Chapter 302 Hou's Concubine (2)

Ji Changze is still very good at pretending to be dizzy, especially this group of people who are already weak. Not long after the young man panicked, an old doctor hurriedly came with the medicine box on his back.

At first glance, the doctor was raised in Ji's family, but in the memory of the original owner, no doctor had ever been left behind. Obviously, the wife beat the son who was raised under his knees, and worried about what happened to him, so she specially found a doctor to live with. Waiting anytime, anywhere in the mansion.

The doctor did not come for long, the curtain was lifted again, and the wife came.

Mrs. Ji is not a beautiful person, she can only be called a delicate look just by looking at her face, but she is graceful, and she has the grace that she has been taught since childhood. She is the most favorite mistress of the big family.

As soon as I came in and saw Ji Changze, who was gritted teeth and closed his eyes and fainted on the bed, Mrs. Ji's eyes flashed with worry, and she only asked the doctor: "Doctor He, what's wrong with Brother Nine? Why did she faint suddenly?"

Doctor He touched his beard: "The anger is attacking the heart."

"The Nine Young Masters in Fuzhong are already feverish, so they should be carefully raised. If you want the illness to stop recurring, you can meditate in the future."

The meaning of this is that Ji Changze himself is a patient who needs to be well taken care of, but he is still angry at this time. It can be seen that the patient's recuperation environment is not very good.

Madam Ji understood, and her anger rose from the bottom of her heart.

When she first married, she failed to grasp the authority of the housekeeper, and she also had a good experience of how the servants of the Hou Mansion stepped up and down. This time she beat Jiu Geer, for fear that the group of servants mistakenly thought that Jiu Geer was missing in front of her. Pet.

The wife banged the people in his room so that they could take good care of them. The kitchen even told him to boil the soup for the Jiu brother for twelve hours, and even though she gave birth to this child, she raised her under her knees. He's angry, but I feel relieved that he still feels distressed about his information.

In the end, Brother Jiu was only in bed for a few days. It was so good. He couldn't get out. She also told her not to let other people come to visit. As a result, she was able to faint with anger today.

This child has been out of temper since he was a child, and there is always something upset in his heart that has always been loudly yelled. If he can be forced to pass away, how much grievance is it going to be?

The wife immediately remembered the past that she had been hurt by some of the people in the mansion who stepped up and downed her popularity. When she looked at the people in the house who tremblingly lowered her head and dared not look at her, her eyes almost overflowed with coldness.

It's just that the outsider was still there, so she couldn't bear to send it out, and gave the money to the doctor.

Waiting for the doctor to leave, she lowered her face and turned to look at the servants in the room.

"Didn't I ask you to take good care of Brother Jiu? Yesterday, it was good, but today it is like this. You are looking at my wife who is not good at talking, right?!"

Knowing that his wife is usually peaceful, but in the matter of the eldest master and the ninth master, she has never been able to rub the sand. The little boy who was the first to open the door hurriedly knelt on the ground with a puff, and hurriedly tossed the pot:

"The madam is careful, how dare the younger ones take care of the nine brothers? Today, if the aunt came to visit the nine brothers, she didn't know what she said. The nine brothers let us go out to guard and follow him in the house. If the aunt was talking, waiting for the little one to hear the sound inside, when he opened the door and went in, Brother Nine had passed out."

Anyway, even if someone is really angry with Young Master Nine, it must have been done by the aunt, and it has nothing to do with them.

Like auntie?

Mrs. Ji didn't have a good impression of the aunt who she sent to her door, but because she was the sister of the birth mother of the nine brothers, she usually took care of it.

Brother Jiu has died early since he was a child, and the man in the house is a careless man. Most of his thoughts are placed on all kinds of beauties. To Brother Jiu, it is the same as to any cat or puppy. When I think of it, I am amused. , Put it aside if you can't remember it.

She thought that this child did not have a biological mother, and it would be nice to have a real aunt to be close to him, and she did not stop Ru auntie from wanting to be close to Jiu Geer after she entered the house.

