Chapter 253 The Traitor Who Sells Teachers for Prosperity (2)

Perhaps it is because of the many years of friends who have turned against each other standing in front of him, Liu Shengyan feels that he is a little bit more emotional today.

Standing together with Ji Changze outside the ruined temple, he looked at the shattered appearance full of spider webs, the corners of his lips were raised in nostalgia, and a smile appeared.

"Here is the same as before."

After speaking, Liu Shengyan turned to Ji Changze who was standing beside him, and said:

"I just don't know, whether you are still the same as before."

Ji Changze brushed his sleeves and smiled softly: "After so many years, how can it be the same as before, even you, haven't you changed? How can someone stay the same for many years?"

"How can't it?"

Liu Shengyan affirmed: "I am like this temple, and its changes are my changes."

This temple has been like a day for more than ten years, and he himself has been like a day for more than ten years.


Ji Changze smiled rather than smile, and made an inviting gesture: "Go in and talk."

Liu Shengyan just couldn't understand him smiling on this face as if no one could see it through. The expression that had eased because of the jade pendant and the memory of the past stinks.

With a cold snorted, "Ji Da, an extremely human minister, suddenly invited the official to come to such a remote place, he really didn't dare to go in for a while."

I thought Ji Changze was going to explain a few words, but he didn't expect this guy to look at him and said lightly: "Don't dare to enter."

Then, I really didn't care about him, I just opened the door and walked in.

Liu Shengyan: "...Oh, do you think I am a three-year-old child? You want me to be hooked by such a crude and aggressive method?"

After finishing speaking, seeing that there was no movement inside, he gritted his teeth bitterly, and quickly followed: "I am a fifth-grade official of the Dawen Dynasty, I dare not enter wherever I am!"

As soon as he entered, he was stunned.

Inside the dilapidated temple, it was cleaned as clean and bright as new, and the Buddha statue sitting above it seemed to shine. Not only was the wooden floor paved, but also many ornaments were placed in the house.

Under the Buddha statue is a table with wine and vegetables. Ji Changze is sitting on one side of the table. The position on the other side is obviously reserved for Liu Shengyan.

The prestigious Master Ji raised his eyes and laughed at him: "We, Master Liu, just seemed to say that your changes are like this ruined temple. It seems that Master Liu has changed a lot in the past ten years."

Liu Shengyan: "..."

After he froze, he stepped forward with a face full of anger, and sat down on the other side of the table: "Ji Changze, what tricks are you playing!"

"It's nothing tricky, but the official is now a second-rank anyway, if it is dirty here, it doesn't fit the official status."

Liu Shengyan sneered: "When you were not out of office, you could sleep directly on the grass when you were tired. Although you were second-grade, you are still the same person back then. You could endure hardship back then, why can't you eat now?

"You really are now..."

Ji Changze slowly grabbed the words: "Really a traitor, isn't it?"

"You all know that I am a treacherous minister. Why do you still accuse me of not having any hardship? A loyal minister can endure hardship, but am I not a treacherous minister?"

Regardless of his sarcasm, Ji Changze was unaffected, and even smiled in a good mood, making a mockery of himself.

He personally picked up the jug to pour the wine:

"Throughout the ages, have you seen any treacherous ministers who were impoverished and impoverished? Aren't they all extravagant, spending money like dirt?"

After pouring the wine, he pushed the glass to Liu Shengyan: "Taste it, the daughter Hong, who has been buried for eighteen years, was originally the dowry that the brewer planned to prepare for her daughter, but it took me five thousand taels of silver to buy it back. One jar, the taste is very good, drink two glasses, you will bring this jar of wine back."

Liu Shengyan: "Don't think that I can forgive you by giving me a jar of wine with good words and words. Look at what you have been doing all these years, and this temple..."

"Yes, I am a treacherous minister, I am extravagant, I am innocent, and a villain and shameless, you drink quickly, they are all people who have children and daughters, and they are so nagging."

Ji Changze rushed to say what Liu Shengyan wanted to say. He was so angry that he opened his mouth and wanted to scold and was speechless. He could only hold his stomach and swallow the wine glass on the table and drank it.

Drinking wine didn't feel so good, so I found the point of picking up and mocked: "Looking at you, you are also a stupid man with a lot of money, five thousand taels, so I bought a jar of such a dull wine."

"You don't understand, these five thousand two one altar is not pretending to be wine, but the love of the brewer's daughter."

"What's more, the money is not for him. I see a middle-class man who was sent to Jiaozhou. I entrusted this wine seller to redeem that man."

Poor Five-Rank Liu Shengyan frowned when he heard it: "Jiaozhou? You guys who sell wine live far away, but even so, five thousand taels are too expensive."

Ji Changze paused, took a deep breath, and shook the jug: "Five thousand taels, it's cheaper, I'm willing to look at his beloved daughter's wishes."

Liu Shengyan sarcastically: "You cold-blooded and ruthless people, also understand the love of women?"


Ji Changze put down the jug, and the jug fell on the table with a sound.

Liu Shengyan was taken aback by the sound, and swallowed a little nervously, his body shrank subconsciously, and his voice became a little faint:

"What are you doing? I'm telling you the truth. I tell you before I go out to tell someone that I am coming here to meet with you. If I have any shortcomings, you can't escape the relationship!"

Ji Changze got up, he suddenly got up and flicked back in fright. This place is remote. If the other party tricks him out and kills him here, he will definitely die. Liu Shengyan clenched his fists nervously and said, "You don't It's going to be messy, even though I haven't practiced martial arts, I'll do it twice."

"What are you thinking about every day in your mind."

Ji Changze gave up the encrypted conversation with Liu Shengyan, and directly stretched out his hand and dragged the person down to sit down.

