International students who refuse to return to China (17) (18)

Grandma Ji was holding the bowl, and she didn't know what to say for a long time.

The helicopter that had been deployed in an emergency was still flying buzzing on it.

Because the sky had begun to darken now, it came out urgently to show Ji Changze the way ahead.

Now flying above, under the light, falling on Ji Changze, coupled with the emergency ambulance and fire trucks behind him, the picture was quite windy for a while.

Originally, Jonah was celebrating the safe landing and showed his head happily. What was shocked by such a big scene.


He asked stupidly, "You won't be a fugitive in your country..."

This scene is almost like the scene of a fugitive hunting down.

"I'll go to you, you said this for the New Year!"

Ji Changze glared at Jonah and stepped off the fighter.

Immediately, a large group of doctors and nurses in white coats gathered around.

Many uniformed soldiers have also arrived and are gathering around.

A uniformed brother squeezed in: "Comrade Ji Changze, hello, hello, sorry, the time is relatively tight, the leaders are still on their way here, you can just tell me directly about some of the current situations."

"Because the fighters count. There are dangerous items for the safety of the surrounding residents, so we have to surround it for the time being. After we have checked your body, we can go out and talk."

Ji Changze sneezed in the cold wind and rubbed his nose:" Hey, okay."

He took it out of his pocket, took out a handwritten booklet, and handed it to Uniform Brother.

"I have remodeled many parts of this fighter. There are instructions for use. An experienced fighter pilot should be able to understand it after reading it. Let him take a look before driving away to avoid any problems."

The uniform boy obviously didn't expect Ji Changze to even "write instructions for domestic fighter pilots" in advance. He rushed for a second and took it quickly.

"Okay, trouble you."

Jonah couldn't understand what they were talking about. He shivered from the cold, and said with a trembling voice: "Ji, you, you didn't say that China is so cold. "

K country is not so cold. The two of them don't wear thick clothes. They didn't feel much when they first arrived. When the wind blows off the plane, the whole person can't help but shiver.

Fortunately, the patriarchs deserved to be experienced in combat (perhaps because they could see that these two young people would not even have to face the cold when returning home), not only fire trucks and ambulances, but also blankets.

The uniform boy understands K, and he was too nervous just now. Now he was reminded by Jonah that the clothes on the two of them were too thin for the current season, so he hurriedly greeted the people behind to get the blanket.

After a brief introduction, the doctors and nurses immediately stepped forward.

After ten hours of long-term flight, they still escaped from the pursuit of country K. No one knows whether they were injured.

The fact that Jonah had encountered in Country K before was that he was a little bit afraid of the ropes after being bitten by a snake for ten years, so he followed Ji Changze and didn't dare to appear.

Seeing so many people around, I was still nervous. When I was with Ji Changze, I got a thick blanket on his body, and he was stuffed with a glass bottle filled with hot water and wrapped in a towel to warm his hands.

When the doctor carefully checked his physical condition, the whole person was dumbfounded.

"Ji, what are they doing?" Ji

Changze is adapting well and has time to tell the doctor who is examining them: "We are not injured, but a little hungry." The

doctor smiled comfortingly at him: "I still have to check again. Okay."

He knew that this one had escaped from country K, in case it was an internal injury.

Ji Changze allowed them to check on himself while warming his hands with a glass bottle. He was able to answer Jonah's question by the way:

"It's okay. Check us up. They are afraid that we will be injured."

Normal people heard that they were there directly. The country K's chase and interception ran all the way back, and they all wondered if they were injured.

Jonah breathed a sigh of relief, his body less tight.

He looked enviously at Ji Changze, who was held in the moon by the stars: "Ji, your country is really good."

It is so beautiful to be welcomed and greeted by the motherland as soon as you go home.

Being under house arrest all the year round, Jonah wanted to cry when he saw this scene.

Ji Changze warmed his hands, and while busy working, he spared no effort to comfort him: "I believe you will be treated like this when you return to your own country."

Jonah looked at him blankly, thinking it was impossible .

Of course, his country also loves its citizens very much, but the national conditions of country b and China are different.

Huaguo means "Oh, my cubs have suffered, so hurry up and hug your dad, eat something, drink something delicious? Check if your body hurts or not, we will definitely avenge you. Don't worry about the rest, Dad will take care of it."

Country b... It is

very likely that after Jonah went back to say so, the father of country b immediately took the case and got up and got angry:

"What? There is such a thing?! Fuck it!! Do it!!"

