Chapter 255 Traitors Selling Teachers for Prosperity (4)

As a treacherous minister, Ji Changze was still very busy. In addition to climbing on the roof of other people's house to eavesdrop in broad daylight, he also went to see a lot of information. As soon as he got down, he entered the time for supplementary information.

Although the original owner is smart and has human hands, he has never reached a level of memorability. With such a pile of information, he will only find someone's information and take a look at it when he has to deal with someone.

It is much simpler to change to Ji Changze. He directly opens a dossier, reads it quickly, and then looks at the next one, just like a tool person with no emotions.

Most of these files are all kinds of materials from North Korean and Chinese officials, occasionally mixed with some black materials. In the original master study, there is a secret room to store these materials, so that he can go further and further on the road of blacks framing people. far.

Facts have proved that Liu Shengyan was sent to investigate Liu Shengyan, and it turned out that there was basically no substantive information. It was not the investigator's fault at all. It was purely because Liu Shengyan had no ill-informed information. When investigators were investigating other people, they could investigate. A lot of melons come out.

Ji Changze quickly found a lot of what he needed from the piles of files, and the most important person was even more illicit.

Lord Zhou, forty-three years old, as a military commander who has a high official position and is very concerned by the emperor, he can't fight miraculously. He can't read military books. In short, he is ten incompetent.

But he can have military power and control the 70,000 soldiers in the capital.

Maybe others would think that the emperor was stupid, and actually handed the most important guardian power to an incompetent person like Lord Zhou, but Ji Changze could see the emperor's thoughts from it.

Yes, Lord Zhou is incompetent, and it is useless except to flatter the emperor.

But his greatest benefit to the superiors is that he will be nothing without the emperor.

Not only because he was incapable, but also because he was under the great prince. When the great prince had an accident, he immediately began to separate the relationship with the other party at the speed of light, and quickly joined the list of scolding the great prince.

Do you feel familiar? Yes, Lord Zhou followed the same route as the original owner.

They are all guessing the old master and holding the new one.

The new master of the two is the same, and they follow the same route. Naturally, the relationship is not very good. When they meet, they are not smiling. Everyone wants to pull the other off.

The original owner has always wanted to get the other party down, but unfortunately he has never found a chance.


Ji Changze thought about Lord Zhou's file for a while, and called out the servant who was waiting outside.

"Eh, sir."

Fuquan trot in immediately: "Master, what's the order?"

"You go and compare the gift that Prince Rong gave before he went to the feudal mansion, and still prepare a copy for Master Liu. Isn't he going to Gezhou? The gift is to see him off."

Fuquan was stunned. Although he had been by his side, he was not very familiar with Mrs. Liu, but Mrs. Liu often came to the residence.

Presumably the master is also because of Mrs. Liu's friendship with his wife, right?

"Yes, sir, let's do it for the younger ones."

He saluted and was about to go out, but was stopped by Ji Changze again: "Wait."

Fuquan hurriedly stopped: "Master, what else can you tell me?"

Ji Changze paused for a few seconds and said: "Liu Shengyan's daughter, and my child who died, are about the same age."

Fuquan had never heard him mention the child who died at the beginning, but as a competent person next to his master, he would naturally not miss these old events, and suddenly the cold sweat came down.

That was the only blood of the master for many years, he suddenly raised it, could he be in a good mood?

"Master, you are still young, and you will have children in the future."

Ji Changze said indifferently: "There are ten and eight, but it's not the first one after all."

Fuquan looked down at the ground, not daring to speak.

Ji Changze didn't anger him. He just said, "You went to Liu's mansion and told Master Liu that Mrs. Liu would not live in the mansion for a long time and like young children. He asked him to let Mrs. Liu take his lady to visit his wife. Madam happy and happy."

"Yes, yes, small ones must be handled well."

Fuquan has been with his master for so many years, and naturally he can hear that the master actually brought some kindness when saying this.

Xu was because he thought of the early child, and naturally felt a little more affectionate towards Miss Liu, who was as old as his own child.

In the Liu family over there, Liu Shengyan's family also got busy and started preparing things for her husband and father to go out.

