Son, I’m your father (2) (Young Master calls you to go home (Sanhe...)

  Tengsheng: "..."

  He suspected that his uncle was crazy.

  Eighty bodyguards, even if some of them are in the dark, that's more than a small company.

  However, Father Ji didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with this at all. After speaking, he changed the subject very naturally.

  "What's the matter with you recently? You haven't been home for a few days. Have you stayed up all night with your friends? How many times have I told you, don't always play with your friends, think about it more? In the future, look at the present, what fun is there with a group of men, can't you go on a relationship and make a girlfriend??

  Do you know how old you are now? Thirty-six! ! Look at your Uncle Liu's family, their son is the same age as you, and they have two daughters! ! I think you just learned badly from your group of fox friends and dog friends. They don't do business and fall in love. They just know how to play and play. Sooner or later, I will talk to their parents! "

  As one of his friends, Tengsheng touched his nose, looked up at the ceiling and pretended to be dead.

  Father Ji is still babbling: "You are not too young, don't patronize every day to play, it's time to start a family, do you remember the youngest daughter of Uncle Zheng's family? You two played together when you were young. Come back from abroad, why don't I arrange for you to meet?"

  "By the way, didn't you support a little star when you read the news recently? Do you like her and you're afraid that I'll hit the mandarin duck? Don't worry, our family doesn't play that kind of match, as long as you like it, no matter what the other party's identity is No objection, just bring it back and show it to me."

  Ji's father was hard-hearted, and Tengsheng listened enviously on the side.

  How nice is this dad.

  It's not like his father, while pressing him to get him married, he insists on being the right match.

  A while ago, I was tossing about giving him a blind date.

  Don't even look at the woman who grew up pampered and pampered, how can you see him as an eldest young master who can do nothing but have fun.

  But Ji Changze, who has such a good father, doesn't mean to be happy: "What kind of marriage is it? How happy is being single, I'm no longer free when I get married, how can I be happy."

  Father Ji was almost infuriated by his righteous tone.

  "If you don't get married, where will you give me grandchildren? I tell you Ji Changze, I will give you three more years at most, and you must marry me. If you don't get married, you won't want to get a penny from me in the future!! "

  Tengsheng: ...Uncle, you have said this for more than ten years.

  Three years after three years, three years after three years.

  It has never been fulfilled.

  I can't blame Nagasawa for never taking it seriously.

  Look at it, Nagasawa must have made a perfunctory promise again, cheated money, and pretended to be dead when the time was up.


  Ji Changze's tone pondered: "If you don't get married, can you just have a grandson?"

  Ji's father scolded without reacting at first: "If you don't get married, how can you have grandchildren! Will your kid give birth to me?!!"

  After a few seconds, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

  He was talking about his grandson and granddaughter, but Ji Changze pointed directly to his grandson.

  How does this sound like it already exists.

  "Wait, what do you mean by that? Did you get a baby out there?"

  Ji Changze: "Yes, I just found out that I have a son, and you have a grandson. Dad, you are not surprised."

  Father Ji: "..."

  Tengsheng: "..."

  "You, you wait, you let me slow down, I will slow down first..."

  Just as Father Ji was talking, he found that the phone line was disconnected, and it was Ji Changze who hung up.


  Teng Sheng over there was dumbfounded: "...You just hung up your dad's phone??"

  Ji Changze said reasonably: "Didn't he say to slow down? I'll give him a quiet space to let him slow down."

  Tengsheng: "...No, do you really have a son?"

  "No, I really didn't expect that one day I would be a father too."

  Ji Changze replied very happily, with an expression of sigh on his face: "Do you know why I asked you to come all night last night?"

  Teng Sheng shook his head blankly.

  Ji Changze: "Because this is our last all-nighter."

  Tengsheng: "?"

  Ji Changze: "I didn't have any children before, but it's different now. Now that I have children, everything is different. I can't be as casual as before."

  Teng Sheng was stunned for a few seconds, and then asked: "So you want to return the prodigal son?"

  Ji Changze looked resolute: "No! I'm going to get serious!"

  Tengsheng: "..."

  "No, buddy, wait a minute, I'm a little dizzy." He sat on the sofa and began to recall: "I have a question to ask, wait for me to finish asking, who gave birth to this child..."

  Ji Changze's phone rang again.

  As soon as he connected, Father Ji's hurried and happy voice quickly came out:

  "Who gave birth to this child, how old is it? What does it look like? Send me the photo, when will you bring it home? You don't marry the child's mother? Will the baby be brought by the nanny? When will it be brought back?"

  Tengsheng: "..."

  What kind of part-time jobs can he find at this age, most of them are handing out flyers, or putting on a plush toy to distribute flyers. That Saturday, he was working part-time as usual, sweating while wearing the toy and jumping around to attract passers-by in the hot summer. When he took the flyer, he saw the person he should call his mother.

  At such a time, he still remembered to ask for money, and Ji's father was so anxious that he almost didn't drive over immediately and beat the renegade son to death.

  When he thought that his eldest grandson was living a hard life of eating rice porridge but not being able to eat pickled vegetables and meat, Father Ji's heart twitched in distress: "Bring people back first, you are also irrelevant, yourself. You don't even know that your own son suffers!!"

  Immediately, he felt something was wrong: "Then my grandson is calling someone else's father? Is he still calling someone else's grandpa? No, hurry up and get the child back to me."

  Ji Changze: "Don't ask so much, first give me the money I asked for."

  But his biological mother looked at him as if she was looking at some garbage that could not be thrown away. Facing the inquiries of the people next to her, she only replied with disgust: "It's just a poor relative in the countryside."

  Father Ji: "???"

  Uncle, wake up!

  Ji Changze asked back: "Are you very experienced in this area?"

