Son, I’m your father (7) (Young Master calls you to go home (Sanhe...)

The assistant hasn't gotten used to Tengsheng's brothers in all corners of the world. Obviously, Ji Changze is very used to it.

The key point is that not only did he get used to it, but he also naturally sat on the sofa and began to match the principal brother.

And it is also very reasonable and well-founded: "I am Teng Sheng's brother, isn't Teng Sheng's brother my brother?"

Anyway, the reason is all in his place.

The principal also accepted it well.

First, this reason is indeed valid, and second...

This is the big benefactor who wants to donate to the teaching building. Of course, it's what the benefactor said.

The dean was really stunned, but he had been teaching for more than 30 years and he hadn't seen any scenes before. After only a little stunned, he regained his natural expression, followed by a look of "Yes, yeah, this is normal". Look up.

The whole audience was very happy.

Standing in it, the assistant who felt that he was very out of place: "..."

He could only try to put on an expression of "Wow, this is really normal", his face was very natural, he must spit in his heart, watching Ji Changze there. Close to the principal.

"I've seen your school again. It's really good. It's a pity that we met too late. If we knew each other early, I would have donated the teaching building." The

assistant stood aside and said, "It's not. We Ji Dong likes doing charity the most."

But in my heart, I'm just thinking, just let it go. Ji Dong used to have money before, when did he do charity.

The principal didn't care about the truth of this sentence.

You did not do it before, but if you do it now, it's fine.

Under Teng Sheng's signal, he actively found out the school's enrollment rate and so on to show Ji Changze.

"You see, our school's enrollment rate is not very exaggerated, but it has been steadily increasing every year. Although the school's soft conditions are not very good, the hard conditions are still very good."

Ji Changze turned it over at the assistant before, and now I watched it again with gusto.

"Okay, I believe the principal. Your school is indeed. I have seen it everywhere. It is very good. My family Linxi studied at your school very well. Besides, my brother, you are also a friend of Tengsheng. I will go after another canteen. ." The

principal almost laughed out of joy.

Good guy, then they have a second canteen.

In his mind, he decided where to go to the second canteen in an instant. The third-year students and the third-year teachers have always been the most difficult members of the entire high school. It is not other hard work, mainly because all of them have to get up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs. .

In the future, the second canteen can be dedicated to senior high school students to ensure that they can eat nutritious food whether they are smelling a chicken and dancing or digging a wall.

The beauty he thought of, Tengsheng followed the beauty.

He slapped the principal on the shoulder: "Blame me. I never asked what you do before. If we knew you were the principal of Linxi, why should we bother so much."

He looked over his head and looked at the bird's eye view of the entire campus in the principal's hands. Said: "It's all fate, let me donate something too. I'm not as rich as Changze. Didn't Changze just say to get a bed and toilet for two people in the dormitory? I can donate some toilet utensils, like a toilet.

Yes ." It just happens to be able to support the business of his brother in the toilet company.

The principal was happy first, then hesitated.

"Is this too expensive?"

"Nothing to spend, just support my brother and nephew."

Teng Sheng waved his hand very generously.

In fact, he is not very short of money, no big money, after all, his father is not the richest man, and his parents will not be used to him like Ji's father is used to Ji Changze.

But he still has enough small money. After all, he is also a rich second-generation generation, and a rich second-generation who can still spend time outside in his thirties. The monthly pocket money is definitely not a minority for ordinary people.

Tengsheng generally does not spend the money.

He has many friends and is also righteous. He usually helps connect between friends and can make Tengsheng a friend. Except for Ji Changze, who is young, the rest of his personality is definitely not a big deal, even if he has defects. Defects, the thread he pulls is absolutely reliable.

Friends because he won a win-win situation, shouldn't they give him back?

Teng Sheng doesn't want money, he doesn't want money to be stained with his pure friendship.

As a result, most of the ways of giving back from friends are to let him free in his own property, or simply invite him to eat, drink and have fun.

So this guy went all around, he just didn't spend his own money in most cases.

Wasn't that pocket money kept forever and useless?

