Chapter 314 Hou's Concubine (14)

Suddenly being hugged by her big legs, and there were all kinds of crying and begging beside her, Mrs. Ji was stunned before she looked down.

"Zhaoer? Yuaner? Huer?"

"What are you doing?"

Seeing that Mrs. Ji said their names without thinking at all, the combination of the three small white flowers in the backyard was even more certain that it was right to choose Mrs. Ji.

The master can't remember their names until now, they are still the people who used to look at the stars and the moon with his arms around them.

On the contrary, it was the madam, who looked coldly and indifferently on weekdays, but never deliberately treated one of them harshly.

Whether they are favored or out of favor, their treatment has not changed.

They all ask for life in the backyard. These girls don't foolishly think that they live a peaceful life after falling out of favor with Master Ji, who has forgotten them a long time ago.

The master is not as reliable as his wife.

"It's the servants, madam."

The little white flowers were crying with tears on their faces, and they looked very pitiful. Even if they were crying, they were soft and weak and pitiful.

Even if the wife is a woman, seeing this look, she still can't help but feel softened.

"You guys get up soon, what's the matter? Why are you crying like this all of a sudden?"

"Madam, the servants know that, the madam wants to reconcile with the master."

Little Baihua No.1 gently hugged Mrs. Ji's leg, and the cry was called one. I felt pity: "Since entering the mansion, the slave and maid have felt a lot of warmth and warmth. Only the lady has such a warmth, madam. It is the sky of the slave and the sun of the slave, and the slave and the slave are so sad when the thought of the lady is going to leave."

Ji Changze listened to the goosebumps, and Mrs. Ji was a little uncomfortable.

This trick of the little white flowers used to be directed at Master Ji. Master Ji likes this man, but Mrs. Ji always finds it strange to sound.

"Who do you guys say I want to leave?"

The little white flowers haven't spoken yet , Ji Changze leaned to his aunt's ear first, and whispered: "Big Brother and I both agree with you and leave."

Mrs. Ji froze and looked at the youngest son in surprise.

It's normal for her to be so surprised.

Even in modern times, children whose parents are divorced may be laughed at by classmates when they are young, let alone ancient times.

In ancient times, there were too few people who reconciled. If parents reconcile, even those who are older, have to face the strange sights and pointers of others.

Mrs. Ji has always endured Master Ji, not reconciling, just because of her two children.

As a result, Chang Yan and Chang Ze actually wanted to make her reconcile.

At time, she had mixed feelings in her heart, and she didn't know what to say.

But even if he didn't speak , tears still fell on his face first.

When I finally spoke, my voice was trembling: "Changze, do you guys really think I can reconcile?"

"What the mother said , husband and wife can get together if they are not in harmony. This is what your majesty said personally, no way."

Ji Changzeyi's face "went to the vegetable market and bought a cabbage" plain expression: "My eldest brother and I can already take care of ourselves, even if we don't rely on the Hou Mansion. When the time comes, mother and Li, we will all go with you ."

As I said, I added the last sentence: "My aunt treats me like a as my own son, so my uncle's family must also accommodate our two brothers. "

The tears on Mrs. Ji's face were even more fierce.

"Do you really want to go with me?"

"It will be difficult."

Parents and Li, if their children are over ten years old, they can choose whether to follow their mother or their father.

But most of the parents and the separated children will choose to follow the father.

First comes, fathers have more rights and income, and second, if married daughters live together and leave, it will be difficult.

One some people who love their daughters may still be willing to take the girl back, but one some people are afraid to live with their daughter who has left, and others will think that their girl is not good , Will reconcile and leave, so she refused to live with her daughter

Let's not mention those who do not allow their married daughters to live in their natal families, but only those who are willing to bring their daughters back. Parents are willing to raise their daughters for the rest of their lives, and older brothers and younger brothers may also be willing.

But the sister-in-law and sister-in-law may not be willing.

After all, there is no blood relationship. Not many people are willing to come back and ask elder brothers and sisters-in-law to support her.

In this case, it is even more difficult to bring children.

