|Modern Prodigal (6)

All those who are paying attention to this matter are dumbfounded.

No, there is still this kind of show operation?

In order to be able to make five kills for your favorite anchor, you can actually go out and cast deep water for the hated anchor?

I hate it and rush to send money to the other party.

Is this threatening the anchor you like, or is it disgusting yourself?

Ji Changze brushed five deep waters in a row.

The content is all the best in the woods.

Many people think this is too familiar.

Wasn't the last straw that crushed the anchor's forest before that time filled with deep water?

The same words were smashed to the same people.

But because of what Ji Changze said when he hit Xie Lin Shenshui before, the word "cai" seemed to have become taller.

Ji Changze smashed too many deep waters and quickly squeezed into the local tyrants list. In addition, every deep water would be placed on the homepage, and a large number of audiences poured in.

There are already sensitive anchors who start to drain the stream, quickly find out the various posts of the year, and open the live broadcast on the spot. How the August 18th local tyrant and the father of the gold master had smashed Lao Duo Shenshui to the anchor x to express the anchor Shulin Cai.

The anchor x even mentioned the father of the gold master in his live broadcast room more than once. Although the other party never appeared again, he has already installed a true love fan for the other party that only appears in special circumstances.

He is still very ignited. There have been a lot of recordings and broadcasts circulating on the Internet. Finding those clips and editing them, and matching the current scenes, really makes people want to laugh.

Yes, he guessed right, people really only show up when they encounter special circumstances, and they are indeed true fans.

But it's not his true love fan, but the anchor woods he always thought he helped him step on.

He thought that his fans were helping him run against the anchor Shulin. In fact, the anchor Shulin is the protagonist. He is just a passionate passerby, or the kind that is hated.

Embarrassment is not embarrassment.

Everyone saw that every time the anchor Shulin made a mistake, the big local tyrant of the Ji family would immediately smash the deep water for the x anchor. After such a live broadcast, he gave the other party at least 30,000.

Many small anchors watched, even a little envious.

Although Master Ji said that he hated the X anchors, it was 30,000, and one point to the platform, but 15,000, which is very profitable for small anchors who don't make much money.

Thinking about it this way, the X anchor is very lucky. Although he is said to be the most annoying, he is rich.

The x anchor doesn't think so.

He has some reputations now, and he has a lot of advertisements. Does he lack these 30,000?

For him, these thirty thousand are shining stains and dark history. <{cewxc o Fastest release p> Especially since he had always regarded Mr. Ji Jia as his true love, and mentioned him several times during the live broadcast, and he was very careful that Mr. Ji was watching his live broadcast silently and was flattering.

The results of it?

He is the most annoying on the other side's entire platform.

The reason why he smashed deep water was just because he didn't see the five kills of his favorite anchor.

Embarrassment is not embarrassment.

If this is replaced by an individual broadcaster who is a little more generous or puts more emphasis on the overall situation, he smiled and said at the moment, "If you hate deep water, I hope everyone can hate me. I am not demanding. You only hate me and a deep water. , Then I will definitely make a fortune", this thing just passed.

After all, although Ji Changze said that he was disgusting, the benefits he gave were really real. If he said that, maybe a bunch of people would envy him for his good luck. Black fans are such a person who can throw money.

It's a pity that the x anchor is a careful eye.

If he was not careful, he would not hire a black man to destroy the Xie Lin live broadcast room because Xie Lin blocked his good deeds, and hire a navy army to pour dirty water on the Internet.

As a result, Ji Changze, who was originally the tyrant father who was the biggest benefactor in his mind, suddenly fell in status and turned into a piece of rubbish like Xie Lin that people can't wait to step on.

Thirty thousand yuan? Who will give alms?

He looked at his bank card deposit and smiled disdainfully.

It's as if the whole world is rich in the Ji family.

In fact, Master Ji looks like a tyrant, but after careful calculations, he only smashed more than 200,000 yuan last time when he hit Sham Shui Po. Counting this time, he counted more than 500,000 yuan when he hit Sham Shui Po.

Although half a million may be a lot for an ordinary family, there are not all people who have swollen faces and fat people in the news. There are too many things that go to so-and-so to use up their savings in order to reward the anchor.

This Ji family master might be like this.

The more the anchor thinks about it, the more it feels that this is true.

He wasn't a brainless guess, but based on the speculation that the Ji family master never showed up after he smashed the deep water last time.

