Doomsday Gate (11) (Do you fly with the sword in the last days, everyone (2...)

Chapter 238:

After hanging up the Asuka video, Yuan An and others thought it was over.

As a result, the bird opened its mouth again and uttered something.

Ji Changze's voice came out:

"Where, give me the coordinates."

This bird can still speak.

The source bank observed the flying birds up and down, and tentatively touched the long white hair on the flying bird's head.

The white hair was touched, the bird opened his mouth, and the dull voice came out: [Have chosen to black out the contact. ]

A group of Tianhaiguan disciples: "?????!!!"

Don't wait! ! !

Why is it blacked out? !

If they dare to pull the black master uncle, the master uncle will not send them to Yunfeng to experience the two heavens of ice and fire? !

Fortunately, in the next second, Du Su's voice appeared again:

[If you fail to block black, the juniors cannot skip the level to block the elders. Please carefully reflect on the reasons why you want to block the elders and correct them. ]

Yuan An and other disciples: "..."

For a while, I didn't know if I should breathe a sigh of relief or complicated my mood at this moment.

Now that the bird's feather is pulled black... The source bank's sight fell on the paper-wrapped wings of Asuka again, and he reached out and touched it.

[Crack! ]

Du Su's voice did not unexpectedly appear: [The photo was taken successfully. ]

Everyone: "..."

So this bird can not only play videos and take pictures of black people?

In the difficult environment of the last days, so many functions have been researched, which shows how powerful (boring) Tianhai View is.

After groping the whole bird up and down the source bank, finally found the voice switch after poking the bird's eye.

Keeping the posture of poking the bird's eyes, I always feel that I am a source of cruelty to animals: "..."

After quickly speaking the position, he let go.

"Send to Uncle Master."

Then watching the bird's beak open and close, the master's voice came out: [Send successfully. ]

Origin: "..."

Every time he looked at the bird with such small eyes making a master's voice, he had the urge to salute.

Asuka completed the sending task, waited for a minute without waiting for other instructions, and flew to the source bank's shoulder automatically, and stood still with his round eyes.

Origin: "..."

It's over.

I always feel that the cold image he has always maintained is about to disappear because of this bird.

Although 10,000 alpaca ran past my heart, Yuan An still worked very hard to maintain his calm expression in front of the elders. Isn't it normal that it's just a bird standing on the shoulder? Facial expression, said to Li Yi:

"Uncle Shi, the direction has been sent, and the disciple also explained the approximate position of our advancement. If Uncle Master comes with his sword, he will definitely be able to find it, and we will just leave as usual."

Li Yi nodded and hesitated, but in the end she still asked: "Now the map can no longer be used, and many roads are directly blocked. Can he know how to get to the location you reported?"

"It's nothing. Tianhaiguan naturally has a set of methods for finding people. Even if the uncle master goes wrong, you just need to do some calculations."

After Yuan An finished speaking, he saw that the expression of the new uncle in front of him gradually became complicated.

"Your Tianhaiguan has a trick to find someone..."

Li Yi repeated Yuan An's words.

In other words, even if Ji Changze really forgot the environment where her mother lived, as long as the tactics still used to figure out the location.

But for more than 20 years, the father of the uncle who is known as a powerful person and the master of Taoist cultivator still hasn't appeared even once.

Originally because of Ji Changze's suspicion that he would be struck by lightning as soon as he saw them, after knowing the existence of the tactic of finding people, it slowly faded.

"Since he can find it, let's hurry up as usual."

After speaking, Li Yi walked up to the captain and apologized: "Captain, can I take half an hour off?"

The captain has been in a daze from just now until now.

This day was really exciting.

First, walking down the road, a monk flying with a sword suddenly descended from the sky, and the good guy directly pulled their copy of Survival in the Last Days to "My Dream of Cultivating Immortals."

When the monks agreed to go with them, they didn't get along for a long time because of Wang Hao, who killed Qiandao.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yi's mother, who had never existed in the team, inexplicably appeared a protective cover, just like a mosquito lamp against mosquitoes, it easily wiped out the zombies.

Then, after seeing the whistle Li Zhuyun was wearing, the cultivators who were afraid that they would not agree with each other respectfully called Taishishu to each other.

That Li Yi, who killed the zombies and didn't want his life, had to support the whole family by himself, and became an uncle.

And behind these titles, there are secrets that make people want to stay in the melon fields.