As for comfort Poor Jonah who has suffered?

Consolation, let's do it together! !

Jonah was silently envious, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Ji, what are you doing?"

"I'm taking my money."

Ji Changze opened his jacket and took out the various cards hidden in it, as well as some valuable watches, and the goldware.

He even brought out a piece of ambergris.

Jonah: "...Why do you hide so many things??"

"This is my salary for work. I saved it for a long time. Of course I have to take it with me when I go home."

Ji Changze drew out one by one. He said to Jonah: "I wanted to remind you that you would run away with your own finances, but I found that you didn't seem to have much money, so I didn't say it."

Jonah: "..." It was

too heartbreaking.

He tried to defend his wallet: "Actually, I also have a salary. Two years ago, my salary was also very high."

"Well, yes, then I didn't work for nothing."

Seeing Jonah's face was depressed. , Jichang Ze comfort him: "No, you were brought up when the card is no time to do, and before the card, now you people gone, they certainly give you freeze.

If that is too lose, k country house arrest you for so long, you Ask them for mental damage expenses. Although they may not be willing to pay, they still need to pay."

He took down all his dozen cards in one piece, neatly arranged:

"Look at these cards, I hacked into the system and got myself more than a dozen cards. The money was stored separately. Even if they want to freeze my card now, I can still take the money out."

Jonah: "...You are really a good housekeeper. . " "

it was. "

after Ji Zhangze response to the sentence, the tool again to bring the fighter from the package open from the inside out a gold brick.

Jonah: "..." After

him, those cards and gold will be powerful enough.

This is not over yet.

After placing the gold bricks, the young man in front of him who took him all the way from K to China put his hand in the bag again.

Then he took out a gold brick.

Jonah: "..."

He watched Ji Changze take piece after piece, piece after piece.

After the seven gold bricks were placed neatly, the other party was satisfied and stopped, and said to Jonah proudly:

"This is what I changed before. The thing is to prevent them from controlling my money. Tsk, they thought I love gold very much. In order to buy me, I specially gave me a gold bull."

"Don't say, running around with these things is really heavy, but this is my savings, and I don't want others to take it. So I can only carry it by myself."

Jonah: "..."

He asked: "Then what about your cow? Didn't you bring it back?"

"How can it be, the weapon command position in the cabin is placed underneath." The last time I used to excuse me to bring it up with intensive repairs, it's amazing."

Jonah: "..."

He now suspects that Ji Changze didn't let him sit in the weapon command position because of this bull.

"Oh, yes, you reminded me."

Ji Changze was waiting quietly while waiting in line, waiting for the doctor to check before coming to ask his uniformed brother and said:

"Comrade, there is a golden bull under the weapon command position, and the driver's seat. there is a secret compartment under the seat, hidden inside k hundred thousand yuan, and the rearmost seats below, not the kind of below the ground, right right right, yes hand out seat fart following stocks.

in that I can draw out a box with five diamonds in it, and then touch it back, there is still a box with a painting worth 300,000 k yuan in it."

"These are my personal belongings. Please help me pick it up when you hand over the fighter for a while, thank you."

Uniform brother: "..."

He stayed for more than ten seconds before reluctantly retrieving the language system: "Okay, we will bring it to you. Is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

"Other... I will think about it. "

Ji Changze really came up with an omission:

"Ah, yes, there are screws on the ground in the middle. After opening, there is a bag of jade jewelry inside. Please take that out for me too, and I will give it to my mother and my sister. My grandma bought it." The

uniform boy turned and told his colleague with a blank face.

Jonah couldn't understand Chinese, and his face was dumbfounded: "What did you say to him? Why did I look at his expression a bit speechless?"

Ji Changze translated what he had just said.

Jonah: "..."

Seeing him shocked, Ji Changze explained:

"No way, all those in the cabin are hidden by me a little bit. Sometimes the hidden ones are too concealed and I can't remember them. It's a pity that the food is easy to spoil, otherwise I I must hide a bunch of them, we don't have to fly all the way hungry."

No, the point is that you missed those things you hid?

Shouldn't the point be that you can hide so much? !

Regarding this, Ji Changze said: "They won't let me go, and they insist on letting me work for them. Then what can I do? Of course, I can only accumulate more benefits first."

Especially after the fighter transformation plan is started. , Country K may have planned to keep Ji Changze under his nose ever since.

