The traitorous official who sells his teacher for glory (14) (Or does the traitorous official endure the humiliation? (11...)

Everything is proceeding according to Ji Changze's plan. Cheap shops have attracted a large number of merchants. These shops have rented shops at cheap prices and do not need to increase commodity prices to reduce costs. In addition, the shopping mall has just opened to encourage everyone to use their own products. This way of attracting customers has attracted a large number of customers.

These customers automatically formed the impression that everything was cheap in the shopping street, and they came to the shopping street to buy things, and the reputation spread, even if there were no lotteries, the shopping street was still crowded and crowded.

Because the passenger flow is so large, those expensive shops that could not be rented out before are still rented out.

The locations of those expensive shops were originally the best, but they were built the largest and most luxurious. In just a few days, they sold a lot.

With the first person to eat crabs, the remaining shops were quickly rented out.

The rest of the people took a step slower, naturally they could only sigh with a sigh, and some even waved their silver bills to see Ji Changze, trying to get the master Ji to open the back door to accommodate himself and free himself a shop.

Of course, he would definitely not make it clear that he was here to bribe officials from the court. He only found an excuse to "donate supplies to the court's soldiers".

Master Ji was very moved to accept these cash receipts, and enthusiastically took the other party to drink tea for half an hour. Finally, he regretted to inform that I was sorry that all the shops were rented out.

However, it is not impossible, there is a news, you will be interested in thinking about it.

Master Ji, who had finished speaking, took a sip of tea, and stopped talking under the expectant eyes of the other party.

Merchant ""

What are you doing, don't talk half way.

When he didn't know why, he saw Ji Changze drank another sip of tea, coughed dryly, took out a small silver ingot from his arms, gently touched it, and in a flat tone, he asked, "This silver ingot in my hand looks good. Right?"

Merchants understand in seconds.

He immediately took out the bank note from his arms and offered it with both hands, "My lord, this is the honor of the grassroots. I would like to ask the adults to reveal some information."

Ji Changze doesn't pick up

"What filial piety? The official is innocent and never accepts filial piety."

Merchant ""

It's all implied so obvious, so I won't accept it.

These officials are really bends and circumvents everything.

He murmured in his heart, but he still had to smile on his face. "Yes, yes, what the adults said is that Caomin made a mistake. This is not filial piety to adults, but Caomin wants to do his best for the country and the people. I heard that the emperor The Chengqin soldiers are now all supported by adults, so they want to do their best."

"How embarrassing is this? Our parents and officials should have taken care of these things. Where do you want you to worry about it? Your intention makes the officials a little embarrassed to accept it."

Ji Changze's tone was touched, the content was sincere, and his eyes were sincere. If he didn't say this and quickly took the banknote and stuffed it into his arms, the merchant would really believe it.

Of course, Master Ji still has integrity.

After taking the money, it is natural to do things.

He whispered and put on a secret posture, "You and I will agree, I will let you know. There will be a commercial street next door. This time the shops are bigger and more expensive than the ones you want to rent. "

The merchant hesitated when he heard this. After all, what he was interested in was the flow of people in the shopping street, but if it was replaced by a new shopping street, even if it was adjacent, it would not help people worry about whether it was inferior to the next door.

Ji Changze didn't say at all that he would rent these shops, but he still whispered, "Although this commercial street has not been established yet, because the money to build it was not enough at the beginning, you also know that the soldiers have to train every day. People can eat four or five steamed buns, which is very expensive.

At that time, there was no way, so I took some money from others, and the right was to reserve the cost of the shop. Now the shop has not been built, and most of the locations have been determined. There are still remaining, but I don't know the news. How to leak out, I am afraid that it will be booked within a few days. "

The hesitation on the merchant's face immediately froze.

He was still hesitating to make a reservation, but Ji Changze turned his head and told him, "Don't think about it. It's not a problem that you didn't order, but a problem that you didn't want to order."

I want to know that the only people who can get the news in advance and start so quickly can only be those with background behind them.

Grab is definitely not to win,

Isn't he tangled with loneliness.

After the stiffness was over, I didn't understand it again.

Since these unbuilt shops are destined to lose his share, the news is useless.

Ji Changze's reputation is indeed not very good, but he shouldn't be fooled like this.