This trip is a long journey. You must prepare food, drink and clothing, but Mrs. Liu has never been out of Beijing before, and Mrs. Liu has no experience in this aspect, so she hurried to ask her husband, Mrs. Beijing, who often travels far away.

But time is in a hurry, no matter how eager to prepare, it is not ready for the moment.

Liu Leping, the eldest of the Liu family, took the girl into her mother's room. Seeing that she was quickly filling in the soles of her shoes, she stepped forward and persuaded:

"I don't have enough shoes. It's too late to make them now. Mother doesn't want to make them by myself. I sent someone to buy them."

"Does my mother let people go drying the food? It's a long way, and my father has to bring dry food."

"It's drying out, but it's been cloudy these days, I'm afraid it won't dry out."

"Then send someone to buy it, even if the one you buy is not as good as your own, you will always be up to the task."

Liu Leping doesn't like to talk outside, but she can be the leader in her own home. In addition to her own intelligence, it is also due to Mrs. Liu's delegating power to her and always encouraging and supporting her.

The mother and daughter were busy, and a girl came in outside. Although she was a girl, she was very arrogant, with her chin slightly raised, and her attitude very arrogant:

"The old lady invites the third lady and the fifth lady over."

Actually, even the salutes were vaguely used.

But Mrs. Liu and Liu Leping have long been used to them. The girls around the old lady are arrogant, and they have always looked like this "unfavored".

It is impossible to get angry with them. The two looked at each other, put down the things they were busy with, and went straight to the Changshou Hall where the old lady was.

In the Longevity Hall, the old lady of Liu's family was sitting upright, and behind her stood two pretty girls, with one kneeling beside her legs, gently knocking her legs, sitting underneath two rows of people, including the lady in the house and some Miss, sitting full.

Everyone gathered together and laughed. The old lady who was the center was naturally Zhongxing Pengyue. Being held by so many juniors gave her a great sense of satisfaction, and the smile on her face never stopped.

So when a girl opened the curtain, she announced: "The third lady and the fifth lady are here."

The sudden smile on the old lady's face seemed very abrupt.

The people with the highest status stopped smiling, and the others naturally put away their smiles.

Before I came in, everyone laughed and laughed. As soon as I came in, everyone lost their smiles. Even if I had experienced it under the hands of the old lady for many years, this feeling of being excluded still made the mother and daughter dull for a moment.

"Greetings to the old lady."

"Well, get up."

The old lady smiled again, but it was different from the big laugh before. This smile was faint and perfunctory: "The third child, I heard that the mess in your yard is all busy. How did you become a wife? He's almost leaving, why haven't you packed his luggage yet?"

Mrs. Liu knelt in the middle skillfully: "It's the daughter-in-law. The time is rushed. The daughter-in-law has only a Leping side by her side, and there is not enough manpower, so she can only be so busy. She did not expect to startle the old lady Ning, and the daughter-in-law told me when she returned. Girls do things carefully, don't make a noise with the old lady."

The little smile on the old lady's face disappeared.

"Look at what you said, as if I were the evil lady who waited for my son to go out and didn't help, and blamed my daughter-in-law for cleaning up and quarreling myself."

Mrs. Liu showed a look of surprise on her face at the right time; "How can the old lady think like this? My daughter-in-law never meant it."

At this time, the old lady's helper should naturally be on the court.

It was her eldest daughter-in-law, the eldest lady in the mansion, who smiled and joked: "Look at the three younger siblings and jokingly said: "Look at the three younger siblings, who doesn't know the third siblings, you are the most stingy, and you don't give much reward to the servants. Naturally, those subordinates will not do well for the third younger siblings. If this is not the case, the old lady will love the third younger siblings and reward them with a few ingots of gold, so that she can use them as rewards."

She said it with a smile, and at first it sounded like a joke.

But the most important thing for the female relatives in the capital is reputation. Mrs. Liu has a reputation for stingy and unsuccessful in the capital, and it is also largely dependent on her grandparents and concubines.

But you still can't turn your face in anger. If you turn your face, people will want to say that you are really stingy, and you can't even make jokes.

Madam Liu was angry, but she could only bear it. The eldest lady was a little sorry to see that she was not angry.