  "It's not good to take a baby across generations, it's easy to spoil, we'd better take the baby back and let us raise it ourselves, let him go back more often to see his mother and grandparents, otherwise the child will be brought up across generations, and it will be easy to be lazy, and maybe it will eat fat. When you were a child, you were taken by your grandparents for a while, and the one you ate was called a fat man. When I went to pick you up that day, I thought it was a ball rolling from a distance."

  "The child's mother is not poor, but she has money. I just bought a car yesterday."

  Pregnancy in this state is indeed an accident, but since you didn't abort the child and gave birth to him, it would be better for him.

  Ji Changze: "Don't I know now! Dad, don't worry, you have to calm down. That kid didn't know there was a father like me before, and we suddenly jumped out. He would definitely not be able to accept the news for a while. Soothing, take your time, so as not to scare people."

  "No, the child was not taken away."

  Father Ji: "...Then you use my secondary card, password xxxxxx."

  "Why don't I come, you don't have much experience in this area, what if you mess up."

  He was sluggish for more than ten seconds before asking Ji Changze: "Aren't you always generous? How can the child's mother be so poor??"

  Father Ji reviewed his son's unreliability, and he was relieved at the same time.

  Ji Changze really thought about it seriously: "Probably not. He eats rice porridge and pickles every day, and he can't even eat meat. The probability of gaining weight is quite low."

  Although he has been calling his son a traitor, he still knows that Ji Changze usually likes to play, but all the girlfriends of this kid have been playing, and it has always been your favor.

  Father Ji was very relieved: "When you grow up, you know how to think more before doing things."

  Nagasawa is already thirty-six!

  Ji Changze really thought about it seriously: "Mother child, it seems that you are married."

  The time I wrote this sentence was yesterday.

  Ji Changze is not talking nonsense. In the original owner's memory, the child's diary contained the contents of this period. At this time, his grandmother was already very old. Although it was not yet hospitalized, there were many minor illnesses and pains. .

  But thinking about his grandson, he still immediately put a sum of money into Ji Changze's account.

  It's hard to imagine what it's like to see my mother buy a multi-million dollar car without blinking an eye, but I'm working part-time on a hot day until I have a heat stroke, just to earn a salary of one hundred and two a day.

  Ji Changze added fuel to the fire: "I only knew that, she spent a lot of money to let my son eat savory vegetables. She kept buying clothes for tens of thousands of yuan each, and my son wore a school uniform for three years. Guys, I don't know how much she thinks she hates me, mom/daughter is obviously the one who took the initiative."

  Even if you don't want to raise it, can you contact the child's biological father?

  What age is it, his grandson can't even afford meat, what does this idiot ask him for so much money every day!

  After the employee sent her away, she was still envious and discussed: "It's a rich man. If you buy a car of several million, you can buy it, or the full price."

  After I remembered that I wanted a grandson now, I immediately said seriously:

  At this moment, Father Ji can't care about his son's swear words. He is also a rich second generation. He has witnessed many rare things since he was a child, and he understands it with just a little thought.

  Tengsheng: "???"

  But he was also worried about the fact that his grandmother was getting old, and she was sick from time to time, and she was reluctant to go to the hospital for examination. He knew that the old man was afraid of spending money, so he could only try to find some part-time jobs during the holidays, and worked hard to save more money to deal with the occasional needs.

  When Father Ji heard this, he felt distressed again, and thought of a fat baby crying and calling for his mother. He couldn't help but love her: "I brought it to her parents? Oh, what a pity."

  She is old and trembling when she walks. Others dare not hire her, for fear that the old man will cause trouble for him at work. Fortunately, the children can get a scholarship every year, and there is no need for the elderly to worry about tuition fees.

  Father Ji didn't get an answer over there, so he couldn't be in a hurry: "You said, you want to kill me! Tell me what's going on with my grandson!"

  Ji Changze: "In short, don't interfere in this matter, Dad. I will take care of my son. I will slowly let him accept the news and accept my father."

  Ji Changze: "Not enough, I still hire bodyguards."

  His face became ugly, and he lost his affection for the mother of the child, and he no longer mentioned the matter of paying for custody: "Since she doesn't want to raise the child, then go through legal procedures and take the child back and let us raise it ourselves. ."

  His tone sounded calm, but he actually wanted to scold his mother with hatred in his heart.

  "Okay, can we talk now? Where is the child now, I'll let someone send me there. By the way, will the child's mother let us raise the child? You have to negotiate with them."

  If you can wear school uniforms, then at least you are in elementary school. Only when your child has grown up to be a father can you know that, outrageous!

  She was coming out of the 4s store next to the mall, next to two attentive 4s store employees, when they passed him, he could clearly hear her saying: "Okay, just that one, I'll drive by myself, you take Drive to my house."

  The richest man in China was stunned: "...My grandson can't afford meat??"

  Father Ji breathed a sigh of relief, marrying a person means starting a new life, and it is estimated that he will not have any disputes with his son who was beaten to death and unmarried.

  It's okay to get married, but you shouldn't be so indifferent to your own children, right? ?

  He silently waved his hand to Ji Changze who motioned for him to continue, and whispered, "I don't have to ask."

  What is it like to speak to an adolescent son? ?

  He knew that his mother was doing well, but his mother and grandma had long since stopped talking. When he was ten years old, his grandma was sick and needed surgery fees. The family had no money. She borrowed money to pay for her grandmother's surgery.

  In the face of such an encounter, he only wrote a brief sentence in his diary: Grandma broke up with her because of me. I should work harder, go to a good university, and work hard to earn money to buy such an expensive car for my grandma after graduation.

  Teng Sheng, who was listening next to him: "..."

  After that, she called 3,000 yuan, and asked him not to come to her again, and not to talk about the relationship between the two in front of others.