The more things he asked for, the more assured those people would be.

After all, who would have thought that Ji Changze wanted a lot, and he could even take it with him.

Jonah, who was also under house arrest but did not bring back a penny: "..."

"I think my stomach that was stimulated by you is starting to hurt."


Ji Changze was surprised: "Didn't you keep your stomach hurting? I think you have been holding your stomach for ten minutes. I thought you were hungry."

Jonah: "?"

He looked down and found that his hands were right. Covering his stomach.

Since getting off the plane, he has been in a state of tension, and then relaxed and was surprised by Ji Changze's hamster-style carry-on.

I was reminded at this moment, only to realize that my stomach hurts more and more.

It's not that it hurts to be hungry.

He had been in pain before, but he said that stomach pain was not taken seriously in country K, and slowly Jonah learned to bear it by himself.

Later, I met with Ji Changze, and it was good to eat and drink every day, so I didn't have much pain.

Until the flight time was too long, the buns I brought were all eaten. Maybe it was because of nervousness on the plane before, but I didn't feel it much.

After getting off the plane and in a safe environment, there is a doctor beside him. It is estimated that the body has relaxed and gradually began to feel painful.

Other doctors don't speak K and B, and Jonah doesn't speak Chinese. He even pointed to his stomach with gestures: "Here, it keeps

hurting , can you help me see it?" Ji Changze immediately helped him translate: " Doctor, he said that his stomach hurts, and it keeps hurting. "

Stomach hurts?

The doctor immediately focused on Jonah.

Before the examination was completed, Jonah's face became paler and paler, and even at the end he couldn't sit still, his head was sweaty and painful.

Fortunately, Hua Guo has made all-out preparations. The medical resources prepared are very sufficient. Otherwise, if they land in this small mountain village, Jonah wants to go to the hospital for treatment. There is no car here, and it will take an hour at the earliest. To get there.

The result soon came out, chronic atrophic gastritis.

It should have been gastritis before, but it has not been treated, and this has only worsened.

If it is not cured, it may become cancerous.

Although Jonah was sweating and painful, he didn't forget to pull Ji Changze to help him translate. He heard that he was dragging his gastritis to chronic atrophic gastritis because he hadn't been treated for a long time, and he almost didn't crush his teeth with hatred.

He pulled Jichang Ze arms, teeth and said: "I before k country stomach pains, sore uncomfortable every time you want to see a doctor, that is responsible for monitoring my people would not agree, but also taunt me pretend to be sick. I was sick They were abruptly procrastinating, even gastritis, because they refused to give me the food I wanted to eat, and I was unwilling to buy me food after working overtime. Ji, I must take revenge!" The uniform next to me The younger brother was just quietly acting as a background board, and his face changed when he heard that the K national didn't treat Jonah abruptly and dragged his minor illness into a serious one. When I heard that those people didn't even feed Jonah, my face was even more ugly. I guessed that country K would not be good to these foreigners who were forcibly left behind, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. Forcibly leaving people behind to serve them is fine, but in the end they didn't even eat food? ? Is it a human? The most important thing is that Jonah came back with Comrade Ji Changze. Thinking that Comrade Ji Changze was also under house arrest and under surveillance before, the worst thing was that he seemed to have escaped and was captured twice. You can imagine what happened to the other party in Congress K. For a moment, his eyes on Ji Changze were filled with pity and empathy. Ji Changze thought Jonah was a little pitiful. Now he had to admit that the other party was very poor. If it weren't for him to bring people back to China, Jonah's disease might really be dragged into cancer. "Don't worry, what country K has done will not be buried forever." Ji Changze comforted Jonah a few words, Jonah obviously felt relieved.

Obviously he thinks that Ji Changze's words must be more useful than his own.

After comforting Jonah, Ji Changze turned his head and saw that the uniformed boy was looking at him with a strange gaze.

Ji Changze: "?" The

uniformed brother's eyes were firm: "Comrade Ji Changze, you have been wronged in country K."

"Don't worry, the country will definitely seek justice for you in this matter."

Ji Changze was silent for a few seconds before facing. Facing the uniformed brother with the expression "Comrade Ji Changze, you have suffered"... he

nodded his head heavily.


"I know that the country will be the master for me. K country, they are simply not humans. They put me under house arrest and spy on me. I want to eat a wok stewed goose and they won't give me anything."

Lying on the stretcher Jonah, who was about to be carried away: "?"

