Doomsday Doors (1) (Do you fly with swords in the last days, everyone

When Ji Changze opened his eyes, the picture in front of him was very bloody, not only with pictures, but also accompanied by various sounds.

  A low roar, a scream full of fright, and a rumbling thunder.

  This is a solemn hall, the door is open, the heavy rain outside came in with the wind, and the long curtains on both sides also blew, and during the blowing, the bloodstains below were exposed.

  One after another, blood-stained humanoid objects swayed past, and when they saw the target, they rushed over to bite the other party. bite.

  After waiting for a few minutes, the person who was bitten stopped breathing, and when he stood up again, he was already staggering and looked like he would jump up and bite when he saw a stranger.


  He hadn't checked his memory yet, so he couldn't figure out the situation. In addition, those who were biting and those who were bitten were wearing Taoist robes. He couldn't even tell whether they were ancient or modern.

  Ji Changze determined the attributes of these humanoid objects at a glance. He looked down at the Taoist robe on his body, and the sculptural palm he stepped on. Then he saw that the hall was already in a mess, and he began to check the memory in this chaos. .

  Although he was in a very ancient hall and the people around him were wearing Taoist robes, this was indeed the modern world.

  This gym is called Tianhaiguan. It is located in Qingling. Tianhaiguan was built on the top of Genting. It was built hundreds of years ago when Anguo was prosperous and Taoism was prosperous. After hundreds of years, the changes of dynasties have been well maintained, even if it is In modern times, all the disciples in the sect have also obtained the Taoist certificate.

  Most of the people at the foot of Qingling Mountain are poor, and Tianhaiguan has a tradition of adopting abandoned babies and raising them hundreds of years ago. Slowly, abandoned babies sent by the people at the foot of the mountain can always be found in front of Tianhaiguan Gate. Until later, Hua Guoding After coming down, everyone gradually stopped being hungry and wearing warm clothes, and then slowly the abandoned babies were gone and sent to the Taoist temple.

  Even so, Tianhaiguan still has an extraordinary status in the eyes of many villagers at the foot of the mountain. They are poor and ignorant, but they know that the Taoist priests who grew up from abandoned babies in Tianhaiguan can read books and know how to read. , it doesn't matter if they get married or not.

  So, slowly, some little children were sent to Tianhaiguan and became little Daoists. Every day, everyone studied and practiced martial arts together. When they were young, their parents would visit them, and when they were a little older, they could go down the mountain by themselves. The little road boys themselves would go down the mountain to see their parents.

  It stands to reason that Tianhaiguan should always be passed down.

  It's just that this gym, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, has not been able to continue. On an ordinary day, the end of the world comes, and some people all over the world start to fall asleep without warning. People have become zombies, and a small part of them have become supernatural beings.

  More are ordinary people who have not experienced lethargy.

  It stands to reason that there are more people and fewer zombies. This disaster should be controlled, but it is bad because there is no warning. No one expected that these suddenly coma relatives would wake up and open to their family members. A big pot of blood, plus a human being bitten by a zombie will also turn into a zombie.

  Like a snowball, there are more and more zombies, and humans can only keep retreating.

  Although there are some Taoist priests in Tianhaiguan, Taoist priests are also human, and naturally there will be Taoist priests in a coma.

  Because of the cold all the year round and the slippery roads on the top of the cloud, the zombies are not easy to move down the mountain. In addition, the Tianhaiguan only opens on the 15th day of the first day to welcome the people from the mountain, so there are only Taoist priests from the Tianhaiguan on the mountain, and the Tianhaiguan every day We had to practice martial arts in the early morning. After the initial panic, we quickly reacted. All the living people hid in the hall, and the zombies were kept outside.

  The original owner was also a Taoist priest of Tianhaiguan, he was a monk, and he was also very senior. He was a disciple of this generation.

  He didn't get this position because he had any real information, but entirely by coaxing and deceiving. The deceived host felt that he was really dedicated to Tianhaiguan, and he was full of appreciation for him. After some operations, he went smoothly. Become a host disciple.

