International students who refuse to return to China (15)

Then, they learned that the researcher who ran away in a fighter jet was named Ji Changze.

Yes, it is the young comrade Ji Changze who they want to be rescued from country K.

At this moment, the patriarchs were really a little confused.

Comrade Ji Changze did say before that he was sure to return home by himself.

But the "sure" they thought was smuggling or going back with someone else's identity, believing that he was too dangerous to be caught alone, and they didn't know what torture he would suffer if he was caught.

Who knows what Ji Changze meant when he said he was going back to China.

Drive the fighter back.

Crucially, he succeeded.

The country is still thinking about how to save people back without fail.

Comrade Ji Changze, who needed to be rescued, flew back by himself.

Not only did he fly by himself, he also brought a fighter jet.

Not only did he bring a fighter jet, he also brought back Mr. Jonah from country b.

The leaders immediately said, "Ah? What are you talking about? We don't know, we haven't received any news from here", "You won't lose your own fighter jets, so do you? We can do everything in China. Didn't do it".

Country K: Shameless! Do you think that by pretending not to know, nothing can happen?

Hua Guo: We really don't know, we don't know what fighter you study.

The two parties began to wrangling.

To be honest, these are indeed the truth.

They really don't know anything.

It happened to be delicious.

Who knew eating and eating, found that the entire melon field had been moved by his compatriots.

But since a young comrade can set up the stage, these old comrades naturally won't get behind them.

No matter how country K questions the threat.

Huaguo began to play Tai Chi in various ways.

When I asked, "I don't know", "We didn't receive any news," "We didn't do it."

It is no longer a rampant period when Country K wants to beat them and beat them.

If there is a real war of opinion, they will not admit defeat.

A young man in his early twenties can drive the fighter back, how can they solve the follow-up clearly.

Even if I was in country K before.

The young comrade can't go back to his own home, and have to deal with the wolves and tigers outside.

At this time, you still have to be an adult.

The parents have the same attitude.

When I hung up, the meeting started immediately.

"Quickly give up the sky, stop all flights over the country, and give Comrade Ji Changze a flight space."

Although State K killed them, they sent Ji Changze to steal the fighter jets.

But patriarchs don't know this little comrade.

Where did he fly a plane.

Sitting very rarely.

And Jonah.

Although Hua Guo is not very familiar with this once-famous genius.

But the other party's public information did not say that he would fly a plane.

No matter who these two people are driving, it is not safe.

K country is so desperate, Ji Changze's flight should be relatively smooth, but after all, they are not professional pilots, they still have to help as much as possible.

"There is a question, if Comrade Ji Changze really drives the plane back, where will he park?"

Generally, when the plane is landing, it will contact the bottom to determine the landing time and location. The people at the airport will clear a landing position and buffers such as runways.

But Ji Changze drove the fighter directly and ran away.

No one knows if he can contact China.

Speaking of this, I would also like to thank the helpful country K. If they hadn't told China that the research institute driving a fighter jet was a Chinese citizen Ji Changze, they might have to pay when they saw strange fighter jets appearing in their own aviation field. A fire.

I'm all right now, I know it's my own.

Not only does it omit the process of identifying people, but it can also help clear the air route.

But the problem is.

Jonah is not a Chinese, and he must not be very familiar with the Chinese route.

As for Ji Changze, he had no experience in flying a plane before.

The most likely place they can park is the airport.

"Yes, I also think the biggest possibility is the airport. What are the airports that Comrade Ji Changze has been to before, tell them to be prepared."

"The flight time from country K to China is about eleven hours. If it is faster, ten hours should be available. They are flying while working. They must be very hungry without eating or drinking for ten hours. Be prepared.

Most importantly, rescue work must be prepared. "

Although I was very surprised that my child not only ran back by himself, but also brought a fighter.

But they will not be blindly optimistic.

Ji Changze and Jonah had never experienced fighter jets before. Being able to fly doesn't mean they can really fly to China and land safely.

Assuming that they can fly to China, if they do not land well, they may still cause harm.

Emergency deployment preparations have begun in all areas of work.

It is not yet known where Ji Changze will choose to land, but all cities must be prepared, especially the city closest to the United States in China, as well as Ji Changze's hometown.

Because he once took a plane at the Capital Airport, the most likely possibility is to land at the Capital Airport, and there is also the most adequate preparation.