His painful face squeezed out a daze: "Ji, but..."

But haven't you been treated as an ancestor?

Ji Changze turned to look at Jonah: "Jonah, don't but, just say whether you want revenge."

"My motherland has always protected my shortcomings. I have suffered such a big grievance. They will definitely help me get justice, and so are you , If your motherland knows, it will definitely unite with China to seek justice."

Jonah looked at Ji Changze blankly for a few seconds, and suddenly realized.


If Ji is delicious in country K, then Hua country has no reason to go to country K to settle accounts.

On the contrary, the two natural persons were forcibly placed under house arrest in a foreign country, and they were also tortured. The fact that they were hunted down is certain, but they are justified!

Thinking that Ji Changze had just promised to settle accounts with country K in order to comfort him, at this moment, he lied about being abused in front of his motherland.

What is he for?

Of course it's for Jonah!

Jonah was moved. He didn't expect Ji to be so kind to him. In order to help him, he was willing to use the power of the country.

what! What kind of friendship is this!

Unlucky for so long, the only thing he is not unlucky is that he met his friend Ji Changze.

I thought that if it weren't for the other party, I would still be suffering in country K, and maybe I would end up dying of illness. Now the other party not only took him to a safe country in China, but also willing to persuade his motherland to stand with them in order to help him. This side.

Jonah was moved and don't want it.

With tears in his eyes, he trembled with difficulty and held Ji Changze's hand: "Ji, thank you."

"I will remember you for the rest of my life."

Ji Changze: "It doesn't have to be that way."

"I mean, you will always He is my best friend. After I return to China, I will definitely tell my motherland of your help to me, and China's help to me."

Compared with country K, it is simply a holy light to ask him about it. It shines.

Ji Changze: "I will also tell my country about your help to me."

Warner was stunned for a moment: "Have I helped you?" Is

n't he always a competent leg pendant?

Ji Changze: "No, so I'm just being polite."

Warner: "...but I will try to help you in the future! I have hidden some technologies before telling country K. In return, I am willing to share these technologies with China."

He had no time to say more words of thanks.

Before being taken away for treatment, I didn't forget to say to Ji Changze:

"That big goose, save me a copy. I haven't eaten it yet. I'll come back to eat it when I get better." I still want to eat when I get


It can be seen that he has a strong aura belonging to country b.

"I took it away! I lifted it away!"

"It looks like a foreigner."

"He seems to be in pain. Did he get a gunshot wound?"

Everyone was suddenly surprised when this sentence came out.

For the small village, even if they heard about the gun, they were shocked.

"What the hell is going on? Who is that foreigner?"

"Why did Ji Changze come back in a plane? Didn't he stop leaving in Country K? He said he was calling us Hua Country."

"Don't talk about it here. , Ji Changze's grandma is still there, so she can't hear her well."

"I think this is a bit tricky. If Ji Changze is really a traitor, can the comrades of those state departments give him such good treatment?

Look, look. , Did you see that, that comrade brought him a glass of water. If it is a traitor, it would be nice if you don't fetch the water. What else to pour."

"I also think that I think he is still talking and laughing with those comrades. It doesn't look like he's here to catch him."

Hua Guo is still in a period of poverty and development, and there are very few cars in the village, let alone airplanes.

Even when I talk about it now, I still have a little naive conjecture peculiar to simple people.

The upper part of both sides of the road is almost full of people, and it can be seen that the whole village is running out to watch the excitement.

After all, there was a plane directly into the village.

What kind of New Year's meal is for something that hasn't been encountered in hundreds of years?

You can watch while eating.

When Ji Changze stood up after checking, he saw that more than one family had gotten the table out and looked over here while eating.

The Ji family did not do this.

After all, it was their family members who were surrounded by uniformed comrades and doctors and nurses.

Jichang Ze see my family all looked at his face tense, waved at them, exclaimed:. "I'll be back, you go to dinner, remember to give me leave rice" ,

"wok braised goose and more Save me some."

Ji's family: "..."

Grandma Ji was holding a bowl: "...What the hell is this, it doesn't look like catching someone."

Mother Ji endured after seeing her son . Can't help crying.

"Changze, Changze is back. Maybe the news is wrong. Our parent Ze is not that kind of person. Everyone in the village says he is smart."

Ji Changhe: "My brother flew a plane?"

Ji Fu Relatively calm: "I think we should calm down a bit." As

he said, he took out a cigarette he rolled, took a puff, and took another puff.