But the old lady spoke again: "Your husband and wife are both of the same temper. Your wife is stingy, and your son is inseparable. It's fine to be stingy with others, and it's the same with me. The salary you paid this time was actually I only gave a few, but I kept a lot of it, eh, my son is not filial when he grows up."

Mrs. Liu gritted her teeth: "The old lady has a clear lesson. The master has gone a long way. The journey is very difficult and expensive. If you give all your salary to the old lady, I am afraid that you will lose the silver dual purpose if you don't walk less than half of the time."

"Hahaha, I just said a few words casually, why bother to be so true, after all, I don't know Shengyan? He has always been a big spender. On the way to Gezhou, many refugees don't have a penny. Anyone can come over, but he spends a lot of money, nothing more, your master is delicate, and I am a mother, so I can't help him a lot."

"Lvyan, you go to my warehouse and take some money to the third master's yard." After ordering the young and pretty girl, she turned her head and smiled at Madam Liu: "This is Luyan, next to me. The waiter girl, who is used to serving people, let her follow your master on the road to serve him."

Madam Liu clenched her fist down her sleeve.

What she hates most is the old lady. She always thinks about going to Liu Shengyan's side, as if seeing their husband and wife are harmonious and the family is happy, she feels unhappy in her heart. It is not for the individual to come in and make them sick.

When Mrs. Liu was thinking about how to shirk her, the girl came in again and reported: "The third master is here to please the old lady."

By coincidence, Liu Shengyan came back from the court.

He is inferior to Ji Changze. Ji Changze's mansion is almost next to the imperial city. His official position is big. He sits on a sedan chair on the street. Everyone will let him get home soon.

Liu Shengyan is different. He lives far away and his official position is average. Whenever he walks on the street where traffic jams are inevitable, he will give one to one when he meets one, and one to one when he meets one.

So he simply walked back, and in the end he was much faster than sitting in a sedan chair.

When the next dynasty is over, I'm going to greet the old lady.

After he entered, he was not surprised to face a house of female relatives. Anyway, the old lady's house looks like this all day long. Those sisters-in-laws and nieces are just fine. The girls match each other with beautiful looks. When they get together and laugh, they are almost like a fairy. The same as the hole.

Liu Shengyan slandered the old lady at her age and was not too noisy, and saluted the old lady respectfully: "The son pleased the old lady."

"Well, get up, you came just right, and I told your wife just now that I heard that you were not entangled enough, and I want to give you some travel expenses."

Liu Shengyan was overjoyed when he heard: "The old lady is kind, and the son thanked the old lady. It just so happened that the son did the calculation yesterday. He didn't have enough money to go to Gezhou. It happened to be thirty taels short. I was worried. I thanked the old lady."

The loving smile on the old lady's face froze.

She only said that she wanted to give the money, but she didn't say how much she wanted to give. Originally, she only wanted to make a package and send it over. Anyway, she only said she wanted to give the money, but didn't say how much.

When the time comes, the money will be less, but the reputation of loving son will be able to go out.

The abacus was done well, but Liu Shengyan did not expect it to come.

Liu Shengyan didn't notice the face of his aunt above, and he said to himself: "Also, time is rushed, and my son has too much time to prepare. Apart from the travel expenses, I am afraid that many things will be bought on the road. If the old lady is Distressed son, then"

"Sheng Yan!"

Fearing that thirty taels will become fifty taels if he keeps on saying that, the old lady interrupted Liu Shengyan with a stiff smile and turned off the topic: "You quietly, this is Luyan, what do you think."

Liu Shengyan looked up and down the pretty girl, and exaggerated a few words perfunctorily: "Not bad, not bad, everyone around the old lady is the best."

Seeing him fooled, the old lady's smile became more sincere: "Since you like it, I will cut love and give her to you. There is someone serving you on your way."

"If there is anything lacking at that time, let her do it for you. This is the mother's intention. Don't refuse it."

At that time, presumably Liu Shengyan was ordered by His Majesty to go out to do errands, but he had to bring a beautiful girl to the public. He would definitely not be able to do well.

