He who snatches the saber of the orphan in the last days (9) (Actually I am the sword spirit (three in one)...)

No matter how Fang Xing doubted whether Ji Changze had hurt his mind during the time he was out, this meal still made the guests and the host happy in all aspects.

The main reason is that it is the end of the world after all. Even if it was a party before, it was always grabbing a prey to eat, where it's like now, a bunch of prey in exchange for food.

In the past, the prey of all kinds of seven or eighty-eight varieties were all brought back by the players underneath. It is not always good for people to help bring the prey back and let them go, and then they eat by themselves.

Team Zhou simply vacated their yard and made barbecues to eat.

A group of people lively eating and drinking, all kinds of meat are available, at first glance, it looks like a pre-apocalyptic dinner.

Ji Wenan is a child. Children like this kind of lively occasions the most. He eats with a round belly and is very happy.

Ji Changze is the opposite of him. He has been sitting in the corner of the room, eating whatever is in front of him, not picking the least bit.

Even if you choose to trust each other and everyone sits at the same table, it will inevitably be a bit embarrassing before the experience.

Fortunately, there is an active atmosphere where the Zhou team has been working hard, and Fang Xing is always smiling, and the atmosphere in the house is OK.

As for Detour Ran, who originally planned to hurry up before the dinner party, it has been ten years since the last days. He has eaten such a high-quality dinner party for the first time. He did not lift his head or mouth at all.

At the end of the meal, when the atmosphere was at its best, Qin Qinghe took out the treasured wine and said that he had not been willing to drink it after hiding it for ten years. I suddenly remembered that I didn't know if the wine had a shelf life, so I brought it today. Come and drink with everyone.

The wine is not bad, but the person who has hidden the wine for ten years became drunk after a sip, and went outside to spread the wine madly, causing several other captains to go out to watch the excitement, watch the excitement, and solicit people.

Only Ji Wenan, who was drowsy and sleepy, Fang Xing, who had just put down his chopsticks, and Ji Changze, who sat aside holding a sword when he was full, were left in the room.

He sat silently, a black suit blending into the corner. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see that there is a person sitting.

Fang Xing hesitated for a second before getting up and sitting beside Ji Changze.



Ji Changze quickly answered her, looking over quietly with a pair of dark eyes, as if asking her what's the matter.

"Why did you move? Team Zhou explained to me."

Fang Xing cleared up his mood and slowly said, "As for the ninth-level sword, this sword has your eldest brother's crystal core. Would you give me some more time?"

Ji Changze felt a little strange.

According to Fang Xing's character, it is impossible for her to be as obsessed with a sword as she is now.

No matter how sad she was, she wouldn't really treat Jingnuo as Ji Rong.

He took this to the bottom of his heart, with no clue on the face.

"Remember to wipe the sword."

Seeing him like a child, always focusing on wiping the sword and not wiping the sword, Fang Xing was a little sad at first, but now he laughed:

"Okay, I remember, sweet-scented osmanthus oil, right?"


After the black-clothed boy finished answering, Fang Xing noticed a crack in his sleeve again.

Honestly speaking, this is hard to find, because Ji Changze is not only black in his jacket, but also in black.

"Why the clothes are torn?"

When the person in front of me heard this, he looked down at his sleeve, and replied, "The cow made it."

"Are the two cows? Why do you suddenly remember to catch the cows alive?"

Fang Xing stretched out his hand and motioned to Ji Changze to take off his coat.

She brought the needle and thread, took out the needle and the black thread, and helped him sew his sleeve stitch by stitch.

"It's dangerous outside, knowing that you are not afraid of those, but you should also pay attention. Some mutant animals have conflicts with zombies. If the juice of the zombies sticks to your body, you may be infected if you are scratched a little. You will be wronged by that time. ."

Although this situation hasn't been heard much since the zombies turned into mummy one by one, as long as humans are not extinct, new zombies will join the camp every year.

There is always nothing wrong with being careful.

Without his jacket, Ji Changze looked less stern, and replied: "I will not become a zombie."

This is really childish.

Fang Xing smiled helplessly and shook his head, not taking it seriously: "It's better to be careful."

When she was sewing the clothes, she did not speak, and Ji Changze sat silently on the side. Fang Xing was a little dazed by the firelight.