Who hasn't seen a few local tyrant fathers.

Generally, this kind of really rich local tyrants can't disappear after smashing deep water once. Most of them will give their favorite anchors a wave from time to time. Looking at their deep water rankings, many of them have been smashed by anchors of all sizes.

Look at Master Ji again.

It looks like a violent storm, but in fact the total amount is not that big.

A local tyrant who likes to watch game live broadcasts and has money that has been smashed into the deep water, how could he be able to stand still for such a long time.

Although the x anchor has a small belly, he will not rashly rely on his own guess to do something.

He just ran to find out.

Of course, he will definitely not inquire in the live broadcast room, but in private with the more tyrant audiences he knows.

Under normal circumstances, the anchor has a fan base. Many anchors will add to each other privately in order to consolidate their local tyrant audiences, and they will chat from time to time. The x anchors naturally have many tyrant audiences, of course, such as Ji Changze. There are only one or two.

The local tyrants are not facing him, they are just scattered and smashed into the deep water. The total amount is more than that of Ji Changze. Although the x anchor has made a lot of money, facing this kind of lavish shots, it seems that there is a network in reality. Rich local tyrants, he will still find a way to add people privately, maybe he can ask them for help any time.

But many of these local tyrants will add friends to each other, and it is possible that Master Ji will know who he is.

The anchor x asked for a round, and only then came to a local tyrant who loves to watch live broadcasts with a total amount of more than half a million.

Master Ji, I know who he is. In reality, he is not in the same circle with us.

Who is in reality? This can't be said, this is to reveal to others.

But isn't he short of money? Why did the deep water rain begin again? I went to see.


Although he didn't know the specific identity of the other party, he caught the information that Master Ji lacked money.

Besides, there are other words.

Not being a circle means not being a rich second generation, at least not a rich second generation like this local tyrant audience.

Maybe there is just a little money at home.

I was short of money recently and went bankrupt?

The anchor x suddenly became excited.

Lack of money, the lack of money is still here to pretend to be an uncle to fill the head? Help a trash to fight him?

He looked at the chat log and thought about how to slap the Ji family master in the face through the Internet.

If he doesn't find a make-up this time, why is he still mixing in the live broadcast circle!

In reality, Gu Qiu, who was busy, received a call from a young master in the elite circle.

"Gu Qiu, I remember that Ji Changze played with you well, right? Didn't he look for someone to invest everywhere and look like he was short of money? How come he is still rewarding with live streaming software, and he smashed nearly 300,000 yuan in one breath. Up."

Gu Qiu: "???"

As soon as I got an investment from Mrs. Qian, I turned to Changze and went to the live broadcast software to spend 300,000 yuan? ?

He also said that investment is not for fun!

He wanted to ask Ji Changze what is going on right now, but because he couldn't talk too much, what he heard over there was a short rhetorical question:


"You still don't believe it. When Ji Changze threw deep water rain on an x ​​anchor, his name is too much for his temperament. I always think it is him. Once I met him and asked, he directly admitted it. No, last time. I know, at the beginning of the month, there is a lot of pocket money, I know."

Gu Qiu: Breathe quietly.

"This time he was crying around and said that he had no money? He said he was pulling investment, wouldn't he just spend all the investment he pulled? Then I meant to invest 200,000 yuan before, this kid said that he has no shares. But for the first time, I will be given money according to the proportion of the earned money. Is my money going to be squandered."

Gu Qiu: Breathe silently.

"No, the more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm going to get caught up in the water. The kid Ji Changze runs the train with his mouth full, and the key is that he is serious, do you know? He just said that he was crippled, and the money was beaten in confusion. , Although it's not more than 200,000, it's the first time I've made a loss-making business after starting my own company, eh? Why aren't you talking, are you listening?"

Gu Qiu: "Yeah."

"Forget it, I'm telling you what this is for, and I can't say a word. I might as well ask him directly."

Tuberculosis hung up the phone.

Gu Qiu immediately found the other party's WeChat and sent a message: You send me the details, and I will ask him.

The other party sent several posts about this incident within a minute.

Incidentally, he intercepted the chat history between himself and the anchor x.

I'm going to work. Tell Ji Changze yourself.

Compared with the dudes who spend a lot of time every day in eating, drinking and playing, most people in the elite circle are busy every day. After all, they are relatively young, and they have not yet reached the time when they are sitting on the Diaoyutai.