And if she refuses, the elders give him a gift, but he actually refuses, and she pretends to cry for a few more times, Liu Shengyan will still have a reputation for disrespect of his aunt.

The old lady was thinking about it, and suddenly heard Liu Shengyan say: "This girl? Must be, my son went out to work on a job. He worked very hard along the way, and I don't know how much he has to travel. When that happens, I will bring such a delicate and weak person. Girl, she is here to take care of me, or I should take care of her."

"Old lady, if you really love your son, send a few strong boys. If there is a robber or gangster on the road, you can block me. By the way, my son will look at your yard. The Wu Erjia boys are pretty good, each of them is fat and strong, even if they can't fight, they are safe to lift the sedan chair."

old lady;""

Wu's family is her dowry, and the boys in her family have always been powerful people under her hand.

Such a person, send it to Liu Shengyan to carry the sedan chair? ?

Why is his face so big? ?

But Liu Shengyan, a big-hearted man, didn't notice that her smile was wrong at all. He was still looking at her expectantly, looking forward to it, just waiting for her to agree.

"It's all right, you just don't need people, and if you ask for peace, go down and go on business."

Liu Shengyan didn't understand that this was a chasing order at all, but still asked in a naive way: "Will the old lady give it to her son?"

old lady:""

This guy doesn't understand people, right?

"If you want this girl"

"If the son doesn't want a girl, the son wants those boys from the Zhou family."

"Those guys have other errands, I'm afraid they won't be able to get started."

Liu Shengyan heard this and was rather disappointed: "Eh, that's it, my son resigned."

When he was gone, the old lady only felt that her anger was painful, she finally eased up, and then went to run Mrs. Liu's mood, and waved: "Okay, I'm tired, you all go back. Right."

She collapsed, and Madam Liu was so happy that she almost laughed out of her heart, and she took her daughter out after the salute.

"Three younger siblings."

The eldest lady stopped her as soon as she left, and Madam Liu rolled her eyes in her heart and whispered to her daughter: "You go first."

Turning around, he smiled again: "Sister-in-law."

Liu Leping couldn't escape either. Soon, her cousins ​​also stopped her: "Fifth sister."

"Sister Fifth, I heard that because your third uncle is going to Gezhou, you and your third aunt are so busy all day long, why are you so busy? Shouldn't there be goodbye people to send you a farewell gift?"

The farewell ceremony was also a custom in the Wen Dynasty.

When someone wants to travel a long distance, his friends will send him all kinds of objects that he can use on the road. This is called a farewell gift. In the literati, the farewell gift is also a comparable tool. After all, if you are not a literary talent. If you are straightforward and have good character, you will not make friends all over the world, and you will get a lot of farewell gifts.

On the contrary, those who travel far away, but can't even receive the farewell gift, can't hold their heads up.

The second Miss Liu Jia said this, seemingly caring, but in fact all kinds of ridicule.

"My dad went to Hezhou a while ago, but many people came to send off the farewell gift. It stands to reason that my dad is a white person, but the third uncle is the minister of the court. It should be the most farewell gift next to the third uncle. It's really strange. Could it be that the third uncle doesn't make many friends on weekdays?"

Liu Leping was expressionless.

Why didn't her father come to send off the farewell gift, do these people have no idea?

It stands to reason that her mother's dowry is generous, and her father has a salary every month, so life should be good, but the old lady uses her filial piety to collect those salaries for her own use. The family relies on her mother's dowry subsidy. Also, from time to time, respond to the old lady's request.

The farewell gift, there is a relationship, if it is not given to others in the usual way, how can others give it to her dad? Why does her dad never give a farewell gift, or because all the money was taken by the old lady, There is no money to buy it.

When the uncle left, there were many people giving farewell gifts, but where did the money he used to give gifts come from?

They don't have to give birth, but they wear gold and silver and spend a lot of money. There were so many old books left by their grandfather, otherwise they would not have to withhold her father's salary.

At first, most of the mother's dowry was stolen, but in the end she was never recovered, but she knew that since that time, many people in this mansion looked like they had made a fortune, and they were generous in everything.

But it was because her mother's family had no one, no one came to help hold justice.