It wasn't a flicker, and he didn't give an accurate and usable message. In addition to the previous veiled behavior of asking for money, the merchant hesitated, then hesitantly took out some silver bills from his arms and put them on the table.

"Adults honor these silver bills to adults, and I only hope that the adults can help think of ideas."

"Give the official banknotes to let the official think?"

Ji Changze looked serious and selfless, and didn't turn a glance at him, "What do you mean? Do you think this official is the kind of person who sees money and recognizes money but does not recognize people?"

Are you the merchant?

"No, no, the little one doesn't mean that. He just sees the hard work of the adults and wants to help the adults share the burden."

"It's not necessary. The official has his own hands and feet. If he wants money, he will naturally use his hard-working hands to make money. Others' money, scoff, take the burn."

Merchant ""

Does this Master Ji have a dual personality or something?

He muttered in his heart, and he was desperate to take the money back. Suddenly, when he saw Ji Changze sitting in front of him, he made a sharp move and slapped him violently. The merchant did not respond, and he could not hold the money. It fell to the ground.

Before he bends down to see him, Ji Changze suddenly got down and grabbed all the silver notes scattered all over the floor in one second at an extremely fast speed.

Even with a great sigh.


"Yes, who lost so many silver tickets."

"The officer is really lucky, and he can pick up these many silver tickets while sitting at home. It is true that people can't stop them if luck comes."

Merchant "???"

Merchant ""

After watching Ji Changze boast that he was lucky, he took the bank note in his arms very smoothly. He was a little confused for a while, and tentatively asked Ji Changze, "You have also received the bank note, your lord, about the shop."

Then he was reprimanded.

"What does it mean that the official received the banknote? Which one of your eyes saw the official received your banknote? This banknote was clearly picked up by the official from the ground, so don't talk nonsense."

Merchant ""

He looked around, even more speechless.

As for that, isn't it the two of them here? What pretends to be.

But when the officials are big and they have to pretend, he can only cooperate to make fun of him. "Yes, what the adults said is a small negligence."

Seeing that he knew what to say, the expression on Ji Changze's face eased

"For the shop, you are very close to the official's sake. The official will reserve a place for you. When you come in person, there must be a shop for you, but there is no need to choose a location. A good location is not You can think of it."

Liu Anhua was in another village, and this matter was finally done.

The smiles on the faces of the merchants immediately rose, and all kinds of gratitudes were said without money.

After waiting to go out, he sighed that Master Ji had really become a money-demanding man since he wanted to take care of the soldiers, while thinking about this time, although he spent more money to clear channels than he thought. This shop still got it, so it's time to celebrate.

As he walked, he suddenly remembered.

its not right.

Wasn't he still hesitating whether the newly built commercial street would be worse than the original one, and he planned to observe and observe how the first wave of renters would rent it?

Unconsciously, it turned into that he was holding the money and begging Ji Changze to give him this newly built shop in the commercial street.

He was puzzled, but Ji Changze was guiding in this direction from the beginning.

Isn't that the way people are?

If it is placed there and can be picked up at any time, then people lose interest in it, but if everyone snatches it, if the good is snatched, only the general ones are still being snatched, and then the general snatches will be snatched. If it's gone, the blood rushed to the head immediately, and the reason was lost seven or eight points, just thinking that he should hurry up and buy before the grab.

Things that are robbed must be good things.

As for why.

I don't know, it's a good thing anyway.

With the first person to eat crabs, the people behind will naturally go smoothly.

When Ji Changze was "picking up money" in his mansion, his hands were soft, Huofang was also carefully drawing the drawings in his mansion. From time to time, he felt that there was a problem and went to the second prince with the drawings.

It's a pity that the second prince would stay overnight, otherwise he really wanted to stay until the drawing was finished.

This drawing is naturally the drawing of Shangjie No.2.

Xiufang did not participate in the drawing when building No. 1 Shangjie Street. This time he was definitely unwilling to give up this opportunity, so he took this job as soon as he found an opportunity.

However, he was also worried when he was painting.

It's true that the building on Commercial Street No. 2 is bigger and more refined than No. 1, but the price is too expensive.

