The villain is to do bad things (3) (The villain who feeds on grievances (2...)

Li Cheng was speechless, and for a while he didn't know whether he should be happy to follow such a sand sculpture boss without killing people and set fires, or whether he should be sad that the charismatic top leader who wears the reputation of hurting the public enemy of mankind is a sand sculpture.

  All in all, it's hard to say.

  Seeing that Ji Changze finished his "How to live a long life" remarks, he didn't know where to find a pair of glasses and put them on his face. After finishing his clothes, Li Cheng said, "...Why do you want to wear glasses??"

  "My body has improved after becoming a ghost, and now I can't stop my excellent breath, and my handsome face is coming. In order to prevent others from discovering my ghost identity through my perfect appearance, of course I have to do some blocking."

  Li Cheng: "..."

  You can cover your ass with just a pair of glasses.

  But in the face of the charming king, Li Cheng, who is just a little charming, can only agree: "Yes, yes, the boss is the boss, and what you think is good."

  Ji Changze was satisfied that Li Cheng was so discerning, his eyes were gloomy, and he stared sullenly at the road they ran through: "I felt a special energy in him just now."

  "I have a hunch that he will be our evil enemy."

  Li Cheng: "..."

  Didn't he meet his brother just now? ?

  He seemed to... also called someone in front of the boss.

  Li Cheng looked at Ji Changze tremblingly, for fear that he would say something.

  As a result, Ji Changze didn't look at him at all, but smiled sullenly, took out the mask and put it on his face, and held the snake-headed scepter from nowhere.


  The big tree that the scepter touched fell down like it was cut off by some sharp weapon, and the leaves fell. Ji Changze stood under the leaves, turning a blind eye to Li Cheng's terrified gaze, and said slowly in a low voice:

  "I can feel that there is an organization in this city. They are the confidants of the evil spirits. One of these people is counted as one, and they must not be let go."

  Li Chengshuang. His legs softened.

  According to the meaning of the king, is it difficult, do you want to kill all of them?

  Although he didn't like to listen to his brother's words, it was his brother anyway.

  From childhood to adulthood, his father didn't love his mother, so this brother protected him.

  "Old, boss, it's not enough, they don't seem to do anything..."

  "What do you know!"

  Ji Changze interrupted him coldly and touched the snake's head on the scepter: "The so-called Du Wei is careful, the danger is to be stifled in the bud, otherwise it will be too late to do anything when they grow up."

  "But boss, didn't you say that we have to keep a low profile and not be blatant?"

  "Then why don't you just do things quietly and quietly, we are all about doing bad things and doing bad things, doing it quietly doesn't mean you won't do it, you are really like those idiots, what kind of good person am I? I'm really naive. , Evil is the representative of evil, I am the king of Evil, how can I be a good person."

  Li Cheng: "..."

  Also, no matter how you look at this dress, it looks like a big villain.

  Although the boss is mentally ill, but I also know how a good mentally ill can be a king.

  In his heart, heaven and man are at war: "Boss... have you really decided?"

  "That's of course. It's the first time you make an appearance. It's not enough just for you and me. It seems that I still need to call some more ghosts."

  Li Cheng's heart was gloomy.


  Li Ju is afraid that he will not be able to keep it.

  This is how to do.

  In a certain school forum, someone started to discuss the recent disappearance of ghosts.

  [What's the situation, wasn't it messed up for 24 hours before? Why hasn't there been any movement for a day. ]

  [Yes, isn't it burning and looting on the street? I dared to go out today, but no one came to snatch my things. ]

  [Could it be that these terrible things are gone? Don't they just appear suddenly? The sudden disappearance is also said in the past. ]

  Someone at the bottom replied to this layer: [It's so beautiful, and the foreign countries are still in chaos. Since they appeared together at the same time, they must disappear together. My friend is an international student, and she just sent me a video. ]

  The video was uploaded, and people who posted it clicked to watch it.

  I saw in the video that vampires wearing red bottoms and black clothes were running on the street, and a few unlucky passers-by were dragged to suck blood from time to time in the chaotic crowd.

  The blood-drained corpse was thrown on the ground indiscriminately, a gunshot rang out, and a vampire fell to the ground with injuries, but the wound healed quickly, his eyes were fierce and he ran towards the person holding the gun. After a few seconds, there were more on the ground. A mummified corpse.

  The screams of the crowd became louder and louder, and the video went black after a few swaying.