"Speaking of which, the fifth sister also followed the third uncle."

"No, the fifth sister is also out there, not many friends."

"Fifth sister, your temper is too dull, you should talk more outside."

Being cared by a few people was actually attacking. Liu Leping just smiled as if he didn't understand: "My sisters said, I only have Yuexiu and a handkerchief that I have made is enough to make friends. Making friends is expensive and not expensive. Many, no matter how many friends I make, if the relationship is not deep, it will not help."

For Yuexiu, the daughter of the family, and a good friend of Liu Leping.

Speaking of being Yuexiu, the expressions on the faces of several people are not very good.

Although Yuexiu's father is not high in official position, her family is a family of officials and wealthy. Among the young ladies in Beijing, she is the most eye-catching one.

But unfortunately, she didn't know what was wrong with her, so she liked to play with Liu Leping.

Although they all have many little sisters, just like Liu Leping said, none of those friends have deep feelings, and they are all touted by business.

"What the fifth sister said is that making friends is more expensive and not too expensive, but the third uncle seems to have not many friends, and no good friends."

"In this way, the third uncle and the fifth sister are still different."

As they were talking, several people saw Liu Shengyan standing in front of him.

He seemed to have heard what they had just said, and his expressions on his face were all right. The third young lady who said this was scared for a moment, and then remembered that the third uncle wanted to listen to her grandmother, and grandmother loved her the most, so he was not afraid.

"Send a gift to the third uncle."

"Well, get up."

Liu Shengyan heard those words, but didn't feel angry.

He is not like Leping.

They weren't biological, if they were like that, it would be a hell.

As for these nieces laughing at him, he couldn't feel it at all. He just treated them as they were chatting, and then said: "What Leping said is that making friends is not expensive, and sometimes a good friend is worth it. Many people."

For example, Ji Changze, his friends are all small streams.

Ji Changze, it was a mudslide.

Several Liu's ladies looked at each other a few times, and saw that Sanshu didn't understand what they were talking about, and they all laughed: "Sanshu said that."

It was Liu Leping who saw that they were laughing at their dad, who even laughed at them ignorantly.

Just now, she was still calm when she was laughed, but now she couldn't hold her back anymore, her eyes were cold, and when she opened her mouth to speak, suddenly the young man next to Liu Shengyan trot over: "Master, master."

"What are you doing in a panic?"

The little sister ran away whirring and panting: "Someone outside gave the master a farewell gift."


Liu Shengyan didn't think it was right, he was so stingy, who would give it to him, and he told Zifang and the others before that they would not let them give it, otherwise this guy would give it to him, and he will give it back next time.

These guys are very idle one by one, running around all over the world, if they really let them give it to him once, it's over, he can send it to his wallet in a year.

He became nervous, wouldn't it be someone who didn't listen to him and just gave it away, right?

It's over, it's going to be bankrupt.

This group of unintentional, friendship can be measured by money? !

True friendship is to give nothing!

The more he thought about it, the more he fainted, as if he had seen the tragic situation of his tragic bankruptcy, he was immediately frustrated and waved his hand with no interest: "Since it's delivered, let's put it away."

"The little one came to find the master who said this. There are too many rituals, and the whole yard can't be put down."

Liu Shengyan: "??? What do you mean?"

"There are too many gifts to let go."

Liu Shengyan: "?"

Who is so generous? Will he have to return the same courtesy then? Wipe, this isn't the enemy who came here specifically to make him run out of money, right?

The eyes of the other ladies were surprised and shocked.

A gift that can't be put down in the entire yard, how much should there be.

If there are so many, it is worth a lot, right?

Who the hell is this?

Liu Shengyan also wanted to know which bastard it was: "Which house sent it?"

"Sent from the Ji mansion, people are still going to our mansion for a lucky gift. Master, do you want to go see it?"

"Walk around and take a look."

Ji Changze, this guy, is afraid of being beaten up, has he forgotten that they have been apart for 16 years?

How dare you give them a farewell gift in return, and it's so expensive.

He hurriedly left.

In the same place, there were several young ladies standing, all of them looked shocked and speechless.