There is another point, it's not easy to remarry with a child. Even if you remarry, a man marries a wife, and a woman dare not treat his original child badly, but if a woman remarries with a child, the other party can be different Will see other people's children pleasing to the eye.

Under the patriarchal society , coupled with the oppression of women by this feudal dynasty, women are lied, and it is rare to take their children away.

The children also know that following their mother is not as easy as following their father, and will become a drag on the mother, so there are not many choices to live with their mother.

But Ji Changze and Ji Changyan didn't think so.

Ji Changze said: "My brother and I knew that my mother didn't want to stay here a long time ago, just to make a bet. Now my brother is ill and I have grown up, so my mother doesn't have to suffer this kind of suffering anymore."

"Yes, but if you follow me, your reputation"

Compared with unfilial mothers, in officialdom, unfilial fathers are always more serious .

"It's okay. Throughout the ages, in most cases of Heli, the reputation of women has been damaged, but we want our mother to be the minority ."

Ji Changze calmly patted Mrs. Ji's back: "Mother don't have to worry, I all have my eldest brother, and we are here, mothers only need to calm down , take care of life. The body will do."

Mrs. Ji hesitated for a few seconds, never daring to let her children take risks.

Ji Changze slowly said: "Mother, you still rely on so much to become our brother years."

"It's time, and it's time for you to rely on us."

Mrs. Ji stared at the child raised by her for a while, she laughed.

There were still tears in his eyes, but his face was full of total trust and relaxation.

She slowly said, "Okay, my mother believes you."

The little white flowers below listened carefully to what they said heard that Ji Changyan and Ji Changze were going to follow, and they were more convinced of their choice.

One all were cautious: "Madam, you take us away, please, we don't need anything, as long as there is food, please madam."

Although it was indeed going to be reconciled, Mrs. Ji was still at a loss looking at the concubines who were kneeling on the ground and begging to take them away.

I have only heard of husband and wife and separation, the wife took the child away.

How could it be possible for a husband and wife to leave, and the wife took the concubine away as well as ?

"You are the master's concubine, even if I reconcile with the master, you should follow the master."

"no no!"

When the concubines heard that Mrs. Ji did not want to take them, they panicked and hurriedly cried.

"Madam, although the slaves and concubines are grandfathers and concubines, they have entered the backyard by themselves. A has always been a lady taking care of the slaves, and the slaves are grateful to the lady for her kindness, and the slaves are more willing to serve the wife than to serve the master. "

"Please madam take us along , we must repay Madam well."

Mrs. Ji really didn't understand what happened.

Although she knows that Master Ji is cold-hearted and cold-hearted, she is married back in the end, with the Zhou family as the mother-in-law of the backer.

Master Ji's scumbags couldn't help but put three points away in front of her.

But facing these concubines, who were mostly ordinary identities and even brought back from Hualou, he knew that Master Ji was a person.

It's just that he is still the eldest son of the Hou Mansion. If he were an ordinary family, he would have defeated the industry a long time ago.

And after the industry was defeated, he would definitely sell them.

Some of them have children, and some have no children, but whether they have children or not, it is clear to everyone what is being sold.

If the innocent body is sold, she might still be a concubine, or she might be a prostitute in a flower shop.

But once a concubine and then sold by the master, no one is willing to give them a serious name, their next 100% of the game is transferred to and transferred, and then the last person is tired of playing Sell ​​them to the kiln.

One life passed so miserably.

These concubines can see clearly that when Mrs. Ji is there, they still have a sense of security. After all, Mrs. Ji will not let Master Ji be so excessive.

But if it is peaceful.

Do evil! ! !

Then they are not the concubines guarded by the mistress of the house, one all of them are not like the little cock .

As long as Master Ji is slightly unhappy, their lives will be sad.

Thinking of this, a concubine wept in tears: "Madam, concubine knows that concubine has no qualifications to ask for madam, but madam also hugged fifteen girls. Madam left this mansion, who else would be true? I feel sorry for the fifteen girl. The master always drinks two glasses of wine. If someone else says something, and if you give him something to be obedient, he is willing to marry his daughter to that person."

