Warmth in my meal.

Chapter 5

After class that night, we went over to the ballet event. It was her swan lake initiation day or something. I hardly pay attention to her when she sounds too confusing. I sat down waiting for Omar. He didn't show up until there was like ten minutes left for the show to begin, speak about being on time.

"10 minutes left take your seat," I said pointing towards the empty seat beside me

He rolled his eyes sitting down. The show began, and they were judged accordingly. After a few hours…I left with Omar. Saleema couldn't meet up with me but I did forward a few videos of the show to her.

"I thought I'd get to meet your friend?" he asked placing his jacket on me

"What happened to not talking to girls, besides at least I showed up. We actually have been distant for a few years, her parents place a lot of pressure on her."

"I see…" he said pulling my hair before running away

I chased after him in my heels throwing one at him. Now that's one way to look like a complete maniac. I wasn't happy about not being able to meet saleema but I tried not to overthink, at least she sent me tickets…she isn't really allowing me to tell her about Zamins leave.

"You wanted to see me?" Owais asked blowing up his bubble gum

"Why are you always eating whenever I see you?"

"Cause I'm always hungry, besides I get to eat junk only when I'm alone. Speak what do you need?"

"My cast, I have an appointment tomorrow…"

"And, is that all?"

"Yes…don't forget to pick me up I'm not taking the bus again."

"Funny how you didn't mention Omar for once, why don't you go with him instead…"

"It's better not to, I can't always make him our topic okay."

"It's whatever. Anywho if that's all I'm leaving, I have to open up tomorrow?"

"What about lecturing your class tomorrow…"

"I almost forgot..damn," he said handing his chocolates over to me, "In that case, I have to prepare…" he said rushing to his car.

I watched him panic, they all did 2 things at once and stuck to at least one. I, on the other hand, make it look like I had a lot of time to waste. It was sad watching them blossom while I whited.

~3 months later~

I removed my cast yesterday, it felt strange wiggling my fingers around rotating my arm. It felt good, I could finally start my fully-fledged training…but I occasionally attended therapy. I was told not to overdo it and for at least a month lightly train it.

"It's good seeing your arm out, now the real training can start."

I nod with a huge smile before warming up. The black belt grading was coming up for the dojo. The junior grading is going to be a month later. It wasn't my first official grading as a kickboxer.



"Nice place you got here, but living with your father saved you money, right?" Owais asked.

"Just bring over the food, I'm starving."

"Fine, someones always cranky. I have a solution for your money problem, why don't you take on an undergraduate course your like 21 still."

"Those things need money…"

"Bring in your results, I'll get you a scholarship. Don't waste your life away with part-time jobs…"

"I`ll think about it."

He did have a point there, I was still young. Young enough to still be in University, but it isn't about age… it's about how fitted into my dreams?

I guess I'll be putting that one aside.

"By the way, can you call over Elizah to come eat with us…she's been skipping meals."

"What does her diet have to do with you now?" he asked with both of his eyes on integration mode,"Fine, I'll call her over, don't want her to faint in one of your classes."

"You're quite the comedian hey…" I said bringing in the other food

Elizah arrived, ringing the doorbell, "Don't kill me!" Owais said letting her in

"Do you expect me to eat on the same table as that narcissistic!"

"Can you lower your voice, I know you've been skipping meals lately…" he said trying to calm her down

"Remember that favour you owe me," I said standing, "its time to fulfil it…from now on you'll have all your 3 meals with me…"

"What!" she said pointing at me

"Shush!" Owais said covering her mouth, "she`ll do it, it's not like she has a choice."

"Fine, but only if you pay for my meals."

"No problem…" I replied leading the way to the tiny kitchen counter where the food was laid out.

"So, Omar is going back to university, the same one you use to play tennis at…"

"How is that my problem?" After a shove from Owais she quieted down a little, " congratulations, work hard," she then said stuffing her face.

"Hmm," I reply

"Your tennis teacher also wanted me to pass on a message, if you still are interested in tennis somehow your post is still open for the under 22 range…"

"I'll think about it, maybe I was a bit too rational. Zamin was quite upset about me leaving…"

"There's a spot in the female national team, you should fight for it."

"That's going too far, lets just eat okay."

With a change in her mood, she swallowed large portions of her food trying to avoid conversation... so unladylike.

"If she doesn't want to do it don't pressure her," I said clearing the table

"Dessert, my treat!" Owais said grabbing his car keys, and they both ignored the topic.

I could hardly understand their world, but her facial expression said everything. She was uncomfortable talking about tennis. We drove around the city after having pastries and ice cream, is this what it felt like to have people, not judge or pressure you? is this how much joy company could bring?

I've only met these people a few months ago but my world has never been this bright and meaningful, for once I'm doing something according to my tune. My Melody, I could hardly believe that I had people around me…