Liu Leping still looked so plain and unwavering, he only saluted them: "I'll go and watch with Daddy, and then I will leave."

She was gone, only a few young ladies were left looking at her back.

"Is Ji Mansion the Master Shang Shuling?"

Ji Changze's reputation as a traitorous official only circulated among officials who could not understand him and many students who respected Li.

There are still the majority of people who don't want to commit evil with him, even if they are uncomfortable in their hearts, they still have to hold their hands in respect.

After all, regardless of Ji Changze's reputation, he is indeed powerful.

If such a character can catch up with him, the official life in the second half of his life will be absolutely stable.

For the ladies in the mansion whose fathers are all in white, who can earn the title of official lady after taking the names of their grandfather and third uncle, figures like Ji Changze are even more of a man on the horizon.

Such a character who they didn't even dare to mention and didn't even dare to think about, actually came to send a farewell gift to the third uncle?

The farewell gift can only be given by people who are considered close friends.

"What the hell is going on? I have never heard of the friendship between the third uncle and Master Ji."

"The farewell gift is given, how deep should this friendship be."

"The people around the third uncle just now seem to say, how many people can't fit in a yard."

These young ladies looked at each other, and finally went to the door with curiosity in their hearts. Sure enough, they saw the gifts packed in delicate boxes that were carried into the mansion, like an invisible line, heading towards the Sanshuyuan.

There is also the young man next to the third uncle standing by the door. Whenever a new gift is unloaded from the car, he will say congratulations loudly according to the gift list.

They just happened to hear it when they passed by.

"Xiuyu is safe and happy."

"Twenty pieces of silver rat skin, white rabbit wool, cocoon silk, and fox skin."

"Ten boxes of ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, agarwood, snow lotus, and fleece-flower root each."

The three gifts that just happened to be in time were enough to cover the lifetime expenses of ordinary people.

Just those who read together, if they were changed to other people, they would also have to read separately, but Ji Changze directly gave these as a gift, which shows how generous his shots are.

"Oh my god."

Miss Liu couldn't stand in shock, she could only firmly grasp the arm of the girl next to her. She often followed her third aunt out. She thought that she had seen a lot of worlds, but she never heard of anyone. The farewell gift was given like this. After saying my God, I didn't know what to say for a long time.

After reading the gifts for many cars, new cars followed.

Xiao Si changed a gift list, and then read: "Send to friends and relatives."

As farewell gifts, some people will also give some gifts to the relatives of those who are going to leave, which is regarded as good for the family, and these few Miss Liu's are all aware of it.

Thinking of the grandeur of those gifts just now, and hearing these gifts to women, they couldn't help holding their breath.

The price of the gift did not disappoint them.

"Twenty strings of east beads, 20 strings of south beads, ten sapphires, ten rubies, fifteen jadeites, and four white jade agate earrings."

"Two pairs of ivory holding gold bracelets"

If these ladies were just shocked when they read about those luxurious things, then they would be envious after hearing these jewelry.

If such a good thing is given to them, they won't be able to wear it for a lifetime.

But the list was still very long, and the gifts were carried in one by one, as if they could not finish reading.

Several people gathered their courage and sent a girl to find the Ji family who was instructing people to unload gifts from the car.

The butler turned his head, there was no big emotion on his face, he just smiled faintly: "Little Fuquan, I have seen some young ladies."

He is so uncomfortable, and several people don't find it strange. After all, it is Shang Shuling's subordinates. It is normal to have some arrogance. The girls around their grandmothers are also very reserved.

"Are these gifts from Master Ji to our third uncle?"

"Yes, our master and Mrs. Liu are very good friends. Hearing that Mrs. Liu is going to Gezhou, he collected these farewell gifts."

Several young ladies opened their mouths, wanting to ask if there are gifts for relatives, there are them.

But I was really embarrassed to ask, and was entangled, Liu Leping walked away with the girl, she came to see the gift giver.

According to the rules, when a friend gives a gift, the junior will come out to thank you, but her brother is not there, so she can only come.