"In the past there was a wife who stopped me, and they will see what kind of person the future husband-in-law of the girl in the mansion is like, whether it is worth entrusting, and confirming that there is no problem, will the girl be married, but in the future, the wife will not be there, how about the girls? The master alone has the final say."

"With the master's temperament, the concubine is afraid that the only flesh and blood of the concubine will be married to a swinger."

This kind of thing happened before. Master Ji didn't care much about his sons, and naturally he didn't care much about his daughters.

Before, he had a friend who was a friend of a friend who asked to marry his daughter, and he really agreed.

That guy is more than forty , about the same as Master Ji big, ugly long, the first daughter of the family, the first daughter of the family a lot, wife I just passed away and couldn't wait to marry a younger one, a a fifteen-year-old girl.

If this is replaced by someone else seeing such a person who has the face to beg his own daughter, he would have been fighting with a big stick long ago.

Master Pianji was a heartless, unconscious mind, and was dizzy by being filled with alcohol, so he promised to come , and heard the other party call out his father-in-law several times.

Even the engagement tokens were given. The next day I woke up from the wine and didn't think it was a problem. I ran to Mrs. Ji's room and asked her to prepare for the marriage.

An angry Mrs. Ji directly chased him and ran the yard with the wooden stick that patted the quilt.

Seeing that Master Ji was still unwilling to marry a daughter, Mrs. Ji could only discuss with the girl's biological mother handedly marry the child to a military attache.

Although the military attache's rank was low, it was Mrs. Ji's subordinate there was absolutely no problem with his character, and he was willing to fight hard and was young, so he might not be promoted in the future.

The girl's biological mother also knew the importance and banged her head several times at Mrs. Ji. Thanks to Dade's advice to her daughter, she hurried to marry her.

When Master Ji reacted, the girls were married to other people's homes.

He blows his beard and stares, but he can't say anything. In a large family, it is the mistress's business to whom the concubine marries and how to manage the marriage.

Mrs. Ji marryed people out without breaking the rules at all, but Master Ji tried to marry his daughter to year-old wife and children a a lot of people, this matter He was ignorant of all the troubles.

Master Ji could only give up in anger, and went to the friend to apologize and apologize. That friend still wanted the rest of the girls in the Hou Mansion, but the remaining girls were too young, so he too Not too much.

After this incident, Mrs. Ji took a look and hid all the birthdates of the girl in the mansion in her room, completely eliminating the possibility of Master Ji hiding the girl from her to someone else's house.

The concubines in the backyard saw this clearly, and they respected the mistress more and more.

They didn't see clearly the situation like auntie.

Master Ji's harem team is very large, but there is no higher status.

Like the little white flower group who just hugged Mrs. Ji and wept, they are the type of white lotus that was brought back when they sold their bodies to bury their father.

Green tea, tactful, hot-tempered. Spicy, gentle-tempered, can embroider, paint, dance, and play the piano.

Master Ji is the same as collecting stamps. Anyway, they are all collected clearly.

He also has an admiring vision, and he doesn't look down on those who are not talented.

That is to say, auntie, who sold herself to come in, and deliberately seduce, and then successfully entered the backyard.

After that, he relied on being the aunt of Jiu Geer, and looked down upon them and the concubines, and even looked down on his wife.

They often laugh at each other's lack of brains in their hearts.

Why does Brother Jiu have such a respected position in this backyard? Naturally, it was not because of the master who had never put his mind on his children.

That's because the wife took Jiu Ge'er as her own child to raise, and the whole backyard treats Jiu Ge'er with respect.

Going to cheer up with the nine brothers but offends the madam, this is not a brainless thing.

To be honest, it's not really that there is only such a in the entire backyard.

But Master Ji's backyard is too dangerous. Mrs. Ji is also unable to get involved in many aspects. Those who are sensitive, fragile and vulnerable are all in Master Ji's various godsSickness, death, death.

Also sent out a part.

Wasn't the only king who survived ?