Gu Qiu turned around and went to find Ji Changze.

Fortunately, for the convenience of taking care of this seemingly unreliable child, Gu Qiu specially considered the distance from his company when looking for a building under his name. The two companies face to face on the same floor. If they are willing, stand on It's not impossible to hold a telescope by the window to make phone calls.

Of course, Mr. Gu, who had been using paper cups as a phone when he was a child, didn't do that. He simply took a step forward and went straight downstairs to look for someone on the other side.

When he found someone, Ji Changze was lying on the huge sofa in his office making a phone call with his legs up.

The tone is lazy, as if he is too lazy to be enthusiastic when it comes to investment:

"Don't worry, I'm already looking for someone to do research and development. I'm definitely looking for a talent out of a million. You should be very clear that once my project is completed, it will be such a sensation in the world? You have also seen the sample, absolutely no problem.

Yes, in the early stage, let me pull a few anchors to collect popularity. That's the money. It's a little insufficient. The money is okay, right? it is good! I know that you are the most generous woman, then you will come and we will discuss it later, and we will hang up. "

Gu Qiu: ""

Mrs. Qian actually said to Changze, "The money is okay," she looked like she would give her as much as she wanted? ?

Is she okay? ?

Isn't your energy up recently? Maybe you should look at your brain?

"Gu Qiu, here it is."

After the phone call, the young master Ji was still lazy, lying on the comfortable sofa and opening the game, looking like he was about to play two games.

Gu Qiu: "How much did Qian Taimai invest?"

Ji Changze casually said the number.

Gu Qiu: "?"

Gu Qiu: "???"

Is Mrs. Qian going crazy? ?

So much money to invest in Changze? ? She grew up together. Doesn't she know what kind of urine Nagasawa is? Too much money to burn your hands? ?

At such a moment, Gu Qiu wondered if his own childishness had given the money to the lady.

Otherwise, how could a woman who has never failed to make such an unprofitable investment?

He couldn't help asking Ji Changze, "What did you promise her?"

"I didn't promise anything? The shares were only given to her 7 percent, not much to you yet."

Gu Qiu: ""

Mr. Gu, who had 12% of the share investment amount but couldn't reach one-tenth of the money, was silent.

"Except for the shares? What did you give her? You wouldn't really sell Xie Lin to her, would you? She was only twenty."

Ji Changze glanced at Gu Qiu inexplicably.

"What are you blindly talking about? Am I the kind of seller? I just sent Xie Lin's picture to Mrs. Qian to look at it, and I can introduce her if she likes it, what else? I didn't say anything."

"I don't know what I'm thinking every day, and why did you come here again? Are you out of work? Look at me and learn from me. I work hard, if my parents see , I must be moved to cry."

Gu Qiu looked at Ji Changze who was playing games while beeping: ""

"Your job is to play games?"

"Ah, yes, game companies have to play a few more games to see the market."

Ji Changze is righteous: "I decided to sacrifice for the company and play games all day today. If necessary, it is not impossible to work overtime to play games. After all, I love labor so much."

Gu Qiu: ""

He looked at the laptop on the coffee table, which was showing the top-up page.

The overbearing president who was stunned by "How can my hair be so shameless" finally remembered what he came here for.

"You just play the game, aren't you crying around for investment? Why did you run to make a reward? Aren't you short of money?"

Ji Changze stared at the game screen and played the game earnestly: "Isn't it just about crying for the poor to make investment? I don't say who will give me money from the poor."

Gu Qiu: ""

No one who really does business would do that.

When you invest, you want to let people see the potential of your project, and make them feel that investing in you is not a loss, you can definitely make money, and they will give it to you.

You came up and said, "I'm so poor, I have no money. Give me some money and we will work on the project together." Others are afraid that you will be so poor that you won't be able to do a project at all or it will collapse in half.

But think about Ji Chang Zela's investment objects are all a group of second generations, and they all grew up almost together, Gu Qiu can barely justify the hair.

"Yes, they all grew up together, and they don't need so many routines."

"But what's the matter with you throwing money at the live broadcast? Didn't you tell me about the lack of money yesterday?"

Ji Changze's men kept saying, "Yes, I'm short of money."

Gu Qiuzheng wanted to say that if you are short of money, you still give money to the game anchor. He listened to his next sentence: "But I didn't give this money. The lady of the money paid for it."