After vomiting a few puffs of smoke, I didn't realize that I hadn't lit the fire.

Grandma Ji snatched away the cigarette from her son's hand: "If you smoke, you know about smoking every day. You still smoke for such a big thing! Don't you hurry down to find out what's going on!"

Mother Ji: "Woo...long Ze is thin..." The

words were all uttered, and he found that his son was not only thin, but also round, his face was pale and red, and he was more healthy, so he silently swallowed the rest of the words, and changed the sentence:

"Woo …He must be back for New Year's Eve dinner. Our parent Ze is a good boy. He will not treason. Maybe the newspaper is wrong."

Ji Changhe: "My brother flew the plane..."

Grandma Ji took a look. The granddaughter on the left looked at the daughter-in-law on the left again, feeling unreliable, and pushed her son again: "Let you go down, what are you doing stupidly!"

Father Ji: "Go ahead, mother, my legs are weak."

"If my old lady's legs are not soft, can I ask you to go?! Quickly put your leg up and ask!"

Ji Changhe: "My brother is flying the plane!"

Ji Changze couldn't hear what they were saying, but just look at it. People came out in a hurry without forgetting to put on their coats, so they let go.

Brother Uniform was asking him: "Can you tell me about the specific situation? The news we received is that the researcher, it's you, ran away in the plane while working. I was worried at the time, and I was afraid that you would not I was flying the plane, and I was afraid that it would not land, and I was afraid that country K would catch it."

He said and couldn't help but smiled: "At first we didn't know it was you, and we were thinking about who this is. As a result, I heard that it was our comrades from

Huaguo, oh yeah, the big guys were so happy, and they all wanted to set off firecrackers to celebrate." Ji Changze also smiled.

"Almost, all the transformations of this fighter jet are led by me and Jonah. I lied to them to complete it within five years. They would not be too vigilant. In addition, the transformation was very successful. So when I planned it, I knew it could be done 99%."

"You are also very good. The first time I flew the plane, I flew back for more than ten hours, and we were afraid that you would not land. , is dispatched so many people afraid of something happening. "

Jichang Ze waved his hand:." I did not, I made the autopilot function, though flying a dozen hours, but only takeoff and landing when I come "

uniforms little brother The pen that was recording stopped and looked up with a dumbfounded look: "Automatic, automatic what?"

"Automatic driving."

Now whether it is in China or the world, the aircraft autopilot function is just an idea and can be fully put into use. Still not used on fighter jets at all.

Ji Changze explained patiently: "I also know that I am not a professional, and it is impossible to drive for more than ten hours at a time. Even if my knowledge reserve can keep up, Jonah can't fly a plane, and I expect him to learn.

If there is no replacement, I'm really not sure about a person's high concentration for more than ten hours, so I just built an autopilot function directly so that I can sleep and rest, and the plane can fly back by itself according to my settings. . "

Brother Uniform: "..."

Because I couldn't fly for more than ten hours, so I simply made an airplane autopilot function. The

key, it was successful, the airplane flew back to China by itself.

Even if he is not this professional , but also know how important autopilot function.

his steady a steady mind, finally stabilize, Jichang Ze seemed to fear that he had been stimulated enough in general, began to introduce their endless transformation of how hard fighter.

"stealth , You should know this, I just heard from them. I have been looking for it underground before, but I can't find it. It is not only undetectable, but also arranged by the naked eye. Look at this line and look at this color. , It is exquisite. " I took a lot of effort to prepare the defense function. Look here, do you see it? This is shallow, you can't see the traces without looking carefully. This is a bullet hole. When we took off before, we fought in country K. , I can't even leave a complete bullet mark on it. " I changed all of my speed, responsiveness, turning, and endurance. This is the first fighter in the world that can fly more than ten hours at a time." " Don't mention the attack. I tell you that country K is really rich, and you can get any expensive things. I have installed a lot of weapons, and I have also changed the orbital groove, just two words: silky! "The uniform boy is already silly. He has heard it before. It is said that this fighter is the newest and most powerful fighter in country K. But country K did not say that all the new technologies on the fighter jet are completely Ji Changze alone. Ah no, and Jonah, they both did it.

It was surprising that Ji Changze did an autopilot function in order to fly back for more than ten hours. As a result, all the changes on the entire fighter plane were made by him.

In particular, the results of the work are quite...quite enchanting.