It is a newly built shopping street, even if Ji Changze had previously told him that the prosperity of No. 1 would attract people to No. 2, but he never said that No. 2 is so expensive.

It would take such a fool to come to such a just-started place and spend such a large sum of money to rent a shop.

Then, just when he only ate four bowls for a meal he was worrying about, the beard Fang, who was immersed in painting, finally heard what was going on.

Many wealthy merchants are holding money and crying and begging to find Ji Changze to make an appointment at No.2 Commercial Street.

Appointment is expensive, very expensive, but each of them is the same as if they have been guilty. They obviously have not started to build, but they have all thrown away a lot of money, begging Ji Changze to reserve a place for them.

Beard party "???"

He really doesn't understand the world anymore.

Fortunately, the world does not need him to understand.

After Ji Changze's small operation, the money was in place.

With money, everything is easy to say, and Shangjie 2 is built again.

This time, Ji Changze arranged for the soldiers to move the bricks as usual. It is still in the reward competition mode, because the last time the reward was real money, this time the soldiers worked harder than the last time, and they worked hard one by one. .

Commercial Street No. 2 was established at a very fast speed. In addition to being larger and broader than the neighboring Commercial Street No. 1, the format layout has also been changed. Although Huofang is a bit silly at times, Ji Changze also had to Acknowledged that this guy is good at drawing pictures, especially after getting together with the second prince, the details are exquisite.

As someone who just made a big fortune, the second prince helped him. Ji Changze naturally couldn't say that he didn't have any. He had just been reprimanded. If he was not going to the Prince's Mansion at this time, he asked the beard to give the gift to him. The second prince.

The beard side didn't think much about it, only thought that Ji Changze really knew how to be a man, and the second prince, who had little sense of existence, he wanted to know everything.

Recommend an app, it looks like the old version of the book-chasing artifact has been resurrected, and the source book can be exchanged for all the source artifacts!

The box was delivered, and the second prince opened it a little confused, "This is?"

I saw a neatly stacked quilt inside the huge box.

The beard also looked dumbfounded.

No one gives gifts or quilts, especially officials like Ji Changze, who give them valuables.

But he felt that Ji Changze didn't look like the kind of person who could make mistakes. He didn't give a gift. Since he gave a gift, it means that he would not do such a thing as giving a worthless gift to the prince.

"There must be something else."

After that, I found a small box under the quilt. When I opened it, there was a small gourd inside and a description of the quilt was written next to it.

It is said that this is a silk quilt, which took a lot of effort to make, and it is light and light on the body, but it is much warmer than ordinary quilts.

And the little gourd is even more inwardly cosmic, don't look at its ordinary appearance, but the inner core is full of heat, if a person wears it next to the body and wears it for more than three hours, at night, you can feel its warmth. , Can warm the whole body, and bring hope like a campfire in winter.

It's just that this little gourd is also a little strange. If it is worn by one person, it won't work if other people wear it. Only the person who wears it first can keep getting hot.

This is a rare treasure. The second prince and his minister are not relatives, so they are so concerned about the business street. The minister is very grateful, so he can only use these to repay his highness.

The second prince was very surprised.

Recently, the weather is getting colder and colder. After all, there are people taking care of the emperor, who burns coal from time to time. He sleeps at night having the nightmare of the coldness of the emperor, but now, this silk quilt, this hot gourd, if it is given away To the big emperor brother, wouldn't that just solve the urgent need.

The beard side also watched from the side.

After reading it, he looked tangled.

According to his research on Ji Changze, this guy Ji Changze can't get out of the hole if there is nothing. He suddenly gave such an expensive gift, he must have been eyeing the second prince and wanted to plot something on him.

He also had a very good relationship with the second prince. He couldn't bear to see him fall into the pit, and persuaded, "His Royal Highness has no friendship with Master Ji. It's not easy to receive such a precious gift from him?"

"It's okay, doesn't Master Ji love money? I just give him some cash tickets, and these are treated as if they were bought by the official. When Master Ji takes the money, he won't ask me to do things."

Xiufang, you think too much, if it is Ji Changze, you will surely let you take care of the matter after taking the banknote, and finally make you grateful.

The Second Highness wanted to go his own way, and the beard could not persuade him, so he could only watch him put away the quilt and gourd like a treasure. Before he could persuade a few words, he found an excuse to drive people away.