Seeing that he was still looking to run away in minutes, Master Ji took a deep breath.

I simply said directly: "I just said that you can go to Gezhou, your family members, I will take care of them, and there are five thousand taels of silver bills sealed in this jar of wine. You take the money and pass by Jiaozhou on the road to Gezhou. Time to redeem someone for me."

Liu Shengyan was stunned for more than ten seconds before reacting.

Seeing Ji Changze looking at himself with an expression of "Why are you so stupid", he said, "... Then, just say it, you are talking about selling alcohol, and what the seller is doing."

Master Ji, who was stunned in the middle of the Korean government, took a deep breath again, and put away a smile that looked like a non-smiling face, revealing a typical skinny but not smiling, gritted his teeth: "Neither did I expect that you have been in the middle of the court for so many years. It's all Grade 5, and I still don't understand official words."

Although he didn't say any derogatory words, Liu Shengyan felt inexplicably that he had been scolded.

"My official position is obtained by me step by step, and it is not based on talking around. Besides, I have been an official in the court for so many years, and I have never seen anyone like you. So tossing."

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused: "Oh... I can't blame you for always saying things that have nothing to do with the court when you meet down. It turns out that those words have other meanings."

Ji Changze smiled: "Sheng Yan, you are really not suitable for the court."

Liu Shengyan retorted: "Don't think you are an old fox, and others are like that. Haven't I been in the court for so many years? Over the years, so many people have been demoted, but I have been rising steadily. In other words, I am suitable for the court."

"Don't think about it, how could it be suitable."

"I have been steadily rising for many years."

"Is it suitable for a steady rise? Thinking too much."

"If it weren't for me to suit the court, how can I avoid the shuffle of the court several times, big or small."

"Did you hide by yourself?"

Liu Shengyan raised his head triumphantly: "Of course I hid on my own! Otherwise, I have no background, no family, no one to protect me, how can I be safe."

Ji Changze: "Who said you are no one to protect you, if you weren't protected, you would have died early."

"Fart! Where am I from here to protect you! Say it! I'll knock you eight bangs if you say it!"

"I will not say!"

"Afraid, you are afraid."

"Who is afraid, I am afraid of you if you are so stupid?"

Excited, Liu Shengyan began to shoot the table:

"Then tell me! Who is protecting me, who? Who? Who is there? Tell me, let's say it, look at you, I tell you I am going by my own ability..."

The Lord Ji who was sitting opposite was also anxious, and then patted the table, almost roaring:

"You have to be an idiot! For so many years you have looked at the things you have done. If you can't go up to please your boss, if you can't go down to win over your subordinates, if it weren't for me to protect you, you would have died!!!"

"Who did you say is dead? Come on! Let's fight! I will bear you for a long time..."

Liu Shengyan rolled up his sleeves halfway up, and suddenly froze.

"What are you talking about? Are you protecting me?"

The treacherous minister, who clashed on the table opposite, looked stunned, and began to pretend to be stupid: "What? Did I say it? You heard it wrong."

The more he denied, the more certain Liu Shengyan:

"I heard you right, you just said it!"

He frowned, looked deeply at the former friend on the opposite side, thinking about it carefully, for so many years, he has never given up on Ji Changze, the reputation of the other party's must-have spread so widely, and he is a close friend of your Majesty.

If he were really a perfidious villain, he would have been cleaned up a long time ago.

However, for so many years, he has never felt any stumbling in addition to being confronted face-to-face.

He clenched his fist and asked, "Have you really been protecting me for so many years?"

Ji Changze rolled his face and said nothing.

―No, but Liu Shengyan has better luck, and he hasn't been killed yet.

"I'm against you, you never really care about me, right?"

Ji Changze silently looked at the scenery outside the window.

――No, the original owner made a lot of stumbling, but Liu Shengyan was so lucky that he escaped by mistake every time.

Seeing that he did not answer, Liu Shengyan already had an accurate answer in his heart.

After so many years of being safe and sound, the "spoof" just now pointed in one direction.

He sighed long and looked at his former friend:

"What happened at the beginning... Isn't it hidden?"

Ji Changze turned his face blankly: "No, don't ask, just do what I tell you."

However, in this case, Liu Shengyan automatically translated it as: Yes, there is, but I don't want to say, I just want to bear all kinds of frustrations and hardships alone on the charge of betraying the traitor (as for why I did this, and what setbacks and hardships he has. I can't think of it yet).

Ji Changze took out a letter from his arms and put it on the table, "Well, that person's name is here, and the wine is also delivered. I only hope that you can help me with the relationship back then. After saving someone, Give him the letter."

After speaking, he didn't look at the look on Liu Shengyan's face again, got up and walked outside.

"Ji Changze, you wait."

"If you haven't said it clearly, you can say it clearly before leaving."


The person in front of him who had been walking in the sun finally stopped under the name of such closeness, but only for a moment. The next second, he slowly walked away under Liu Shengyan's sight.

Liu Shengyan stared at the distant figure blankly.

That kind of loneliness, indifference, and exhaustion.

He shouted at the other side: "I believe you! I will help you! I will help you!"

Ji Changze shook his clothes in the distance. It was too deceitful. He couldn't bear it. He had to make arrangements for this journey. Otherwise, he was just as stupid as Liu Shengyan and didn't know how much he would suffer.

In the temple, Liu Shengyan sat at the table again, holding the wine. He thought: What happened back then must be hidden.

Even if the other party denies, refuses to answer, and tries to conceal it in front of him, it can't hide from him.

Ji Changze was silent for so many years and no one noticed it. It was indeed powerful, but the only calculation was wrong.

Thinking of this, he took a little pride and patted the wine jar.

That is, he, Liu Shengyan, is still very smart.

No one can fool him.