Gu Qiu: ""

Ji Changze throws money at the game anchor, and Mrs. Qian pays the bill? ? ?

Why has this world suddenly become mysterious? ? ?

"No, wait a minute, you let me know, why would Mrs. Qian give you hundreds of thousands of rewards for the anchor?"

Didn't she always follow the golden rule of whoring for nothing, and not one more child?

"Didn't you just listen to us calling? Give our anchors a lot of heat, and the heat will be piled up so that he will be hot during the live broadcast of the closed beta, eh, it's dead!"

The young master who played the game rubbish threw his phone away and started to shake the pot: "Hey, the teammates are too bad, all of them are rubbish, and you, I play games when I need to concentrate, you say you It's the same as one hundred thousand why, where are there so many questions, asking and asking, it's all the money lady, why? Are you in love with her? Brother, you can be steady, the money lady is like a queen, I dare not provoke."

Gu Qiu: ""

He didn't think that Qian was too female, but he thought that Qian was too female.

How easy it is to hold an anchor, even if he is not in this industry, he knows that, just make some public opinion, please click the navy, and spend a little money to buy a hot search, how is it more cost-effective than direct real money.

Is Mrs. Qian crazy?

Otherwise, why would she do such a lunatic thing, who has always been careful, and there is only one anchor in Ji Changze's company, and one anchor costs more than 300,000. When there are more anchors in the future, it won't be enough.

and many more.

Gu Qiu suddenly reacted, picked up the notebook to find the record, and opened the live broadcast room of the anchor that had been smashed into a lot of deep water.

On the screen, there was a Schelling who was playing the game super earnestly, explaining why he did it in a dry tone while playing.


The truth is revealed.

How could Mrs. Qian be cultivating the anchor's dementia career brain? This is clearly a conscious love brain.

Take a look at other people, take advantage of work, and spend money on the little handsome guy to praise him.

No wonder that when she broke up with those ex-boyfriends before, those little meats were so sad and sad, all the gifts she sent out returned a bunch of them. The little handsome guys were afraid that they would receive this gift, and Mrs. Qian would think them. I don't like her but her money.

Gu Qiu knew this because one time he had a work relationship with Mrs. Qian, and the two met again, so they simply went to a restaurant to have a meal and talk.

Then, he witnessed a little handsome guy who didn't know where he came from and rushed to the two of them. The one who was crying was called a pear with rain. While crying, he said that he really likes a lady with money, and he doesn't want a penny. , He can sign an agreement to prove that, only hope that Tainyu Qian will not break up with him.

Gu Qiu still remembers that Mrs. Qian first took the paper, raised her chin with her index finger, and wiped her tears with her other hand in a flirtatious gesture.

After wiping, when the other party's eyes still had hope, Mrs. Qian said:

"Of course I believe that you are not with me for money."

"But it's a fresh picture for me to be with you. You see, we have been together for three months. You have no new feelings to me. Why should I be with you? Good, don't make trouble. It's good to get together and get away."

Gu Qiu was shocked at the time.

Watching the tears that the little fresh meat had just been wiped came out again, she looked at the lady Qian who was still gently wiping his tears with disbelief, and then turned and ran away.

It's the same as watching the eight o'clock stall-Gu Qiu's mental activity.

Since then, Gu Qiu has always admired Mrs. Qian's emotional free and easy, unlike him, because he knew that once he fell in love, it would be difficult to get out of it. He never dared to fall in love, for fear that he would really become The idiot boss who knelt down and begged the other party to go home with the ball after the body-abuse heroine in the same person that the employee wrote at the time.

But having said that, it is possible to make Mrs. Qian, such a queen who has always clearly marked the price and only cares for the kidneys but not the heart, is so serious and really "pursues" that she will take the money before she even eats her mouth. This Xie Lin is a woman. Is the charm in your eyes so great? ?

Gu Qiu was puzzled.

He admits that Xie Lin is the type that Qian Tainu likes, but it's not the same as being fascinated by the mind, they haven't even met officially.

"Well, it's time for me to get off work, so today's live broadcast will be over for the time being. Thank you fans for your support. See you at two o'clock in the afternoon."

On the screen, Xie Lin smiled and said goodbye. As soon as the live broadcast ended, he came out of the office and carefully knocked on the open door of Ji Changze's office.