His father, who had been away from home for more than 20 years, was actually a respected uncle of the Taoist Taoist temple.

And this uncle master would be struck by lightning as soon as he saw his wife and daughter.

Xiuxian Taoist Temple is also engaged in technology part-time, dedicated to researching the flying bird version of the mobile phone.

This series of messages came in continuously, even if the captain was a quick-witted person who was quick to eat melons, he couldn't react a little bit.

Good guys.

He is a good guy directly.

The dog blood TV series before the end of the world are not so exciting and exciting.

Now I see the big melons in the melon field, ah no, it was the protagonist of this incident who came to ask for leave. There is no reason for not approving it.

The captain nodded his head like a sparrow, and his words were still faintly excited about eating big melons: "Go go."

Li Yi nodded gratefully to him, and pulled the pensive mother who was holding the child into the car.

The mother and daughter indeed need a quiet environment to calm down.

Seeing the two got on the car, the Tianhaiguan disciples looked at each other.

Yuan An: "... Did I say the wrong thing just now?"

A junior hesitated: "Brother, you seem to have never said it right."

Origin: "..."

It seems to be too.

Now I only hope that Uncle Master comes over and don't punish him too hard for this.

This is still down the mountain, if you kill the zombies while taking the junior brother while you are on the road and copy the book, it would be too miserable.

Naturally, Yuan An couldn't think of it. The reason why he would be sent down the mountain this time to be the leader of this generation of disciples down the mountain is because Ji Changze has taken a fancy to his characteristic of always being able to talk about it.

When receiving Asuka's voice, Ji Changze was tapping quickly.

These days, he is not just making a thunder-inducing magic weapon. Since the source bank and they left, Ji Changze's men have not stopped.

Of course, he didn't just take care of tapping and making things.

Instead, he patiently taught the disciples Du Suo some tactics.

For example, how to pinch tactics to transport heavy objects, how to use spiritual power to create a sharp blade, and how to turn a wooden sword into a sharp weapon.

After he had taught them this, Ji Changze let Dudou flew into the woods with his disciples Yujian, and used a sharp wooden sword to use spiritual power to create a sword blade to chop the tree, and then pinch the tactics to transport the chopped wood back to the sky. View.

Not to mention, Ninety-nine percent of the disciples of the Tianhai Temple grew up in the Temple. They learned Taoism from an early age. They were talented one by one, and learned how to cut trees and carry a dragon, ah no, when it was a variety of magic techniques, It's also very fast.

With so many diligent workers, Ji Changze succeeded in having a steady stream of raw materials delivered to the door behind closed doors.

And now, his masterpiece is about to be completed.

After quickly creating a large exquisite and beautiful leaf, Ji Changze inserted it into his "work".

He turned and blew the whistle hanging around his neck.

Looking at the whole sky, only the whistle he hung was purely used to sound and summon other people.

In a few seconds, the disciples who were cultivating, chopping trees, and meditating immediately took out the wooden swords they brought with them, and quickly reached the front of the house where Uncle Master lived.

The disappearance of the ceiling of Ji Changze's room did not attract the attention of these disciples.

After all, there is a big mouth in shock. Don't need Ji Changze to say anything. Give him half an hour, and he will live up to expectations. "I told you that the uncle Master will be struck by lightning when he sees his daughter outside. He lives. The house that was there was knocked out by lightning, a big hole Balabala" spread throughout the whole view of the sky and sea.

Although I don't know why Shishu was struck by lightning when he saw his daughter, he must be in a bad mood under such circumstances.

These days, getting along with the uncle master made these disciples who had previously complained about the uncle's temperament, and the slightest demeanor of the elders, deeply realized that their previous complaints were really wrong.

The former uncles just ignored people at most, hid in the room and didn't come out, and didn't participate in morning classes.

Since the current Uncle Master discovered that his spiritual energy had recovered, he was energized.

Not to mention throwing a lot of homework to them, he still didn't attend the morning class, but gave the juniors a lot of tasks, and then tossing carpentry work, cutting trees and porters were still good jobs.

The worst thing is those disciples who need to debug new magical instruments. Before those disciples, the uncle was tossing the dubbing magical instruments before they went down the mountain. When the juniors went down the mountain, the tossing became even more severe.

Among them, Du Su was the worst, because the Mandarin characters were rounded and spoke loudly and loudly when speaking (it was specially practiced to show his own stability after becoming the host), and he was selected as the voice of the instrument.

A generation of Tianhaiguan presided over, abruptly formed into the customer service of the instrument.

