go out alone.

Yuan'er is okay, she is three years old, she is usually very sensible, and she has also learned some skills in eliminating demon masters, and usually plays by herself in the house.

But the husband is not good, his body is weak, he can't be frightened, his fighting power is no better than a chicken, and he has never even gotten a kitchen knife in his hand.

Such a husband was almost pierced by a demon with incompetence under her nose.

She was guilty that she hadn't been by her husband's side, and she was angry that the demon actually attacked her husband. She couldn't restrain the anger on her face, her face was sullen, and she forced her anger and looked at the screaming man with her hand. Peach Blossom Fairy.

"You killed someone?"

The Peach Blossom Fairy didn't even notice that the demon eliminator standing in front of her was completely unclear. If she could wince this way, she wouldn't be stunned.

A mere mortal, dare to speak to her in this tone?

"So what?!"

She raised her head in a condescending manner, and when she looked at people other than Taoist Zhen, she seemed to be looking at some ants: "It's just a few ordinary people. If they die, they will die. That's why they can provide me with spiritual cultivation. Their blessings are long, I know that you also need magical weapons in the demon masters, but I know a cave with a few good magical weapons hidden in it. If this is not the case, you let me go, and I will give the magical weapons with both hands. on.

The little demon dared to guarantee that I would definitely not do evil in the future where Dao Chief was located. "

In fact, Taoist Zhen, who doesn't know how to use any tools at all, said: "Xiu wants to use these petty little profits to confuse him, do you think Pang Dao is that kind of person?!"

Even if he was that kind of person, he wouldn't be able to use anything special.

The Peach Blossom Fairy was taken aback, and hurriedly used his ugly face to show a soft smile: "Daoist, I actually know a few more"


Lin Qing, who had already endured the sullen expression on the side, directly drew out the sword that Daochang Zhen had placed on the wall and chopped off the head of the Peach Blossom Fairy.

This time she carried the hatred of the very proud demon who had harmed people without repentance, and the hatred of this guy who almost killed her husband. With all the strength, the peach blossom demon was too late to resist. Gululu fell to the ground.

When he fell to the ground, his head immediately became a piece of wood.

Looking at the body again, it turned into a thick piece of wood like a head, with the clothes Peach Blossom Fairy still wearing.

The head wood on the ground rolled around and let out an unbelievable roar: "How dare you!!! How dare you!!!"

"I want to ask you this, how dare you! How dare you hurt my husband?!"

Lin Qing even gritted his teeth, clenched the hilt of the sword, and directly penetrated the still-talking piece of wood from top to bottom.

After a scream, the wood no longer made a sound.

Lin Qing was satisfied, and cast aside the sword in his hand with a cold expression.

Dao Zhen, who is still thinking about how to deal with this demon: "???"

Villager who is accustomed to Lin Qing's gentle face: "???"

I think Lin Qing is actually a good talking male fox compared to Ji Changze's ancestor: "???"

Everyone was stunned.

"You, you, you Lin, why did you kill her?" A villager asked in shock.

"Tell her what happened. Since it has killed people and has no regrets, it almost hurt my husband. Naturally, she deserves to die."

The villagers were a little confused.

No, what they asked was not why they wanted to kill this demon, but how could Lady Lin, who has always been gentle, killed the demon so fiercely.

After reacting to this, Zhen Daochang tremblingly said: "Kill well, kill well, this demon confessed to murder, naturally damn it, cough, Lady Lin, a heroine hero, dare to kill the demon with his own hands. It's good."

He didn't dare to kill anyway.

The Taoist leaders all boasted, and the villagers looked at each other and didn't say anything.

"Okay, come on, disciple, take out the body of this demon and throw it away."

After hearing Zhen Daochang's words, Ji Changze on the side suddenly coughed twice. The slightly thin young man turned pale, his slender fingers clasped his lips to block the coughing, but it was a pity that he couldn't stop the coughing at all.

Every time he coughs, his body like a willow will sway around, looking very weak and in need of care.

"Husband, how are you?"

Lin Qing hurriedly supported her husband, and carefully supported him to sit down: "Did you be frightened today, your body is not good again?"

"It's okay, cough cough"

Ji Changze waved his hand weakly, looking at the peach blossom demon underneath indifferently; "This demon is really dead? Look at her like this, it should be a plant? I heard that some trees can regenerate, lady, I seem to have heard a word, It's called the spring breeze to give birth again. I don't remember what the next sentence is."

Lin Qing was reminded by him, and suddenly realized: "What the husband said is that the spring breeze is blowing and regenerating, and cutting the grass must get rid of the roots."

She took out the fire fold out of her purse and directly clicked it on the dead wood to ignite, and she was satisfied when she watched both sides of the other side ignite.

