Not this again...

Chapter 25

The swelling on my face went down. I AM NEVER TRUSTING SKETCHY STREET FOOD AGAIN. I rushed out of the bathroom meeting Omar in the hallway. Since the match, our relationship had become strong...stronger than what I had with Zamin, Saleema and Owais. They were still my number one though.

Jamal goes to the same dojo as us now so it's all fun and games, I have a new training buddy who's just as good as Omar. And believe it or not I am still clueless about what the promise was...

Mother wasn't happy about me not making it with Jamal but understood that if I choose a husband I'm choosing someone with whom I planned on spending my entire life with.

"How are you feeling?" I asked handing him some ice water.

"I'm just dizzy, I'll be fine," he replied taking a seat as Owais rushed over with Jamal and Zakira.

He had fainted after feeling some blood rush from his nose down into his throat. I questioned why both of these broken face men continued to train with their injuries. Now I know how everyone felt while I trained with a broken arm...and I finally understood the fuss they made.

"You were never this worried about me and Zamin whenever we were sick," Owais remarked with a smirk

"What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing, nothing," he said folding his arms

"Oh it's something," I said before being called by Omar " This conversation isn't over.."

We went home earlier that day, "I want a home-cooked meal today," I said trying to convince him

"If your parents are still out of town we can eat at my dad's place, it's not really home-cooked aunt sends over food."

"Can you cook?" I asked

"I can boil an egg and add milk to cereal, that's good enough for a bachelor like me."

"With that attitude and now a broken face you'll be a bachelor forever."

"Says the 21-year-old who dresses like a granny but acts like a kid."

"With all due respect, this is called modesty."

We arrived at his father's house, where we continued arguing about the remark he made in the car about my dress code until we were called for dinner. It was the first time I had eaten at someone else's house. It felt strange but I had no regrets, that was one of the best meals I've had in years.

"We have to start eating clean soon so enjoy yourself," he said washing the dishes as his father took out dessert.

Assorted biscuits, cake, custards and ice cream...I felt like I was in food heaven. Later on, we worked on our assignments...while I searched for papers to print with, I caught a glimpse of his emails.

An acceptance letter from a different university...

He quickly shut his laptop handing me the paper, "I'm still deciding."

With my heart dropping into my hands I turned towards him with a smile, "If it makes you happy do it."

I picked my stuff up and left his house. I wasn't sure about how to feel, did it mean that I won't have him as my sensei anymore? I've spent so much time with him that even a day away from him felt like I was losing myself. This stabbing sensation in my heart was followed by the sudden drizzle of the summer rain. Now that's the best way to hide one's tears, but none came out.

I arrived home and called Saleema over, she slept over for the night comforting me...what a nice way to start this semester

I received a call as I lay in bed, I switched my phone was too early for me to be talking to anyone. After a while of attempting to make breakfast in the morning, there was a knock on the door. I quickly rushed over, Zamin standing before me. Saleema came over confused as I am

"Your mother told me I`d find you here, I'll be here until we get engaged," he said turning towards Saleema

I rushed over confused by why he was ignoring me.

"Am I invisible?" I asked trying to hold back my tears, "What did I do now?"

"I was going to grab you something, the only reason I flew back was to comfort you."

"Wait what," I asked confused, "we don't talk or call how did you find out?"

He looked towards Saleema, "I'm the one who knows you the best after all...are you okay by the way."

"Yes, I just overacted the other day..."

He looked worried, Saleema left after receiving a call from her mother. I felt bad for not helping much with their wedding plans. I thanked Zamin before urging him to join Saleema, after all, she hardly had anyone over for a while. He looked really warned out too...pale with large dark circles. Knowing him he probably spent the last few days in isolated practice.

I went over to the dojo. If I could let go of Zamin during my most vulnerable times, then surely I can let go of someone I've known for less than a year.

"Are you ready to talk about it?" Jamal asked watching him enter class

"Let's start training," Omar said starting the session.

After class Jamal's sister came over and picked him up.


"I'm not hungry.." I replied trying to avoid eye contact, "Why are you leaving?"

" I actually don't know..."

"Then stay, stay until you know."

"Elizah," he said saddened, "I still will be your sensei..

"How, do you expect me to move with you?

"distance can do 2 things...make you realise how important someone is...or make you realise how life still goes on without them."

"What are you trying to say?"

"It's best if you hand over my training to someone else, no hard feelings."

"I`ll do as you please..." he said walking up to me and placing something into my hand, "from what I've seen it's better this way... I'll be back and i`ll do things right by then, for now, let's enjoy the leftover time we have together."

"A bracelet?" he lifted a matching one, "I will find you."

"I'm happy for you. Thank you for everything...the good and the bad, and your right we should make the most of our leftover time together."

Reality hit me at that very moment, I felt...heartbroken.