Hou's Concubine (23) (How to quickly defeat the scumbag )

 At the request of Ji Changze, a literati who was hiding at home and did not dare to go out was dragged abruptly into his yard.

  Facing a group of soldiers with serious expressions and covered in armor, he stiffened and really didn't know how to react.

  Reason tells him that he has done nothing recently.

  But emotionally... Seeing so many men full of ill-will, just throwing out a golden armored soldier who could kill him in minutes stood there without saying a word, how could he not be afraid.

  The sound of the water sounded, and the golden armored soldiers all showed disgust on their faces.

  "Yo!! Why are you standing still, what are you looking at?"

  Ji Changze's dangling voice came from behind, and the golden armored soldiers immediately separated.

  The young master of the Ji family was full of arrogance, and walked in swaggeringly.

  When he saw the situation on this man, his face also showed disgust.

  "I think you are so bold and dare to offend the young master. I didn't expect it to be like this. They haven't done it yet. Are you scared to pee?"

  The literati was really frightened.

  The bottom of the pants were all water stains, and the scene didn't look good for a while.

  His face was pale and panicked, and when Ji Changze came out and said such a thing, the golden armored soldiers around him were all respectful again, and he immediately understood that this was the principal.

  "This, this son, you and I don't know each other, how did I offend you?"

  He also knew that people came to the door to settle accounts. He didn't dare to say anything else, so he could only ask cautiously, "Is there any misunderstanding?"

  "No misunderstanding, it's you who hit me!"

  Ji Changze was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, he took a step back and waved his hand.

  "Call me!!"

  "Don't kill it!"

  The golden armored soldiers stepped forward one after another, but the big guys still disliked the urine stains on his body, even if they beat him, they avoided it.

  So although this guy was beaten and screamed again and again, he was relieved.

  Then I don't know which little clever ghost found a sack and threw it on him.

  The golden armored soldiers had no scruples, and no longer held their hands and started fighting directly.

  In the background of screams, Ji Changze pushed open the door and went out, leaning against the door and yawning, the people living in the courtyard opposite the door may have heard the movement, and curiously and timidly, they carefully protruded their heads from the wall.

  Ji Changze glanced at the old lady and smiled: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here to visit someone I know."

  The old lady was frightened and ran back like a rabbit.

  Ji Changze didn't care either, he just waited patiently.

  The time he spent on this visit was not very long. After the visit was over, the literati who was visited had already been beaten and screamed, and he had no strength.

  The aunt next door heard that there was no movement, so she cautiously climbed up the wall and tried to stretch her neck to see.

  When the literati saw the neighbors, he hurriedly shouted: "Reporter!! Express Announcer!!!"

  He is usually bitter and mean, and he has always looked down on his illiterate neighbors. His relationship with the old lady was not very good. In addition, it is very chaotic outside. How dare people go around.

  So the old lady just glanced at him, and determined that the gang of soldiers were really here to make trouble, and she shrank back again, no matter how frantic the literati called outside, she didn't show up again.

  After beating this guy, Ji Changze was relieved.

  At this moment, the street was no longer as quiet as before, and the golden armored soldiers began to give medicine to the patients.

  Because all the patients were found, and there were so many patients along the way, those patients who still had strength were afraid that they would be pushed over to the fire, and they were too afraid.

  Some were frightened into a puddle of ooze, and some simply broke down and shouted and struggled, and the scene was a mess.

  The Golden Armored soldiers were expressionless, and only shot directly when someone was making too much trouble.

  Along the way, the screams were repeated, and those who didn't know thought that these golden armored soldiers were villains.

  Ji Changze simply dismounted.

  "Forget it, it's too much trouble, just choose an open place to boil the medicine, let those patients line up to drink the medicine, rest in place after drinking the medicine, and let them go home by themselves when the fever subsides."

  They are afraid because they are afraid of being locked up in a strange place that no one knows about.

  It is better to give it directly on the spot.

  The Golden Armored Soldiers also felt that this was a good solution, but there was a problem.

  "Master Ji, those imperial medicine doctors will only cook small pots."

  This medicine is not really something that can be made by putting it all at once. You have to watch the heat and the like, plus the stirring of the medicinal materials.

  This method is different from ordinary Chinese medicine. Ji Changze's original, those imperial doctors can learn to boil medicine in a small pot, it is very good, where can they upgrade themselves.

  "Then go and tell His Majesty and see if I can make it through. I'm fine anyway."

  Ji Changze took the initiative to work, how could the emperor not allow it.

  In my heart, I added a good feeling note that "this child must want to share my worries and then take the initiative to do things", and ordered the super cauldron used by the Tai Hospital to be sent to Ji Changze.

  The medicinal materials were poured into the sack by sack, and the water was poured in bucket by bucket. At this moment, he couldn't care about anything else. Ji Changze didn't do it himself, stepped on the temporarily built ladder, and instructed the two golden armored guards to stir.

  The firewood also burned, and the water in the burning pot was bubbling.

  The Golden Armored Guards were instructed to divert these patients and send them to the cauldron.

  Hu Dayi's heart sank all of a sudden.