This picture is too similar to before.

Ji Changze was injured and his clothes were torn, and he never cared about it.

He didn't say anything, didn't cry out for pain, he always stayed alone in a corner or in the dark.

Fang Xing is from the treatment department, she is very sensitive to the smell of blood, and after smelling it, she will find the other party, heal him, and help him sew clothes.

Ji Rong likes to cook in the fire in winter, always sitting by the fire, smiling and saying, don't let Changze call her sister-in-law, just call mom.

When Ji Wenan heard this, he took it seriously and was too happy, saying that Uncle Ze was his elder brother.

At that time, the family's happiness was in harmony, and when it was put under the similar picture now, there was only silence.

Fang Xing's heart became sour, she slowly took up the thread, unfolded her clothes and checked it again, and only after she made sure that there were no holes, she returned it to the teenager who was sitting quietly opposite her.

Seeing him putting it on seriously, she suddenly said, "Changze, do you think your eldest brother is really dead?"

Ji Changze took a while as he put on his clothes.

Oh humiliation.

In this short second, he has quickly completed a round of inferences in his heart.

Fang Xing quickly realized that what he said was a bit crazy: "Forget it, nothing."

The ends of her eyes were a little red, and she consciously lost her mind. She hurriedly reached out her hand and rubbed her eyes, smiled, and asked directly: "I didn't care about it before. I didn't even ask you. Why didn't you come to me and play with Wen An? ?"

Ji Changze tilted his head slightly, as if he thought the question about his sister-in-law was very strange.

He pointed out: "You are not invited."

Fang Xing was taken aback, a little unresponsive: "What?"

Ji Changze: "Older brother would invite me."

"You can only go if you invite it."

Looking at the face in front of him with no special expressions, but with a serious expression in his eyes, Fang Xing's nose was sour.

She didn't lose her emotions, she cried in her tone, stretched out her hand, and touched Ji Changze's head:

"Yes, my sister-in-law forgot. My sister-in-law will remember to invite us to Changze in the future."

How could she forget that Changze was trapped in the Zombie City before he was eight years old, and all of his was taught by Ji Rong and her.

Ji Rong told him that he must be invited by others before he can go to other people's homes.

The child will do it seriously.

In the past, every time Ji Changze went to their house, Ji Rong came back from the base with him, and invited him to dinner with him by the way.

After Ji Rong had an accident, she was so confused that she couldn't take care of it, and Wen An was just a child who didn't understand anything.

None of them asked Changze. He didn't receive an invitation, so naturally he would not pass.

Fang Xing felt guilty.

How could she forget that Ji Changze was only fifteen years old.

He is not even as good as a normal fifteen-year-old child in many ways.

She lost her husband.

But Changze also lost his eldest brother.

Why didn't she ask the last sentence?

Why do you just let it go for a few months?

Others thought that Changze was hiding evil intentions. She watched him grow up, understood his specialness, and understood that he was also a young elder. How could she really have a grudge in her heart?

How could Nagasawa be that kind of person.

He doesn't have that brain either.

And she had been away for only a month, and his words became more and more weird.

Maybe it's even harder now.

How did Nagasawa spend the period of rejection by the Zhou team?

Fang Xing gently hugged the young man in front of him, suppressed his crying, and earnestly promised: "Even if your elder brother will never come back, your sister-in-law will take care of you and Wen An."

I don't know if it is to Ji Changze or to herself, her voice still has a nasal tone, just repeating:

"It will be fine, it will be fine."

After gnawing one-fifth of the leg of lamb, he finally wiped his mouth with satisfaction, moved his bones, and was about to start his own detour on the road of provoking discord. Ran began to look around to find his target.

After searching, Fang Xing was holding Ji Changze like a kid.

The other hand was still pulling Ji Wen'an.

In that scene, people who didn't know thought it was the death of the husband, and the widow was raising one child and one child alone.

Detour Ran was stunned.

No, isn't Fang Xing sitting on his left just now? ?

Isn't Ji Changze alone in the corner? ?

Fang Xing was still eating while he was gnawing on the trotters, wasn't it?

Why did the two of them hug each other by eating a leg of lamb? ?