Auntie Ru is fortunate that Mrs. Nine took special care of her before, otherwise her temper would have been cold.

Today, these clever concubines are also as always, they can see the way forward.

According to common sense, the more the concubine who has children, the more they have to stay in the Hou Mansion for the sake of their children. After all, the young master girl in the Hou Mansion is definitely better than the reputation of Mrs. Ji and concubines and concubines from Heli.

But, Master Ji is too poisonous!

Leaving the child in the mansion is no different from suicide.

The concubine may be hated, refer to the jealous brother Jiuer before, the master beat him with a big stick, forcing him not to move forward.

The concubine may be given away, referring to the previous 15-year-old girl who was almost given to a 40-year-old middle-aged man.

In this situation, Mrs. Ji is their only life-saving straw.

For their children, even if they were begging for nothing, they asked Mrs. Ji to take them to a to get up.

"The concubine knows the dilemma of the lady, and the concubine can't ask the lady, madam, madam, this this concubine's life has been a thing in the hands of others, and the concubine recognizes it, but the child of the concubine is only that old. , The concubine just wants to let her grow up safely, please pity your wife, please beg your wife, please beg your wife."

The concubine said and started to kowtow.

It can be seen that she is very sincere.

After a while, his forehead was full of bruises, and the blood stained his head.

Mrs. Ji couldn't bear it, but her reason told her again.

I've never heard of which Heli is the wife who took her concubine and concubine and concubine and concubine one to get up.

It's normal to bring your own children and the children raised by you.

It's barely possible to take a concubine.

But with concubines and concubines?

how can that be?

Ji Changze seemed to be unbearable by the side: "Mother, they look so pitiful, why don't you take them away too?"

When the concubines heard him begging for mercy, their faces suddenly showed hope, and they looked at Madam Ji hopefully.

Cautiously: "Mrs."

Mrs. Ji hesitated for a few seconds: "What reason did I use to take away? I have never heard of anyone who can take away concubines."

Ji Changze immediately came up with an idea:

"It's not difficult. I have never seen the mistress and the concubine away from Li Dai, but they can escape into the empty door, bring their hair to practice, and then practice and live with their mother."

This is indeed a way.

Many ladies and departed ladies will choose to bring hair to practice.

Said it is to practice with hair, in fact, it is just to find someone who does not marry from the beginning, after all, how can you marry after you have practiced with hair.

After taking the hair to practice, a dharma name will be given. In the future, others will be called xx lay persons.

You can eat meat when you practice with hair. In addition to wearing Taoist gowns in daily life, the rest is no different than usual. You can still go to parties and go shopping with a close friend in your boudoir .

When Mrs. Ji wanted to reconcile and leave, she had also imagined that she could bring her hair into practice in the future.

She has already suffered a marriage, and she definitely doesn't want to do it again.

Seeing that Mrs. Ji started to move, Ji Changze tried hard to encourage him next to him: "Moreover, I usually choose a relatively secluded place. If you don't want to marry again, mother, you must bring your hair to practice. It's really boring to be aperson at a time, even if there are slaves and maidservants."

"But if you have them with you, it won't be the same . With so many people, it will be a lot of fun."

Hearing that Ji Changze was speaking for them, these concubines were not fools, and they hurriedly worked hard to show their strengths.

"Madam, the maidservant has been learning the piano for more than ten years. You will bring your servant by your side, and the servant will play the piano with you day and night. It will definitely not make you bored."

"The concubine is not by her side, but she dances well, madam, the concubine dances for you every day."

"Concubine, concubine can understand characters, concubine can accompany his wife to reciting poems and composing fu."

"The concubine can paint, especially the beautiful picture, the concubine can paint for the wife, please take the concubine ."

"Slaves, slaves"

A a poor little white flower who only sells miserable pretends. Seeing that everyone else has talents, but he doesn't have it, so he can't do it in a hurry, and squeezes out a pitiful sentence:

"The slave and maid are the best at coaxing people. A Dinghong's wife is happy every day."

Good guys.

Ji Changze next to called a good fellow in his heart.