"We are not afraid of hardships, we are not afraid of hardships, cultivating people, cultivating souls, and finally soaring through cultivation" on the faces of the disciples. No one knows how bitter they are in their hearts.

Uncle Master, this is not as good as before the spiritual energy regained.

Anyhow, although he looked lazy before and didn't have a good face to the disciples, he didn't give a lot of homework.

It's better now, and the uncle has evolved. Not only do they look at them every day as if they are looking at the useless people, but also when they arrange their homework, they are in a posture of wishing to arrange a whole mountain, and they have become more competent in cursing and despising people.

Now they just want to travel back and kill themselves, who once disliked Master Uncle.

I really don't know the blessing in the blessing! ! !

Actually feel that such gentle (compared to the present) Shishu is a waste of money, and he is blind! !

Naturally, after experiencing Ji Changze's devil's teachings, even if these disciples' heart complaints were about to become a sea, they still maintained the indifferent solemnity of the immortal disciples, each with a sword in his right hand, without squinting.

Coupled with the uniform white robe on his body and the monk-like hair bun on his head, it looks a bit like a fairy cultivator since childhood.

Listening to the crowd outside, Ji Changze opened the door and went out.

The disciples outside gave a neat and well-trained salute: "The disciple has seen Master Uncle."

"Okay, get up."

Ji Changze, who taught them this standard etiquette, said that it was a monk, was still lazy, leaning against the door: "Clean up everything and go down the mountain with me."

These disciples were a little surprised, how could they say that they were going down the mountain?

As the host, Du Su was the first to step forward and respectfully asked: "Uncle Master, I don't know where we are going down the mountain?"

Ji Changze lifted his chin, did not answer directly, but said: "I have taught you how to ask questions before, this time I just verify whether you practice well and do the calculations by yourself."

A group of disciples had long been tempered by Ji Changze during this period of time. When they heard that he asked them to do the calculation, they immediately responded quickly and unified their left hand and began to pinch and close their eyes.

Du Suo was the fastest. After calculating the result, he hesitated to tighten his eyebrows, hesitated for a while, hesitated for a while. After calculating the result several times, he slowly opened his eyes. .

The rest of the disciples also reacted similarly, with their eyebrows frowning and hesitation on their faces, as if they didn't believe the results they had calculated.

Ji Changze waited patiently for them to almost open their eyes, and then asked slowly: "Dushu, you are the host, you speak first."

Du Su hesitated for a moment, and said: "This trip is to go to the place where the culprit is serious."

"This big culprit is not for me, but the person who has contact with the disciple. It should be a junior who went down the mountain before."

He extended his thoughts: "We went down the mountain this time to save them?"

Ji Changze nodded: "Yes, that's it."

Du Su was still a little bit confused.

It stands to reason that although they are not high in the Tianhai Viewing Cultivation Base at the Source Bank, they will definitely reduce the dimensionality and attack the creatures under the mountain when they go down the mountain.

How could it be fierce?

After all, they were Tianhaiguan disciples, and those who had apprentices among them were naturally worried. However, these worries gradually eased after discovering that Ji Changze had no worries at all.

Although Shishu is usually unreliable, he is still very reliable when encountering major events. He is not worried, presumably Yuan An and the others are fine.

Du Su asked directly.

Ji Changze nodded: "It doesn't matter. Before they left, I made a miasma protection cover with them. If they are in danger, the problem is not big, but they are some young people. You should go down the mountain to see for yourself. Look better."

Du Su keenly caught the word "you", and asked in surprise: "Uncle Master will not go with us?"

The disciples who stood with their faces fluttering in the air were happy when they heard this. If Master Shu didn't follow, wouldn't they be able to wave?

The sky is high, and the birds are flapping and flying, and the sea and the fish are swimming.

Cool! !

Ji Changze: "I didn't want to go, but I have an appointment to go, so let's go with you."

Happy disciples: "..."

Their master uncle also disliked the appearance of traveling with these juniors: "I'm in a hurry, your cultivation base is too low, and your flying is slow. This time we descend down the mountain, we don't need to fly with the sword."

Flying without a sword?

What is it for?

Is there any way to hurry faster than flying? ?

Yuan An and the others, who were still meditating quietly in the convoy, didn't know what was happening on the mountain at this moment. When the captain came to inquire about it (eating melon), they didn't cover up, and directly informed the other party that their uncle master might be coming.