It's a good thing to donate buildings to students. It can help his two brothers and make his nephew living in Linxi happy. Tengsheng decided to donate his money without hesitation. out.

"I will probably donate so much. If you buy a toilet and there are still some left, you will watch to buy something for students. The high school kids are under a lot of pressure, so they can live a better life."

He said . The exact number was spoken, and the principal naturally saw that he was serious, and immediately nodded cheerfully: "Okay, then I will erect a monument for you at the gates of the places you donated." The

more they talked, the happier and more they talked. Happy.

As he spoke, the principal suddenly remembered.

He asked: "What's the situation with classmate Gu Linxi? Mr. Ji has such good conditions, even if he divorced his mother, he shouldn't be living as badly as before, right?"

As a principal, he certainly wouldn't Ask that.

But isn't Tengsheng here?

Gu Linxi, a small classmate, he likes very much. Who doesn't like children with good grades, sensible, polite, and polite.

It is precisely because of the love that I have never felt that this child is really distressing before.

Obviously it is the most wanton and youngest age, but he lives carefully. The food in their school is considered cheap, but when the school first started, Gu Linxi still ate like an ascetic, or later he won the first grade, and the principal accepted the teaching. In the opinion of the director, a reward for filling up the meal card was added. Gu Linxi only ate the cheapest meal three times a day without pity.

The money is really nothing to people of their age, and the principal hadn't paid much attention to it before.

But the situation is different now.

If Ji Changze can donate to the building, he is definitely not short of money.

Even if he is divorced, he has to pay child support every month. Seeing that he can donate the building for Gu Linxi now, he knows that he must also have feelings for his son. Since he has feelings, how can he just watch The child has suffered for so many years.

Seeing that Ji Changze was not only not angry, but also showed a look of guilt, the principal had a bottom in his heart.

"It's not to accuse you. Everyone has difficulties. It's just that Gu Linxi's classmate is really excellent. High school is a very important stage. It is not only about grades but also psychology. For these students, they may be able to The things they endure can easily break them now. Since Mr. Ji cares about classmate Gu Linxi so much, I hope he can take care of his life if he can."

Not to mention the big fish, at least don't let him run. Go part-time.

Ji Changze sighed, turned his head and glanced at the assistant.

The assistant understood in seconds, and pulled the dean of education out: "This teacher, there are still some places that were not seen when I visited the campus just now, so please take me to see." The

dean of education is like a human being, how can I not see it? This is because people are going to talk about family affairs, and they hurriedly followed along with them.

The two left, leaving three brothers in the house.

Ji Changze held the headmaster's hand and sighed long and long, "Brother, you are someone Tengsheng trusts, and I don't keep it from you. I actually didn't know Linxi was my child before. "

Principal: "?"

Ji Changze sighed again: "I don't know him. Mother is not familiar. I didn't even know him. Mother's name was only known after the trustee checked the name of Linxi." The

principal: "? ?"

He was dumbfounded for several seconds, without even knowing how this happened.

Ji Changze: "It's like this. Ten years ago, I went to school abroad..."

"Then who knew she was pregnant, I was so homesick, I went back to China not long after, and no one contacted me. In addition, I will also take safety measures, but I didn't expect..."

"In our circle, unless you are serious about getting married, otherwise if you get a child, it will be aborted by default. Of course, I'm not saying It's not good for Linxi's mother not to kill her child. I still like Linxi's. But since she didn't kill her at the time, doesn't it mean that she also wants to give birth to this child?"

This one donated several buildings in one go. The guy looked very sad and couldn't figure it out: "She gave birth to Linxi, but she treated him badly, brother, we are now considered friends, and I don't keep it from you.

Linxi was brought by his grandmother since childhood. Her mother wanted to send him away at the beginning, but his grandmother disagreed, so Linxi can stay here." The

principal was shocked: "It's illegal to give the child away!"

"No, that's illegal!"

Ji Changze found again. After Gu Cui had a black spot, he was a little bit happy.