He has not had time to pull out the needle. How come the two target characters are reconciled by themselves? ?

Ran around was too shocked.

Hu Xiaohu came in and saw the trotters bones on his desk, and he was too shocked.

An Run does not eat pork and beef.

He didn't eat beef because he had a cow at home when he was a child. When he was a calf, An Rungang would run around, and one cow and one person grew up almost together.

Xiao An Run treats the cow as her playmate, and enjoys it every day.

Until the cow is old, the family is about to kill and eat meat, and the blue sky is thunderous. Since then, it has left a psychological shadow, and will never touch the beef again.

Pork is because An Yingying used to raise a small fragrant pig. It was also raised since she was a child, and she died of life. Comparing her heart to heart, An Run stopped eating pork with An Yingying.

This isn't it, besides these two types of meat, there are many other types of meat.

They don't eat it themselves and don't hinder others, so this is fine.

As a result, what did he see, An Run actually ate pork.

And with such a big bone, he must have eaten a lot.

An Yingying was also taken over for dinner. People were still in the yard. He actually did this in front of An Yingying. Hu Xiaohu was suspicious. When everyone was full and they went back to their homes, they looked for Ji Changzeba. Ba Ba told what he saw.


Ji Changze's reaction was relatively plain: "You ask Yingying first, which part of her home is her favorite recently."

Hu Xiaohu has also become vigilant.

"Boss, don't worry, I will ask in the morning. Yingying goes to school every morning. I will block the door and ask her in the morning."

Looking at the back of Hu Xiaohu leaving violently, Ji Changze also understood what he must have realized.

In fact, it is really hard to bypass Ranzhuang.

He also has a plan and strategy when he is an undercover agent.

For example, first grabbing the period and falling out with Hu Xiaohu, chasing away the person who knows An Run best, and then in order to let people understand the difference in some small details about An Yingying, he specially found a girlfriend.

At that time, even if people feel that he treats An Yingying differently from before, it can be understood as "when a man finds a girlfriend, he is not so caring about his daughter."

As long as he stays "busy", Hu Xiaohu and him can't say a few words even if they meet, because they neglect their daughter because they are too busy.

It's also because I don't do needlework and don't cook because I'm too busy.

But who told Ji Changze to sack his management power.

"An Run" was idle all of a sudden.

Without "busy" as a shield, his small mistakes can easily be seen.

In addition, the stimulus that Detour Ran has recently received is really a bit big, and it doesn't have the mentality of not rushing, not slow and slow.

Today this whole meat feast won him eat without raising his head.

If everyone just vaguely felt that something was wrong before, then Detour Ran's performance today can be said to be a broken tank after his mentality collapsed.

Not only Hu Xiaohu, Team Zhou, Qin Qinghe, Hu Rong, and the others looked at Detour Ran's eyes a bit wrong.

Even if Ji Changze doesn't arrest, it is estimated that if this continues, a few of them will be able to arrest people.

He knew that Hu Xiaohu had doubts in his heart, and he would definitely put this matter in his heart and would not forget it easily, so he concentrated on thinking about other things.

Fang Xing's performance is really strange.

She is not like a person who has lost her husband, but rather like a person who has hope and fear of disappointment and troubles.

Ji Changze could even feel the anxiety in her heart, as well as deep self-doubt.

After thinking for a while, he took a detour to the base hospital, found the base medical records, and found out Fang Xing's medical records.

Before she left the base, she was in a psychiatric department in the hospital.

There is no such thing in the memory of the original owner.

But think about the temperament that the original owner doesn't care much about except for the improvement of strength. It is normal that there is no.

As the boss of the base, Ji Changze's room has the keys of various departments. It is easy to find out various medical records of the psychiatric department.

The hospital is off work, and Ji Changze's black suit is almost integrated with the surrounding night.

He opened the door lightly like a cat.

Soon I found information about Fang Xing's consultation.

The psychiatrist at Yinghe Base is not a multi-specialist. She had just started her internship when the end of the world came. It hadn't been a day before the end of the world came.

So even if she finds a job as a psychiatrist at Yinghe Base Hospital after the end of the world, she still feels unconfident and finds a lot of books to learn by herself. Regarding Fang Xing's questions, she also remarks on it: temporarily unable to overcome it. , Work hard, and strive to get it done in a few years.