  The original owner is so capable of coaxing and deceiving, of course, he is not an ordinary person, at least he is very experienced in coaxing people.

  His life experience is actually very simple. He was born in an orphan, because he was very old when he became an orphan and was not adopted by anyone. He grew up in an orphanage.

  In the national policy, orphans have been taken care of very carefully. At least until they reach adulthood, the original owner does not have to worry about tuition and living expenses, but it is definitely impossible to live a luxurious life.

  The original owner had a thirst for money since he was a child. When he was young, he couldn't do anything about it. When he was in high school, he suddenly got a way.

  Although his family background is not good, he has good grades and good looks. At the age of seventeen, it is the best time for a boy who does not have acne. School uniforms are also a beautiful sight.

  At that time, many people in the school post bar called him the school grass.

  He successfully found his target among his classmates, a beautiful female classmate from a good family background.

  Although the original owner yearned for money, he really didn't think much of it at the time. He just wanted to coax the female classmate to spend money for himself in the way of falling in love. After all, for him at that time, the pocket money in this female classmate's hand was simply a A huge sum of money.

  One side is full of love, and the other side deliberately coaxes.

  The seventeen-year-old man and woman found a small hotel room on a holiday afternoon.

  As a result, something went wrong.

  During the school-wide physical examination, the female student was found to be pregnant.

  Now that he is pregnant, he must find the culprit, so he called the parents and asked the female classmates. The original owner at the time just got the news of the walk, and when this incident happened, he was afraid that the report would fail, so he could only think in a panic. Fazi finds a female classmate to play emotional cards, begging her not to confess herself.

  In order to stabilize the other party, he also made a promise that he would be responsible, coaxing the other party that if she told herself, her parents would definitely force her to abort the child when they saw that they were all minors.

  He wants her to give birth to the child.

  And he would marry her and raise the children together.

  The female classmate who was immersed in love believed it. She killed her without saying the child's father's name, and the school gave her a dropout.

  Her parents were really angry. When they were discussing how to take their daughter to have an abortion, there was a big earthquake that night, and the family of three was buried under the rubble. It was also a miracle. The female classmate was dug up, but she His parents stayed in that year forever.

  After she was rescued, she accepted the news of her parents' death with her body first. She had no close relatives at home, so she could only go to the funeral by herself and place her parents' bones.

  The family was gone, the parents were gone, the seventeen-year-old girl stood blankly in front of the tombstone with a slightly raised belly, not knowing what to do next.

  At this moment when people need to share the responsibility the most, she naturally thought of the original owner.

  But the original owner just disappeared.

  He didn't die, and sent a letter to the girl, stating that he had something to leave, but he would definitely take responsibility and ask her to wait until she came to marry her.

  The girl believed it.

  She gave birth to a daughter by herself, but until the child was five, ten, and twenty-three years old, married and had a daughter, the person who promised her never came back.

  Everyone thought that she had been deceived. After all, at that time, there were many wives and husbands in married families who never returned, not to mention that they were not married at all.

  The daughter witnessed her mother's hardships along the way, and she had a deep understanding of the scumbag father and determined that the other party was a liar.

  Facts have proved that the original owner is really a liar.

  After the earthquake, he was relieved to learn that the girl's parents had passed away. At least this way, the other party had no backer and was easy to coax. It was too easy for him to fool the past. Killing her and going to school again was the best option, but the original owner still coaxed her into giving birth to a child.

  After that, he went to college. After graduating from college, he relaxed and fell into this flowery world. After a few years of college, he didn't learn anything, and graduation was a problem, let alone finding a job. After that, he didn't want to make money according to the rules. Fraud gang, deceived countless people, not happy for a long time, the state cracked down, the people in the fraud gang were caught and scattered.

  The original owner of knowledge has been forgotten, and the only thing that can be used to make money is the ability to defraud and a good face.