However, they have spent at least a dozen days on the way from descending the mountain to flying with the sword. Presumably, Shishu will come again after ten days. Shishu will pinch the tactics to calculate the approximate direction, so it is good for the team to hurry as usual, without stopping. .

Captain who still wants to eat more gossip: Hey, this also comes with a compass function. Xiu Xian is a great appetite.

Since the trail leader has said that there will be no delay, then continue on the road according to the previous plan.

Anyway, as long as Li Yi and the others are still there, this melon can't run away.

Sitting in the car, Li Yi and Li Zhuyun were speechless.

The well-behaved baby girl smelled of perfume unaffected by sleep, completely unaware that the hearts of her two relatives had just undergone earth-shaking changes.

Li Zhuyun calmed down at this moment, looked at his daughter carefully, and whispered: "Yiyi, your father seems to have troubles."

Li Yi couldn't see anything on her face, she just said: "If you have any difficulties, just wait for him to say it personally."

"Okay, I got out of the car to do something."

She got out of the car, hid in the front of the car, blinked fiercely and blinked the tears under her eyes.

I almost cried in front of my mother just now.

Li Yi didn't know why she wanted to cry. She was so old, so she was still looking forward to his father's arrival?

It seems that the impact of the original family is really difficult to eliminate.

It's just that no matter what the reason the man brought, the estrangement of more than two decades can not be eliminated in two or three sentences.

The taller and taller his image is in the eyes of Tian Haiguan disciple, the more capable it is, the more ironic it is for the mother and daughter who have never seen their lover after pregnancy or their father after birth.

Li Yi even regretted letting that person tell them in person.

If he said that he was for the sake of cultivation, for the so-called Tianhaiguan regulations, and to practice well in the routine routines of TV dramas, it would be better not to say it.

Compared to Li Zhuyun, who was obviously happy and looking forward to it, Li Yi was very indifferent in the next few days. It seemed that the fact that the uncle of Master Tianhai was her father did not have much impact on her. What should she do as usual, kill zombies and find The materials did not fall, but there were always a group of trail leaders with wooden swords and clean clothes around.

Tianhaiguan disciples: These are the daughters of Uncle Master and his elders. They must take care of the people before Uncle Master arrives.

I don't know if it was lucky, everyone saw the gate of the third base early in the morning of the third day.

The captain stood on the roof of the car and looked from a distance. He was overjoyed: "Yes, it is the third base, and there is a flag on it!"

"But why are there so many people at the door? What are you doing so lively?"

Li Yi followed, because she was so far away, she could only vaguely see that many people were indeed surrounded by the door.

Could it be that the market was set up?

It would be too messy to put a market at the door.

She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. She could only silently follow the captain and watch him order the whole team to move forward.

The car slowly drove towards the third base, and the captain stretched his head out the window, looking forward with some excitement, thinking that he could finally get a good night's sleep after the base.

But waiting to get closer, he suddenly discovered that those people standing at the door of the base seemed to be waving their hands and shouting.

It's getting closer and closer.

Voices from a distance also reached the ears of the convoy.

-"Don't come here!!! It's dangerous!!!"

There was a chill in everyone's mind, and the captain made a decisive decision: "Retreat!!!"

However, it was too late, and the quiet loess suddenly lifted up, revealing a piece of green underneath, and thick and long vines rose from the ground, waving towards the convoy.

The car was quickly entangled and couldn't move. When the disciples of Tianhaiguan saw that the situation was bad, they immediately opened the window and jumped out to try to fly with the sword.

However, before they could fly to a height beyond the reach of the vines, they were violently dragged to the ground.

"Use sword tactics!"

The disciples responded quickly to pinch the tactics, but the wooden swords entangled in the vines couldn't get rid of the shackles. They could only use their hands as the tactics, but very quickly, their hands were tied.

"Huo Jue!"

The fire spread and burned the vines that bound everyone clean. Before they could relax, the ice-bathed vines came online again.

Everyone: "..."

At this moment, most of the disciples were really helpless, and they were strictly tied up.

Yuan An avoided several attacks with his hand as a sword. Looking around, he finally remembered the uncle Shi's request in a hurry, took out the wooden talisman in his arms, and fell heavily to the ground.

--Snapped! !

The talisman made a heavy sound, and layers of white mist were almost immediately diffused from it, and then slowly, a protective cover was formed.

The vines that were exposed to the fog trembled violently, trying to break free, but they slowly melted after not being able to climb for a while. In the heavy fog, only the rescued people coughed violently.