Ji Changze opened it, and it recorded clearly and plainly inside, Fang Xing narrated to her, saying that because he was from the Healing Department, he was always very sensitive to people's aura.

She can always notice the family members who are injured or who are sick.

She had also done experiments with her husband before. Ji Rong mobilized all her energy to hide in a place at home. His breathing was barely audible. She asked her to find it. She could find it accurately every time.

This is the premise.

And the reason why she came to the psychiatric department is because since Ji Rong blew himself up and declared his death without bones, she could always feel the breath of her husband on the ninth-level sword.

Not the crystal nucleus, but him.

He was there, just very weak, very weak.

At first, she only thought that she missed the other person too much, and even couldn't help but use the healing power on the cold crystal core to heal her, wanting to make her husband's weakness better.

Obviously no response was received, but she just felt that Ji Rong was there.

She also asked Wen An, but Wen An felt nothing.

I asked the other people in the base implicitly, and no one felt Ji Rong like her.

At first, Fang Xing was dubious, and then she ignited hope, but when no one found out, and when she was the only one who felt that Ji Rong was there, she began to wonder if she could not accept the news of Ji Rong's death, and her spirit appeared. Problem.

The psychiatric girl who has not always been very confident in her medical skills obviously believed that Fang Xing had been stimulated and had hallucinations at first.

But with the second visit and three visits, she was gradually led by Fang Xing.

For example, Fang Xing's logical thinking in other places is normal except for this aspect.

For example, Fang Xing is indeed very sensitive to human existence.

The younger the psychiatric sister gets more and more autistic.

On the third time, she even began to feel whether she also had mental problems.

The only psychiatrist in the entire base stopped cooking, and Fang Xing couldn't continue the "treatment".

The younger sister suggested to her that it might be because she is more likely to become dependent on her deceased partner in a familiar environment, so she can try to go out and relax and change places.

Of course, the main reason is that the psychiatrists at Yanhu Base are pretty good, at least they are in the third year, and they have to have more experience.

Ji Changze held the medical record book, looking thoughtfully.

It turned out to be so.

I can't blame Fang Xing for his unwillingness to let go of the ninth-level sword. It is not just Ji Rong's relic. In her eyes, it is Ji Rong himself.

However, no one but her can feel the entire base. When the only person in the world believes in something, she will not only doubt it, but also gradually doubt herself.

She has no evidence, can't produce proof, only has a specious feeling.

What she said would only make people think that she missed Ji Rong too much and had mental problems.

Ji Changze felt that what Fang Xing felt was probably not an illusion.

The spiritual energy of this world is gradually recovering, although it is slow, but it has not stopped.

It's like Wuliu's consciousness, rejecting Wuliu boss, a ninth-level sword that can choose his own master, An Yingying's "intuition system supernatural ability".

Strictly speaking, this kind of "intuition system ability" is not considered a supernatural ability. It is the kind of prediction. It is not so much that she is intuition, it is better to say that she is much more sensitive in all aspects.

Fang Xing's awakening may be something similar.

Invisible, intangible, and can't be directly brought out to confront the enemy like an ability, but it is to remind the body all the time.

After understanding, Ji Changze put down his medical records and went straight to Fang Xing's current residence.

He once stayed in a world of Xianxia. If some cultivators fail to cross the tribulation, if they don't want to turn to ghost cultivators, they will combine the prepared weapons with themselves. Since then, they will be less restrictive than ghost cultivators. The spirit of the device.

Of course, ghost cultivation has its disadvantages, and there are also weapon spirits.

It's okay if one's strength is strong, if someone who is more powerful than one's own grasps the spirit bond, and if you don't have the spirit and would rather die, then you will have to be driven by others for a lifetime.

Ji Changze had never worried about this before. He was confident that he could be so powerful that no one could control him.

But now, depending on the situation, Ji Rong may have lost consciousness when he was about to die.

It should be the crystal nucleus.

The cultivator who is turning the device spirit will put his own blood on the weapon, and Ji Rong's crystal core has the same effect as his blood. When he died, after completing the steps in a confused manner, his soul was drawn to the ninth level sword. in.