Master Ji, where is the harem, this is simply an art fair.

Mrs. Ji was really moved.

to be honest.

Everyone present knows that these concubines have no background and have been married. They can only depend on others in this life.

In the past, they depended on Master Ji and Mrs. Ji, but now Mrs. Ji wants to separate their families, they can only choose one of the two to depend on.

In such an era, as long as they follow a to practice, they will never betray Mrs. Ji, and will always treat Mrs. Ji as the first to serve.

I have to say that Mrs. Ji doesn't really like coldness.

When she was not getting more and more cold and not letting these concubines come to please her, at that time, every time the concubines came to please her, it was a feast for Mrs. Ji.

After all, Master Ji had a pretty good eye, and all of his concubines were beautiful.

And they are not very old.

One all young and lively little girls of various personalities get together, you start to eat, and all of them collectively right Mrs. Ji was pleased in every possible way.

On the premise of not loving Master Ji , Mrs. Ji once liked to ask these concubines to come for tea, chat and gossip.

Sometimes after clearing the warehouse, she will take out some fabric jewelry that she doesn't fit to wear and give them to them, watching them happily holding it up.

They are still little girls.

Mrs. Ji looked at the eyes full of expectation, gritted her teeth and agreed to come: "Okay!"

"If you are willing to take it to practice, I will take you with you."

Hearing her promise, all the beauties cried with joy, and the scene turned into a feast of beauty for a while.

The concubine can be taken away for the reason of cultivating hair, but the concubines and concubines are not easy to handle.

These concubines and concubines would still be called Mrs. Ji's a sound aunt before they reconciled.

But after he left, it became clear that the two sides had nothing to do with each other.

Even if they were willing to follow along, Mrs. Ji couldn't really unreasonably take away the surviving ex-husband.

She was very distressed.

Ji Changze volunteered:

"Mother, it's okay, let my eldest brother and I take care of this. You can just clean up your dowry list."

What can Changze and Changyan do?

Mrs. Ji was puzzled, but she chose to trust her two children.

After Mrs. Ji left with a group of Yingyingyanyan, Ji Changze slowly reached the front yard.

His brothers live over there.

The concubines all live in the backyard.

As soon as opened the door, he saw that the yard was full of people.

There are big and small, the biggest one looks only a little smaller than Ji Changyan, but compared to Ji Changyan, who looks calmly, his face is shivering and is full of inferiority.

The other young ones are all about the same .

Master Ji didn't care about these sons, and he didn't let Mrs. Ji take care of them. After all, Mrs. Ji was in charge of the backyard and could only treat these children with clothes and food.

But they grew up under the indifference of Master Ji , the people in the mansion people know that the master doesn't care about them, and they don't show respect to them.

In the mansion, only the eldest son and the eldest young master and the nine young masters who were raised by the wife could be treated with care by them.

In such an environment grows up, it is definitely impossible for them to be more confident.

Even some seven or eight-year-olds are illiterate.

Ji Changze was a little surprised.

He remembered that Mrs. Ji had invited someone to teach these concubine young masters.

Seeing the doubt on his younger brother's face, Ji Changyan didn't lower his voice, and said in a very flat tone: "The gentleman offended his father and was sent away by him. After that, the father did not say to his mother. He only asked the accountant. Keep billing."

Ji Changze: "What about Mr. Accountant's monthly money?"

Ji Changyan: "He was taken by his father."

Ji Changze: "Tsk."

I'm not surprised at all.

Master Ji, if you want to say that he is a real sword the evil of stabbing someone to death, that's not it.

He is a disgusting person and does not care about the life and death of those around him.

It was as if he was going to give away that concubine, and the concubine almost died by hanging, and he didn't see any regret or guilt.

He still felt wronged in his heart.

After all, he "only" gave away his concubine, and he didn't hang the person on the white silk. Even if he died, it would be the other party's suicide.

This is Master Ji's thinking logic.

Under his logic of thinking , there was such a a large number of a fine-quality bastard.

And the concubine who has no confidence or guts is a good deal.