  The original owner was not grateful, but was very angry that his own daughter sent him away with only a bag of rice, but although he was angry, there was no way to retaliate. After a few months, the base was on the verge of being defeated by the zombie tide. , everyone fled for their lives.

  The original owner just wanted to use Tianhaiguan to hide a possession, but after coaxing the host to accept himself as a disciple, he changed his mind.

  After quickly figuring out what the situation was, Ji Changze closed his eyes and felt the surrounding environment.

  The original owner naturally lost his image in the eyes of his disciples, but he didn't care much anymore. He was already forty-two years old. When technology was at its peak, he couldn't join this trend, he couldn't integrate into the society, and there was nothing else in him. Skills, even if you go down the mountain, you don't do well.

  And most of these Taoist temples are on the mountains, so it is not easy to avoid people's sight.

  He went forward to scavenge once, put everything that could be eaten and used in his pocket, and left under the blood and tears of his daughter and the ignorant gaze of his granddaughter.

  In the chaos, the door was opened, and the zombies outside poured in, blood everywhere, and the disciples who were still alive could only hurry to protect the younger disciples and escape.

  Before reaching the door, he saw the scene in the hall clearly.

  What is this doing? Now that it's so messy, why didn't Shishu, as an elder, come down to help?

  This move is naturally very disdainful, but those juniors don't have time to bother with him at the moment, everyone is busy checking wounds, looking for food, and comforting the younger disciples, but Tianhaiguan is isolated from the mountain. These disciples did not expect After being bitten by a zombie, it will also become a zombie. When everyone relaxes a little at night, the second killing will begin.

  At that time, the other party was already a well-known ability user in the base, wearing the wooden whistle that the original owner gave to the female student in his heart in order to express his affection.

  As a result, the fate of these three parties is very bad.

  Feeling quietly for a minute, Ji Changze finally captured the spiritual energy hidden in the air with this 43-year-old body.

  It would be better to just watch him in Tianhai for the rest of his life. Anyway, he is of high rank. Even if he is not good, the disciples can't say anything about him even if they are upset.

  As a result, the host passed away soon, but what he didn't expect was that before the death of the other party, he didn't know whether he saw through his disguise or whether he felt that his qualifications were too low, and he passed him directly and handed over the Taoist temple to the deceased. Brother's disciple.

  Many disciples were thrown on the ground and bitten, and when everyone's faces were flustered, only the uncle, who was sitting cross-legged on the patriarch's huge sculpture palm, had a calm face, closed his eyes and did not move.

  Under the public anger, the original owner could only go down the mountain.

  The host Du Ding looked up following his hand, and sure enough, he saw Ji Changze.

  The Great Hall is no longer a shelter, but a closed burial place.

  The girl who had waited for him for the rest of his life was kind to him. Tianhaiguan, who took him in and let him eat and drink for free, was kind to him. Although he was very angry at his behavior of abandoning his lover, he still gave him a bag in the last days. The daughter who can be called the precious rice grain is kind to him.

  found it!

  The younger disciples, who had not yet learned the means of attack, cried out in fright and fled for their lives under the pursuit of zombies, while the older disciples fought against the zombies with the weapons in their hands.

  The original owner planned to endure for a few years, and got such a result. Naturally, he was not reconciled, but he didn't have any other skills besides deceiving people, and he didn't want to do hard work. Seniors gradually reveal their true nature.

  The disciples at Tianhaiguan never thought that they were not killed by the attack of zombies, nor starved to death due to the pain of lack of food, but were killed by their fellow human beings.

  Coupled with the fact that the other party followed the surname of the female student, he immediately guessed a few points, and immediately stepped forward to sell miserably and asked his daughter to take care of him.

  The host is in his 90s and has not lived for many years. The previous disciples have all passed away. When the other party dies, isn't it natural that his disciple should be in the position?

  Seeing the original owner, her daughter's originally desperate eyes showed hope. She didn't have the strength to speak, so she could only keep looking at her child, hoping that the original owner could take the other party away.

