International students who refuse to return to China (12)

For this fighter plan, the research institute specially approved a site.

Ji Changze, who has always been salted fish, started to go out early and return late frequently. Later, perhaps to grasp the time, he slept directly here.

Perhaps because of the last technical leak, this Chinese has a shadow. He refuses to share his information with others. Others are okay, but when it comes to core issues, whoever asks him to give him a blindfold.

State K didn't say anything on the face, but secretly arranged more people around.

Ji Changze's value has exceeded their expectations at this moment, and as far as they know, he has been applying for lifting the ban on leaving the country.

This is not good news.

If you change to other non-nationals, coercion and temptation will definitely come on, but Ji Changze's situation is very different.

First of all he has a bad temper.

Besides, he is only easy to leave on impulse, and has no hatred of country K. It is inevitable that country K will act cautiously, worrying that this "biased to country K" Chinese will be stimulated, and he will directly hate country K.

No one dared to stimulate Ji Changze at this time.

Money is spent, things are bought, and if people run away again, no one can take the responsibility.

So Ji Changze's request, country K also tried its best to meet.

Perhaps because I did it for a while and found that it was still not good enough, the young Chinese asked for an assistant.

Unfortunately, he called for a researcher named Jonalis.

Undoubtedly, Jonah is excellent, even a bit similar to Ji Changze. He is also a shining genius. He also studied in K country a few years ago and joined the graduate school after graduation.

The most similar point is that Jonah is not a national K, and wants to return to his hometown.

His motherland is not so conspicuous in so many countries around the world, with a small population, a small map, technology is not backward, but it is definitely not as good as country K, and the national strength is moderately low.

It is definitely not comparable to Country K.

Of course, country K is not just a talented person staring at China. Unfortunately, Jonah was forced to stay in country K and was also forbidden to leave the country, not to mention, because he tried to escape several times and his treatment was greatly reduced.

He was dismissed from the institute two years ago and went to a more closed place to "work".

Although Jonah has disappeared in the past two years, the genius is not unknown. Although his achievements and glory cannot be compared with Ji Changze, they are definitely not bad.

Compared to Ji Changze, who is also not from K country but just has a bad temper, and spends the rest of his time "safeguarding himself", Jonah makes K country less assured.

But Ji Changze called him by name and pointed out Jonah's genius in various aspects and the help he could bring to him. There was a meeting there, and after thinking about it for a day, he agreed.

Ji Changze sees through the needle: "I have been working without stopping for seven days. Now that the ideas I put forward have been successful, can I take a vacation and let me go back to China for a vacation?"

Someone who came here to tell him that he has done meritorious service and can ask for something: ""

Don't count on it.

The greater your credit, the less likely we are to let you go.

He euphemistically expressed that before the project is completed, Ji Changze, as the main person in charge, is unlikely to be able to go out.

In other words, it is under house arrest.

Of course, he used more modifiers to indicate that they would send anything Ji Changze wanted during this period, to ensure that he would not be bored.

Ji Changze didn't get his own reasonable vacation, not to mention, he also got the sad news of house arrest.

He was uncomfortable with the naked eye, seeing everyone with noses, not noses, and eyes not eyes.

It was just dinner when Jonah came.

He is also Caucasian, with a big skeleton and tall, but he is a little too thin, because he has been worried and gloomy for a long time, and his face is very haggard.

Suddenly brought over, and heard that he was going to be an assistant to someone younger than himself, Jonah's mood was naturally not much better.

But this can't help him.

As soon as his face looked a little ugly, the "assistant" who was following him immediately threatened with a strange yin and yang: "Sir, please pay attention to your facial expressions."

Jonah took a deep breath.

He was also an arrogant temperament before, but after being suppressed for so many years, no matter how arrogant he was, he couldn't be arrogant anymore.

After all, when anyone ran away and was caught back, there was a gun on his head all the way, and he didn't dare to be arrogant anymore.

He arrived in the car after five hours. Jonah didn't eat in the morning and was motion sick. His stomach was always uncomfortable.

After two steps, he pressed his stomach, his face was so weak that he was pale.

The "assistant" has a bad attitude: "Don't play tricks, go quickly."

Jonah bent down haggardly and whispered, "My stomach hurts because of hunger. Please help me get something to eat."

"Why is it so troublesome!"

Knowing that Jonah had been forced to bow his head by force, the "assistant" had always treated him generally. Anyway, if Jonah didn't want to die, he would naturally cooperate with them.

In his bones, he didn't want to stay in the cartilaginous head of country K. Now he is just a useful tool person.

As for whether the tool will be worn out, who cares.

He didn't want to take a trip, so he pushed Jonah: "Hurry up, you don't want to eat dinner any more tricks."

Jonah had no choice but to endure the pain and walk forward.

He knew that he was regarded as a "negative example", and was used to warn non-national talents that they would only leave K country if they wanted to go their own way.

Being under house arrest is not the worst, but you don't want to stay. They want you to stay. Even if you stay, it's not good for you.

After entering, people smelled the scent of food before they even saw it.

Jonah swallowed.

He looked up and saw the Asian man sitting alone at the table.

Isn't it a national K?

Jonah was a little surprised.

He has stayed in country K for a long time, and he knows the people of country K better. They always look down on Asians.

Many important projects, even Asians who were born and raised in country K, even if they have sufficient abilities, will eventually lose their chances because of their yellow skin.

Such an important matter will be handed over to an Asian in Country K.

It's really unexpected.

This sentence flashed through Jonah's mind, who had been under house arrest for two years, and soon disappeared from his focus.

His eyes are now full of the table full of food.


Ji Changze was eating a crab, and when he looked up, he saw this tall and thin white man coming in full of decadence, put down his chopsticks, and greeted:

"You're Jonah, have you eaten yet? Would you like to have some together?"