He has completed the union with his own weapon in an unconscious state.

It's just that he is not a real cultivator. Other cultivators have Nascent Soul, who can be resurrected immediately after death. Ji Rong has nothing, and his soul is pulled in, he can't open his eyes with his own ability.

Ji Changze estimated that if Fang Xing didn't miss him too much, even if he thought it was an illusion, he was still insisting on delivering treatment to his crystal nucleus, Ji Rong estimated that it would have disappeared long ago.

Now it's dark, Fang Xing and Ji Wen'an have turned off their lights and went to sleep.

Ji Changze closed his eyes and began to feel the strongest flame in the air.

He is a fire element, and knows how to use spells, so he can easily locate the ninth-level sword.

Lightly followed the energy, and it was indeed in the square star room.

There was a scent of osmanthus in Fang Xing's room. It is estimated that after she came back, she had listened to Ji Changze's words and rubbed osmanthus oil on the sword.

Ji Changze's eyes fell under the moonlight, lying quietly on a sword on the shelf.

This sword has no scabbard and is very shiny.

His previous plan was to wait until Fang Xing came back, and integrate with this sword, and establish his identity as a sword spirit.

But if Ji Rong is inside...

Ji Changze closed his eyes and pulled in a piece of divine consciousness that he had cultivated these days.

Sure enough, it was a bit squeezed.

A faint, transparent body with closed eyes and a weak body was lying quietly inside.

Ji Changze's spiritual sense circled him and poked at the opponent.

No response at all.

Divine consciousness spared another circle, this time scratching is probably the place where it tickles the flesh.

Po moved this time, but only moved slightly, and fell asleep again weakly.

Can move, some rescue.

This is really happy for everyone.

While overturning all previous plans, Ji Changze circled the opponent a few times, first finding a place for himself inside.

Then follow the process to bind yourself to this sword.

He had planned to tie it to death, but since Ji Rong was already here, Ji Changze spent more than an hour seizing the loopholes and reorganizing the binding process.

In summary, the original lifetime agreement was operated by him into a short-term agreement.

He can go whenever he wants to.

The key point now is that Ji Rong is too weak.

Had it not been for Fang Xing to give him treatment with that little hope every day, it is estimated that he would have really died and could not die again.

Ji Changze's spiritual consciousness wandered around for a few times, trying to transfer spiritual power to him, but Ji Rong hadn't cultivated fruit before, so he couldn't eat it at all and didn't know how to eat it.

That's no way.

It can only be done in the last days.

Ji Changze strolled out and pushed the window carefully, creating the illusion of the wind pushing the window, allowing the moonlight to shine better on the sword.

Big brother.

You can't eat anything now, so let's absorb the essence of the sun and the moon first.

Although the aura is so weak now, this little sun and moon essence seems to be not enough, but let's do it first.

Ji Changze rushed out after getting it done, ran to the clearing in one breath, and sneezed several times.

Fang Xing... she put too much osmanthus oil on it too.

Is this a wholesaler of osmanthus oil?

Ji Changze touched the hot spot on the back of his neck.

If he could look in the mirror now, he should be able to see an icon like a drop of blood on the back of his neck.

That is the logo of the sword spirit, which usually only appears when the skill is used.

It is because of this icon that those cultivators who are keen on striving to live a long life have invented their painstaking efforts to replace themselves, thus successfully smuggling into the sword spirit.

Ji Changze slowly sank the spiritual energy, and only then did the back of his neck begin to return to normal temperature.

He just sneezed while returning to his home, lying on the bed, falling asleep with the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus all over his body.

The next day, Fang Xing was walking on the road, and he met Ji Changze, who hadn't heard the sound first.



"Boss, have you caught a cold?"

"Snee!" Ji Changze sneezed expressionlessly, and shook his head at Hu Xiaohu who ran up to him: "No...Aye!"

"No, you see if you sneeze too much."

Hu Xiaohu was just about to get closer to take care of his boss. Before he got close to him, he rushed out and wrinkled his nose and asked, "Boss, did you spray perfume? Did you spray too much?"


Ji Changze ignored him.

He walked straight to Fang Xing.

Fang Xing didn't ask, he immediately started to check his body with abilities. As a result, there was nothing wrong with the other party.


