Chapter 247 Overhead similar to the Republic of China (13)

The fact that the first batch of students graduated from the Chang'an Military Academy was not only concerned by themselves, but also by other forces.

When this school was established, it was only a small force, and the major forces also meant to send people over to find out the details of the people behind it.

The result was seven years.

After checking it for seven years, I didn't even find a feather.

It happened that the spies who were sent out casually and mainly engaged in underground work were trained one by one to become masters of outstations.

When the school was first established, the Chang'an Military Academy promoted all kinds of teaching, regardless of origin, and concentrated on teaching, which was actually true.

He really taught all the students to be perfect fighters who can adapt perfectly no matter behind the scenes or in front of the scenes.

In the past seven years, although it is said that they have not graduated yet, this group of students has not been taken out to make an appearance.

In each of the seven years, I did not fight in peace, either with his own people or with foreigners. Occasionally, Ji Changze would also collect money to bring students reinforcements in order to train students (subsidize their families).

As long as you are not fighting your own family, and you have enough money, Chang'an Military Academy, your universal reinforcements will come quickly.

Others gave this group of students a nickname called Hei Hui.

The reason for calling this is that this group of students had a problem when they went out to fight. Their weapons were all sprinkled with black paint. After the enemy was hit, black was left on their wounds.

When the battlefield is over, there will be special soldiers to count how many enemies have black paint on them. At that time, based on the number of people, the people in the mercenary school will have to pay an extra amount.

In addition, the students of the Chang'an Military Academy themselves also wear badges representing the students. Although the badges are silver and white instead of black, they are nicknamed this stuff, and they become black badges when they scream.

Ji Changze doesn't mind, he thinks it's pretty good to call it this way.

Anyway, the Chang'an Military Academy has successfully cultivated a group of terrifying students in seven years. Don't worry that many of this group of students were sent by other forces. Aren't there still a bunch of ordinary students left?

In addition, he has made various weapons and sold them in the past seven years. He has abundant resources, and the one he raises is called a fat soldier and strong horse.

Now, Ji Changze doesn't need to play mystery anymore, knowing his details, he dare not provoke him.

However, because he is low-key, he never took the initiative to show his force value. After all, these years are very messy, but there are many people who play the robbing scheme. As a well-behaved citizen who does not rob him, how embarrassed he is not to be robbed by Ji Changze Go grab someone?

Of course, he certainly does not admit that he deliberately pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger, waiting for the black to eat the black.

Then how can it be called black and eat black? That is justified defense.

In the eyes of many ordinary people, Chang'an Military Academy is still an ordinary military academy. The only unusual point is that as long as the age and physical fitness are qualified, this school will be accepted.

And also package distribution oh dear.

Ever since, the old students left, and the new students came again.

The new students were very excited and full of longing for the future. They did not expect that their seniors are the talents that the major forces are now rushing for.

Ji Changze is in class, upright, and never plays the "You guys who graduated from our school must do things for our school". Anyway, how should I teach and how to teach? Of course, the two words patriotic he can't wait to stuff the students' minds, other needs The forces of talents themselves are Chinese, so naturally they don't mind this.

Isn't it a pity to give such a good talent to others? Of course you have to grab it.

Anyway, Chang'an Military Academy has a clear attitude.

They are just a military academy, and they don't have much thoughts.

If they really had that kind of thinking, in seven years, they would have expanded their territory and recruited more people, and how could they only vacate on their own "one-acre three-quarter land".

Of course, other people will naturally not know that Ji Changze's "small site" has long been dug like a rabbit hole.

After receiving the new students for a day, Ji Changze pushed aside Xue Wuye's office, took a trip to his sofa, and proficiently presented the appearance of salted fish:

"Fifth Lord, we have arranged the game for seven years. Is it time to close the net?"

Xue Wuye who is reading the newspaper: "?"


Ji Changze: "A strong country, you forgot? We said it was a strong country."

Xue Wuye: "...It's OK to say it's OK, but what game did you arrange?"

"There is a fight over there and over there. Isn't this my family's wealth after seven years of hard work? Now is the time to come in handy."

Xue Wuye: "..."

He looked at Ji Changze, whose cheeks were blushing from drinking Xinsheng Wine, and felt that this kid was horribly drunk.

A strong country, does that mean that a strong country can make a country strong?

Hey, although this kid is almost sixteen years old, he is still too young.

"Bang bang bang -"

The sound of Mucang sounded in an alley. As soon as the surrounding residents heard the sound, they reacted quickly and ran away with their belongings.