Jonah swallowed his saliva and nodded eagerly. The affection for this Asian man in his heart rose to 300%.

Seeing that he had agreed, Ji Changze immediately began to direct people: "You, move a stool."

"You, get the cutlery."

"You, you, don't stop, continue to peel me crabs, and the shrimp, the big lobster, and then peel them to me."

The agents in charge of monitoring Ji Changze were accustomed to being commanded to go round and round.

Jonah, who clearly saw the emblem on the agents' clothes, was taken aback.

Looking back at the emblem on his "assistant" clothes: ""

"Come, eat, this crab is good."

Ji Changze was very friendly to this future colleague. He put a big crab directly on Jonah's plate, pointed to the person behind him and asked, "Is this your assistant?"

Jonah quickly replied: "Yes, this is my assistant."

Ji Changze got the affirmative answer, and looked at the "assistant" with disgust:

"What are you doing stupidly, don't hurry up and peel him."

After reprimanding the "assistant", he also said to Jonah: "Your assistant is too slow to respond, and he can't even take the initiative to peel crabs. Wouldn't you consider changing to an assistant?"

Jonah was surprised by his attitude that "the assistant should take good care of others".

What surprised him even more was that his "assistant" actually started to peel the shell reluctantly.

Just this, Ji Changze also felt that the opponent was slow.

"Oh my God, they actually sent such a troublemaker to take care of you, can you be taken care of? You won't be unable to work at ease because of his troubles, right?"

Before Jonah could answer, he questioned the watchers next to him with an unhappy face:

"What do you mean? Arrange such a stupid assistant for my assistant. He can't even peel a crab. How can he take care of my assistant? Then how can Jonah help me with the fighter plan?"

His attitude can be called arrogant.

But by the way, the agents who were indifferent and disdainful in front of Jonah nodded hurriedly: "Yes, sir, this is our mistake. It won't be next time."

"Of course you will make a mistake. After all, I can't even deliver the fresh milk I drink every day. What else can you do.

I can't take care of me, and it's nonsense to say that I can get whatever I want without leaving the house! "

Seeing Ji Changze getting more and more angry, for fear that he would feel bad about Country K because of this incident, the agents hurried to appease.

"Sir, your fresh milk is already on the way here. Just wait another thirty minutes and it will be delivered to you."

"Why don't you go take a shower soon?"

As he said, another agent pushed in and brought a pot of pigeon soup to Ji Changze cautiously: "Sir, this is the soup stewed by your nanny, just brought it from home, and the fire has never been cut off along the way. The temperature is just right, you can drink some."

"I have no appetite now."

Ji Changze pushed the pigeon soup to Jonah: "Jonah, would you like to drink it? Although our babysitter is a bit stupid, the stewing technique is pretty good."

Jonah was already watching.

He has never seen an Asian person get such treatment.

This is simply amazing.

Does the other party have any strong background?

Or is he actually just a little yellowish in his face, but he is actually a native of K country?

Because these agents were still there, Jonah didn't dare to ask. His hungry stomach urged him to take a sip of pigeon soup, and the warm soup entered his stomach, giving him a feeling of coming back to life.

He hasn't eaten such delicious food for a long time.

Although Jonah is white, his motherland's diet is very different from that of country K, but is similar to that of China, which has a good relationship.

After he came to country K, he was not used to the food here. When he was studying abroad, he could make it by himself. After he was left with "work", all food, clothing, housing and transportation must be monitored. It is impossible to make food by himself. He even buys it. Can't make any dishes.

But asking the "assistant" to eat domestic food will only get ridicule and indifference.

Jonah took a few sips, and the fullness of his stomach made his eyes feel hot.

Who would have thought that he was once a goddess, but now he has fallen to the point where he needs to be an assistant to a member of the K country to drink hot soup.

Although the bottom of his heart is a bit sour, he has already exercised strength and hasn't shown much. After eating this meal beautifully, he asked Ji Changze:

"Sir, what exactly are we going to do?"

"Work? It's getting dark now, so what get off work are we talking about after we're all off work."

Ji Changze refused to work overtime, and invited Jonah to go bathing with him.

Huaguo Foot Soaking Bucket, Huaguo Foot Soaking Kit, and Huaguo Foot Soaking Water.

Putting a pair of feet inside, the comfortable Ji Changze narrowed his eyes.

Of course, he is so comfortable. There is also an agent behind him squeezing his shoulders, an agent next to him serving him juice, and two agents in front of him showing him the excitement in the "fighting show" you come and go.

Jonah asked: "Ji, your name is a bit like a Chinese name."

Ji Changze took a sip of the juice, and when he finished drinking, he beckoned to the agent to take the juice away, and replied casually: "Yes, I am a Chinese."

Jonah: "???"

"Are you of Chinese descent?"

"No, I am a Chinese, Chinese nationality."

Jonah: "???"

How could it be possible? How could Chinese people receive such good treatment in country K.

Seeing that Ji Changze ordered some dried sweet potatoes to eat, he watched the fighting performance with relish while eating.

He tentatively asked: "Then what did you mean by saying you can't leave the state?"

"Didn't they tell you?"

Ji Changze took a sip of the fresh milk he had just delivered, and stretched his head forward and asked him to wipe the milk on his mouth with a handkerchief.

Said to Jonah next to him, "Isn't it obvious? I'm under house arrest."

Jonah: "???"

Jonah: ""

He was also under house arrest and fell into a trance.

Ji Changze took another sip of fresh milk and asked, "Did you not see it? I thought you knew that we were in the same situation."

Jonah: ""

He was silent for a full minute before squeezing a voice out of his throat with difficulty:

"It's a little difficult to see."

In the same situation, the difference is too great.