Beard Party ""

He just didn't understand, why everyone who met Ji Changze jumped into this guy's pit just like his brain was flooded.

Look at him, how sensible.

As soon as the beard left, the second prince immediately stuffed the box with the gourd into the quilt, held the quilt, and walked down the secret tunnel.

He can't wait to send the warmth to Brother Dahuang.

The eldest prince is reading a book.

Trapped here, besides reading, he can only read books. If his brothers hadn't come to play with him from time to time, he was afraid that he would really become a lunatic who didn't know anything.

After hearing the words of the second prince, the eldest prince was a little surprised, "There are such treasures? It is strange."

"Yeah, yes, I sent it to my eldest brother as soon as I heard it, eldest brother, you should put it on quickly, and I will put this quilt on for you again. You will surely be able to sleep comfortably tonight."

The second prince happily laid the silk quilt, and still murmured, "I didn't expect this Ji Changze to do things like this. I was just a small favor before, and I didn't just help him to help Zifang. He actually gave it so heavy. The ceremony."

Although the eldest prince has been locked up, he will still know about the outside affairs from his younger brothers, and he is a little confused after hearing this, "Ji Changze? Is that the Lord Ji?"

"No, isn't he being asked by the emperor to take care of the personal soldiers? Those personal soldiers can eat more than one, and he just emptied his family. Now he is fully thinking about making money and raising people."

The prince thought thoughtfully, "This Master Ji is not the kind of person who will be trapped by such things."

"He is smart, but what's the use? Father ordered that he still can't do it. It's also unlucky for him. He was pitted by Zhao Zuijian before. Then Zhao Zuijian is dead, but he was also pitted, and now he has no face. Now, look around for people to donate money."

"This is now. Everyone knows why he did this. If he had collected money so lavishly before changing, he would have never known how many books he was involved in."

Now let's not say that the big guy is going to visit Ji Changze, he dare not say anything, for fear of being blocked by this guy and asking for money, everyone knows that in the bankrupt state, Master Ji is only looking at money in the eyes of his six relatives. If you bump into it at this time, wait for it to be raided.

The second prince only treated it as gossip to the elder prince, but the prince frowned slightly.

Although he never went out, he knew a lot about Master Ji.

This Master Ji has a very well-organized way of doing things. He has always been the only one who cheats others. If there are others cheating him, then Zhao Zuijian is no-brainer, otherwise he won't make his reputation so bad.

Looking at Ji Changze, I heard that Manchurian Wu thought he was a treacherous minister, but none of the people spoke ill of him, which shows that he intends to maintain his reputation.

Such two people whose IQs are not at the same level, how could Zhao Zuijian smash Ji Changze, especially when he died in the same place as soon as he finished pitting, and died in the palace, because it was pitted that Ji Changze took the military power, unlike Ji Changze. His handwriting looks like his father's.

The more the prince thought about it, the more he felt wrong, and said to his younger brother who was eating peanuts from a secret compartment under the table at Zhengshumen Shulu, "You will tell me this matter carefully."

The second prince didn't even think about the reason, so he said everything.

The prince's heart sank.

The more he listened, the more he felt that this military power was not forbidden by Zhao Zuijian to Ji Changze, but Ji Changze wanted it from the beginning, pitted Zhao Zuijian, and let this enemy do what he wanted.

Now the whole world feels that Ji Changze has taken an undesirable hot military power, but if it is really hot, Ji Changze's means would have long been able to send it out.

From the beginning, he was the sword pointing to the military power.

If a courtier has tried his best to demand military power, it is naturally impossible for him to have the addiction of being a general.

The eldest prince abruptly got up and wandered around the place a few times. Under the awkward sight of the second prince, the expressions on his face changed variously, and finally he became determined.

"Second brother, you will go back now, and immediately collect all the valuable things in the mansion, and send them to the Zhuangzi I bought in the south, exchange all the silver tickets for real gold and silver, and send them together. You are in the mansion. Continue to dig the dark road, all the way to the outside of the city gate, and ask someone to dig it, but remember, no one is allowed to let go until the digging is finished."

