The door of the last days (9) (Do you fly the sword in the last days, everyone (2...)

At this moment, even in the chaos, everyone in the team was quiet.

A gust of wind blew by, and at this second everyone's eyes fell on Li Zhuyun and the protective cover above her.

Even Li Zhuyun himself slowly opened his eyes after realizing that he didn't feel any pain in his body, and looked at this transparent cover with ripples clearly visible above it in shock.

The whistle that was blown by her trembled slightly, leaving the rope and staying in mid-air like this, ripples continuously spread from its body, and then added to the spiritual power cover.

Li Zhuyun still kept the gesture of protecting his granddaughter, staring at the wooden whistle blankly.

How can this whistle...

The zombies surrounding Li Zhuyun were crushed by the spiritual power on the protective cover, and fell heavily to the ground after a few bounces, and there was no movement.

The other zombies who had escaped by chance obviously did not avoid the danger of the brain. They stepped on the corpses of the same kind and continued to move forward. Seeing the zombies rushing towards him with open mouths, Li Zhuyun was so scared that he hurriedly protected his granddaughter.

However, the zombies with ugly faces couldn't get close at all, and before they got close to the protective cover, the little wooden pearl on the whistle trembles slightly.

The ripples on the protective shield quickly hit out, and the zombies immediately fell straight down one by one. This time they lost all their tremors and died on the spot.

The disciple Tianhaiguan has never used a protective shield (after all, it is enough to fly directly into the sky when encountering danger). This is the first time that the protective shield has an attack function. After a few seconds, a quick-reacting disciple said:

"Brother, lead the zombies toward the protective cover."

This protective cover kills zombies much faster than them.

Another disciple had a whim and planned to attack the zombies with his own protective cover. Yujian went down and sat down and blew his whistle.

Then a protective shield that was much smaller than Li Zhuyun's, which could barely cover a person was enough to cover him.

And the zombies didn't mean to come and pounce on him. It can even be said that he was treated as a transparent person under the influence of the protective cover, and walked by without interest. A zombie accidentally hit the protective cover and was bombed. Kai fell to the ground.

After a few seconds, he stood up and continued walking forward as if nothing had happened.


This difference in treatment is too obvious.

Although the guards of the child whistles were not as powerful as the mother whistle and their attack power, when the zombies were led to Li Zhuyun's side, they were killed one by one by the guard, and the team members desperately killed the zombies, and the Tianhaiguan disciples' high altitude suppression.

At first glance, this looks very scary enough to destroy the entire convoy of zombies or was killed clean.

Li Yi chopped off the head of the last zombie, looked around and found that all the zombies had been wiped out, and then suddenly let out a sigh of relief, and inserted the sickle used as a weapon on the ground to support her exhausted body. Stand firm.

Just after escaping from the dead, everyone's heartbeat was extremely fast, and many of them slumped directly to the ground, panting heavily.

But no matter what they were doing, their eyes were always on Li Zhuyun.

The most dead zombies near Li Zhuyun, almost piled up into a hill, the black blood of the zombies and various stumps were everywhere, but in this case, Li Zhuyun, who was firmly protected by the protective cover, was completely unscathed and dry. Clean.

Although the situation was urgent, everyone heard clearly.

When Li Zhuyun blew his whistle, the protective cover would appear.

She has been wearing that whistle, and Li Yi had blown the whistle several times before to attract zombies.

No one had noticed what was wrong before, and they didn't realize until they saw the protective cover and their eyes were attracted by the whistle.

This whistle... seems to be the same as the whistle worn on the necks of these cultivators.

But one is an ordinary person, and the other is a Tianhaiguan monk who has just descended from the mountain.

Even when the Tianhaiguan disciples joined the team, Li Zhuyun never met them. How did the two get together?

The disciples of Tianhaiguan also landed one after another. They didn't encounter any danger all the way, even if they really encountered a tide of zombies, they could fly with swords to hide. This was the first time that they were so hard-headed.

After falling to the ground, his breath was unstable, so he hurriedly sat down cross-legged and adjusted his breath quickly.