Ji Changze who changed his position to play the game lazily yelled.

Xie Lin was about to walk in. When he saw Gu Qiu inside looking at his complex and indifferent gaze, his body immediately stiffened with fright, so he stiffened and shrank with a small step and moved to Ji Changze.

"Gu and President Gu are here too."

Gu Qiu, who was completely unaware that he had scared others, let out a cry, and continued to stare at Xie Lin intently.

He didn't feel that his eyes were exuding cold air, he felt that he was looking at each other with the eyes of the evil country and evildoers.

Even the queen who has been said "Mr. Money! You have no heart!" countless times has been fascinated by this, it is not what evil evil is to the country.

"Brother Ji, I ran out of live broadcast time in the morning"

In fact, Xie Lin just wanted to work overtime to continue the live broadcast. Although he is cowardly, he has always been very kind. The Ji Changze arranged for him may be just casual for the Ji family, but for Xie Lin, it is Enough for him to be grateful for the rest of his life.

He has no other specialties, and the only way he can think of is to make more money to make a profit for the company.

Xie Lin just saw that the local tyrant's live broadcast room became lively because of the sudden appearance of the local tyrants. He wanted to take advantage of the popularity of the live broadcast, but the computer automatically popped up a prompt box an hour in advance, reminding him to download the broadcast at the point, otherwise The computer automatically cuts off the live broadcast.

Schelling could only broadcast it when he got off work, and then wanted to come over and report on the results of the morning.

The local tyrant's father actually gave him so much money. Xie Lin wondered why this person was not his black man and why he returned the money to him, and at the same time he was happy that he made money for the company.

For Xie Lin, who was very kind to him, he could not wait to go back a thousand times, he was relieved by the appearance of the local tyrant father, he didn't even stammer, and even said with a little joy:

"A fan spent a lot of money in the morning, more than 300,000 yuan."

In the past few days, he carefully read the contract. The contract stated that his profit should be five to five cents with the company. In other words, he earned more than 100,000 yuan for the company on the first day of work.

Xie Lin was not dull, but cowardly and timid. Facing Ji Changze, who was grateful to him, he couldn't help but smile a little when he spoke. It is estimated that if he had a tail, he would have been happy and a little timidly swaying now.

Look at Brother Ji, if you are so good to me, I will make good money for you.

Ji Changze stared at the game screen: "I know, didn't I drop the money?"

Schelling's little tail immediately froze in midair.

"You, you, you, you smashed it?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you? Oh, I just played games in the morning and forgot to tell you."

The Ji family elder master said casually. He took the time to look up and saw that Xie Lin was already shocked, and he sneered very unceremoniously: "Look at your pros and cons. This will be the case for such a small amount of money. Don't be scared to death if you are ten million."

Schelling: ""

"I, I, no, Brother Ji, how could that person be you?"

In the past, that account had blacked him from the side of the x anchor.

"Why can't it be me, the computer is still on the coffee table, you can read the account by yourself."

Xie Lin saw that it really was.

He was even more confused.

Xie Lin used the barrage before. Later, because the master of the Ji family smashed the deep water, he didn't look at the barrage very much. He only focused on the game. Therefore, in Xie Lin's eyes, the master of the Ji family was the one who had hacked himself before. It's just like a black fan.

The most worthy of celebration is that this fan has money and is still a generous shot.

And now, Ji Changze said, the one who used to hack Schelling is him.

Xie Lin was stunned.

Even if the Ji family master smashed him into deep water for the first time before, when he saw his name, he didn't think of Ji Changze because of the "ji" character, because the previous Ji family master clearly was his black fan.

But now

He looked at Ji Changze, then the account, and then the account, and then Ji Changze, the brain that was originally not good at thinking completely crashed.


But after talking for a long time, Xie Lin, who was frightened, squeezed out: "Didn't you, Ji brother, didn't like me at the time?"

"Yes? Didn't I express my appreciation for you very clearly?"

Ji Changze pointed to the screen: "Look, you are all told by me."

His attitude was too arrogant, "it is too normal for me to say this," and Schelling, who was not very confident at first, immediately began to wonder if he hadn't kept up with the trend.

Maybe the word "dish" has been replaced by a new stalk in the gaming circle?

Thinking about this, Xie Lin asked cautiously: "Then, Brother Ji, did you praise me for my food?"

"Why do you have such narcissistic thoughts?"