As soon as she came out, Fuquan saw a member of Ji's family next to her, her eyes lit up, and he hurried over in twos or twos, bending over and saluting, it was called a diligence: "The little one is waiting for us in Ji's house. Mr. Fuquan, Hello, Miss Fifth, I have met Miss Fifth."

It was the first time that Liu Leping met such a diligent servant. Some did not react. Fuquan didn't mind. His face was full of smiles: "Why did Miss Fifth come here in person? How windy is this outside, where is it worth coming out in person? , The little one just replied, and when he finishes moving these, he will go in to meet the young lady."

The flattery on his face was almost overflowing, if it wasn't for the wrong time, he would have liked to grab the umbrella in the girl's hand and hold the umbrella for Liu Leping himself.

This is the only junior who makes the master speak with a loving tone, he must hold this big leg well.

Liu Leping took a step back uncomfortably. Before speaking, he found that the eyes of those cousins ​​who had never looked down upon her were full of weird envy and jealousy.

She stopped looking, only smiled at Fuquan: "Thank you."

"Eh, no one can afford to thank the young lady. Miss hurry in. The wind is too strong. The young one will go in with you and see Mrs. Liu."

Fuquan handed over the task of commanding to others, so he followed Liu Leping with a smile and laughed all the way in. He didn't even look at the other Miss Liu Jia during the whole process.

The master didn't have a good impression of those Liu's ladies, he went to get close to them when he was crazy.

When he arrived in the courtyard, the small courtyard was already full of gifts, and Liu Shengyan was standing in the courtyard worrying.

It's not that he can't let go of the gift, but how much he has to pay back in the future.

This is so special, it's more than just bankruptcy, it's bankrupt.

When I was worried, I saw Liu Leping coming with Fuquan, and he hurried to greet him: "Hurry up, quickly pull all these back, tell Master Ji, and say that I will take it, but my yard really can't let it go, or it's not the case. You're welcome."

Fuquan laughed; "Don't worry, adults, most of these gifts are to be taken on the road, and the yard can be put down."

"I said that if you can't let it go, you can't let it go. Look at such a small yard, this is so crowded, you can take it back quickly."

Fuquan was not in a hurry, and respectfully handed over a letter: "My lord, our master expected that the adults would say this, and ordered the young ones. If the adults don't accept the gift, they will show this letter to the adults. The adults will understand. ."

Liu Shengyan glanced at him suspiciously, took the letter, and opened it suspiciously.


He cried out in surprise.

Mrs. Liu who is directing people to put gifts on the side: "?"

Liu Shengyan: "Tsk tut."

Mrs. Liu: "???"

After reading it, Liu Shengyan changed his anxiousness and calmly backed his hands: "In this case, thank you, my lord."

Mrs. Liu: "???"

What was written in that letter? Did Liu Shengyan change so fast?

She stepped forward curiously and took the letter in Liu Shengyan's hand.

I saw two lines of characters written on it:

This gift need not be returned.

When I go out, send the box back.

Mrs. Liu: ""

No wonder the master is willing to accept it, it turns out that there is no need to return the gift.

She looked at her husband again, and she was already looking like she had picked up a fortune from the sky, and she just wanted to go to heaven.

Seeing that Liu Shengyan was in a good mood, Fuquan took the opportunity to say: "My lord, my lord, my wife has been living in the mansion for a long time, and she is quite lonely on weekdays. I hope that the adults can let Madam Liu take the young lady to visit more."

Madam Liu stiffened and smiled dryly: "I'll be fine if I go. My family Leping is too young to be afraid of colliding with Madam Ji."

"Why, Miss Leping looked at Xian Ya Huiren clearly. My adults know that Master Liu has sons and daughters, and often sigh and envy her."

Mrs. Liu is still unwilling: "Leping also pretended to be like outside, very naughty at home"

Mrs. Liu took the words: "Nonsense, Leping is naughty, we Leping are the most well-behaved."

Madam Liu inhaled and looked at her husband who was dragging her legs, trying to imply that she did not let Le Ping go because of this, but just made an excuse: "But I heard that husband and Master Ji have only recently met, I'm afraid Le Ping will go there. Restrained."

"How come, I have known Ji Changze a long time ago, let alone you have a good relationship with Mrs. Ji, Leping has a safe temper and will not be restrained."