Why is it okay to sneeze so badly?

"Sister-in-law, Snee!"

Ji Changze first called someone politely, and then offered his opinion:

"Osmanthus fragrans oil, there is too much ahee!"


Seeing Fang Xing's face blank, the boy repeated: "Osmanthus oil, too much."

Fang Xing reacted for several seconds without being able to understand what he meant.

Ji Changze had to remind again: "Sword."

Fang Xing: "???"

She wiped it at home, how did Nagasawa know?


Ji Changze sneezed again, and he did not forget to tell him: "Less less next time."

He is okay.

It's hard to say about Ji Rong.

If this was not killed by the Zombie King, and did not explode to death, the result would be smoked to death by osmanthus oil.

Ji Rong died too casually.

After Ji Changze finished speaking, he sneezed and went on.

Fang Xing stood still, still a little dazed.

No, what is this all about?

But Changze really likes sweet-scented osmanthus, and he can smell the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus from a distance.

She thought of her husband again.

Ji Rong also likes sweet-scented osmanthus.

But he wants face, he obviously likes sweet-scented osmanthus, but he doesn't like to spray perfume on his body, saying that he wants to maintain his resolute image.


Fang Xing thought of all the irritations she had had these days, and when she was speaking to the sword, if Wen An accidentally saw it, she would have a timid and worried expression on her face.

The doctors at the Yanhu Base didn't see anything, only that she had hallucinations because she was probably too longing.

Now it's not what it used to be, it can only be judged by the doctor, and many things can no longer be assisted by machines.

However, the doctors at the Yanhu base are much more confident than the psychiatric sisters at their base.

He suggested that Fang Xing stop trying to send powers to the ninth-level sword, and stop trying to rescue her deceased husband.

Doing so will only get deeper and deeper.

After all, it is not as developed as before, and many drugs can no longer be made. No one knows if Fang Xing will continue to develop in this way and will become more and more ill.

What if her hallucinations evolved from just feeling her husband into a visible person?

Maybe she alone can see Ji Rong.

She talked to Ji Rong and hugged Ji Rong, but in the eyes of others, she was talking to the air and making various actions to the air.

That is to completely become a lunatic in the eyes of others.

Fang Xing understands this, and it is precisely because he understands that it makes him feel as entangled as he is now.

On the one hand, reason told her that Ji Rong was dead.

Dead and transparent.

Everyone watched him explode with his own eyes and watched his bones disappear.

On the other hand, she could feel Ji Rong by her side every day.

It's just that she can't see him, nor can she hear him.

She could feel that he was very weak, that he seemed to disappear at any time, but she had nothing to do, she didn't even know whether he was a living person or an illusion.

Fang Xing wiped his face and forced himself to stop thinking about it.

She smelled the scent of osmanthus left by Ji Changze in the air and told herself that everything was over.

In the future, you must try to restrain yourself.

Ji Rong is dead.

She still has Wen An and Chang Ze to take care of.

A child, a big child, both need someone to guide.

So, don't be immersed in hallucinations anymore.

Ji Changze didn't know what Fang Xing was thinking behind him. He was listening to Hu Xiaohu.

"I asked Yingying, and Yingying told me specifically that she recently liked the big tree in the yard, the tree that An Run spawned."

"She said that sometimes, if she feels upset, she might even feel that the tree is comforting her."


Ji Changze was walking unhurriedly, and stopped when he heard it.

There really is a problem with that tree.

Some of the behaviors before detouring Ran have a basis, but there is absolutely no reason for planting trees.

He wholeheartedly wanted to pretend to be An Run, how could he do such a thing that was completely inconsistent with An Run's temperament, and it did not do him any good.

Ji Changze walked back.

Hu Xiaohu was still talking while walking, but was taken aback when he suddenly changed his direction and quickly followed behind.

"Boss, what are you doing? Didn't we go out to do the task?"

"not going."

"No, what are we doing today?"

Ji Changze: "Look for An Run."

Hu Xiaohu was dumbfounded, and pointed to the cafeteria: "An Run is in the cafeteria. We just saw him."

Ji Changze glanced at him.

"Do you think that is An Yun?"