Yuan An is okay, his cultivation base is higher than the other juniors, and he only needs to adjust his breathing after landing.

As the leader of the team, the captain was the first to come up to express his gratitude to them.

"Thank you, I really thank the leaders. If it weren't for you today, our entire fleet would be destroyed here... What are these leaders? Are they tired?"

Yuan An shook his head: "It's okay, it's just that the spiritual energy is consumed excessively and requires breath adjustment. If it is not good, there will be serious consequences."

The captain was taken aback.

If these Taoist leaders had something to do to save them, they couldn't help these Taoists, and they were afraid of offending Tianhaiguan.

He hurriedly asked cautiously: "Serious consequences... will there be anything wrong, right?"

Yuan An nodded, and said solemnly: "It hurts to get angry."

team leader:"..."

Seeing if the seriousness of Yuan An seemed to be a joke, he reluctantly agreed with him: "That, that is really scientific."

"Sir, do you want to sit in a chair and rest? It's really up to you today. We will never forget your great kindness. If there is anything I want to do in the future, I promise to go through fire and water! I will do my best!"

His loyal subordinates also hurriedly said: "Yes, so are we!"

Ordinary people who were taken in the car by the way watched this scene enviously.

Although this team is not said to be very top-notch, it is definitely mid-to-upstream strength. Otherwise, it would not dare to walk directly across provinces, and dare to bring a lot of "cumbersome".

Even if such a force is placed in the base to make such a promise, it will definitely make everyone envy and jealous.

However, look at the envious and jealous Tian Haiguan disciples.

People don't lack these promises at all, their own strength can be much stronger.

After all, this is a cultivator.

The captain said that he was happy and subconsciously went over to clap his shoulders, Yuan An took a step back neither humble nor arrogant: "No, our Tianhaiguan disciples don't come into contact with the people under the mountain. This time we just happened to be on the same path."

That's right.

The captain wants to show favor, but they don't want it.

He hesitated, or tentatively asked: "Dao Master, did you send the whistle of Aunt Li?"

Yuan An was thinking about something very important when he first landed, but when he landed on the ground, his feet were unstable, and his spiritual power rushed again, his mind was a little confused, and he couldn't figure out what he was just about to do.

Hearing this, his heart burst.

Yeah, whistle! !

The rest of the disciples quickly finished adjusting their breath and stood up, and a junior disciple approached Yuan An: "Brother, the whistle given by the senior uncle..."

Yuan An immediately realized what the most important thing is now, and politely nodded to the captain: "Sorry, we still have things to do, you can do it yourself."

The whole team watched as the Tian Haiguan disciples who had been evasive from the others all walked eagerly towards Li Zhuyun, looking eagerly.

Li Zhuyun was still in the protective cover, and seeing so many little Taoist priests in Taoist robes suddenly appeared in front of him, he immediately looked at them a little dumbfounded through the protective cover.

The faces of Yuan An and others were fine, but my heart was already very excited.

They didn't even need to carefully identify the whistle. After all, this whistle was made by Uncle Shi. In the world, only Uncle Shi could make such a whistle magic weapon that can unfold the protective cover.

Uncle Shi has always been unpleasant, and he is not happy every day, especially when he least likes to see his disciples talking about family members and relatives.

Although he denied it himself, the group of disciples from generation to generation actually got together to discuss quietly, guessing that Uncle Shi must also miss his family. If they can help Uncle Shi find relatives, he must be very happy.

They didn't go up straight to ask "Are you the family of my uncle's ancestor" in a silly manner. Instead, they saluted first, and then asked politely:

"Dare to ask, where did your whistle artifact come from?"

Li Zhuyun's own brain was still stunned. She had worn the whistle for more than 20 years in front of her and hung it out of thin air, but the little Taoist priests on the other side wore the same whistle on their necks.

She hesitated, and told the truth: "This was made by my husband himself..."


Yuan An looked at Li Zhuyun, suddenly something flashed in his mind, and suddenly looked back at Li Yi, who had only asked about their whistle before.