Continue barabara of grievances: "A West did not see how her mother, the woman is said to marry well, you can also see the Pro West had what day, and tell you the truth, I hate ah."

Complain Of course the best partner is wine.

Ji Changze grabbed a handful of them on the table and didn't find it. Teng Sheng had been with him for many years, and he knew what he wanted to do at a glance. He immediately turned around and took out a bottle of wine from the table on the right of the office.

By the way, there are a few wine glasses under the cabinet.

"Changze, don't be too sad, come and have a drink." The

principal is not surprised.

He bought this wine by Totengsheng, and told him wherever he was playing chess. He also said that if one day Tengsheng came to his guest, he would use this wine as a treat.

Unexpectedly, they met in this way.

He opened a door in the office, inside it was a bed and a table, and the table was full of books.

The principal put all the books on the bed and moved the chair to greet the two of them to come in.

"Come here, drink here. I usually sleep here at night."

His wife left early, and his children had jobs and families. He usually regarded the school as his second home, and then moved here. I got a bed and I slept here most of the time.

Living in the school, you can eat in the cafeteria, and it is convenient for students to take care of things. Sometimes you can check the dormitory if you can't sleep in the middle of the night. It's perfect.

But perfection is perfect. The principal's accommodation conditions are indeed not very good. The bed is the lower bunk from the previous student bed, and the table is also a few eliminated by the student, put together to form a big table. , And even the chair was written with a black pen.

At first glance, the previous master was a naughty student.

The principal just let the two come here subconsciously, after all, drinking in the office is not good after all.

After coming in, I realized that his room was not very bright. Teng Sheng and him were in a chess friendship. The two knew each other very well, but they never passed their names, and occasionally played chess together when they met by the river.

Let alone Ji Changze, we met for the first time today.

And these two people are definitely rich and honorable. He entertained him in his own little broken room, so they should not mistake him for being negligent.

The principal was nervous for a few seconds, and he saw Ji Changze and Teng Sheng as if they hadn't noticed how shabby they were inside.

Ji Changze directly sat on the middle chair, and he cried out:

"Brother, I am suffering."

Teng Sheng immediately poured the wine and handed it to him: "Yes, yes, bitterness, drink some wine."

He turned around and asked the principal. "Are you peanuts again? Put the stomach up and drink it, otherwise it will not be good for the stomach."

Don't look at him spending time and drinking every day, in fact, he can maintain health.


Yes , yes." The principal was stunned, smiled, and opened the drawer. Not only did he get out a plate of peanuts, he also gave him a piece of ham.

The three of them complained with one bite of ham and peanuts and one sip of wine.

Mainly Ji Changze complained, and the other two listened.

"I don't like children, but who doesn't like my own children? My mother left early, and my dad was so busy as a dog. When we were young, we obviously lived in the same house, but I couldn't see him several times a month."

Teng Sheng Nodded and poured wine to Ji Changze: "It's actually a good thing. You were so skinny when you were a kid. If your uncle sees you every day, you will surely be damned."

It's like him. He was often beaten when he was a child.

The principal sighed as he ate peanuts. It was really difficult for every family to recite, and the rich would still suffer.

Ji Changze is indeed very painful:

"I would rather fart. I don't want to face the empty house alone. Our house is not big, only more than 1,000 square meters , but every time I wake up, my dad is not there. There are only a dozen in the house. When I was a nanny, two gardeners, and three chefs, I would feel that my home was empty and terrible."

The principal who is knocking peanuts: "..."

The peanuts in my hand no longer fragrant.

Ji Changze continued: "My dad, brother, you don't know, but Tengsheng grew up with me, did you see Tengsheng? My dad doesn't care about me at all. He will only give me money every time he sees me. Ask me if I have enough money to spend, do I need to process capital, do I need a secondary card."

"Why doesn't he understand, am I missing the tens of millions of pocket money? What I want is that he cares about me!"

Principal: "... …"

Teng Sheng continued to pour the wine: "It's okay, brother, it's all over, isn't it good now?"