"Everyone stand together!"

The reliable source bank immediately reminded loudly after discovering that the vines had been turned into place by the mist: "This is a miasma, which will let people see the illusion. The content of the illusion is something that has been experienced before. If you indulge in it, you will be hungry. Die in the miasma, don't indulge in it!"

This thing sounded very mysterious, and everyone hurriedly gathered together.

After the Tianhaiguan disciples had counted their own people, they hurried to find Li Zhuyun and Li Yi. Fortunately, they were quickly seen in the corner. Li Yi was holding her daughter in a whisper, and it seemed that she was not injured.

When they breathed a sigh of relief, the surrounding area suddenly shook.

The house collapsed, cracks appeared in the street, and everything around it was terrifying, almost like the end of the world.

Oh no, it seems to be the end of the world now.

In the exclamation of everyone, Yuan An was still calm: "This is an illusion, don't be afraid, we should be drawn into the illusion of someone present."

The first junior is a little scared: "Brother, will we indulge in the illusion and can't get out?"

Yuan An is very sure that it is impossible: "We have the cultivation base and determination, we cannot be drawn into the illusion. Since it is not our memory, we will not see familiar people. If we do not see, we will not. Addicted."

As soon as the voice fell, a figure appeared in the shaking of the earth.

Junior Brother: "...Brother, it's Uncle Shi... We actually saw Uncle Shi, is it going to be cold..."

Origin: "..."

Although the person standing in front of him is wearing school uniform, he looks a little less stern and more youthful than Uncle Shi, but he seems to be Uncle Shi.

Under what circumstances, is this illusion so powerful? Even the people of Tianhaiguan can break through so quickly?

Among the confused people, only Li Zhuyun stared straight at Ji Changze in the illusion, with an unbelievable look on his face.

" could it be..."

Li Yi spotted her mother's fault and looked at her strangely: "Mom? What's wrong?"

Li Zhuyun didn't answer, and Li Yi didn't need his mother's answer soon.

Because she actually saw her mother when she was young in the illusion in front of her.

Li Zhuyun, with a slightly convex lower abdomen, lay in the ruins, and above it was a huge and incomparably upturned stone. As long as it fell, it would immediately kill her.

However, she was unable to break free because of a coma, only closed her eyes tightly, her face pale due to blood loss, and blood was slowly dripping from her forehead. Even if she was in a coma, her hands were still subconsciously protecting her abdomen.

And above her, the young version of Ji Changze is propping up the stone with a strong hand that is completely inconsistent with her body shape.

His slender hands protruded because of the strong blue veins, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat, which shows how difficult it is for the other party to prop up this stone.

But even so, Ji Changze was still holding on tightly, with his other hand in the pinch posture, and his spiritual power was continuously transferred to the weakly aspirated Li Zhuyun.


When the sky thunder struck, Ji Changze seemed to be caught off guard. His figure shook, but he just gritted his teeth and continued to transport.

There was a voice next to her saying: "Her fate is to die today. If you forcefully save people, even if you lose your whole body spiritual power, it will not help you. It will only cause you to suffer the scourge, so stop quickly."

Yuan An, who was watching Duan next to him, was startled when he heard the voice: "Master?!"

It turned out that Uncle Shi said that Shizu saved his life under such circumstances.

He hurriedly continued to take a closer look, but he couldn't see the master's figure. He only saw the master uncle in the illusion and didn't listen to his advice. He just gritted his teeth and suffered the pain of the sky thunders on his body.

The feeble voice was full of determination:

"If you can save your wife and children, how about being condemned by God?"

The old man's voice asked again: "You finally got rid of the calamity of the sky thunder, and now you are doing it like this. Not only will you be backlashed, but you will also have to follow for several years, just for the one percent to save your wife and children. Is it really worth the little hope?"

Ji Changze's hands are still supporting the stone with the other hand, and the other hand is for Li Zhuyun's life.

Although blood was gradually overflowing in his mouth, his tone remained unmoved:

"worth it."

In the distance, with a glass of water, Du Suo carefully walked to the uncle Master who was looking down at the clouds: "Uncle Master, the disciples under the sect have dubbed so many voices before, why haven't I seen those dubbings used in the artifacts you gave? Where is it used?"

Ji Changze recalled the hard work of picking and kneading many dubbing voices together and finally forcibly putting together an old host voice, showing a gentle smile:

"you guess."