The second prince was still holding peanuts in his mouth, with a dumbfounded expression of "Huh?"

"Just listen to me, if the situation outside is not right, you will immediately leave through the secret tunnels and go all the way to Zhuangzi. Only the four of you know about Zhuangzi. You can hide inside and pretend to be an ordinary rich person. Don't do it anymore. Anything else."

The second prince "Huh??"

He finally reacted. The first time he saw the heavy expression of Brother Da Huang, he also became worried.

"Brother Da, Da Huang, is Father finally going to kill us?"

"No, no, yes"

The eldest prince opened his mouth to say, and remembered that although his younger brother was kind and beautiful, his IQ was a little offline, and told him that he might leak the news, so he swallowed the rest.

"Don't worry about what it is, just do as I said. If anything happens, run right away. Don't hesitate. Do you know?"

The eyes of the second prince were scared red, and he shrank into a ball in fear and nodded; "Yes, yes, I know."

He asked, "Then we ran away, what do you do, Brother Dahuang?"

"Of course I have a way."

"Okay, you go back quickly, the emperor brother has to think about something."

The second prince hesitated and left.

As soon as he left, the eldest prince immediately sat down and thought.

This Master Ji is afraid that he will rebel.

But the father's behavior has become more and more absurd over the years, and it's nothing more than handing over the military power, but he actually asked Ji Changze to raise the 70,000 people.

It's always been someone who yelled his mother for food, and Ji Changze is a great one. Since he can use the means to let the father and the emperor unknowingly hand over the military power to him, he can naturally also use the means to make the 70,000 people stand on his side. .

Father Emperor

According to his temperament, the days before the soldiers were hard to live.

When he was under the emperor's control, he would not have enough to eat or dress warmly. When he was under the control of Ji Changze, he would eat and dress warmly. In addition, because Ji Changze had been "reprimanded" before, he replaced the original fish with ordinary meals. For the reason, they naturally wouldn't blame Master Ji who was "in order to give them food and drink so that they were reprimanded and lost".

So who is to blame?

Imagine if the eldest prince himself is a personal soldier, and under the emperor's hands, he can't eat and wear warmth. He has a painful life every day. As a result, he finally changed a senior official and supported them by himself. So he scolded the Shangguan, on the grounds that the food was too good for them.

What will they think.

Before I ate your meal, you think I don't deserve to eat too well. Now I eat Master Ji's food. Master Ji has worked hard to make us eat and drink well. It didn't cost you a penny. What to blame.

Because you are the emperor?

A person who doesn't know how to write and can't eat enough can ignore these.

Ji Changze intentionally made the soldiers hate the one sitting on the dragon chair.

Naturally, he didn't just do it just for fun.

He is afraid that he will rebel

The eldest prince did not feel that his father might be killed, but if the rebellion were to be successful and the new emperor ascended to the throne, his four younger brothers, as princes, must be cut and wiped out.

But if he intervenes in this matter at this moment, the military power is already in the hands of Ji Changze. At this moment, any change can only become an early rebellion. If the father trusts them, it is enough, but the father does not only distrust their biological children, but also guards against them. They are like anti-enemies.

Counting and counting are all dead ends.

Today, only the four younger brothers can be saved.

He bought a Zhuangzi as a backstop when he sensed his father's inexplicable hostility more than ten years ago, but he didn't expect that his father would use the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers to contribute to his crime. Zhuangzi was useless. He was also imprisoned here for more than ten years.

Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, that Zhuangzi would still be able to come in handy.

It's just that he can't escape.

There are guards outside. He can eat food from his brothers every day to cover the quilt sent by his brothers, but he can't really escape. He can escape by himself, but his relatives who are still imprisoned in the Grand Prince's Mansion are afraid of it. The head fell to the ground.

The eldest prince sighed and smiled bitterly that his life was so dramatic.

Once full of spirits, then fell and hard, and then hoped, and finally calm, now, it is still going to die.

It's not bad, at least I saved my brothers.

It's just his child, the girl may be able to keep it, and the boy is afraid that he will also follow to Huangquan.

It's his uselessness as a father.

The eldest prince sat firmly at the table, watching the sky turning dark outside, suddenly flashed something in his mind.

The hand touched the gourd hanging on his neck, what should it be, or what it was, there was no sign of hotness.