The more skilled they escape, the more proof the bitterness of this world on ordinary people.

A man in gray pounce clothes crawled out of the alley with his injured leg, but he was injured, how could he have avoided chasing soldiers behind him.

"It's an honor for you to work for adults. Since you don't know what is good or bad, then go down and be your Chinese."

A voice sounded unhurriedly, followed by a pair of bright riding boots stained with blood.

The person who said this, Mu Cang turned a corner in his hand, put it directly back to his waist, and then drew a dagger, his eyes full of killing intent and looked at the person on the ground who had lost combat effectiveness.

He was about to lift his foot forward, and a person hurried up to stop him: "Captain, it's best to catch him alive."

"What should I do then?"

This person is only sixteen or seventeen years old, with single eyelids and fox eyes. His face is a bit too pale because he has not been exposed to the sun for a long time. At this moment, his smile is bright, a pair of fox eyes are narrowed, and his speech is kind.

"My boots got him dirty. If he doesn't die, who will pay for my boots?"

The dagger made a profit in his hand and turned to the person who blocked him. He negotiated with a good voice: "Or else, I will kill the deputy team. After you die for him, we will capture him alive and give it to him. How about it?"

The deputy team heard it with cold sweat and came down: "Yes! Captain! He damn it! You do it!"

The wounded on the ground sneered at this: "Oh, the dog bit the dog."

The fox squinted his eyes and stepped on his wound. Seeing the other party's pale face swallowing and screaming, his smile became even sweeter: "Dogs can not only bite dogs, they can also kill people."

After speaking, he leaned forward suddenly, and the sharp dagger sank into the opponent's heart.

Three minutes later, he stood up, took out his handkerchief and wiped his blood-stained hand, raised his eyebrows at the corpse underground, and asked the group of people standing behind him: "Do you know what to say when you go back?"

"Yes, yes, this person resists the situation?

The nerves of a few people suddenly became tense, and they opened the door carefully, only to see a familiar figure standing in the yard.

"Comrade Zhang?!"

Lao Zhang, who died three years ago, is being held and crying by his wife, and his eyes are flushed.

Looking inside the house, they are all people who have died. Their families are overjoyed and are pulling them to cry.

"What, what's going on??"

The few people were still immersed in grief, but now they can't feel grief anymore. They stand at the door with all their faces and don't know what the situation is now.

"Are you back? Hurry up and pack things, we will withdraw to base camp tonight."

The leader saw a few people and walked over with his face full of joy.

"Look at you, be silly, haha, I was shocked when I first found out, I didn't expect that all of our comrades who were caught [sacrifice] in the past few years have been saved."

What he said, a young man who had just entered could no longer hear him.

His eyes were straight, staring at the middle-aged man who was full of smiles and strode toward this side.

The other party was straight and resolute. Seeing him, he walked over and hugged him.

"Good boy, grown up."

His face gradually overlapped with the last face four years ago.

"Son, Dad is going to work to rescue people. It's all a group of kids your age. Wait and I will rescue them. Then you will have someone talking together. You are not allowed to bully others, know? Okay, let me go. Up."

Then, he never came back.

The uncle who went there said that the labor camp was a trap. After his father discovered that he was arrested in order to hold the traitors, they watched him get killed by Mucang.

The young man's tears rushed down. In the past four years, he had dreamed of the last time with his father countless times. In the dream, his father was not dead. The family was still fine, but when he woke up, he could only wipe a tear. , Accept this reality.

And now, the dream has come true.

"Father, father... is it you, father... you're not dead? Father, really you?"

The middle-aged man listened to his trembling voice and his nose became sour. He released his hand and patted his son on the shoulder: "Father can still be fake? I have heard from the leader. You did a good job, can you kill him? Young devils, and saved a lot of people, okay! You deserve to be the seed of Lao Tzu."


He was crying with his father in his arms, and suddenly he saw a familiar figure out of the corner of his eyes, and his whole body immediately stiffened with fright. He took out the wooden warehouse and aimed it at the fox's eyes over there.

"Eh eh eh!! One's own one's own one!!!"

Fox eyes, that is, Wang Qiyi was so scared all over his body that he hurriedly hid behind the pillar: "I said you were ungrateful, I saved your father, why are you going to kill me?!"

That's right, he, Wang Qiyi, relying on his superb acting skills and the wise leadership of the boss, got into the enemy and became the biggest enemy among them.