His hand with the pen trembled slightly, and he felt that he was receiving more than just a big person, it was a wicked evildoer.

After Ji Changze Barabara finished speaking, he consciously lost his own business. He added: "I have tried my best to use the keys and directions commonly used in China when I am remodeling. As soon as I get the pilot familiar with it, remember to let him read the instruction manual. "

Brother Uniform: "???" During the

transformation, it was transformed into a direction suitable for Chinese pilots. Is it possible that the meaning of this sentence is...? ?

He swallowed hard, and asked: "Are you... planning to drive this fighter back from the beginning?"

"Of course."

Ji Changze's answer was very confident.

"If it weren't for the plan to drive back from the beginning, how could I be so cooperative to help country K transform the fighter jets."

"The K country is not very good. It is true to have money. I originally wanted to come back and transform us after this idea was born. It's a national fighter jet, but I'm not thinking that China's fighter jets are small and the experimental funds are not too much. If we come back to do these researches, it will be too much money from the motherland."

He was a little excited: "So I I just did it directly in country K. Anyway, it only takes more than ten hours to drive back, and it can save some money. I can return to China smoothly. How about comrades, is my idea very safe and comprehensive? Two birds with one stone, right? ? "

uniforms brother comrade:" ... "

he has completely senseless.

"Yes, yes... this plan is very safe, comprehensive, and kills two birds with one stone." It

means that ordinary people can't implement it.

"Yeah, I think so too, eh, comrade, can we ask other questions tomorrow, or be late? I haven't eaten yet, I'm hungry, I'm going to have a meal first, and we can hand it over again, okay?"

Uniform Brother:...Actually, I don't have the guts to continue asking...

He hurriedly said: "I was negligent. I'm really sorry. You go to eat first. I have to report to the leader. They are also waiting. The news."

"That's all right, then I'll go first. Remember to let the pilot read the instructions. If he is not sure, use the autopilot function. It's really not possible. When I finish my meal, I will open it.

Okay ." Brother Uniform: "...Okay, okay, you have worked hard."

He stood still and watched Ji Changze walking towards his family, with only one thought in his mind: how exactly did the teacher Fang He teach of.

This Comrade Ji Changze is too fierce.

He is a hunk.

The old leader who waited anxiously and finally got the news criticized his subordinates: "How can you describe Comrade Changze as a male? How much hardship he has suffered in country K before he can go home. We must give him the warmth of home, don't just give him the warmth of home. Comrade Changze

took the nickname." "He is only in his 20s this year . If he is not smart, he should only be in college now. We must care for him, take care of him, and let him put down the fear of being in K country." The

uniform boy: "I think Comrade Changze wants the big goose stewed in an iron pot more than caring."

"Then stew it, stew it now. Comrade Changze worked hard, and finally returned home, let alone the big goose stewed in an iron pot, he We have to be satisfied if we just want to eat the golden pot stewed goose. Is

Comrade Changze not injured? Has the fighter been damaged? Didn't it cause personnel damage? I heard that this is the most powerful fighter in country K. We may be able to get some technology down. Hahahaha, originally Comrade Changze was already very happy to come back, and now I buy one get one free, and it's a big surprise to bring a fighter." The

uniform brother silently looked at the new and beautiful fighter behind him.

"Leader, I think we don't need to use technology at all."

"All the functions of this fighter are done by Comrade Changze."

Oh, no: "And Comrade Jonah."

"What?!!" The

old leader was surprised. "They did it all? So is the invisibility?"

"More than invisibility, attack, defense, reaction, everything is all, Comrade Changze told me personally."

Before the old leader digested the news, he was overwhelmed. Brother added: "There is one more thing we don't know."

"Comrade Changze is not sure that he can drive a plane for ten hours at a time, so he designed an autopilot function. This time he drives back, except for takeoff. And landing, all autopilot functions are on."

Old leader: "..."

The other old leaders beside: "..."

"The autopilot the autopilot I think about it?" The

uniform boy faced With the trembling voice of the old leader, he actually felt a little bit of pity for the same illness. He nodded: "Yes, it's the plane you think you can fly without people." The

old leaders: "..."

At this moment , Their feelings are as if the parents heard that their child was bullied by someone from a house, and hurriedly rushed to support it.

It turned out that all the people in the house were beaten down by the children.

He also lifted the house.

After it was lifted, he dragged it back and knocked it on the roof of his house.