  They naturally felt that something was wrong with them, and after being brought out by the golden armored soldiers, they found that the people next to them who were brought out also had the same symptoms, and they suddenly panicked one by one.

  "How long has he been sick?"

  Some dared to resist for a time or two and then got caught, while others only dared to walk tremblingly, crying pitifully.

  These patients were all in a frenzy.

  I didn't know what to do when the outside was suddenly closed.

  Hu Dayi's ears were sharp, and he could hear the words of the soldier in front clearly.

  Jin Jiabing really went to the back and went to his father. When he walked to the front, he saw the baby in the arms of Hu Dayi's sister-in-law, and his face became solemn.

  The expressions of the Hu Da family suddenly changed.

  From time to time, the golden armored soldiers in front can be heard scolding: "Hurry up, drink so slowly, the people behind you don't drink? Go over there and sit there after drinking, wait until the red spots on your body have subsided and fever, and then go home by yourself after the examination."

  The family had no choice, and they had no money to hire a doctor. They could only use local methods to treat him, and then tied his father up so that he would not scratch his face.

  The golden armored soldiers who were patrolling around heard the sound and came over, and there was no impatient look on their faces: "What?"

  The Golden Armor took a look.

  As a result, I cried and cried, and was not sent to the small dark room, but was taken to the place where I usually go to the market.

  The most famous is Emperor Tian Yuan a hundred years ago.

  After all, it is a quick medicine. The idea is to stop the condition of the body as quickly as possible. The medicine is ferocious, the child is fine, and the baby is weak.

  Later, his father suddenly fell ill.

  Jin Jiabing pulled away the baby's swaddling clothes and looked at her rash on her shoulders, frowning, "Children can take this medicine, but babies don't seem to be able to take it."

  "Hurry up, don't waste time, this is medicine, do you think this is lunch today?! Hurry up!"

  "My lord, this lord."

  It is indeed an old man with a pale face, a tragic state of death if he does not take medicine.

  "Is this child also sick?"

  How could they not panic after realizing it was an epidemic.

  The golden armored soldiers walking in front were raising their voices and saying, "Don't always think about running and running, this medicine is for you to treat. The medicinal materials that His Majesty bought with his own money will not cost you a penny. Take yours."

  As a result, within two days, his body also started to itch.

  Epidemic, the higher-ups do not want to hear this word, and the common people below do not want to hear it.

  Everyone in the family, including his newborn niece, has those red spots on their bodies.

  Hearing that no money was charged, many of the people standing were relieved.

  "My lord, my father has been sick for several days, and today is a little bit bad. He is quite late in the queue, can I change my position with my father, let him drink the medicine first, and I will go to the back. "

  I can't get up, I can only lie on the bed and cry itching.

  As a result, the whole family was stunned.

  In the air, there is a medicinal smell.

  They also guessed that those medicines were for curing diseases, and they had been worried that they had no money.

  He knew he was sick a few days ago.

  The disease is contagious.

  The empty place was almost full of people, and there were golden armored soldiers and people who were just as helpless as them.

  At that time, Hu Dayi felt that something was wrong. He took advantage of the fact that he was wiping his father's body. The acne and red spots on his father's body were the same as those on his own.

  A large number of strips of cloth were brought over, and the black cloth was divided into small pieces and tied around each patient's arm.

  Hu Dayi's sister-in-law was timid and couldn't say anything when he stumbled. It was his eldest brother who hurriedly replied boldly: "Yes, yes, the little girl is also ill. She had a rash on her body yesterday."

  They generally do not have the money to buy medicines to see a doctor, nor do they have enough time and food to support them in bed, and the final result of contracting the disease is often the closure of the city and everyone waiting to die together.

  The relaxation and the rest of the life made many people kneel on the ground and kowtow in gratitude in the direction of the imperial city. Hu Dayi pretended to be slow and did not kneel down.

  He kept looking back and vaguely saw his father leaning on his eldest brother. He was so anxious that he dared to whisper:

  Even the emperor had no choice but to die from the disease.

  "Five days, it's been five days. I can't get out of bed for several days. When I woke up today, my whole body was groggy and I couldn't walk on the road. Look, my lord, I didn't lie to you. The one behind me was me. father."

  He immediately told the family about the incident.

  At first, there were only some erythema on his body, but although he was young, he usually helped his parents and brothers with physical work.

  But next to him were the golden armored soldiers covered in weapons, even if these people were so anxious that they wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy, there was nothing they could do.

  The Golden Armored Soldier looked a little better.

  "Everyone is in line, no one is allowed to jump in the line, stand up."

  Hu Dayi burst into tears with joy, tears all over his face all of a sudden, he hurriedly knelt down and thanked: "Thank you sir, thank you sir!"

  They wanted to hire a doctor, but the family's money has always been earned and spent, and the rest of the savings were spent when his father was ill.

  Hu Dayi and the others were so frightened that they thought they were going to be sent to die this time, but now it seems... that's not the case...

  He nodded: "You don't need to change positions with him, Master Ji ordered, those who are seriously ill can cut in the queue."

  Then the soldier took them away.