Hu Xiaohu suddenly seemed to be splashed over his head by a bucket of cold water.

The whole body is cold.

Obviously wearing a lot, but the blood vessels seem to freeze coldly.


Suspicions have always been there, but because it is too impossible, coupled with quietly comparing An Run's birthmark, Hu Xiaohu didn't think about it no matter how much he felt that the other party was abnormal.

On the one hand, it feels impossible.

On the other hand, I dare not think about it.

If that An Run is not real.

So where is the real An Run.

Is he still alive?

Ji Changze ignored Hu Xiaohu and continued to move forward.

Hu Xiaohu was stunned for a second, then gritted his teeth and chased him up: "Boss, wait for me!!!"

The two of them hurriedly reached An Run's house.

The big tree stood there quietly, the leaves swaying slightly by the wind.

Ji Changze walked over, put his hand on the tree trunk, closed his eyes and felt it quietly.

Sure enough... Can't feel anything.

The tree is a real tree, not like a human being.

And even if it is the end of the world, the spiritual power is revived, and it is a bit difficult for Ji Changze to make a big change to a living tree.

He took his hand away, Hu Xiaohu, who was next to him, looked nervous. Seeing him let go of his hand, he hurriedly asked, "Boss, how is it?"

Ji Changze stretched out his hand: "Saw."

"Saw, saw????"

Hu Xiaohu stammered and looked at Ji Changze incredulously: "Should you cut down the tree? But what if this tree is An Run?"

The black-clothed boy squinted slightly, even though his expression did not change, his eyes showed a slight disgust when he looked at the other person: "How do people change trees?"

"Then, that TV series are all played in this way, An Run is a tree, and it seems normal to become a tree, right?"

As Hu Xiaohu was talking, he slowly lowered his voice as Ji Changze's increasingly disgusted eyesight.

"Then just split it? Boss, don't you know how to split it?"

Ji Changze looked at him as if he was looking at a fool.

"The tree is split?"

He can directly hack the mutant animal to death, but who knows where An Run is in this tree.

If it is really hacked directly.

The tree is split, and An Run will be cold.

"Yes, yes, then I, then I'll go find the saw."

Hu Xiaohu was panicked now, he went to find the saw in panic, and met other colleagues in panic.

"Huh?! Team Hu, why are you going in such a panic?"

"I am I, I am looking for a saw!"

Hu Xiaohu's brain was completely blank now, and he rushed up when he saw someone: "Saw, where is the saw?"

"Why are you looking for a saw? Why are you sweating, what happened?"

"Find a saw... Find a saw to save An Run, An Run is in the tree."

The captains were stunned: "What?? How did he get into the tree?"

No, haven't you seen people in the morning?

"Don't worry, don't worry, I have it here, I'll take it to you right away, walk around, you will also follow, hurry up, and everyone will help."

"What's the matter, why did An Run get into the tree?"

A bunch of people hurried over, cutting down trees and making ideas next to them. They walked around holding a bowl and said, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Team Zhou eagerly stepped his feet to look inside and replied as he watched, "An Run has entered the tree. We are busy saving people. You said he is of the wood type, but he can't get himself into the tree." "

After finishing talking, take a look at the person next to him: "You said yes, An Run."

After reading it, I turned my head and looked in. Suddenly he reacted incorrectly and turned around suddenly: "An Run?? Are you in a tree??"

Detour Ran: "I, I have come out again, you don't need to look for it anymore."

An untimely cheering came from inside: "I found it, and An Run is in the heart of the tree.",

"Fuck! Which grandson did it, what the hell are these messy lines on him?! Hurry up! Hurry up and find your sister-in-law to treat it."

Team Zhou: "???"

He looked at Detour Ran, and then at An Run, whose eyes were closed in the tree's heart.

Look at An Run, and then look at Detour Ran.

Finally, he realized something and slowly squeezed his fist.

He walked around and got a cold back, holding the bowl and backing slowly: "...Don't raise your fist, do you believe that we are twin brothers?"

"I know you don't believe it, but if you listen to me, I'll make it up for you. No, I'll explain it to you, eh! eh! Don't do it, everyone is more or less a kind of fellowship, eh?! eh!!! Don't fight Face, eh!!!"