"This fighter was brought back by Comrade Changze, and it was also researched by him. Ask him if he can sell it to the country. As long as we sell it, we can buy it for as long as we can." The

uniform brother hurried over and asked the frontman. Ji Changze.

Then came back blankly.

"He, he..." The

old leaders were almost anxious: "What's wrong with him? You said it!"

"He said no money, this fighter... is the new year he brought back." In the

distance, Ji Changze Walked in front of his family.

A soldier had just rushed in front of him to explain to his family. At this moment, all of his relatives looked at him excitedly with tears in their eyes.

Grandma Ji cried even more with tears: "I, I know that our parents Ze will not do anything to betray the country. Your grandpa is a martyr."

Ji Changze opened her arms and hugged Grandma Ji who was full of tears:

"Yeah, how could I treason, I am the child that the martyrs love the most."

"I'm back."

"Happy New Year's Eve."

International students who refuse to return to China (18) (They see me as a genius and force me not to let me...)

In the warm room, Ji Changze took the bowl and ate the big goose gracefully.

No matter how elegant his movements were, he couldn't hold back his eating fast and too much.

The military comrades in the house looked at him as if he hadn't eaten enough for eight hundred years, and they didn't know what kind of expression they should put on.

Comrade Nagasawa, this is how much hardship I have suffered in country K.

Look at this poor man, that big goose was almost eaten away by him.

Seeing that her son likes to eat, Ji's mother ran out to kill the big goose again. According to the Chinese leader's way of beloving children, unsurprisingly, within the next week, Ji's family will have iron pot stewed goose on the table.

They also enthusiastically invited military comrades to eat together.

The Chinese people's enthusiasm for the soldiers is vividly manifested. Ji's mother even put aside her words:

"It's okay! There are more than a dozen big geese at home. They are all national policies. They are very fat, but the weather is not active recently.

Let's lose the meat. Let's just kill them all today, lest they lose more and more meat." Comrades in the army looked at the bones in front of Ji Changze: "No, we've eaten them before we came. Let's let Comrade Ji Changze eat. After more than ten hours of fighter jets, they ate a few steamed buns."

Although they received the task urgently, even if they didn't eat when they came, the cafeteria packed food to eat on the road.

Compared to Ji Changze, who spent more than ten hours on steamed buns, the other party needed more food.

Seeing that the military comrades were serious, the Ji family regretfully gave up the idea of entertaining them, and the sleeping goose next door finally escaped.

"I didn't drive it either. I spent most of my time resting."

Ji Changze finally ate the iron pot stewed goose that had been talking for a long time, put down the bowl contentedly, and wiped the corners of his mouth slowly.

In fact, if Jonah weren't always worried that he would talk to him when he fell asleep, he would still be able to come back all the way.

"How is the situation now? Has country K

talked to our country?" Seeing that Ji Changze had eaten enough to discuss business matters , the uniform brother looked at Ji's family hesitantly, thinking that Ji Changze had returned to China, the news could not be suppressed. Simply and straightforwardly said:

"Seven hours ago, country K requested our country to return their fighter jets and asked us to escort you to the military court of country K."


He has been smiling lovingly on the side. Grandma Ji, who looked at her grandson, suddenly became nervous: "Do they want to sentence us to Nagasawa?! That's not okay, Nagasawa is a good person!"

"Milk, don't worry, I'm back home, country K I can't be shackled anymore." Ji Changze patted his grandma's hand for comfort.

Grandma Ji didn't understand what the shackles meant, but she also understood what grandson meant that K country could not do anything with him, so she put aside a little bit.

But he still nervously said to the uniformed brother: "Comrade, we, Changze, are all thinking about the country. All of his previous things were forced by country K to send him. Now he has finally escaped back. You must not Really send people back."

"Don't worry."

Even if you don't need to ask the leader, the uniform boy can immediately answer this question: "Comrade Ji Changze is a citizen of China, and the country will definitely protect him." The

country's commitment The Ji family members were greatly relieved, and even the expression on the face of Father Ji, who had been silent, looked relaxed.

Ji Changze said: "There is not a big problem in country K. Let's not talk about their request to hand over me, a Chinese citizen, just say they asked me to hand over the fighter. How can they prove that this fighter is from country K?"

Uniform The younger brother was a little

confused: " What does Comrade Changze mean?" Ji Changze stretched his hands: "Since they say this is their fighter, then all the new technologies above should also be copied."