The eldest master of the Ji family was asked with a look of disgust: "Do you still not understand what it means to be said to play a game? Look at your operation, then look at your position, and your consciousness. I really , I don't even bother to talk about you. It took me a long time to get two five kills. It's a shame!"

Gu Qiu: ""

Even if he didn't play games very much, he knew how much Ji Changze said.

He felt that even if Xie Lin was usually timid, he probably couldn't help refuting at this time. No, his temperament would not refute, so he would be very wronged.

Hey, unfortunately, there is such a boss on the stall.

Xie Lin was easily led off track because of his temperament. At first, he felt that there was something wrong with this, but when he saw Ji Changze teaching him, he immediately followed Ji Changze's thoughts.

He did play well among ordinary people, but Ji Ge gave him such a high salary and such a good profit-sharing model. His game-playing skills that are considered good among ordinary people are naturally not enough. What kind of price What kind of technology is equipped with logic.

Xie Lin bowed his head guiltily, and apologized very hard: "I'm sorry Brother Ji, I must practice hard. Next time I will definitely not just take four kills to shame you."

Gu Qiu: "???"

Gu Qiu: ""

When it's over, Xie Lin's mind is too bad.

Looking at his small hair, he is already arrogantly waiting to lift his chin up to the sky: "Well, you know it, you know, as a professional game anchor, you must refine your skills. Now Such a dish, how can I rest assured to let you test the new games developed by our company in the future?"

Xie Lin nodded quickly. It seemed that he was even very grateful that Ji Changze was willing to give him a chance to improve. When he was excited, he couldn't say anything securely: "Thank you brother Ji, thank you, I understand, I must practice hard."

Gu Qiu: ""

The child looked completely stupid.

Do evil.

Chang Zeming was running the train with his mouth full, but Xie Lin, a little fool, actually believed his nonsense.

Ji Changze waved his hand, told Xie Lin to sit on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and handed it to him: "You come to see this group of Caibians, no, they are praised by saying that they are Caibians. It's really a bunch of rubbish. Come, let me test. Come on you, we have a double row."

Xie Lin hurriedly nodded in response, and was about to take out his mobile phone. When his eyes fell on Ji Changze's mobile phone, he was stunned.

Above, under the huge failure, is the record of this game.

Ji Changze is rare below three points, 21 points.

And his teammates, each one is above ten.

The pitted person is obviously Brother Ji.

Schelling had a bad premonition in his heart at this moment.

Soon, his hunch succeeded.

It seemed normal at first, except that the young master liked to sway his body to the left and right when playing games, and he was fighting with real people, and then he fought, and his pitfalls were revealed.

The first time: Ji Changze turned the originally crushed game into a difficult one by himself. Xie Lin tried his best to turn the tide, and finally succeeded in stealing the house very hard.

The second time: Ji Changze had been sending it in the early stage. He fattened his opponent for several laps. Xie Lin could only work hard to make up for the economy. The economy was finally evened out. He was squatting over there, a hero controlled by Ji Changze. The character ran over vigorously with the five people on the opposite side, and met Xie Lin on a narrow road. Xie Lin could barely take two of them before he died, and Ji Changze was killed when he first entered the grass.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time.

After the ten-game losing streak, Xie Lin has become numb.

"Too bad! A bunch of rubbish! What kind of stuff are you playing! It's so horrible!" When the words of failure came out again, Ji Shao, who was scolded after a few hits, threw the phone directly at On the sofa.

He opened his mouth and cursed: "Who is that mage? Is it blind? What kind of look? This operation is convincing! Where are the magical teammates? Why are all the teammates I met?!"

Schelling looked at his record on his phone.

The total score of the mage was a full tenth higher than that of Ji Changze.

A total of three deaths, two of which were dragged down by the team members.

The culprit, Ji Changze, was still scolding in indignation. Seeing what he was like, those who didn't know really thought that all he had encountered was a bunch of pits.

Rao Xie Lin was very grateful to this boss, and couldn't say anything to agree to at this moment.

Fortunately, Ji Changze didn't need him to agree.

Because the young master finished scolding the other teammates, he immediately pointed the finger at Xie Lin unceremoniously: "And you! You talk about you, or you are a game anchor. Is this your level? Look at the one you just played. What is it? I don't want to talk about you. Are you stupid in the team fight just now? Don't move."