"No, you don't understand, I'm not good at all, I'm actually not cool at all, and I don't want anyone Although I don't get married, I'm afraid that my dad will find me a marriage partner again, brother..."

He held the principal's hand, his eyes were red: "Do you have a wife?" The

principal replied dullly, " Yes , but she Go early."

In fact, he and his wife didn't have that deep relationship. They knew each other on a blind date when they were young, and they have been like family members after so many years.

So when she left, he was really uncomfortable.

The father Gu Linxi in front of him was full of envy: "Although your wife left early, your marriage must be agreed to by both of you." The

principal nodded.

That's not it, can you still get married if you don't agree?

He was just lighting up, and he found the envy in Ji Changze's eyes, and he suddenly realized: "Don't you want to get married because your father forced you to marry?"


Ji Changze was very aggrieved and nodded very heavily: "Isn't it!"

"My dad, when I was in my early thirties, he arbitrarily introduced me to those people. One time it was the daughter of that uncle, and the other time it was the granddaughter of this grandfather. I didn't want him to introduce those people to me at all. I don't want to marry anyone's daughter or granddaughter. I just want to marry someone I like, but he just won't introduce me!"

He complained very much: "That's a business marriage. People don't want to marry me at all. They have money in their families, they are good-looking, they are talented, and their personality is independent. Why should I be a bad food gangster." The

principal suddenly realized. .

It turns out that the marriage of a wealthy family is unfortunate.

Hey, he can help with this.

"If you want to be introduced to you, there is a teacher in our school who is about your age. He is a very nice person. I said before that I don't mind falling in love. Ask me to see if there is a suitable person, or I will arrange it. See you? If people like you and like you, you can try to talk about it."

Ji Changze shook his head and resolutely said: "No, that's the past tense. I can't get married now."

"I have children, I want to In consideration of Linxi, I will not get married in the future. I want to give Linxi a sense of security. I will never let him have nothing but money like when I was a kid. "

Nothing but money... The

principal look at this big brother.

The expression is painful.

The look in his eyes is sad.

But why does he want to hit people so much.

Teng Sheng didn't think there was anything, and he followed along with him: "No, I don't want to get married either. Love and marriage are still different. I actually don't need to get married. Isn't my elder brother married? By then, my nephew Will give me pension."

Ji Changze's face was full of red: "Your elder brother, I think your nephew is very bearish, he doesn't seem to be willing to provide you with a pension."

Teng Sheng shook his head: "How could it happen? The children are small, they will be sensible when they grow up, and adults can teach them more."

Ji Changze smiled and said nothing.

Isn't that the child who rejects Tengsheng so much now that it was taught by an adult?

The principal was very moved.

"Unexpectedly, you would be willing to make such a sacrifice for Gu Linxi. It seems that we don't have to worry about his bad life in the future."

Ji Changze saw that he was rich and handsome. Although he was over 30, he still had a son. There will be no one to get married, but he is willing to not get married for Gu Linxi.

The principal was very happy for Gu Linxi and thought, this might be fatherly love.

Ji Changze patted the table: "Of course Linxi will have a good life! He will live a very good life!"

"I have to make up for the hardships and sins he suffered before, and his mother, I want to fight. Call my dad and let my dad take her into bankruptcy!!! What! If you want to be born, you can take it with you!!! Why do you dislike our home in Linxi!"

"My mobile phone, where is my mobile phone."

Seeing Ji Changze was drunk and started digging out his cell phone, and Teng Sheng quickly stopped him: "Ancestor, don't toss about it. At any rate, it is Linxi mother. No matter how they say, they will give birth to the child. There is no abuse or doing anything. Maybe Even if I go to develop a new life, there is no rule that mothers must love their children."

"You don't make sense, give me the phone soon, don't bother uncle."

If it was before, he might not stop him. .

But after witnessing the identical guardian of Ji's father and Ji Changze, Teng Sheng thought he should stop.

One of the two will fight, and the other will not.

The mobile phone didn't know whose phone number was called, and the speakerphone was turned on, and the other side answered in seconds.