Li Yi also reacted, and strode over with her unrested body, denying: "He is not my mother's husband. He can only be said to be a former boyfriend. May I ask Dao Master, that man and you Tian Hai? What's the relationship between view?"

In the world, besides Master Uncle, who else can make magical artifacts.

Li Yi's mother is Li Zhuyun, and Li Zhuyun's husband is Uncle Shi. Isn't Li Yi the daughter Uncle Shi said?

The disciples suddenly realized that they were both excited and agitated.

Before going down the mountain, Uncle Master also said that they would take good care of the two when they met, but he didn't expect to meet the Lord so soon.

In order to avoid making mistakes, Yuan An looked at Li Yi very cautiously: "Then the whistle owner's daughter?"

Li Yi was at a loss again, yet still in shock. She was unwilling to admit her relationship with Ji Changze.

But I want to find out what the identity of the man who has left their mother and daughter behind for many years is, why he can make a whistle with his own protective cover, is it a person of Tianhaiguan, and why he left.

Li Zhuyun was not as entangled as his daughter, and nodded and admitted: "Yes, Ayi is our daughter."

really! ! !

This is the family of Uncle Shizu!

Fortunately, I didn't insult my life, I really let them find it! !

After figuring out their identities, Yuan An was excited for a few seconds. Seeing that the mother and daughter opposite were looking at him with hesitation and dazed glances, a Ji Ling quickly woke up.

The people in the team have been watching the movement here, and when they were curious about what they were talking about, they saw that they had resolutely kept their distance from other people since they were walking on the same road with the team, and they spoke calmly and without any emotion. The disciples of Tianhaiguan leaned over.

He gave a great gift to meet his elders, with elegant robes and respect, and he respectfully said to Li Zhuyun in unison:

"The disciple has seen the uncle Tai."

After paying respect to Li Zhuyun, he respectfully went to worship Li Yi: "I have seen Uncle Master."

Li Zhuyun: "???"

Li Yi: "???"

People in the team: "!!!"

Everyone wanted to contact but did not dare to contact, the high-ranking fairy boys actually told their caravan that they could not survive, but it could be said that life was difficult, and the sympathetic mother and daughter were so respectful.

Everyone: "..."

There was silence, including Li Zhumica and daughter who didn't know what to say.

Yuan An and other disciples didn't get a response, and they began to feel guilty again.

Did they make the wrong name?

But that's right.

The wife of Uncle Shizu should be called Uncle Tai, and her daughter is indeed Uncle Shi.

In Taoism, both men and women are called elder brothers, brothers, elder brothers, and elder brothers. They don't make this kind of low-level mistake. Standards for disciples to salute.

When the disciples were uneasy, Yuan An, as a senior brother, raised his head firmly and carefully: "Uncle Tai, can the disciples get up?"

Li Zhuyun: "..."

She was stunned for three seconds before realizing that she was talking to her, and hurriedly said nervously: "Get up, get up."

Seeing these young Taoist priests, who looked like they were all clean and ruddy, got up very quickly, and Li Zhuyun was even more confused.

"You, what do you mean by calling me Taishishu? What is the relationship between me, Changze and you?"

Look, they are all called names.

They really didn't admit their mistakes.

The young disciples praised themselves in their hearts, and they were still respectful: "Returning to Uncle Tai, Dao Chang Ze Ji is my uncle, and in terms of seniority, we juniors should call you Uncle Tai. "

Uncle Master...

Li Yi on the side remembered almost immediately. When she came to inquire before, these Tianhaiguan disciples had indeed mentioned Master Uncle.

It's just that in her impression, her biological father was just a liar, so she didn't link the two.

But now, these Tianhaiguan disciples actually admitted it in person.

How can it be? ?

According to these disciples, the Tianhai View is a Taoist view in the hidden world, and they never go down the mountain, and they are cultivators of immortality.

Since she can cultivate immortality, why bother to deceive her mother, who caused her to live a difficult life with her child for more than 20 years at a young age.

Li Zhuyun didn't have as many thoughts as his daughter. After all, the original owner always treated her tenderly until he left, and vowed to come back to pick her up.

At that time, it was not as advanced as later in science and technology. At that time, it was very common for people to fail to connect with each other.