  In that battle that could be called slaughter, the young host, who should be called the original master and uncle, pulled the original master's collar and jumped off the Genting Terrace with him.

  The timeline at this moment is that the Tianhaiguan disciples managed to control the situation, all the disciples retreated to the main hall, but the injured disciples in the hall also turned into zombies.

  Although he had no ability, he survived in this troubled world. About a year later, he met his daughter at the base.

  The granddaughter is two years old and doesn't understand anything, so she sits beside her mother obediently.

  1. During the night, even Tianhaiguan, which was far away from the crowd, was inevitably drawn in. When all the older disciples kept the younger disciples behind to fight against the zombies, the original master got to the back and was guarded by the chaos. into the hall.

  This is the life of the original owner.

  At such a critical moment, the original master was in chaos. When faced with the zombies that rushed towards him, he grabbed the little disciple beside him and blocked his paw, while he himself climbed to the ancestors. Above the statue of the master, so as to avoid the attacks of the zombies below.

  After that, the original owner lived in a daze, and he was full of hatred for this daughter. He felt that it was unfilial for the other party to not support his father. It was just that the daughter was a supernatural person, and she was not a person in the base. I left, and before I left, I didn't know if the original owner really had a miserable appearance, and he still sent someone to throw a bag of rice grains at him.

  It is reasonable to say that the original owner's life goal is no problem to implement, but who will let it, the end of the world is coming.

  It's just that this daughter is not as easy to deceive as her mother. When she found out the identity of the original owner, she hated and cursed at him, saying that he had been a heartbreaker back then, causing her mother to wait for more than 20 years and died in depression. How can he be embarrassed to let his daughter who hasn't been raised for a day raise him.

  At this time, he learned one thing, the state will support the Taoist temple, Taoism is the most popular in Anguo, there are still Taoist disciples living in the Taoist temples left at that time, as long as you apply to the state, China will The support funds, plus the tourists who come to Taoist temples and incense, add up to a lot of money.

  The junior brother who followed him suddenly saw something: "Senior brother, look at the uncle."

  The original owner stayed in the Taoist temple with such peace of mind.

  Ji Changze understood.

  The original owner, whoever treats him well, who harms him.

  A junior, in charge of the entire Tianhaiguan.

  He has experienced a lot of the apocalyptic world. Generally speaking, the apocalyptic world comes with the recovery of spiritual energy. Now that there are zombies, the chance of this world having spiritual energy is still very large.

  The original owner also left with the crowd. On the way to escape, I don't know if it was a coincidence that he met his daughter and granddaughter who were seriously injured and dying in the snow.

  Afterwards, the host outside brought people in, and he managed to barely control the situation. In the face of the accusations of the crowd, no matter how eloquent the original owner was, he couldn't defend himself when so many people saw it with his own eyes. In addition, everyone knows how unreliable he is.

  I don't do morning classes, I don't practice martial arts, I just stay in my room every day, and I only come out when I'm eating. To sum up, I can't do anything, and I'm the first to eat.

  The original owner can stand so high now, that's because he just pushed a little disciple to block the zombies.

  He had ups and downs for ten years, and in the end, he was just mixed up, and he even offended a powerful person. In the end, he could only hide like a mouse in an underground tunnel.

  On the Tianya Bridge reinforced with iron locks and modern steel plates, the young host discovered the movement on the side of the hall and was rushing with a group of disciples behind him.

  The original main thing is to really do this, and then the mother and daughter will not be left behind.

  The original owner also couldn't survive that winter. He had no ability, was unwilling to work, and liked to be tricked into cheating. Finally, he joined an organization that was famous for its fierceness and cruelty at the time. When they needed to find a base camp that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, he Take them to Tianhaiguan.

  He immediately sat cross-legged, made a typical Taoist seal gesture, closed his eyes and began to absorb the spiritual energy into his body.

  Whether the mother and daughter died later, he didn't know, but in such cold weather, a seriously injured person, a two-year-old child, 99% would not survive.