"Changze, it's rare, you actually called me."

Tengsheng grabbed the phone and said, "Liu Pianran?"

Liu Pianran was also taken aback: "Tengsheng? Are you with Changze? Are you really playing? If you want to take a big risk, did you choose me?"


Ji Changze's eyes lit up, and he put his phone on the table, making a request quite natural: "Liu Pianran, didn't you owe me personal affection before?"

Before Liu Pianran was kicked out of the house, the original owner had supported the small vault.

However, after the support was over, he realized that he had fulfilled his brother's obligations, leaving Liu Pianran behind and never contacted again.

But Liu Pianran said at the beginning that he owed a favor to the other party, and as long as he had the ability, he would definitely pay it back.

Liu Pianran laughed and said something softly to the side, as if he was coaxing the child. After he coaxed the child, he asked, "Let's talk about it, as long as I can do it, I will do it for you."

He already has it. Ji Changze would definitely not be mentally prepared for a good answer.

After all, Ji Changze's father loves him so much. If he can do something easily, the other party will definitely go directly to his father.

Ji Changze: "I want you to ruin my son."

Liu Pianran: "..."

He was silent for a full minute before asking, "Can you say it again? Who do you ruin?"

Ji Changze: "My son He. Mom!!!"

Liu Pianran said: "...Teng Sheng, is he scolding me now?"

"No, no, the situation is very complicated, don't listen to him, he is drunk, and he just woke up on his own. I regret it." Teng Sheng quickly explained to help.

Liu Pianran: "...It seems that your life is still so colorful when I am away."

"Since you called me, see you tomorrow, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, in the city of the sky. I have something to do here, so hang up first."

He hung up the phone and couldn't help laughing while holding the milk doll in his hand.

When playing with Ji Changze Tengsheng, he was still young, and that time was his happiest time.

After he left home, Ji Changze and Teng Sheng both gave him support.

Ji Changze has always been simple and rude, and he gave the money.

Teng Sheng was much more thoughtful, and he couldn't complain that most of the people in his circle were friends with him at that time.

In his situation at that time, if Teng Sheng hadn't helped him get through the road, applied for a visa, and introduced him to his friends abroad, he might not be able to gain a foothold abroad smoothly.

At that time, he also lived in that apartment for more than two months before he realized that the rental price of the surrounding apartments was very high. The landlord was a friend of Tengsheng, and Tengsheng gave most of the rent, letting the landlord cheat him for the cheap rent.

He will always remember the helping hands Ji Changze and Teng Sheng extended to him.

It's just that he has a grudge against the Liu family, and he is insensitive to the whole circle. After all, he knew when he was driven away. At that time, those who he thought were friends faced him as brothers and brothers, but he did not scold him for pretending to be a good person. .

He loves his half-brother, and is regarded as a scheming and deliberately abolishing rival.

Only Ji Changze and Teng Sheng, they never said a bad thing about him, but offered him a helping hand.

After Liu Pianran came back, he stepped on the Liu family, but he never took the initiative to contact them.

Even if he has power now, he still doesn't have the money of Ji and Teng.

He was afraid, afraid that they would think that he, like those people, was to make good with them for money.

After all, he looks good now, but in fact, he still needs to work hard. If the news that he and Changze Tengsheng are friends spreads out, those people who know what they are doing will definitely rush in.

Liu Pianran himself certainly didn't mean that, but he was worried about their misunderstanding.

After all, everyone has grown up, and now Baba leaned forward and said, in fact, in my heart, I have always missed our sincere friendship. That would be silly.

Just wait until he goes to a higher position.

He can return to his friends.

Help them as if they helped him back then.

The child in her arms drank the milk and started looking around with her eyes open.

Liu Pianran smiled and hugged him and coaxed softly. He waited for coaxing to fall asleep, then put the child on the cot, and asked the nanny who was always watching: "I will take care of you." The

nanny nodded, he Only then went downstairs to go to the company.

There was a noise outside the door, Liu Pianran's expression remained unchanged, and limped to the door to put on his coat.