Compared with Ji Changze, who was young and looked free, Ji Changyan, the eldest brother who was once a road test, and whose prestige in his house surpassed his father's degree, is for these concubine children. Absolutely superior.

He said to be quiet, he didn't dare to say anything staring at his eldest brother full of fear and admiration, quietly waiting for to speak.

Ji Changyan was sitting on a chair with a fire in front of him, so he stretched out his pale hand to warm the fire above the fire.

He has just recovered from a serious illness, and his body is still a bit weak for other people. The weather is not cold now, but he needs to warm up to keep his body temperature.

It was such a a relaxed attitude, but he said the words that made all the younger brothers except Ji Changze suddenly stare:

"You will leave the pulse of your father tomorrow."

His words used affirmative sentences, not negotiation.

The bastards are all messed up .

Under their bewildered and confused eyes , Ji Changyan came slowly sentence: "I and Changze also leave."

The words come out, the concubines who were still flustered just now feel that they are all settling in is coming.

In any case, the elder brother, who will definitely benefit more than them by his father's side, is willing to leave, and the fear in their hearts is always less

Ji Changyan didn't care about what these bastard brothers thought.

He only cared about his mother and Changze, and the rest, whether it was his father's concubine or those concubines, were just passers-by.

If it hadn't been for Changze to take them along, he wouldn't care about them.


Ji Changyan's gaze flicked across the faces of these younger brothers who looked more or less similar to him.

Nagasawa also has the right reason.

It is always harder to fight alone. Since there are so many ready-made helpers available, it is better to train them and use the power as a side support.

"In the future, you will follow me as your eldest brother. I will send you to the college to study, take the imperial examination, help you marry wives and have children, and pave the way for you."

Seeing all of these concubine's eyes all hope, Ji Changyan added a sentence at the end: "The premise of these is that you must be separated from your father pulse."

So they hesitated again.

A a teenager who seemed to be only fifteen or sixteen years old said cautiously: "Brother, if we do this, over there in the ancestral hall"

"We are separated from the father, not from the clan, they will not say much ."

Out of the line of the father, but not out of the clan

These young boys are all dumbfounded. Isn't this sentence conflicting?

Ji Changze understood.

His eldest brother is more decisive and resolute than he thought.

"Big brother means that we break away from our father's line and stand on our own branch. From the big brother, in the future our offspring will be in our self-reliant Support it."

Ji Changze sat next to Ji Changyan and raised his legs: "You also grew up in the Hou Mansion. You should also know what your father is and how good your eldest brother is. Should you follow your father or your eldest brother? Think about it yourself."

One a concubine hesitated and said: "But big brother, you, if you leave the Marquis, you will be noble."


Ji Changyan sneered a sound: "The title of the Marquis has also been laid down from generation to generation. You are all the sons of the right years. How can you not have the courage to call your own title? You have to wait Others give charity."

"It's nothing more than charity, father's virtue, are you sure to stay in the mansion and get the title?"

He has no ill feelings towards these concubine brothers, but he has no good feelings either.

Even if he really wanted the title from his father, he would only give it to Changze.

What about the father making so manychildren, in his heart, only Nagasawa is the brother of flesh and blood.

He didn't want to care about these little brothers who were almost dragged into the mud by his father, but Chang Ze was right.

Rather than watching them go into the mud together, it is better to personally send them to a beautiful future. When that time, their sons will have a bright future, and only the father are struggling in the mud.

This is the best way to vent your anger to your mother.

Seeing that the younger brothers were still hesitating, Ji Changyan stood up directly: "The words I have finished speaking. Whether to follow your father or follow me, you decide for yourself."

"There is only one chance. I have chosen it. Even if I regret it, I won't admit it."

Standing at his head, you can't go on even if you die.

If he stood on his father's side, even if he regretted kneeling in front of him and begged, he would not relent.

Ji Changze was still urging these concubine brothers there.

"Don't hesitate, elder brother is so powerful, he is willing to take you better than in this mansion."

"Look, my father is not even willing to invite you a scholar. If he doesn't study, his life will be over!"