It's already dark, doesn't it mean it will be hot in three hours? It should be almost time now.

He took the little gourd off, suddenly looked startled, took the small stopper above the gourd away, poured it on the table, and poured out a very small piece of paper.

Expanding it, it's blank.

The eldest prince was not surprised, took the teacup on the side, and poured water on the paper.

The handwriting is revealed a little bit, the beginning is Wang Fried

Your Highness, don't panic, the minister never thought of rebelling

The Grand Prince ""

Because I was too shocked, I didn't know for a while that I should be surprised that Ji Changze was sure that the gourd would be sent to him, or that Ji Changze was so good at the time and didn't even plan to rebel.

He looked carefully, the expression on his face changed in various ways, and finally became frozen in relaxation.

After a sigh of relief, the eldest prince looked at the sky outside, only feeling that his heart was hot and his body was full of energy.

He thought, Master Ji was right, this gourd can really warm Dai's body and feel hot in his heart.

On the second day, several princes came out of the secret tunnel like dumplings.

"Brother Dahuang, we thought about it all night, and felt that we still couldn't leave you alone. Let's run, let's run first, and then talk about it."

The fifth prince who was the first to speak was talking, and when he raised his eyes, he met the gaze of the big emperor who was sitting at the table and writing.

The eldest prince smiled slightly at them, "Early in the morning, you guys are all here."

"Big Brother Da Huang"

The four princes stood together like quail and looked at their big emperor brother. They only felt that today's big emperor brother seemed to be different.

I can't tell the difference, that is, the dull air on my body seems to have disappeared, and the rest is full of vigor.

"Brother Dahuang, why are you looking at you, looking a little happy? Then we can't run yet?"

The eldest prince took the youngest brother to sit down and smiled and said, "Don't run away."

"We don't have to run anymore."

He didn't expect that the not-so-famous Master Ji would have such a heart of innocence.

Unexpectedly, I have been trapped here for more than ten years, and finally I can really wait for a turnaround.

The eldest prince pulled the unidentified brothers to him, and patted them one by one, but they were still very immature in his own eyes, but they were trying hard to bear the shoulders of his brothers.

In my heart, there is a big deal.

The younger brothers have guarded him for more than ten years, and it is time for him to guard them.

That Master Ji is really beautiful.

The beautiful Jiyue Master Ji was sitting in the study with a calm face.


He slapped the table, and everyone in the Ji Party sitting below gave a shock.

"How come no one reported to the court when Hu people hit Gezhou!"

The people of Ji Dang were also very dumbfounded. They shrank their necks and whispered, "I heard that news came up before, but your Majesty's busy palace seemed to be delayed."

"Who asked your Majesty, this official asked you! Your Majesty delayed major events, what's so strange about it, but you, this official asked you to collect information, where did you collect it?!"

The people of the Ji party "subordinate to official, subordinate to official"

"Forget it."

Ji Changze got angry and no longer blamed them.

I knew that these salted fish were unreliable, because he hadn't used the emperor's favorability value recently. The emperor didn't even tell him about this kind of thing. Of course, it did not rule out the possibility that the emperor didn't think it was a big deal.

After all, Gezhou was originally located on the border. There was a famine before, and such a large wave of refugees ran out. Now in the eyes of the emperor, I am afraid it is a dead city.

The dead city was attacked as soon as it was attacked, and those hustlemen who took it down would not take much advantage. Anyway, the hustlemen always ran away after grabbing things, and never robbed the city.

But Ji Changze knew that they were the Huren of the past, and the Huren now is no longer satisfied with living on the grassland.

This year's winter was particularly cold. They were afraid that they had noticed the difference in the weather this year early, so they could start first.

In the original timeline, internal and external troubles, the Chao was so destroyed, I am afraid that even the Huren did not know that the Yangyang Dynasty was so fragile and vulnerable to a single blow. It was just a casual beating, but it turned out that it was really able to beat the Chao. The extinction of the country.

But this time it was different. In the original timeline, the emperor did not send Liu Shengyan, an official who loves the people, to rescue the disaster, but instead sent his favorite Zhao Zuijian.