I thought I could escape the peach blossom demon by pretending to be dead; ""

She didn't pretend to be dead, but tried to scream: "Don't kill me, don't kill me!! I can tell you that there are other demons in this realm!!! That is a big demons!! Specially selected some strong men. Silent aura, he will not only lose his breath, but will also steal the soul of the deceased after the other party's weakness and death!!"

"Go and catch him!! He is a great demon! If you catch him, your school will definitely commend you!!"

Peach Blossom Demon tried hard to persuade the people present that after all, she was a demon who had lived for such a long time. Naturally, she knew what some demon masters were like.

The Lin Qing who was present looked like a demon-killing master, and the Taoist Master Zhen, since he could see through her demon-qi, he was definitely also a powerful demon-killing master.

Since it has been determined that it is a demon master, there must be some shortcomings of the demon master.

These conditions she said, even if only one of the two people can move, it is enough to leave one life alive.

Unfortunately, her direction was completely wrong.

Those present, Zhen Daochang is a fake.

Not to mention Lin Qing, she is still on the killing order now, how could she go to receive any commendation.

Therefore, the Peach Blossom Demon finds in despair that he has thrown such a big bargaining chip, and the expressions on the faces of the two demon masters have not changed.

Of course, they were naturally interested in the big monster she was talking about.

It was too much to kill in the first place. If you kill someone, you still have to take away the soul of the deceased, causing the deceased to die in vain and still not be able to enter the reincarnation. This is already very desolate.

But if she really used this news for Peach Blossom Fairy's life, she had killed people before. If she let her go, what about the people she killed?

Just when everyone consciously fell into a dilemma, Ji Changze suddenly spoke.

"Lady, kill her directly."

Peach Blossom Fairy: "???"

Lin Qing also hesitated to look at her husband: "But that evil demon"

"I can find out his whereabouts."

When Ji Changze looked at the Peach Blossom Fairy on the ground, he made no secret of the disgust on his face: "Kill her, you look anxious."

Lin Qing trusted her husband. Hearing that he said there was a way, without asking the last sentence, he immediately picked up the sword again and stared at the Peach Blossom Fairy on the ground, seemingly intending to make another hole for her.

Peach Blossom Fairy: "???"

"Only I know the news!! If you don't have me, even if you go through the village, you won't find it at all!!"

"You killed me, you just let go of the big demon!! Except for me, no one really knows anymore!!"

She is so confident, just like she was confident in her appearance and hidden demon power before.

Seeing her like this, Ji Changze looked cold, and whispered a few words to Lin Qing, Lin Qing nodded, and soon brought an old lady in.

The old lady started talking as soon as she came in: "You are asking which village has a lot of people who are slowly getting weak and sick recently, right? I know this too well, it's Xiaochen Village. Several men in that village have this disease. , I don't know what the disease is, and the doctor can't see anything. Everyone can only lie in bed and wait for death. It's very pitiful."

"Dao Zhen, you have to ask this, is this strange disease caused by a monster?! Then can this help me? Can you help my son draw a peace symbol? I can also help you inquire Who are those who are sick? I only know that one of them has just been married recently. Poor, that's how it is just married."

Zhen Daochang looked at Lin Qing and then at Ji Changze. There was obviously no possibility of revealing the stuff, but he was inexplicably vague. He hurriedly coughed and concealed: "Cough, madam, I'll talk about these things later, you first tell what you know."

"That's what I just said. The disease comes slowly. At first, it might just be a lack of strength on the body, but slowly, the whole body will become weak. In the end, I can't get out of bed. I know this is because of that disease. The man's wife came to town to grab medicine. I don't know what his name is, but I know his wife is Zhou Xiaoniang. The man seems to have the surname Mo. He was a householder or what he did. I accompanied his wife to town, but she contracted that strange disease for some reason. His wife kept crying when she came to grab the medicine last time."

Ji Changze looked at the Peach Blossom Fairy who turned gray after hearing the words "Xiao Chen Village".

Ha ha.

Peach Blossom Fairy couldn't figure out until he died, why an ordinary mortal could know this.

He naturally didn't understand that in an ancient village, the fastest news was never the monsters, but the old ladies who like to gossip.

Lin Qing on the side looked at Ji Changze with a little admiration.


He really knew everything from the bottom of his heart.

In these recent years, the more I realized that her husband was only cold outside and hot inside, and looked cold and indifferent on the outside, but in fact, she knew everything from the bottom of her heart, the more Lin Qing understood that her husband had been trying his best to maintain the situation she wanted.

In fact, he knew a lot of things, and he was not as incompetent as the villagers said.

He just misunderstood the person who raised him, and he couldn't explain it in the face of the other person.

He just respected others.