Xie Lin mustered up the courage to explain: "I have been operating, and I have been moving."

"Did I say that you played a hero?! I mean you! When the sword comes, you have to avoid it! Just rely on your hand without moving, and see what you are playing."

Xie Lin was stunned for a second: "But, but this is a mobile game, it's useless if I move in reality."

"So you are a vegetable! I knew you were a vegetable before! At that time, I gave that who, what x, so many deep waters could not inspire you, and now you are going back and going back, you are hiding like this. Come on."

Ji Changze grabbed Xie Lin by the shoulder and pushed him in an evasive motion.

Xie Lin followed with a blank face, and still didn't understand why he had to move with him while playing games.

Gu Qiu, who had witnessed Changze's crazy pitting of his teammates, couldn't stand it anymore.



"Oh, you know what a fart if you don't play games, is that okay?! Playing like this, with this kind of operation, with this kind of consciousness, the whole person is motionless like a zombie, how can I rest assured that he will go to the internal test, he What can be measured?!"

Xie Lin still didn't understand, but because of his cowardly nature, he was afraid that Ji Changze would get angry more and more, so he said softly and softly: "Brother Ji, I know I was wrong, I will practice hard."

"Practice! Practice now! I will teach you!"

Schelling: ""

Gu Qiu: ""

A person who can score less than three points in a game should teach someone who has no less than 13 points

It's over.

Thirty minutes later, Xie Lin was breathing heavily, sweating like rain. His shirt was completely wet and running on the treadmill. Standing next to him, Ji Changze holding a broom, urged twice from time to time: "Run!" Raise your legs! You said you are so weak, and you are embarrassed to be a game anchor, hurry up."

Seeing him running slowly, he hit him in the leg with a sweep: "Hurry up!"

Xie Lin was originally a home, but he never ran after graduation. After running like this, he was almost exhausted.

"But... but Brother Ji huh, this, playing games, and running, don't seem to have anything to do with it, huh."

"Whoever says no, I say yes and yes! Run!"

As soon as the lady with long legs and slender waist opened the door, she saw Ji Changze and Gu Qiu standing beside the treadmill, watching the little weak chicken game anchor on the treadmill running.

"Yo, what are you doing?"

She looks bright and beautiful, looking at the scene in front of her, her eyebrows are raised, and she looks around with interest: "I said Ji Changze, you can play tricks wherever you go."

"What to play? This is to exercise your physique in the game. Xie Lin will go to the closed beta in the future. How can I not run."

Gu Qiu on the side: ""

It doesn't matter if you tell them this. Why did you tell Tainu Qian? Is Changze afraid that Taichian, a big investor, doesn't know that as the boss, he doesn't understand games?

Is there a yarn relationship between playing games and running?

Besides, isn't Mrs. Qian interesting to Xie Lin? It must be distressed to see the other party running so hard. Gu Qiu opened his mouth and wanted to help his brother remedy it, but he didn't know how to explain the current situation in one or two words.

He was still trying to figure out his vocabulary, and he heard Mrs. Qian agreeing to say: "Yes, he wants to go to the in-game test, he has to train his physical strength first."

Gu Qiu: "???"

His complexion was condensed, he still looked like a tyrant, but he ran past a group of sheep in his heart.

Is physical strength related to in-game testing? ?

Don't you just use your fingers on the keyboard or mobile phone to play games? ?

Suddenly, Gu Qiu realized something, and immediately looked at Xie Lin, who was still running on the treadmill, and Mrs. Qian, who was standing by and watching him.

The lady who was thinking about how to make the most profit after the hologram went online suddenly felt something was wrong. When she turned her head subconsciously, she saw Gu Qiuzheng staring at herself with a weird gaze.

This guy has been weird since she was a child. Mrs. Qian didn't delve into it, and she continued to stare at Xie Lin, planning various plans for the division of interests.

Gu Qiu looked at Xie Lin for a while, and Mrs. Qian later.

Xie Lin didn't have much physical strength. After running for so long, he was sweating. The sweat pierced the white shirt and pressed it tightly to the skin. As a man, Gu Qiu seemed to be too thin, and he was so thin.

But it seems that now women like this one.

He automatically completes the setting: wet clothes with sweat equals vividness.

Look at the lady Qian who is staring at Xie Lin seriously.


He suddenly realized! The look in his eyes suddenly became subtle.

I didn't expect you to be such a money lady!