A nanny came in: "Mr. Liu, your brother is here again."

"Don't worry, let him make a noise, I'll walk straight from the garage."

Liu Pianran has long lost feelings for this brother, and has never taken revenge. Anyway, the other party gave him a lot of comfort when he was a kid.

On the other hand, the entire Liu family knows how this guy fell into trouble at the beginning, and now he avoids seeing him. In fact, he doesn't need to do anything. The Liu family's garbage will naturally regard the other party as the object of ridicule and mockery.

There was another voice outside, and the nanny said: "Mr.

Liu , this time is your elder brother's nephew." Liu Pianran was still not very interested.

Until the nanny said: "They said that your niece is pregnant and want to send the baby to you to raise her."

Liu Pianran stopped when she heard this.

He sneered: "So now they not only send the baby doll to me, but also give it to me if they are pregnant? Anyway, it is also their own flesh and blood, not even such a bit of dissatisfaction?"

This is definitely not the case. Asking myself, the nanny lowered his head and pretended not to hear.

Liu Pianran limped to the door again and said, "Let my nephew come in."

Outside, Liu He and Gu Cui stood nervously at the door, carrying gifts in their hands.

Liu Pianran has never liked crowds of people, so they didn't dare to bring others with them. They could only carry expensive and heavy gifts by themselves.

There was a man next to him who was making trouble and was driven out by the bodyguard.

They recognized that this was another uncle, who was supposed to be Little Uncle before, but after Liu Pianran came back, the whole family did not exist as each other, and the title of Little Uncle naturally became Liu Pianran's unique name.

The junior didn't know much about what happened back then. He only knew that at that time, Liu Pianran had grown up loving him as a baby, but the other side bite back, causing Liu Pianran to be crippled and kicked out of the house.

Later, when the old man passed away, Liu Pianran was forgotten by everyone. No one thought that he would come back and be above the entire Liu family.

The one who bit back at the time, naturally followed the Liu family to please Liu Pian, but was despised by everyone.

Gu Chui some fear looking at the man was cast out, touched his stomach, was very frightened; "? I'm with child, no child is born, the younger brother really willing to let it go,"

she was I heard that the other party has always hated the Liu family, but they didn't beat them to death with a stick, as if they were playing with them deliberately. Sometimes they gave a sweet date, and sometimes they did it suddenly.

Gu Cui had always thought that her husband and father-in-law were the most powerful people in the Liu family. It was not until that day that they asked him to bring Gu Linxi to the door. She didn't know that the Liu family had Liu Pianran's trump card.

Unfortunately, his temper is unpredictable, and no one knows how to please him.

Liu He was also a little nervous, but thinking that his family's business was not as good every day, he gritted his teeth and said: "My uncle likes children the most. As long as he says that he will give him up to raise him, he will definitely let us in."

"Not to mention those people who sent him in before. The children who come are all unfamiliar illegitimate children. We are children born in wedlock, so we are more noble than those who are born out of illegitimate children. My uncle will definitely be more willing to raise our children."

Gu Cui touched her stomach again, still feeling a little hopeless in her heart. .

She hasn't been born yet.

Liu He said again: "I knew there would be a present, and I should have let the wild planters out of you come back before. Anyway, whether you can please my uncle or not, it's an eye."

It's a pity that none of them thought that the family would decline so quickly, and now that wild species is so big, even if it is given to Liu Pianran to raise, Liu Pianran is afraid that he will not be happy.

Gu Cui regretted it.

Regardless of other things, Gu Linxi still looks very good, and has a good personality. If it was really sent to Liu Pianran, he might really make Liu Pianran like it.

By that time, won't she, the mother, follow the tide in the Liu family?

It's a pity that I didn't think about fighting for it.

I also blame Gu Linxi for being so unbelievable. It was something that didn't satisfy her parents-in-law. It was such a cheap bone that he missed the blessings that came to the door.

Gu Cui was thinking, and the nanny opened the door.

"Mr. Let you in."

Gu Cui immediately adjusted the expression on her face to make herself look gentle and agile.