Before her daughter's junior high school, she had always believed that Ji Changze would come back to live with them, telling Li Yi that her father hadn't left them behind and something must have happened.

It wasn't until Li Yi gradually became sensible and stamped that her father was a scumbag, and she couldn't hear her mother say that her father would come back, so Li Zhuyun gradually stopped talking for her daughter.

And now, in these young Taoist masters who are very capable at a glance, she has learned that her lover who has been waiting for more than 20 years is actually the uncle of Tianhaiguan.

"Did something happen to Changze? Back then, he said he would come back to find us. Why has he not heard from him for more than 20 years? How, how could he be your master uncle? Wasn't he still in school? ?"

With faint expectation in Li Zhuyun's eyes, he asked many questions in one breath, and then carefully waited for the answers from the Tianhaiguan disciples before him.

Yuan An and other disciples: "..."

They don't know either.

Uncle Shi never took the initiative to talk about the past. He just mentioned it by the way. He didn't even say a word about why there is a wife and daughter at the foot of the mountain but not picking up the mountain.

But if you don't care, why would you leave a whistle and magic weapon? How can you let them take care of them after going down the mountain.

But if you care, why would you refuse to take people up the mountain in such a dangerous situation.

Seeing that Li Zhuyun, who should be called Taishishu in front of them, looked forward to it, Yuan An hesitated for a few seconds, only picking and choosing what he knew.

"I was not born more than 20 years ago, and I don't know what happened back then, but I know that for more than 20 years, Uncle Shi was backlashed and bombarded by the sky thunder because of the cause and effect. "

"After that, in order not to involve the Tianhai View, Uncle Shi had been alone for ten years and was backlashed by the sky thunder. He only returned to Tianhai View ten years ago. Since then, he has never visited Taoism again. Now, this magic weapon was made by Uncle Master, and our swordsmanship is also taught by him. If he doesn't come, presumably, he probably never came to see you. There is a reason, right."

To ordinary people, his words are like the scene of the heavenly book.

Especially for Li Zhuyun, who has never watched Xiuxian Xiuxian TV series.

She was at a loss, only to hear that Ji Changze had suffered a backlash more than 20 years ago, and when she was worried, she seemed to be okay now, and she slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"He never lied... Maybe, maybe something got caught."

Li Yi understood, but she understood that Ji Changze could not come more than 20 years ago, but she also understood that Ji Changze was fine ten years ago.

In the past ten years, he has never seen her mother.

Her mother has been reluctant to move out of her hometown, and she still lives there. If the father who has never met is really interested, even if she brings a letter?

It doesn't matter if there are real difficulties, or the feelings fade away and the two sides are well.

But the uncle of Tianhaiguan, who should be much better than these disciples, didn't do anything, just dragging her mother like that.

Even if he is really a master of cultivating immortals, what does what he did have to do with his identity?

Li Yi's anger grew.

Compared to her father who was just an ordinary person, she felt more angry that the man was an elder who cultivated the Taoist temple.

After all, if it is really a cultivator, then for him, even if he can't afford a plane ticket, he can always come and say something to his mother if he relies on walking or flying?

Yuan An and others gradually realized that Li Yi seemed to be angry.

The joy in their eyes gradually became uneasy, and they looked carefully at the biological daughter of the uncle Shizu: "Uncle Shi? What's the matter?"

Li Yi reluctantly squeezed out a smile: "It's okay, I just want to ask a few Taoist leaders, since your master uncle is so powerful, it's all right if he doesn't subscribe to Taoism, but why hasn't a message been given to my mother for many years? What?"

Origin: "..."

Other disciples: "..."

What the hell is this kind of weird little third kid being forced to ask by the Zhenggong kid.

"This...I don't know it, maybe... it's inconvenient to upload a letter from the mountain..."

As soon as Yuanan's voice fell, a paper-folded bird fluttered and fluttered to the side of these disciples, and slowly flew to the top of Yuanan's head, and the standard Putonghua came out:

"Your Asuka has arrived, please receive the message, sender: your master uncle."