Mrs. Liu: ""

She tried to work hard again: "Master, there are no Leping peers in Master Ji's house. I'm afraid it would be bad to take her there."

"You don't understand, it is because Mrs. Ji has no children under her knees, that brought Le Ping to relieve her boredom."

After Liu Shengyan finished speaking, Le Diandian glanced at his wife: "Don't worry, Madam, Le Ping is clever and sharp, and Madam Ji will definitely like it."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for what Mrs. Liu was saying, and directly finalized:

"Okay, Fuquan, you go and tell your master, and you say that I have agreed. We must let my wife take my daughter to visit Mrs. Ji, so that he can rest assured."

After finishing speaking, seeing Fuquan happily responding, he was quite proud, and then whispered to Mrs. Liu: "Ji Changze, this guy, everywhere is overwhelming me. Let him see how smart and sensible my girl is. He also envied me for having such a good girl."

Mrs. Liu looked at this one with a blind eye.

Smart and sensible is true, and so is a good girl.

It's just that if this girl enters Ji's house, it's uncertain whether she's not his good girl.

At that time, maybe she will become Ji Changze's good girl.

In the Longevity Hall, the old lady missed her hand and the tea cup fell to the ground.

"What are you talking about?! Master Shang Shuling Ji gave a farewell gift to the youngest?"

The person standing underneath nodded quickly: "No, I sent a lot of them, at least a dozen cars, and all of them are some expensive gifts. I heard that the third lady and the fifth lady went to visit Mrs. Ji. That's Mrs. Ji. I love Mrs. Chongji very much. Will the third old lady climb up to Master Shang Shuling?"

The old lady's face was ashes.

She has been suppressing Liu Shengyan, just don't want him to come out. If he comes out, she would not agree to let her auntie see his concubine's face in life.

But if Liu Shengyan is attached to Ji Changze and other dignitaries

"No, don't worry."

Suddenly thinking of something, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Although Lord Ji has power in the field, his reputation is not very good. The youngest associates with him, it is a dead end."

She thought it through and relaxed again.

Others can't help Ji Changze, but they may not be able to help Liu Shengyan.

If Liu Shengyan is so pleased to be close to Ji Changze, someone will definitely find him unlucky, maybe they will be attacked by groups.

She was happy again: "Okay, it's so impatient for such a thing, what it looks like."

However, Liu Shengyan's luck is as good as ever.

On the second day, Ji Changze gave Liu Shengyan a farewell gift spread all over the capital, but no one fry the pan, and everyone's response was mediocre.

There is even a little pity for Liu Shengyan.

"Before he targeted Master Ji like that, Master Ji is afraid that he is holding back some bad water again."

"At first glance, this matter is deceitful. Poor Master Liu, I don't know how I will be harassed."

"Aren't Mrs. Liu and Miss Liu sending sheep to the tiger's mouth?"

"Hey, Master Liu is so pitiful, he provokes such an evil spirit."

Everyone is very sympathetic to Liu Shengyan, and even many people feel that Ji Changze weasel is definitely planning to kill Liu Shengyan in Gezhou when he pays New Year's greetings to the rooster.

Everyone had no way to organize, but could only sympathize with Master Liu, so many people came to see him off the day before he set off for Gezhou.

Liu Shengyan is very happy, is his relationship so good? And at no cost to see off, he didn't even need to return a gift.

I just don't know why, these people who came to see him off looked weird.

"Master Liu, goodbye, I will miss you."

"You eh, take care."

"Shenghiko, you can go with peace of mind, I will take care of your family."

Liu Shengyan was silly and happy: "Thank you, thank you everyone, I will go here."

With so many good things in the car walking with him, there is no need to return gifts, and there are so many people sending him off, he only feels that this is the peak of his life.

Someone shouted at him:

"Master Liu, we will miss you!"

During the holidays, I will burn you paper money. I only hope that you will go all the way. Below, I hope that Ji Changze will quickly fall off the horse.

Liu Shengyan looked back, watching a bunch of people beckoning at him, and immediately beckoning in response.

He is going to heaven proudly.

Huh, I'm so popular.