Time passed by every minute, and for country K, Ji Changze set off in the afternoon and was not found until dark.

But in China time, it started in the morning and flew all day.

But whether it's night or morning, before people arrive, it's hard to worry about any accidents halfway through.

Not only accidents in action, but also psychological.

What if two people are too scared or nervous on the plane?

Yes, the psychiatrist should also be prepared.

During the preparations in China, Ji Changze, who was flying in the sky, had a good mentality.

At least compared to Jonah, who was already praying for the blessing of the gods and Buddhas next to him, he was completely calm.

"Ji, can we really reach China safely?"

Jonah is really worried.

Even if he knows how evil Ji Changze is

But the talent in scientific research is not the same as flying fighters directly.

Flying a plane requires experience, not to mention flying a fighter jet.

The first time Ji Changze drove, it would take more than ten hours to drive to China in the other hemisphere. Jonah didn't start crying and it was counted as trust in the other side.

"A safe arrival is definitely a safe arrival, but I don't know if it will be in time for the New Year's Eve dinner.

Ji Changze looked down at his watch.

"Well, I'm in China, let me contact you. The satellite signal I used should be able to be contacted, but it may not be possible."

As soon as Jonah heard that he could contact Hua Guo, he immediately became energetic, watching Ji Changze with a dignified expression after the operation, and then became nervous.

"Ji, what's the matter? Is something wrong?"

Ji Changze touched his stomach with a serious expression and a heavy tone:

"According to China time, it should be four o'clock in the afternoon. It's almost time for dinner. I don't know what they are eating, ah, I'm so hungry."

As he said, he took another bite of the bun and handed Jonah one by the way.

"Let's eat. Although it is said that there is automatic driving, it is better not to sleep. Fortunately, it is treated as a jet lag."

"I don't know if there is a big goose stewed in an iron pan at night. I think I can eat 20 dumplings and then have another big goose stewed in an iron pan, Jonah, do you like big goose?"

Jonah: ""

They are now driving their modified fighter jets, flying at an altitude of 20,000 meters. There are only two living people in the plane who have never flew any plane before.

As a result, Ji Changze was thinking about what to eat at night.

Maybe it was too much shock, he was miraculously less anxious, and took a bite of the bun.

"Ji, do you say that Hua Guo is willing to send me home?

Or, I don't want them to send it, and I buy the ticket myself and go back. Or, you can send a message to my country, and they will definitely be willing to exchange something for me to go back. "

Jonah still has this confidence.

If it wasn't that the country that trapped him was country K, and he couldn't contact the outside world, his country would have rescued him long ago.

"China will not imprison anyone who has not violated the law. If you want to go back, go back by yourself. If you are afraid of being intercepted by country K, you can also contact your country and let them pick you up."

After Ji Changze answered, he said: "Did you say they would put sesame oil in the dumplings?"

Jonah thought for a while: "You can put anything, just don't put coriander. I don't like coriander."


China, who is always monitoring the aviation situation, was surprised to find that they actually received the signal.

"Quick! Quickly connect!"

Two inexperienced people flew in the sky for ten hours in a fighter jet. They were both so young that they would be nervous.

They worked hard to stabilize their emotions and were ready to reassure each other.

In short, first comfort people and guide them to land safely.

As long as people are okay, it is the greatest good news.

After the connection, when everyone was breathing in and preparing to meet the anxious cry for help over there, they heard the K Mandarin coming from over there.

Country K is currently very powerful, and the Chinese who can sit in this position are naturally involved in K language.

They listen carefully

It was a young and gentle voice, it should be Comrade Ji Changze, he was saying:

"No coriander is usually used in dumplings. Speaking of which, coriander in mutton soup is especially delicious."

Patriarchs of China who are breathing nervously: "???"

what? ?

What coriander? ?

Then, another voice:

"No, I don't like coriander, I don't want to put coriander in any soup."

"That's your problem, not the coriander."

"No, it's the coriander problem."

"I think coriander is delicious."

"Coriander is too devil, it shouldn't exist!"

"If you target coriander like this again, when I go back, let my grandma cook a pot of coriander soup for you."

The strange voice was silent for a few seconds, and then responded with a grievance: "Well, you brought me out of country K, and I listen to you."

I thought I was going to see two young comrades who were so nervous that they were trembling because of flying at a high altitude, but the patriarchs who listened to the ears of coriander were delicious or not: ""

Is this style of painting a bit wrong?