Now that the child is not yet born, I can only do my best to behave better.

When they entered, Liu Pianran was sitting on the sofa with a cane in his hand. He had his leg broken in his early years because he was locked up and could not receive timely treatment. Even if he is successful now, he still cannot be cured.

It is strenuous to walk, and can only be supported by a cane when going out.

He only raised his eyes and saw the ambition of Gu Cui and Liu He.

No matter how much he pretended to be, he was already a disgusting person if he could hand over his unborn child.

Liu Pianran originally thought that there was something unspeakable about them, but now she understood that these two people were simply selling their children for glory, and suddenly felt disgusted that she just shouldn't have a meal.

"Uncle, this is my wife Gu Cui. She is visiting you for the first time. We bought some gifts for you. I hope you will like them."

Liu He, who has always been aloof in front of Gu Cui, is very respectful, almost worthy of being called. He put the gift on the table carefully, and didn't dare to sit down. He only took Gu Cui and waited for Liu Pianran to speak.

But Liu Pianran had no interest in entertaining them.

"Get off."

Liuhe Gu Cui's expression stiffened: "Uncle?"

I haven't said this yet, why did I turn my face?

Liu Pianran slowly stood up: "Are you going to get out of here, or should I let you drive you?"

Gu Cui wanted to open her mouth to plead: "Uncle..."

Liu He grabbed her, pushing her hard enough to make her hurt. On the face, she hurriedly apologized to Liu Pianran:

"Yes, yes, we didn't listen to my uncle, I'm sorry, uncle, let's go now, she doesn't understand the rules, please don't follow her in general."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Gu. Cui walked out quickly.

Liu Pianran looked at the back of the two indifferently, and uttered a blank expression.


He was brought up by the Liu family, and he naturally knew how many dirty things were hidden in the seemingly wealthy family of Liu's family. Those people planted seeds and gave birth to children, and the children were sent to them without raising them.

He had suffered that kind of hardship himself, so he couldn't see this. After he came back, he brought some children who his father didn't love and his mother didn't love with him. They didn't get registered permanent residence, but just raised them to adulthood.

Is his behavior in the eyes of others just like loving children? For the sake of the child can even accept a child still in the belly of a pregnant woman?

Liu Pianran was really disgusted and limped into the elevator.

Sure enough, most of these people are still disgusting.

Unlike Ji Changze and Teng Sheng.

They always look at their feelings, not their interests, and they will never even want their children for profit.

Thinking that Ji Changze had kept his mobile phone number for so long, and Teng Sheng could still hear his voice, Liu Pianran was very happy, and even went down a lot with the nausea just now.

He is looking forward to seeing each other tomorrow.

This time, they took the initiative to contact him, but it was not for profit.

Liu Pianran was happily here.

Gu Cui's side is not so good.

As soon as he went out, Liu He immediately furious at her.

"What's the matter with you? I didn't tell you before I came here. No matter what the uncle said, don't refute what he said. Just listen to it? Do you know if I didn't pull you out, you would offend him !!!"

Gu Cui felt wronged in his heart.

She wasn't for Liu He yet, but she didn't have the confidence to argue. Everything she has now depends on Liu He. Liu He is angry, and she can only endure it.

So I could only apologize in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I'm too anxious, I'm afraid that my uncle won't agree to my father will find you to get angry."

Liu He looked down and looked at her: "Useless things! It's time to marry you!"

Gu Cui was stunned, tears came out at once, but seeing Liu He turned his head and left, she could only wipe away the tears, and lowered her head to follow behind.

Liu Pianran still didn't know what happened to him. He was already standing in front of the car and suddenly lowered his head to take a picture in the rearview mirror.

Well, it is well maintained and not old.

I don't know what happened to Changze Tengsheng and the others.

Although everyone has grown up, he felt that the two of them must have grown up in a good direction.

Liu Pianran thought, although they are all grown up, and they are all mature and no longer immature, maybe, everyone can still be like before?

Of course, he couldn't think of it.

More than a decade later, he grew up alone.