What the hell did Auntie Ru tell this kid?

In Mrs. Ji's eyes, the child she brought up was the most playful and refreshing temperament, and he shouldn't hold back his breath and suffocate himself to the point of anger.

Since she was the aunt of Jiu Ge'er, Mrs. Ji still had to worry about the face of the child before she knew the truth. She put up her unhappy heart for the time being, and sat on the bedside to take care of Ji Changze.

After Ji Changze "woke up" pinching time, half an hour had passed, and Mrs. Ji never left, helping him wipe his hot forehead from time to time.

When I was wiping, I saw the child slowly opened his eyes, his eyelashes trembled, and when he saw her, his eyes were red, and he shouted: "Mother."

The grievance in the voice almost overflowed into the sky.

He even brought some choking: "I thought you don't want me anymore."

Originally thinking that the stern wife in front of him was flushed with these words, she couldn't be serious anymore, touched the head of the young boy in front of him, and said softly: "Why would my mother not want us nine? Brother, don't cry, you can't cry while you're sick."

Ji Changze was still full of grievances.

He is now thirteen years old. Although he can be considered as an age for ordinary people, and he has fallen into a good family, unless he is the eldest son who must be cultivated since he is a child to inherit the family property, he is still only in the eyes of the elders. Children.

Jin Zunyu was raised up from a young age, and suddenly suffered from the board, even if he had done something wrong, how could he resist not being wronged.

Seeing that he was about to cry, Mrs. Ji stubbornly resisted crying. She was distressed and helpless. She took the veil carefully handed by Tian Mo and gently wiped the tears on the boy's face.

"Changze, you were naughty in the past, and your reputation in the capital was not very good. Others think you are a dude. These are nothing. As long as you study well, you will be admitted to the fame in the future, and your elder brother will take care of you, you will still be good in the future. of."

"But you shouldn't, you absolutely shouldn't, to ruin the reputation of a good girl. She is a good girl, and she has suffered this innocent disaster. If you don't marry her, she can only die. You shouldn't go. Are you responsible?"

Ji Changze was still aggrieved and at a loss: "I like her very much, but if you are responsible, it's better to accept her as a concubine. Isn't her family just a seventh-rank official? Isn't there a seventh-rank official in his father's backyard? Auntie? Why can't I accept her as a concubine?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Ji cursed inwardly.

I knew that Brother Jiu wouldn't suddenly go to the playboy for no reason, but he didn't take any responsibility. It turned out that someone had broken him.

I was anxious, but in front of the child, Mrs. Ji could not say bad things about his father, she could only hold back this tone for a while, and whispered: "This is different. The Aunt Zhou you mentioned is her family. In order to please your father, I took the initiative and carried the small sedan into the door."

"The girl from the Zheng family didn't want to have anything to do with you. It was you who were drunk and held on to others, which ruined their reputation.

The Zheng family is a school of scholars and pays the most attention to reputation. This is because her family loves her. Otherwise, it is possible for her to die and preserve the family reputation if she is caught in the street by strange men like this. "

If Ji Changze is unwilling to marry, then it is considered that Miss Zheng's family loves her, and this world can force her to death.

Seeing that Ji Changze's face was still at a loss, as if she still didn't understand that he was just molesting. After teasing why the other party was getting married, Mrs. Ji was puzzled.

On the one hand, I knew that it was normal for this child to be spoiled since childhood and grow up to be ignorant. On the other hand, I was afraid that he really didn't take a life seriously.

If the child she raised by one hand has become his father's cold-hearted and unsympathetic temperament that does not treat women as human beings and only indulges in femininity, then she can really die of anger.

Simply cruel, he said cruelly: "Brother Nine, you have done the wrong thing. If you still don't know how to repent and remedy it, then your mother won't help you again."

Ji Jiajiu's brother seemed to be frightened, and he didn't know if he listened. Anyway, he was crying faintly.