  After reading it, there was a few seconds of silence in the post, followed by many new replies.

  [It's so scary... Although I know that this mutation is global, but this kind of human becomes a murderous monster, it is better to drop a bunch of alien monsters from the sky...]

  [I heard that there are several power users in foreign countries. The Hulk Spider-Man is based on their movie attributes. Only these power users can deal with those vampires. ]

  [To put it terrifyingly, although these vampires look strong, they generally can't beat the ghosts of our country... Didn't some experts risk their lives to do the test? The lethality of these vampires is less than half that of the monsters. ]

  [How can people live, we can't even beat vampires, let alone the charms. ]

  [Wait to die, I have already bought a bunch of snacks to eat at home, anyway, I am dead, this meat loves to grow, what weight to lose, not to lose. ]

  [Doesn't our country also have supernatural powers? It seems that they have been in control of the situation. Did they kill all the ghosts? ]

  [Kill all? It's beautiful to think that if you kill one, you will regenerate another one. It will never be finished. But I watched a video before. It seems that some ghosts are running in one direction, and they are running very fast, as if there is something urgent, but no matter what. What are they, so many ghosts get together, it is not good for us human beings. ]

  The people were panicking, and there were all kinds of speculations. The ghost suddenly did not appear. Not only did they not feel relieved, but they became even more nervous.

  His smile came to an abrupt end in the anger of the audience.

  He shook his head: "I'm not sure, but Li Cheng is working beside the king now. Last time I saw him bully an ordinary person with my own eyes, maybe he was watching me from behind."

  In the silence, some people were unwilling to be a ghost and couldn't kill humans at will. After hesitating again and again, they slowly stood on the other side.

  As for the fact that the other party has a job and his salary is not lower than that of his boyfriend, he just thinks it is not seen/impossible.

  Li Ju's intuition has always been accurate. As soon as these words came out, the team members immediately became vigilant: "Could it be a ghost?"

  The blogger's face was blue and purple, and he tried to breathe but couldn't get rid of his hand. As his hands fluttered, the camera kept shaking.

  In the end, his account was never blocked again.


  Other monsters: "..."

  At that time, tens of millions of people witnessed the death of an innocent girl. It can be said that everyone quickly learned about the brutality of the ghosts and listened to the charms. This blogger has contributed greatly.

  "The king has appeared!"

  "I've said it before, but now there are some newcomers here, so I'll say it again. The rules I set are the rules of the ghosts. As a ghost, to bully ants like girls, old people, and children. Are you here to be funny? "

  Seeing that he didn't look like he was going to get angry, each and everyone of the ghosts stood over.

  If a woman still works after marriage, he will scold her that she is not a good mother for not taking care of the family and not taking care of the children personally. For women who quit their jobs full-time to take care of the children for the sake of their children, he will scold them as blood-sucking bugs who suck the blood of their husbands to support themselves.

  Just when they were vigilant, the remarks of a blogger who publicly disclosed his identity began to circulate on the Internet.

  "You don't have to be restrained. Although I am the king, I am very easy-going. We are a team. If you have an opinion, you have to say it. If you don't say it, how can I help you solve it, right?"

  And this time he started the live broadcast again. Even after he became a ghost, he still failed to become more playful and his unremarkable face appeared in the camera, and his eyes stared at the boss because of excitement:

  "Okay, now that the different voices have been resolved, do you still have a problem with my order?"

  He also got his wish and became completely popular. After the account was blocked, he went to kill people, took the other party's mobile phone and continued to make various remarks, declared that once the official blocked his account, he would randomly select a person to kill and use the other party's account. .

  The king, who was wearing a white mask, walked slowly to the stage, and lay down on an elderly reclining chair in silence.

  Ji Changze waited patiently, and said kindly: "It seems that everyone still has some opinions on what you just said, but this is normal, I can understand, although I am a king, this is a modern day, we are more like a team, There are different voices in the team that need to be resolved."

  All these ghosts spontaneously ignited out of thin air, and there was no time to scream, so they burned to ashes in front of all the ghosts and the audience watching the live broadcast.

  It's like that kind of marriage topic scumbag topic, he goes up as a dowry warning.

  Next to him, there was a follower who echoed: "That's right! Despicable! Disgusting! Even if you still want to be a king, you don't even look at what kind of chicken feathers you are. Even our king's hair can't be compared, so be it. You only know how to bully women, so it can be seen that 80% of you were a slut before."