"If it can't be copied, it would be funny. I keep saying that it is a fighter developed by myself. As a result, without this one, I can't make a second one?" The

uniform boy's eyes brightened.

"Have you not shared those technologies with them?"

Ji Changze: "They have leaked my technology. I don't trust them. They refuse to participate in the transformation of fighter jets. They also count on me to transform fighter jets, and they are confident that I can't escape. Go out..."

He can understand the rest of the content without talking about Uniform Brother.

It's all fat sheep to the lips, and there is no difference between eating early and eating later. Naturally, country K can't think that Ji Changze, the roasted fat sheep, can really put on its wings and run away.

By the way, the fighter was also taken away.

"I understand, I will report to the leaders. Comrade Changze, you have worked hard." The

uniform boy stood up and bowed to Ji Changze, and said apologetically: "Next, there will be some people around you who are responsible for protecting you. We have to beware of the fact that the spies of country K jumped over the wall and it is not good for you."

"I understand."

The surveillance of the country is different from the surveillance of country K. It is for his safety. Ji Changze will naturally not refuse.

And I have to say that there are always a bunch of experienced soldiers around him, which seems to be really cool.

Just one thing: "It's the Chinese New Year. They have to work hard to follow me."

The soldier next to the uniform boy may be on duty all year round, his face is dark, and he laughed white teeth when he heard this:

"It's nothing, If my mother knows that I am protecting the hero of the country, she will not go home for the New Year, and she still feels that I give my family a face."

Comrades in the army said that their parents are national heroes!

There is no joy on the Ji family's faces, only the complexity of mixed emotions.

Grandma Ji cried directly. She was full of wrinkles and age spots holding her grandson's hand, repeating in a dialect vague because of crying:

"We Changze are national heroes."

"Like your grandpa, your grandpa It's also a hero, I know you won't, Changze, good boy, grandma knows that you are a good boy."

Their family has always been respected in the village. At first, it was because Grandpa Ji was a martyr. Although Ji's family was sad for his death , But also proud of him.

Later it was Ji Changze.

A golden phoenix flew out of the chicken coop in Xiaoliu Village.

I don't want to go to college, and I don't need a penny at home. Studying abroad is a gift from the country. At that time, the Ji family were so honored that they had to pick themselves up every time they went out, so as to show the temperament of the "champion" family. .

The Ji family is poor, but has always been respected.

And this respect was completely shattered after Ji Changze became a traitor.

The cohesion and patriotism of the Chinese people is absolutely second to none.

Grandma Ji can't read, but she is more familiar than anyone else in the leadership quotations. There is a portrait of a leader hanging in the house. The first thing to do every morning is to wipe it cleanly.

Even if it takes a lot of hard work every day, they have to work all day long to have a meal, but they don't think it is so hard.

Compared with before, this is the result of the hard work of the ancestors.

Besides, aren't days getting better every day?

No matter how poor she is, she looks so gray.

It's also their country.

How many traumas have gone through, how many people's efforts can become a country like today.

How come to the mouth of a child raised by the state, it becomes a pedal he uses to please country K.

During that time, without the contempt of the villagers, the Ji family themselves could be trapped in deep shame and anger.

They can't figure it out.

Why do they treat their precious children like this.

Teacher Fang He, who used to be happy every day, didn't laugh anymore.

The people in the village respect Teacher Fang very much, and no one thinks he is wrong even if something like this happens, but Fang He has charged himself with a crime.

He chose to leave after a new teacher came to the village and never came back.

The Ji family was criticized by the villagers and tortured by their own hearts.

They are really, depressed for too long.

Ji Changze instead held the old man's labor-stained hand, and wiped the tears from her face with the other hand: "Milk, stop crying, isn't this a good thing?"

"Yes, yes, I won't cry anymore."

Grandma Ji was there. This era can be called a strong sentence, but at this moment, because of the words of her grandson, she cried and laughed and wiped away her tears, saying: "I will go out to see the fire."

Obviously, she was not really watching the fire.

After going out, the old man crouched and tried to walk the fastest.

At the gate of the yard, there were many comrades with real guns and live ammunition guarding them, and Grandma Ji thanked them one by one.

Many villagers kept their distance and watched curiously. When Grandma Ji came out, they hurriedly moved forward.

Before they could question, Grandma Ji had already raised her head high.

Under the light that was lit up because of darkness, he announced loudly:

"Our father, Ze! is a national hero!"