Zhao Zuijian directly swallowed most of the food and money used for disaster relief, and the remaining layers were exploited, and the people were not enough to eat a meal.

The prefect of Gezhou was questioned, and the last protector fell. The people waited for the court's disaster relief team, but they still couldn't escape the end of being starved to death.

In the end Gezhou became a dead city directly.

A dead city, Hu people will naturally not attack.

But this time, the prefect did not die, Liu Shengyan went, plus a yellow ginseng, and the three of them worked together to save the situation. The people were gradually settled, and everything was fine, but because of the famine just now. Inadequate, Hu Ren is afraid that this is just a fancy, and then he chose Gezhou.

Ji Changze stood up with a cold face.

Gezhou absolutely cannot be beaten down, no matter from which aspect, he can't.

He got up and walked outside. For the first time, Hugh Fang saw him in such a hurry, and hurriedly asked, "Master Ji, where are you going?"

"Plain to your majesty, go to Gezhou."

Ji Changze left these words and walked out. All the people in Ji Dang looked at each other. After a long time, some one spoke carefully.

"Master Ji is an official, right"


How could an officer go to the battlefield, even if Master Ji was willing, His Majesty would not.

Eh! Your Majesty is really willing.

Naturally, Ji Changze couldn't talk to the emperor quietly about this kind of thing, but directly took advantage of the upper court and asked for a battle in front of the military officials.

His generous statement was full of loyalty, and the loyalty on his face could not be stopped.

If someone else says so, they might still be moved a bit, but it's replaced by Ji Changze.

Military officials ""


No one believed that Ji Changze really wanted to fight for the people's sake, and they all wondered if he had any conspiracy.

Ji Changze, "The imperial soldiers also need experience, and I also ask your majesty to allocate military funds so that the ministers can bring 10,000 soldiers to fight against the Huren."


As soon as these words came out, everyone showed a clear look on their faces.

I can't blame for the sudden request to fight, because it turned out to be for money.

Also, Ji Changze has been able to hold on for so long is already very remarkable. Now that he can't hold on, he can't really tell the emperor that he can't hold on. Shouldn't he think of other ways?

Now it seems that Ji Changze is still very clever. The Hu Ren is the prodigal of their Chao, and he brought 10,000 people over, and he can still beat Hu Ren to the ground.

In this way, not only can I mix up military skills, but I can also get a sum of money to support it.

Tsk tusk tusk, just say how Ji Changze could do things rashly.

The beard side also thought of this.

But when he went to see the people of Ji Dang again, he saw that their faces were full of admiration.

"It's worthy of being an adult."

"Love the country and the people, volunteer to fight."

"My lord is really a role model for my generation."

When the other courtiers heard this, they were silent for a few seconds and then disgusted.

Ji Changze's doggies really didn't let any chance of flattering, they all suspected that Ji Changze brought these people around to listen to the rainbow fart.

As a new dog leg, the only one who didn't speak and followed the rainbow ass and beard got his dad's smile full of relief.

Although this kid had mixed up with Ji Changze, he could still handle it clearly at the critical moment.

They all teach well by the father's words and deeds.

Let him.

Beard Fang himself "?"

No, what are they boasting about?

These old foxes must have seen something.

Did he misunderstand Ji Changze?

Is Ji Changze really doing it for the people, for the country, for the sake of justice?

Can't it? Isn't he digging pits the more upright he looks?

But these people in the party discipline have said so, maybe there are some small details that he hasn't seen? After all, the members of the party discipline are not all aimless, each one is very cunning.

The beard side hesitated, and hesitated to follow, "My lord is loyal and straight, and the officials admire it!"

Beard Fang's father""

He moved to his son in small steps and whispered, "What are you doing in the fun! Flattering people, blushing!"

Although he wanted to kill this son, he still wanted to rescue him if it was his own life.

Hu Qifang also whispered back, "Father, you don't know, Master Ji is really loyal."

Although he couldn't see it, didn't all the people in the party of discipline see it?

Beard Fang's father "???"

Ji Changze Zhongzhi? ? ?

Ji Changze? ? ? ? ?

He asked "Are you serious?"

Beard Fang "Yes."

Beard's father was silent for a few seconds, expressionless, and moved back in small steps.

This horrible son is hopeless, so let's die.