"Have you ever hugged you once when your father grew up? Where is you in his eyes."

"Old ten, you forgot that your sister was almost married to a man over 40? If you stay in the mansion and your sister has an accident in the future, how can you keep her?"

The concubine, who was ranked tenth among males, really moved: "But, sister seventeen, isn't she going to stay in the mansion?"

"What stay, if she wants to stay, she will also go, don't you know, your biological mother will also go, oh yes, your biological mother must go, you must follow your mother Going out of the house to bring hair to practice, if you don't believe it, go back and ask them."

Ji Changyan walked out of the yard. Seeing that his brother hadn't come with him, he turned around and shouted "Changze, go."

Ji Changze, who hadn't brainwashed them, immediately shut up, and turned around and said : "Hey, here comes the big brother, I'll come right away."

One ran out, and one did not forget the last sentence: "You are all grown up too, think about it for yourself, whether you are staying with your biological mother and sister or staying alone In the Hou Mansion, I will live a whole life of being trapped in the small yard in the future. Anyway, I only mentioned you for the sake of my brother's field."

"If there are those who can't make up their minds, think about the way your father looks at you."

The last sentence can be said to be a hit.

Although Master Ji was sowing everywhere, he just created so many concubines for himself.

But he doesn't like raising children. After all, the children belong to him. If he doesn't care, the children will not grow well.

The children did not look well, and he disliked it again.

All the there are concubines, many many all have been seen by Master Ji with that kind of disgusting vision.

The only one I haven't seen is that his mother fell out of favor before giving birth to him, and Master Ji made a message not to let him attend the Chinese New Year banquet.

So he grew up so big that he had never seen his father.

One one way is to still live with your biological mother and sister, you can read and read, you can take the imperial examination and set foot on officialdom. The eldest brother is willing to take them with them, and many

One road is to stay in the Hou Mansion, still living the previous life, under the contempt of his father, he will be utterly unwilling for a lifetime.

The older concubines all gritted their teeth determined.

Younger ones still don't understand and dare not make any decisions.

But it doesn't matter, their mother will not be reluctant to leave them alone in this cold Hou Mansion.

Master Ji drank the evening wine came back, and just opened the yard door, two swords crossed his neck.

Master Ji: ""

Ji Changyan Ji Chang Zeyi pointed his sword at his father.

Mrs. Ji slowly walked forward and placed He Lishu in front of Master Ji, and said lightly : "Signed the Helishu, one don't be wide."

Master Ji: "Heli? Don't think about it, I won't"

Ji Changyan's sword directly hit his neck, and the blood shed , Master Ji looked up blankly and met the indifferent sight of the eldest son.

Master Ji: "Sign, sign, and leave, and leave. What's so great? When is driven out by your natal family, I'll wait you cry and beg me. "

Although he was screaming fierceness on his mouth, he was very happy to sign for the sake of his life. He didn't need inkpad to press his handprints, and he just touched the blood on his neck.

The three of them didn't delay when they got the book and left the book, so they turned around and left.

Master Ji was angry, aggrieved, and aggrieved.

Yelled at the back: "Peace and leave will leave! I have countless concubines! Am I sending you such a a woman!"

"And you two Nizi!! Nizi!!! I have so many sons, not bad for you two!!! Go with her!!!"

Ji Changze raised his sword and waved his hand: "Don't worry, father, let's get out of here."

Master Ji: ""

Really one get up and go.

When I first signed, I was too scared and didn't pay attention to whether the other party was bringing children or not.

He quickly became angry again.

"Let's go! Oh! Let's go! Let's all go! Tomorrow I will marry a new, young, and beautiful lady, and give me a son!!"

But it was really hard to hide the anger, and it felt like dreaming, and wanted others to condemn the heinous behavior of these three people.

He decided to talk to his concubine.

As a result, the door was opened, and the entire yard was empty and silent.

Master Ji: ""

He went to the front yard of the concubine again, and it was still empty.

Sitting on the ground blankly for a long time, Master Ji failed to react.

Why, how can the wife and li, take away his concubines and concubines?