  "Hahahahahahaha, the king of the charm was born, and Wang Tiansheng has the ability to control the charm. Can you call us at any time? Do you know what it means? This means that we are not alone. Killing human beings, especially you stinky bastards who love money and vanity, dislike the poor and love the rich, when I was poor, I looked down on me, and now I want to fuck you as much as I want."

  Although it may be Li Cheng, the team still reported the greatest vigilance to this matter.

  The camera shakes violently, but as it rises, it clearly captures the person pinching the blogger's neck.

  "Boss, what will he do with it?"

  "In the future, no one will be able to fight and kill humans who can be crushed to death with a single finger, and do some disgusting things that lose their face. I naturally have a more suitable way to absorb grievances for you."

  "Guess what news I got?"

  This hand is thin and fair, but surprisingly powerful, and just relying on this hand, he grabbed the blogger's neck and made him hang in the air.

  He even chose to live stream in a frenzy.

  The king, who was wearing a white mask, raised his head slightly and waved his hand suddenly. With a swaying and violent sound, the blogger should have been thrown to the ground by him.

  It's not that I'm afraid of him, I just want to protect the next victim.

  "I'm about to arrive, there are already a lot of ghosts here, tsk, why are there still so many ghosts, it's really unfair, you can meet stinky **** everywhere, I don't know if the king is strong, why I didn't become As for the king of the scorpion, it's a bit unpleasant to think about it, let's go back tonight and kill another woman, kill first and then, let's see how it goes on live broadcast, hahahahaha…"

  This blogger is famous for his stench. Fans follow him basically to scold him. Of course, some wretched people who have the same thoughts as him are not excluded. When the big purge came, he transformed into one of the first ones to stand up at that time. A ghost who uses murder to get resentment.

  "I feel the call of the king, I will go now..."

  Li Ju has always felt uneasy these days. He said to the team members, "I think someone is watching me."

  Under the mask of the king, others can't see the expression on his face, but he can hear the gentle satisfaction in his tone, as if this is a very normal thing to say:

  The number of people who went out with Li Cheng has changed from three to eight. Everyone is an elite, and it is guaranteed that they can respond immediately when they encounter problems.

  In the violent coughing sound of the blogger, there was also a flirtatious sentence from the king: "This disgusting guy is not worthy of being a ghost, just right, set an example for those wastes in the ghost, set fire and burn to death."

  The camera should have fallen to the ground, without attracting other people's ideas, just lying there quietly, and successfully recorded the frightened expressions on the faces of the surrounding ghosts, and the bloggers who were thrown onto the stage and tied in the middle of the firewood.

  This blogger was a hater before the big purge. He often made remarks under some news. When the girl was killed, he ran to comment. It must be a love murder, it must be her green boyfriend, otherwise how could people kill her, beautiful The girl has a strong working ability and has a car and a house at a young age, so he said that people rely on the money from sales, and if the ugly girl has money, he will attack the other party's appearance.

  The king couldn't see his face clearly with the mask on, but his tone was still very gentle: "Is there anyone else? Is this the only one?"

  A hand suddenly entered the mirror, and as soon as it appeared, it was on his neck.

  It stands to reason that this arrogant monster with special abilities should have arrested people long ago, but this person's methods are cruel, and his reaction ability is fast after becoming a monster.

  The girl expressed her hope that she and her boyfriend would share the housework after marriage, and his omnipotent reply came in handy: Then don't ask your boyfriend to support him.

  "Okay, that's all I've said. Don't worry, I'm very democratic. If you disagree with what I said just now, stand over there. If there are many people, we can discuss it again."

  On the special team, there are all kinds of strict guards. They can't wait to patrol the streets 800 times a day, and they don't go out to do tasks alone, either two or three.

  He waited quietly for another minute, making sure it was gone, and then slowly turned his head to look over there.

  He was wearing a pure white mask, holding a snake-head scepter in one hand, pinching the blogger's neck in the other, and wearing a black cloak.

  "King Mei was born for resentment. If you want to do it, you can do it with a big vote. Like you, you will only grab the weak and bully it. It's really a shame for the monster."

  "Is there anyone else standing there? No?"

  In the shaking that can make people dizzy, the person wearing the white mask tilted his head, as if looking at the blogger, and said slowly in a low voice: "How can I have an unstyled subordinate like you."