He clenched his aunt's sleeves tightly and drew a promise: "Nine brothers and nine brothers listen to the mother's words, I am responsible, and I will marry Ms. Zheng."

"I will be obedient in the future. I won't go out to tease girls or go to the flower shop. I won't buy a fan or those antique jade and gold and silver bottles. Mother will ignore me."

It didn't seem like I knew it was wrong, but I was afraid that Madam Ji would no longer hurt him before agreeing.

Mrs. Ji's heart was softened, but she was not too harsh in this aspect, so she would teach it slowly in the future.

In the end, it was the child raised by herself, even if it looked crooked, she didn't think that the other person was so crooked in nature, but pushed all the mistakes on the child's father.

If it weren't for the other side to be a good example, let Jiu Ge'er see Yingying Yanyan in this yard since he was a child, this child would think that the girl he likes should be a concubine for him no matter whether he is a good girl or not. ?

The summary is that the child is good, but it is taken badly.

I can break it now, so I have to break it quickly.

Mrs. Ji no longer asks how rich and talented this young son raised by her knees can be. She only wants him to have a normal sense of responsibility and a sense of responsibility, so that he can distinguish between right and wrong.

As long as he doesn't grow up like his father, he is a good boy.

Mrs. Ji left, Ji Changze lay back, looking at the other side's back and leaving.

He closed his eyes and read the memory again.

Although Mrs. Ji loved the original owner, she immediately faced the enemy as soon as she noticed that the other party was crooked. Under her vigilance, the original owner would not crook so fast.

His long crookedness, in addition to the various instigation of his aunt, Ruyi Niang, also has credit for others.

It's true that Master Ji is the only child of the Hou Mansion, but the old lady above is not Master Ji's wife. Some people don't want Mrs. Ji to control the Hou Mansion, and her life goes smoothly.

Ji Changze went over the several people who were serving Mrs. Ji in his mind, and quickly locked on a person who often said plausible words in front of the original owner.

Mother Deli next to Mrs. Ji, Mama Liu.

Over there, when Mrs. Ji left Ji Changze's yard, her face immediately became angry. Mother Liu next to her saw it and hurriedly said: "Madam, don't be angry. Didn't Brother Jiu agree to marry Girl Zheng? It's still a bit unhappy to look at it now, but at least it's accepted."

"It's just that Brother Nine is so old and so ignorant. He's all sick. Yesterday I thought about buying a gold and silver bottle."

If Mother Liu said this in normal times, Mrs. Ji should frown, thinking that the child is not a lesson, and deducted his monthly money.

But today, when Mrs. Ji heard Mother Liu say this, the pitiful look of Ji Changze who was holding her sleeve tightly and refusing to let go immediately came to mind.

And he was said to be at a loss, not knowing where he was wrong, helpless and aggrieved.

She hadn't looked after him for two days, and the child who was sorely hurt by her hand could pass out of anger. It can be seen how fierce the Hou Mansion group is.

"Since I want to buy it, I will send someone to buy it back to him, lest the black-hearted group feel that he has fallen out of favor and go wrong."

Mother Liu's face stiffened.

The plot is wrong. A gold and silver bottle is expensive. Shouldn't the wife reprimand the young master for not repenting and just having fun?

She tentatively said: "Madam, that's the mistake this time"

Young Master Nine made a mistake, so he can't be punished and he will be fine, right? If she is not punished, how can she sow discord?

Mrs. Ji: "Yes, how can we not care about this mistake."

Mother Liu was overjoyed. Before she could see her eyes, she heard Mrs. Ji say: "It's all the master's fault. If it weren't for him, Brother Nine wouldn't be like that."

"Master is back, you tell me."

Mother Liu: "???"

Old, sir? ? ? ?

What's the matter with the master? Shouldn't you punish Young Master Jiu? ?

However, Mrs. Ji, who had finished speaking, hurriedly walked forward with anger.

Only Mother Liu stood in place, looking at the back of the other party's fading away.

At a loss and at a loss.